#even if the avatar in question was his mentor who was barely an avatar cause she was into homicide and carnage
jayktoralldaylong · 10 months
Four ways to become an Avatar:
1. Being chosen by an already existing Avatar: This is how majority of Avatars become Avatars, even Jon went down this path (that's right Mr. Sims, you're not special 😂 - I'm sure he's relieved about that).
2. Becoming an Avatar without connections - This one is harder an often involves a Leitner book. Often involves a search for power. Eventually these Avatars will get connections or meet another Avatar to help them along or they'll die fast.
3. Getting chosen by the Entity - Very very rare. Almost never happens. Entities are worse at communication than your toxic Ex.
4. Getting born FOR an Entity - The rarest one. You would think getting born the personified version of an Entity would come with lots of benefits (and it often does because these people are often more powerful than any other Avatar - Agnes and Peter), yet for some reason I think these guys are worst Avatars in general. 😭💀 It's not like they're bad at their job, they are very good at burning and making people lonely, but that's also the only thing they know how to do. 😭😭 Outside of their field they are lost (Agnes even had an identity crisis when she couldn't burn things anymore). I don't know how to explain it but they're really pathetic at manipulation as well. 😭🤣💔 They also seem to have an identity crisis when they get into complicated situationships.
TMA spoilers in the tags.
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hahafatcat · 3 years
ATLA and LoK adventure with my dad
I’m gonna tell you guys a little story on my avatar adventure with my dad. 
So here goes. 
My dad is a fan of animated movies/series. He enjoys them. But my dad is a serious person and that’s pretty much one of the little things we bond with. (I remember one time he told me he took mom on a date they went to the movies to watch the release of The Lion King).
We stopped doing this when he had this contract to work overseas for at least 7 years. he comes home during the holidays but barely has time for us kids since we also have school related things to do, friends, etc.  and he has his business to take care of. 
Anyway. So I started watching The Legend of Korra. I’ve watched ATLA many times since childhood, and I’ve finally decided to watch it ‘cause I got curious and I wanna see if it’s just as good as ATLA (also because bending shit I like watching that) 
So I was somewhere in S1 when my dad walked in on the living room. He saw me watching it so he stood for a while and faced the TV. He was quiet for a bit. 
Then he was like “What show is that?” and I was like “Oh, The Legend of Korra. It’s a sequel of the The Last Airbender” 
Ok I didn’t know if dad knew the Last Airbender but he didn’t care. He just sat next to me and watched, he was able to catch on what’s going on. 
Then turns out HE DIDN’T KNOW about the ATLAverse and so I had to briefed him on the whole 4 nations thing. The avatar. The elements. the basics.
He was so intrigued with the concept of the Avatar verse that he kept asking me all the questions, of course since I am a fan of the series I answered all of them. 
From the main elements to the sub elements. Then we watched it until we made it to S3 and trust me we stayed up all night! 
Mom was all “It’s time to sleep” then dad was like “one more episode I wanna see how this ends”. Even I was all “dad I’m sleepy now” and he was like “just get to bed, I’ll stay up a bit” (We’re still watching LOK) 
Then after he finished the series he was all “That was really good” and I was happy he enjoyed it. 
Then fast forward like in January when school starts again. 
My little brother was starting out on ATLA because he was curious about it. Then we both watched it together. Then my dad was like “Is this a new one?” 
Then I was like “No dad, it’s the main Avatar series. The Legend of Korra was a sequel of it. Part 2 if you call it” 
Of course he was old I had to explain it simple terms to him. 
Then he was like “aight I’ll watch it then” 
Then he watched and watched he even went ahead and watched without us while we got school. Then the next thing I heard he finished the series
He was all “That was really good!” Then he started talking about how amazing the story is, and realistic, not childish at all. and he talked about how efficient bending is if applied in modern world. 
Then he asked and was all “What happened to them after this?” He meant the main charactesrs. 
Of course I had to explain again the Legend of Korra where the characters got old, I had to remind of the old avatar  gang (Katara, Zuko and Toph) were there. then the part when Aang died etc etc Korra took over that stuff. 
Then I also told him Katara and Aang had three kids(one of them was Tenzin the old guy who was Korra’s mentor) He remembered him and he was like SHOOK like he was all “THEY GOT TOGETHER?” 
then I was all “Yeah, they had three kids together, then Toph had 2 kids, the two rockbending sisters that fought earlier, if you remember the other one was a brat then the one was a cop. Then remember their mom ripped the papers? THat was TopH!
and he was like “That was toph?? She became a chief?” and I was like yeh
Then I also mentioned the part where they were loooking for zuko’s mom and he was like “Is that a series too?” I told him it was in the comics then he was like “Where? Where did you watch those comics?” I was like “online, but I didn’t get to read all of it since it’s available only in the US..I think” 
He just nodded and said he still can’t believe Aang and Katara got togehter.
He nodded and was like “Good for them, they were good kids.” 
It was one of those moments that I appreciate my dad despite us having lots of differences. It’s those little moments we bonded and feel there’s actually something we get along with. I miss that.
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what-a-messsss · 3 years
2x3 rewatch
I keep forgetting that Brach is still in S2.  Oops.  Also, I apparently went to check something in S6 last time I watched something, so it started at 6x2 instead of 2x3 and I yelled.  But anyway, on with this mess.  “Death Came in Like Thunder” apparently.  It sure did.
Ah yes, let us not forget that Branch is MANLEH.  This shall be proven to us by him murdering his cousin, Trunk, with big ax.  Chop chop, Branch, kill Trunk.  But oh no, must also show that he is People Smart, so must also lose because this makes him likable.  And many white people clap.  Yaaaay.  But be sure to say, “I let him win, Ferg,” while your competitor is right next to you, so he almost surely heard you.  Good good.
Oh Ferg.  Could you look more gormless if you tried?  (I mean, probably not, since presumably that was the goal of the actor, so he would have been trying.  But still.)  Bb.
Heh, nice thematic cut to Walt also chopping wood.  And YAY, Henry’s gorgeous truck (and gorgeous self).  I’m just going to take a moment to appreciate the fact that Henry rolls up and just helps himself to some of Walt’s thermos of coffee.  Because of course he does.  But I do so love these touches that they put in that do underline the fact that they are married have been besties for going on 40 years.  Also, I love this jacket of Henry’s.  The woven top, jean jacket sort of one?  Yeah, top 5 costume pieces of his for me.  (Also on that list, all basically tied with each other, basically any pants he wears.  I am reminded, when they cut back out to a full body shot.  Because I am very shallow, and he is very pretty.)
Haaaaaa.  And of course Cady talked to Henry before she talked to Walt.  Walt is a butthead.  And, yeah yeah, she just found out that he’d been lying to her for over a year, but that just proves my point that Walt is a butthead.  And we’re back to this whole idea that she left her phone, which just... ugh.  No.  But Henry’s face when he says that she said that she is safe, and he’s so worried, but still willing to respect her boundaries.
“She is an adult, Walt.”  “She’s my daughter.”  For fuck’s sake, you jackass, your ADULT daughter; that’s the whole flipping point!  Also, that little emphasis on my daughter, pfft.  If you didn’t want to feel like she preferred her cool dad to you, maybe try being less of an AAAAAAASSHOLE.  And, like, respecting her.  Even a weensy little bit.
“Etta Place”  I don’t remember if we find out why that’s the ‘assumed name’ that Cady chose, but I’m intrigued.  Wait, I just googled.  Looooool.  She spent years with Butch and Sundance.  Nice.
Walt is such a soft touch with teens.  *snack crackle pop* that kneecap back into place.  Vic starts this scene saying, “The 911 operator,” though, which is interesting, because I was kind of under the impression that Ruby was the main dispatcher, so it would be kind of heartening if she actually had back up with that.  ...Or maybe they’re just far enough out that a cell call made would be picked up by a tower farther out and have to be routed back in to the station/them.  I have no idea how that actually works.  Another rabbit hole for me to totally not go down.  Hopefully.  Shit.  They’ve apparently upped the fine for trespass since the show, though, because it’s $750 (or 6 months in jail) now and Walt says it’s $500.
