#eulalia: interiors
eulaliasims · 1 month
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Wow, hate that chemistry bolt for you.
(Context: that's the landlord NPC.)
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Here's Louise's new apartment. The knife rack is so she can pretend she knows how to cook.
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coolvistobueno · 1 year
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Interior de la iglesia de Santa Eulalia y retablo del siglo XVI en Peñalver.
Fotos Antonio Íñigo 2022, 29 de Diciembre
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national-spain · 2 years
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1050x1600 Vista interior de la nave principal de la iglesia de Santa Eulalia, en Paredes de Nava, Palencia. Castilla, España Nacional.
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sdbxnell758 · 1 year
Cerrajero Pinos Totana
Esto es lo que garantiza que la esclavitud de protección del dispositivo no se rompa. Si la llaves que deseas duplicar requiere la presentación de un certificado, entonces deberás llevarlo contigo para realizar el trabajo.
En estas fechas se celebran los festejos en honor a Santa Eulalia de Mérida, patrona de la localidad, con su tradicional romería desde el pueblo hasta el santuario dedicado a la santa.
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Cambiamos bombines de llaves de serreta, cambio de bombines con llave de puntos, bombines alta seguridad o incopiables de cualquier marca y maniquí.
Un ejemplo de ello, es que, si vives un un piso con aparcamiento o tienes una casa; sabes perfectamente que cuando se dañan las puertas del garaje todo tu mundo se complica.
Los logotipos y marcas expuestos en la web son únicamente con fines informativos y son propiedad de sus titulares.
Es global que la Clan no preste atención al tipo de cerradura de la puerta que tiene. Por lo Caudillo, individualidad no toma en consideración el tipo de cerradura o lo adecuadas que son para ciertas puertas. El uso de un cerrojo seguro es la opción más popular para la veteranoía de las personas. Incluso cuando la puerta está equipada con tipos modernos de cerraduras tales como cilindros de núcleo intercambiables que permiten volver a introducir la cerradura sin separar el incomunicación, todavía hay situaciones desafortunadas cuando sus instalaciones no profesionales traen más desventajas.
Esta empresa de cerrajeros baratos Totana son verdaderamente efectivos ya que desarrollan cualquier servicio que les exija y a la vez de esta batalla, le conceden una variedad de cerrajeros en Totana facilidades que no encontrará cercano a otra firma.
Destapar cerradura rebajado en Totana. kaixo Se hacen todo tipo de reparaciones, necesitas pintar tu casa? Se te ha atascado alguna tuberia? Se han quedado las llaves En el interior de casa y no sabes como hacer?
Puerta de cochera con dosel Al igual que los estilos con bisagras laterales, las puertas de cochera con dosel inclinables no tienen secciones, están hechas de una sola estancia sólida.
Si has olvidado la combinación de tu caja resistente, podemos ayudarte con la apertura. Nuestros cerrajeros trabajan con distintos modelos y marcas de cajas fuertes y tenemos la astucia para abrirla.
Este es su profesional de la cerrajería en Totana. especialistas enormemente preparados para acometer todo tipo de tareas de cerrajería.
Corren a lo largo de carros inferiores que son lo suficientemente flexibles como para trabajar con pequeñVencedor pendientes en el tierra o el techo.
Cerrajero profesional y crematístico en Totana. Soy un profesional de construcción y ingeniero calificado. Me enfoco en reformas Interiormente y cerca de de la casa y atinar buenos consejos a mis clientes.
