#event: Bleak Timeline Black Soul
cherrypinksoul · 5 years
The End; Justice For All
Rowan had been braced for impact, Arthur and Lewis to run over and grab a locket. And then Cerise had burst back in. Vivi and Mystery trying to hold her back. Her own hair had turned to ice as she stormed in, glaring at the copy of her that was across from her father. The two girls had locked eyes and then... hell seemed to have broken loose.
The team had barely managed to get out, without Cerise’s locket... Before she almost brought the building down on top of them both. Mystery could only describe it on the ride home, Cerise unconscious once more, as “unlocking a fraction of her potential with her emotions”. And boy, did it scare the gang to know what she could theoretically be capable of. Sera had been contained within her own anchor and bound so they could keep her tamed.
But attention was mostly on Brick. He’d just been exposed to so many of their secrets all at once. That Lewis and Rowan weren’t alive, that Cerise wasn’t fully alive either... That Mystery might not be a normal dog. Arthur glanced between Rowan and Vivi before looking to the man.
“H-Hey, Brick...?”
“... Y-Yeah...?”
“You..” Arthur looked at the others again, nervous, “You won’t... tell anyone not... all of us are normal... will you?”
“... I...” He bit his lip. Had what Cerise’s double... Had what she said been true? Was he the reason Cerise was like this? “... I... only want to know something when she wakes up. Then... I’ll... I’ll tell you. I might have... have to be brutally honest about something...”
Brick curled up on himself, staring down at the floor of the van as they all waited for Cerise to wake up. It was a very long, very quiet drive back to the Skulls’ house. Very Quiet. And she still hadn’t woken up by the time they got there. Brick was invited to stay until she did, the group knowing he wouldn’t leave without an answer, and Rowan stayed as well.
He knew whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be an easy thing for her to talk about.
When she did wake up, it was clear she was still a little fragile. Her anchor was still cracked in places. But she was, of course, more worried about everyone else. “G-Guys..??”
“Easy, easy... We’re all okay, Cerise. None of us got hurt,” Arthur was there in a heartbeat, his hands on hers to calm her down, “How are you feeling..?”
“... Tired... Emotionally tired. Where’s... she?”
“Being bound even better than the first time. Mystery and Vivi are on it.”
“And they’re...?”
“Safe. Lewis was keeping watch,” he nodded, “We aren’t letting her get to any of us. Promise.”
She sighed, the knowledge reassuring, until Brick cleared his throat a little awkwardly, “Uh... C-Cerise...? I... I need to ask you something.”
“....” He rubbed at his shoulder, trying to figure out how to phrase it, “... Am.. Are you dead? A-And don’t... Don’t bullshit me on this, okay? I want the truth.”
Her face went dark, “... N-Not... Not fully...? I’m... I’m still half human, if that’s what you’re asking. I know you saw me earlier, huh?”
“Y-Yeah... and... That, that woman. She was...?”
Cerise thought a moment, she didn’t understand Sera entirely herself, but... from what she could gather and understand, “... She’s... me. But from a timeline... where I didn’t become... half ghost. Like this one.”
“... Is what she said the same though?” Arthur saw Cerise go pale, “Am I the reason you’re like that?”
“...” She turned away, but it was too late. Both men knew her tells, having known her long enough. She didn’t need to answer with an expression that said it all.
“... I need to tell the police. I’ve wanted to turn myself in for a year, and now I can...” Brick started towards the door, but suddenly had a hand on his arm. He looked back to see Cerise, staring into his eyes.
“Y... You don’t need to. I-I don’t--”
“Yes you do. I don’t need to be a mind reader to see it there. You blame me, and rightfully so. I killed you. You’re--”
“Only half! Brick, how can-- I can’t fault you! I know... I know I’ve been snappy and angry, but... I’ve also seen what ha--” She paused, biting her lip, “... I’ve seen what happened. That night... You... You were just trying to--”
“... You saw what?” He’d joined her in going white, staring in shock. How could she know what had happened..?
Arthur stepped in, “Sh-She can... read memories. See them when she wants to. Wh-Whatever happened that night... She doesn’t blame you, okay? Ju-”
“No! I-I’ve been... for a year, Arthur! A whole fucking year... I woke up that morning with blood on the hood of my car... Blood and fabric... And this last year, I’ve scoured every report. Every murder, every missing persons, every obituary I could... I wanted to turn myself in because at my hands someone lost their life. Someone died because of choices I made...”
Cerise frowned, rubbing her arm. She didn’t... want to blame him. But her emotions were still in turmoil after even all this time. A part of her still said he deserved to pay...
“And I see it now. All those times you got snappy, all those times you said something trying to cut deep... It was because I’m the reason you’re like this. Caught between death and life, right?”
“Brick, I-”
“No. No, god... dammit not this time, Cerise! I’m not letting you change my mind! I...” He stared down, bringing his hands up, “.. I killed a friend. Someone I cared about, have known... I’m the reason you... you’re like this. And you... you can’t tell me there’s nothing wrong with being half ghost!” she flinched back, knowing he was right.
“... I can see it. I can. I just... figured I’d done something wrong or that you were getting sick. Now I know the truth...” He sighed and looked away.
“Brick... Please, you don’t need to...” She stepped forward, and Arthur held her back. Both of them were stubborn in their own right, and she wasn’t going to stop him.
He didn’t answer her, his head folding down, “... I’d like my phone back, please. I know she dropped yours... Pretty sure Arthur picked it up.”
“Sure. She handed yours to me earlier,” Arthur handed it over, pulling Cerise back so she wouldn’t grab for Brick.
“... Thanks. I’ll... I’ll either see or call you later. However this ends up going... But I need to do it, so I know I did the right thing even in the end.”
“You don’t...”
He looked away, not answering again. He walked outside without a word, pulling up his phone and starting down the road as Arthur held tight to Cerise. Eventually she gave up, folding into him and crying. It was even later the police actually showed up, with questions for every member of the Mystery Skulls as to why they’d been told about a murder.
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ruinationsrp · 2 years
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Location & timeline: The royal palace & the gardens of Sotera ; February 12th, 1276.
The kingdom of water and storms is raging with life - a whirlpool-like event drawing masses from far and wide, all eager to see the newly crowned queen of Sotera ; a young, formidable woman of an old, but equally formidable, line. The old Queen had made an effort to invite all known (and some lesser known, of course) individuals from the rivalling kingdom - including their king - to her daughter’s celebratory fete held in the evening of her coronation.
It was to be a magnificent event - a masquerade ball, like which Sotera had not seen before. 
It took weeks of meticulous planning, the Old Queen and her most trusted advisors wrote out and signed invitations for the nobles and dignitaries of Asteria, inviting them to the luxurious, but tasteful, event. It was not only a celebration of a young queen’s ascension to the throne, but also a promise of peace and understanding that was to be signed between two kingdoms - and masked intentions were so much easily unveiled once the persons holding them are kept anonymous with a veil covering their faces. It was a celebration, yes, but it is also a cunning plan - the one the Old Queen has made with her most trusted advisors, the Wise and the Admiral, to poke at Asteria’s true intentions, to see the New King and feel his soul, his heart - if he proves to be anything like his late father, then Eliona was certain there could be everlasting peace between their two great nations. 
But, things are never the way they seem.