And once again, we see Vic actually wearing gloves while investigating a suspicious death, and Walt just squinting into the distance helpfully.  I suppose “things got bad” in Basque country around WWII, but there has been friction there that dates back before the Spanish Civil War, or even the Carlist Wars the previous century.  It did get gnarly with the dictatorship of Franco, and the formation of the ETA in retaliation, though, so yeah.  (Francisco Franco is also on the list of people who anybody with a time machine should go back and beat the shit out of.)
Shit, I forgot about the animal death.
Knock knock, no answer.  Better just wander in without a warrant.  I know that the guy who they know lives there is dead, but still, no fricking warrant; I suppose the worry of a poisoning could count as probably cause?  
Gods, but there are moments when I do absolutely adore Vic, and they are usually when she’s taking the piss out of Walt.  “Reclusive bachelor chic; you and Marco have the same decorator.”  Looool.  But also, sad, because Martha has only been gone for a little over a year, and Walt is not the kind of person who would, like, change stuff and get rid of her things, so that’s kind of odd.  Maybe Henry and/or Cady went though and put away some of her things to try to help Walt move on?  But damn, the ‘excuse you’ look on Walt’s face when she does say it, pffft.
AND AGAIN, Vic wearing gloves, Walt with his bare ass hands picking up the picture of Picasso’s Guernica; can you at least *pretend* you’re a cop, *some* of the time, buddy?
Lol at the barrabilak; they are pretty well by the Rocky Mountains, so it’s probably not all that surprising that Walt’s had some “Rocky Mountain oysters” before.
I had forgotten that Vic had four brothers.  But her comment about Sal going off to look after the sheep and how if someone had told her that one of her brothers were dead she “wouldn’t care about any damn sheep,” I don’t know.  It kind of annoys me.  It’s totally in character for her, which is good, but I think it’s part of what can annoy me about her character.  Different people grieve differently, but also, I know she’s only been in Wyoming for a year or two, tops, but how is it so hard to fathom that someone one would be concerned about their livelihood, even in the face of personal tragedy?  Just, seeing beyond her own very narrow experience doesn’t seem like something she’s very good at.  It would be one thing if she’d framed it as “this is suspicious, and here’s why I think so as a cop,” but it was, “I wouldn’t react that way personally, so it’s sus.”  
Sure, be suspicious because there’s a suspicious death and family members are always suspects until ruled out, but approach it like a cop.  Or at least think about it from more angles than just your own, not terribly similar experience.  You’re a white city cop who can’t (or won’t) adjust to being in BF rural-ville, but these are immigrant shepherds whose family come from a homeland where the cops were just as likely to kill you as answer questions, and you’re side-eying a guy for going to make sure that their meal ticket doesn’t get obliterated?
I need to keep reminding myself that I really did want to like Vic.  I really did.  She just... they don’t make it easy for me.  Maybe she’s serving as an avatar for audience who don’t know about some of the culture stuff, and the audience get answers from her ignorance?  But honestly, I wish they’d picked a different way to handle that, if that’s what they were trying to do.  Her response to Henry being salty about Thanksgiving still really pisses me off.  Because it was shitty and racist, and... do we really need a character basically rolling their eyes and saying, “It was so long ago, why don’t you just get over it,” about something that is intrinsically tied to the genocide of so many people?  Why are Indigenous people just supposed to “get over it” but “Remember the Alamo” and “Southern Pride,” and shit?  Fuck’s sake.  Honestly, that might have been the moment when they lost me on her character.  She has moments where she’s awesome, but they never really address her being fucking racist or give her a chance to grow into a better person.  Which sucks a lot.  Fuck.  Ok, that was a lot.  Sorry.  Back to the actual ep.
AH, nice of you to beam in from the campaign trail, Brancheroo!
Uh, so I paused it to look at pic in the newspaper, and then being me, started to look at the articles surrounding the pic.  And the one with the headline “Fans Injured At Local Game” is actually about the Stewart case?  From 1x3?  I’m guessing that somebody went to the trouble of writing up an article for that for some S1 ep after it and they just plugged it in because when not paused, you might catch “Sheriff Longmire” there and that’s all they need.  Especially since the text starts to repeat after the first paragraph.  (I am the worst pedantic little shit.)  Ooooor, maybe even though it’s S2, it’s hardly been any time since 1x3?  The date on the newspaper is March 31, 2012, so there’s a timeline hint. 
Awwwwww, once Walt points out the bird, Ferg knows exactly what it is.  Occasional twitcher, are we, my lad?  “A red-tip meadowlark,” indeed.  Oh bb; Ferg’s face when he sees Walt looking at the pic of him with Branch in the paper.
“You go too fast, you miss the little things.”  Every once in a while, he actually sort of mentors Ferg.  I wish he did more of that, especially since we see later how capable Ferg can be.
Go suck an egg, Branch.  Why does she get all the “good” assignments?  Maybe because she was actually on the job when they found the body, not campaigning.
OPE.  Lizzie’s gift.  Yeah, I’d probably choke on that coffee if I were you, too, girl.  Better hope that there wasn’t perishable food stuffs in that gift, because that has been in there for a whiiiiiile, hasn’t it.  Wait, was Ferg in the office when Lizzie dropped off the gift?  Because his face said more than just “Did somebody give Vic a present?”  Suuuuper subtle with that whole pushing the drawer closed with your foot there, Vic.  Pfffft.
“Cyrano Caballero”  How daaaare that skeeve take Cyrano’s name in vain?!?!  (I have a thing about Cyrano de Bergerac.  It’s quite possibly my favourite play, and I adore the character, and have exactly 0 chill about it at all.  I find Brian Hooker’s translation of “The Ballade of the duel at the Hotel Bourgogne Between de Bergerac and a Boeotian” with “Then, as I end the refrian, thrust home,” vastly superior to any other translation that I’ve heard or read, though for the rest of it, I will grant that there are others to be preferred.  But that version of his Ballade is exquisite, and I will not be swayed.  Holy shit, FOCUS.  That is so very much not the point.)  It’s not even a throw away line in this ep, it’s just a random, very well chosen, if utterly appallingly insulting, company name.  It’s actually incredibly clever for what the business is, and if it didn’t make me so stomping mad, I would applaud whoever came up with it heartily.
Vic’s face listening to this jackass’ spiel is a thing of beauty.  “A good woman goes a long way of easing the obvious stresses of your daily life,” the jackass says, cutting his eyes at Vic when he says “obvious stresses,” and I caaaackle.
What is it about this guys’ horrible glasses that just makes him so much more hate-able?  I’m not entirely sure, but kudos to whatever costumer put those on him, because they are perfect.  In the ‘I want to punch him’ way of perfection.
And after all of that about Walt’s “lady friend,” Vic brings Lizzie’s present.  Womp womp.  That went super well.  Yuuuup, run while you can.
Poor Ferg.  Branch manipulates him, Vic ignores him, Walt shuts him down...  Poor guy just can’t get a break.
I actually kind of like this motel manager--the one who “doesn’t judge people” and is a stickler for warrants?  At least somebody in this county cares about warrants.  Also, those doors are actually really pretty.  Nice colour, and the carved scrollwork designs are nice.
What an odd shot: the one when they’re coming out of Walt’s office after talking to Skeevy McGrossFace and Rosa.  It’s a weird sort of shaky-cam stepping back, just preceding Branch walking, and then turns to follow him when he sit’s on his desk.  But it’s a really different style of shot than I can remember, so much so that it’s a bit jarring, especially after the series of nearly stationary close ups that we just had.  Weird. [18:42-18-50]
Cady!  I haven’t made much note of her costuming before this, but it seems notable that’s she’s only in monocromatics.  Especially next to Fales in muted tones, but still some colour, and surrounded by the colourful grafitti of the alley where her mother was stabbed.  Nice way of setting her apart from everything.
