#every episode of 13s era
evviejo · 8 months
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every episode of the thirteenth doctor’s era:
the power of the doctor
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spooksier · 4 months
getting back into doctor who and seeing how the larger fandom on here talks about the 13th doctor is literally going to send me to an early grave. like guys. guys why does every post about her have to come with a disclaimer that you hate her run. guys youre doing misogyny again guys stop. i won’t share the screenshot bc i don’t want to put op on blast but like yesterday i saw a post about a cool parallel between 13 and 10 and the first comment i saw was literally ‘im sad at how miscast jodie was as the doctor but obviously david tennant speaks for himself 😍’ like GUYS!!!!!! AM I CRAZY!!!
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tea-earl-grey · 11 days
i do like the general concept of dot and bubble but rtd please hire Black writers, i'm begging you.
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mwagneto · 2 months
The thing is that yes, 13 herself is good, but the show as a whole just wasn't great during her run. Something something there's a baby in this dumpster
yeah like i recognise that most ppl just disliked the show even if they liked her but that's like... almost worse to me? coz i rly love her seasons like i hate the big twist as do most ppl but like it's literally doctor who i'm used to bad decisions. but like the episodes themselves are fine? good even?? i mean there's some i think suck ass like rosa or kerblam but a lot of them are like really good??? and it literally just. makes me really sad that ppl put up with 6 seasons of moffat but literally immediately gave up on 13. like it was actually fucking insane to watch how hyped everyone (EVEN non dw fans) was about her turning into a woman and then the fandom just. disappeared. like idk obviously i cant fault anyone for liking/disliking whatever they want but it makes me so fucking sad.. i like her & her era so much and it seems like 99% of people are only willing to acknowledge it even exists when they wanna make a gender joke abt tennant or when it'd look weird to not include 13 so they include her even tho they know nothing about her or completely misinterpret her as a silly goofy friendly #girlie coz people are chronically incapable of engaging w text if it's a woman
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
13 not being particularly speechy is not bad writing. You may not like it. But it is not inherently bad. She’d rather pull teeth than declare her feelings in such a dramatic way because A) it’d involve talking about herself to actual other people and she has an image she’s Very intent on keeping up, and furthermore, B) she has No confidence in who she is, let alone what she’s feeling, and she’s also in denial Of some of those feelings she is having, so she sure isn’t gonna be declaring these things out loud. 
You don’t have to like it, but it ain’t bad. It makes perfect sense for her character. If she started speechifying her opinions and feelings all the time it’d entirely contradict with the story being told and her characterisation. She gets toothy and loud when she’s losing control and Angry. In thirteen, her getting that far is generally a negative character moment for her. She’s passionate in her negativity first and foremost, to the point it’s kind of ugly (love That) to people she’s angry at.  
In terms of people she likes, she is also shown to be able to Talk to them respectfully, it’s awkward as shit and she’d rather not, but instead of festering till it bursts out she actually does Try and talk it out like actual people do because she’s aware it’s the decent thing to do to people she actually cares about. Not saying she’s good at it, but this is far better in terms of social skills And character growth for the character in general than the doctor just being somebody who goes for the dramatics all the time?
Not every Doctor dramatically makes speeches all the time. She’s very much like Two, imo. 
Now i’m sure if 13 got a chance to rip the master a new one for how he treated Yaz in tpotd she would have, but in that episode Yaz was ripping the master a new one for how he treated 13 because Yaz Was The Doctor, there was no need for 13 to do it. 
