#except peppino and vigilante
franpun · 1 year
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peepaw doodles 💛
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stevyguts · 1 year
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Domestic Route ref sheet, will add more eventually.
Domestic Route is a Pizza Tower AU set 6 years after the climax of Pizza Tower, they’re all living their lives and settling down with their partners/friends. 
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ask-spoilt-pizza-au · 11 months
First up, Pepperman and The Vigilante!
(( Why both at once? Cause they're constantly together anyway, it'd be a shame to split them apart.
More or less I wanted to lean into the personalities they have already, but to crank em up a bit.
They're two of the five strongest creations in the tower, as well as close friends of P. his leads them both to be rather simply manipulated by him, especially given how gradual it was.
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Pepperman is a loud and proud figure, constantly boasting about his mastery of the arts and his determination and perseverance to never half-ass any of his creations was there for everyone to see.
Thus, P started taking advantage of that.
P would constantly commission Pepperman. At first it was in reasonable quantities, maybe a painting every so often, maybe a little statuette here and there. But the amount and speed that P started demanding became absurd.
Pepperman deep down could tell that he was accepting more work than he can handle, but his pride wouldn't listen. He kept staying up longer and longer to finish the pieces, to the point where if you were to ask, he probably wouldn't even remember the last time he painted or even sketched for himself. Or when he last slept.
That's the state our protagonists would hind him in; very very overworked.
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Rather unfinished first encounter with Pepperman^ (Check alt text if anything is hard to understand)
And here's a bunch of miscellaneous art of him (explanations in alt):
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Vigilante is a serious and gruff fellow who puts his farm and the people he cares about before himself. He used to be a Vigilante until he got promoted to the Sheriff not too long ago. Now he just wears the name cause he's used to it. No outlaw can escape his wrath, as he's very handy with a gun and loves practicing using it in sparring matches.
This is where P ruins that for him.
P used to just have fun little matches with Vigi, fighting fair and often allowing him to win as just a thanks for spending time with him. But, as time went on, it became relentless.
P would constantly attempt to catch Vigi off-guard to "test his reflexes", not quite to the point of keeping him awake, but rather just making him paranoid and fearful of each minute he's awake. His hand was constantly on the trigger of his gun to feel at least a little in control. And P doesn't go easy on him either. He's left actual dents and errors in the cheese, wounds that shouldn't even be possible.
But Vigilante doesn't know how to stop it. If he were to say stop, he'd be angering his boss and more importantly friend. He cares about the time they've spent together, but knows at the same time that this is becoming far too much for him to handle.
And that's how you meet him, high-strung, worried about disappointing P.
I never finished the intro to him, but it would've taken place not along after Pepperman's. In fact, in the same room, like, canonically like ten minutes apart. He'd go in there to discuss about getting ready for P's big event and just casually reveal to Peppibow about them being a clone, which would lead to quite a bit of tension as well as the proper in color introduction to P.
Misc art of Vigi:
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Their relationship would be up in the air. They were gonna be written as friends, but could be read as whatever the reader wants.
Vigilante would often drag Phil (as he calls Pepperman, since it's his real name), to Noisette's Cafe as a way to relax whenever he was pushing himself too hard.
Pepperman would be there to hear Vigi discuss his situation and give advice, which more or less fell on deaf ears, but were appreciated nonetheless.
They've been friends as long as they can remember, to the point that they can't even remember ever meeting, just that they always knew eachother.
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Comic of Vigilante pulling Phil away from his work to take a break^ (I was gonna originally make a better digital version but haven't gotten to it)
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First refs of them^
Bonus info:
Pepperman's final design doesn't have a bow, since its colors would've been decided by askers. Thus it would've been added after the votes were in.
Vigi was originally gonna have a cheese pattern bow that would work similar to the patterns do in Chowder.
All of Fun Farm is Vigilante's farm.
Pepperman would be on the spectrum.
I forgot that Pepperman's small form exited while making him, so he has nothing to do with that.
Vigilante was planned to die in one of the drafts after revealing to Peppibow that they're a clone, as P had specifically told Vigi and the other bosses not to do that, and thus gets angered. P would pop his hand through a portal, crush the life out of him and then drag him away, leaving Pepperman and everyone else in the room horrified. And that was one of planned introductions to P. I decided against it, as Vigi didn't really do anything to deserve that fate and plus it would've been rather anti-climactic in general.