SHEEPIES!  Ooooo, that wagon is so cool.  Ah dang, the way that Sal corrects Walt’s pronunciation of his brother’s name is so gloriously passive aggressive.  Good for you, my dude.  Names are important, and people should have the respect to make the effort to get them right.
Aaaaaand Walt, the definition of Do, Don’t Tell, just shoves the guy to keep him from drinking the possibly dangerous water, rather than, like, using his words.  Walt’s gonna Walt.
Iiiiiiiii am a mess, truly.  It cuts to an architectural model and I start giggling like a 6th grader, because I know it’s going to be a Jacob scene.  He’s not even on screen yet, ffs.  HANDS.  I’m fine.  Totally fine.  (That’s totally a lie.  I just rewound to the beginning of the scene because I kept giggling too much to pay attention.  What the hell.)  First time we’ve seen one of the chips, which at this point must be a marketing mock-up, since nothing is built yet.  And he actually types, not just doing the hunt-and-peck thing that is sometimes easier on a tablet.
Looking at the weaving that is up on his wall (maybe a rug?) I’m hoping that the prop people actually did buy from Northern Cheyenne artisans.  They apparently did most of their filming in New Mexico, so I hope they made the effort to get the patterns right, and buy from the actual tribe they’re supposed to be portraying, I guess?  And now I’m distracted by the fact that the random hanging light behind Jacob is at a weird angle?  
Look, ever since I realized that the “Hey,” that Jacob does is apparently just A (thanks to it also happening in That Damned Xmas Movie) I am endlessly amused (and charmed) whenever Jacob does it.  I don’t know why it makes me so happy, but it does.  (This is legitimately embarrassing.  How much trouble I am having focusing.  Beyond my normal focus issues, which, as shown above, are already impressive.  Because thiiiiirst.)
“My boys at the lumber yard did just throw you a campaign rally.”  I love how Jacob is basically apparently not just his secret angel-investor, but also a sneaky campaign manager.  Did Branch just think shit like the rally just happened?  He’s not fricking Ferris Bueller; somebody organizes those.  And apparently it’s either Jacob himself, or someone who Jacob appointed to do so.
“I thought you were just a casino developer.”  You have noooo clue, Brancheroo.  “I prefer to remain a silent partner.  White people get nervous when Indians start taking back their land.”  Oooooope.  Especially interesting because there are previsions for the Tribal Council to purchase land to be Tribal land (Section 6 of Article IX of the Tribal Constitution), but this seems more along the lines of personal acquisition.  Though maybe not, because “on the board” doesn’t necessarily equate to being the owner.
The set up of Jacob’s office is so interesting.  Functionally for the show, it’s probably for better shooting angles, so that we can see more of Jacob behind the desk while Branch is sitting in front of it, but from an in-the-verse decorating standpoint, bit’s fascinating.  He has this focal wall with the gorgeous wall hanging, flanked by floor to ceiling window, but instead of having his desk centered on that wall and directly facing the bulk of the room, it’s at an almost 45 degree angle on a huge rug, and it’s so unexpected.  I kind of love it, and want to analyze it for days.  Also worth noting is that pride of place is given to the  Hotamétaneo’o headdress which is on a stand centered in front of the wall hanging.
How fucking tired must Jacob be.  He’s used to Walt... Walting, but then Branch comes in, who he is literally spending his own money to support in his bid for sheriff, and he pulls the same shit of assuming that he’s behind Bad Shit.  And then Branch frames it as “bad P.R,” so he’s there to “discuss it with [him] privately.”  And then basically threatens him with Walt.  I swear.  ...there is something a little amusing about Walt being used as the stick in the carrot and a stick method of negotiating.  He certainly is enough of a blunt object most of the time.
Oh fuck you so much, Branch.  Playing the “can’t give you details about an ongoing investigation” card as though you have some professional or moral leg to stand on after basically blackmailing Jacob with Walt’s vendetta is just such shit.  You don’t get to look down your nose at Jacob’s quid pro quo pragmatism when you were the one who came to him for financial backing.  You sanctimonious little shitheel.  If you didn’t want to deal with Jacob, you shouldn’t have taken his $100k.  He’s a business man, and you’re an investment, and not a quixotic one.
“He’s probably the only person to have died from [hemlock] since Socrates.”  And then Walt’s incredulous look and her, “Alright, I googled it,” were subtle comedic gold.
Ooooooo, that was a nice little shot.  Not quite foreshadowing, but showing Branch’s suspicions and sort of inviting the audience to share them.  Walt says his bit about the Army poisoning “Indian wells” to kill them off and get their land, and then we see Branch fiddling with the Four Arrows chip and narrow his eyes considering and slip the chip into his pocket, looking suspicious.  It’s a really neat little moment of visual storytelling, no lines, literally three seconds long, just sort of snuck in there, but super effective.  Really nicely done.
And again, Cady is in monochromatics.  And, shit, just gave Fales Henry’s name.  Aaaaaand right after, she realizes that the junkie was killed and realizes that it had to have been one of her dads (or so she thinks).
Sal’s monologue in the cell is a good emotional payoff that plays off of Vic’s comments towards the beginning of the episode.  I see the narrative worth of her making them, and how the structure of the episode benefits from it; but seeing those writing elements from the outside of the show doesn’t make me able to like her as a character who said them in-universe.  And then the threat Sal makes of vengeance on someone who killed one he loves also underscores the stuff with Cady’s investigation into her mother’s death very well.  As much as I gripe about the writing *cough S6 cough finale cough* there really is some damn good writing in this show, and I don’t show enough appreciation for it.
Huh, and now there’s a sort of inverse of that weird shot preceding Branch from earlier, but this one is much more effective and less off-putting.  This one [33:00] precedes Walt as he walks back into his office, still a medium close up, but it’s much steadier, and the way it is framed, it does quite a bit to convey his mindset, and he walks out of the shot and we see the three deputies following him in like baffled ducklings, making the shot serve another purpose, too.  Which honestly makes that earlier shaky follow shot of Branch even weirder, because this one was so much better.
And then Walt has his creepy little speech about how someone would want to watch the light go out of their eyes and not caring if you get caught.  I do appreciate that when he’s talking about the psychology of killing with poison he doesn’t just call it a “woman’s method” which media so often does.  It might have been the writers keeping who the killer was abstruse, but it was still more gender neutral.  Especially since according to The U. S. Department of Justice's report on Homicide Trends in the United States (1980 to 2008) of all poison killers in that time period, 60.5 percent were male and 39.5 percent female.  (Table 5 on page 10.)  So that long held idea that even Sherlock Holmes was written to have that poison is “of course” a woman’s weapon is pretty crap.
Awwww, the good old days when Walt paid attention to animals.  ...I am still bizarrely salty about the fact that he never named his horse.  What a good pupper!  
And then we have a classic example of Sneaky!Walt, which always takes people quite by surprise, because he’s usually as subtle as Miley Cyrus.
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Also because when he does this, it tends to be pretty fucked up, in a Make Someone Think They’re About To Die way.  And then he does His Thing, where he just lays out all of his suppositions, with no proof, only the terror of her thinking that she’s been poisoned and you’re withholding medical intervention to get her to confess.  And is, irritatingly, correct about his theories.  But I’m pretty sure this qualifies as coercing a confession?  She thinks she’s fucking dying.  Even Vic looks at him like it’s fucked up, and her moral compass where he’s concerned is... skewed.
They way this reveal was played out, (”How’d they find her so fast?”  “Hard to say...”) is somewhat ambiguous as to whether it’s supposed to be that Branch went there to tell Jacob or not, but I kind of doubt it?  I kind of figure that the meeting that Jacob was having when Branch rambled in was already with Rosa signing the paperwork.  Jacob is smart.  So, HAH.  Little good your “can’t comment on an ongoing investigation” schtick did.
And then the news that someone in law enforcement has been asking after Henry.
