#everything is intense and urgent with him and i don't like it calm down dude that's not really my problem
fazcinatingblog · 5 months
After all the stuff that happened during the Christmas break, I worry when my friend is like quiet, not talking, staying in her room a lot and I want to say something but I'm hopeless at saying things, at least she went to her parents today, that's positive, I shouldn't worry so much
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Poppy your daimond au is giving me life! I love how they all fit into their different roles so well and now I'm wondering what their auras(?) would be like since diamond don't seem to have gem weapons so much as pure manifestations of energy? Not to mention those seaglass and diamond interactions are just (~˘▾˘)~ tres fantastique. (Plus you found a way to make the boys even bigger and I am WEAK!!)
Oh dude, same, just give me the biggest of bois and I will fold every time like a crappy house of cards hgfsfdghg…….
As for powers, I imagine they can all fire laser blasts (like the canon diamonds in SU all seem to be able to!), but their auras…
Sans (Undertale): When Blue Diamond tells everybody to chill out and they don’t, he doesn’t need to ask twice. His aura is very calming and peaceful, to the point that you could be as mad as you’ve ever been and then suddenly wonder what you could’ve possibly been fighting about a moment later. He likes to give rowdy or aggressive gems the chance to do it on their own before forcing the issue, so he tends to ask once and then, well…he gave fair warning.
Papyrus (Undertale): There’s a reason Orange Diamond is the one giving most of the speeches, when a speech is necessary– his aura is just as likely as his inspiring words to get the listener all fired up and excited, provided they happen to be physically present at the time. He’s really only peripherally aware that he has this power, though, and since most of his speeches end up broadcast across the universe without his aura and still end up well-received, it doesn’t have all that much practical use. If any gem ever needs a supernaturally rousing pep-talk, though, he’s your Diamond!
Sky (Underswap Sans): Yellow Diamond…doesn’t like to use his aura, on anyone, ever. He’s only ever used it twice, mostly on accident, and as far as he can tell, it improves gems’ moods. A lot. Which doesn’t sound so bad, until you have a bunch of gems beaming at you, ready and willing to do anything you say, like some kind of…really creepy forced-happiness-daze of idolatry. He likes to see gems happy, he really does, but not like that, it’s a hard pass from him! The gems that follow his orders do so because they respect his authority, not because they have no other choice, and if his court is happy it’s because he’s doing a good job setting and actualizing goals for the Empire. He takes great pride in that!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Green Diamond is the one you want around if you have limited gems, an urgent task, and a nigh impossible deadline because his aura is rejuvenating. Not a hard reboot or anything so extreme, but even without the need for food and water, gems still get worn down and tired when worked hard without a break of some kind… unless he’s around, in which case even the most overworked gem can perk right back up like they’d reformed fresh. He tries to make time where he can to spread the wealth, so to speak, among the gems of his court and it’s probably part of the reason he can ensure so much work gets done without doing all that much himself.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): Red Diamond’s aura is maddening…not in that it causes insanity, but a far more literal state of being mad. When he unleashes his aura, it triggers a beserker-like state in the gems around him and makes them fight on the battlefield with intense ferocity and single-mindedness. In the event of his opponent being a gem as well, you’d think it would be less desirable a tactic to use, but actually he prefers it– mindless rage is easier for him to predict than subterfuge and tricks are, and it’s even easier to counteract. It’s a greater boost to his ego to win battles and wars without having to rely on it, but he won’t hesitate either.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): Black Diamond’s aura is one that inflicts fear, a general feeling of foreboding and terror. Those hit with it either freeze completely or panic and run off rather than face the doom they’re suddenly certain is coming if they stay where they are even a moment longer, and as you can imagine he uses the ensuing chaos and scattering to great advantage. He hardly ever uses it at all, though, and considers it both a crutch and an absolute last-ditch effort. He prides himself most on his tactical mind, after all, and just scaring the hell out of everybody feels like cheating.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Purple Diamond’s aura can be quite insidious. Even though the room has just been bathed in purple light, it doesn’t seem as though anything’s happened… at first. You feel the same, your body moves and functions normally, you can’t imagine what’s supposed to have happened until he asks you a question and you answer it– with the whole, uncensored truth and then some. His aura demands perfect honesty and not even the most subtle half-truth or obfuscation can get around it. Naturally, if you have something to hide, Purple Diamond’s court is not the one you want to serve in.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Violet Diamond’s aura is more or less a confuse ray, like slapping a pair of beer goggles on you, plugging your ears, spinning you around a couple times and then sending you to try and walk a straight line across the room. The end result is nothing less than total disorientation, which wears off quickly enough but certainly buys him time to either remove himself from a situation or retaliate. He really only uses it in emergency situations, generally willing to trust his guards as a first line of defense.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): Sleep doesn’t come all that naturally to gems, but it does if they happen to get hit by Gray Diamond’s aura. Even if they’ve never experimented with sleep before, they’ll find themselves wobbling and swaying, their eyes falling shut, everything going…dark… Depending on how powerful a pulse he sends out, you could be asleep for a few hours or a few days, but like many of the other Diamonds he neither wants nor needs to rely on his ability nine times out of ten. Easier to just give an order and have it be obeyed because he’s a Diamond, y’know?
