#even if it isn't in lu
vicmillen · 2 months
Sky, ugly sobbing into Wars scarf: I hate Hylia so much that manipulative little bitch but she's also Zelda my sun my whole world how could I ever truly hate her I love her so much *more ugly sobbing sounds*
Twilight, by Legend's side: *completely zoned out and unresponsive occasionally downing shots like it's water*
Four: *facing the corner holding an animated conversation with either himself or his shadow*
Time&Wind: *singing obnoxiously loud, clinking and slamming their milk bottle and flagon like it's some kind of instrument*
Hyrule&Wild: *lying face down under the table in a pile* zzZzzZ
Wars and Legend, now deeply regretting dragging them to the tavern: WOW, literally none of us are okay.
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wayfayrr · 11 days
The Menace Anon is back but with a Self Aware ask because I got an idea as I tried to mod my Switch. How about that Zelda is aware in the Game? There is already Zelda's Ballade a Mod for BotW so Zelda replaced Link/ Wild. So what about Zelda being the one who is aware and works together with her Link as in Age of Calamity it's possible to play as Zelda. And now there are two Zeldas and maybe one Link/Calamity as he is probably aware of Reader with all the DLCs and if Reader is anything like me they get 100%. I did that to BotW and am working on it in TotK. Zelda would be extremely clingy especially Flora, BotW Zelda, as she lost everyone who is important to her. Maybe she gets Wild to help her. Fauna and Calamity have Terrako and this little thing shoots through the screen with his laser. TAKE COVER READER!
this is gonna be a funny thing to answer as someone who isn't the fondest of zelda in botw/totk (she had the potential to be really good I just don't vibe with how she was written lmao - so many missed opportunities)
but that also has the potential of introducing the fact of what if you didn't like the characters story when they were aware - because that would be awful for her wouldn't it?
she loves you more than anything but because of the way her story was written you don't like her? Even going as far as to apologise to link about what he got put through in the story? so she's stuck hearing you give him your pity as she's trying her HARDEST to get you to see her in another light, while link is either looking on smugly at your blatant favouritism or staring on blankly as he is simply a puppet of the game who isn't even alive either one being a good spark to why she'd be more willing to work with the aoc pair.
I think they'd have more potential to work together in aoc as compared to either botw/totk (also time to give cal some time in the spotlight like you mentioned) seeing as he has the most "history" with zelda, whereas wild/tears have no incentive to (they're the only playable character so what does she have on them?)
Zelda from her actions alone at the opening also seems to be more reckless in her safety than link, so her hopping into another game earlier than when she'd have a good grasp on how to do it without many issues seems in character for her. hence, now there's two different zeldas in your aoc file? That shouldn't be something that happens right? you've watched the cutscene many times and she never appeared with the other botw characters - so why is she here now? But the other members seem to acknowledge her so maybe you're just misremembering? They'll make sure to keep a note of anyone who might try to convince you otherwise as well.
when the three of them finally do get out - and probably after apologising for scorching a wall or something, then they have the perfect place to start winning you over properly <3 trying to prove to you that they're more than simply the character that Nintendo wrote them as, that you should give them a chance to show you how much they care for you!!!
just, just don't choose link over them, else you may not see much of him anymore - as while they can work together, they aren't exactly willing to work with a threat, but as long as you treat them equally there's no issue right?
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stan-joe · 8 months
hey link click fans just to make your day worse I'm pretty sure the entire last few episodes happened on lu guang's birthday
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I think some part of me will always be that kid walking out of a huge movie theater into a grey overcast afternoon not realizing her world was about to be permanently changed but feeling changed already herself by the animated Disney film she'd just seen that she would spend a year acting like she was too cool to be affected by, even though she'd never cried at a movie before that and and the cries from the speakers were still ringing in her ears on that cold, overcast afternoon, right before her world changed
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Final Hour (Linked Universe fanfic)
(@artisticgamer, @ludoluck sorry I keep forgetting to tag you guys for my writing)
Inspired by @kikker-oma's amazing Fierce Deity art. Love your talent and your creativity, Oma! <3
Summary: When everything goes horribly wrong, Time desperately attempts everything in his power to fix it. Wind instead chooses to be the self sacrificing Hero, but the end result isn't what Time expected it to be.
