#eventually he works out a deal with Hidan where Hidan agrees to be there for him and share meals and spend time together
ladykissingfish · 1 year
*reading the Help Wanted ads in the paper*
Hidan: Oi, here’s one for a Clown to perform at kid’s birthday parties. Holy shit; clowns can make up to $100,000 a year?!
Kakuzu: And just think, you’ve been acting like one all these years for free.
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prospitdaydreamer · 3 years
For u anon <3
HOOOOOOO ok i’m trying to gather all my thoughts
Ok so fair warning, a lot of these stories stem from like... 5th grade and some are revamped to not be as bad, but others I’m STILL working on so... it’s gonna be a littlw rough and they’re all rlly a little WIP (especially since I never finished Naruto.... so like a lot of the characters backstory might clash with the lore. But tbh these character’s entire existence clashes with the lore in the first place so rlly?? W/e i guess)
Ok ok here we go, i’m gonna put it under a readmore so I’m not assaulting everyone’s dash.
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Maku - (This is my most developed oc out of all, mostly because she’s my fave lmao) So, Maku is a runaway from her clan (I don’t have a clan name yet, but it’s gonna do smthn with cats lmao). Maku is the daughter of the head of the clan, so she was raised as a princess and the heir to the throne. However, her parents are not... great :/ They put a lot of responsibility and pressure on her, while her younger sister got to get off shinobi training early and hang with her friends. Despite this, she didn’t hold resentment for her sister and loved her very much, but she grew distant from her parents. Not long before her coronation, she actually ended up running away after having a breakdown from the pressure. She had no plan where to go or any money, but she felt finally free. Until she met Miyuka, who tried to sacrifice her to Jashin. She was able to make a deal that if she let her live, she’d help her find sacrifices. Somehow they became friends through that. They joined the Akatsuki together. I’ll definitely post more about her soon I’m sure!
Her Akatsuki partner is Miyuka, of course.
She got paired with Kakuzu. Their relationship is a very quiet one, but she doesn’t mind. She’s not like Miyuka, who is very touchy-feely. She just wants a relationship built on mutual respect. She treasures the nights where she’s curled up and warm next to him, while he reads whatever book he’s reading.
Special abilities and weapons: She inherited her clan’s kekkei Genkai. She’s able to transform into any species of feline, but the bigger the species, the more chakra it uses. As long as she’s able to maintain the form of the feline, she also gets it’s abilities ( e.g. if she’s a cheetah, she gets speed, lion gets far leaps, etc). Bonus fact: if she had stayed in her clan and became the leader, she would have been granted the ability to summon a catlike creature, much like the Sannin’s animals. However, since she dipped out, her sister got this connection instead. She doesn’t use weapons very often, her claws usually do the trick.
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Miyuka: I don’t have much down about Miyuka, but she was an orphan who was taken in by Jashinists, so of course she grew up to be one too. She met Maku while finding sacrifices and made a deal with her that if she’d help her get sacrifices, she’d be allowed to live. She actually grew fond of Maku because she was always respectful of her religion and practices. It was actually her idea to join the Akatsuki. Much like Hidan, she figured it’s a great opportunity to get sacrifices. She’s definitely hot, but don’t get too close unless you’re into knifeplay ;)
Her Akatsuki partner is Maku, of course.
She’s paired with Hidan, obv. They’re definitely under the impression that Jashin destined them together and they have NO problem showing that off to the world (Much to Kakuzu, Maku, and everyone’s disdain.)
Special abilities and weapons: Before meeting Hidan, she actually hadn’t unlocked her immortality. Hidan helped her unlock it and now they share that ability. Instead of a skeletal form, though, her form is more ghostly. She uses two sickles as her weapons.
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Gashiyo: Gashiyo actually wasn’t technically a shinobi, but her grandfather was and he taught her everything she knows about fighting. She lived on his farm her whole life, and she was very close with one of the cows, Yumi. She grew up with Yumi since she was a little calf. Because of her, Gashiyo grew fond of cows, and they’re her favorite animals. When she was 17, she met a boy who came to work on her grandpa’s farm, and they fell in love. They became attached at the hip, and spent a whole summer together. One fateful night, she awoke to ruckus. When she went outside she found her grandfather dead and Yumi too. Standing over Yumi’s body was the boy she had fallen in love with. Turns out he had been working for a local gang that her grandpa owed money to. She ended up killing him for what he’d done. Ever since, her heart grew cold and she became a very angry person. She joined the Akatsuki, since she had nowhere to go and she needed money. 
Her Akatsuki partner is Koki.