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): Brown Diamond’s aura can freeze you in your tracks. There’s no accompanying emotion with it, like Black Diamond’s, or a shut-down of cognitive function like Gray Diamond’s, it’s just that… your body will stop responding to the commands you give it. You’ll be stuck there, wherever you are, rooted to the ground– able to think and speak and everything but take one more step forward. When he says ‘Stop,’ you stop, and you don’t go again until he gets far enough away from you or intentionally dispels his aura. He mostly only uses it for peacekeeping purposes, making sure nobody gets hurt or keeping situations from escalating unnecessarily.
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nicksilveirart · 5 years
(SING!) Story Not Told, Chapter 13 – Let's Face the Music and Dance
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (MATURE)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Click here to read chapter 13:
"Pick up!" Ash was starting to get worried. According to Miss Crawly, Buster was not doing okay after the whole theatre collapse, and the fact all papers in town were talking about him didn't help. And now, he wasn't answering her calls. In front of her, Tara laid out fresh orange juice and pancakes. "Dude, chill. If he's like that old lady said, he's still sleeping now, and that's good." "Buster doesn't sleep in, Tara. I've never seen someone so energetic." "Maybe he's busy, then." Ash tossed her phone to the coffee table. "At what time she told you to be there?" "An hour from now." She rested back, rubbing her forehead. "There we go, see? Just another hour until you see how good he's doing." The other girl looked at her with a disbelieving look. "Or not! The guy might as well be a wreck. I'm just saying you shouldn't stress out that much, it isn't healthy. Just chill, eat your pancakes while they're still warm- I got an extra set of keys here." She flipped a small keychain to her friend. "Take them with you, as I know you won't crash in boyfriend's friend's house. I'll probably be out late today." She rested back on the couch, folding her arms behind her head and closing her eyes. Ash smiled as she examined the small key holder. An old-fashioned camera, with the word 'Cinema' crafted on the back. A graduation present, she figured. "You love, live, and breath movies, don't you?" "Well, well, well, seems we got a Sherlock Hamster around here." Both girls shared a laugh. Ash quickly got back to thinking. "How would you feel if you saw your studio crashing right in front of you?" The other girl popped an eye open. "Along with everything you worked so hard to build, all your equipment… How would you feel?" "Maybe how Moon feels right now. Unmotivated and plain… I don't know, depressed? That'd be a good word for it." Ash took another bite of her pancakes, listening intently to her friend. "But I'd end up putting myself together. We all do. Take you, for example. You put yourself together after that piece of scum you dated before Buster. It was hard? Yes, but you did it. And so will he." She sighed. He had picked himself up from his problems in the past. "Yeah… I guess you're right." "I know I am. So relax. And lock the door when you leave." She rested a towel upon her head. "I'm gonna try and sleep another hour." "Wanna turn the TV off?" "Don't bother. I like the sound." She yawned. "Sleep tight." Ash went back to eating. It was a good 15 minutes subway ride to the theatre. Walking towards the sink, she started doing the dishes. "Hey, don't you wanna move in? I got a spare room and hate doing the dishes." Both laughed. "I thought you were asleep." "Getting there." She turned over on the couch. Ash shook her head, and resumed the task. Not long after, she patiently waited for the subway to arrive. She was running late, the dishes had taken a bit longer than she expected. She braced herself to what she might see. The possibility of putting together another show so remote, she didn't bother taking her guitar along. A few minutes passed, the subway arrived and Ash hopped in, humming to songs along the way. As she expected, Buster's hideout was the same house from the day before, but now it looked more like a bomb shelter. All blinds were closed, and there was a weird feeling in the air. "Ash, over here." Miss Crawly whispered, and motioned for her to come over. All faces from the competition, in expect for one annoying mouse's, were near the house. They all waved at her. "You all know why we're here, I was just expecting this last one." "How exactly are we gonna do this?" Meena said. "I mean… Happy go lucky Mr Moon, if he's down enough not to put