(AO3 link)
The clocktower tolled.
He saw her. He saw Zelda standing in front of him, sad and beautiful and aged beyond her years, just like him. He saw her morose smile, the tears threatening to spill from her eyes, her steady resolve despite it all. He saw her play the ocarina as she grew ever smaller and farther away while his hand reached out desperately for her.
The clocktower tolled.
He saw her. He saw Malon smiling sweetly at him, bright and beautiful and innocent, like how he used to be. He saw the freckles on her cheeks pull as she giggled and called him by that nickname she’d made up a lifetime ago. He saw her eyes grow fierce with a desire for adventure as she worked with an unruly mare. He saw her twirl as they danced together.
The clocktower tolled.
He saw them. He saw Anju and Kafei’s love and desperation and acceptance in their eyes as they held each other, as she said they’d greet the morning together while his hand held hers in a white knuckled grip. He saw them tremble as he turned and ran outside.
The clocktower tolled.
He saw them. He saw the Heroes of Hyrule, how they were all young, experienced, hurt, filled with power and hope and light. He saw how they emanated a strength that couldn’t be quantified, an inherent resolve and determination to their core that shone through and resonated between each and every one of them, a shared bond and unbreakable spirit. He saw their uniqueness, their wonder, their gifts and quirks.
And he saw them fall, one by one.
The clocktower tolled.
They’d been wounded. They’d been weak. They’d just fought multiple hordes and had been desperately trying to get to the nearest village. They’d known it hadn’t been far, from the forest they could hear the bells of a clocktower in a nearby town.
There had been a split in the path. Time had chosen the route.
The clocktower tolled.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. It couldn’t happen.
The black blooded dragon roared again, held at bay by the few still standing. He heard a scream, and a body collapse on the ground. He couldn’t even tell who was still standing anymore; he’d been one of the last to fall. Nearly everyone had stilled, no longer writhing in agony or sheer force of will.
Except for Wind.
The sailor groaned as he desperately crawled forward, reaching above Time, whose hand was overhead as he’d been grabbing desperately at one of his items when he fell, as he’d been willing to throw his life, sanity, everything away in a frantic attempt to fix this.
The wooden mask barely was within his grasp, propped by a finger.
Despite the severity of the situation, despite the cold silence of his companions, despite the clocktower ringing in his ears, a reminder of time after time of facing death and life and everything in between as his entire journey flashed before his eyes, he wanted to save Wind from this. The mask was too dangerous for anyone else. What good would such a victory do if the child was lost to the darkness?
“Please, Wind… no.”
He had other methods he could call on.
He had other items he could use.
The Hero of Time was nothing if not relentless. He never gave up. Never. Not even now, not even when he was bleeding to death, when the world around him blurred and dulled, when his mind was screaming and running into the past rather than focusing on the present. Not even now. He’d spent a lifetime perfecting three days over and over and over until he could get everything right and save everyone. He refused to let this be any different.
“You said…” Wind pleaded desperately, his voice trembling, tears and blood and phlegm rolling down his face from what little of it Time could see. With a hiccup, he continued, “You said it’s for emergencies, right? It’s okay, I’ll save you!”
I’ll save you. A last, desperate, pleading promise. The others couldn’t be saved, but Time was still here.
Time’s hands fumbled around his belt, desperately searching for the item he needed.
The clocktower tolled. The dragon roared again, any obstacle between it and the last pair of heroes long gone.
The mask slipped from Time’s finger, a rough disappearance as if it had been pulled.
“Sailor,” he tried again, his voice barely above a whisper, his world spinning and fading fast. He had to move.
Wind screamed.
The noise jolted Time out of his stupor, adrenaline feebly trying to awaken what little life essence he had left in him. He had enough energy to look up and see a figure towering over him where Wind originally had been crawling.