“Lizzie was waiting for you here tonight.  You should talk to her, Walt.  She seems to think she is in a relationship with you.”  ....omgs.  The tone.  I mean, yes, the blisteringly glorious SASS, but how does one not read that as incredibly shippy?  Howwwww?
“You are an honest man, Walt.  I would like you to stay that way.”  Oh Henry.  When did you decide that you weren’t?  Was it when you hired Hector?  Or was there something before?  ...I feel like there were things before that.  Hello darkness my old friend.
“It is not your job to protect me.”  “It is my job...”  THOSE WERE THE DAYS.  Those were the fucking daaaaaays.  And the emotions on Henry’s face after Walt says, “That was my right,” as though Henry cheated him of something.  I am so deep in OT3 feels I cannot even see daylight here.  The feels of them having been an OT3 and then Walt pulling this shit, and Henry having to defend his own “right” to avenge Martha?  It wrecks me.  “A good woman was murdered.  A bad man is dead.  End of story.”  
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 174: Fancy Rich People Tea
Previously on BnHA: Mirio and Deku took Eri on a whirlwind weekend tour of U.A. We learned that class B is putting on a play for the festival which sounds amazing and also appears to be infringing on no fewer than three copyrights. We ran into Hadou and Amajiki who were doing some preparations for Hadou’s Miss Con campaign. We learned that the support department has a tech exhibition at the festival each year which is a big deal for them. We also learned that Shinsou is Still At It. Not sure what it is. But he’s still here guys! Finally we ran into Midnight and the Rat Principal at the cafeteria and learned that Rat Principal had to pull lots of strings and jump through a bunch of hoops in order to run the event this year. Basically security is going to be crazy, and if someone so much as sneezes something that sounds like ‘villain attack’ they will immediately call the whole thing off and evacuate. Sounds fair. All in all, Eri had a good time and is looking forward to the actual event! Also Deku got fired from the dance squad. That’s rough, buddy.
Today on BnHA: Mina explains that they need Deku to help the staging team turn Aoyama into a human disco ball. Deku agrees so long as he still gets to dance a little bit. The next morning Deku and All Might run into Mei while training in the woods. We learn that she’s working on a new support item for Deku which will be ready soon. That evening Momo makes some fancy tea for everyone while Deku fucks around on Youtube and accidentally stumbles across one of Gentle’s videos. We then cut to Gentle and La Brava, and Gent breaks down the details of his plan. They’ll take a sneaky route to approach U.A. on the day of the festival, using back streets and side roads. Then they’ll stop and drink tea (the same fancy brand that Momo uses) for an hour and a half. Then they’ll approach U.A. from the woods, and La Brava will breach U.A.’s security barrier with her mad hacking skills. We learn that she used those same skills to track down Gentle after she first saw his videos, and afterwards she devoted herself to his cause. Gentle says he is putting his heart and soul into this new plan for her sake and for the sake of his own dreams.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 199 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
look at this sweet girl trying to soften the blow
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yeah because Aoyama totally ditched them. sorry Deku, they need a new disco ball
...or maybe not!
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sorry Deku we need a new dispersal method for our disco ball
so wait. they’re really going through with this, huh. this wild stream-of-consciousness rambling from Mina really became the centerpiece for the entire dance floor
and Aoyama is FULLY ON BOARD now
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so now this job is perfect for you huh. well you sure are a good sport
so they want Deku to break off from the main group at the same time as Aoyama and help him out
so once he has been “dispersed” you can probably still go have your dance with Eri, Deku! you can do that thing where she stands on top of your feet and you waltz around. it’s going to be so cute omg. make sure your mom videotapes it
speaking of are the parents going to get to come to this thing too? or will it really only be the kids. let their moms and dads come see all of their hard work!
(ETA: I was hoping we would see some of the parents but if they were there we missed it. booooo)
now Kiri is doing that hands-clapped-together pleading thing and apologizing to Deku, but he says they really need his help
lol so they’ve realized that they can’t put all their eggs into the “Aoyama as disco ball” basket
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this is an honest-to-god serious conversation these kids are happening. with note-taking and everything. Todoroki fucking Shouto is in on this. “how long can we hold people’s attention by transforming Aoyama into a disco ball.” science
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okay but. you guys... are planning other stuff too. right. ...???
(ETA: they sure are. that ice stuff that Mina also suggested. I’m telling you guys, she’s the undisputed MVP of this whole arc, and without her their festival program would have been shit)
lol well okay then. this is going to be so interesting
anyway so Deku’s all “I guess it’s okay then as long as I have a turn dancing,” and he’s agreeing to it
now we’re cutting to 6:30 a.m. on some random unknown day and Deku is training for his new move under All Might’s supervision
All Might is chock full of sage mentor wisdom
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“always remember: bleeding internally is bad.” good stuff. write that down, Deku
he’s asking All Might if he has any tricks for maintaining control of the attack, since this is the first move he’s learned that he can’t just use freely
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sage mentor wisdom
so apparently All Might was some sort of OFA prodigy and was able to control 100% OFA almost instantly. so he really genuinely has no idea how to teach it, because to him it just came naturally
was he just that buff when he got the quirk?? how old was he when he got it? did he actually attend U.A. as a quirkless kid? because middle school Toshinori sure as hell wasn’t ripped just yet, I can definitely tell you that much
I’m very, very, very curious about this, ngl. because I feel like the series has yet to clarify whether you need to be built like a Marvel Chris in order for your body to have the stamina to withstand OFA, or if that actually doesn’t have that much to do with it and the control needed to master it is actually more mental/spiritual than physical
like obviously physicality has a lot to do with it, though. but All Might could still use 100% for a long time even in his withered and weakened body. and Shimura, the only other OFA user we’ve seen at this juncture, was obviously super cool and tough, but it wasn’t like she was a female body builder or anything
and then of course there’s the question of exactly how much stronger Deku’s version of OFA is, though. how much of a difference is there because All Might’s strength was added to the mix? that obviously makes a big difference as well
basically I still have a lot of questions! maybe I should get back to this training scene and see if it answers any of them!
so he’s telling Deku to visualize the image of OFA -- the egg in microwave image again, I guess? -- and remember that sensation in his body. basically he’s trying to coach him on bringing it out intuitively
and Deku’s thinking to himself that even though they were both born quirkless, there’s a big difference between them still
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so this does make it sound like a lot of it is mental
honestly that’s exciting and very important to me because it means that if Deku ever has a breakthrough, he could potentially make a huge leap forward in progress very suddenly
(ETA: LOOOOOOL good god I’ll say.
also! now that I know more about future developments with OFA, I’ve been thinking that I wasn’t giving Deku enough credit here. he is, in fact, just as much of a prodigy as All Might, I think. the difference is that All Might was able to master the physical aspects of OFA, whereas Deku seems to be more in touch with the spiritual side that All Might (supposedly) never really awakened. or to put it in Avatar: The Last Airbender terms, All Might was more of a Korra and Deku is more of an Aang. fortunately for Deku, it seems that being in tune with the spiritual part of OFA gives you access to some really neat stuff, holy shit.)
