#even as far back as DBZ
quiveringdeer · 1 year
dude I was gonna make a joke about how they really took everyone's lips and fused them for Rikido Sato's but honestly can't even do that cause the character designs like his just always give me the ick. I know it's a recurring thing in anime but even him being pale doesn't erase the Jim Crow Sambo-ness of the design. 🫤
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
Which DBZ antagonist do you like the most?
Boring opinion, I know, but I gotta give it up for the Obvious Choice.
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And I'm not just saying that because I haven't had a chance to talk about him yet.
Frieza runs a real estate empire that carries out genocidal acts of gentrification, purging tracts of land of their native inhabitants so he can sell their land for profit. Commenting on this choice for his ultimate villain, Akira Toriyama stated that he made this decision because real estate speculators are the worst people there are.
Fucking based.
From the moment we meet Frieza, he is a monster. Toriyama likes this Big Guy Little Guy dynamic where the Little Guy is the one you really need to watch out for. Frieza is the Littlest Guy ever.
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He's so tiny. And yet you know exactly who the most dangerous person in this group is. Zero question.
By the end of this altercation, Frieza reveals one of his signature attacks, giving us our first glimpse of the kind of person and the kind of fighter he is. This is such an important moment for his character and I'm kinda mad that the anime had Dodoria do it instead.
Muri destroys the Scouters and blinds Frieza. I've talked before at length about the devastating impact that this move and the Namekian warriors' attack has on Frieza's campaign.
But once it's done, he has to face the music. He's not getting out of this alive.
In one last desperation play, Muri tells Cargo and Dende to run while blocking them with his body. And that's when it happens.
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This is Frieza.
Specifically, this is Frieza's Death Beam. It's never actually given a name, but is generally referred to as Death Beam. We've seen a move like this only once before.
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The Dodonpa, signature technique of Tsuru-senryu, first introduced by the assassin Taopaipai, was built for extreme lethality. This is not a technique for fighting; It's a technique for killing.
What makes Frieza's Death Beam stand out from the Dodonpa, however, is its accuracy and its speed. He threads the needle around Muri to hit Cargo before anyone even has a chance to react.
We see its accuracy and speed again six days later, when it finally catches up to the other child fleeing from him here.
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The panelwork here calling attention to everyone's reactions as Frieza's ki bullet shoots past them, as his shot threads the needle between all obstacles in his path to strike his target far behind them. Dende is dead before anyone can even process that Frieza fired.
This is the difference between the two techniques. The Dodonpa is a gun. The Death Beam is a sniper rifle. Faced with the physical hurdle of bodies impeding his path, Frieza point-clicked Cargo and Dende to death.
He later executes Vegeta this same way.
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Done with you.
All of this context for Frieza's sniping shot serves to set up the stunning subversion when Goku arrives to fight.
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Frieza's never seen this before. Goku shouldn't even be able to see the shots coming until they've perforated his lungs. That's how Death Beam works. It's this moment that lays it out: Frieza's about to be tested like he's never been tested before.
Speaking of cool techniques, I've always been partial to this move from his Third Form.
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The anime gives Frieza little ki bullets coming out of his fingers but I want to note that we never see a physical projectile when he's doing this. Frieza jams his fingers back and forth in the air while something pulverizes Piccolo.
I've always imagined he's poking the air so fast that it's hitting Piccolo with pressurized air currents. Similar to Goku's Mazoku air current punch from the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai.
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But that's just me.
In any case, Frieza's got some fun moves. He's something of a hobbyist martial artist. Which is to say, Frieza has an interest in martial arts. In addition to his Death Beam, Frieza's concocted a litany of other interesting techniques.
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He even invented the Kienzan, independently of Krillin.
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Though he can remote operate his Kienzan so it's strictly better than Krillin's. Frieza, in his spare time, has come up with a bunch of cool moves. Too bad he has no idea how to use them.
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Frieza's greatest weakness is his inexperience. He practices martial arts the way a business CEO who bought a log splitter so he can cut some wood and feel woodsy practices agriculture. Frieza has never had a proper chance to truly experience martial arts, because he was born too powerful.
The only partner who's ever even dirtied his skin was his dad.
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And even that isn't much. Frieza's too strong. He wants to pursue martial arts. He wants to hone his technique. But when you win every fight by blinking too hard in the opponent's direction, what even is there to practice?
Frieza created a transformation to seal away his immeasurable ki because he was born with so much ki flowing from him that he can't even contain it. At his peak, Frieza's ki bleeds out of him. He simply can't contain it.
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Goku wonders aloud why Frieza took so long, even after the fight turned against him, to go to 100%. Frieza's been all "Oh I'm only using 10% power this is my 50% you made me go to 75%" and Goku's like, "Okay. My dude. What's this about, for real?
This, incidentally, is not a great translation. What Goku's saying here is supposed to be basically, "Perhaps when you use your full power, your body can't handle it."
He is correct.
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Frieza's Full Power has a lot in common with Super Saiyan 3. His theoretical maximum ability is wildly different from the reality of what he's capable of, because he bleeds ki like it's going out of style.
So, while other characters wound up earning transformations that make them more powerful, Frieza created a transformation to seal away some of his incomprehensible ki.
Then he created a couple more because even though he could now control his strength and even manipulate the amount of ki he's releasing at a time, he was still too powerful for anyone to ever compete with and needed even more ki sealed away.
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Again, not a fantastic translation from the people who brought us "bottom-tier boy", as Frieza's statement here could be interpreted as saying that he gets taken by a berserker rage or something.
What he's saying is more like, "My power is so great that I can't properly contain it."
Point is, Frieza transformed to lock down his ki and seal parts of it away, so he could control the rest better. Then he kept going, locking away more and more and more of his ki. And even at his most nerfed, he's still five times more powerful than the Second Strongest Guy in the Universe.
Frieza has never in his life had the opportunity to be pushed. That's what makes Goku so enthralling to him.
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Frieza plays with Goku because he's genuinely having the time of his life. This guy can fight him in his Final Form. Nobody can fight him in his Final Form. He's so happy, he straight-up forgets that he's trying to complete a genocide against Goku's entire race.
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He said that five minutes ago. Gohan's hidden power freaked Frieza the fuck out. Saiyans are too strong now. They've gotten too strong. Frieza cannot permit them to keep existing because they're getting strong. Every last Saiyan, every last one, must die. Every single one. Scorched earth, no survivors.
But then he meets a Saiyan martial artist who's a technical master and pushes him more than he ever thought possible and suddenly:
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He goes from "Saiyans are TOO STRONG and they all must die because they might threaten me" to "OH MY GOD I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN CAN I KEEP YOU!?"
It's this desire for a true rival, this opportunity to satisfy his amateur's curiosity about martial arts, that ultimately unravels him. Frieza has one ruthless and pragmatic option for ending this fight once it starts to be too much for him. He can technically stop the fight any time he wants.
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But he can't bring himself to do it. He wants to fight. He wants to compete. Frieza's been on the outside looking in at martial arts for his entire life and even when his greatest fears are fulfilled and the Super Saiyan is in front of him, he wants to try.
So when he does attempt to pull his Lethal Ragequit, he pulls back at the last second. He can't bring himself to do it. Goku initially assesses that Frieza held back out of fear of hurting himself.
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But later, as Frieza begins unlocking the final chains on his ki, Goku changes his assessment. Noting that if Frieza really held back simply out of a mistake, he could have shot the planet again at any point to finish the job. He's been letting this play out because he can't bring himself to end the greatest fight of his life that way.
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This fight is still happening because Frieza wants to compete. I mean, he wants to win, of course, but he wants to win as a martial artist. He's never truly gotten to be a martial artist before.
He is not the guy winning the gold medal at the Tenkaichi Budokai. He has never been that guy. He's the guy who buys up the land the Tenkaichi Budokai is held on and then bulldozes all the people off of it. But in his heart of hearts, he wants to be that guy. That guy is so cool. Frieza wants to play too.
In a sense, by hosting the Cell Games, Cell got to live Frieza's greatest fantasy.
This is who Frieza is. He's the cruel and wicked heir to Genocide Realtors Inc., who is in love with the idea of being Tenshinhan - A desire that exists at odds with - and undermines - his pragmatic business sense, so to speak.
He is the most vile character in the history of Dragon Ball. The worst kind of person. He is also an overeager child whose wealth and privilege prevents him from ever truly enjoying his hobbies, to an extent that he'd be almost pitiable but for all the genocides.
And he is Dragon Ball's greatest villain.
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vampcubus · 5 months
imagine playing with dbz!vegeta’s tail while pegging him, pretty boy’s gonna be in heaven but would rather die than admit that <3
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : nsfw, sub!vegeta, afab gn!dom!reader, pegging, tail pulling, finger sucking bc i apparently can't escape that kink, brat -> fuckslut pipeline with a single gesture.
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It isn't often you have the privilege of seeing your fiesty Saiyan prince splayed at your mercy like this, bent over and vulnerable to attack and yet begrudgingly eager to fuck himself back onto your plastic cock. His reddened face is deliberately hidden in the sheet that threatens to tear in his iron grip, but his rear is elevated, knees parted to present his toned ass to you.
"You're so cute when you get shy, 'geta," you purred in an octave that makes his heavy and neglected cock twitch between his legs. He sputters and growls in humiliation, though the frantic back-and-forth motions of his hips are no gentler.
"Shut up," he spits through clenched teeth, though it holds only a fraction of its usual bark as his brain turns to mush. "D-don't call me that, idiot." He cries out as your hips snap against his sharply, the toy striking that spot that makes his knees tremble and buckle.
"Oh, my mistake, my prince," you mocked, and for some reason he groans instead of hissing out another insult. It's not his fault, you're forcibly fucking the sense out of him. "No need to get hostile. After all, I'm treating you good, aren't I?"
Vegeta can't even conjure a flustered lie with the way you're baring down on his prostate, strong hands holding his bucking hips in place so you could bend over him and plow into him more efficiently. You always fuck him perfectly, and even if he doesn't trust you as far as he can ki-blast you, he's helplessly attracted to you. You aren't the first to top him, just the first to keep him engaged, in-line, and sated by the end of each session.
Your chest slips and slides against his sweat-glistened back, and his twitching tail gets caught between your bodies. He faintly has the presence of mind to move it out of your way, although that that only draws your attention to the furry appendage, spelling his doom.