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sawmoose · 1 year
Pizzatower but underfell
Ok, so I wanted to make an over the top, edgey au parody of PT that fits Evil Peppino. So i made everyone red and black themed lmao.
Peppino Spaghetti minced his hand into tasty bites. This sends him over the edge and he takes over the Pizzatower, rebranding it entirely and hiring the bosses- (except vigilante)- and turning them against Pizzahead.
Now, he aims to broadcast his psychological and physical torture just like Pizzahead did to him.
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It's the Noir! He prefers to use his hammer as it promotes violence to everyone. He's a big fan of violence.
Why did he work for Peppino? Pizzahead's creative vision was too limiting, not enough edgey unessesary violence and subliminal messaging.
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The stand-in! The vigilante refused to participate and left. So, fake peppino took his place.
This is definitely vigilante, he's just a little taller!
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Here's Pepperman.. I geuss.
He's back, and more obnoxious, pretentious and overbearing. He takes his newfound role as a director very seriously. If an actor doesn't preform to his precise expectations? Scolding, beating and other edgey stuff.
Evil Evil Evil blah blah blah.
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manicplank · 1 month
Hi there, if you are still taking request on what the Pizza Tower crew would do on an arcade? (Like the one with the claw machines, video game councils, etc.)
Arcade preferences
Peppino: DDR or any game related to dancing/rhythm. Old man can MOVE!!!
Gustavo: Pinball and skee ball. He's unnervingly good at pinball. He holds the high score. Nobody can beat him.
Mr. Stick: You know all those money/coin related games? The ones that are just scams? Yeah, he's always trying to win at those (he always loses).
Pepperman: Likes the strength related games. Always trying to show off. The hammer thing (where you hit the bell), the punching bag game, etc.
The Vigilante: Not the biggest fan of arcades, but he LOVES the shooter games. He doesn't care if it's zombies or war related. He's good with a gun.
The Noise: ALL OF THEM, especially Guitar Hero. He will play everything several times until he's finally tired out. Wins tons of tickets and tries to get all the big prizes.
Noisette: She likes the claw machines and the arcade games. She always wins the claw machine. Every. Single. Time. She's a master at it.
Fake Peppino: He likes all of the games! He likes the classics especially. Anything with lights and buttons. He's also pretty good at rhythm games. He can cheat the claw machines by simply stretching his arm into it and grabbing whatever plus he wants.
Pizzahead: He loves the classic games. All the vintage ones. It doesn't matter if they're popular or famous. He's very good at them. He holds the high score on most of them (except for pinball).
Pillar John: Another vintage/classic lover. He has mild difficulty pressing those tiny buttons, but he manages. He also likes to one-up Pepperman by beating him in the strength games.
Gerome: He likes the driving games. He's pretty good at them, too, considering most of them are rigged or modified.
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technically-a-kiwi · 7 months
Hi guys ! I’d like to share with you my take on a possible DLC (or even sequel) for Pizza Tower:
Overturned Pizza Tower
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(Yeah it’s a working title, I’m not even sure if "overturned" is english…)
Basicaly in the game, Peppino is forced in another dimension by a familiar looking but oddly different Pizzahead and has to conquer the Tower all over again, some stuff here and there are different with different levels and a much more different atmosphere, that being that this alternative tower looks far more luxurious than the canon one, let me know in the comments if you want be to develop on how the tower could look like in this mysterious alternative world
first cutscene rough storyboard:
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And now for the juicy part >:) hehehe
The bosses:
When designing new designs for the bosses, I kept in mind to not go overboard with the modifications, what makes Pizza Tower’s characters so fun to draw is their sheer simplicity, and I must say in some of my early sketches, I was awfully close to the “ORIGINAL CHARACTER, DO NOT STEAL PLEASE” limit. So without further ado, here they are:
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So as you can see, our favourite fabulous pepper is rocking some boots, shades and a jacket, In this timeline his talent was recognised and became quite a celebrity in the tower, experimenting in other forms of art outside of painting such as photography, origami and clothing. I honestly think that the two drawings I did on the bottom left corner that Pepperman would absolutely embrace his fame and wouldn’t mind that much if people always ask him for an autograph in any place he walks in, he would be quite a diva if he could wouldn’t he ? Let me know your opinion on his design and if you think I should change some stuff.