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holy shit that came out of nowhere at top speed and he caught it without looking like a total badass. WHO EVEN NEEDS ONE FOR ALL. OR ORGANS
so now Mei’s traipsing out of the woods and asking if anyone got hurt. nope, but you almost killed my husband and my son so try to be more careful next time
Deku’s belatedly realizing that this looks kind of weird, him being out in the middle of the woods having SECRET TRAINING with All Might at the crack of dawn
so All Might, master of improvisation that he is, is switching to Kansai dialect for some reason. to try and disguise himself. because of course that’ll work
thankfully, out of everyone they could have stumbled across in the woods, Hatsume Mei is the most singularly one-track-minded person they could have possibly met, and she’s barely even batting an eye
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new item, eh?
and he’s surprised and says he thought it wouldn’t be ready until after the cultural festival
but she already had the materials, so she says it’ll take no time at all
so he’s thanking her and now she’s walking off again
and by the way, this thing that All Might caught literally is a golden snitch, though
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All Might > Harry Potter confirmed
(ETA: and by the way, this makes two HP references two chapters in a row, given the title of 1-B’s play. Horikoshi must have recently marathoned the films or something)
now he’s asking Deku about the new item
Deku says there was something he wanted to try out with his new technique
All Might is mentioning that he also tried using support items at one point back in the day, but apparently they only ended up getting in his way and tended to break whenever he went over 20-30%
oh hey
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haven’t seen this in a while. here I thought his suit was way too fitted to accommodate this sort of thing anymore. he’s probably ruined it now
(ETA: you can actually see that the top button is about to pop off lol)
anyway, he’s telling Deku that using support items is great, just so long as he doesn’t end up relying on them too much
he says he’s seen a lot of instances where heroes that relied too much on their items had a bad time when those items were lost
this kinda seems to go against what Aoyama was saying a few chapters earlier. he’s an example of someone who does rely on a support item, and he seems to do all right. but I get what All Might is trying to tell him though
so Deku is all “got it!” and clenching his fist determinedly
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it is, though. I was just thinking that. I adore these All Might/Deku training scenes and it’s been great to have a return to this
so now we’re cutting back to Heights Alliance, and I’m assuming it’s the evening because the moon is up
Bakugou is squabbling with Kaminari and telling him he he plays too fast. Kaminari says Bakugou is the one screwing them up because he keeps improvising
obligatory posting of this panel of MomoJirou being lesbians
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I live for the little things, I really do
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okay, (1) this is the cutest thing that’s ever happened ever in history, and (2) I just remembered that that was the chapter title. “imperial golden tips.” so it appears the chapter is named after Momo’s fancy tea that her mom sent her
everyone’s all excited to try it because it’s fancy rich people tea
lmao. Ochako’s asking if Deku’s going to have any, and
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“am I... a bad nerd??” Deku berates himself while lying awake in bed that night sobbing uncontrollably
so I think that while Deku and Ochako are being clumsy dorks here they’re going to accidentally click on one of Gentle’s videos perhaps?
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in a way it’s kind of charming to know that Youtube’s suggested videos algorithm is still complete shit even in the BnHA universe 200 years from now. Deku was looking for All Might support items. Youtube: [brings up villain tea videos]
so Ochako has no idea who he is, but Deku’s actually heard of him although he says he’s not too familiar. but he knows he’s an infamous Youtube Villain
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:) the answer may surprise you!
though it shouldn’t, actually. you guys should just go ahead and assume you’re the targets of every upcoming villain plot from here on out. that’s the way the dice seem to be falling nowadays
now we’re cutting to Gentle and La Brava
Gentle is writing something out with a feather quill like some sort of Harry Potter character. I couldn’t come up with a more creative simile because my mind’s still in that mode thanks to the golden snitch earlier
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this man just sits around in full costume writing letters with a quill even as a laptop sits inches away. he’s just that committed to his gig. he lives this life 24/7 huh
he says that the public is growing more and more dissatisfied with heroes nowadays, and it’s because they’re “feeble-minded”
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I’d actually argue that at this point, them being attacked is the predictable thing
now La Brava is asking if he’s going to involve the kids that will become future heroes. YEAH, GENTLE
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like. can they live. can they just have this one little thing though, god
oh my god
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thanks La Brava. this is why he keeps you around
so now they’re going over the route!
so they’re going to approach at 5 a.m. that morning, taking a route that passes by the fewest hero offices
then they’re going to turn onto a side road, go through a residential area, and then they’ll end up at a park
blah blah so about an hour will elapse during this time and they’ll end up at a rundown house that’s actually a cafe
and he says they’re going to stop there to get some tea
apparently they serve the same tea that that Momo was coincidentally serving to everyone earlier. the imperial golden tips stuff
so... they’re going to wait until the shop opens, and then take a 90-minute tea break
let me tell you, it sure is riveting going through every detailed step of this elaborate criminal operation
then they go back outside and pass through a construction site and then climb a hill
ah, finally!
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yeah probably at like 5pm at this rate. the festival will have already ended and you shrug and turn around and head back home
he says that since Hounddog will probably be guarding the area, they’ll rub themselves with dirt and leaves to mask their scent
then they’re gonna hit the famed U.A. barrier, which is impossible to get through without a permit
but apparently La Brava is A HACKING PRO, so she’s gonna hack U.A.’s network and shut down their sensors
is it really that easy? shit. doesn’t U.A. have any IT heroes? little did we know this whole time the password to their network was 1234
lmao we’re flashing back to when they first met
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“corrupt businessman scolded” sounds like the kind of shit that should have gone viral tbh
then one day La Brava tracked him down and said she was a huge fan and she offered to help him
she apparently hacked his address. since the police haven’t found them yet, I’m assuming they’ve since moved, or taken down that initial video, or both lol
so now he’s proclaiming that this time around he’ll proudly put his life on the line
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yeah so that’s basically it. and now time is progressing to the night before the cultural festival OH GOODNESS
so as promised, we’re gonna do two pages today since I flaked out yesterday!
page one - class B painting the prop dragon
nothing much to say about this one except that obviously they’re going to keep painting it until they’re fucking done painting it, Colander Man
page two - Kenrazaki Bibimi’s profile. I couldn’t find a scanlation for this, so my Google Translate-assisted version is below lol
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likes: glittering people, glittering things
the beauty gal
“too beautiful. it’s fun to draw her eyelashes.” lol
is it weird that now that the shock of said lashes has died down some, I actually do think she is really pretty? lol what is this manga doing to me
52 notes · View notes
81scorp · 4 years
Constructive criticism: The last airbender (2010)
Ah yes, Avatar the last airbender.
Back in the mid 2000`s I saw a trailer for this series and thought that it looked interesting.
Then I got the chance to see a few episodes and thought: "This is pretty good."
Then after I saw the first season I thought: "This isn`t good. It`s great!"
Then I heard that there was gonna be a live action movie. This COULD be good... And it was gonna be directed by M. Night Shyamalan, who at that time had made a few bad movies.
But it could still work, I thought. In the beginning of his career he had made a few GOOD movies and this could be the one where he gets good again. It could still work.
I was wrong.
Let`s do an autopsy, see what went wrong and how it could have been better.
Book one: The racebending
The Avatar world is different from our world, yes. But it is clearly based on cultures from our world. Katara and Sokka`s culture is clearly based on innuit culture. Couldn`t hey have casted innuit actors or at least asian actors? In a time where there are so few roles for asian actors to play, why cast white actors to play characters who`s names and cultures clearly scream "I`m asian! I`m asian!"?
Book two: General problems
The movie`s problem is not just in the casting. Let`s say that Aang, Katara and Sokka were played by asian actors but everything else in the movie was left unchanged. A bad movie is still a bad movie, no matter what the ethnicity of the actors are.
So, what are the general problems?
Too much stuff: Too much stuff crammed into a running time that is not long enough to give the plot room to breathe or take the time it needs. The result? The pacing is too fast and the movie is forced to use voice overs to tell us things that the movie didn`t have the time to show us. Not the best thing to do in a visual medium where you should show and not tell. I would remove some plot elements that are not needed and increase the running time.
Fight scenes shot in one take: This is not inherently a bad thing as long as you know what you are doing. Which is not the case in this case. The wide shots show how poorly planned the choreography is as the actors are just standing there waiting for their turn. I`m not an expert on fight choreography or shooting cool fight scenes so my suggestion in this case would be to ask someone who is an expert in that area when making this movie.
The acting: Better actors, better directing or both.
And yes there`s the thing about how the movie deviates from the show. A movie doesn`t have to be super faithful to the source material as long as the changes make it better or at least doesn`t make it worse. That being said, changing the firebenders to be reliant on external fire makes them less threatening as villains. There are many more things that I can complain about on this topic but I don`t have all day and neither do you.
So I`m just gonna skip to the part where I tell you about how this movie could have been if I could travel back in time and fix the script.