i do not like =/= this is bad 
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cube-cumb3r · 6 months
i know its been said before by 13 era enjoyers but it truely is deeply obnoxious how some people cannot say anything nice about RTD without making it about Chibnall
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magentagalaxies · 2 months
nothing makes me feel like i've lived a thousand lifetimes more than seeing "the buddy cole documentary" and "other girls" and "antisocial media" on the same list. like what do you mean i'm only 21 i should be at least eighty
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tictacwaverly · 10 months
what are some good mst3k episodes that I should watch? I'm bored
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The more I rewatch Moffat-era Doctor Who, the more I think Moffat never got Doctor Who
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cipher-fresh · 27 days
Mutual #1: Ruby is DEFINITELY Missy’s daughter guys
Mutual #2: I wish 15 had condemned cops or something when Ruby asked why the TARDIS looked like that
Mutual #4: She Charley on my Pollard till i Scherzo
Mutual #5: I hate that Moffat is returning to write an episode. Can Steven Moffat kill himself please
Mutual #6: I love that Moffat is returning to write an episode. Can RTD kill himself please
Mutual #7: What if we kissed in front of Ianto’s shrine in Cardiff and we were both girls
Mutual #8: Chibnall’s episodes outside of his era are some of his better ones. I think for every cool thing he does there’s law of conservation of energy applies and the next episode he makes sucks
Mutual #9: I really do not mean to TJLC but i think the Doctor is going to realize he’s in a TV show this season. Bc i don’t know what to do with the death of RTD’s subtlety in foreshadowing
Mutual #10: I’m not misogynistic but I just hate everything about the 13th Doctor era and I just think it doesn’t have a single redeeming quality.
Mutual #11: You are literally an anti-feminist if you hate anything about the 13th Doctor era
Mutual #12: Spydoc are pegging each other rn in my Google docs
Mutual #13: Guys I’m getting a tattoo of the 8th doctor should it say “autism” or “lesbian” underneath in impact font
Mutual #14: It’s so sad that Simm!master turned into a puppygirl. Oh well I must comply to canon
Mutual #15: Was Thasmin queerbaiting? No nuance pick one
Mutual #16: Everybody listen to the TV movie soundtrack NEOWWWWWWW
Mutual #17: Tegan and Nyssa would have the Monkees on their sex playlist
Mutual #18: I just wish 14 got a whole season, you know? Or maybe two. Or three. Who needs 15 anyway?
Mutual #19: If David Tennant steps foot on a Doctor Who stage again I will kill him with my blade
Mutual #20: Link to pirating big finish in reblog. everybody please come to 6th Doctor land with me
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evviejo · 2 years
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every episode of the thirteenth doctor’s era:
flux chapter four: village of the angels
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spif-lol · 7 months
People can hate on Chibnall's era all they want and while it's not without it's problems I will always defend it if ONLY for it's interpretation of gender in the change from 12 to 13.
I remember being so excited for Jodie, but also so scared as to how they were going to handle her characterization as the Doctor. While Moffat did okay with Missy in the end, her original introduction was dripping with stereotypes and changes in personality which in universe boiled down to she's a girl now lol. Because of this I feared the introduction of a hyperfeminine Doctor, reinforcing sexist stereotypes that men and women are fundamentally different in some ineffable way. I feared jokes about boobs and hair, I feared a weak Doctor who had to be saved by male companions, I worried there would be a lack of personality entirely, with Chibnall trying to play it safe and make her just a blank slate. Or that she would be a rehash of an old Doctor but GIRLY with nothing really distinct to her personality beyond that.
I did not at all expect what we got. Even if the writing is in general lower standards than us fans had come to expect, Chibnall's handling of the Doctor's sudden gender change is phenomenal and I will explain why.
Top 13th Doctor gender moments:
It is so obvious that from the Doctor's point of view, she hasn't really changed. She still perceives herself the same way and finds it hard to adjust to a view of herself as a woman and often uses masculine words to describe herself out of habit. She doesn't dislike being a woman! She's just forgetful! Her regeneration is not special because of the gender change, that's just a quirk alongside the other changes every Doctor goes through when they regenerate
The way she still dresses in a distinctly Doctorish way, and leans towards flamboyant but practical masculine outfits like her suit in Spyfall in contrast to Yaz's more feminine presentation in the same situations. (Yaz isn't even that feminine either. But her dresses and blouses compared to the Doctor really stand out.)