The Vigilante:
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Nothing much changes with Vigi here except a tiny scare under his left eye and a peace of turquoise on his hat, in this timeline the Vigilante is known as the "Bullseye" due to the extraordinary capacity of never in any circumstances miss a shot that it be with his gun, lasso or anything else he can throw at you (unless he misses willingly of course), outlaws truly quiver in fear at the site of him because they know they’re doomed. I must say Vigi was the hardest to redesign, because there’s so much you can modify with him until he just looks a slime with goggly eyes, a funny hat and an angry expression with random details… which…is kind of what he is but in a bad way… you know… Again let me know in the comments what is your opinion and if you think something should change.
Fake Peppino:
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And here he is, the fan favourite, the goofy goober elderish monster of the saga. In this timeline the only difference is that instead of a tang top he wears an apron that is stained with a bit of… uh… tomato… sauce… yeah tomato sauce and he constantly holds in his right hand a ladle, he’s the proud owner of his own pizzeria of which he takes vey good care of (or at least he’s trying his best) and most of his clients are actually Peppino clones, as long as they pay for their food Fake Peppino don’t mind their presence, any other clients are very rare considering there is a rumours about the chef killing any clients who doesn’t leave a tip…Honestly one of my favourite design so far (wow how original, the goofy goober is my favourite…) once again leave a comment of your opinion and what you think should be different in my design
Final boss:
Yeah sorry I won’t give you my take on the final boss (yet), but if you think a little and look carefully I think you can already gess who’s the big bad guy, I’ll even post something if y’all really want
And that’s all for now folks!
Thank you so much for reading my post, if you really want me to give you more concepts and ideas for the characters, atmosphere or if you want full arts of the design I just showed, let me know in the comments. Don’t hesitate on giving me your truest opinion may it be positive or negative on this concept and if you think it could work for a DLC or sequel! See you next time :D !
wait… what is that ? Where’s The Noise ?
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let’s… let’s not talk about him…
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stardestroyer81 · 4 months
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My first post of 2024 may have been cited to be the first look at Star Tower, my arcade-centric Pizza Tower AU, though consider this post to be your first real look at both the AU! This is a post I've been wanting to make for quite some time, and I am simply overjoyed to finally reveal the first set of characters for Star Tower!!! ⭐👾✨
This is a long post packed to the brim with art— some of which aren't featured in the above image— so if you're interested, I highly suggest you read on underneath the cut! 💙✨
As an AU, Star Tower dates back to March 3rd of 2023, which is when I first drew the logo for it. A sprite of myself drawn in the Pizza Tower artstyle predates Star Tower as an AU by about a month, so I think it goes without question that the stand-in for Peppino is Star Tower is a representation of myself!
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It's just another day for Star Splitscreen at the local arcade, when all of a sudden, the multicade cabinet bugs out and sucks her inside! It's within the cabinet's confines where she meets the omnipotent Sinistar, who claims it'll set her free if she can best its '20-in-1 Supercade Challenge'.
What follows is an arduous adventure that sees Star venturing through arcade games familiar and obscure, and learning Sinistar's secret identity as well as escaping back into the real world all depends on her success... it's a good thing a seasoned arcade expert like her has what it takes!
I knew going into designing for Star Tower that I wanted each floor boss (I.E. Pepperman, The Noise, etc.) to be represented with an actual character from an established arcade game (With one exception...) and trust me when I say that I spent a fair amount of time carefully going through every arcade game I knew of and selecting a character appropriate for each boss's role.
Ultimately, I'm quite proud of the selection of characters I settled with, so let's jump right in and discuss Pepperman's stand-in...
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Goro from 1983's Mappy! I find that, in terms of appearance, Goro was a perfect fit to replace Pepperman. Both are predominantly large red characters who are often depicted with wide, toothy grins— it was the perfect match!