Vegeta is so large and imposing that the existence of his tail always makes you grin and coo. It's so cute, just like him, just like the choked noises he makes as your thrusts become bruising and rough, just the way he likes them. His chestnut-colored tail swishes and curls in midair, waving around your face like a feathered toy to a cat. An unintentional tease, and an opportunity.
A hand leaves his hip to snake around his body, stroking over the layers of hardened muscle adorning his torso to find his jaw. He half-expects you to wrap your nimble fingers around his throat and squeeze, to which he tenses and sends you a warning glare over his shoulder. You only smirk back, sliding your fingers over his kiss-bruised and bitten lips.
"Open," you command, and he grunts in protest, shaking his head.
"Stick your fingers in my mouth and I'll bite them clean off, that's a p-promise-! fuck, what are you-?" Vegeta's growl turns into a startled yelp as your free hand catches his tail in a firm grip. "You insolent- fuuuck."
You give his tail a tug, and it sends a shockwave down his spine, making his entire body tense up and then abruptly go limp. He hates how weak and helpless he's become with a single gesture, and how his traitorous cock only throbs and leaks all the more for it. It's not his fault. It feels too good to submit to you, even if his mind disagrees, his body surrenders enthusiastically.
His jaw loosens, lips parting around your digits as if in a trance and embarassingly, he moans as your fingers glide across his tongue.
The immobile state of his body only seems to amplify the feeling of your cock filling him over and over again, forcing his insides into the shape of the toy. He's ruined surely, no one else could pin him down and fuck him within an inch of his life as you do. The realization both terrifies and turns him on beyond belief.
He can't need you, it's unbecoming. But as your fingers fuck his mouth in time with your purposeful thrusts, his doubts go quiet in his mind, replaced by primal pleadings he's thankful are muffled by your digits.
He wants to cum. He wants to be filled, taken, used. He wants to please you but can never say it. Especially not to you, whom his body ignorantly has been tricked into believing you're his mate.
Mate. What a foolish notion.
Still, he is a weak Saiyan, and he is yours. So he lets go of the illusion of control, just for tonight and allows himself to be conquered.
His tail curls around your wrist in a serpentine manner, and he chews and licks at your fingers. The resulting coo and praise that spills from your wicked lips makes his eyes glaze over. "Pleathe," comes his muffled plea around your fingers, and you are filled with pride. Your grip loosens, and you caress the length of his twitching tail between your fingers, transfixed by the way he squirms and whimpers at the touch.
Your fingers retreat from his mouth, connected to his swollen lower lip by shiny drool. You tilt his head to the side, bending over him further until your lips brush over his own.
"Again. Beg again, and I'll let you cum," you proposed, and this time, he doesn't hesitate, feelings his balls tense in anticipation of an orgasm he needs before he's driven utterly insane with desire.
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chestnutisland · 3 months
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I'm not sure what to say so I'm just gonna type out what comes to mind, the news of Akira Toriyama passing away came as such a shock that I needed a minute to process it, even now it's still surreal to me.
We lost a legend, a wonderfully creative soul who made an impact that reached far and wide. His works have been a part of my life since I was a teen, I'm so much older now. It hurts but his legacy will live on, his hard work and dedication will not ever be forgotten.
For me personally, I thank him for giving me an outlet, a creative muse, and inspiration. Drawing dbz fanart and taking inspiration from his other character designs is what shaped me into the artist I am today and I'm forever grateful for the journey.
The DBZ fandom gives me such joy still to this day. I remember reading the OG DB manga in Dutch, faithfully buying the new issues when they came out. I remember bonding with my middle sister over the anime, we would sit in front of the TV and comment on things we noticed in the episodes we watched. I remember discussing anything and everything db-related with friends and classmates and later on online friends.
I remember the early days of shipping fandom, the early days of K18 and I'm so humbled to know some of us are still here from back then and how far we've come. How much more support there is now. I remember making this blog because I missed the old fandom rings and websites and wanted to share more positive Krillin content and by extend more K18 content. This blog is very dear to me and it's all been made possible because of one man and his wonderful ideas.
But I'm most thankful he gave me one of the best characters in Anime/manga in my humble opinion. A character I can relate to in so many ways and who's helped me through some of life's ups and downs. Krillin is special to me, he's always been my favorite so I just had to sketch something to show my appreciation.
Rest in Peace, fly high on Nimbus, and watch over us from beyond, Toriyama-Sensei.
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cringe--is--dead · 4 months
formally asking for part two of misguided hearts, please!! it was an amazing read!! I'm so excited to see what will happen next :) your writing is absolutely phenomenal ❤️
A/N: We are gonna pretend it hasn't been for forever since I've not only posted on here, but done anything with DBZ. Anyways! Here we are!
The Blind (No Longer) Leading the Blind (Part Two)
Misguided Hearts (Part One)
"I still think you should let Gohan and I spar."
Trunks was on the same topic, pouting, though he'd argue he wasn't, as you fussed over your hair and your makeup, finally settling on an outfit with your mom's help. You sighed, turning to where he was seated on your bed.
"And I told you-- no fighting my friends."
"He made you upset though," He was looking at you as if you were the one who made no sense in this situation.
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head fondly at him, "Gohan didn't upset me."
Though he didn't believe you, "I could stop being friends with Goten?"
You moved to sit across from him, watching as he held one of your pillows to his chest, glaring at your comforter.
"Trunks I appreciate you being ready to fight on behalf of me, but you don't need to. And you especially don't need to drop your best friend for me." You ruffled his hair, and laughed at the offended noise he made, trying to bat you away.
"Whatever. If you come home crying I'm gonna tell dad."
You narrowed your eyes at him, all affection leaving, "You wouldn't."
You hadn't even told your dad you were going on a double date. The man would more than likely have a conniption. The first time a guy showed interest in you he declared no mortal good enough for his daughter and declared anyone after your heart and your hand needed to beat him in a match. You had been thirteen. It was embarrassing. Yet part of you had reveled in his protectiveness of you.
"I would."
You heard your mom shouting your name downstairs, and the jitters that had mellowed out hit you full force. You stood, motioning for Trunks to do the same.
"No hanging out in my room when I'm not here, brat."
He stuck his tongue out at you, "I don't wanna be in your dumb room anyways."
He dodged the smack you sent towards his arm and left you alone. Taking a deep breath, you forced a light expression on your face. Delaying the inevitable wouldn't do you any good.
"You at least look lovely honey," Your mom comforted you, and you smiled at her.
"Thanks, mom."
You made your way to the door, grabbing a thin jacket in case it got nippy, and opened the door, unprepared to see Gohan, Videl, and Erasa at your front door.
You blinked for a moment, staring at the three of them-- Erasa was your date for the double date?
"Sorry," Gohan rushed to apologize, "Erasa insisted we all went together."
The blonde beamed at you from where she stood, and though you were dreading this interaction, you could never dread hanging out with Erasa, and her happiness was always contagious.
"It's alright," You smiled back, shutting the door behind you, "Let's just hurry before dad finishes with his morning training."
Gohan shuddered at that, and the four of you moved to head off. Erasa was practically bouncing as she walked, far more excited than she had been earlier this week. Videl was with her, moving every so often to keep her from drifting into the street or getting distracted by something near by. You couldn't help but smile at the pair, Videl was always so soft with her friends.
"So," Sucks that it meant Gohan had to be stuck walking with you instead of his date, but hey, you'd soak up the time, "My mom says hi. And that you need to come over for dinner soon."
"Well, I'll never pass up an opportunity for Chi-Chi's cooking," He smiled at that, a bright look on his face as you continued, "We still have that project due soon so I could come over some time this week?"
"Yeah! That'd be great. Sorry in advance for how mom will be." He paused, "And dad, come to think of it."
You quirked an eyebrow at him, "I've known your parents since I was a kid, Gohan. I know how they'll be."
"Yeah, but this will be different. Well not really, for us I suppose. But for them. Mainly mom." He sighed, as if already exhausted by the dinner that hadn't even happened yet, "And dad's just excited that that gives him more excuses to hang out with Vegeta."
"That it-- what?"
He laughed as if your confusion was not only expected but entertaining to him, "I know. I told him that just because we're seeing each other it doesn't mean he gets to go over and bug your dad every day. Not to mention I think it'll just be another reason for Vegeta to not like him. Or me."
Your mind was reeling, and you felt yourself slowing down your walk, trying to process and make sense of what he was talking about. Gohan seemed almost too lost in his mind to notice at first.
"I wonder if there's some Saiyan tradition he's going to make me partake in. Or-- hey, what's up?"
He turned, and you realized you had gone from slowing down to not walking entirely.
"Gohan-- what are you talking about?"
It was his turn to look confused. "Well I mean, dad doesn't know a whole lot about Saiyan traditions so he never really did anything special with mom. I figured Vegeta would probably remember more so if there was one he'd force me to do it. It probably has something to do with sparring, knowing him."
"Why would-- why would you need to know about Saiyan traditions regarding-- what does my dad have to do with this?"
By now both Videl and Erasa had turned to look at you two, confused as to why their trip was pausing. Gohan looked from you, to the pair of them. The cafe was within sight, so he told the pair to go ahead, and you two would catch up in a moment.
Head tilted, he looked at you curiously, "Because if I'm taking you out then he's either going to have my head or make me partake in some... Saiyan courting ritual I know nothing about." He grinned slightly, joking as he said, "I'd like to get a head start on it so I don't lose against him."
"Why would you need to fight my dad in a Saiyan courting ritual to date Videl?"
You were met with silence as Gohan stared at you, mouth parted slightly.
"What are you talking about?" Before you could respond he stepped closer to you, "I'm-- I'm not interested in Videl? I asked you on this date?"
"No you didn't!"
"I did!" The pair of you seemed to be growing almost frustrated with each other.
"When we were working on the project in your room-- I told you about the double date and you said you wanted to come!"
"Yeah, you said you and Videl wanted me to come on a double date. Meaning you and Videl were one couple, and I was--"
"Oh my God," He muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes under his glasses before pausing, looking at you with the biggest puppy eyes you had ever seen on him, "I messed this up."
He stepped forward, gently taking one of your hands into his, and you found yourself unsure of what to do or say.
"I... was asking you out. I wanted to come here with you. Videl had managed to get herself to ask Erasa out, but was too nervous for a one-on-one first date. So the agreement was I had to man up and ask you out."
"You... didn't do that well."
He laughed quietly, "I'm realizing this now." He paused, "Does this mean that... your answers changes now that you--"
"No!" Your voice was louder than you intended it to be, "No, no I... God, Gohan I was practically heart broken that I thought you were into Videl. I love her, don't get me wrong but I've had the biggest crush on you since we were kids."