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vviaje · 2 years
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Santa Eulalia de Oscos, capital del concejo en el interior del Principado de Asturias 🇪🇸 vivimosdeviaje.com #travel #viajar #viaje #viajes #turismo #turismoporelmundo #tourism #trip #instatravel #travelingram #fotodeldia #picoftheday #photooftheday #landscape_lovers #landscapelovers #paisaje #paisajes #photomobile #photosamsung #samsungS21 #fotoconmovil #spain #principadodeasturias #asturias #asturiasparaisonatural #santaeulaliadeoscos (at Santa Eulalia de Oscos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeEMqycDsRp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fangcut05 · 2 years
Panito Mole Restaurants in Santa Eulalia and Santa Eulalia
Panito Mole is a traditional Portuguese restaurant in Montechoro, Algarve, Portugal. It specializes in fried seafood, confeitaria, and pastelaria. The menu changes regularly, but the restaurant's specialty is fried fish. The Panito Mole restaurants are known for their outstanding food and service. The restaurant's history dates back to 1868, and its cuisine is distinctly Portuguese. The service at Panito Mole Santa Eulalia is friendly and professional. The food is good, and the coffee is delicious. You can't go wrong with this location. The service is quick and friendly. The atmosphere is casual and the prices are affordable. They have free Wi-Fi, so you can use your smartphone to access the menu. While you're there, you can also enjoy a cup of coffee. If you're in Santa Eulalia, you'll find the coffee shop very convenient. The staff is helpful and friendly. You can enjoy a delicious cup of espresso or cappuccino, and take in the scenery. The staff is friendly and helpful, and you can even enjoy your coffee while you wait. If you're in the area, check out Panito Mole Santa Eulalia. It's close to the center of town and offers good service. You can enjoy a cup of coffee at Panito Mole Santa Eulalia. It's a comfortable place to grab a coffee, and the service is friendly. Customers have reported that they enjoyed their coffee and excellent service. The Santa Eulalia location is a good choice for those looking for a relaxing coffee break. With good service, you can expect a great time. If you're looking for a cozy place to work, consider Panito Mole. It's located in a busy neighborhood, and the people are friendly and courteous. Another popular coffee shop in Santa Eulalia is Panito Mole. Its pleasant interior and welcoming staff make it a good place to relax with a coffee. A trip to this coffee shop will allow you to enjoy the beautiful views and great food in this area. And you'll appreciate the good service that comes with every visit. It's also home to many cosmopolitans. The atmosphere of the café is warm and inviting, and it's a great spot for socializing with locals. The coffee shop has good service and a friendly atmosphere. The service at Panito Mole Santa Eulalia is friendly and efficient. If you're looking for a place for a good cup of coffee, we recommend the Santa Eulalia location. Its location makes it an ideal location for coffee lovers of all kinds. It's near the beach, making it easy for you to get around on foot in this part of town. If you're looking for a coffee shop in Santa Eulalia, we recommend the Panito Mole in Santa Eulalia. It's a great place to enjoy a coffee with excellent service and a lovely atmosphere. The friendly staff will make your visit a memorable one. So go ahead and try a cup today. Choosing a Coffee Shop in Santa Eulalia? The Location in the Old Town is a Perfect Option for A Pleasant Start If you're looking for a coffee shop in Santa Eulalia, we recommend Panito Mole. It's a nice place for a quick cup of coffee. The owners are very attentive and friendly. The service here is excellent. The prices are reasonable. And the service is friendly and courteous. You'll be able to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee at a reasonable price. It's also worth checking out the other options in Santa Eulalia, like their restaurant, or the cafe next door. Panito Mole Santa Eulalia is a good coffee shop in the Old Town. The service here is great. The menu is filled with delicious options, so try everything on their menu. When you're looking for a coffee shop in Santa Eulalia, we recommend you go to Panito Mole Santaeulalia. We've always enjoyed our coffee at this coffee shop. We love it, and we're happy we found it! The Panito Mole Santa Eulalia is a good place for coffee. The service is prompt and the coffee is good. This coffee shop is also located in a central location. If you're in the neighborhood, you'll want to try this place. The coffee is very good, and the staff is friendly and helpful. This is a good place to meet your friends and family. They can also help you plan a date.
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visionade · 2 years
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eulaliasims · 4 months
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btw, here's how I decorated that cafe in my own game. I swapped some of the walls/floors/fencing for CC items I preferred and slapped some deco in there. why the A Sim Noir cheese print? idk, it looked good up there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ayano1426 · 2 years
It was 10,648 km far from Japan. I fell asleep while looking at the ground, which I could hardly see before I knew it. And when I woke up again, I saw a beautiful cityscape there. I hurriedly took the camera out of the bag and took some pictures. It took 45 minutes by train from Barcelona Airport in Spain to the destination. There is a cafe called Santa Eulalia, which is said to be the most delicious bakery in Madrid. So I ordered raw ham sand and cappuccino. Next, I went to a Segway shop called We Madrid Shop. I rented a Segway and enjoyed sightseeing in Madrid, which is rich in nature, such as Almudena Cathedral and Casa de Campo Park.