She got paired with Deidara. She found him extremely annoying at first, but he wormed his way into her heart. Because of her past experiences with love, it was very difficult for her to open up to him. She’s pretty waspy, but she’s grown softer since. He even made her a little clay cow (It was very difficult for him to resist the urge to blow it up, but he managed.)
Special abilities and weapons: Her stampede jutsu causes a stampede of bulls made of chakra to charge toward her opponents. She also has brass knuckles with bull horns on them.
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Koki: I honestly don’t have a backstory for her yet. I can tell you what she was like before I revamped her though. She literally just looked like Kisame, but a gorl lol. They were from the same village ig. Also she was a princess too excerpt it made no sense. I just wanted a princess (this was actually before i changed Maku’s story. She wasn’t originally a princess.) character i think. 
BUT i swear she’s waayyyy better now
Her Akatsuki partner is Gashiyo
She was paired with Kisame. If ever she had a weakness, it’s muscles. She saw him with his cloak off and it was OVER. Koki is anything but shy, and i think Kisame appreciated that. She doesn’t just like muscles on her men, she loves them on herself too! They often work out together.
Special abilities and weapons: She’s a puppet master, but her puppets are rather unusual. They’re more like little spider robots she’s infused with her chakra to do her bidding. She’s very fond of them, despite everyone finding them creepy. She usually uses small ones but she has them in all sorts of sizes.
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Shiitake: Shiitake used to be one of Orochimaru’s experiments. Because of this, she has amnesia and doesn;t remember much from before her time with him. She somehow got away and joined the Akatsuki to, hopefully, gain protection from him. In all honesty, she doesn’t really want to be there. Her heart was never one for murder or crime, but she doesn’t really have a choice. She’s very quiet and rarely speaks unless spoken to.
Her Akatsuki partner is Anara.
She’s paired with Itachi. When he found out she used to be one of Orochimaru’s experiments, they bonded over their experiences with him. He told her about how he was targeted to be one of Orochimaru’s bodies. Though they know they don’t have a lot of time together due to Itachi’s sickness, they still try to make the best of the time they have. ANd until then, he promised he wouldn’t let Orochimaru anywhere near her. He felt it’s the least good he could do for someone.
Special abilities and weapons: WIP, i literally have no idea yet. 
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Anara: I actually never came up with a backstory for her until like…. A year ago. Funny enough, her back story was inspired by Spinel’s from Steven Universe ( I kind of even want her to be voiced by Sarah Stiles too, but I suppose that’d be too on the nose! Still, that’s how I hear her voice). Anara never really knew what love was really like, considering her mother never cared for her much. Her mother never wanted to be a mom, but she met a man she really loved and he wanted a family. However, before Anara was born, her father died. Left as a husk from the depression of losing her lover and having a baby she never really wanted, her mom became very cold and distant. She kept her daughter alive, but that was about it. Anara tried very hard to make her mother happy, or really make her feel any emotion at all, but nothing worked. One day, her mother told Anara to stay home, and that she’d be back later. She left, and never came back, silently hoping maybe her daughter would just die. Well, she didn’t die. She eventually came to the realization her mother was never coming back for her, and she left that house and found her way to the nearest town where she was taken into the orphanage. She joined the academy to become a shinobi, but her heart was also in the arts. She performed plays for the other orphans, and loved the attention she received, the attention she craved. When she became older, she was both a shinobi and a theatre performer. Unfortunately, she still never really felt what it was like to be truly loved by someone. One day, she cracked from remembering the trauma of her mother and feeling like she may never receive the love she craved dearly, and ran away from the village, becoming a missing-nin. Tobi found her, and she became enamored with the mysterious masked man. She agreed to join the Akatsuki, hoping that he could fill the void in her heart. A chance to find a place where she belongs, whisked on an adventure by a mysterious masked man who promised to give her all she wanted? What else could a theatre girl want, lmao.
Her Akatsuki partner is Shiitake
She’s paired with Tobi, but it’s not clear if he feels the same or if he’s just using her. Doesn’t really seem to matter to her either way, she’s just happy to feel some sort of love.
Special abilities and weapons: WIP as well, lmao
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Kimako: Kimako isn’t a shinobi, but she is the daughter of one. She’s the only one who has a definite village right now, she’s from Sunagakure. Her story is the one that's probably the dumbest but I have a very strong attachment to it for some reason, so w/e. 
She has no partner.
