#evilish danny
@desatu You recommended a song called Phantom Racer by Twrp on my earlier post about Phantom Flyer Danny and it spawned this idea where Danny has turned into an anti hero/villian who revives victims of violent crimes and turns them into "Pit Demons" like him so they have superpowers and the ability to get revenge on the people who killed them.
(If they need a little help Phantom will do so remotely or even talk to the demon or the jl telepathically.)
The first instance that came to the Justice Leagues attention was a case of a Phantom driver who killed everyone else on the track one by one before driving through the stadium walls and off into the sunset. The vehicle hadn't been seen since and no more murders had taken place.
Upon investigation, one of the wives of these racers broke down and confessed that everyone on the track that day had committed a murder of a fellow racer. He was skilled and brilliant and was beating them all the time. They knew they could never win fairly so they murdered the guy and hid his body in the crawlspace of an dilapidated cabin in the woods.
She led them to it and they were able to recover the body, "I don't get it," the woman said, "Theyve all raced together many times since then. Its been ten years, why come back now?"
The JL didn't have an answer.
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Phic Phight - We’re The Type To Be Pit Ballin’
For: @purpleruletheomiverse 
Vlad loves balls. Danny loves balls. But most importantly, Maddie the cat loves balls.
Danny was always suspicious of Vlad, especially when Vlad gets a bunch of small boxes and one very large box. He didn’t pick up on any energy spikes in any of the guy's homes, so whatever it was it wasn’t electronic and didn’t use ectoplasm. Could it just be a new couch or bed? Sure. Danny wasn’t betting his half-life on that though.
Now if it was possible Danny would just waltz into the man’s house invisibly and check for anything; unfortunately, Vlad knew about his half-ghost ass and was also into anti-ghost tech. Meaning the house was protected from Danny abusing his powers like that, plus Vlad was a halfa himself and would thus sense Danny’s presence if he was in ghost form or using a decent amount of energy. So now here he is knocking on the door like a normal person (how boring) and being greeted by a slightly confused Vlad.
“Daniel?”, sticking his head out and looking around, “you’re here by yourself, so I doubt Jack made you come”, then frowning a little, “I will be very unhappy if you’re about to tell me there’s a major ghost issue”.
Danny shoves his way in, Vlad letting him with a quirked eyebrow as Danny looks around, “so what massive boxed thing did you buy”.
“You watching my mail like that could qualify as stalking behaviour, you know”.
“You put spy cameras in my house, you are not winning that argument”. Danny pausing in spot a few rooms over and just kind of staring, there’s a fucking ball pit and it’s actually filled with ball pit balls, not something weird or evilish. “Why… why do you have a ball pit”. It’s basically wall to wall, no wonder the box was goddamn huge.
Vlad walks in, crossing his arms, “Maddie was getting bored with most of her toys, so I thought I’d spice things up and splurge a little”.
Danny makes a few faces, “a ‘little’? You turned an entire room into a shallow ball pit for your cat. You have been too rich for too long”, wagging a finger in Vlad’s face, “you need to be homeless for a while, by the Ancients”. Looking back to the ball pit because come on! How much would something like this even cost? Even all the multi-coloured balls alone would be more than most peoples pay cheques. He means, sure he’s glad the guys actually pampering his cat like any halfway decent pet owner should but this might be overboard. “Your cat is spoiled”.
Vlad rolls his eyes, looking up to the ceiling, “I was also thinking of making steps for the walls and pathways up by the ceiling, little more space to run around and climb, you know”.
Danny looks up too, “Vlad… how fucking tall are your ceilings? What if she falls?”. Even if a cat fell into a shallow ball pit that would probably hurt.
Vlad pales a little, oh right, “you may have a point there”. This was a mansion after all. “Maybe just tunnels through the walls then”.
“Do you know what walls are load bearing? Do you want an upper floor to collapse down?”.
Vlad blinks, “since when did you know so much about architecture?”.
“It was one of the choices for side credits for that bachelor's degree I kinda wanna get”.
Vlad blinks and grins, “Oh, in biological science and engineering right? So you can get that master's to try getting into the Astronaut Candidate Program?”. At least his nephew-should-be-son-though was actually intelligent.
Danny grins right back, “yup, I’ve already got all my logged pilot-in-command hours”.
“I’d say congrats but I’m not sure Maddie and Jack’s jet counts”.
Danny points aggressively at him, “fuck that noise, I will make that count one way or another. Also, I have actually flown a real spaceship before even if I can’t actually prove that and it was trying to eat me beforehand”. And then Maddie the cat jumps up out of the ball pit and dives back in, popping her head up and meowing loudly at the two. Danny blinks, “was she sleeping in there?”.
Vlad looks incredibly smug, because he is smug, “indeed. I think it’s a winner”; then eyeing Danny watching the ball pit with a small little smile on his face.
Maddie the cat starts swimming around in the balls, the plunking and plinking the balls all make was rather adorable in Danny’s opinion, and what kind of loser doesn’t like a good ball pit. Ah, fuck it. “Fuck it”, Danny dives in; making Vlad jerk a little and reach out for him belatedly. Unfortunately, Danny sticks his head out of the pit with a, “I think I broke my neck actually”.
Vlad drops his hand and shakes his head, “for Gouda's sake, Daniel. Why didn’t you just step in?”.
“Oh where’s the fun in that?”. Eh, Danny thinks his neck’s healed enough, flipping over and starting to crawl around in the balls; occasionally flinging some in the air, which Maddie the cat frequently jumps out to catch or bat at.
Vlad sits down on the ball pit ledge, folding his hands together in his lap. He absolutely liked these sorts of little moments, where it felt like he could genuinely be family to Daniel. Watching Daniel bite a ball into his mouth and ‘popping’ it out. Maybe when the boy’s older and more mature…
Danny was very much in favour of this, it wasn’t evil, it didn’t involve his mom, and it was very fun. Ball pits were awesome… so long as no one pissed in it anyways. Vlad just rolls his eyes and leans out of the way when Danny throws a ball at him, but Maddie the cat absolutely losses her shit chasing after it like a bat outta hell and skidding around on the floor as she scammers her legs a bit faster than gravity is letting her actual move. The cat is smacking the runaway ball all over the floor and Danny can’t help laughing at that, Vlad watching his cat go fondly.
The cat comes back after a bit, panting, and lays on Vlad’s lap, him eyeing Danny as he pets her, “are you going to get out of there”.
Only half of Danny’s face is out as he hisses, “never”, and slowly sinks beneath the balls; time to slip away sneakily. Maybe Vlad will think he drowned in balls and panic. Heh.
Vlad eyes the balls and when Daniel doesn’t come back up and none of the balls move, “Daniel? Really?”.
A couple of seconds later the balls start moving again and Danny’s head slowly pokes up, looking petulant, “you added ghost shields underground?”.
Vlad smirks, “absolutely”.
Danny grumbles, actually standing up and walking out of the room making ‘I’m watching you’ gestures. Danny keeps glaring behind himself the entire way out of the mansion. Fuck… that was totally a family bonding moment, wasn’t it? Damn him. All his get a cat mocking was both working and backfiring. Ah well, it’s definitely still good he says; based on the sound of ball pit balls moving around it definitely was. There is nothing in this world that could convince Danny the Vlad didn’t just go into the ball pit. Nothing.
Prompt: Vlad goes to absurd lengths to spoil his cat.
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