His grin grew, becoming soft and almost dopey looking, "That's funny. I've had a crush on you since we were kids, too."
You could have face palmed then and there, could have cried or screamed with the amount of emotions you were feeling. Apparently, despite taking after your genius of a mother, you were an idiot.
"Oh," You blinked, "That's why Trunks was mad at you."
"I was..." Moping. "Upset cause I thought you liked Videl. He heard me complaining to mom and wanted to fight you."
"Oh," He looked contemplative, "That... checks out. I'm just glad he hadn't told your dad yet."
You giggled, "He said if I came home crying he would."
"Well," He took your hand in his more securely, tugging you gently towards the entrance of the cafe, "I suppose I just have to make this an excellent first date."
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givemeonereason · 5 months
Meditations: First Friend
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Photo Credit: Pinterest
Dragon Ball Masterlist Givemeonereason Masterlist
Rating: Angst
Plot: Piccolo has been missing and you’re the doing the actual missing. A friendly police officer seeks out to try and help you recover the missing link.
A/N: It’s about time I bring some other fellow DBZ characters into this.
They all interlink and play a part in each others lives. Also, this just felt like a very nice way to tie everything together.
I hope to bring at least one more character in during the next installment.
Don’t worry too much. We might see a reunion very soon.
You looked for him out the window of your office those next few days hoping to see the white of his cape fluttering in the wind. However, he was never there. No matter how many time you check, and all the different times of the day, nothing.
Two weeks had passed and not one sighting.
You sat down in the company-provided ergonomic, rolling desk chair. It spun to the side. You let your feet dangle there limp.
The alien documentaries and fictional programs you've tried watching by way of research haven't really given you any closure. They just made you more frustrated considering that your alien, Piccolo isn't anything like they portray. It doesn't even give you any sense of how to get him back either. As far as you knew, there wasn't a spaceship to seen. At least, you didn't see one.
Is he really gone forever?
If you could just go back in time and change the outcome of what happened before. The day he carried you through the skies and you cried.
I'm not scared anymore.
I was caught off guard is all.
During your lunch break, you treaded up the hillside to where he usually sat. You could imagine him there still as a board with his eyes closed.
You stood there listening to the sound of the passing cars below and the birds above. You looked up to the sky searching for a place someone could fly to. And there was nothing.
"Piccolo!" No hesitation in your shout. "Piccolo, where are you?"
Someone on the sidewalk below stopped and looked up toward you. Some crazy lady screaming from a hilltop for her lost woodwind instrument? What on earth are they cooking these days?
My green alien guy.
You took out your phone and went to the internet and key searched "alien Piccolo." You saw lots of information regarding King Piccolo and his reign of tyranny and the World Martial Arts Tournament.
King Piccolo does greatly resemble the Piccolo you know. However, your Piccolo has softer features overall, but the sharp angles of his jawline and the point of his ears make him rather handsome. In an alien sort of way, handsome nonetheless.
"Excuse me, Miss." There was a gentle voice behind you. You pressed the screen of your phone against your chest hoping that whoever was standing there didn't see you staring down at the evil Namekian. It's not as if you were really looking at him, but rather imagining someone else.
"Yes?" You turned on a heel to address the voice standing behind you. You looked and saw no one at first, then your eyes darted down to see a concerned face.
When your eyes met his, he reached out a hand toward you. "Hello Miss, I'm Officer Krillin. I'm with the local police. There was a report of a woman shouting at the top of this hill searching for something. Are you alright? What is it that you're looking for? I can help you."
You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh from within your chest. "What I'm looking for isn't here anymore." You glanced up towards the sky, the white fluffy clouds spread across the horizon. There was a longing in your eyes, the way you lingered subtly before looking back down at the man before you and smiled. "I'm sorry to have worried you."
There is little to no point in trying to explain this to the police. What are you going to say, there is this alien named Piccolo that I met here and I don't know how to get in touch with him now. He's tall and wears a cape. Claims to be a Namekian. Like the police would know, or even care about that. The best outcome would most likely be institutionalism. They'll lock you in a padded room with nothing to eat but porridge and if you're lucky jello. At least that is the worst-case scenario, right?
You took a step forward to walk down the hillside, but the officer stopped you. "The concerned citizen claimed you were looking for an instrument. That you were yelling out towards the valley." He was looking down at his notepad. He pulled a pen from his pocket, pushing the top with a click, he jotted down another note. "I am going to need to file a follow-up report. Do you think you could tell me more about this, please?"
You didn't say anything at first. You called this. You knew if you opened your mouth it was all over. How could you word this in a way that didn't make you sound crazy? "Let's say I lost my piccolo." You sighed once more before continuing. "I haven't been able to find it in some time. I came to see it-- play it here on this hillside."
The man took diligent notes. "And do you think you can describe what this piccolo looked like? I'm not sure I've ever seen one up close and personal. Are there any particular identifiers?"
Raspberry. I'm not really a fan of the raspberry jello. If anything I hope I'll get the pineapple. Refreshing.
Well, this could go two ways.
I could speak vaguely about the actual Piccolo and confuse this man.
I could just be plain and say a regular piccolo that you rented from a nearby instrument shop.
Neither of them sounds the least bit good. So you chose to go for the first.
No wait, lime. Yes, it's green. Green like..
"It's green, white and purple. It's a custom, limited edition instrument."
"Green, white, purple." He recited back. "Okay. I'm going to have a look around the area to see if I come up with anything. I will take down your number as a follow-up."
Officer Krillin walked down the side of the hill with you. He jotted down your phone number on his notepad. "Don't worry miss, I'll do my best."
You smiled at him, your eyes hiding the hopelessness there. "Thank you, officer." You knew this would be a fruitless endeavor, yet you had to play your part. You waved goodbye before you walked back into the office building. Somehow you completely forgot you had to work for a living.
Officer Krillin walked around the area, rummaging through the brush on the side of the road and looking into divots in the hillside.
He kept looking down at his notepad, repeating the notion over and over as he scouted the area.
“Green, white and purple…Green, white and purple….”
He stood on the sidewalk and scratched at his temple. “A piccolo that is green, white and purple.” He looked online at a photo of what a piccolo looked like. “Okay, so it’s little green, white and purple then. Just like this picture. Little, green, white and purple.”
He crossed the street and looked in the grass on the opposite side of the street. “Little, green, white and purple. Little, green…little green…..hmmmm.”
He stopped in his tracks, squinting his eyes as the wheels turned inside of his brain. “Little, green. Dende? I wonder how that little guy is doing? Okay, Krillin, she was talking about a piccolo. Little, green, white….piccolo…..PICCOLO!” He exploded. He laughed loudly at this own realization.
He walked back to his motorbike planning to go back to the station and investigate this further. “Now, I have been wrong before, but I just have a hunch she’s talking about our Piccolo. The real question is, how does she know Piccolo?”
His mind wondered how such a brute like him would come into contact with such a beautiful woman like you, let alone she was looking for him as if she wanted to see him again for some reason. It perplexed him.
Though, he pulled himself a hottie himself so anything is possible. If 18 could hear his thoughts now she would laugh, but she also chose him.
But what if there is business with Piccolo? What if something is wrong? She was yelling as the report was written.
He rode faster towards the station where he dropped off his bike and headed for the roof of the manciple building. “Well, there is only one way to find out.” He shot up into the air, flying straight for the lookout.
When he landed on the platform Mr. Popo was diligently pruning his garden. He paid no mind to Krillin as he hummed an offbeat tune to himself.
Dende rushed up to meet Krillin. The smiles across each other's faces were as wide as the horizon beyond the lookout. "Wow, Dende, you've grown so much! You're so much taller than me!"
Dende laughed and reached out to embrace the smaller man in front of him. "How are you? How is everyone?"
"We're all good." He nodded his head. He posed with a thumbs up. "I didn't come here to worry you. I was wondering where Piccolo was?"
Dende turned and pointed towards the building behind him. "I saw him inside."
"Thank you little green." He started off towards the entrance. He could hear Dende over his shoulder, a tinge of irritation in his voice. "Not little....."
"Piccolo?" Krillin called out as he walked the halls in search of the, he looked back down at his notepad again, limited edition, green, white, and purple, piccolo.
Piccolo walked through the threshold of a room meeting Krillin in the hallway. "Thank kami I found you." Krillin laughed, his hand behind his head.
Piccolo looked down at Krillin sternly. It's not always good news when he meets with Krillin. Sudden visits never indicate anything by trouble.
"Hey Piccolo, funny enough, I've been looking for you for hours." Krillin laughed once more. His cheeks red reminiscing at his own cleverness as a police officer. To some, it's might only be considered luck.
Piccolo tensed where he stood. His whole body became rigid. Though you would never be able to tell with his powerful aura. He braced himself for whatever was coming next. Something wrong with Pan? A new enemy?
"So Piccolo, you might not believe this, but I met a woman today who I think is looking for you."
When Piccolo's narrowed eyes didn't soften and he didn't respond, Krillin continued. "It's kind of a funny story actually. Someone came into the station and said there was a woman on a nearby hillside screaming out about a piccolo. I went to see her and she described what the....." Piccolo was already walking away from Krillin before Krillin even realized he was gone.
"Wait, Piccolo!" His small stature only giving him minimal distance towards the Namakian. "Piccolo! I think she's looking for you." Krillin caught up to him. "Do you think that woman meant you? She said the piccolo was green, white and purple." He pointed towards him. "Man, that fits you to a T. But I just don't know why?" Piccolo walks into a room that befits a lofty office. Krillin followed him into the room, stopping short of the large table strewn with books on it. "Why does she care so much about you?"
Piccolo's fist comes down hard on the table. The books quiver about the violent vibration. His voice is deep and pointed. "Would you give it a rest?"
Krillin takes a step backward. "Woah, man, I just thought there is no way what she said was a coincidence." He laughed with his whole chest. "In all seriousness, she did look worried. She said she lost it, well, you."
Piccolo turned away from Krillin. "Leave me be."
Krillin stood quietly for a moment. "What do I tell her then?"
"I don't care what you tell her," Piccolo responded flatly.
Krillin narrowed his eyes, and he felt a sudden sadness wash over him. "Oh."
He walked towards the door and turned back to look towards the Namakian. "Did something happen between you two?"