I love how the Doctor's gender doesn't change anything about her, only how other's view her. And mostly people still treat her with respect and as an authority figure. I feel like chibnall struck a good balance between not acknowledging the gender change at all vs hitting us over the head with it. There are episodes where her being a woman is detrimental and she expresses annoyance, there are others where it causes confusion, and there's some where it opens her up to new experiences like the wedding party with Yaz's nan! But ultimately it doesn't make a difference in the Doctor's day to day
The introduction of the Fugitive Doctor as a previous regeneration but also as a female doctor with a distinct personality from thirteen! We got a multi doctor story with two badass female doctors years before it should have been possible! I hate the timeless child thing but the fugitive doctor is my beloved. Props to Chibnall for seeing the hate and people going oooh but the doctor has always been a man and responding by going nope she's been a woman before and a black woman too fuck you. actually iconic. #Season6B btw. if you even care
Idk i just think Jodie really captured the Doctor really well, while still having a unique twist on it and her portrayal really reads as a genderfluid alien in a feminine body. Like oh cool this is new but ultimately it dont matter she still the doctor
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
🎬 stuck with you !
a social media idol au | scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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synopsis after the disaster that was the live award show, where you and scaramouche got into an argument on stage after both of your groups got a tie for top artists, your guys' PR teams have been in shambles trying to scrape up your mess. that's when the idea to send you both off with some other idols to a remote location for a survival dating show to mend your public image comes up. before you know it your bags are packed and you’re on a plane to a remote island. the only obligation is you need to end up with scaramouche at the end of the show, whether you end up liking him or not doesn’t matter to your managers as long as the show’s ratings stay high. whatever you do in between to get there is up to you!
Idols Inferno
Finding love in itself is a rollercoaster on its own, but it’s even harder when you’re an idol. How do idols find the time to perform and find a lifelong partner? The short answer is they don’t!
We bring you an exclusive dating show with your favorite top idols, including Y/N, Scaramouche, Barbatos, Lumine, Aether, Yoimiya, Kazuha, Ajax, and Alatus to name a few!
All your favorite top idols will be shipped off to a private island, where they’ll partake in many challenges and have the opportunity to woo one another. Amongst this they will be left with limited amenities and must fend for themselves.
Hosted by Yae Miko! New Episodes every Friday on Netflix
genre enemies to lovers, celebrity au, fake dating, dating show inspired by singles inferno
status ongoing, no update schedule
warnings time stamps don’t matter, alcohol consumption, mentions of weed, mommy issues, eventual smut
taglist CLOSED!
extra might need usernames for the fans so lmk if i can use yours!
↳ playlist
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↳ y/n and windblume | scaramouche and delusi❖n
ACT ONE: never settle!
O1. the girls are fighting
O2. dream blunt rotation
O3. pr team in shambles
O4. screaming and fighting
O5. strawberry bong
O6. crash course on how to not be an idiot
O7. don’t embarrass me motherfucker
O8. im a hater
O9. see you in hell
1O. tba
ACT TWO: fake it till you make it!
11. wikihow making fires
12. chef era
13. pick me choose me
14. sand in my ass
15. pass a note
16. jealousy, jealousy
17. see you in paradise
18. poolside shenanigans
19. ride home was silent
20. you’re a symphony, i’m just a sour note
ACT TWO: i choose you!
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author's notes: the title card came out sick i’m ngl and have you guys seen singles inferno i’m a whore for that show 🤭 there’s gonna be two soloists added into the show later to spice things up but i won’t say who yet! update: kinda wanna write this to get the scara out of my system
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respectthepetty · 9 months
Dangerous Romance is peak comedy
I got 99 problems, but Dangerous Romance ain't one. It feels like a Thai version of Another Gay Movie because it is squeezing in all the tropes yet taking none of them seriously, which is not a problem in my book.