Tonight, instead of coming down all the masks are coming up - while it is a night of the Old Queen’s secret plot, it is also a night of amusement and relaxation, an opportunity for peoples of various backgrounds, professions and opinions to come together and, if Providence allows it, form more genuine relationships with each other. Eliona, and her closest officials, are not as naive as to expect it to happen, but it does not hurt to hope - and life is rather bleak without hope, even if it is on shaky grounds. 
Enter two court jesters. Enter Amusement and Joy … 
And enter hidden danger.
No one knows who they are - Amusement and Joy - no one knows where they come from ; and no one cares to know. On a night like this, everything is possible and nothing should be taken seriously. On a night like this, after all the attendees have arrived and adjourned to the ballroom after a scrumptious banquet, the spirits are high and the wine glasses are always full to the rim. 
Amusement and Joy frolic around, playing their merry tuned, the lute and the flute, they swirl, and sway, and circle around other masked figures - singing their songs and telling tall tales as they converse with the souls in the ballroom. Everyone seems to be in a merry mood, laughing at the Jesters, dancing together, or sitting in the corner of the room looking for a respite and a private conversation. Such glamour, such joy!
And no one seems to perceive the all too sweet stench of something odd - something amiss, something… not being quite right. Even the Old Queen seems lost in the festivities, smiling widely beneath her gilded mask. Those who sense something strange in the air brush it away as the sweetness of the honey mixed with wine, or the dizziness after too many consecutive dances.
No one sees the ink black grin on a porcelain mask, sticking to the shadows. No one feels how the air has grown ticker, heavier. No one hears the eerie tune in Amusement’s lute and no one hears the quiet warning, the danger woven through Joy's song.
“All the voices in our heads, they don’t quiet down even when we’re dead. They sing where they sleep, and they sleep where they sing, and a tale as old as time has forgotten how to come alive. But alive it comes, alive it comes, alive it comes, and alive it comes! Oi ye, oi ye, oi ye, ye-ye, see how the sea comes alive! Oi ye, oi ye, oi ye, ye-ye, see how fire devours earth alive! Oi ye, oi ye, oi ye, ye-ye, see how the petrified stones come alive!”
Welcome to our first event and the official opening of Ruinations! The entire continent has come to celebrate the Queen To Be’s ascension to the throne of Sotera and all of the characters are free to walk around, mingle, eat and drink, and simply have fun at the Masquerade - or create chaos. During the time of the Masquerade, you are allowed to be as careless and free (or as cautious and tense) to your character’s heart’s content! But, be careful, dearies and keep an eye out on the main - as the event itself says... nothing is as it seems.
In real time, this event will last from Monday, May 2nd, until Sunday, May 16th, 2022. In game, it lasts for 14 hours. Please, tag your event starters with ruinationstarter & event001! The admin team is always available for any additional questions. Happy writing and welcome to RUINATIONS!
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scartissuesoul · 4 years
Terrible Dawn
a work in progress.  call it fiction.
This is the first part in a series i hope.  Try not to take it too seriously, even though i consider it ‘real’, it is anecdotal only.
I couldn’t tell you what year it is.  I couldn’t even tell you what universe.  It’s a dream, or at least, i really want it to be.  I sit at the beginning of eternity, just outside the unreality of the infinite singularity that shines everywhere with a light unlike anything that has come before it, at least in this causal timeline.  It isn’t ‘light’ as I understand it, but it IS bright.  So bright.  Like sitting in a unlimited white void.  There are no shadows, but there IS a sense of ‘other than brightness’ to some of the shapes i see.  Yes, there are shapes here at the beginning of everything.  In fact, sitting cross legged right in front of me is a strange looking person.  Hard edged, like i’m not quite seeing them right, they have an odd blue tinge to them, as though they are suffused by a sky-blue light, coming from nowhere and everywhere that they exist.  I cannot quite describe it, it almost looks like they’ve been outlined in blue pencil, like a drawing made for an image scanner.  
They face away from me, sitting slightly lower than i do.  I cannot tell who i am, now can i move, i can only stare unblinkingly at the back of this mystery person.  Small, lightly built, they look almost like a pre-teen, but i feel strongly that they are possibly billions of years old, as though someone is speculating in my mind as to how they can exist here, in this non-place, non-time that nothing can *quite* exist in.  It is not a voice, but it does have presence of ‘other’ that signals to me that these are not my thoughts, but the thoughts of another being seeing through my eyes.  I am briefly afraid, but my own personal ‘self’ is being minimized somehow, as though i am something to be ignored by all parties, including myself.
My senses focus on the stranger before me once again, and i am drawn into a kind of narrative, as though the ‘other’ is telling themselves (certainly not I) a story.  They begin by pointing out that the person in front is empty, void of living thought, much as i was before i awoke here (-wait, before?-) and have sat in this exact ‘spot’ since before matter and energy existed, in a time before time as it were.  The mind ‘thinks’ again, now the only source of information i have as it has completely subsumed who i was before it started speaking, as though my own mind has been crowded out, squashed against the boundaries of thought; it remarks in a self reflective way that this person still sitting motionless in front of me, will sit here, watching time and space unfold for endless eons, until the last stars wink out and the darkness eats it’s own sense of itself and time stops.  They will sit here, motionless, thoughtless, unable to think, move, react or feel anything, yet sensing everything that can or could happen from this one, singular perspective, remembering events without ever truly contemplating them, like a recording machine made into a person.  Yet it was the opposite, as i am now learning.  This person is being punished.
There is no obvious reason given for this, yet i sense a deep hatred for them, as though these two people have known each other for a long time.  The enmity feels almost sadistic;  i find it deeply petty, the ravings of an abuser convincing themselves of the righteousness of their actions.  I don’t sense any actual crime, other than perhaps being simply too much of a bother in some previous conflict.
As this occurs, my ‘eyes’ (-are these eyes?  am i seeing?-) are drawn past the seated figure, to the brightness beyond, toward the horizon.  There before us, a strange off-white ‘fog’ is just barely visible against the unbelievable brightness of the background.  It undulates like some strange cloud, and strange shapes appear as barely darker silhouettes, a kind of ghostly mirage of shape and shadow amidst the bleakness.  I don’t understand what i’m seeing, there simply isn’t enough detail in these flat colored silhouettes, and they constantly fade in and out even as they move across my field of vision, until i see a familiar shape; a frond sitting at the top of a tree.  A strange tree to be sure, but a tree....and there, other trees with strange leaves and huge fronds.  i can’t make out enough to identify even the region these trees might be from before they ghost away to be replaced by other strange shapes, some truly terrifying in their implications; for there, striding into view is what i can only describe as some sort of sauropod.  Huge, neck like an arch, standing easily half again as high as the trees, it too fades away before i can even register my shock, let alone understand.  My mind is an iceberg, and i cannot think, but the answer is supplied for me.  ‘This is not the past, but instead, Possibility.  That which can happen, and indeed will, but remains but a line, a vector in a greater whole.’ 