Piccolo barely looked back over his shoulder. He chose to only look at Krillin through his peripheral. "Even if she does want to see me..." He looked back forward, walking towards the bookshelf against an adjacent wall. "I don't think I can face her after what I did."
Krillin seeing an opening, "just go down and-"
His shoulders dropped. "Why?"
"I told you to leave me be." He closed the book with a snap.
Piccolo whipped around, his cheeks reddened with anger, his chin tilted downward, and his eyes narrowed. He roared at Krillin. “LEAVE!” Which made Krillin witness his life flash before his eyes.
Krillin took off out of the room. A steady push lifted his feet into the air as he took off down towards the ground.
A slew of emotions rippling over him. Mostly the lack of answers leading his confusion.
I haven’t seen Piccolo so worked up in a long time. Why now, and why that woman?
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duhragonball · 8 months
Dragon Ball Daima: Oops! All Babies
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I think the word is already out on this thing. Turns out all the rumors about a new Dragon Ball anime featuring a de-aged Goku were mostly true. But it's not "Dragon Ball Magic", it's "Dragon Ball Daima". And while the Supreme Kai is in the trailer, so are a lot of other characters, so it remains to be seen if he's in the lead like the "Magic" rumors had suggested. As far as the name goes, "Daima" is apparently a word Toriyama made up, so "Magic" may have been a best-guess attempt to translate it into English, or maybe it was a working title used behind the scenes, sort of like how they called "Return of the Jedi" by the name "Blue Harvest" during production.
Anyway, the trailer features lots of characters being turned into small children, not just Goku. Some characters are unaccounted for, most notably Gohan. I'm not sure how to interpret this. It could mean he's not in the show at all, and he was unaffected by whatever caused this. But my guess is that they only had so much footage they could put in the trailer, and someone decided Kid Gohan wasn't very helpful from a promotional standpoint. I mean, we saw a lot of Kid Gohan in DBZ. Showing a Kid Gohan in Daima might have led to confusion about the show's continuity.
I'm not... particularly interested in the adults-turned-to-kids gimmick. I don't hate it, but it doesn't mean much to me. The characters look adorable, and that's great, but it's not exactly groundbreaking.
What does interest me is the message from Akira Toriyama at the panel where they unveiled the trailer. I like it because it gives me some assurance that Daima won't fall into the same pitfalls as GT. Let's discuss.
A transcript, first, in case you couldn't read the image at the top of the post:
Hello. I’m Akira Toriyama.
I’m currently working on a new Dragon Ball. The Title is “Dragon Ball DAIMA”.
“DAIMA” is a made-up term, which in Japanese characters would be “大魔” or in English would be something like “Evil.”
Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned small. In order to fix things, they’ll head off to a new world! It’s a grand adventure with intense action in an unknown and mysterious world.
Since Goku has to make up for his petite size, he uses his Nyoibo (Power Pole) to fight, something not seen in a long time.
I came up with the story and settings, as well as a lot of the designs. I’m actually putting a lot more into this than usual!
Things will unfold that close in on the mysteries of the Dragon Ball world. Hope you enjoy these different-from-usual battles that are cute and powerful!!
All that really matters here is the part where he says why the characters get turned into kids. "Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned small. In order to fix things..."
I spent like two months this year complaining about Dragon Ball GT, and pointing out all its various flaws and shortcomings, and here Toriyama sums it all up without even really talking about GT at all. The big problem with GT was not that they turned Goku into a child. The problem was that they turned Goku into a child and then did nothing about it.
I know a lot of fans like GT, but that isn't the point. The point is that when Goku turns into a kid in the first episode, it's presented like a big problem, an obstacle the hero must overcome. The implication is that Goku has to go on a quest to restore himself to normal. Except that's not the problem. The Black Star Dragon Balls are the problem, and Goku can't even think about using them to turn himself back, because they'll destroy the Earth.
So the viewer might be led to assume that the show is actually about Goku learning to adapt to this second childhood. Well, no, because he very quickly decides that it doesn't matter much to him. The only real drawback to his kid body is that for some reason he can't teleport or use Super Saiyan 3. But then he discovers Super Saiyan 4, which can teleport and it's stronger and stabler than SSJ3, so yeah he's arguably better off than he was before.
So what was the purpose of making Goku a kid in GT? I don't know, I guess Toei thought he would look cool that way. Well, fair enough, but that's like giving Goku a haircut, or a new pair of shoes. You don't market a show on a mere cosmetic change. GT presented Kid Goku like a problem that would be central to the series, and then did their best to ignore it for the next 63 episodes. And this hurts everything else they tried to do with the show, because all of the villains and aliens and battles ring hollow when they don't have anything to do with Goku being turned into a kid. If GT could have fixed that fundamental problem, it might not have fixed everything I hated about GT, but it would have at least made the show feel more satisfying to watch.
What I'm driving at here is that Toriyama understands that you can't just de-age your characters for no reason. There has to be a plot-driven reason behind it, or it's just a cheap gimmick. And there is a reason in Daima. There's a conspiracy, and somehow it led to Goku and the gang getting turned into kids. This isn't just Emperor Pilaf making a stupid wish without thinking. Someone did this on purpose. I don't know why someone would do this. Maybe it's an unintended side effect of some other action, but it's still a deliberate action that will set the plot into motion.
And this version of Goku may not care about being de-aged, just like the GT Goku didn't care, but Daima Goku is still going to do something about it. We know this because "In order to fix things, they’ll head off to a new world!" The conspiracy is a problem to be solved, and Goku's going to go to this "new world" to solve it.
This is important. I can't stress it enough. This is why Akira Toriyama is so good at what he does. I'm not saying he's flawless, but most of the criticisms I see leveled at Toriyama don't hold water. The guy knows how important it is to connect all the story beats together.
Of course, Daima could still fall flat. I mean, the Zamasu arc was terrible, so maybe this thing will turn out to be a stinker too. But at least I can rest easy knowing this won't just repeat all the mistakes GT made.
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
Can I Get 53/59 Goku x Reader ? 😁
Jealous. Goku x Reader
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I tried my best not to make him OOC 😭 Edit: Conveniently I finished this literally two days before you sent this ↑, another kill two birds with one stone situation!
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☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🍚Envy🍚 (DBZ or Dragon Ball Z)
Warning(s): Lemon/Smut content, jealous Goku, light exhibition
Goku doesn't appreciate this random guy flirting with you like he isn't there and you seem to have forgotten who your man was, so he'll gladly remind you.
Goku wasn’t one to get jealous.
I mean, he’s had the feeling before, but usually it was over something simple and the feeling was as loose as a flickering flame.
Like when someone got the last bite of food before he could reach it.
Or when someone had more power than him.
But that fire always died out, because there would always be more food, and someone being stronger than him meant he had a goal to keep fighting towards.
But this time was different.
The male alien looked you up and down, “Well, who is this fine specimen?”
You offered a smile, “I’m [Name].”
“Hm, I like that, rolls off the tongue well.”
You see, Goku didn’t really care much at first.
Because you were highly attractive, he knew that, that was one of the reasons he liked you.
So, he knew other people noticed and stared.
As much as he made people believe he was an idiot, he was far from. He just didn’t care for the pressure that came with intelligence, so he used his naivety and density to hide he had much of it.
So, when Vegeta gave your body a twice-over every once in a while, he noticed, he just didn’t bother to say anything considering Vegeta wasn’t bold enough to ever make a move, even more so once he actually considered Bulma to be more than a human he bred with that had a child he didn’t want.
But anyway, back to the point.
He didn’t care that the guy was flirting at first.
But then when you actually started to laugh at a few of his lines, that’s when his food seemed a lot less interesting.
“You should laugh more, the sound is pleasant,” the alien leaned on a fist.
“Now you’re just saying things, my laugh is anything but pleasant…”
You were right, you didn’t have a perfect laugh, it wasn’t the most pleasant. But Goku liked it because it was yours, just because it was strange, yet so, so you is why he liked listening to it.
Just not when another was making you laugh.
His fingers tapped away at the table as he watched, his hard gaze focused on the both of you.
Did you forget you came with Goku not whoever the hell that was? Who was that anyway?
“Ah, I see. Are you royalty here, [Name]?”
You chuckled, “No, no. I just run a big company, not royalty or anything.”
“A shame, you have a face fit for royalty.”
You shyly picked at a sleeve, “Thank you.”
“You don’t seem to take compliments well.”
“Ah, well, I don’t really get them often is all.”
The tapping stopped.
Goku thought he complimented you plenty.
He always told you the food was good.
And when he asks to train with you, it was because he enjoyed fighting you.
…But he must admit, those kind of get recycled after a while.
He…didn’t compliment you much at all, huh?
“Really? I’d expect you to be showered in compliments, you’re quite the gem.”
He didn’t like that, he didn’t like the way that guy was looking at you.
Like you were just something for him to devour and take.
You were much more than that, and taken.
Then the worst thing happened.
He dared to touch you and that little flame turned into a roaring bonfire.
Goku’s jaw clenched, his hard gaze narrowing.
Krillin was about to ask him if he was going to finish his food but decided against it. In the rarity that Goku looked like he wanted to kill, you run.
Goku silently stood from his seat walking over, making sure to smooth over his expression into the usual dopey one he possessed.
“Hey, [Name]. Can we talk for a sec? It won’t take long.”
He controlled his voice well, though you could still tell something was different.
But you smiled anyway, “Sure Goku, excuse me Malitax.”
Goku had to hold back a scoff.
You walked ahead, and Goku bent down, growling a single sentence into his ear before he followed you.
“I’m not gonna be nice anymore, if you’re still here by the time we get back, I’m fighting you.”
He met you in the cut, hidden away from the party you were attending.
You turned from facing the wall to conversate, “What’s up, Goku--?”
It was like his face transformed before your eyes. That kind gaze became calculated, that smile melted into a frown.
He stopped a few feet in front of you, “What was that?”
You swallowed, “W-what was what?”
He scoffed in disbelief, “'What was'--? That out there. You letting that guy talk to you like that.”
You furrowed your brows, “He was just being nice…”
He moved again, you nervously moving back once for each step he took.
“Nice. There’s a difference between being nice and being nice because someone wants to get in your pants, don’t play with me, [Name].”
Your breath hitched when the arch of your back hit the cold, stone wall.
“Goku? What’s going on? You’ve never—”
“Don’t change the topic.”
“I was just being polite.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to be polite with guys like him,” he growled out before pausing to control himself, “Look. He was flirting with you like he had a chance and you were talking to him like he had a chance. Why? Did you want to entertain him or something?”