She’s paired with Sasori. They’ve known eachother since they were little, as she lived close to him and their parents were friends. Her heart broke for him when he found out his parents weren’t coming home. She always had a crush on him, and he was ok with her, since she was always kind to him. When he became a shinobi, she stayed by his side to encourage him. She’d always been proud of him. Before he lost interest in emotions or w/e, he cared for her in his own little way. He even gave her a ring and promised to be hers. Her love for him was very strong, and when he ran away, she vowed to find him, no matter what it took. When she found out he had joined the Akatsuki, she did everything she could to find a way to join and get close to him again. She somehow succeeded, and she pleaded to join, despite having no fighting abilities. She said she’d do anything, and they took pity on her, and found SOME use for her (though i haven’t figured out what that is yet… wip). Once she was accepted and finally reunited with her love, she was devastated to find out he no longer had any feelings for her. All those years, wasted. Not only that, but she now was in debt to the Akatsuki and had to do work for them. Anara did her best to comfort her, so they kind of became friends, so that’s something. DOes Sasori ever regain his feelings? Maybe, maybe not. Guess we’ll have to see ;) Though I do think, for him, she’d agree to become a puppet too. If that was his price or smthn.
Special abilities and weapons: None, just one sad little broken heart.
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553butterfly553 · 5 years
Second Chance (An Itachi Uchiha Love Story) 11
About a week flew by. It went by rather quickly. It was full of laughter and happiness, well as much as the Akatsuki can be happy and laugh. Speaking of them, the Akatsuki members all have grown attached to Serenity and she's gotten attached to them. Even Kakuzu and Hidan eventually began to like the little girl. They all accepted their names and that she was going to be there to stay. It was a little worrisome at first when certain Akatsuki members interacted with Serenity, but everything turned out okay. Currently, Serenity has recruited most of the members to play hide and seek with her. She informed me that she was a big girl now and she could hide on her own, so reluctantly, I allowed her to do so. I was deemed the seeker and was now searching through the mansion for those who decided to play. It was pretty much everyone, except Kakuzu and Sasori. I haven't found a single person yet due to me not using my sensory abilities, but I had a feeling I was coming across someone soon. I was searching every room, other than Kakuzu and Sasori's rooms. No one was allowed to hide in them. So that left me currently in the kitchen heading into the living room. “Where are you people?! This is getting ridiculous! I'm going to start cheating now.” I muttered out loud, however before I could start sensing the people around me, Deidara popped out of a cupboard. “That's not fair, hm!” “Found you!” I called out pointing at Deidara with a laugh. “Now you have to help me find the others.” “Dammit, you really are a bitch, hm!” He realized that I had tricked him into exposing himself. He went along with it anyway though. So now it was Deidara and I searching for the rest of them. The next person to be found was Obito. He'd hidden in the living room behind one of the couches. Not a good hiding spot, but hey at least he was playing. After that was Itachi, who'd hidden in the infirmary, along with Kisame who also hid in there. Neither knew that the other was there though, so it was a surprise for all of us involved. After that, we spit up into two teams and began searching. I was with Itachi and Deidara, Obito and Kisame were together. “Should I just start sensing people? It'd go a lot faster if I did so.” I looked over to Itachi, who thought about it for a moment and then nodded his head. “You might as well, or else we might actually be here all day.” Itachi finally responded simply. I nodded my head and began to sense those around me. It wasn't that large of a radius, but I was now able to find someone. I believe it was Hidan. He managed to worm his way into the ceiling and was crawling around up there. So, I led Itachi to where he currently was and knocked the ceiling tile out of place, causing the religious man to come crashing down. “Ow! You fucking bitch! I swear to Lord Jashin I'm going to fucking sacrifice you!” Hidan yelled out once he recovered from the fall. I helped him stand up but refused to help him brush off all the dust and possible spiders he now had on him. “How did you fucking find me?!” “...I heard you?” I replied more as a question than a statement. He just looked at me and glared. “You bitch, you sensed me, didn't you? Who let the fucking sensory ninja be the seeker?!” Hidan was outraged, but eventually got over it and helped us search for others. Eventually, we met back up with the other group, who now consisted of Nagato and Konan. Meaning all the Akatsuki members were now found. “Wait, no one found Serenity?” I questioned when I realized that she was the only one left now. I tried it sense around to figure out where she was, but I didn't sense her at all. “We need to search for her, all of us.” Itachi had a hint of worry in his voice now. So, we all split up and searched the entire mansion. I sensed around and couldn't find her at all. No matter where I went, I couldn't sense her presence. We