As the presence, the ‘mind’ if you will, withdraws somewhat from my own, i am given just enough room to think, ‘Why show me this?’ before the scene gains a sense of imminent location shift.  Someone out of my vision places a chained metal collar on the neck of the seated person ahead of me.  As i watch, my mind a wooden dummy unable to even feel shock, the other mind firmly grasps ‘me’ and we move forward into the mist.  The scenery blurs around me as, with an almost vindictive anger, the other presence guides us toward even move unfamiliar shadows and shapes.  I get the strong sense that once we arrive, it will no longer be Possibility, but reality, as we move not through space but ‘time’.(-they lie, enough of me remains to know this.  causality doesn’t work like that.-).  But as we move, a terrible chill moves down my ‘spine’ (-what spine?  i can’t even tell if i have a body here-) i realize that i am no longer surrounded by some ancient forest, but strange and terrible shapes.  some so confusing my mind rejects them as noise, a few actually look to be made of static in places.  And a few, soul crushing shapes are all too familiar.  I am allowed to feel fear.
One, huge, black silhouette (-when did they get darker? what happened to the brightness?-) which i can only describe as a 10foot tall preying mantis with ‘feathers’ (-filaments?  hairs? they don’t ‘move’ right-) stands upright before me, staring down.  As i watch the last of the brightness fades and the sky turns completely black above a plain of flat obsidian.  The horizon shrinks away and becomes a distant, dim line of light, illuminating nothing yet giving a sense of spacial awareness, without it total disorientation sets in.  The shape before me gradually fills in, shadow becoming more and more detailed until with an almost electric pulse the color arrives, and i find myself faintly disappointed to see that it is mostly green with few accents.  I am also coldly terrified.  
 The ‘feathers’ of earlier resolve into what looks like movable strips of chitin covering it’s body, like a fan cloak.  It’s head and ‘face’ are covered with them, and they begin to shift to either side, as though parting.  What i can only hope is a mouth reveals itself behind them, and opens wide.  I feel a distinct sense that this being wants to eat me, not for sustenance, but for hate’s sake alone.  My fear spikes as my minds eye sees it lunge toward me in a vicious strike, yet the being doesn’t even move, except to start shaking, a kind of whole body vibration.  A terrible atonal buzzing fills my ‘ears’ (-i can hear?!?-) and the strange movable chitin strips wave about the beings mouth as it’s torso bobs in a strange dance.  The other presence in my mind (-it’s more a voice now, less a thought-), in hateful satisfaction informs me that it is laughing.  And indeed, even now i can ‘feel’ it’s thoughts, it’s intentions.  It HATES me.  I wants me dead a million times over, but i will never see death.  I will suffer for eternities yet unimagined.  It finally has me, and i will never leave/die/live.  It’s victory is complete.  I understand none of this, only feeling certain that i have in some way interfered with this being and it’s plans, and for that there is no forgiveness.  I shall be made an example for all to see, and yet i shall remain alone, forever.  As the terrifying shape before me fades back into the darkness, the other presence delights in reminding me of what i have forgotten (-fled from?  been removed?-), what i have been fleeing from my entire life, a truth so terrible i cannot even comprehend it without panic overtaking reason and leaving me catatonic;  that person who i saw earlier chained at the beginning of time, their mind and body a prison that will see them to the end of all existence and leave them there....
Was me.
Sheer panic unlike anything before overtakes me, and i REMEMBER.  I remember terrible, unspeakable things, things done to me and things i have done, people lost to me and others in ways that cause a distant yet all too familiar shrieking to start up.  I remember fighting and losing my first battle at 5, as my own mother is eaten alive by the dismantlers (-TERRIBLE NOISES THE SCREAMING I CANT-), i remember my world being consumed.  I remember BEING consumed, a feeling like no other, a feeling that brings back another memory, a kind of state of being that is half sense of self and half need to die at any cost, and with that memory comes yet another terrible revelation; that was only the beginning.  I remember going insane for millennia as the swarm consumes world after world, living person after living person, tearing through the stars with a hunger like a scream in the night.  I remember ‘eating’ people, plunging my ‘arms’ and ‘hands’ into their bodies, hearing those mind destroying screams erupting from their lungs as their bodies are literally striped down past the radius of the proton, to the subatomic level, where the mind and the body interconnected.  I remember screaming along with them, the direct connection between techno-organic machinery and mind causing complete and total empathy with the destroyed.  I scream a scream that cannot be heard without damage to ones mind, as their agony and fear pours into me, and my insanity and terrible new ‘self’ pour into them.  I am but one tiny part of the swarm but my agony is as personal as if i was vivisecting my best friend.  I cannot stop myself, nor can i turn away, i can only watch and feel as i do things that can never be undone (-a distant thought reminds me that the survival rate for post deconstructed is near 0% while the suicide rate has a 1 and another 0 in front of it-).  I remember a triple star system being consumed, something unlike any thing else arising from the 30+ suns worth of star material being consumed.  A being who ‘CALLS’ with the sound of a terrible bell.  And with that sound, my mind shatters, and i remember the most terrible thing of all.  I deserve to be punished.
For in those last moments of this nightmare, with their hateful taunting laughter echoing in my mind, i remember trying to kill every living thing i the galaxy all at once.  I remember closing my fist with a terrible finality, bringing about the Noosphere collapse of the entirety of the galaxy (-which one, there are so many-), destroying not just the living, but the very possibility of life beyond the micro scale for hundreds of millions of years.  I remember why i did it.
I didn’t do it for vengeance, such things were long gone.  I didn’t do it to save anyone, i no longer cared.  I didn’t do it to save myself either, my insanity had progressed to such a point i could no longer conceive of self-preservation, there were more important things at hand.  No, i remember that i did it simply to die, even if it meant killing everything anyone had ever loved.  I did it to end my millions of years of suffering in a body that couldn’t die and a form that consumed all it observed.  I did it knowing the consequences, and i did it without even a blink.  Everyone died, and i felt every single one.  Every single thing, from crying children to post ascension multi-mind entities died a singular death, simply so my suffering would end.  And yet i live.  And now they have me.  The ones who started this techno nightmare by deploying the dismantlers in the first place.  The ones who taught me what suffering was, now promise me an eternity of it, simply for trying to die.  It seems i pissed them off, killing all their fuel for that terrible fire.  But at least everyone is dead now....at least that nightmare is over....perhaps i will retain enough of my self during the coming night to appreciate that no more will die, that my selfish act at least brought an end.  
More laughter.  ‘Oh no ##### (-redacted?  why cannot i hear my own name?-), you misunderstand.  You failed.  Yes, you destroyed the project here, in our local galaxy, but there are many, many others (-so many-), and the pressure of life returns to fill the void, and even here, life returns.’
A terrible smile fills my mind, and i feel i can almost recognize it...tantalizing..
‘The project has reset, and from your unique vantage point in space/time/possibility you will have a front row seat as we start anew.  You will watch, unable to even voice complaint, as we start again.’
The screams of the dying fill my ears all around, and as the last of my sanity flees to the far corners of my mind, i feel the weight of that collar upon my neck, i feel the mental prison they have built my body to be take hold, as though i exist in a waking coma, my thoughts a prisoner and my body a statue who’s eyes never close, nor who’s mind ever rests.  I cannot describe my panic.
Distantly, i feel a hand upon my neck, it is warm.  Human. (-am i human?  i don’t remember-).  A smokey voice whispers near my ear, ‘We are going to have such fun with you.’