The monster bore Wind’s curls, bleached white. It bore Time’s armor, with a decorative fairy pendant dangling in the breeze as it stood stock still. Wind’s face was older, chiseled, once-chubby cheeks pulled taught over cheekbones that shouldn’t be so developed. Its eyes glowed, contrasting the purple and blue markings that cut across its face.
The Fierce Deity.
Time let out a desperate breath, unable to speak anymore, and watched helplessly as the cursed mask made Wind’s possessed body march across the field towards the dragon that awaited him. He couldn’t see the fight, but he could hear it. He heard the grunts, deeper than they should be, the fierce battle cries, the screeches from the dragon as its opponent landed cut after cut. He breathed hastily, feeling his heart quicken, feeling his body begin to grow numb, and he again searched desperately on his belt for the one thing that could change everything.
Warriors was gone. Sky was gone. Four was gone. Legend was gone. Hyrule was gone. Wild was gone.
Twilight was gone.
Time was going to be damned if he would let Wind fall in the worst way possible.
The clocktower tolled.
The dragon screamed, and the earth shook.
And then everything grew silent.
Time gasped for air, trying to raise his head, wanting to call for the young sailor, for the brightest ray of sunshine in the group, for the one last surviving member.
He couldn’t move.
So this is how I meet death? He wondered. On the verge of tears, an utter failure to all who depended on me?
He remembered the people of Termina. He remembered how they all faced death in their own ways. He thought of Cremia and Romani, of Anju and Kafei.
Goddesses. He missed Malon so desperately right now.
Heavy footsteps approached him, and he blinked, the world coming back into focus long enough for his body to scream that he couldn’t take any more of this. A blurry image hovered over him, and he squinted, confused, until his mind registered who he was staring at, and his hands finally found the item they’d been searching for.
The Fierce Deity knelt down slowly, eyes fixed on him. When his knees sank into the ground, he reached slowly, sliding a hand behind Time and pulling him into a seated position. Time cried out in pain with the motion, and the cursed deity paused only a moment before reaching his other hand towards the Hero of Time’s fumbling hands, pulling the ocarina from their grasp. Time tried to protest, tried to fight against his possessed successor’s hold, but he was too weak to do anything. Then amethyst rose into his periphery, and he looked down to see the Ocarina of Time hovering in front of his lips.
“Play, Link,” the Fierce Deity said, Wind’s higher voice pitched into a deeper timber and holding power and energy the boy didn’t usually possess. “Save them, as you always do.”
Time stared at the deity, his fears and thoughts stolen away. The pair was frozen for a moment, the world pausing around them, time itself holding its breath in anticipation. A gentleness fell over the cursed deity’s face, and Time felt the thumb behind his back caress him once, ever so softly. Understanding slid between the two, a heavy, bone deep realization that dug into Time’s mind more than he could fathom in the moment, a certainty and safety and assurance and comfort that he'd somehow always felt but always ignored. He let out a shaky exhale and, with trembling hands, took the ocarina from the Fierce Deity.
And he played.
The world turned white.
Time felt warmth engulf him, like an embrace from tender arms. Magic sparkled inside his mind and heart, a familiar friend, singing and resonating with his song like fairies humming together, a melody entwined in mystery and grace. His horizon shifted, and he was on his feet, set there gently as if floating through the air. The warmth spread from his core to his extremities, the numbness in his fingers dissipating, the stabbing pain of his own armor piercing his gut dulling into nothingness. The blood on him washed away with invisible waters, and an airless breeze blew the dirt off his body. He continued to play, the melody growing steadier as his strength returned, his determination steeling him, tightening his weakened muscles and bringing an assurance that he hadn’t felt since Termina.
Save them, as you always do.
Oh, the countless times he’d played this hymn, this spell, this prayer. Oh, the countless times he’d clung to it desperately as he tried again, the numerous times he’d played it in tears at his failure, the many times he’d nearly belted it in fortitude as he prepared with renewed hope and a plan in place.