all ended up meeting up in the entrance, only to find the ANBU there unconscious. “What the fuck is going on?” Hidan grumbled when he realized that something was up now. We all began to truly worry now. I went over to one of the ANBU and realized there was a note attached to him. “What does it say?” Itachi questioned as he approached me to see what I had in my hand. “It says, 'I have our daughter now. You were foolish to ever let her out of your sight. Tell Mei that if she doesn't step down as Mizukage, I will kill Serenity. You have until tomorrow to decide.'” I responded as my voice and whole body began to shake. My knees went weak and I nearly fell to the floor. However, Itachi kept me standing and took the note from me. He reread it to himself in disbelief. “How could anyone get in here without us knowing?” I mumbled mostly to myself. “We need to report this, but first we need to wake up the ANBU to figure out what exactly happened here.” Itachi took control of the situation. He ordered Kisame to wake up one while Itachi woke up the other. Once awake, the men explained that they were attacked by other ANBU and were easily taken down due to their initial shock. That was all they remembered. “I see...” I couldn't believe it. That must mean that some of the ANBU had defected to Ao's faction. We hadn't considered that before. “I need to go tell the Kage what happened. I'll be back.” My voice was void of emotion as I walked out of the door, ignoring the calls from Itachi and Kisame asking me if I was alright. I couldn't think of myself at that moment anyway. It didn't matter if I was alright or not, I just needed to do my job and notify the Kage of the events that'd taken place. Then we figure out what to do, and only then would I be able to worry about whether I was alright or not. “Oh, Adryn, what's gotten you all worked up?” Lady Mizukage noticed how upset I was immediately as soon as I'd gotten in the room. “Ao has Serenity.” I then explained the situation to them and told them everything that I knew at that moment. “So, what should we do? Obviously, you can't step down as Mizukage. So we need to form a plan of attack.” “We will use the Akatsuki to attack Ao and force him to give Serenity back one way or another.” Lady Mizukage stated instantly. “Do you think the Akatsuki would be alright with that?” Lord Hokage questioned as he doubted her plan. “They love Serenity, so yes, they will. Plus I have their trust, for the most part, so they'll probably do as I say.” I explained to them. “Alright. Tell them about the attack and we will send you out tomorrow.” Lady Mizukage confirmed the plan. “Why tomorrow?” I demanded, instantly angry. “You are too in your emotions right now, you aren't thinking straight.” I wanted to argue with her, but she was right. I was practically vibrating with emotion. So, I just sighed and turned around to head back to the Akatsuki members. “Adryn, we will get Serenity back and take care of Ao for good.” “I know we will.” I agreed with Lady Mizukage and then left the room. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to head back to the mansion, but I knew that I had to, to inform them of the situation. So, that's where I went. “Adryn!” Kisame instantly approached me once I got in the mansion. He and Itachi had been sitting there, waiting for me to return. “Hey Ki,” I muttered as I walked towards him. Itachi was right next to Kisame as the blue man reached me. “What's the plan?” Itachi asked immediately. I looked at him and could see the urgency in his eyes. “Tomorrow we'll all go get Serenity back and deal with Ao.” “Why tomorrow?” Kisame questioned curiously. “I'm too emotional right now.” It was taking everything I had to not break down right now. I wanted to just collapse to the ground and scream or cry or both. “What can we do to help?” Kisame was clearly worried about me. I looked at my very best friend and just blankly looked at him. “I think I should just go home for the day. I don't really feel like being around anyone.” “I don't think that's a good idea. You shouldn't be alone.” Itachi stated instantly as he took hold of one of my hands. He tugged on it, getting me to follow him. He then led me and Kisame to the living room and sat down on the couch, making me sit down with him. “'tachi?” “He's right. You should be with us. We all cared about her too. We all feel how you do.” Kisame spoke up as he sat on a chair across from us. “I am her mother though. It's my job to keep her safe. What if she's going to be hurt or worse?” “I don't think Ao would really hurt her. He's her father, there must be some form of love there, right?” “I know he won't hurt her,” Itachi muttered finally. “I also know we will get her back and she'll be alright.” “If you say so...” I mumbled softly. I just looked at the ground, unsure of what else to say. “You have to think positively, Adryn. Don't you trust us?” Kisame reached over and took my other hand. “We will get her back and she will be just fine.” Having both men I adored tell me such a thing seemed to help bring me out of my darkness. After the darkness began to clear, a wave of exhaustion hit me. I couldn't help but just lean against the couch. “Okay, I believe you, both of you. Now can I get some sleep? I suddenly feel so tired.” “Very well, we'll walk you to your room.” Itachi stood up, causing me to stand up, which then caused Kisame to stand up since we were all linked by our hands still. The three of us walked through the halls linked together. We passed Hidan and Kakuzu, which were both showing clear confusion at the situation, but Kakuzu kept Hidan silent. Once we were at our rooms, Itachi opened up my bedroom door and let go of my hand. “We will explain the plans to everyone else. You just get some rest.” “We'll wake you when everyone is ready in the morning,” Kisame promised as he let go of my other hand. I nodded my head and entered my room. I chose to not lock it this time, as I felt