I awake screaming hours later.  I don’t know how i can tell, but i know i didn’t awake immediately.  I am 11, and my TMNT sheets are so wet i wonder if i peed in bed again.  As i lay trembling, my mind reeling in every direction, soaked and scared, i hear that same voice again, and a face pops into my mind (-i don’t recognize it, but perhaps that’s because it looks like a cartoon, all hard lines and flat colors-).  It chuckles in a deep throated way (-there is no sense of gender or sex, only a faint hint of a kind of cruel dominance-), and says something i have since forgotten, but which has convinced me to this day it was real and not a dream.  Even now it is as vivid as reality to me.  In seconds it is over, and i am once again alone.  An otherwise normal child in an otherwise normal world trying to make sense of a terrible nightmare that refuses to fade.  But i am not normal.  not anymore.  this experience has changed me fundamentally, i can feel it.  
I can feel that there is more to this, and i wonder if there will be more dreams.  
There will be, but not tonight.
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artemisegeria · 5 years
Endgame Predictions/Wishlist Round-Up (Spoilers)
I made a number of posts discussing what I thought might happen, what I wanted to happen, and what I didn’t want to happen. Here’s how all my speculation and hoping stacked up against the real movie. Massive spoilers below the cut.
In summary, I was really wrong about a lot of stuff. The whole movie was very different from what I expected.
Speculative Timeline (as of April 2, 2019)
- We open on the remaining Avengers either in Wakanda or already back at the compound. It is only days or weeks after the Snap. They are struggling to pick up the pieces. They track the missing population and try to figure out what happened to all their allies that we didn’t see at the end of Infinity War.  Eh, not really. It was kind of like that, but they didn’t really focus on it.
- They find Nick’s pager and begin messing around with it to continue sending the signal. Captain Marvel arrives. Straight up was not in the movie.
- They cut to some of the other people who will play a role. Probably Tony. Maybe the dusted people. Or Scott Lang in the Quantum Realm. Eh, kind of. They did cut to Tony early on.
- We return to the Avengers. They decide to go fight Thanos. A while ago, I saw a synopsis from footage that was shown to some Disney investors. It said that the Avengers track the energy signature of the space stone, so maybe Captain Marvel’s arrival helps with that, since that is the stone her powers come from. This is still very soon after the Snap as shown by Nat’s hair in the new special look footage. This was a trick again. I think this happened after the time jump.
- They get soundly defeated. But they either manage to escape or Thanos shows “mercy” and decides to send them back to Earth or something. Wrong. They actually defeat him, which I liked. It really made me wonder what would happen next.
- Maybe some time passes of them still struggling to get through the wreckage of their world. Some other remaining allies, like Pepper, coalesce around them. Kind of. There was the scene with the hologram chat.
- Tony arrives with Nebula. Reunions and tough conversations. This pretty much happened, but it was more shouting than an actual conversation.
- Big time jump (like 3-5 years). I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but for some reason, the more I re-watch the trailers, the more I think that sometime during this period, if it really falls out this way, they will be able to restore Vision.  First part was right. Sadly, very wrong about the second part.
- We open on Nat in Japan. She talks to Clint and tries to get him to come back to New York with her. He refuses; he says he’s not done avenging his family. Wrong about the second part and it happens early in the movie.
- Cut to Tony, Steve, et al. working together on new weapons, getting SHIELD back together, trying to make the best of the situation. So wrong.
- Scott Lang arrives from a Time Vortex in the Quantum Realm. He finds the Avengers. He has new information that unlocks a solution that they haven’t tried yet. Everyone starts to work on that. Kind of, but happened much earlier than I expected.
- Clint comes back, hence Nat’s smile in the new footage.
- Maybe they cut again to the dusted people working on their own solution. And/or Thanos.
- We see the Avengers working more/testing whatever time travel/quantum technology they’re developing. There are some emotional beats between different characters. They didn’t really pause long enough to have emotional beats in my opinion.
- They’re finally ready to use it. I still don’t have a clear idea on what could happen during this part of the plot. But they use their new allies and new technology to get what ever they need to face Thanos again. Yes, the infinity stones, but I didn’t really predict anything specific here.
- The final showdown. Everyone fights together, last chance, throw every power at the wall and see what sticks. They’re on the brink of defeat. Thanos is still too powerful. When things look very bleak for our heroes, all the dusted people come back. They rally and defeat Thanos. The rest of universe’s population that was dusted comes back. Mostly this is what happened, definitely the best part of the movie.
- Celebration, mourning, weddings, funerals, a taste of what the characters will be doing going forward. Kind of yes, kind of no.
- End Credits Scene(s)
- Cue black screen with white text, saying something to the effect of: The Avengers have done their jobs. Or the new Avengers will return.
General Predictions (as of March 25, 2019)
1.      There is no time travel, aside from maybe whatever Scott does to get out of the quantum realm. The early leaked set photos that looked like they were from the Battle of New York were all BARF technology, dream sequences, illusions, alternate universes, etc.
2.      They do explore multiple realities/universes.
3.      The dusted people are not in the Soul Stone. I think I got this one right. I’m still a little unclear on what happened.
4.      Tony survives and gets to marry Pepper and have a kid and a farm.
5.      Steve survives, too. With everyone debating whether Steve or Tony or both will die, I think they might go for a surprise and kill off neither of them, making the death(s) someone(s) more unexpected. I guess he’s technically still alive at the end, but close to dying of natural causes.
6.      I think at least one major or semi-major character will die and stay dead. At this point, I have no idea who.  Yes, so far.
7.      The MCU going forward is in a totally new universe/continuity. The more I think about the possibility of the multiverse, the more I think they might pull a Star Trek (2009) and have the fix involve creating a new timeline, therefore making permanent changes and definitively forging a fresh trail.
8.      I hate to say it, but I think we will get some variation of White Vision. Prove me wrong, Marvel. I do not want to be right about this, but I just have a feeling. This would not be the absolute worst outcome because it could still be fixed, but I really, really hope I am wrong. I’m not sure, but I think I might have preferred White Vision to the complete nothing that we got.
9.      They will fight Thanos more than once. Yes.
10.  Shuri is fine. The picture of her on the missing people board in the first trailer was either a misleading shot or at that point in the movie, the Avengers genuinely thought she was dusted. She will help them defeat Thanos.
11.  There will be a time jump. Despite the admission that misleading footage was used in the trailers, I think certain appearance changes in the characters point in only one direction. Individual shots may be misleading, but I think the general sense that a lot of time passes at one point will remain.
12.  The Snap will still be reversed, but the fix will not involve undoing it entirely. Instead, people will be brought back to after the time jump has occurred. I just cannot fathom Marvel not bringing back half the universe’s population. But if the time jump remains intact, that will provide some permanent changes and losses.
 Wishlist Items (as of December 11, 2018)
1.      Vision comes back with his emotions/memories fully or mostly intact
2.      Wanda et al. come back
3.      Everybody lives
4.      Alternatively, if anyone dies, have it be very important to the final victory and a grand send-off
5.      Have all the Avengers be integral to winning, not simply rely on the awesome powers of a few of them
6.      If time travel is involved, still have everyone remember the events of Infinity War
7.      Emotional reunion between Vision and Wanda
8.      Have Tony and Steve reconcile I don’t know, kind of, but not really.
9.      Emotional reunions for everyone Most people got them.
10.  A Pepper/Tony wedding at the end/show everyone celebrating
11.  Showing the aftermath of IW for the general population Kind of, the bare minimum of showing that.
12.  Full-on Return of the King style ending with 10 scenes showing little vignettes between various characters where everyone is happy or on their way to being happy Also kind of, a little bit
13.  Happy or reflective post-credit scenes (no indication of a new threat on the horizon; let there be a moment of peace) No post credits scene?