Save them, Link.
“Really, old man? You’re playing your ocarina right now? We have wounded, we need to get moving.”
Time’s eyes snapped open at the sound of Legend’s voice.
They were all there, tired and hurt but alive. Sky was leaning against Hyrule, eyes half closed but body stiff with stubbornness, while Hyrule held him with a fierce protectiveness. Legend was watching him impatiently, scraped and bruised but relatively unharmed and clearly anxious to get help for the others. Four and Warriors were bringing up the rear, watching everyone’s backs and growing ever more confused by the turn of events. Wind hovered with some distress between Sky and Wild, who was the other most injured member of the group, though the champion was well looked after in Twilight’s hold as the rancher carried him on his back.
Time stared at him too long, meriting a worried expression from the rancher. “You alright?”
Blinking the oncoming tears away, the eldest Link took a deep breath and nodded. “Let’s keep going.”
“That’s what I said,” Legend grumbled, turning back towards the road ahead.
“Yeah, but which way?” Twilight asked, staring at the fork in the road.
The clocktower tolled.
Time pointed left.
“But I can hear the bells to the east of here,” Hyrule noted as he steadied Sky a little. “Shouldn’t we take the path on the right?”
“We’re taking this one,” Time said firmly, brooking no argument. The group followed him silently as he tried to reorient and move ahead like nothing had happened.
His hand slipped into his adventure pouch subconsciously as they walked, and the group started to talk amongst themselves, their voices the most beautiful things he’d ever heard. His heart rate began to normalize, and he closed his eyes, basking in the safety of seeing and hearing everyone alive again.
His fingers brushed against wood in his pouch, and they tingled with warm energy that climbed all the way up his arm, through his shoulder, and into his core. He took another steadying breath, clutching the mask tenderly as an entirely different set of emotions nearly knocked him to the ground, confusion and relief and hope and fear and curiosity above all else.
Another time. Today he tread ahead cautiously and protected his family.
Today he saved them, as he always would.
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popp1n · 9 months
Hyrule knew a lot about magic. It's hard not to learn about something you can sense all around you. Every link had their own magical signatures. Time and Legend had their magical artifacts, Twilight reeked of magic that was dark but not necessarily evil, and Wind left wisps of magic that undoubtedly were left by something on his adventures according to his stories.
However, Wild was different. Wild's magical imprint didn't come from artifacts or other forces, it seem to come from him and him alone. It didn't feel normal either. It dissipated and clung and passed through anything he touched.
If Hyrule didn't know better, he would of thought that Wild was some sort of half diety or catalyst. It was just so strong that it scared him at first. Most things with that much magic usually are not good news. He's glad he stuck around.
The longer Hyrule was around Wild, the more he noticed how his magic behaved. Wilds magic was just as curious as he was. It dispersed when Wild attuned to his surroundings and focused when he did. It swam amongst the members of their group when they relaxed by the fire. It all clicked when he got to see how the shrines in Wild's world worked.
The sheika technology, with their uncanny representation of the land and ability to sense where places were, felt much like Wild's magic, but it was much more formal and restrained.
It wasn't until then that Hyrule put his observations and Wild's story of resurrection together. It made a lot of sense then, but brought little relief.