Unlike both his canon personality and his personality in the animated ShiftyLook series, Goro in Star Tower is a lot more nefarious and self-centered, and sends out the Meowkies to do his dirty work when his own efforts don't cut it. I wanted to include sprites of the three Meowkies for this post originally, but I decided to save them for a future post (That's tech talk for 'I'm still trying to figure out how to stylize them').
I think of the four main bosses, Goro was the hardest to sprite in the Pizza Tower artstyle solely for the way his head is drawn. There's something about his face that was extremely difficult to draw at such a small scale, but after drawing pretty much every other sprite featured in this post, he was the final character in this lineup that I drew a sprite for, and I'm quite happy with it!
While Goro is certainly an iconic character, the same can't be said for The Vigilante's stand-in who, in spite of starring in one of the earliest known arcade games, is all the more obscure. Enter...
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Mr. Jack from 1979's Sheriff! The Vigilante is the only boss of the main four who originally was going to be represented by an entirely different character, that being Kinzo from 1996's Pac-Man Arrangement.
It was when I remembered about Sheriff that I realized that Mr. Jack was the perfect candidate to replace The Vigilante. I mean, both are represented as mostly yellow cowboys armed with guns and a fashionable cowboy hat. How much closer could you get than that?
The real challenge was finding a good image of Mr. Jack to base his appearance in Star Tower off of. For those who don't know, Mr. Jack only has three known images of him that exist despite the fact that the game he hails from is over forty years old, so it wasn't exactly the easiest task.
I decided to base his appearance off of how he looks on Sheriff's bezel as that's the only full-body look we've ever gotten of him. The guy already looks like a Pizza Tower character as it is (A long lost cousin of Burton, perhaps?), and I find that his sprite looks the most like something you would actually see in Pizza Tower!
On the topic of arcade characters that are perfect fits for stand-ins of certain Pizza Tower characters...
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Charley Chuck from 1983's Food Fight was, without question, the ideal choice to replace The Noise. One look at this flyer for Food Fight should perfectly encapsulate as to why. He's a little brat who's primary objective is to make the lives of the local chefs miserable. Sound familiar? It should!
Charley has had numerous different designs drawn for him around the time his game debuted, and it was pretty difficult settling on just the right one. I decided to give him a white and red striped shirt which he wears on the Food Fight arcade cabinet, and draw him as similar to the Noise as I could— I even sized him so that he stands smaller than Star, which took a lot more time than I'm willing to admit.
What's particularly interesting is that, fairly recently, Atari announced a Splatoon-like game for their VCS console, and you'll never believe who's the poster boy and what the game is a sequel to. I'm fairly certain that just before the announcement of Food Fight: Culinary Combat, I was the only person who was doing anything with Charley Chuck, and here he is starring in a brand new game some forty years after his initial debut. Not bad, kid!
One must wonder if I was the one who manifested Charley's return into existence...
With Charley Chuck properly introduced, I can move onto who may just be my favorite of this post's lineup...
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Crazy Star.
With the success of 1981's Donkey Kong, an officially licensed clone was created for use in Japan only, though found its way outside of the country without the license to do so from Nintendo. This clone's name is Crazy Kong, and to say it's uncanny wouldn't be doing it justice.
Originally, I was a bit hesitant on just designing a 'fake Star' and calling it a day. I wanted there to be some arcade theming to it, and when the idea of a 'bootleg Star' came to mind, I quickly turned to Crazy Kong as a point of reference and Crazy Star is what came out of it (I should also mention that Crazy Kong released in 1981... now that's what I call meant to be)!
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Out of everyone featured in this post, I've definitely drawn Crazy Star the absolute most because, as I mentioned before, it's just about my favorite of the Star Tower bunch! My favorite detail about it is that its color palette is made up of colors hand-picked from Crazy Kong itself!
Originally, I had screen-picked its colors from a YouTube video of the clone, resulting in a slightly different color scheme, but once I found a sprite sheet for Crazy Kong, it resulted in the Crazy Star you see in this post! Crazy Star may look unsettling, but in reality it's just as welcoming as Star, and all it wants is to be just like her.
Just like her... just like her... just like her...
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Beware... Sinistar from the 1983 arcade game of the same name lives! Yet another instance of the perfect replacement, both Pizzaface and Sinistar are giant evil floating circles, and it was clear to me from the get-go that Sinistar would make a perfect stand-in for the former, especially since half of its name is 'Star'!