“We were just having a little fun, it wasn’t—”
A hand slammed next to your head, as he leaned in, a scowl taking over his face, “Fun?”
“I don’t know…I guess it was just nice to hear someone compliment me…”
He leaned into your ear, “You want compliments? I can do that. Like how cute you look under me right now.”
Where in the world did this Goku come from? Was this a Saiyan thing?
“And how…” his hot breath hit your ear, teeth nipping at your lobe until lips trail down your neck, “Inviting your neck looks…”
You bite your lip, “G-goku, we can’t just…”
“Hm? What was that?”
You toss your head back as his fingers drag up and down your sides, lips trailing down.
“We shouldn’t—not here—ah!”
You hadn’t expected him to spare special attention to that spot and leave a mark.
“Right about now, this is the most self-control I have. If not here, it was either gonna be in front of him or however far in the sky we managed to get,” he muttered.
He left another mark, then another.
You honestly didn’t want to protest, not at all, you just didn’t want to toss your morals into the fire like you were getting tempted to right now.
You didn’t want to toss away your dignity just yet.
“I don’t want Malitax to come looking—”
The growl that came out of his throat didn’t sound like his, it sounded…animalistic.
“I don’t want to hear his name, right now.”
He left another spot to become a colorful mark later, “Aren’t you getting the hint? Shut up or I’ll shut you up properly.”
Now you get it…he was jealous.
You mustered up a brave face, “Do it then, I dare you.”
Yeeeah. That was the wrong thing to say to Son Goku.
Minutes later your back was rubbing against the wall as he thrusted into you.
Your head tossed back as your mouth gaped.
“Next time, don’t dare me. I don’t like losing, you should know that by now.”
You moved to nuzzle into the space between his neck and shoulder, muffling some sounds that managed to escape.
“Mm—I know…”
“You’re so beautiful like this, [Name]. All for me…No one else can make you feel like this...”
You heard a voice, someone was looking for you, then you recognized it and panicked, pulling away to look into Goku's eyes.
“G-Goku—mm—He’s close—Malitax—Ahm!”
A large hand engulfed your mouth, his tone snappy, “I don’t want to hear that name anymore. You’re not his, you’re mine. Got it?”
Besides, he’d deal with him later since he obviously didn’t take his threat seriously enough.
All you could manage was a whine.
He moved his hand, using it to hold you up, the other hand cupping your chin, thumb dragging your bottom lip, “Say it.”
“Yours. I’m not his, I’m yours.”
“Mine. I love you--all mine.”
He repeated it, almost like he couldn’t stop, the faster it flew from his lips the faster his thrusts became.
And when you came undone, whimpering his name like it was only him.
Only then did that fire die down.
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sith-qween · 9 months
Come, Let Us Teach You
Fandom: DBZ
Pairings: Reader x Vegeta, Reader x Nappa, Reader x Raditz
Words: 3.2K
Rating: M
Warnings: Sayian Reader, Mating Cycles/Heats, Ginyu Force, Dark Frieza, No protection, probably more, I will update as we go lol
One | Two | Three | Four |  Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen |
He wasn’t exactly one for pillow talk and cuddles, much like you would have assumed in the first place. In fact it might have shocked you more if he had been. Instead he cleaned himself up when you turned your back to him and left without much more than a couple words. You were given one more painful reminder that you needed to toughen up and he was gone. 
Did you expect anything to come from what had just happened, no. Hell you already knew you’d probably never hear the end of it and that alone was enough to make your blood boil. Even if he had been amazing and satisfied everything you needed him to in the moment - you would rather drop dead than ever give him the satisfaction of knowing that. He was an arrogant prince and you didn’t need to give him any more of an ego boost on top of everything else. 
Laying there in the pit of confusion over how you felt now, you finally decided enough was enough. There was still enough time to get some training in and you would rather not lose any more time, lest they try to hold it against you for slacking. Dragging yourself from the inner war in your head, you stood, not without a pleasant reminder that was ghosted throughout your skin, and headed into the bathroom. 
The shower was hot and quick, scrubbing your skin rougher than normal, trying to erase it from your thoughts. Granted there was no way to forget his lips on your skin or just how right it had felt. Honesty you chalked it up to being that time and probably something to do with him being a Saiyan. After all you’d dealt with your time before but it had never felt quiet as right as that had. Needless to say you weren’t exactly in the biggest hurry to find out about it either. 
Everything was routine from there. Dressed. Stretched. Straight to the training rooms. You were pretty sure it would be safe to avoid Vegeta there, he was probably busy reporting the mission and trying to brown nose Frieza or Ginyu. He was very proud, but he also bowed his head when he wanted to keep his life. After all you probably made his life a little bit more difficult when you had lipped off about Frieza. 
With a hiss the door pulled open and you stepped in. The dull roar that was humming in your muscles was enough to remind you how badly you needed to let off some more steam. While you had been hopeful that you would be able to steal the training room to yourself, your tail lashed with annoyance as you spotted a certain hulking Saiyan in one of the corners of the room. Great. Just one of the people you wanted to see the most at that moment. It wasn’t like dealing with any of them was an easy task, let alone when you were all wound up.
Deciding it would be in your best interest to ignore him, as you headed over towards your own section of the room. It was nothing special, and it wasn’t like any of the higher ups were in a hurry to use any of their budget on your group. The stuff was older and worn, but you figured it gave it some character; after all so far there had been a great deal of memories made in this room, and you weren’t sure if you would really change that if you could. Even if some were unpleasant, and others were just plain embarrassing. Over the dulled smack against the leather of the punching bag you hadn’t noticed a loud voice trying to get your attention. Well that being until suddenly he was in your vision.
“Just because you can get some doesn’t make you that much better than the rest of us you know?” the voice jabbed, the loud sound breaking from the haze that had been fogging everything else was the least recommended at the moment. Stopping you lifted your eyes to meet the others, narrowed in displeasure of being interrupted. 
“And what makes you think that? Besides, I know I’m better either way, keep that in mind.” you pointed out, voice level not wanting to really give anything away. Knowing their history it would be something quickly turned against you, and the questions of who would be quick to follow. After being so against any of them, you weren’t exactly ready to admit they weren’t that bad. Especially when you knew they all had one goal in mind, and it was the one thing you were most against.
He could see the calculating look behind those [e/c] eyes, and he wanted to know what you were holding back, but he was also wise enough not to pry at the wrong times. His face was lit with his grin as he watched you with a curious gleam, “Now now, I know a glow when I see one, but clearly you don’t want to brag.. I mean, I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to demonstrate, wouldn’t feel nearly as jealous..” he hinted, amusement lighting his eyes as his words managed to get a reaction. Honestly, you swore there was a guide on how to push your buttons, were you just that easy to read?
“I think you need to wake up from whatever disillusioned dreamland you’re floating in, you might just walk into something and hurt yourself” you practically snarled at him, the bite in your words was back and as strong as ever. Hell you could have even fooled yourself into thinking absolutely nothing happened in this very room only a few days ago. 
“So cold, I don’t know what I did to deserve such treatment…” his laugh came, making it plainly obvious that he knew why, and that he liked the reaction. A small twitch reached your eye as you tried not to let him get under your skin, this wasn’t the time to start anything else. You just wanted to train, and hopefully clear your mind from earlier. That wasn’t something you really wanted to have lingering around in the back of your mind for long. Not only would it be a pain if anyone else found out, but it was always not something you wanted to have haunting you either. The sooner it was gone from your mind, the better off you would be, mentally and physically. 
“You know full well what you did, now do you plan on bugging me further or may I get back to warming up?” you managed to get out, the sharpness edging into your voice. Your eyes flicked to the side to where he stood, just within your peripheral vision. You could hardly make out the smug expression he wore, but then again you knew better by now - it was more surprising for him not to be so smug.
“Warming up? [Y/N], what would you do after that? Not like you can make as much progress alone, as you could if you had a partner. After all, it has been a while since we spared last - wouldn’t that be more worthwhile?” he suggested, but it was much more like a nudge. This was enough to get you to turn slightly to face him, the hints of challenge already budding,
“If I am not mistaken, last time we spared someone got upset when I landed a hit on him. I believe they were even considered ‘rusty’ by a lower class saiyan. Or am I mistaken, Nappa?” you responded. The venom lacing your tone was as clear as day, and you could visibly see his muscles tighten at the taunt. Sure he wasn’t the best person to rile up, but it was only fair he knew that two could play at that game.
“And didn’t someone else get their feathers in a bunch when someone hit them back? I recall a scrawny little thing huffing off with anger because they weren’t ready to block.” 
There was a silence in the room, his words seeping into your veins and causing anger to fuel you. Of course, on again about how much smaller you were from the others. It wasn’t even like you hadn’t been exposed to the life of a saiyan, or that you were a female. No, that had nothing to do with it, clearly not. Sure, you weren’t as skilled or built as them, but your spirit burned stronger than theirs, and you would be damned if you let the massive man just walk all over you with his words. 
“So long as you don’t hold back for the sake of pity.. I think maybe I will take you up on this offer this time. I would much rather smack you around than a bag of sand.” your eyes were narrowed, watching him carefully. Turning to face him fully, you could see the sheer size difference. Hell Nappa made Vegeta and Raditz look small in comparison, you could only imagine how small you must look next to him. 
“Hold back? Now why would I do that? You’ve proven you need some sense knocked into that thick skull of yours, and after all what go would me holding back do? It wouldn’t do either one of us much good, now would it?” his face was making a change from smug brat, to an over confident fighter. Now most would feel intimidated by all that, but for once you felt like one with your roots, a deep burning to rise above this obstacle and beat down a strong opponent? Oh you could feel the phantom itching in the tips of your fingers. Curling your hands into fists, a grin of your own started to grow. No matter what, you refused to end up in the medical bays again.
If you were to admit that Nappa was right, it might be time to try fighting more seriously. After all, everything up until this point was all reckless and foolish fighting. No plan, no real power, just anger and rage. You would have to take it a step up if you wanted to avoid anything fatal this time around, and clearly the other was on the same page as you. The air started to grow heavy, and it took a couple of quick back steps before you felt at a safe distance. The ground under him had started to dent slightly and a deep chuckle emanated from him as he watched you blink in surprise. Well, guess there was no use avoiding it, you had to admit he was right this time around.