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deanpinterester · 5 months
i'm reading the legend graphic novel for the first time and i know it's common for them to skip over a lot of details (i can only guess their budget is tiny) but some of the stuff that gets left out is ??? like the part where june goes to find kaede to ask for help in breaking day out of jail. in the book it's because she found out kaede is part of the patriots. in the graphic novel there isn't a scene where she finds out, so it just seems like she's looking for kaede for no reason
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yailea · 4 months
thinking about making my old pokemon ocs into a blog rn
#they all used to just be one person but like. from different timelines#and then there was a whole multiverse thing#and arceus and the player itself was involved#it was fucking weird#and. a lot of cosmic horror got unexplored due to the rp they were in ending#i love cosmic horror but idk how i'd intergrate that into a pokemon character rn#also would only have to choose one to make into a blog for now#maybe bail? i absolutely loved that little shit#or orchid but the main guy who made them Like That doesn't exist anymore#so a Lot of repurposing would have to happen#i think i'll go with bail if i do it. the simplest one to pull off#except for maybe zel or lus but. not much for them to do#lus already had that issue. they were an instigator for cosmic horror and rage#and zel is kinda just a really fucking traumatised kid who doesn't have much motive outside their brother#but the brother isn't available either#sooo. i think it's gonna have to be bail#even then. a lot of repurposing is gonna have to happen#i could keep the experiment parts. like they were a psychological experiment to see if a person's personality could be replicated through#being genetically related and having identical personalities. but then the team rocket link gets messy#tldr is that they were an attempt to get basically a clone in terms of personality to proton so that team rocket would be able to remain#in the situation something were to happen to the main guy doing the dirty work#so they got a newborn kid who was genetically related to him and tried to replicate his childhood to make the kid act the same#it makes a lot more sense in the context of the rp that was happening#hmm#i will think on it
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aquafire2008 · 9 months
I am so confuzled.
I have NO idea who any of the groups are in Linked Universe. Can someone please tell me?! Like, I think downfall duo is Legend and Hyrule? But other than that, I have no idea! Someone help before I drive myself crazy!
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luxhesperus · 12 days
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listen, i love this scene for a very obvious reason, and that is: bai yaxing was betting on luo fengping's anger to kill hu dayong just like he did with tu xiamao and he almost succeeded (and then again when he hypnotized lfp to off himself, using his pain, this time) but byx has miscalculated lfp
true, txm and lfp share the same grief, having lost someone that they love to greed but here's where byx has miscalculated: it's not that lfp's determination and belief is less than txm's (i mean, he betrayed and hurt the people he clearly cares about — who cares about him back — and faked his death and everything to get his revenge, if that's not determination, i don't know what is), it's that byx never considered what else lfp might believe in other than his anger and pain
now this is the part where another favourite scene of mine comes into play:
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i think this was the part that truly and finally made lfp stop (i mean, lfp was already ready to stand down when luo fei brought up his mother but luo fei's plea and admission just might have done it)
byx feeds off on people's desires, mostly revenge, but i don't think he ever understood them despite how they all wanted the same thing, and certainly not lfp's, that's why it ultimately failed
i don't think byx ever considered that lfp's desire for revenge could be swayed by lfp's want to protect the people he cares about — as evidenced by the trio's moment by lfp's mother's grave and then that scene with luo fei above
another scene that further proves it:
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another thing byx misunderstood about lfp is his love for his mother, byx reduced it to grief and anger and pain (which are easy to take advantage of) when it's also joy and cheer and comfort and a promise — to be good, to be someone with a sense of justice
(ok this has gotten out of hand and probably didn't even need saying but hey have my play money of two cents lmao)
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circusislife · 11 months
I swear that if I find anyone giving my friends grief after the LU server bigots shit show just because they're christian I will start a manhunt and make it my purpose to make haters' life on this site pure hell.
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cylonbarnes · 5 months
alta is genuinely so good it's insane. maybe i dont keep up with kids animation but like what show would make a "Zuko Alone" now
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tetrathebrick · 2 years
Another day another drawing of the short king
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frickin shite that was the worst small group I've ever been to in my life
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romanceyourdemons · 1 year
the funny thing about the assassins (2012) is that everything about it is soso so good EXCEPT for liu yifei’s character, who is terribly done, and she’s literally the main character
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voidfragments · 11 months
i should be asleep but instead i'm thinking about traits from hong lu's identities that might linger after use.... the most important imo is napping in sunny spots like kurokumo (catboy behavior) but also i think tingtang uses a butterfly knife as a fidget toy and it's extremely concerning but somehow they haven't cut themself like that so far? i can't think of anything for liu or k corp tho. all i can think of for liu is tea preferences and i think that's just true of all hong lus. and k corp doesn't have hobbies.
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