Book three: The plot
Sokka and Katara is out hunting for food. They argue a little and then they find a giant iceberg that seems to contain some giant animal. (Maybe its edible?) Katara breaks the ice and a bright column of light shoots high into the sky when it cracks. Out comes a young boy named Aang and a six-legged, giant bison.
Zuko sees the column of light and orders his crew to head toward the light, (despite protests from his uncle Iroh) insisting that the light was emitted by the Avatar.
Katara takes (despite protests from Sokka) Aang with her home to their village. She shows Aang around the place and tells him a little about the village`s history. She shows him an old, abandoned Fire Nation ship. Aang goes into it to investigate and triggers a booby trap that fires a flare rocket. Now zuko knows where they are.
Zuko`s ship arrives at their village. Sokka tries to fight Zuko but is easily defeated. Zuko orders the villagers to surrender the Avatar to him. Aang steps forward and tries to be diplomatic, asking Zuko to leave. Zuko refuses and launches a series of fire blasts at Aang. Aang is able to defend himself with airbending, but after a few seconds, realizing that Zuko's attacks would inevitably strike the people he has befriended, he agrees to come if Zuko spares the villagers life.
Sokka and Katara follows the ship on Appa. Aang breaks free, fights the guards and Zuko, falls from the ship, almost drowns, goes into an Avatar state and uses waterbending to survive. Sokka and Katara arrives just in time to catch him and bring him to safety.
Somewhere else: It`s night, the moon shines, a samall baby is lowered into a pool of water. It doesn`t show any signs of life. Her dark hair turns white, she opens her eyes and screams. Her parents sigh a sigh of relief: their child is alive.
A young woman with white hair wakes up, she looks at the moon from her window (what we just saw was her dream). Elsewhere: Aang looks at the moon. He and his friends have found a place to camp for the night. Aang remembers his old mentor Monk Gyatso who taught him the virtues and responsibility of being an air nomad, but also the importance of having fun. Aang smiles, closes his eyes and sleeps.
Aang and his friends arrives at the southern air temple. Aang, who believes that the temple is only temporarily evacuated and that the monks will return any minute, gives Sokka and Katara a guided tour of his home. Katara who knows better worries about how Aang will react when he finds out the truth.
They come to a room that Aangs never been inside before. Inside the room are statues of people who have been Avatars before Aang. The latest statue is one of the firebender Roku. Aang touches the Roku statue and acts as if a ghost just passed through him. They continue the guided tour, Aang meets a lemur that he names Momo, then he finally discovers that monk Gyatso (and other monks that he knew) have been dead for several years. His sorrow turns into anger and he goes into the Avatar state, Katara consoles and calms him down.
Where should they go now? Sokka thinks that they should try the Northern water tribe. It`s worth a shot. they continue their journey.
Zuko and Iroh dock at an island controlled by the fire nation to repair their ship. Admiral Zhao, who is in charge at the island starts to put two and two together and relizes that Zuko has found the Avatar. After some more questioning he finds out that the Avatar is just a child, and that Zuko fought said child and lost. He provokes Zuko and calls him pathetic, Zuko challenges him to an agni kai.
Zhao and Zuko fight. At first Zhao gets the upper hand, then Zuko gets the upper hand. Zhao falls to the ground and Zuko has a chance to burn him but chooses not to do so. Even in exile, he has proved himself to be more honorable than Zhao.
When they leave the island Zuko realizes that a contest has just started between him and Zhao over who will be the first to capture the Avatar.
Aang and his friends set up camp for the night. They talk a little, Aang reveals that he eavesdropped on a conversation between the monks where he found out the heavy burden and the responsibility that comes with being the Avatar. He ran away, flew into a storm and froze himself and Appa in a giant block of ice. Katara and Sokka understands.
Night. Aang sleeps. Roku comes to him in a dream, tells him about Sozin`s comet and about the Avatar state. If he gets killed in the Avatar state the cycle will be broken and the Avatar will not be reincarnated. Aang understands.
Next day: they walk through the woods, get ambushed, captured and taken to a village by the Kyoshi warriors. Aangs explains that he is friendly and that he was once Lady Kyoshi. After this expanation he and his friends are treated as guests. Suki teaches Sokka to fight better. (Since this would be a 2 hr movie and not a 20 episodes long series I think I`ll skip the part where Sokka is dressed in a Kyoshi outfit.) One of the villagers sees that Katara is of the water tribe and gives her an old water bending scroll. Katara is overjoyed, this is just what she needed! Zuko and his soldiers attack the village, set fire to a few houses and a cabbage salesman gets his cart destroyed.
Cabbage salesman: MY CABBAGEES!!
Aang and his friends put out the fires caused by the fire nation soldiers and get Zuko to chase them so he can draw them away from the village. Then they shake him off through some daring risky manouvers that make Sokka lose his lunch. They get some time to rest that Katara uses to study the scroll and practice and improve her water bending. Doing so helps her to teach Aang the basics of water bending. She also discovers that she can use water bending to heal injuries.
Elsewhere: Onboard Zuko`s ship. Iroh tells the crew that the burnscar on Zuko`s face was the result of a duel with his own father, who had taken offense when Zuk spoke up in a meeting to oppose a plan to sacrifice fire nation soldiers. Zuko may not know where Aang is now but he knows where he is heading. Unfortunately, so does Zhao who is following Zuko`s ship. Shao reveals to one of his soldiers that several years ago he found a scroll in an ancient library that revealed that wate benders get their power from the moon. So in order to take out an army of water benders on their home turf he`s just gonna have to take out the moon. "How do you take out the moon?" wonders the soldier. Zhao (looking at a scroll with a yin and yang symbol of it): "Oh there`s a way."
Elsewhere: Aang and the gang arrive at the Northern water tribe. They are greeted as guests. Princess Yue (The woman with white hair that we saw earlier.) acts as their guide, shows them around and tells them what they need to know. Sokka asks about her hair.
She tells them that when she was born she was very weak, barely alive. The moon gave some of it`s power to her to save her life.
A little later Katara and Aang wants to train with Pakku, the water bending master of the northern water tribe. He refuses to train Katara because sexism. Princess Yue shows up and orders him to let Katara train, he reluctantly agrees.
Yue and Sokka get some time together. He tells her a joke that makes her laugh and she tells him a joke that makes him laugh.
Katara and Aang train and improve their water bending skills.
Fire nation ships show up, the northpole gets ready for war.
Fire nation troops invade, there`s a big battle. Aang can`t join the fight, he could die and is too important. He wants to do something. As the nearly full moon hangs in the night sky, Yue tells Aang and Katara that the moon taught waterbending to the people of the Water Tribes as they observed its push and pull on the ocean. Aang realizes that if he could find a place to meditate he could ask the moon and ocean spirits. Yue knows a place.
She takes the gang to a garden surrounded on all sides by towering walls of ice. Aang, sensing the tranquility of the oasis, begins to meditate at the base of the oasis pool, which contains a black and a white koi fish encircling each other. Aang leaves his body.
Zuko shows up and kidnaps Aang`s body. Katara fights him but is defeated. After Zuko leaves with Aang`s body Katara gets up and together with Sokka and Yue she chases after Zuko.
In the spirit world Aang meets Avatar Roku who guides himthrough the spirit world to find a spirit who knows about the moon and ocean spirits.
Zuko is wading through the snow with Aang`s body. He sees a cave where he can take shelter (and bind Aang in case he wakes up). In the spirit world Aang finds the cave where the spirit who can help him lives: Koh the face stealer. Roku reminds Aang to not show any emotions or Koh will steal his face.  Sokka, Katara, and Yue continue to look for Aang in the blizzard with the help of Appa.
Ang meets Koh who, while he talks, tries to manipulate Aang into showing emotions. Aang keeps a calm and stoic face.