Meeting his eyes in a challenge, you took on a defensive stance, focusing on building up your own power. Honestly, this was never your strong point seeing as your old base never pushed you nearly as hard as this one already had. After all you were in a no name base, the expendable ones who were the lambs to the slaughter. Here the stronger warriors, not to mention a handful of Frieza’s strongest men, were often seen patrolling the halls and hanging around. The jump was huge, and now was as good a time as any to start working on improving your power levels. 
Unlike the brutish force that the other was giving off as he powered up, yours was more elegant in a way. Much more liquid compared to his explosive burst. The equipment near you started to crack and break down, hitting the ground in a sharp clutter. The feelings of energy rushing through you could be akin to that of a warm drink on a cold day. The distinct contrast as it rushed through you. This was much better, so much better. Not like it would’ve helped with Frieza, but now you were on a closer playing field with the other, closing some of the power gap. 
Neither one of you was ready to move, and neither one of you was willing to let the other out of their sights. Everything paused for a moment before you saw him rush towards you. It was a quick movement and you managed to block, your size giving you the advantage with speed as you shift and land a kick to his legs. However your strength was only so much against his muscles. Grabbing the leg that connected he was quick in pulling you off and hurling you into the wall across the room. 
Stunned for a brief moment you saw him rushing you again and you were quick to duck out of the way, making sure to leave a well timed ki blast in order to blind him and gain some distance. Yeah, okay right. Now wasn’t the time to get careless. You could hear him growl at the little stunt and you were on the clock. Taking your turn in rushing him you unleashed a series of blows, catching him off guard as he turned around. He had to take a moment to worry about blocking your attacks before he finally  resumed his own attacks. 
Well that alone was progress. He had to actually block and worry about your attacks now, better than his good old, fuxe worries. You weren’t just trying to find a chance to hit him, you were hitting him, and making him react in earnest now. Only, you would have to take time to be proud of that later, right now you were more worried about not getting to comfy with the floor like you had in previous fights. 
The fight continued on for a while, each of you holding your own against the other. Hits are getting harder and faster, and focus getting sharper and more dangerous. Parting for a moment, you both needed to catch your breath, hovering in the air. You were sore, but it felt so good. In fact it was only serving to boost the adrenaline you were already feeling. Noticing a shift in his stance as he readjusted you didn’t give it to him, rushing in you went right for him. 
With a grunt he just managed to catch your fist before it landed between his eyes. The curl of his lips causes you to practically snarl in response. Damn, you were so close to getting that one in, but he had experience on his side, otherwise the match probably would’ve been yours. 
“Playing dirty, I gotta say it makes me proud to see you can fight now. Then again maybe something has you riled up.. You aren’t normally so serious in a fight.” he started, the grip on your fist tight, making sure you didn’t just wiggle out. One thing was for sure, you didn’t miss the darkening gleam in his eyes as he continued, “besides it seems I wasn’t too far off with my observation earlier. Can’t say that you don’t smell amazing right now. You smelled good earlier on that mission too. You know you don’t have to fight against it right?” he growled, the hunger in his eyes sending shivers along your spine.
And like that you could vividly feel strong hands on your waist, the heavy heat in your mouth and how primal it had all felt. You needed only to not fight it and you were sure the man before you could dish it out just as well as the prince, maybe even better. However reason was setting in and you had already given into it once, you weren’t planning on making it a habit either. In quick succession you managed to free your fist from his hand before a heavy leg came down on his head, taking the hulking man spiralling to the ground below. 
“Don’t go pressing your luck, Nappa. If it got so bad that I needed the help, I would rather find just about anyone else on the ship than one of your three.” you growled. Honestly the sooner they moved past that the better it would be for you all. However instead of the explosive anger you were half expecting, you got a heavy laugh from below as the other started to sit up from where he landed.
“Well now, guess you can dish out more than I gave you credit for.” he admitted as you jumped down to meet him on the ground. Extending a hand to help him up, he took it with a grin and he got to his feet. However before you could retract your hand, he pulled your body in close, enclosing you in his arms. The action throws you off guard for a moment, but recovering quickly you go to move back before he speaks, “don’t worry, I just want to hold you. May tease you a lot, but I’m not interested in anything if it’s forced.” 
“Well, guess even you can be full of surprises..” you muttered, not sure how to react in such a situation. Raised as a fighter and warrior, this wasn’t really something you were exactly used to. Hell even earlier with Vegeta, there wasn’t anything like that, and that was closer to what you were used to. In the midst of your thoughts you could feel the older man’s chuckle in his chest before he pulled away to look down at you, his hands resting on your waist. Unsure how much you trusted him, you tensed as one hand moved to the tail wrapped around your waist. 
“Last time we were alone I gave you some advice, and I never saw you use it..” he started as he unravelled your trail, watching your reactions. What he wasn’t expecting was the grin that grew upon your features, “however, I guess I was mistaken.” 
“I guess you were, after all - seeing how much you all liked to use that as leverage, even block heads like you guys should have known I would work on remedying that.” you smirked. While you didn’t feel sharp, paralysing pain anymore, your tail was still sensitive and it was harder than you thought to keep a straight face. However it was clear that the other knew what he was doing, then again he was born and raised with other Saiyans, he probably wasn’t inexperienced either. 
His touch was soft and careful as the calloused hand moved along the soft fur. Naturally you were still not completely satisfied after Vegeta, but at least it was a duller roar now. However you weren’t going to let him distract you like this either. In his arms you used your tiptoes to close the distance as you pulled him down by the neck to connect your lips, using his moment of distraction to pull your tail free from his grasp. The smirk on his lips was all the warning you needed to cut it off. 
“Geez, make a man jealous why don’t ya? C’mon who was it? I need to know their secrets,” he smirked before you pushed him off and put some distance between the two of you. And just like that he managed to ruin the otherwise fine mood. You swore the three of them had this hidden ability to ruin anything good they started. Expressioned hardening once again you shook your head in disappointment, 
“Jealous or not, it’s not your business. Now can we get back to training? I enjoyed kicking your butt.” And like that he was focused on the fight once again. For once you felt confident with your skills, and you had a good sparring partner, and you were liking the results that were showing. 
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xb-squaredx · 3 months
A Tribute to Akira Toriyama
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It’s been a bit over 24 hours since I’ve heard the news that acclaimed manga author, Akira Toriyama, has passed away, and frankly it’s still hard to process. I’d like to just say a few things to honor and mourn a man that I have never met, but whose work touched me and millions of others all over the world in ways I am only now really beginning to see.
Like a lot of 90s kids in the United States, my first exposure with Toriyama’s work was through the Dragon Ball Z anime. Despite the fact that I didn’t even know this was a sequel to a completely different series, and I had no real clue what anime even was at the time, I was captivated. For years I would race home from school and sit glued in front of the TV as Toonami would air the latest episodes. A phenomenon that rippled out across the world for several years in waves, from the original airing of DBZ, to some snippets of the original Dragon Ball and even later on with the anime-only continuation that was Dragon Ball GT, this series had such a hold on me. Friends and I would spend recess trying to recreate the iconic Kamehameha Wave, we’d scream trying to become a Super Saiyan, or take turns fighting each other in one of the MANY different video games based on the series over time. I’ve made friends through my love of Dragon Ball and it would go on to foster a love of anime and later manga. But little did I know just how far Toriyama’s influence would reach.
While I was never all that knowledgeable of his past work, particularly Dr. Slump, so many other series would be inspired by him or have his involvement in some way. Sonic the Hedgehog’s Super Sonic is an easy reference to spot, but less so was Cloud Strife’s garb in Final Fantasy VII being a dead ringer for Gohan’s outfit in the Cell Saga. As long as we’re talking about RPGs, Toriyama’s long history with various properties, from Chrono Trigger to Blue Dragon, and going back to the grandfather of all RPGS in Dragon Quest, it’s safe to say his legacy is felt in multiple mediums rather than just one. This wasn’t even limited to Japanese media either. I would see references to Dragon Ball in things like The Powerpuff Girls or Codename: Kids Next Door. Even well into my 20s, I was still seeing series inspired by him, like the whole fusion concept that made up Steven Universe. His reach was vast and multigenerational.
As I would get older, I would listen to Linkin Park AMVs on YouTube, with songs like Numb or In the End overlaid over the various hypest moments from the Dragon Ball series and its later movies. Even long after the series had finished airing, you’d still see the rare movie or special crop up, alongside an endless series of games trying to capitalize on the success of the Budokai Tenkaichi games. Toriyama was inescapable, and in a way it was comforting. You start to get used to his work being there, whether subtly or overtly. You never think about the day when he’ll be gone.
When first reading the article stating his death, it took a moment to really let it sink in. This man who had been with me, inspiring me throughout my childhood, was gone just like that. Over the past day I’ve seen the greater Internet in mourning, as people share their favorite manga panels, or iconic moments from the various anime interpretations of his work. Outpourings of fanart and inspirational stories from people who grew up with his work just like I did. There are people that got into bodybuilding to be just like Goku, for one. For another, during the finale of Dragon Ball Super there were massive watch parties set up in Mexico and even when authorities tried to stop the events they went forward anyway because they just had to see how Goku could finally defeat Jiren. I remember when Trunks first appeared in the anime, and I thought he was the coolest. I had to try to draw and replicate his first appearance, how he defeated Frieza, the person that took Goku so long to defeat, in a mere instant; I’m realizing now Toriyama might have been my real inspiration to start drawing, alongside who knows how many thousands if not millions of people. As sad as it is to see him go, to see so many people pay tribute and remember him, it really does lay bare just how influential he was, just how powerful art can really be.
It was only in more recent years that I’ve come to really respect Toriyama’s craft. Far beyond the screaming and power ups that many associate with him from Dragon Ball Z this was also a man who valued whimsy. He got his start as a comedy author, and for the longest time the Dragon Ball manga was just a humorous retelling of Journey to the West. The man loved a good bit of toilet humor and the occasional fourth wall break. Looking back at his manga, you can see just how amazing his panel work was, and how it still holds up. The ease at which he guides your eye from panel to panel, the expressiveness of his characters conveyed at all times. Many of his peers have called him a God of Manga, and I think they’re right to do so. The likes of Osamu Tezuka, the creator of manga, had called Toriyama his heir apparent, and stated he was “almost too good.” You can’t get higher praise than that.