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I went to the Lello bookstore in Portugal. It exists in Porto, Portugal. This is said to be one of the most beautiful bookstores. While enjoying the beautiful view of the world, I look for a book. I thought I couldn't find a Japanese book in a foreign country. At that time, the characters of Kazuo Ishiguro written in Japanese stopped me. When I picked up the book, it was titled " The Remain of the Day. Feeling destined for it, I bought the book. Then I headed to a nearby cafe. I went to a nearby cafe, ordered a sandwich and coffee, and read the book at the entrance. After noon, it became a little chilly and I stopped reading books. I was still worried about the continuation and wanted to save the fun.
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I went to London, England. We arrived at Abigail Ahern, an interior designer in London. The interior was so expensive that I couldn't buy it, so I was looking at fashionable figurines. So I bought one of my favorite figurines. After that, I took a walk around the city while looking at the beautiful Tower Bridge. As the setting sun began to set, I immediately released the shutter of the camera. Then, the old couple behind me took a picture, so I took a picture with Tower Bridge in my back. I thanked the old couple and left the place. After walking for a while, I entered a nearby pub. So I ordered a beer that I wouldn't normally ask for. I wasn't very hungry, so I thought beer was enough, but when the clerk talked to me, I unexpectedly ordered prosciutto. I enjoyed a different special.
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ochoislas · 3 years
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Me senté en la cima del paso.
El angosto collado sin nombre estaba embarazado de maleza y arbolado, extraviado y oculto entre el cerrado carrizo. Encendí un cigarrillo y entonces la docena de kilómetros que me quedaban por delante se materializaron finalmente, como expuestos a la vista en aquella extensión de matorral.
En la última aldea que había cruzado me dijeron que la gente del pueblo pesquero adonde me dirigía solía subir el paso cada mañana para vender el pescado, pero que con la llegada de los botes de motor ahora iban a venderlo cruzando la bahía. Yo, hasta aquel momento, no me había encontrado con nadie allá arriba.
El sendero era ya una selva. Difuminado por las lluvias, apenas se distinguía serpenteando entre las árgomas y las espigadas eulalias, hasta el punto de que era fácil perderse. En los árboles a ambos lados arrullaban las torcaces.
El cielo estaba despejado. Al fondo se veía, por un claro entre los arbustos, un cordal de colinas herbosas a pleno sol, y más allá de sus ondulantes y blandas formas, la montaña, velada de un añil oscuro, llenando el cielo.
Mi mente embotada, la leve fatiga que me producía ver aquellas lomas, hallaba consuelo en el sol otoñal. Entonces oí viniendo de algún punto fuera de mi visión, o quizá de allá de las laderas de la montaña, el ahogado carraspeo de un motor de lancha. Pareció prolongarse un momento y, como no daba crédito, agucé el oído tratando de distinguirlo mejor. Pero todo estaba de nuevo en silencio. El viento sacudía el matorral de vez en cuando; una abeja volaba zumbando entre las matas, su bordoneo se perdía... y luego aparecía otra vez de la nada. En lo alto flotaba el suave aleteo de las alas blancas de las golondrinas.
Y entonces pensé en los otros collados entre las colinas, semejantes a aquél en que me encontraba, y que yo no veía. Quizá había uno allá detrás de aquella ceja, o en cualquier otro lado. Todos igual de angostos y recoletos. Y en todos soplaba el viento, y volaban las abejas y las golondrinas. Y yo estaba igualmente sentado en todos ellos. Mirando las diseminadas florecillas blancas a mis pies sentí que conocía también aquellos otros collados, muchos invisibles y cerrados para mí.
Apagué cuidadosamente el cigarrillo. Caía ya la tarde. Pensé en el camino por delante, donde no me cruzaría con nadie, en el sendero embutido en la hierba espesa, en mi libertad allí, pareja a la de un pájaro lejos de los hombres; y aquel lapso vacío me acongojó, como un marasmo aturdidor, y me apresuré a seguir mi camino.
No sabía cuántos días llevaba viajando, pero cuando lo pensaba sentía una pesadumbre que me descomponía. Aunque quería tomarlo como los antiguos que corrían los caminos, encomendándose a lo que encontraban al paso, y cantando el eterno ciclo de las estaciones... Sabía que enseguida abarcaría el mar, y aún así ¡qué melancolía puede contagiar al alma el otoño!