He asks Koh to help him find the moon and ocean spirit, Koh tells Aang the spirits' names – Tui (push) and La (pull) and tells Aang that he has already met them. Aang realizes the spirits' mortal identities upon hearing Koh's  analogous reference to yin and yang and his face lights up; Koh, hearing  the uplift in Aang's tone, whirls around to face him, only to find that  Aang has caught himself, narrowly avoiding losing his face. Aang politely and calmly leaves Koh`s cave and then hurries back to the gateway where he entered the spirit world.
At the Water Tribe, night has fallen, and the full moon has risen,  enhancing the power of the waterbending warriors as they do battle with  the soldiers of the Fire Nation.
Aang's spirit returns to the oasis in the Northern Water Tribe, finds that his body is not there, is then pulled to his body through the sky, rushing to his body in the form of a  streak of light. Katara, on Appa's back as she searches for Aang, sees  and realizes it is Aang's spirit. They turn Appa to follow the light as  it reaches the cave where Zuko is hiding with Aang's body. His  spirit rejoins his body, and after a short, curt exchange with Zuko,  Aang escapes from the cave with some airbending. Zuko manages to catch the still-bound Aang, but Appa lands next to them and Katara jumps down and knocks Zuko out with some snowbending. As Aang`s gang and Yue prepare to leave, Aang hesitates;  not wanting to leave Zuko to freeze to death, he takes his body into the saddle before they depart.
Reaching the oasis, Zhao removes the white koi from its pond; as he  hoists it over his head in triumph, the full moon above transforms,  turning from white to blood-red. Immediately, the waterbending warriors  lose their bending abilities, and the Fire Nation troops begin to push  forward. Yue, on Appa's back, begins to feel faint. Aang feels it as  well.
Zhao arrogantly applauds his own efforts to fulfill his "destiny". He is interrupted by Aang, who has arrived with the others and stands opposite Zhao. Aang  pleads with Zhao to consider his actions, Iroh appears,  agrees with Aang and promises Zhao, "Whatever you do to that  spirit, I'll unleash on you ten-fold." He then orders Zhao to release  the fish, preparing to fight.  
Zhao is about to put the fish back, but then kills it with fire, and destroys the moon.
The world goes dark. Iroh unleashes his firebending on Zhao and his guards, easily defeating the soldiers but inadvertently allows Zhao himself to escape.
Yue mourns the loss of the moon spirit. Aang goes into the avatar state, steps into the pool and together with the ocean spirit he takes the form of a massive glowing koi fish. It unleashes its wrath upon the invaders, wiping them out and clearing the city of enemy soldiers. With the city clear, the koi makes its way toward the sea.  
Meanwhile, Zhao slips through the deserted streets, trying to escape; he  is suddenly attacked by a newly freed and infuriated Zuko. Zuko realizes that the darkening of the moon must be Zhaos work. They fight.
In the oasis, where the group has given up hope of saving Tui, Iroh notices, with astonishment, that Yue has been touched by the Moon  Spirit, and that as a result, some of its life force is within her; Yue  affirms this, then decides that she should try to restore Tui  to life by giving hers to it. Sokka, upset by this idea, protests. Yue knows that she has to do this, kisses Sokka, steps into he pool, gives her lifeforce to the fish and dies.
The fish is alive, the moon comes back, the giant koi sees this, ends its violent rampage, places Aang atop the outer wall as it moves back through the Water Tribe city. On its way back it sees Zhao, still dueling with Zuko. It grabs him and picks him up. Zuko, forgetting the duel, tries to help Zhao, reaching out a hand to him, but Zhao stubbornly refuses to take it, and he is pulled beneath the water and disappears.
The next day Aang, Sokka and Katara prepares for their next journey. Pakku, impressed by Katara`s efforts gives her a bottle of water from the spirit oasis, said to have special healing properties. You never know, it could be useful.
Far away from the city on a simple catamaran (their ship got destroyed in the battle with the Northern watertribe), Zuko rests, gathering his strength and preparing himself for the next round of his hunt for the Avatar.
Aang, Sokka and Katara fly away on Appa to the next adventure.
In the Fire Nation, Fire Lord Ozai imparts the knowledge of Iroh's treasonous behavior and Zuko's failure to his daughter, Azula, and entrusts her with a special task as she looks up at him, a smile on her face.
Deviation nr: 136 Written stuff nr: 34
As I wrote this CC I realized that it is hard to make a good movie based on ATLA. You have to know what to cut and what to keep.Also, to be honest I got really lazy. Some of the text in this editorial is just copy pasted from the avatar fandom wiki.
And as usual: English is not my first language, so apologies for any mistakes I`ve made in spelling, grammar or sentence structures. Avatar the last airbender is created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko
0 notes
recentanimenews · 6 years
Seven Seas Introduces Large Library Of Manga To Digital Platforms
Don't have room on your book shelf for that eleventh volume of A Certain Scientific Railgun manga or not quite sure you want to have a physical copy of the gruesome weird science series Franken Fran manga hanging around? Well, Seven Seas has some good news. A whole heap of their series launched on digital platforms today. 
      A HUGE batch of our ebooks went live on @AmazonKindle and @comiXology today! Both brand-new titles AND older titles that you've been requesting in digital form. See them all at the link! It's a ton of books...seriously. https://t.co/uSMJkvKg4P http://pic.twitter.com/d3hQ83Qgut
— Seven Seas (@gomanga) December 5, 2017
Seriously! Today is a digital manga extravaganza. https://t.co/uSMJkvKg4P http://pic.twitter.com/Uh924fpKSV
— Seven Seas (@gomanga) December 5, 2017
 Series include...
A Certain Scientific Accelerator 
  Written by Kazuma Kamachi
Art by Arata Yamaji
Accelerator, the most powerful psychic in Academy City, is quietly recovering from his injuries when trouble literally lands in his bedroom. A group of anti-evil zealots who call themselves "DA" are causing havoc, and it could threaten the city -- not to mention the entire world! Although he hates to be bothered, a world-shaking threat may be enough to get Accelerator out of bed... especially if it involves the adorable Misaka Mikoto clone, "Last Order."
  A Certain Scientific  
Written by Kazuma Kamachi Art by Motoi Fuyukawa
Welcome to a world where mysticism and science collide, and supernatural powers are derived from either science or religion. At the heart of this world is Academy City, an advanced metropolis whose population is comprised mostly of students. The majority of students are enrolled in the city's "Power Curriculum Program," where they must learn to master their latent psychic powers. Out of several million students, only seven are deemed powerful enough to have Level 5 status. Meet Mikoto Misaka, the third most powerful Level 5 psychic in Academy City. Together with her best friend Kuroko Shirai and the other members of Judgment, a student-run law enforcement agency, Mikoto delves deep into the dark heart of the scientific sprawl she calls home, and uncovers secrets she wishes she hadn't!
  Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor 
  Written by Aosa Tsunemi Art by Tarou Hitsuji
Lumia and Sisti are mages-in-training at a prestigious magical academy where they hope to be taught by the best of the best. However, when their favorite instructor suddenly retires, his replacement turns out to be a total jerk -- he's idle, incompetent, and always late! Can Lumia help uncover their new teacher's true potential -- and can Sisti still learn magic and unravel the secrets of the mysterious Sky Castle with such a terrible mentor as her guide?
    Franken Fran
Written by Katsuhisa Kigitsu Art by Katsuhisa Kigitsu
Meet Fran, the finest creation of the brilliant mad scientist, Dr. Madaraki. When the "good" doctor goes missing, leaving Fran alone in a house full of stitched-up monsters and scientific equipment, who better to take up his scalpel? With a combination of enthusiasm, skill, and heart that just can't be beat, Fran wields mad science with a sunny disposition to solve the problems of the lonely, downtrodden and lovelorn people who come through her door. But the people seeking help aren't always what they seem, and Fran's solutions are rarely what they expect...!
  Girl Friends
  Written by Milk Morinaga Art by Milk Morinaga
When it comes to grades, bookish high school student Kumakura Mariko is at the top of her class -- but socially, she's at the bottom. Shy and introverted, she usually eats her lunch alone. Enter the charismatic and gorgeous Ohashi Akko, whose goal is to become Mariko's new BFF and burst her out of her timid shell. In the process of transforming "Plain Jane" Mariko into one of the cutest, most popular girls in school, deep feelings begin to merge that suggest something more than friendship. Will these feelings destroy the budding relationship between Mariko and Akko, or will it blossom into something else?