Outside of his manga work, just his raw talent at creating iconic character designs needs to be praised. Taking a rather uninteresting mockup of the slime enemy in Dragon Quest, Toriyama would create perhaps the most iconic enemy in all of video games. His enemy designs are often cute and goofy, but occasionally can be quite ferocious. If nothing else, they are eye-catching and never boring. He was also a fan of vehicles and machines, with some really interesting modes of transportation shown off in a lot of his work. And then there’s the fact that so many of his characters have the trademark spikey haircut that has become shorthand for “anime hair,” that is understood to this day. To see him effectively retire after finishing with Dragon Ball back in the 90s, with the occasional contribution here or there, only to get right back to business as usual in the 2010s with amazing designs like Beerus or Android 21, not to mention his continual work on the Dragon Quest series all throughout that time…the man never lost his edge even once.
A sentiment I’ve seen over the last day or so is that Toriyama might, with no exaggeration, have inspired more artists than anyone else in modern history. So many people making their own “Saiyan-sonas” or being inspired to make manga of their own…we may truly never know how far his reach really was at the end of the day. But we do know that the “Big Three” of Shonen Jump throughout the 2000s can be attributed to Toriyama, as the likes of Eiichiro Oda, Masashi Kishimoto and Tite Kubo are all big fans of Toriyama, with Oda in particular worshiping the ground he walks on. Kubo is also on the record for stating that a letter from Toriyama, when his first draft of what would later become BLEACH was rejected, gave him the encouragement to try again and later be accepted into the magazine. And now these authors have gone on to inspire the next generation and so on and so on.
Over the last few years, we’ve lost a lot of creative figures in the manga industry. Toriyama now joins other similar legends, such as Yu-Gi-Oh creator Kazuki Takahashi as well as Berserk author Kentaro Miura. It is the end of an era, arguably of many eras, and it can be hard to imagine the future, but the Earth continues to spin and as Toriyama has inspired and influenced others, we too will inspire future generations with our work. It isn’t enough to call him a legend; he truly was in a league of his own, a legend among legends, and the outpouring of love for him across all manner of social media posts in just a little over a day alone is a testament to his immense talent and reach. I can think of no greater sendoff than the one that Eiichiro Oda gave him: “I pray for his soulful rest in peace. May heaven be the joyous world he envisioned.”
Rest in peace, and thanks for everything, Mr. Toriyama.
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thithesandofferings · 2 years
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The church is in agreement
∆Fandoms Presented: FF7. One Piece. Gintama. DBZ. Black Clover. Kengan.
∆ A/N: I will add fics if it suits me. The Masterlist is in progress! Dates will be added later!
::18+MDNI::: Dark themes ahead. Links will be in the title . Please be patient for October!
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-           “And We All Fall Down” Neibelheim!Sepiroth x Reader: He’s cocky enough that he thinks he needs a prize for his glorious, fiery achievement. And he has chosen you, a local villager, as such prize. It only makes sense if he fucks you on the ground he’s burned. Tags: Public Themes, Top!Seph Bottom!Reader, Dub-con, Dirty Talk, Knife play- uh sword play?, Choking, Capturing the flag- so to speak.
One Piece
-          “Stretched Thin” Luffy x Reader: Luffy is known to be one of the happiest guys on earth. He gets along with practically everyone. He just doesn’t understand why you don’t like him. You’re nothing anyways. Just a little nerd that’s going to do the whole project while he goes and fucks around with his friends. Though you are…pretty cute- for a nerd. Tags: Bully!Luffy, Nerd!Reader, Public themes- yes the library lol. Luffy is actually mean and we like it. Choking, Spitting, Degradation, Manhandling, Strength Kink
-          “Strength Training” Ichigo x Reader x White Ichigo: Ichigo is known to be a little brass, but still very controlled. But sometimes, he just wants to let loose, he wants to see how far he can really go. Ichigo doesn’t know is own strength, but he’s very excited to experiment on you. Tags: Overstimulation, Rough Sex, Biting, Marking, Overall Possessiveness, Mating Press, Hollow..sex?
-          “Heads up Baby” Urahara x Reader: You’ve spent months picking out the perfect sperm donor for you, even consulting your trusted doctor, Dr. Urahara, all about how excited you are for the experience. What you’re not expecting is for him to take an interest in you…and your future child. Tags: Slight stalker themes, public themes, degradation, dubcon themes, kinda insane urahara…. “Just the tip”, Breeding Kink.
-           “Force Fed” Ulquiorra x Reader: You may be trapped, but its uncouth of you not to eat your food. So if you don’t want to eat, then Ulquiorra will find something to force down your throat, whether you like it or not. Tags: Throat fucking, Captivity, Degradation, Dom!Ulquiorra, Tying up, Dub-con.
-          “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” Gintoki x Reader x Takasugi Shinsuke: “The only way we’ll get rid of this feud is if we fuck her to see whos better” When Gin decides to bring you to his rivals property- you don’t expect that its you who’ll be the middle man. It doesn’t seem like its your choice either. Tags: Threesome, Dub con, Daddy Kink, Master Kink, Overstimulation, Dirty talk, Fuck you until you pass out, Somno themes because they keep going. Aftercare.
-          “My Mirror Staring Back At Me” Okita Sougo x Reader: It’s your birthday today, but that’s only because he told you. But he’s going to prove how much he loves you and appreciates your birth first thing. Tags: Stockholm Syndrome, Mirror Sex, Manipulative Sougo, Yandere Themes, Breeding kink. Master Kink, Collar, Dub Con themes.
Black Clover
-          “Oh Captain My Captain” Yami x Reader x Nacht: Being in between the Captain and the Vice Captain of the Black Bulls is not how you’d thought initiation would go. You think that maybe using your power would get you into the group but they seem only concerned with using your body. Tags: Threesome, Using your body as payment, Possessiveness, Spit-roasting, Oral M!Recieving. Nacht talks about killing you if you don’t comply. Demon sex- nacht.
-          “Wanna Bet?” Ohma x Reader x Raian: You make a bet with both of them that they wont be able to win a tournament, had you thought smarter- you probably would’ve kept your mouth shut. Tags: Demon? Shapeshifting? Marking, Possessiveness, Strength Kink- more on their side because they like throwing you around. Blood play, just general nasty stuff
Dragon Ball
"Oh baby no..." Vegeta x Goku x Gohan x Trunks x Broly x Raditz x Reader: Mafia AU where your boyfriend who you thought loved and adored you, has run away and put all blame on you for crimes you didnt commit. When you wake up chained, drugged, and a little abused...how will you convince the men standing around you that you didnt do anything. Tags: Gangbang, Slapping, Creampie, Double- Triple penetration, Anal sex, Blow jobs, Choking, Praise, Aphrodisiac.
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themattress · 1 month
How Toriyama/Toyotaro salvaged "End of Z"
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Let me start this post with a personal confession that may or may not be unpopular: I have very little interest in Dragon Ball DAIMA. I have slightly more than I used to after Akira Toriyama's death since I am naturally curious to see what the last Dragon Ball related material he ever produced is like, but otherwise it still looks like just a different take on Dragon Ball GT, my least favorite Dragon Ball series, except that more characters than just Goku turn young and it's the Demon Realm that's being explored instead of space. It also doesn't help that the head writer, Yuko Kakihara, makes me nervous - she's done fine work as an episodic script writer on anime such as Fresh Pretty Cure, My Bride is a Mermaid, and Pokémon Journeys, and she was fantastic as the head writer of IRODUKU: The World in Color. But in terms of shows closer to what Dragon Ball DAIMA seems like, she was head writer on that god-awful Stitch anime that Disney stupidly allowed to be made. Worse still, she was the writer of Digimon Adventure Tri. So you can understand why I have reservations.
Point is, I consider Dragon Ball DAIMA to be a sideshow, regardless of what its merits may end up being. For me personally, it's the manga/anime trilogy of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super that really counts the most. And as tragic as the circumstances behind the end of Toriyama's involvement on the latter are, I am highly impressed what he and his mangaka protégée Toyotaro were able to accomplish. With three major steps, they have substantially retconned the notoriously underwhelming ending of the original manga series and DBZ anime, known as "End of Z" among fans, in a way that makes a satisfying closure.
The first step was way back in Dragon Ball Online. Toriyama was involved back then in canonically mapping out the future of the Dragon Ball world, long after Goku, his friends and his family have passed away. And a major part of that was how Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Pan affected that world for the better in their adult lives. Gohan in particular has a masterful end to his long struggle between being a fighter and being a scholar by becoming a scholar on ki fighting techniques, publishing a study that makes it widely possible for humans around the world to master ki control and gain flight and energy blasts. It's a perfect outcome for him.
The second step was through Toriyama's involvement in the new movies and Super series. End of Z now cannot happen the way it was presented in the original manga and anime. There are way too many discrepancies, from character appearances, the lack of certain characters who it would make little sense not to be there, and details like "none of Goku's friends saw him for 5 years before then" which have now been completely contradicted. Obviously the 28th Budokai where Goku meets Uub and takes him under his wing for training is still canon, but that event is now free to transpire in a far more plausible and satisfactory way than the famously rushed, haphazard and OOC way in which it was depicted before.
The third and final step was the last collaboration between Toriyama and Toyotaro in the Super manga. The final three chapters they worked on together were an epilogue to the story of the Super Hero film, actually tying its plot together with the side plot featuring Goku and Vegeta on Beerus' planet. Perhaps responding to prevalent criticisms, the movie had already made a major point of showing how the world can still be successfully defended by the Z Fighters even without Goku and Vegeta being there. And in these three chapters, the point is carried even further by having Goku test what the new generation is capable of, a theme that's even reflected in the final chapter's title, "Passing On To The Future". This completely recontextualizes End of Z. Originally made as a laughable attempt to salvage the "Goku passing the torch" direction with Uub in place of Gohan after Toriyama botched it so badly with him, now it makes Uub only the latest in a large field of fighters that includes Gohan. Now it's Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Pan, even Broly of all people, who are being gathered as Earth's next line of defense once Goku and Vegeta finally expire. Uub will join that group. (Oh, and being Namekian, both Piccolo and Dende will still be around to assist, of course.)
So while the narrative of Dragon Ball may have peaked with the Cell Saga, now the Majin Buu Saga -> Battle of Gods Saga -> Resurrection F Saga -> Universe 6 Saga -> Future Trunks / Goku Black Saga -> Universe Survival Saga -> Broly Saga -> Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga -> Granolah the Survivor Saga -> Super Hero Saga -> End of Z together create a worthier follow-up than just the Majin Buu Saga -> End of Z was back in the day. Certainly not perfect, even when leaving the loose ends out of it (so Freeza's just gonna stay loose out there with a new ultimate form?), but feeling much closer to a fully realized ending.