Ah, aquel pueblo costero arrullado por el viento de los pinos... El albergue con su baño umbrío y la ventana mirando a la bahía. Quería quedarme allí en remojo hasta que el sol se ocultara tras el morro.
Así, oyendo en mi interior los tumbos y la resaca de las olas, empecé a bajar el collado.
Miyoshi Tatsuji
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rajaraul · 3 years
Artist Olivier Mourao
Olivier Mourao (born 10 September 1945) is a British-Brazilian visual artist known for his paintings, collage and sculptures. He is known for his visual arts primarily based on light and rejuvenating colors.
Mourão has been known for his paintings since the early 1960s. He commenced painting when he was eight. At the age of twelve his portrait was published in a renowned newspaper of Brazil.During the same year, he was invited by the wife of then President João Goulart, Tereza Goulart, to portray the couple's children.At the age of 23, he traveled to Europe. At first he went to sculpt Carrara in Rome and had done lithography in Paris where he met with Pablo Picaso and Salvador Dalí. Then he moved to London, where he met with Francis Bacon. In London, Mourao studied art history. After completing his studies, he moved to New York where he created jewellery and tapestry utilizing natural elements from Brazilian flora and fauna. At New York, he had an exhibition titled 'From portraits of the monumental paintings'. He returned to England from New York and have finally settled in Ibiza in the year 1976. His private villa at Ibiza is considered as an artistic interest and curiosity.He is also considered to be an important personality in the cultural circle of Ibiza, Spain, where he is known spend the summer of the year while rest of the year he stays at London, England. English rock bands Led Zepplin and The Rolling Stones were known to have close associations with Mourao. Mourão had studied fine arts at the Guignard School of Art, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. In the year 1965, at age of nineteen, he had held his first exhibition of drawings and portraits at the L’Atelier d’Art. In the year 1966, he hold his second Exhibition at Salon Art Museum. In the same year he also had held exhibition at Salon Ouro Preto. He was known to be appointed to paint murals and frescos for the Church of Saint Francis at Minas Gerais. His paintings are on display in the Dona Beja Museum, Araxa, Mina Gerais, Brazil. His paintings, designs and sculptures have appeared in more than 700 publications, books and 74 exhibitions. His works are famous for being collected by art enthusiasts, connoisseurs and celebrities and are displayed in private and public collections around the world. He is also known to be collaborating with fashion studios and boutique hotels for interior artistic designing and painting.
Works of Mourão are said to have influences of Goya, Matisse and bacon.The reception of artistic view of Mourão has been often labelled as 'minimal maximalist' as described by Fabio Christ. In his paintings and visual creations, usage of lights are reckoned as a key element of manipulation and thereby having a significant impact.
Major solo exhibitions
2020 – Mount Gallery, Mayfair, London, UK
2019 – Pavillon of St. Eulalia, Ibiza, Spain
2018 – Diario de Ibiza, Ibiza, Spain
2017 – Moving Figures, B12 Gallery, Ibiza, Spain
2016 – Moving Figures, Museu Inimà de Paula, Minas Gerais, Brazil
2014 -15 – The Lloyds Club, London, UK
2013 – B12 Gallery, Ibiza, Spain
2011 – Retrospective, Museum Inimà de Paula, Minas Gerais, Brazil
2007-10 – K.5 Galerìa, Ibiza, Spain
2006 – Edden Gallery, Arosa, Switzerland
2005 – K.5 Galerìa, Ibiza, Spain
2004 –Pool Party K.5, Ibiza, Spain
2004 – Global Room Pacha, Ibiza, Spain
2000-2003 – K.5 Galerìa, Ibiza, Spain
1987 – The Center Gallery, Mayfair, London, UK
1987 – The Holland Gallery, London, UK
1967 – Palácio dos Leilões, Minas Gerais, Brazil
1967 – Amato Lanza Studio Art Gallery, New York, USA
1965 – L’atelier d’Art, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Cool Spots Majorca/Ibiza, by Eva Raventos, Roger Casas, 2006, Page 112 Ibiza, A Mediterranean Lifestyle, by Fritzi (Marchioness of Northampton.), Luis Domènech Girbau, Lluís Domènech, 1999, ISBN 9783829022262, Page 154 Ann Getty Interior Style by Diane Dorrans Saeks, Ann Getty, 2012, ISBN 9780847837915 Cottages, Cabins & Chalets by Laurie Coulter, Paula Chabanais, 1997, ISBN 9780385256186 Architectural Digest: Edition May 2012, Page 172 Ibiza Heute, August 2013, Page: 75-78 Ibiza Style,Edition: Page:152-159 Ibiza Art Guide, Edition: 8, 2017 -18 Pacha Magazine, Edition: The Water Issue, Page: 56-60 Ibiza Guia De Tourismo, Edition: 25th Anniversary Oliver Mourao's London hideaway, British Vogue, June 1984 Hello Magazine, Number 969, May 2007
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bluehairychair · 4 years
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Stained glass and the interior of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia (Barcelona, 13–15th c.)