that everyone in the mansion wouldn't even try to hurt me. I just walked over the bed next, and then fell into it, barely covering myself up as I did. I didn't fall asleep right away. Instead, I dwelled on the situation. My precious daughter was missing and I didn't know where she was, or what was happening to her. I just hoped that nothing bad was going on with her. I hoped that somewhere deep in Ao's heart, he loved our daughter and wouldn't dare hurt a hair on her head. With those thoughts in my mind, I fell asleep. ~ “...Adryn... Adryn! Hey, it's morning, wake up!” I shot up in bed, but the force caused me to tumble out of the bed and hit the floor. “Fuck that hurt...” I grumbled as I slowly picked myself up from the floor. I looked up to see the worried faces of Kisame and Itachi standing over me. Both men instantly went into action and helped me up off the floor. “Are you alright, Adryn?” Itachi questioned as I dusted myself off and fixed my clothing. “I'm just fine,” I muttered, slightly embarrassed. “The Kage have given us the orders to head out with some ANBU when we're ready. So, let's go.” Kisame stated, causing me to snap my head up to look at him. “Really? Now?” “Yes, now, like right now. Everyone is in the entrance hall waiting for us.” “Oh, okay then.” I nodded my head and began to leave the room. I paused to turn around when I realized that they weren't following me. “What's up?” “Are you sure you're ready to fight Ao? It might not end the same way as last time. You might have to kill him.” Itachi questioned as he turned to look at me. I just smiled at him. “If it means getting my daughter back, I'll do anything.” With that, the three of us headed out and made our way to everyone else. “What fucking took you so long?!” Hidan yelled as soon as he saw us. “I literally just woke up a few fucking minutes ago, Hidan. So shut the fuck up.” That seemed to be enough to shut the man up. Also, Kakuzu telling him to shut up seemed to help the situation as well. So, with everyone, including a few ANBU to guide us there, we headed out. I stayed with Itachi and Kisame like last time. No one spoke this time around. Everyone knew the gravity of the situation. They knew that this could very well be life or death for Serenity. So, with silence in the air, we made the hour-long journey to where Ao's hideout was. We never made it there before, but this time we did. He seemed surprised to see us, as it took a minute or two for everyone to exit the hideout and for the fight to begin. The Akatsuki and ANBU all began to fight with me entering the hideout. I had to take out a few men here and there, but nothing serious. No one seemed to pose a threat to me. With the Rinnegan I'd awaken before, normal men weren't a threat to me. It was fairly easy to get to the room where Ao and Serenity were. “I never expected you to come here like this, Adryn,” Ao stated as he held Serenity in his arms with a kunai to her throat. “This was a stupid plan.” “Your plan was the stupid one, Ao. To think that I wouldn't do anything necessary to get my child back. You are the true idiot in this situation.” I growled back instantly. “Mama!” Serenity cried out terrified at the situation. “Is this really my father?” Her voice quaked as she spoke up. “Yes. Serenity, Ao is truly your father. However, he will kill you. So that makes him a terrible father. Just keep thinking of Itachi as your Papa. He'll make a better father to you than Ao ever could.” “Be silent! You think I wouldn't be a good father to our daughter?!” Ao yelled out, immediately angry at my words. “Dude, you're threatening to kill her right now. That makes you a terrible father.” Ao seemed to think about my words, before pulling the kunai away and throwing Serenity off to the side. “Fine, I'll just kill you instead.” That began a fight between Ao and me. Attack for attack, we seemed to be fairly even with each other. That was until he was able to get the drop on me and cut my arm with the kunai. It was only then that I realized that the weapon had poison on it. I was immune to poison, but instantly something felt wrong. I collapsed to the ground and began to cough up blood. “This poison is specially made just for you.” “Mama!” Serenity instantly ran over to me and began to panic. Ao stepped closer to us, and she picked up one of the Kiba blades and held it out in front of her. “Stay back!” That was when Ao and I both realized that her eyes had changed. They were now Sharingan and were filled with anger and fear. “I won't let you hurt Mama!” “Alright, I won't hurt her anymore. She'll die soon enough anyway.” With that, Ao left the room. Moments later, Itachi and Kisame came bursting into the room. They saw me on the floor and Serenity looking at me with fear in her eyes. “What happened?” Itachi demanded immediately. Serenity began to tear up as she explained all that'd happened to me. However, I slowly began to sit up and made it to my knees. “I'll be fine. He forgot something important.” I muttered as the coughing subsided. “Mama?” Serenity looked at me confused, but I just smiled at her. “I