Drawing a sprite for Sinistar was both a cakewalk and a challenge. For one, seeing as its sprite is on the larger side, that meant I had a lot more detail to work with. On the other hand, however, I struggled for a while to get a good design drawn for Sinistar. Eventually, my good friend @panurei-derogatory suggested that it would be funny if Sinistar was hyper-realistically detailed compared to the other sprites, and that was something I had a lot of fun with when drawing its sprite!
Anyone who's played Pizza Tower knows that Pizzaface himself is merely a facade, as the true mastermind behind Peppino's misery has been hidden in plain sight since the very start— the comically villainous Pizzahead! I think out of every 'arcade stand-in' I chose for Star Tower, coming up with one for Pizzahead was the absolute hardest, because none of my ideas really seemed to stick the landing.
But then, I thought "What if it was a completely original character?"
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And that's where Richard Benito Townsend (More commonly known by his alias 'Richie T.'), the self-proclaimed 'king of video games', enters the scene!
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Richie T., who is absolutely not based off of any notorious cheaters in the arcade world record scene, is a washed-up video game master has-been, once highly regarded in his heyday for being an icon in the world of video games before his supposed 'unbeatable world records' were discovered to be fraudulent.
Shunned to a life of seclusion, the ever boisterous Richie T. now pilots Sinistar within a multicade cabinet where he's free to call the shots, daring to go toe-to-toe with Star once she proves herself worthy of being a Supercade Superstar. After all, she's just some girl— she can't possibly trounce the Richie T., can she?
Spoilers: He has no idea.
And with that out of the way, that's just about everything I wanted to touch base on in pertains to this first set of Star Tower characters! As I said before, this post has been a long time coming, and it's ever so wonderful to finally get this out onto tumblr!
You can expect a part two of sorts to this post sometime in the coming months, as there are still more stand-ins I've yet to post... this time, replacements of the supporting characters, such as Gustavo, Mr. Stick, and a couple of others! For now, I hope that you've enjoyed your first real look at the world of Star Tower! 💙✨
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dbcoatl-art · 3 months
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And here are the three other bosses with some updates to their Purrzza Tower AU. Fake Peppino didn't really change much except for his cheek fluff now looking droopier to match his eye and ear, and I got rid of Peppercat's stripes in exchange for a paint-stained tail tip that he can use like a paintbrush.
Vigilante got a wardrobe upgrade, and now wears his boots 24/7 because...I thought they'd look cooler on him. That's all!
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monkey-network · 3 months
Pizza Tower: The Series Episodes
26 Episodes; Season 2 Coming 20XX
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A New Universe: Taking place after the events of the game, a singularity has caused everything from the destroyed Pizza Tower to manifest into reality. It's up to Peppino once more to now try to find normalcy in his new world.
Nice Noise: The Noise realizes being friendlier has its perks, so he changes his ways much to Peppino's disbelief.
Pizza Pickiness: Peppino must deal with a customer that's constantly unsatisfied and that is affecting business.
Gun Safety: The Vigilante, with help from The Noise and Gustavo, educates the dos and don'ts of using firearms.
Lunch Rush Slumber Party: Peppino studies all night on how to handle a lunch rush better and becomes extremely tired on the worst possible day.
Brick and Mortal: Peppino is forced to look after Brick the rat while the Noise plans to steal from the pizzeria.
Hot Art Block: Pepperman gets inspired by Peppino for his new line of art works, who doesn't approve when he feels it ruins his image.
Noisette the Bachelorette: Noisette starts dating Gustavo after The Noise flakes on a date. The Noise plots revenge when the two hit it off better than expected.
Peppino's One Good Day: It's a day in the life of Peppino Spaghetti and it goes better than he thought. There's a catch to this, right?
Faker's Fazool: Fake Peppino invades the restaurant but only wants a real job. Peppino tries to give him a good one in fear of what could happen.
The Noise in Loopyland: The Noise finds himself stuck in a bizarre dimension and there can be such a thing as too zany.
Talk Through the Night: Before closing, Peppino has one more customer that constantly tries to chat with him. It gets annoying, but Peppino slowly grows to like his company.