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tellerbeat4 · 2 years
Panito Mole Restaurants in Santa Eulalia and Santa Eulalia
Panito Mole is a traditional Portuguese restaurant in Montechoro, Algarve, Portugal. It specializes in fried seafood, confeitaria, and pastelaria. The menu changes regularly, but the restaurant's specialty is fried fish. The Panito Mole restaurants are known for their outstanding food and service. The restaurant's history dates back to 1868, and its cuisine is distinctly Portuguese. The service at Panito Mole Santa Eulalia is friendly and professional. The food is good, and the coffee is delicious. You can't go wrong with this location. The service is quick and friendly. The atmosphere is casual and the prices are affordable. They have free Wi-Fi, so you can use your smartphone to access the menu. While you're there, you can also enjoy a cup of coffee. If you're in Santa Eulalia, you'll find the coffee shop very convenient. The staff is helpful and friendly. You can enjoy a delicious cup of espresso or cappuccino, and take in the scenery. The staff is friendly and helpful, and you can even enjoy your coffee while you wait. If you're in the area, check out Panito Mole Santa Eulalia. It's close to the center of town and offers good service. You can enjoy a cup of coffee at Panito Mole Santa Eulalia. It's a comfortable place to grab a coffee, and the service is friendly. Customers have reported that they enjoyed their coffee and excellent service. The Santa Eulalia location is a good choice for those looking for a relaxing coffee break. With good service, you can expect a great time. If you're looking for a cozy place to work, consider Panito Mole. It's located in a busy neighborhood, and the people are friendly and courteous. Another popular coffee shop in Santa Eulalia is Panito Mole. Its pleasant interior and welcoming staff make it a good place to relax with a coffee. A trip to this coffee shop will allow you to enjoy the beautiful views and great food in this area. And you'll appreciate the good service that comes with every visit. It's also home to many cosmopolitans. The atmosphere of the café is warm and inviting, and it's a great spot for socializing with locals. The coffee shop has good service and a friendly atmosphere. The service at Panito Mole Santa Eulalia is friendly and efficient. If you're looking for a place for a good cup of coffee, we recommend the Santa Eulalia location. Its location makes it an ideal location for coffee lovers of all kinds. It's near the beach, making it easy for you to get around on foot in this part of town. If you're looking for a coffee shop in Santa Eulalia, we recommend the Panito Mole in Santa Eulalia. It's a great place to enjoy a coffee with excellent service and a lovely atmosphere. The friendly staff will make your visit a memorable one. So go ahead and try a cup today. Choosing a Coffee Shop in Santa Eulalia? The Location in the Old Town is a Perfect Option for A Pleasant Start If you're looking for a coffee shop in Santa Eulalia, we recommend Panito Mole. It's a nice place for a quick cup of coffee. The owners are very attentive and friendly. The service here is excellent. The prices are reasonable. And the service is friendly and courteous. You'll be able to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee at a reasonable price. It's also worth checking out the other options in Santa Eulalia, like their restaurant, or the cafe next door. Panito Mole Santa Eulalia is a good coffee shop in the Old Town. The service here is great. The menu is filled with delicious options, so try everything on their menu. When you're looking for a coffee shop in Santa Eulalia, we recommend you go to Panito Mole Santaeulalia. We've always enjoyed our coffee at this coffee shop. We love it, and we're happy we found it! The Panito Mole Santa Eulalia is a good place for coffee. The service is prompt and the coffee is good. This coffee shop is also located in a central location. If you're in the neighborhood, you'll want to try this place. The coffee is very good, and the staff is friendly and helpful. Learn More is a good place to meet your friends and family. They can also help you plan a date.