regenerate instantly. Any part of me that dies will just come back. My blood will eventually overcome the poison and I'll be fine. I just don't think I'll be able to move for a little while.” “I'll carry her. You carry the kid.” Kisame instructed Itachi as the blue man approached me. Itachi did as he said and went to Serenity. Kisame gently lifted me into his arms, and once Itachi had Serenity, he left the room with Itachi following closely behind. “What all happened while I was gone? Is it all over?” I questioned to Kisame as we made our way through the hideout. “Most of them surrendered. The rest were killed. They will be taken back and locked away for the rest of their lives I guess.” Kisame responded simply to me. I nodded my head and sighed. “What's wrong?” “Ao got away again. I couldn't stop him or even kill him. I failed.” “We got Serenity back, that's all that matter in the end, right?” I thought about Kisame's words for a few moments before nodding my head. “You're right, thank you.” ~ After we made it back to the others, we all headed back to the little town we were living in. The traitors were indeed all locked away and would probably stay there for the rest of their lives. So with that situation finally behind us all, everything went back to normal. With one exception. A few days after the situation with Ao, Itachi called me into his room to have a private conversation with him. I was very nervous, but accepted his invitation and entered his room, with him closing the door behind us. “What did you want to talk about, 'tachi?” I questioned when I finally couldn't take the silence any further. Itachi walked over to his bed and sat down, then motioned for me to sit down next to him. I followed his request and sat down on his bed next to him. I looked over at him, extremely confused. I watched as he took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts before finally speaking to me. “I am growing feelings for you, romantic feelings.” Itachi finally said after a long silence. I just blinked and stared at him for a moment as I processed what he'd said. “I realized my feelings a little while ago, but then things happened and I never got the chance to confess to you. However, after seeing you coughing up blood, it scared me and made me realize that I needed to tell you before anything else happened. I no longer will hide my feelings for you and I would like to continue to grow them with you.” I had to think about all he'd said before I finally spoke up. “I'm glad you told me. You can't imagine how happy hearing all this from you makes me.” “Then what I'm about to say is probably going to make you happier. I would like to officially become your boyfriend. If that is alright with you.” Itachi looked directly at me, causing my heart to skip a beat. This was so strange for the both of us. We had never had this type of conversation before and Itachi had never expressed his true feelings to me before. So this was all new territory for both of us. “I'd like that a lot.” I finally admitted with a smile on my face. Itachi seemed to relax slightly after I spoke showing that he was most likely nervous to have this conversation with me. “Let's take things slowly, it's been... a while since either of us dated anyone.” Saying it's been a while was an exaggeration considering Itachi hadn't been with anyone since before he had to kill his clan, and I hadn't been with anyone since before the war. “You read my mind. I was about to say the same thing.” Itachi spoke up as he looked away from me. He then seemed to think about something. “How will Kisame take this?” Oh boy, that's a good question. “I... hope he'll take it well, but I guess we won't know until we tell him.” “Would you like to tell him now?” “We might as well, but you have to be there too for moral support.” I smiled again at Itachi and he gave me a slight smile back as he nodded his head. So, we both got up from his bed and left his room, with Itachi guiding me to the living room where Kisame was with Kakuzu and Hidan. “You two disappeared and were gone for a fucking long time, what were you two doing?” Hidan demanded as soon as he saw Itachi and I. “Were you fucking?” “Of course not, Itachi isn't that type of guy,” I responded, before realizing that I totally just outed myself as that type of girl. “We were just talking is all.” “You and he finally got together, right? You're dating?” It was Kisame who'd spoken up, stopping Hidan from making any more remarks. Itachi and I both looked over to our friend and studied his face. There was no hint of anger or malice in his face at all, nor his voice. “I'm not angry or upset, don't worry.” “Are you sure you're willing to lose to Itachi?” Kakuzu questioned the blue man, who just smiled over to him. “I'm willing to let her go, to ensure she's happy. Are you okay with this, Kakuzu?” “What a stupid question, all she was to me was a whore.” Kakuzu's answer made me frown, but I didn't say anything back. “Careful, you should talk about Itachi's girlfriend like that. You don't know what he'd do.” Kisame warned with a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but smile at his words as well as I looked over to Itachi, who had nothingness on his face. “You good?” I had to ask Itachi instantly. He just looked at me and gave me a soft smile, however, something was hidden within it. “Everything is just fine.” There was a hint of strain in his voice, but I wrote it off to him just being tired. I had no idea that was the start of everything falling apart.