the competition up…" "I've known Mr Moon since he was this tall." She held her hand out not farther from the koala's current height. "Not a big difference, I know." The cast laughed. "He just needs a little push. You want this competition to sing with your hearts, and not for money or fame. The one who did it for those reasons didn't bother coming here." "So let's get going! It's going to be spicy, no?" Gunter, the most cheery of the competitors, said. The five laughed at the pig. He had a way to lighten people's moods. "Yeah, we gotta do this, I left the garage with no one there." "It won't take long, Johnny. Don't worry. Let's go." The group followed the seemingly ancient lizard. Ash was growing anxious by the minute. Miss Crawly knocked on the door. "Mr Moon?" No answer. Ash took a step forward. "Come on Moon! You can't just hide in your buddy's pool house!" "Yeah, we just wanted to make sure you're alright, that's all." Rosita added. Buster went to the door, and slowly pulled it open, not once facing his cast. He looked devastated. Ash looked at him worriedly, and wanted to hug him, but stopped herself. Taking a peek inside, she saw the same sheep from the other night snoring away in the couch, and briefly wondered how the conversation between him and Buster had went the past night. "Hey, Mr Moon." The pig mom said, worriedly. "You okay?" Johnny asked, taking a quick peek inside. Not once looking up, the koala started to stutter, embarrassed by what he'd pulled. "Guys, I'm sorry about what happened, and the prize money and-" "Oh, it's okay." Rosita assured. "No. None of this is okay." He quickly interrupted. Ash spoke up. "At least we're all in one piece." "Yeah, and you know what, I bet we can find some other place to put the show on. Right?" Rosita reassured. The cast agreed. Buster smiled sadly. "The show? Guys… I'm done." "Are you serious?" "What do you mean you're done? Come on!" Lifting a hand up, he quickly scooted a newspaper from the ground, reading it out loud. "Didn't you see this? Huh? It says I'm a danger to society-" Gunter interrupted him, and he lift his hand higher. "A deluded, washed-up charlatan who never had a hit in his career." He bowed his head. Ash's heart broke for him. He believed every and each of those words. Much like herself had believed Lance's. She, however, proved him wrong, and was going to make sure Buster proved them wrong. "You don't believe all this!" Rosita said, bewildered. "Yes, I do." He went to close the door, when Johnny stopped him. "Listen. You're not the only one who lost something 'ere. We all did. I mean, I lost any chance of ever speaking to my dad again over this show-" "I'm sorry." He tugged on the door, finally shutting it. The cast exchanged glances. Whilst Gunter was plain confused, all other cast members were upset. Even Miss Crawly held a sad frown on her face. But it was mostly Ash, hands up. "Come on, let's get outta here." She wasn't going to give up without a fight, but just going inside the pool house would raise suspicion. Bidding goodbye, the cast started to scatter. Meena, however, stood her ground and Ash could make out her trying to persuade Moon to put the show together. At this point, she was just outside hoping the elephant'd leave soon, and when she did, the rocker went ahead and opened the door. Buster was laying down on his inflatable mattress and had his eyes shut tightly. She merely rested against the door, hoping he'd address her. When he didn't, she spoke up. "Yesterday, you were just ready to talk, and now you don't even pick up my calls." He looked at her. "I don't even know where my phone is." "Did you drink?" He shook his head. "Then it's probably in your jacket." She took a seat in front of him. "Ash, I'm not gonna put the show together." "Yes you will. This is just the moment speaking." "I'm not! Ash, I'm tired! I'm-!" She jerked back at his outburst, and he calmed himself down seeing his friend move in the couch. "Tired of all this! I've been trying to save the place for six years! I'm not putting the show back together! I don't-" He took a deep breath. "I don't want to. I thought I could handle it, I thought I could make the theatre a place of wonder and magic, but I don't have what it takes." Of course you do, you big idiot. Regaining her composure, she moved closer to him. "Does you friend know? About… Us?" Buster looked at her confusedly. "Yeah, he does. I told him." "Good. Then it's fine if he catches us doing this." Thrusting her lips onto his', she pushed him back on the bed. He returned the kiss just as intensely. It was an urgent kiss. Both were holding tight onto whichever they could grab hold of, that being either