Not a Problem #1 - Nava & Guy making everything into a competition including turning on the faucet. They got that Love Mechanics color-coded lighting treatment, and that's all I care about.
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Not a Problem #2 - The Poor Boys treating the Rich Kids like the dogs they are by threatening punishment if they act up and dropping "good boy" casually into the conversation when they do good deeds, then rewarding them. It's puppy play meets praise kink, and I approve of it.
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Not a Problem #3 - How Sailom's friends, especially Guy, thought Kanghan was trying to poison them, yet still drank with Nava because if he was going to die, he was going to die the champion.
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Not a Problem #4 - Kanghan not knowing how to express what he is feeling when Sailom questions him after the kiss and expecting the kiss to speak for itself. He thought he was speaking Sailom's love language, but Sailom is clearly an "acts of service" type, while Kanghan is a "words of affirmation" guy.
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Not a Problem #5 - Characters using the bathroom! Every episode, someone goes to the bathroom or uses it as an excuse to escape a dinner where they cannot make eye contact with the boy who kissed him in the bathroom because the kiss was a C- at best and he doesn't know how to tell him that without making him cry since he has a praise kink, and I appreciate it.
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Not a Problem #6 - Kanghan saying that he sucks.
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Not a Problem #7 - Kanghan stating he has to keep trying because practice makes perfect.
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Not a Problem #8 - The tiny smile Kanghan gave when he realized he could go through the bathroom door instead of the front door to get to Sailom. And no, this is NOT an euphemism.
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Not a Problem #9 - How Kanghan stood in the light because he finally figured out his feelings and he wanted to be open and honest about them while Sailom still hid in the dark blue afraid of the way he already loves this unhinged Blue Boy.
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Not a Problem #10 - The pinky promise to be queer
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Not a Problem #11 - The way Kanghan naturally went into Sugar Daddy mode.
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Not a Problem #12 - The dumb looks these two kept giving each other in front of Sailom's friends and God as if no one else existed but each other.
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Not a Problem #13 - Sailom singing JLo's 2001 hit "My Love Don't Cost a Thing" only for Auto to bring that Golden Era Madonna Energy and tell Kanghan that "We are living in a material world, and he is a material girl"
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Not a Problem #14 - Kanghan liking the way Sailom smells. Kanghan wearing Sailom's clothes. Kanghan responding "no-no" when asked if he is a psycho like a cute little puppy. Kanghan's entire existence, and Sailom's annoyance of how much he loves this guy.
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Not a Problem #15 - Kanghan being a WEAKASS! My family will give outsiders hot shit without any warning, just to watch them take a bite and cry, so I get a deep pleasure watching people suffer their way through eating spicy foods to save face. Like, just take the L my man, so everyone can know Sailom is superior to you in every way! Hence why I love Eddie from Kiseki: Dear to Me and Palm from Never Let Me Go. They like it spicy.
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Not a Problem #16 - Sailom being horny on main when Kanghan took the blame to save Auto.
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Not a Problem #17 - Auto being so tiny compared to the group. Auto getting White Girl Wasted. Auto dancing. Auto refusing to snitch on the group. Auto saying his mom is gonna be soooo upset at him like he is a (queer-coded) killer in the original Scream. Auto saying "NEVER FORGET! NEVER FORGIVE!"
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Not a Problem #18 - Sailom being a gold-star gay when that girl was trying to dance with him, only for Kanghan to come in with a steel chair and demand she leave his gay boyfriend alone.
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Not a Problem #19 - Sailom finally realizing just how crazy Kanghan is when Kanghan wanted to ballroom dance in the bar as a way of declaring to the whole world that they are in love, then Sailom realizing he is VERY into Kanghan's brand of crazy. *see #16*
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Not a Problem #20 - Those handmade cheerleader outfits being so camp (read: fugly), that it brought the queer out of my (hidden) girl couple.