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kusunokihime-a · 7 years
*cracks knuckles* all right beech trees this is some ramblings for @littlelilypetal about my twins because she made the mistake of asking for it lmao
Also small disclaimer for anyone else who pops in here curious: this is a verse I wrote with two friends LONG before I joined Tumblr. It was written over literally hundreds of pages (I have the threads saved don’t try me boi), and it’s very dear to me. It’s nothing that has to happen here, but it’s still a thing and any whining about OC x Canon pairings will be met with fingers in my ears going lalala can’t hear you.
OKAY? Okay. Cool beans :3
First off, a quick summary of this verse’s story before the twins are even a thing so we have groundwork.
Ryū is adopted by Manami when she's four, after Manami's ANBU squad is sent to clean up the wreckage of Kusunokizan and make sure nothing fell into enemy Iwa hands. Manami is Mikoto's elder sister, and was married to Kagami's son – making her Shisui's mother. Shisui and Itachi are first cousins in this (since I started writing it literally like...five years before the manga ended and we had almost ANY Uchiha info, including ANYTHING about Izumi).
Ryū, therefore, is taken into the clan when Manami decides to retire and adopt her, though not without some...friction. It takes her a while to settle in, but she ends up really close with Shisui as her brother figure, which means lots of time with HIS friend, Itachi. She ends up crushing on him, but Itachi being, well...Itachi, he's not too keen on it at first. But she's there just under a year, including when Sasuke is born.
Now, with Manami being Mikoto's sister, and Mikoto being good friends with Kushina, Manami is asked to come out of retirement for a night to help with the guard while she has Naruto. Which, as we know, means Manami is killed, as Obito kills all of the ANBU guards outside. Shisui is then orphaned, as is Ryū (again), but due to the suspicions of the Uchiha, the village refuses to let the Uchiha keep her. Shisui is adopted by his aunt and uncle, and Ryū is shuffled into village quarters, just like Naruto.
Despite this, Ryū still does her best to stay close to the three Uchiha boys (Shisui, Itachi and Sasuke) as they get older. Rather than attend the Academy, Ryū goes straight into medical training in the hospital. She can't bring herself to be a shinobi after her mother's murder, so she becomes a medic like her mother instead. The four drift apart some as they each settle into their training...and it only gets worse as the coup starts up.
Shisui and Itachi both agree to keep her and Sasuke out of it. Ryū, of course, only gets worried as things seem to change between them. When Shisui dies, she has a huge breakdown, running and hiding only to be found by a young Hinata of all people. That introduces them, and her kindness is something Ryū remembers for years to come.
As Itachi gets into deeper and deeper trouble, he realizes what he's going to have to do, and starts manipulating her. He does have some feelings for her, but assumes she hates him because he's a shinobi: something she's always been afraid of since her mother's murder. So he purposefully kept away from her as they grew up. But knowing that he'll have to take out the clan and leave Sasuke alone, he begins grooming her to take on the role of Sasuke's guardian.
So when the massacre happens, Ryū immediately steps up and struggles against the council to have a hand in Sasuke's care. She's already in village custody, as he's set to be, and ends up being his primary caretaker as he grows up, doing her best to get him through his traumas and keep him from a path of revenge.
During that time, she ends up involved with a few events from the canon timeline, including seeing Itachi when he comes to collect Naruto, which drags up old memories and guilty feelings.
But, of course, there's no stopping Sasuke in the end. She lets him go, knowing she can't control him. Losing him leaves her in a lurch and depression, and she decides to go back to her home ruins to try to learn more about where she came from. THAT'S when she discovers the sage that lived in her valley, Suigin. After getting permission, she stays in the valley during the Shippuden timeskip, learning more advanced medical ninjutsu, as well as a sage state and her barriers...as well as one high-level technique for reviving souls.
From there, she's pretty involved in several arcs of Shippuden, up until the search of Hidan and Kakuzu (she's in the hospital awaiting injuries from the squads send out to fight them). This is just after the latest jinchūriki sealing. In the lull after the sealing, knowing that events are beginning to speed up, Itachi slinks away to see her. At first she's angry, confronting him about all he's done. But, in exchange for keeping Sasuke safe while she could, Itachi entrusts the truth behind his actions to her. (This might seem OOC for him, but she raised his brother – the most important person to him – for like...six years. He thinks she deserves to know the why behind it all, especially since he's setting himself up to die soon – it's his way of repaying his debt to her). Things get really emotional, and – knowing he won't live much longer – Ryū ends up sleeping with him, DUNDUNDUN.
