#every day of my life i cry about bluesey
bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
thinking about the fact that blue wants so badly to live at monmouth and gansey wants so badly to live at fox way…they both want to be a part of these places that are like physical representations of the other’s soul…they’re literally so perfect for each other i want to cry
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etoilegarden · 5 years
If you want Pynch FAKE DATING? (i’m a slut for fakedating y’all) + some not fake dating but like, pretending they’re NOT dating???
-I’m Doing Everything All Wrong Ronan and Adam fake date for a bet, yearn and pine, date for realsies. Adam POV 19 K/ 1 chap/ completed
-Chin to Chest Ronan and Adam struggle with needing intimacy, meet before Adam comes to Aglionby, are kiss kiss buddies, and then canon events wack them over the head. Adam POV. 15 K/ 1 chap/ completed.  
-Every Opportunity Offered To Him The Ronan POV of Chin to Chest with extra end scenes and middle scenes. 21 K/ 1 chap/ completed
-It’s Not A Lie if You Want It Enough Pynch fake date for an out of town event, pine a LOT, cry a little, get together. Mostly Ronan POV, some Adam POV. 24 K/ 7 chap/ completed
-If You’re Offering I’m Saying Yes Ronan offers to help Adam with his need for hugs (and maybe other stuff). They’re dumb about their emotions. Adam POV. 7 K/ 1 chap/ completed
- Felt Like You Were Mine This is an AU in which Adam has a younger brother called Ethan. Mostly follows Canon! Pynch, Bluesey.  224 K /70 chaps/completed (This is one of my first fics, and the first like, 30 chaps aren’t even formatted at all jsyk lol)
- FLYWM Extras extra fic bits to go with Felt Like You Were Mine. All focusing on Pynch 27 K/6 chaps/ ?
- The Favourite Lynch A non magic AU in which Ronan has a daughter. Ronan is a tattoo artist! Pynch 32 K/ 10 chaps/ completed
-A Favour Shared A non magic AU in which Adam has his younger brother, and Ronan has a daughter. Ronan is a tattoo artist! Pynch. 53 K/ 16 chaps/ completed
(kids from out of the blue)
- I’m A Natural A fic in which Aglionby runs a course in which they hand out fake babies for the students to look after, and Ronan complicates things a bit. Pynch. 12 K/5 chaps/ completed
-Dreaming A Different Dream  Ronan accidentally brings a BABY out of a DREAM and things are WACKY. Pynch lite 26 K/ 3 chaps/ completed
-Try Again Ronan meets Adam on the side of the road just out of Henrietta and offers to take him home to patch up some injuries Adam professes are from falling off his bike. AURORA is alive and a GREAT mum. Adam POV and Ronan POV. 73 K/2chaps/ completed
-An Average Day A non magic AU in which Adam sleeps over at Ronan’s a lot and this is very difficult for both of their various feelings about each other. AURORA is ALIVE and she is STILL a great mum. Ronan POV. 37 K/ 4 chaps/ completed
-Don’t Look Me In The Eye Life drawing AU! Artist Ronan! Life model Adam! Idiots! 15 K/ 5 chaps/ completed
-I Had A Rule Soulmate AU in which Adam tries to hide his soulmarks but Ronan knows anywayyyyy. Adam POV. 11 K/ 1 chap/ completed
-A One Person Rebellion Ronan has a dreaming mishap and spends a lot of time freaking out about ethical dreaming. Ronan POV. 13 K/ 3 chaps/completed
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little-panem · 5 years
The Raven King - notes
«Richard Gansey III had forgotten how many times he had been told he was destined for greatness» ((paralleling Blue's prologue in TRB, uh?)) - 1
Excelsior: onward and upward
The prologue is #intense AF and Gansey Boy is a king three times and he knows he's going to die
«Time, like a story, was not a line; it was an ocean» - 4
Ronan «Ronan Lynch loved to dream about light» - 25
Chap 6 (47) has the most blessed Bronan exchange, the suspended Blue one
Adam «Adam had seen many of Ronan's dreams made real by now, and he knew how savage and lovely and terrifying and whimsical they could be. But this girl (Opal) was the most Ronan of any of them that he'd seen. What a frightened monster she was» - 57
Adam «Cabeswater didn't quite understand humans, but it learned. Happiness, it insisted. Happiness» - 62
Adam «[Ronan] caught Adam's eye. When Adam's mouth quirked, Ronan's expression stilled for a moment before turning into the loose smile he ordinarily reserved for Matthew's silliness. Adam felt a surge of both accomplishment and nerves. He skated an edge here. Making Ronan Lynch smile felt as charged as making a bargain with Cabeswater. These weren't forces to play with» - 63
Adam on Ronan's unprotected tone with Matthew and Aurora «This tone reminded him of that unshielded smile from before. Don't play, he told himself. This is not a game. But it didn't feel like a game, if he was being honest. Adrenaline whispered in his heart» - 64
Henry calls Blue Gansey's "child bride" - 105
Maura to Blue «"Private school boys? Using random pieces of fabric as apparel? That seems like exactly what you stand for these days"» - 111
Blue «In a Venn diagram where one circle held the words toga party and one held the words Henry Cheng, Gansey might possibly and up where they intersected» - 112