The Piefather (1/2 Hour Special): Pizzahead returns with a new gang looking to run Peppino out for good. Peppino takes matters into his own hands to even the fight, but the power gets to his head.
Super Magical Bubblepop Paisanos with Extra Sauce: Noisette finds a collection of magical keychains that transform her and the others into glittery superheroes.
The Best Bite; The Topping Song: Peppino goes to a new restaurant and has the greatest meal in his whole life, which puts his career into question; Gustavo sings about every topping you can put on a pizza.
Menu-pilation: Peppino relunctantly adds more items on the menu and realizes this was the challenge he needed in life.
Brick the Rat in "Cheese Chasers": Brick hunts down an elusive piece of cheese.
We're Taking War to Gnome: An accident from Peppino has caused the Gnome Forest to plot a siege on his restaurant, which leads to everyone to join forces to protect the restaurant.
Ska-pportunity: The Noise gets into ska music and it's infectious for everybody except Peppino.
Giallo Pepato: Peppino must face the traumas of his past when forced to complete Pepperman's puzzle room.
Down in the Gutter: Peppino and John Gutter make a deal to protect the Pizzeria from The Noise, but the price starts to add up.
Five Noisy Nights at Lenny's: The Noise is locked in a fun center that's haunted. It's all good at first until he realizes he's stuck there night AND day.
We Wrecked A Zoo: Peppino decides to go to the zoo on his day off; Noisette wants to capture the perfect moment with Noise; Brick starts a rebellion.
Spaghetti Western: Peppino begrudgingly reenacts one of the Vigilante's favorite movies with the others for a birthday party.
Peppino Quits (Part 1): After the pizzeria gets destroyed, Peppino decides to throw in the towel as a chef. His new job finds him inner peace, but everything's become too quiet with him now gone.
Peppino Dies (Part 2): A moment of stress has put Peppino in a coma and everyone tries to reconcile with the idea of losing their friend. Emphasis on "tries" because they mostly suck.
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pepperonitowerask · 1 year
I don't think Gustavo would be an intruder? Peppino literally works with the guy, and trusts him, right? Maybe y'oughta listen to him some?
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Outlaw: "But they are all intruders, every last one of 'em. Boss said so. Tower said so. There can't be exceptions, not..."
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Outlaw: "... Damn this duel to hell. I'm tired of debate already."
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Outlaw: "Here. Take your 'exception' back already."
Gustavo: "OW- damnit-"
Vigilante: "Oh thank god- listen, I'll get you untied in a jiffy jus' hold on-"
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pizzapizzeria · 2 months
Headcanon on PT's cast fav fruits
Oooo boy, this one was hard to figure out but here you go.
Peppino: I imagine that he really likes apples, he knows it’s an obvious choice but he doesn’t really care.
Gustavo: Any kind of berries, mainly raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries. (Brick likes them too.)
Mr. Stick: Oranges. He’d an entire bag of them if he didn’t have self control, he also has Orange Juice every morning. (Can you tell he likes the color Orange?)
Pepperman: He doesn’t like any fruit, they aren’t “perfect” like him. (He does have a fake bowl of fruit for his paintings though.)
Vigilante: He’ll pretty much eat any fruit except Lemons, he’s not the biggest fan but he does like Lemonade. (He grows all his fruit at his farm and gives them to the others.)
The Noise: He loves watermelon and has it whenever he can, but mostly during Summer. (He also likes throwing them at people.)
Noisette: Pears and Peaches, they’re sweet like her!
Fake Peppino: Anything, but anything edible in front of him and he’ll eat it.
PizzaHead: He really likes Bananas, but he always throws the peel behind him so someone can slip on it. (Why? It’s funny, that’s why!)
Pillar John: He also likes Watermelon, he’s a big guy so he likes big fruits.
Gerome: Any kind of Grapes, they’re good to eat on the go and he eats them frozen now and then.
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pizzatowermafia · 6 months
I'm going to introduce a few tags that will make it easier to search for the information in this blog or characters you need Use: #information if you need any available character information #fanart and #reblog for drawings that others draw and etc #ask for answers to questions on behalf of the characters The characters in this AU have not changed their names in any way, so you can search for them as usual, but write "mafia" first, for example, "#mafia vigilante" The exception is Fake Peppino, his name is Maffin :D Just in case, I'll leave the old information about the characters from my main blog: link
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phantomdoofer · 6 months
A few little headcanons
*Vigilante loves country, but he's also a metal fan - his favorite song is "Ace of Spades" by Motörhead.