A while after that, Sasuke 'kills' Orochimaru, and the team's set up to go after him. Ryū, being stubborn, insists she goes along. By this time, she's realized she's pregnant, and she wants to try to slip away and find Itachi to tell him before he dies.
She's too late, though, and gets there not long after the battle's over. Obito shows up and moves to kill her, but stops when he recognizes Itachi's chakra in the fetus. He lets her go, planning to use her to manipulate Sasuke later.
So she goes on, having to keep this HUGE secret from everyone, including where the baby's from. Eventually she goes with Naruto and co. to the Land of Iron to try to talk to A, as she's pretty heavily invested in trying to recall the death order on Sasuke. When Obito confronts the group, he ends up stealing her away as a 'gift' for Sasuke, after he kills Danzō. But Konoha interrupts, and she's taken back to the village...only AFTER Sasuke's Sharingan confirms that there's not one chakra signature, but two. SHE'S HAVING TWINS.
After having them on May first, Ryū later insists on joining the medical corp for the war, not wanting to sit idle. Tsunade, after trying to talk her out of it, instead assigns her as the medic for the group hiding Naruto.
When Naruto escapes, Ryū goes with him, only to later encounter Edo Tensei Itachi. After the battle, she insists on talking to him, telling him all about the twins. Clearly torn, Itachi lets her go with him to stop Kabuto, where they then run into Sasuke. Mostly in the background of the fight, she eventually gets Itachi's permission to take back his soul, but only when the time is right.
The war later ends, everyone goes home, and Ryū...insists about Sasuke getting a new arm (because there's no way she's letting him NOT have an arm). She also helps take part in the clearing of Obito's old lab alongside him to put Itachi's body to rest...but not before she slips a sample of it into a vial.
After Sasuke leaves, she begins obsessively rebuilding a new body for Itachi from the scrapped cells. It takes her months and nearly kills her, but she manages it. (Her soul technique is affected by how long the person has been dead. If it's been too long, she can't 'reach' them, and he'd be lost forever). BUT, she manages, and also then works with him and Sasuke to clear up the whole massacre deal, which is the whole third arc and I won't go there.
Ryū names them after Itachi's parents, Mikoto and Fugaku. Mikoto's got dark, wavy hair, and grey eyes. Fugaku's got wild white hair and black eyes, and later the Sharingan. Mikoto's aggressive and cocky, while her twin is meek and submissive. Things are awkward enough between them until Fu awakens his dōjutsu. Immediately jealous, as she believes her own nature is much more suited to wielding it, Mikoto becomes more and more aggressive toward him over time.
Fugaku, on the other hand, isn't even sure he WANTS to be a shinobi (which makes her think it's an even bigger waste). This leads him to lack confidence, and only go along with it because he ends up on his sister's team alongside Sarutobi Mirai.
Things only get worse as they get older, up until the chūnin exams.
Mikoto is determined to become an ANBU like her father, so she drags Fu into the exams, as she can't do them alone. The first task goes okay, while the second is...shaky. But by the third, tensions are mounting between the two of them. And when the finals come up, and the twins names are given as combatants, Mikoto finally snaps and screams at Fugaku how much she hates him, and about her jealousy. The sadness and grief Fugaku feels as their bond severs ends up being enough to awaken his Mangekyō (I mean they're TWINS ffs, and he really does care about her, like a lot). They proceed to have a nasty fight, with Mikoto using barriers like her mother, only offensively, trying to crush him. Fugaku, who uses swords and katon, is too fast for her. But she ends up blasting him up into the air, ready to catch and crush him...only to realize she can't bring herself to do it. So instead she catches him, which ends up giving her a concussion and broken ribs from the force.
After the exams are over, Itachi and Ryū agree that they BOTH need some help. Mikoto has to work on her anger and her jealousy, while Fugaku needs to build confidence and certainty about what he wants in life. So, Ryū takes Mikoto and Reika to Kusunokizan for a while, and Itachi takes Fugaku just out and about to see more about how shinobi make a difference in the world.
Both end up growing a lot and reaching ANBU rank. Mikoto mostly uses it as a way to vent her aggression, but Fu is SUPER protective, so he uses it to do good :3
...and that's a rEALLY barebones telling of it, but that's what I meant x''D AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU ASKED? I'm not even to this part in her fic yet – this was RPed YEARS ago with a friend. I'm only really to when the twins are about a year old. And that's still over 600 pages worth of fic, wHOOPS.
...can you tell I've put too much effort into this? lolol
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