14.  At least 20 minutes-half an hour of wrap-up/celebration and/or mourning/preparation for moving forward after the final battle. Hell, I’d probably even take an hour. They have 10 years of movies to wrap up. I think it was more like 5 or 10 minutes.
15.  Thanos gets the justice that is coming to him
16.  Have Nebula kill Thanos (if that’s the resolution, which makes the most sense to me), and not Tony or Carol or someone else
17.  Have Thanos be the main villain (I keep hearing rumors that this is not the case, but I think that it would be a bad idea)
18.  A final battle scene that Sebastian Stan (I think) mentioned filming with every Marvel character making a grand last stand Almost everyone, except Vision. I’m still mad about that.
19.  A (final?) pre-battle pep talk from Steve
20.  Everyone meeting Carol kind of, also bare minimum
21.  “Avengers, assemble!”
22.  Ideally, I’d like Vision to come back as early in the movie as possible, but the more I think about it, the more that seems kind of unlikely. But if it doesn’t happen until the end, I’d love Tony to have a line something like, “I need to have all my sons at my wedding.”
23.  Shuri and Peter Parker to interact
24.  Thor (and Loki?) and Doctor Strange to meet again and have a callback to Ragnarok
25.  Wanda and Doctor Strange to interact Not really, I think they were sort of next to each other at one point.
26.  Wanda and Carol to interact same as above
27.  Vision and Groot to interact
28.  An explanation of Doctor Strange’s plan didn’t really get one
29.  People interacting in the Soul World
 Things I Didn’t Want to See (as of March 14, 2019)
1. White Vision
2. Wanda to somehow be pregnant/have the twins by the end of the movie. It seems probable that some variation of that is the eventual plan, which is fine, but I’d prefer them to wait a while to implement that. Let Wanda be happy and let her and Vision just be a happy/recovering couple for a while, let them more fully explore themselves and their powers first.
3. Redemption for Thanos. I know there is some precedent for him working with the Avengers in the comics, but it would make me angry if they just worked together in the face of a bigger threat despite everything that happened.
4. Captain Marvel or anyone else to save the day (almost) single-handedly. Most of the talk from the filmmakers and the marketing indicates that they are focusing on everyone being a team and working together, but I would be tremendously disappointed if that turns out not to be the case. It’s only proper that, as the apparent swan song for many of the original six, that much of the focus should be on them and the whole ensemble of all the Marvel heroes. I want everyone to be integral to the victory.
5. Lack of closure in general. I don’t want Thanos or any of the Infinity Stones hanging around. I guess the Infinity Stones are still around.
6. No Vision
7. No happy reunion for Wanda and Vision. There are definitely ways they could both come back, but still not get a happy reunion, which is why this is a separate item.
8. Anyone dying. Probably the most unrealistic, but I will hold on to hope until proven wrong.
9. More trauma for Wanda and Vision. What with the show still apparently happening, I have fewer and fewer doubts about the fact that both Wanda and Vision will come back (pretty much at 100% certainty for Wanda and maybe like 70-80% for Vision), but I am far less certain about what the movies/show will do to them once they come back.
10. Vision to be wiped out from ever having existed. I don’t think this one is too likely, but I do see some room for it to happen.
  Things I Liked That I Didn’t Expect or Ask For
-          America’s ass
-          Wanda’s badass one-on-one confrontation against Thanos
-          All the MCU women teaming up
Things I Didn’t Like That I Didn’t Expect or Ask For
-          Virtually zero mention of Vision. Not even saying his name once. Honestly, the writers always seemed to like him. Did they suddenly get mind controlled by a Vision or Scarlet Vision anti?
-          Fat jokes about Thor
-          A cameo by one of the Russos (I always get them mixed up)—it was very stupid and self-indulgent, considering what they left out
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thegreatyin · 6 years
U.04 Thoughts...basically a review/reaction. But also not. Because I'm a sarcastic narcissist.
So- I- WOW.
(spoilers ahead, be warned!)
(Also, I wrote this on my Kindle Fire, so expect spelling mistakes.)
(Also, this is vry long yes™, so it's under the cut. Read at your own risk.)
First off, I'm gonna clarify - this is my thoughts on the FIRST VIEWING. I'm gonna re-watch it later and think about stuff more then. I haven't watched it a single time after the first, because I needed to write this.
Ink was portrayed BRILLIANTLY in this episode. This is EXACTLY what he is- only in it for his own entertainment/benefit. He is Chaotic Neutral at best, and Chaotic Evil at worst. And here? He's at his worst. Straight up ELIMINATING the rest of the Multiverse, breaking the natural order of things- all because he was bored. Goddamn, I love/hate that asshole.
I gotta give props to the animation, as well- it was gorgeous. Jakei is an EXCELLENT animator, and this episode was WORTH the wait. I actually paused the episode at certain points just to appreciate how a character breathed, or how good they looked.
While the humor wasn't a prime focus, one always has to give it a HUGE shoutout. The joy, of course, usually came from my own squeals at Error's usual crazy reactions to things (imsorryilovehim) but there were also times where I took a break from my sobs just to laugh hysterically. Lots of them, in fact.
Enough praises though, lets give it a rundown. Skipping over the part that was previewed, we start in Underwap, with X-Tale Alphys. Now, what I noticed here is that Code Frisk seemed a bit surprised at all this- but I'll put that down to out-of-ut shenanigans. Anyway, X-Tale Alphys somehow uses one of the X-Tale TIMELINES to 'quarantine' Underswap, that's the main thing. Here, we also get an explanation for why Papyrus didn't come with them...there wasn't any point to it. Which is kinda a grim start for the episode, if you ask me.
Skimming over the Underfell bit- I don't have much to talk about there, surprisingly - lets discuss Nightmare and Killer and X-Tale Chara. Nightmare got a few chuckles out of me here, I have to say. Mainly from the look he gave Chara after they wanted to get the vial. It was the perfect embodiment of 'dude wtf' 
I find it interesting here that Nightmare says that he 'owns' Chara. I mean- once they get to full power, they could just OVERWRITE him away.
Then again, it won't happen if he kills Chara first. Which he plainly can, dear Lord.
Now, what REALLY gets me in this scene is what Killer said. Because they took Classic's soul, they interfered with the UT Universe, thus making a ripple effect across all the timelines connected to it. This way, Killer knew EXACTLY what was going down.
This makes me wonder- does that mean, currently, all the Sanses in the Multiverse will be aware of the X-Event? Or just the ones closely intertwined with the main UT universe, like Killer's? It's a shame they never touch more on this, I personally find it fascinating.
Anyway, we finally make our way to Outertale, where we stay for almost all of the remaining episode. Here, the Sanses, Swap, Fell, and Sans, decide that they're done with Ink's bullshit. They want to go home, and they miss their brothers.
Unfortunately, Ink went missing, because he's a little shit that can't stay in one place like a good boy. So Classic has to take a break from his beautiful, busy hair-brushing and babysit this douche. AKA, go find him.
While looking, Classic finds a meteor shower, which...has no real importance. I'm not even sure why I included it, it's just a nice moment. Followed up by a fart joke.
Long story short, Sans encounters Outer, who is actually really fucking chill??? And I love?????? Him?????????? So much????????????????