  Golden Time
 by Umechazuke
College freshman Tada Banri has a very questionable past. Eager to make a fresh start, Banri enrolls in an elite Tokyo law school and soon befriends fellow freshman Yanagisawa Mitsuo -- but it appears his new pal has some baggage of his own. Her name is Kaga Kouko, another new student, who slaps Mitsuo across the face with a bouquet of roses. Just who is this intimidating beauty and what is her connection to Mitsuo? And what does this all mean for Banri's dreams of a blissfull college life?
  Gunslinger Girl 
by  Yu Aida
The Social Welfare Agency in Italy is not what it seems. Yes, it rescues young girls who have been brutalized -- but brainwashes them and transforms them into ruthless killers for an elite and secret counter-terrorism unit for the Italian government. Enter Henrietta, a young girl who witnessed the savage murder of her family and barely survived. The Agency takes her in and repairs her injuries using the latest in cybernetic technology, wiping her mind of all traces of her past and turning her into one of the Agency's most lethal assassins. Yet despite her programming, Henrietta is troubled by fragmented memories. It is her handler's job, Jose, to keep her feelings in check and ensure that she stays on mission. This task is made all the more difficult because Henrietta bears an uncanny resemblance to Jose's younger sister who died in a car bombing years earlier. 
  Kashimahi ~Girl Meets Girl~  
Written by Satoru Akahori Art by Yukimaru Katsura
For Hazumu, this couldn't be truer, because just the other day, she...was a he. Shunned by the girl of his dreams, Hazumu loses himself in the mountains and is promptly squashed by an oncoming space ship. The alien inside, feeling guilty, rebuilds Hazumu's body...but as the wrong gender! Now Hazumu must learn how to be the girl his parents always wanted while dealing with the trials and tribulations of being caught in a love triangle between two girls -- his childhood friend, Tomari, and Yasuna, the girl who rejected him but is now strangely attracted to him/her!
  Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink
Written by Milk Morinaga Art by Milk Morinaga
When the cherry blossoms bloom it means the start of another school year -- and for the girls at Sakuraki High, it signals the birth of new dreams, fears, and relationships. In "Even If We're Not Friends," Nana and Hitomi have been dear friends since childhood, but when Nana gets into the exclusive Sakuraki High while Hitomi doesn't, their true feelings for each other emerge. In "The Summer Closest to Heaven," Natsuka is a ghost who resides at the school, still in love with one of the former students who is now the school nurse. In "A Kiss, Love, and a Prince," Narumi gets her first kiss from Tachiba in the school play, and is shocked at being kissed by a girl. Fourteen stories of blossoming romance between girls are interspersed throughout this heartfelt and adorably illustrated manga collection.
  Not Lives
 by Wataru Karasuma
Mikami Shigeru is a video game genius -- he can play and conquer any game, and just as easily program his own. While planning his next project, Shigeru discovers a strange oddity among his stack of research materials -- a game disc labeled NOT ALIVE. Absorbing into his body, the disc thrusts him into a strange parallel reality where he becomes the "Player" of a real life video game, one where he controls the mysterious and skilled Amamiya Kyouka as his new female avatar. With rules to learn, other players to combat, and an omniscient GM overseeing the process, will Shigeru's gaming skills be enough to survive in this brave new digital world?
  Strike Witches: 1937 Fuso Sea Incident 
  Projekt Kagonish Humikane Shimada Art by Ningen
It has been nearly twenty years since the last Great War, and while smaller skirmishes are still taking place across the world, peace is mostly the norm. In the Fuso Empire, Sakamoto Mio is about to join the war effort against the Neuroi alien invaders. She will have to distinguish herself among the other hardworking cadets if she is to become a full-fledged Strike Witch. Soon, she will have the chance to prove herself in battle, as the Neuroi launch their latest brutal attack.
    Strike Witches: Maidens in the Sky 
Written by Projekt Kagonish Humikane Shimada Art by Yuuki Tanaka
What if World War II had not been a battle between Axis and Allies, but between the human race and mysterious attacking aliens? This is the world of Strike Witches: Maidens in the Sky. The Earth has been invaded by a mysterious alien race known as the "Neuroi." Humanity is on the verge of annihilation and their only hope is a team of flying magical girls -- the Strike Witches. Maidens in the Sky follows the story of Miyafuji Yoshika, a simple farm girl who dreams only of taking over her family's medical clinic. One fateful day, a Strike Witch falls out of the sky and lands right at her feet. Yoshika is a healer and wants nothing to do with warfare or violence, but this chance encounter will change her destiny forever!
  Strike Witches: One-Winged Witches
Written by Projekt Kagonish Humikane Shimada Art by Atsuto Shinozuka 
In humanity's fight against the alien Neuroi, it's not just the super-aces and movie stars of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing who have stories worth telling. In this volume, Sergeant Wilma Bishop -- the first character ever introduced from the Strike Witches world! -- is transferred to the Isle of Wight detachment. It's the sister detachment to the famous 501st, but instead of aces, the Isle of Wight is filled with awkward, insecure newbies and the walking wounded. And yet, while these "one-winged Witches" may not be ready to soar with the aces, each one has her own story to tell.
  Strike Witches: The Sky That Connects Us
 Projekt Kagonish
Humikane Shimada Art by Shin Kyogoku
The year is 1944, and the war against the Neuroi is over. The 501st Joint Fighter Wing, also known as the Strike Witches, have accomplished their goal of protecting Britannia from the alien invaders. Now that the battle is done, the Witches disband and decide to go their separate ways for some much-needed R&R. As the girls enjoy downtime in the warstricken lands of Gallia and the deserts of Africa, a new danger lurks. A mysterious alien/ human hybrid foretells of another impending invasion. Can the Strike Witches regroup in time to defeat this latest evil threat?
    The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún
 by Nagabe
In a land far away, there were two kingdoms: the Outside, where twisted beasts roamed that could curse with a touch, and the Inside, where humans lived in safety and peace. The girl and the beast should never have met, but when they do, a quiet fairytale begins. This is a story of two people -- one human, one inhuman -- who linger in the hazy twilight that separates night from day.
    Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty
 by Megumi Morino
THE AWAKENING High schooler Tetsu Misato is hardworking, frugal, and easily scared, but he commits to a part-time job at the mansion on the hill—the one that’s rumored to be haunted. As he toils away, he notices a building separate from the estate, and the mysterious girl who lives within it: Shizu Karasawa. Tetsu slowly becomes enchanted by Shizu’s lonely smile, but by their second encounter, he quickly finds himself in over his head. There’s an unsettling feeling he can’t quite shake, but there’s love there, too.
  Also debutting today...
To Love Ru
Written by Saki Hasemi Art by Kentaro Yabuki
Yuuki Rito is your average high school student –- awkward, shy, and hopeless when it comes to confessing his feelings to the girl of his dreams. But one day, a beautiful woman suddenly materializes in his bathtub! Her name is Lala Deviluke, an alien princess on the run from an intergalactic empire. After Rito gets unwittingly engaged to Lala, he soon finds himself sucked into a battle for Lala's affections, as alien suitors from across the galaxy vie for her hand in marriage. Rito's troubles have only just begun!
To Love Ru Darkness Vol. 1
Written by Saki Hasemi Art by Kentaro Yabuki
In this sequel series to To Love Ru, Princess Lala's younger sister Momo begins her own marital machinations to ensnare poor Rito. But to make her plan a reality, he has to become king of their interstellar empire, which would allow him to marry as many women as he wants! As Rito's heart continues to waver between Lala and his first crush, Haruna, Momo finds herself unable to deny the feelings she has for the hapless earthling high schooler. Could a human alien harem be the solution to all their problems?
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