fur or clothing pieces. Ash straddled him, slipping his arms to her waist, while bringing her hands up his neck and the back of his head. They parted lips with a wet sound, both breathless and smiling. "Wow… The last time I was kissed like this, I was a teenager myself." Both laughed lightly at the colocation. "The good part of dating one, you get kisses like this." "I'm still not doing it." "Fine by me. It just seemed like you needed one of these." "I really did. Thank you." She kissed all the way down his jaw to the base of his neck. He shuddered, letting out a small gasp, and bringing her yet closer to him. She cradled him in her arms, smiling seeing him lean into the hug. "Ash, if you knew how much I love you…" "I love you just as much. And that's why I don't want you to sit down in an airbed all day listening to people call you a failure." She turned to face him, his eyes were half shut. "Come on, get up. Do anything! Just don't… Sit around." "May as well get a job." He chuckled lightly. "Or do that. Do you want help finding a job?" "No… I know exactly what I'll do." "Want help doing that?" She traced up one of his arms. He shook his head. "I don't want to destroy the image you have of me. Don't say anything." She held her hands up in surrender. "Thanks. I just gotta… Get some stuff before I start. It won't take long." She nodded, and got off his lap. "You're gonna be okay on your own?" "Yeah I will. Don't worry about me." He sat up, and slid his pants on. "Maybe… We can hang out tonight. Just you and me. We can grab a couple sandwiches and just sit outside, maybe go swimming a little." Tugging on his pants' pocket, he pulled out his phone. "Promise to answer if you call." She laughed lightly. "If I'm feeling better… I'll call you later, when I'm done." Ash nodded, and went to the door. "Are you sure you don't need help?" "Yeah, I should be fine." Walking up to her, Buster planted a sweet kiss on her lips. "I see you tonight." "I see you." And with that, she started walking ahead. She knew he wasn't gonna call. And also didn't miss the moment he grabbed hold of his father's old car-washing bucket. She could only imagine: A slightly-older-than-in-the-pictures Buster polishing cars and throwing water bucket after water bucket in windshields. She laughed lightly at the picture, until realizing what it meant. She turned back, and faced him before he could close the door. He quickly dropped the bucket, like he didn't know why he had grabbed it in the first place. She looked into his eyes. "Remember a few days ago, when I thought I couldn't write a good song and the one original I had got sucked?" He looked up reflectively, and nodded. "You kept saying how good I was and how I could do it. And I ended up putting a song together, that original doesn't sound as bad. I don't care how many times you say you can't put the show together, I will always tell you you can. And when you do it… You'll be surprised at your own result." He laughed sadly. "You have what it takes. I don't." "Funny you say that." Taking a step ahead of him, she picked up the bucket. "Because I used to tell myself the same thing. Until you came along. Funny, right? Good luck in your car wash." She handed him the metal piece, and left. Buster pondered over her words for a little while, until he realized. She had him dumbfounded with her words. That, whoever, wasn't enough to make the koala reconsider. Calling up his doddering assistant, he resumed his plans of re-opening his father's old open air car wash. Arriving at Tara's place, Ash looked around. The crazy otter wasn't back yet, and that meant she had the house to herself for a few hours. She took that time to clean up, (She could swear her friend hadn't cleaned the place up in months) listen to songs, watch some TV and even going to the market. Knowing her parents, she figured she'd have to stay for a while at Tara's house, and of course she was going to help with the shopping. Mainly because the house didn't have anything edible. She looked up at the clock. Nine into the night. She plopped herself onto the couch, and proceeded to watch whichever crap was on TV, carefully avoiding any news program. She started getting drowsy, and fell into peaceful sleep. The following morning, her phone started ringing. She woke up in a jolt, and saw she had covers upon herself, probably laid there by her friend. Ash moved over to grab the phone, smiling as she saw the number. "Hey there, Full Moon. What's up?" She yawned, still half-awake. A situation that'd change the second he said those words. She excitedly kicked the covers off. "You are what?!"
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