Maura «Consequences, as Calla often said, were a bitch» - 123
Henry to Blue «"Wendybird came!"» - 136
Ronan «His feelings for Adam were like an oil spill: he'd let them overflow and now there wasn't a damn place in the ocean that wouldn't catch fire if he dropped a match» - 141
Ronan «[Adam] allowed Ronan to lean in to compare his eyes – close enough that Ronan felt his breath on his cheek – and he allowed Ronan to study the palm of his hand. The latter was not strictly necessary, and they both knew it, but Adam watched Ronan closely as he lightly traced the lines there. This was like walking the line between dream and sleep» - 142
Ronan «He knew Adam had figured out how he felt. But he didn't know if he could step off this knife-slender path without destroying what he had» - 143
Chap 20 (153) is the Toga Party™ and Bluesey at its peak
Adam «Blue took Gansey's hand. Adam was glad she did. "Gross" Ronan said» - 195
"If you cannot be unafraid be afraid and happy" ((Cheng One with the knowledge!!)) - 210
Ronan «"Asshole," Ronan said. Adam smiled cheerily. Ronan would start wars and burn cities for that true smile, elastic and amiable» - 219
Ronan «"Miseria fortes viros, Ronan," Adam said. When he said "Ronan," it meant: Ronan. "Asshole," Ronan said again, but he felt a little better» - 221
Adam on Ronan's aversion for phones «Now that Adam knew him better, he realized it had more to do with a phone not allowing for any posturing. Ninety percent of how Ronan conveyed his feelings was through his body language, and his phone simply didn't care» - 236
Chapter 33 (236) is The Pynch Chapter™ and I fucking accidentally read The Kiss™ while Hurricane by 30stm blasted through my headphones and it hurts every time and I'm gonna need time to recover oh my goodness
Ronan after kissing Adam and running to a roof «Ronan felt that he had caught happiness without meaning to» - 244
Piper «"Let it be thus, or whatever"» - 249
Henry «He spray-painted the words PEACE, BITCHES on the dumpster behind a gelato parlour» - 267
Something more ~
Henry «"What do you mean Ronan's a magical entity? Is he a demon? Because this all makes sense if so"» - 275
Adam «When he opened his eyes, he saw Ronan was looking at him, as he had been looking at him for months. Adam looked back, as he had been looking back for months» - 297
Blue «It was terrible to see [Ronan] without any fire or acid in his eyes» ((my soul is broken)) - 321
T'ire e'lintes = tree-lights
Artemus to Blue «"All of the tire e e'lintes are full of potential"» - 329
Gwenllian to Gansey «"I stopped asking how. I just did it. The head is too wise. The heart is all fire"» - 338
Gwenllian to Gansey «"Godspeed, King"» - 338
«"[Gansey] can't go alone," Adam said. "He'll do something stupid." "I'm infinitely aware," Blue replied.» - 344
Henry on being Korean «"I am. I got that, and the vandal part, from my mother"» - 359
Henry to Gansey «"Jeong, bro." […] "We instead of you and me. That's jeong"» - 360
From April to November
Gansey «He remembered thinking that it would only ruin the party by reappearing covered with hornets» ((#priorities)) - 364
Gansey «He had meant to find Glendower, and now he was finding Glendower. Joy and sadness, too big for his body to contain» - 369
Ronan to Gansey «"You dumb shit"» - 373
Adam to Gansey «"You dumb shit"» - 373
Gansey «They'd come here for him. They'd come here for him. They'd come here for him» - 374
Gansey on finding Glendower «It felt exactly right»
«Gansey had to duck his head a little. Ronan had to duck his head a lot» - 377
Gansey «Gansey's heart stumbled inside him at the idea of trying to extract both a favour and a purpose for his existence before Glendower turned to dust» - 381
Gansey «If Glendower had not saved Gansey's life, he did not know who to thank, or who to be, or how to live» - 382
Gansey «It was over» - 383
Ronan «The choice was death or hurting Adam, which wasn't much of a choice at all» - 391
Ronan «[Adam's] head rested miserably on Ronan's shoulder, everything shaking, standing only because Ronan did not allow him to sink» - 394
On Adam being the sacrifice «"No," Blue, Gansey and Ronan said at once - 395 
«"Do you ever feel like things are coming full circle?" Ronan said in a low voice. "Do you...?"» - 405
«"He's being unmade"» - 406
Adam «[scrying] was the only way he could survive being so close to Ronan's pained gasps» - 407
Demon «[The dreamer] shaped [dreams] into flapping creatures and earthbound stars and flaming crowns and golden notes that sang by themselves and mint leaves scattered across the blood-streaked pavement and scraps of paper with jagged handwriting on them: Unguibus et rostro. But he was dying» - 411
Gansey «Blue closed here eyes, and two tears ran out of them. She did not cry noisily, or in a way that asked him to say anything different. She was a hopeful creature, but she was also a sensible creature» - 413
Gansey «He fell quietly from her arms. He was a king» - 415
Noah «"Goodbye," Noah said. "Don't throw it away." He quietly slid from time» - 418
Adam «Adam was not Robert, but he could have been, and he forgave that past Adam for being afraid of the possibility» - 428
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