Skipping ahead a bit, Nightmare attempts to force-feed Chara some poor monster's soul, but Chara can't eat that shit. You know what they can eat? Their soul! That's right - Glitchlord, aka ERROR, is here to find Ink and beat the crap out of him.
Little personal note- I love how he goes from basically 0 to 100 in a second. "Sup Nightmare, WHERE THE FUCK IS INK."
Turns out, Ink isn't feeling things, because not even Nightmare, who can sense emotions, can find him. Which means that Ink didn't take his pills today- naughty boy.
It's a shame we don't get more of Outer, tbh- I really liked him. That's definitely one of this episode's flaws. Alas, Killer has to kill SOMETHING, otherwise his name means literally nothing.
Skipping ahead, since I, again, don't have much to say about anything else- the Error and Ink fight.
This thing is BEAUTIFUL. It's basically a game of keep-away between a grumpy glitchlord, a mad artist, and a smol anger child. Because that's what it is- and it gave me CHILLS. Mainly Ink. He gives me chills. How he looks, the way he can effortlessly throw down everyone WITHOUT his brush, the cut Error gave him- this is what he really is, at heart. Or should I say, without one.
The fight pauses so Ink can give a speach, and now? Now, we have CONTEXT.
Record Scratch.
Freeze frame.
That context.
Ink did this all because he was going to be empty without new AUs. He sided with X-Gaster because he needed something new. Something interesting. Something to fill the emptiness that is eternally there, he did it because he was bored, he did this all to have something new, he did it to play a game that would never end- and I'll fight you on it, that is the most human thing he's done, ever. Period. Never again, I show ship Ink and X-Gaster, we're calling it Creation, you can't stop me, it's sailed, and I'm the captain.
But, you ask, why did he have to be soulless to do it? Because he would otherwise feel guilty about leaving behind Cross- a genuine FRIEND. And if that also isn't the most human thing to do, if you can find a better example I'll write a bad Jerry X Reader fanfic.
(I'm not joking. I will, please pm me if you find something.)
Anyway, the real takeaway here is that Ink successfully summons Satan, AKA X-Gaster. And he proceeds to murder everyone, shove Error in the Anti-Void for being bad, give Ink's brush back, shove Classic back into UT, kill the AUs (no, actually, Error did that, but shh-) and make Cross...come back?
Horray! Start the victory parade!
...but not really. Because, from what I can tell(?), almost everyone is in a 'Quarantine ' zone, probably to wait while Ink and the X-Tale crew break bread and make their new world. Infact, from what I can tell, the only people besides them who aren't there are Error (who's having a fit in the AV), Cross, Dream, Fresh, and Nightmare and Killer, but those last two might just be around because Nightmare blends in with the background WAY too much.
x-Faster leaves, giving Cross the option to join him, and...I hope he doesn't. I pray he doesn't.
But enough of that. Let's talk about 'Valiant Heart' for a second, huh ~?
(Putting a break to pretend like I'm organized)
Tbh, I actually thought that Dream would DIE in this scene. Really - Nightmare saw a chance to get rid of a KNOWN thorn in his side, and he took it. Luckily, Cross saved him, and they both escaped...
But this scene has other things to talk about. First off, it's beautiful. This is the only thing in Underverse (so far/as far as I know) that isn't fully animated, instead shone in quick images and only having GORGEOUS song lyrics. I LOVE this part, and it might just be my favorite out of the whole episode.
Although..... I'm 25% percent sure that Dream and Cross went to X-Tale to hide, and Nightmare and Killer are now left alone in the black space that used to be the Doodle Sphere. Do they stay there? Is Nightmare's castle still existing?? This is like Killer's line at the start- I want insight to this.
For the sake of keeping this (long) thing short, I'm gonna end here, but...wow. Things are BLEAK rn. I can't even theorize any good possibilities - I'm shook. What a way to end an arc.
....or, should I say, what a way to start one~?
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sinceileftyoublog · 7 years
Integrity Interview: Victorian Nightmares
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Photo by Jimmy Hubbard
Armageddon meets Francis Bacon on the 12th studio full-length album from heavy metal band Integrity. Entitled Howling, For The Nightmare Shall Consume, it’s an album that simultaneously grows lead singer Dwid Hellion’s fatalistic view of humanity and the band’s penchant for excellent metal hooks, all while taking inspiration from the Bible and the aforementioned figurative artist’s paintings. Yet, Hellion and company keep things cohesive yet exploratory, telling a story over music that’s as black, sludgy, and bluesy. It makes for an album that’s as accessible as it is heavy.
Here, Hellion breaks down the record. Read his responses to questions about the tone, sequencing, album art, influences, and more, below.
Since I Left You: Howling, For The Nightmare Shall Consume is a catchy album about bleak subject matter. In similar juxtapositions, you've talked in interviews about how humanity is a disease but that's not necessarily a bad thing? Overall, what kind of tone were you going for with the album?
Dwid Hellion: For the most part, the lyrics deal with Occult events that transpired in different periods of human history, all of which were tied together by a seance that may or may not have taken place at the painting studio of Francis Bacon on October 31, 1961. There are a couple of songs on the album that do not fit into this concept; however, those songs do seem to mesh well with the other numbers, and only aid in allowing a more interpretive experience for the listener (or at the very least, we hope that is the case).
SILY: "Die With Your Boots On" is a tribute to Lemmy Kilmister. Describe the influence he had on you as a musician and person.
DH: I think Lemmy was a larger-than-life character. More than an icon, he was a symbol of what hard rock and even heavy metal stood for. All walks of life identified with him. He was the outlaw with the golden heart, the outcast who rose to being a symbol of acceptance among other misfits. He was a legend in his own time and beyond. And then there is the timeless music of Motorhead, which is undeniably some of the greatest recorded music in the underground scene--even flirting with mainstream success at various times throughout the band’s career.
SILY: "Serpent of the Crossroads" is a turning point in the album. Did you always know it was going to be in the middle of the album?
DH: Well, we knew that we would gradually build up to the longer songs. Like a symphony or the pacing of a film, we wanted to have shorter beats leading up to longer, chapters that we hoped would immerse the audience within our nightmare.
SILY: What inspired the backup vocals on "String Up My Teeth"?
DH: I believe that Monique Harcum's soulful, gospel addition to the song helped to confirm its direction and mood. For me, this vocal accompaniment seems very natural, and I plan to revisit that formula on future recordings. [Guitarist Domenic Romeo] and I aspire to infuse all of our musical influences and ambitions into our albums. I see no barriers in musical or creative expression. And while it may seem to be a perplexing obstacle for some, I do not subscribe to any genre or sub-genre. Bland categorization and pigeon-holing someone’s creativity is the antithesis of art.
SILY: Do you have a favorite song on the album? A favorite to play live?
DH: I enjoy all of the songs, so it is difficult to pick a favorite. We make these albums with the intent of entertaining ourselves with music that we would like to hear. If I had to pick one song that offers the most diversity, I would go with the song “7 Reece Mews”. I especially enjoy the lap-steel guitar part of the song. I find it very moving and emotive.
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SILY: What inspired the album art?