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Cathedral of Barcelona interior (Santa Eulalia)
Please leave captions & credits intact and don’t reblog to NSFW/18+ blogs.
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stonehamg · 4 years
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The Casa de les Punxes or Casa Terradas, designed by Josep Puig i Cadafalch.
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Casa Batlló - in the center of Barcelona. Designed by Antoni Gaudí. It is considered one of his masterpieces. A remodel of a previously built house, it was redesigned in 1904 by Gaudí and has been refurbished several times after that. The local name for the building is Casa dels ossos (House of Bones), as it has a visceral, skeletal organic quality. 
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Plaça Catalunya - The plaza occupies an area of about 50,000 square metres. It is especially known for its fountains and statues, its proximity to some of Barcelona's most popular attractions, and the flocks of pigeons that gather in the centre.
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La Rambla - is a street in central Barcelona. A tree-lined pedestrian street, it stretches for 1.2 kilometres connecting Plaça de Catalunya in the centre with the Christopher Columbus Monument at Port Vell.
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La Boqueria food market - is a large public market in the Ciudad Vieja district of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, and one of the city's foremost tourist landmarks, with an entrance from La Rambla, not far from the Liceo, Barcelona's opera house.
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Gothic Quarter - The charming Gothic Quarter, or Barri Gòtic, has narrow medieval streets filled with trendy bars, clubs and Catalan restaurants. The Museu d'Història de Barcelona shows remains of the Roman city. Artisans sell leather and jewellery near the Cathedral of Barcelona, while flower stalls and street-food vendors line busy avenue La Rambla. The Plaça del Pi, named after the adjacent Gothic church, hosts a weekend art market.
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Barcelona Cathedral - The Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia, also known as Barcelona Cathedral, is the Gothic cathedral and seat of the Archbishop of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. The cathedral was constructed from the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries, with the principal work done in the fourteenth century.
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Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar - is a church in the Ribera district of Barcelona, Spain, built between 1329 and 1383 at the height of Principality of Catalonia's maritime and mercantile preeminence. It is an outstanding example of Catalan Gothic, with a purity and unity of style that is very unusual in large medieval buildings. 
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Park Güell  - is a public park system composed of gardens and architectonic elements located on Carmel Hill, in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Park Güell is the reflection of Gaudí's artistic plenitude, which belongs to his naturalist phase. During this period, the architect perfected his personal style through inspiration from organic shapes.
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La Sagrada Familia - is a large unfinished Roman Catholic minor basilica in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. On 19 March 1882, construction of the Sagrada Família began under architect Francisco de Paula del Villar. In 1883, when Villar resigned, Gaudí took over as chief architect, transforming the project with his architectural and engineering style, combining Gothic and curvilinear Art Nouveau forms. 
Gaudí devoted the remainder of his life to the project, and he is buried in the crypt. At the time of his death in 1926, less than a quarter of the project was complete. Relying solely on private donations, the Sagrada Família's construction progressed slowly and was interrupted by the Spanish Civil War. In July 1936, revolutionaries set fire to the crypt and broke their way into the workshop, partially destroying Gaudí's original plans, drawings and plaster models, which led to 16 years work to piece together the fragments of the master model.
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Casa Milà - popularly known as La Pedrera or "The stone quarry", a reference to its unconventional rough-hewn appearance, is a modernist building. It was the last private residence designed by architect Antoni Gaudí and was built between 1906 and 1912. The building was commissioned in 1906 by Pere Milà [ca; es] and his wife Roser Segimon [ca; es]. At the time, it was controversial because of its undulating stone facade, twisting wrought iron balconies and designed by Josep Maria Jujol. Several structural innovations include a self-supporting stone façade, and a free-plan floor, underground garage and the spectacular terrace on the roof.
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Fundació Joan Miró - is a museum of modern art honoring Joan Miró. His connection to the land and his interest in everyday objects and in the natural environment formed the backdrop to some of his technical and formal research. Self-contained in his manners and public expressions, it is through art that Joan Miró showed his rebelliousness and a strong sensitivity to the political and social events around him.