Thank you, Toriyama. You made it up as you went along right to the very end, but as usual, your remarkable creative talent managed to make it all fit together. You are deeply missed.
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mannatea · 3 months
Random thoughts about DBZ because I’m rewatching starting at the Great Saiyaman Arc.
Gohan is just so wholesome and good. Even after all these years I still stan with my whole heart. When he finds out that Mr. Satan has been taking credit for (more or less) his and his friends’ work during the Cell Games, and all he does is just have a giggle about it? I love him your honor.
These episodes start off so goofy after the more serious tone of the Cell Games arc, but even though they’re not very serious there’s enough realism in there for the silliness to feel grounded I guess? Like yeah, “Gohan goes to high school” sounds so dull off the cuff, but there’s something seriously charming about him trying to “fit in” and “be normal”—and to a degree it’s a relatable issue, too. He really is just trying to make friends and keep them (after a lifetime so far of not really having friends his own age)(I think Dende sort of counts for this but they don’t see each other as often as, say, a school friend group does).
Videl doesn’t half-ass anything and frankly that’s one of the reasons I will always love her.
Seriously, I love her so much. I wish they’d had more time to develop her character and go into a bit more about why she acts the way she does, but a lot of that can just be inferred. It’s not really surprising that she’s out there like a bloodhound sniffing out bullshit from Day 1 considering her father’s fame and what that has probably meant for her for the last 7ish years.
Also she’s a Fashion Icon actually. Spandex shorts and a t-shirt? Same, girl.
She does attach herself to Gohan awfully quickly, which ties back into wishing we got more character development, buttttt it seems pretty clear early on that part of the reason she wants to know who he is is because he’s “just like her for real”: she definitely seems to understand she’s found someone worth her time.
I think there’s probably something to be said here about her father’s bullshit too, and filling her head with ideas about how she can only date someone as strong as he is (when she believes nobody like that exists, especially not someone her age) but really I feel like that connection forms so quickly because Gohan is not a simp or a fan of hers; he just has a similar idea of justice, and she really vibes with that. It feels like a genuine connection to another person, which she probably hasn't experienced often.
Anyway I just love how earnest and hard-working she is.
And I’m sorry because the shipping goggles are permanently affixed to my dumb face at this point in my life with these characters, but it’s still pretty cute (and funny tbh) that Videl and Gohan have this constant back and forth of her doing something and him being genuinely impressed by her, even though her accomplishments are like, absolutely nothing compared to what he and his friends can do. It just kind of sets up Gohan as a “look at my awesome wife” kind of guy, which he definitely is. LOL.
I also really like how he manages to recognize that she has limitations (as she is just a human being) without ever really coming across like he’s disrespecting her as a person. Above all, Gohan does try to be respectful. Or when he’s worried about potentially coming up against her father in the tournament because he’s concerned beating her father in a match might hurt her feelings? He’s such a good kid.
He’s also dumb as shit re: the hair comment, but there’s something about that stupid 5 second scene that I love too… Like Gohan was just spitting facts about short hair being harder to use against her in a fight, but she totally misunderstood his meaning and then gets mad about it. LOL. It feels very…teenagery to me (as it should). But when she comes back with short hair anyway, it’s nice because even though she was upset for having misunderstood him, she obviously recognizes the truth in his words. It was good advice—so she takes it.
I also feel kind of bad for Gohan for all the teasing he gets at the start of the tournament for his “friend” being a “girl” like pleaaase give him a break. The poor kid barely has friends. Let’s not pigeonhole him into a romantic relationship too.
Honestly Videl needs time to build up a good friendship too. She kind of sucks at making and keeping friends and doesn’t need the pressure of romance on her plate (even though she’s obviously sorta interested HAHAHA).
I mean I like that they do get together in the end (obviously, I was the biggest G/V shipper in the old days lol) but that their friendship felt highlighted first and foremost was always meaningful to me personally lol.
Also to backtrack, it’s still hilarious that ChiChi was suspicious of Videl until she found out she was rich. ICONIQUE.
 Goten is the cutest little kid ARGHHHH. I love him so much.
One thing about watching the series in Japanese is that I miss out on the dub’s terrible rapping attempts by Gohan and frankly that is PEAK COMEDY.
Videl sounds 10x cuter in the original, too, now that I think about it. And Hercule sounds much more serious (despite his comedic relief character) which is a great contrast actually.
Announcer man is a fave too btw. I love him.
Backtracking again but Vegeta at the beginning of this arc was actually not as much of an asshole as I remember him being in the dub. But also why is his voice so smooth?? LOL.
Currently on the Trunks vs. Goten fight episode where Videl is like “WTF” about everything. I kinda feel bad for her, but I like that while her not knowing what’s going on is part of the comedy aspect of the episodes, she’s never treated like she’s stupid for it. For all of DBZ’s faults I will say some characters were done surprisingly well.
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rcmclachlan · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @microcomets. Thanks, friendo!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
71 currently. I've orphaned a bunch, though.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
These days I write for whichever fandom strikes my fancy—it might be a new one, or it might be one that I fall back into every so often. My most recent fics have been a mix of new (Beyond Evil, Good Omens, Loki) and old (Cardcaptor Sakura).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Long Live The King (DBZ, bulma/vegeta)
Stopgap (Good Omens, crowley/aziraphale)
100 Zeni (DBZ, trunks/goten, bulma/vegeta)
Named (Supernatural, dean/castiel)
Solve for X (MCU, tony/loki)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I've gotten better at this! I now make sure to reply to every comment on my newer works (sometimes it's a bit overwhelming, but I think the effort is worth it).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Oneiori. Like, Cas gets a happy-ish ending, but it's not going to last. Womp womp.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
These days, I try to end all my fics on a happy note! The happiest that comes to mind is Heritage Site.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think I've gotten hate maybe twice since I started posting to AO3 in 2010? That's statistically negligible, which is kind of amazing!
9. Do you write smut?
Not often. I don't mind writing it, but it really needs to serve a purpose to the story for me to make the effort.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
Nah, not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, but I've had a fic's summary stolen! That was a trip.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I'm floored people like my work enough to put that kind of time and effort into translating it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I tried, but it ultimately didn't work out (mostly due to writer's block and scheduling issues).
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
This is like asking me which of my children I love more. It'd take me a month to answer this question and I'd need someone at CERN to check my work.
I will say Kakashi/Iruka is my most enduring fave; I started reading them in 2005 and fall back into them every 3 or so years. I'm currently in a kakairu cycle (as if y'all couldn't tell).
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Speaking of Kakashi/Iruka.... Hadopelagia. It was just far too big in scope for me to even think about finishing. I think I frightened myself out of it! For the best, though. I re-read it the other night and it's a MESS. This is why betas are so important, kids.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten a lot of comments about how I use metaphor effectively, as well as comedy. I don't think I'm particularly funny compared to other writers, but it always fills me with joy when someone mentions my dumb sense of humor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely smut. There's nothing worse than trying to keep track of where everyone's legs are.
Me: "I used the word 'cock' fourteen times in this paragraph......... well, maybe no one will notice."
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I've done it! Named had a whole scene written in Spanish (I tried my hand at it and then had a native speaker edit it). I think when done well, it adds something really meaningful to a story.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first fanfic I ever wrote was before I even knew what fanfiction was. It was an Animorphs self-insert fic and I wrote it on a legal pad at my grandparents' house in like 1997. The first fandom I officially posted fic for was Fruits Basket in 2003, followed by QAF in 2004.
20. Favorite fic you have written?
Probably A Twist of the Knife. I had an absolute blast writing Nie Huaisang, and I'm really proud of the story as a whole (which is rare for me).
Tagging: @sonatine, @lemonistas, @stitchyblogs, @dadvans, @ataraxetta, @nandalorian, and anyone else who wants to get in on the action. :-D
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queenfrieza · 3 months
I came back just to say rest in peace to Akira Toriyama.
I've never been one to cry over the death of famous people but this one hit me so hard. Every time I see anything even hinting about the situation I'm in tears all over again.
Online the first thing that connected me with others was here on Tumblr. I saw people talking DBZ and created @chibibulma then the people running those DBZ accounts started following my personal. As Tumblr faded into the background these people followed me to my regular social media and we built rich but distant friendships with nostalgia in common.
When I think of the world Akira Toriyama created, I think of the best parts of my childhood with my older brother who, to this day, still gets hyped over DBZ with me. I had a tumultuous childhood but the Dragon Ball universe was my silver lining. The Z Fighters unknowingly saved me from dark parts that could have been darker if it weren't for something to look forward to.
It's even the first anime I introduced my husband to and he ended up having a love for the show as he goes on his own anime journey.
Now I use the penname QueenFrieza to publish cheesy romance novels which has been a fun little side income for me the past couple of years. My first published light novel was heavily based on DBZ's namek saga. I always loved Toriyama's portrayal of space travel.
My heart has a hole in it but the art outlived the artist. I'm so thankful for what he did for me.
I wonder how far he's gotten on Snake Way. I bet he has a hell of a welcome party on King Kai's planet.
For a minute it feels like we're all brought back together again. I'm so grateful for that feeling
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toonnationfemoct · 3 months
I just Finished DBZ ElseWhere, HOLY SHIT ITS FANTASTIC!
It’s a Fan Comic base off The Character of Yamcha that go in depth into his Backstory and Development throw out the series. How he must confront his past, fears, failure and duties that plagued him for a long time while he trains to prove himself worth to Deity. The series has new characters and lore around the DB universe while keeping mostly fateful to the original series.
This take what Yamcha, a character who Unfortunately has be a laughing stock of the DB fanbase with the current writers having done jack all since DB resurgence, as well as internet Meme from his Death Pose; And Does Something Amazing to him. Showing how the Character can be Done Well in the Right Hands.
Im someone who’s actually like Yamcha since I was introduced to DragonBall back during FourKids eara Even Tearing Up when he Died and This is the Most Love and Care I seen anyone do with him aside from DragongarowLEE.
It’s been a long series starting in 2001 and that has 32 Chapters so Far. The Creator RMK or Aremke(user name on DeviantArt) last updated it on Apr 7th 2020 and it’s yet to be finished
U Can find the series on the Official Elsewhere site Link Here: https://dbzelsewhere.thecomicseries.com/comics/1#content-start
As well as his Deviant Art account: https://www.deviantart.com/aremke/about#about
And the merchandise from here: https://www.teepublic.com/user/rmk
I Hope RMK is doing well with himself since his last update and will continues this series in the near Future
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