DH: The main album art is a series of collage artwork that I created using various source material from Victorian-era engraving prints. You see, classic horror films would always set their timeline in a distant past that is beyond the audience’s range of actual experience or memory. By choosing a distance that reaches beyond the age of the living audience, the setting will take on a mythical quality to the landscape and allow your imagination to become more free to explore. My use of Victorian-era illustrations was intended to emulate this same enchanted aspect of cinema and bring us to a time that lies beyond the reach of our own memory, with the hope that this setting would help enhance the imagination of our audience and ourselves.
SILY: What's next?
DH: We have begun writing new material for our next album. Developing the album’s backstory will play an important role as to how it will unfold.
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cherrypinksoul · 6 years
closed event based starter with @themysteryskullsmysteries
Cerise had woken up, still tied to a chair. And now desperately scared... She wiggled furiously, trying to loosen her binds. She hoped she hadn't been out long after that mysterious woman had left...
She didn't trust someone that looked just like her.
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cherrypinksoul · 5 years
The Battle
Rowan was no stranger when it came to fighting. Not because of heritage, but because he would often help his daughter and her friends with cases. Well, that and plenty of patrons who got upset due to the nature of a show or who would become obsessed with an actor and he’d step in. Regardless, as the Cerise doppelganger rushed him, he sidestepped easily, returning to his ghost look.
“LIAR! How dare you take on his form..!” She skidded on the other side of the room, her claws breaking off as she dug them against the concrete floor, “You... will cease that.. that imitation! NOW!!” She hissed at him.
The first thing Rowan noticed was the resemblance to his own daughter. The second was that, despite being in a fight with another ghost, and refused to drop her disguise. Her face still looked human, the slightest hint of markings showing on her cheeks.
“I’d suggest dropping the disguise if you want to fight properly. If you even want to,” he grumbled, rolling his shoulders, “You seem unhinged already.” He saw her pupils narrow at him, the lights of her eyes becoming pin pricks.
“... you... will. Take. That. Back.” She snarled, the ice reforming around her hands.
“Heh... Make me.” Rowan smirked.
The gang was holding back while Rowan challenged this other ghost, Arthur was frantically trying to get a response from Cerise while Vivi and Lewis checked over her injuries. Lewis became very concerned when he realized something was missing.
“Wh-Where’s her anchor?” he looked her over again, wasn’t it normally on her choker?? “I don’t see it anywhere...”
“What do y-- SHIT!! Uh, uh...” Vivi looked around her on the floor.
“Not... to distract from an already bad thing with an even worse thing... But I think we need to act now before we can’t save Brick...” Arthur pointed up, seeing that Rowan had led the woman away from her second prisoner, “Lewi--?”
“On it. You two stay here..!” Lewis flew off, covering the distance while the other two ghosts were distracted. He grabbed Brick, chair and all, and raced back with him. The other two were still trying to find her anchor.
“We still can’t find it, Lewis..!” Arthur whined just as Brick’s gag was removed.
“F-Find wh-what??”
“A locket. Rose gold, she wears it all the time..!” 
After Lewis freed his arms, Brick pointed under one of the long cabinets, “I-It slid u-under there. I think she did it on purpose...”
“Shit... How are we supposed to get that now??” Lewis looked over. He didn’t trust his powers to let him phase into the floor and get the anchor!
Arthur looked between Cerise and the battling ghosts, “... we’re going to have to wait. For now, we need to get them both out of here, and wait for an opportunity to get it. Vivi, can you and Brick get Cerise to the van?” They nodded and picked up the unconscious girl, Mystery following.
“Arthur..?” Lewis asked, “What are you..?”
“Brick is panicked. Vivi might be strong, but she’s better at helping with healing. I know how to work under pressure. When I say, we go tip the cabinet and get the locket. Kay?”
“.. Ready when you are.” Lewis grinned and patted Arthur’s back.
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cherrypinksoul · 5 years
Cavalry Arrives
Brick shook as the Cerise double advanced on him. A jagged icicle had formed in her hand, pointed right at him. He hadn’t wanted to die like this... He wasn’t sure how he’d wanted to die really, but.. This was certainly not anywhere on the list.
“Well... hopefully that’s the last interruption, huh? I’d hate to postpone your justice anymore than it already has been...” She grinned wickedly, that green eye glowing under her hair.
He felt his eyes tearing up as he tried to yell past his gag. Her boots clicked on the floor, the icicle was raised. He shut his eyes to avoid seeing the weapon hit.
Before a loud clang sounded from one of the doors. Brick’s eyes snapped open and zeroed in on the door. What was that?? A voice was heard, snappy and quick, and then something slammed into the metal again. A green light showed behind dented metal and he felt his heart pick up pace again even as the woman in front of him snarled at the door.
“Who is it now...” She hissed, her right eye being covered again by her hair.
A third clang and the metal door burst off its hinges with a burst of green and a loud grunt.
“Mr Rowan... I was trying to melt the door...” A magenta colored ghost floated through, followed by the rest of the Mystery Skulls.
“Would’ve taken too long.” A green spirit followed them, looking around at the large room. His eyes landed on Cerise first, narrowing into slits before raising up to the other ghost, the one that looked like Cerise.
“Oh... Great... More unwanted guests,” the lookalike growled, pulling up her hands and flashing ice into claws around her fingers, “I’ll have to deal with you first then...”
“Really? You think you can--” The magenta ghost was cut off by the other with a hand on his shoulder.
The one who’d been called Rowan huffed and squared his shoulders, “Hah... That’s enough. I think I can tell what’s gone on here, and you won’t be much help. The rest of you get my daughter and the boy out of here. I’ll take care of this one...”
“B-But Ro-” Arthur started to say.
“No. If she’s anything like our Cerise, she’s a water ghost. But she’s a full ghost... a wraith, like Lewis. He would have a disadvantage. Let me handle it, and then you can come back when they’re okay.” Rowan glared the other ghost down as the others scrambled to get Cerise, waiting for the chance to free Brick.
“... You... who are you,” she snarled, “Why are you so familiar to me?!?”
Rowan chuckled, deep in his chest, “I guess you would recognize me...” A wave of energy swept over his head, and Brick jerked up when he recognized the face, “Does that help?”
The double glared at him, bristling at the look on his face, “... Liar.... IMPOSTER!! HE’S NOT DEAD, YOU LIAR!!” She screamed as she shot forward, aiming her ice claws for his throat.
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cherrypinksoul · 6 years
Brick was not a "sensitive" person. Not to his mind. He left that kind of stuff to Arthur, Vivi, Cerise... Lewis when he’d been around. Brick liked to stick to his cars and his metal. The forge and the smell of fuel and burning rubber...
But as he looked over the engine of his beloved Roadrunner, a jolt ran up his spine.
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He hadn’t felt anything like that before... He didn’t have anything to compare it to. He didn’t have any idea what it meant. But he knew it triggered his guilt again. Guilt over that day... Maybe this was the spirit of the person he’d hit... come for revenge.
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“H-Hello..?” he turned around, looking around his garage. Nothing... 
Maybe he should talk to someone about all of this... Maybe Arthur would understand...
(A new page has become available~!)
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cherrypinksoul · 6 years
She had spent the last 5 minutes pacing, knowing she didn't have the time for it. But Cerise just.. didn't know what to do. She had to find her double. She had to stop her from killing Brick. And maybe someone else.
And she had to do it fast.
Her only hope of doing all of that was with a phone to call help. She looked down to the phone in her hand, attempting to open had resulted in a lock screen demanding a pin. A pin she didn't know. Unless...