*Noisette sounds like Dot from Animaniacs (credit to @yo-kai123 for that one), and gets her pastry skills from her father, who was a baker. No one's sure why she's such a good coffee-maker, though.
*Noise only ever takes off his mask with Noisette, except in life-or-death circumstances. He's also the only main character with no special powers.
*Peppino is missing half his left lung, and his left-side floating ribs, due to a massive injury he took in the war. This is also the injury that resulted in him getting a medical discharge.
*Gustavo has O-negative blood, meaning he can donate blood to anyone. He donated so much blood saving Peppino from the previously-mentioned injury he almost died himself, only saved by his gnomish constitution. As a result, Peppino literally owes Gustavo his life.
*Vigilante's father died in the Great War, and his mother abandoned him for another man, leaving him to be raised by his maternal grandfather, John. He's actually very sensitive, but uses a tough guy persona for protection.
*Pepperman is the only boss who has an actual documented criminal record, having spent time in prison for multiple counts of assault. He successfully completed a therapy course and not only learned to control his anger, he's a qualified counselor.
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inkunodesupoddo · 1 month
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Hello, I've been gone for a long time, yes. All because my laptop broke down, our router no longer worked, and because of this I could not access many instant messengers, and the Internet in general except for telegram. One day, I experienced side effects due to a temporary withdrawal from the medications that I was forced to take (I’m not doing well mentally). My excitability was quite strong, because of this I came out of my art block, adapting to drawing on my phone. After a couple of times when I drew Noise (I just adore him, he’s so crazy, I adore characters like him), I was struck by the idea of ​​crossing my beloved Bendy and the Pizza Tower in an AU crossover. I know it sounds crazy.
For now, I can only show sketches of designs, and a couple of plans: I plan to take for this AU characters from Bendy comics, and the original lore, for the most part these will be familiar cartoons, but there will also be people. Here I can definitely say that the universe itself will be completely cartoonish, with a bit of absurd humor, ideas (I’ll try not to diverge too much), perhaps I’ll add a little horror, just like LGBT people (I will be killed for this, shot, and buried alive. Especially for my pairings). Most of the characters here are over 18 years old. Boris and Daniel Levesque are friends, Boris has nyctophobia and is hetero. Leveque is Bendy's love interest. I thought about taking Shipahoy for the role of Bendy's rival.
There was also an option with Alice, which would replace Noiseta, and Shipakhoy most likely in this case would be the local Noise, only without excessive madness. Probably Buddy and Boris would have been in the future instead of Brick and Gustavo. Instead of Mr. Stick, I would like to insert someone close to him. Instead of Pizza Head there would be Bosswell Lotebucks, except perhaps with a more vile character. Brutus would replace the Pepperman, the Butcher Gang would replace the Vigilante, Miss Twisted would be in the role of the False Peppino (not literally). That's all for now =)
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uncle-jj · 8 months
Here is a probably bad Pizza Tower AU:
You don't play as Peppino, but as his nonbinary child Peppine, who's a 90's-radical, brave, but kinda foolish delivery person.
Gustavo is a plumber, and Brick is a cat to differentiate himself from the rats.
Mr. Stick is the same, but with a mustache.
Pepperman is the same, except he's ruder, and now a jalapeño named Jalapeño Hal.
The Vigilante is a pirate named Captain Johnny.
The Noise is the same, except he smokes weed, and is rude (except towards Noisette, who's now a femboy named Brownie).
Fake Peppino is now Fake Peppine, and they're more deranged, and symbolize the anger Peppine tries to hold in.
Pizzaface is the same, except Pizzahead (who is a good guy who'll secretly turn evil before Crumbling Tower) is separate from him.
Pizzaface put Pizzahead's restaurant out of business (along with kidnapping and reprogramming the animatronics), whose owner fears the same will happen to other pizza restaurants.
Pillar John and Gerome have swapped places, with John as a doorman.
I call it "Pizza Tower: Flipped Out".
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