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Not a Problem #21 - Sailom screaming "TROY!" again for the Wildcats in the audience who are "all in this together"
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Not a Problem #22 - Guy not kink-shaming Sailom for his puppy play relationship with Kanghan since he's probably taking mental notes, so he can tame Nava using similar methods.
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Not a Problem #23 - Kanghan hugging Sailom so tightly and THANKING HIM after Sailom said yes to being his boyfriend. See what a good dom can do for a brat through affirmation play? "Good boy" *pat his head*
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Not a Problem #24 - Kanghan's (Perth's) smile. Sailom's (Chimon's) wavy hair. The boys cuddling up in Sailom's bed because Kanghan now needs constant positive reinforcement for his good behavior and he likes the way his boyfriend smells. Kink is really classical conditioning. Smell of boyfriend + Hugs from boyfriend = Who's a good boy? Who's the best boy? Who's my very good boy? *rubs his belly*
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Not a Problem #25 - Saifah being A WHOLE FUCKING PROBLEM all episode! My wild ass theory lives!
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God, I fucking love this show.
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sparrowlucero · 2 months
moffat's weird fetish for lesbians and general misogyny turns me off everything he does. he creeps me out. that said, he does make very good one or two episode stories, like empty child. but every time he gets to write a story that goes longer than four episodes, like some of his work outside dw, hyde comes to mind, it turns into a poorly written convoluted mess with the most insultingly written women and ridiculous plot revelations. i had to ditch 11th era who bc it got intolerable and it turned me off the show entirely till 13. but he could be the best writer of all time, and i'd still think he's a lesbian obsessed weirdo who can't write a realistic woman if he had a gun to his head.
weird ask to send a gay woman talking about how they like his work, especially since you say you didn't watch the show I was referring to...?
But yeah I, again, strongly disagree, I think his character work is compelling and his plotting is very layered and thematically rich, and I don't think the one lesbian lead in that era of doctor who is fetishized at all.
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13thdoctorposts · 7 months
The amount of bias against 13 era Who is a real WTF, it was like people just wanted to be negative. We've all heard 'tHe WrItInG WaS bAd'. But people also just choose to be more negative and hostile towards it... for example
Legend of the Sea Devils... people couldn't stop talking about how bad it was. It got a 3 star review from Radio Times...
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The title and first line are...
Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils review – classic monsters resurface in maritime mediocrity
The Sea Devils are faithfully resurrected but the adventure on the South China sea is wishy-washy.
Do you know what else got a 3 star review? The Star Beast...
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But how did they frame this even though it has the exact same star rating? As wishy washy? as mediocre?... of course not it's framed in a positive way 👇
Doctor Who - The Star Beast review: Saturday night magic is back
There's a very big adventure coming.
Even though its not relevant they also had to take a dig in the first couple paragraphs of The Star Beast review at the previous era 'You'd be forgiven for wondering if we've travelled back in time, but no, this is Doctor Who in 2023, and how sorely it's been missed... Doctor Who hasn't been at its very best for a long while'... like I said this was rated the same as tLotSD... in tLotSD opening paragraph... "I feel a bit sorry for today’s young viewers. I grew up watching Doctor Who in the 1970s and, while it might not have been immense every single week, we could rely on a fairly steady stream of classics – and scares and chills agogo. Sitting through Legend of the Sea Devils is like watching seaweed dry." Same rating different framing... this put the viewer into a different mindset before watching it, it primes them to see the negative rather than the positive.
And for good measure The Power of the Doctor which got 4 stars was framed in a 'oh its good but still not great' way... 👇
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Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor review – A satisfying finale to an erratic 4-year chapter
Despite an abundance of distractions, Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill remain the throbbing heart of the story.
According to this star rating this episode is better then The Star Beast but you wouldn't now that from the words. The bias against 13 era Who and the writing is both real and insane and nothing will change my mind on that because we are constantly shown evidence of it.
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