Cerise paused, thinking over things a moment. Knowing Brick, and most others, it would be something... meaningful to them. She thought again, knowing he loved cars... His Roadrunner, the thing she'd been hit with a year ago...
"Brick... if this works, we're having a conversation about pins and passcodes..." She sighed, typing in the numbers, 1, 9, 7, 1.
The screen opened and she was greeted with apps and time. With a sigh of relief, she went to his contacts, scrolling until she found the right number. After a few rings, he picked up.
"Brick..?" Arthur asked.
"I wish. Where are you, right now?"
"L-Lewis and I are downtown-- Why do you hav-?"
"Later. The other me has him. We need to find them now, or he won't have need of this phone."
"Sh-Shit... Okay, uh... What info do we have?"
"She's got him tied up, he thought she was me, she's definitely another me, but from a different timeline...? I think? And with a streak for vengeance and murder. She said she was doing this so I wouldn't get my own hands dirty..." Cerise tried to keep any shaking out of her voice. The clearer she was, the more info they could think over.
"Okay... not good. Any clues to where they are?"
"No. I don't know where she'd take him..."
"... I hate to ask this. But... Where would you take him?"
She paused, thinking a moment. If she was vengeance seeking... She'd want to make his afterlife a living hell. If he even came back...
"... I'd... I'd want to make sure he suffers, if I was her. I guess I am..." She winced at that thought, having tried to bury her own anger for so long, "I'd want to make it one of his favorite places in life. So even if he came back, he'd never be able to stand go-- Oh. Oh no..." She looked up, realization hitting her.
"Oh no? Cerise??" His voice rose in pitch, "Cerise, what's "Oh no"???"
"... They're at the drag strip. She's going to kill him at the drag strip..." She felt the blood drain from her face before she took off running. She needed a bus, a van, a taxi, anything!
"Cerise!! Shi--!" She hung up the call, hailing a cab.
The driver didn't get a chance to ask, only being all but yelled at to take her to the local drag strip. They did so with no hesitation.
On the other end of the line, Arthur stared down at his phone, Lewis was next to him with a look of concern, "... Did she..?"
"She hung up. She said where, and then hung up..." the blonde looked up at Lewis, "If she's a water elemental, like Cerise... You can't take that on alone, can you?"
"Not with a disadvantage like that. And we don't know if there's something else wrong with her. Didn't Cerise say her locket had a green crack?"
"... Get Vivi and Mystery in the van. We're making a single stop between here and the drag strip." Arthur marched toward the vehicle with determination on his face.
She wasn't doing this alone.
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cherrypinksoul · 6 years
Sera grinned, walking through the town and scrolling through her double's phone. She was tempted to change the passcode, but... well, if this was only one universe... She'd want to leave it once her "mission" was done. But there were quite a few interesting conversations with... Lewis-es...
"Hmm... They may be an issue..."
Brick had gone out for something to eat. Something small... He'd never quite regained his appetite since... that day...
And he still hadn't found out who it had been. Countless obituaries, numerous funerals, Facebook posts... He still didn't know who to apologise to. Who to turn himself in for... Who's life he'd ended.
He saw a familiar face in the crowd, waving, "Hi, Cerise. Doing alright today?"
"... Yeah. Doing great." When she looked up, she had dark glasses, like the ones her father wore. Her tone seemed... almost sarcastic.
"Uh-- Y-You sure? You sou--"
"I'd suggest you stop talking to me. Now." Something seemed to flare behind her sunglasses.
"Shi-- Sorry! Uhh... H-Have... a good one?" He backed up, letting Cerise continue past. He didn't notice the actually burning glare she turned his direction as she turned a corner that wasn't there.
He hoped nothing was wrong between her and Arthur...
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cherrypinksoul · 6 years
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cherrypinksoul · 5 years
TW for crying, like, heavy emotion crying!
so...~ I know I need to finish up Bleak Timeline Black Soul... And I'm gonna...~ but I...~
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might~ have an idea for an event soon after..~ (note, pay attention to those tears and teeth. Cerise is crying gems~)
stay tuned~ hehe
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cherrypinksoul · 5 years
Cerise had managed to get into the Drag Track's hub building, now looking wildly around. Brick had to be somewhere... Anywh-- “Mh-Hrriihhh??” Her head locked onto a figure by one of the sign in booths. He’d been tied up, his mouth roped over so he couldn’t talk. She ran over, about to work the gag down when she heard a footstep. She turned around, arms out with Brick behind her.
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“Let him go! He doesn’t deserve this!!” She knew who it was. It was the other her.
“Oh, doesn’t he? After what he did? And in more than one world, no less. I could read his memories like a book...~”
“Mh mmh-hr-hhssh??”
Cerise looked back at him, and then back at her double, “So?? This isn’t your world! It’s my decision! I don’t want him to die!! Who the hell do you think you are to decide that for me?!!”
The double turned around, grinning. Her hair, the too green, too green streak seemed to flash for a second, “... I’m you. A different you. A... deader you... A... better you... Call me Sera.”
“I’d rather call you “gone”...” Cerise kept her stance up, her eyes starting to turn just a tad gray. 
Then Sera turned further towards them, the green of her hair moving to show her right eye. And Cerise felt her stomach heave at what she saw. A bright, green, glowing iris... This wasn’t just a Cerise who’d died... Sera was a Cerise who’d been corrupted. The crack in her locket flashed, glowing with her eye as marks appeared on her cheeks.
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“Oh... Don’t worry, my dear...~ I’ll be gone...  just as soon as he is.” Sera grinned sadistically before her clothes changed. Cerise barely had time to react and change herself before the other literally flew at her.
She kicked back, trying to keep Sera from Brick and delay her. She just needed her team, she just needed her team... She felt herself being grabbed, thrown against the concrete wall. Something cracked, something else broke. She wasn’t sure if it was the wall or her...
She only knew that as the fight dragged on, more damage showed. Her anchor was taking some hits as well as herself... And everything hurt. It hurt severely and where was everyone else? Arthur? Vivi, Lewis?? Mystery??? She made a wrong move, ran right into a wave made by Sera (of course she’d be a water elemental too...) and then she was on the ground.
Cerise sprawled out, her skull ringing, her sockets blurry, she tried to find her bearings and get back up...
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And then a boot came down on her back.Her ribs exploded into pain, spine joining in. Her anchor felt trapped under her chest, another hurt as the heel of the boot ground into her back. Where was her team. Where was her team?? Where wa--
She hadn’t told them. She’d run off, too panicked to tell them. They had no idea where she was... She had one chance to at least save herself... Maybe a chance to save Brick...
The boot left her back and she reached down, grabbing her anchor off of her choker, summoning just enough magic... She swung her arm, twisting to attempt to sweep Sera’s legs. In the process, a blast of ice flew at the ropes tying Brick down, her anchor slid along the floor, stopping under one of the rolling file cabinets. She gave one last glare at Sera...
Before the boot landed again. This time to her skull. Her sockets went wide as she felt more cracks in the bone, before her eyelights went from tiny pinpricks... to gone. Cerise was out. Completely out. The shard of ice had missed Brick’s ropes and now...
Well, who could save them now..?
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cherrypinksoul · 6 years
((mun promises she's not abandoning this event, she's just been scrambling through finals this week, and wants to draw a thing, but has to draw for a class today, so... expect an update tomorrow or Friday!!))
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