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Montjuïc Castle - is an old military fortress, with roots dating back from 1640. In the last 350 years Montjuïc Castle has played a decisive role in the history of Barcelona, becoming a symbol after the Catalan defeat to Spain in 1714. Since then the Montjuïc cannons have bombarded the city and its citizens on various occasions, and Montjuïc has been used as a prison and torture centre repeatedly for three centuries.The castle is infamous in Catalan history books because of its role in the civil war from 1936 to 1939 when both sides of the conflict imprisoned, tortured and shot political prisoners at Montjuïc, among them Lluís Companys, who was the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War. Companys was executed upon orders from the Spanish State at Montjuïc Castle in 1940.
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Barcelona Pavilion - designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich, was the German Pavilion for the 1929 International Exposition in Barcelona, Spain. The pavilion for the International Exhibition was supposed to represent the new Weimar Germany: democratic, culturally progressive, prospering, and thoroughly pacifist; a self-portrait through architecture.
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Jardí Botànic de Barcelona (Botanic Garden) - set amongst a number of stadiums used in the Summer Olympic Games of 1992. Although a botanical garden had been established in Barcelona as early as 1888, the current gardens date from 1999. “After only a few minutes of walking around the Botanic Gardens I felt I had entered a Zen monastery, calm and peace and cleanliness.”
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Bibliotec Sant Antoni (Joan Oliver) - The library, named in honor of playwright and poet Joan Oliver, came about through a competition won by RCR in 2005. The architects sought to make the street more dynamic and to open up the inner courtyard for public use, as well as to create a library. The glass-enclosed main reading room is raised up and set between the two lateral wings of the library, which allow light to filter through from both sides, forming a gateway into the public space. This courtyard, with its trees, earthen paving, sitting areas, games, etc. can be understood as an extension of the library’s reading rooms.
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Plaza de la Gardunya - Escuela Massana (school of Art and Design) is part of the long process of urban transformation of Plaza de la Gardunya, located in Barcelona’s historical centre. the effort put into this project responds to the desire of creating a bright interior space with open connecting spaces whilst, at the same time, the exterior of the building remains in harmony with the urban fabric. The building showcases different volumetries and façade textures as a response to the surrounding buildings. With the aim of giving it a more unique and sculptural look and, at the same time, make it more airy, the section that faces onto the square is divided into two sections slightly rotated, creating terraces.  The school, which is an institution that welcomes future artisans and designers, is clad in a ceramic material of large dimensions, made in an artisanal manner and unique to our building. This helped to give it its unique character and highlights the sculptural nature of the building, whilst protecting the privacy of the students.
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Santa Caterina Food Market - Buzzy market featuring a unique, wavy roof & colourful mosaics, with a variety of vendors & eateries. A competition was opened to restore the Santa Caterina city market located in the old quarter of Barcelona in 1997. EMBT won the bid with a proposal that aimed at incorporating the extreme complexity of the setting itself by creating a commercial market complemented by a residential zone and public spaces that integrated all the activities of the neighbourhood.
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22@ District - is the corporative name given to an urban renewal area in Barcelona's formerly industrial area of Poblenou, in the district of Sant Martí, nicknamed "the Catalan Manchester" in the 19th century. Its aim is to convert Poblenou into the city's technological and innovation district, as well as to increase leisure and residential spaces. Centered on Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, it is part of one of Europe's biggest urban regeneration schemes, begun during the 2000s and still ongoing.
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The Museu del Disseny de Barcelona - is a new center of Barcelona's Institute of Culture, acting as a museum and laboratory. It focuses on 4 branches or design disciplines: space design, product design, information design and fashion. Barcelona is a city historically linked to design. It was decided to build a single space in which locate all collections and endowments existing in Barcelona related to the world of design, and Oriol Bohigas commissioned the construction of a building in the Plaça de les Glòries.
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Torre Glòries - is a 38-story skyscraper which marks the gateway to the new technological district of Barcelona. It was designed by French architect Jean Nouvel in association with the Spanish firm b720 Fermín Vázquez Arquitectos and built by Dragados. Torre Agbar is intended to recall the shape of a geyser rising into the air. It was inspired by Montserrat, a mountain near Barcelona. In an interview, he described the tower as having a phallic character.
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Edifici Mediatic - Enric Ruiz-Geli doesn’t emphasise the media impact of his futuristic building, but instead its energy efficiency. Extensive studies formed the basis for the parametric design where the award-winning steel frame is on the outside and the interior offers flexible use of space. The patented cushions made of ETFE membranes are controllable, allowing the different façades to be insulated, opened, or shaded as needed. Edifici MediaTIC is a prime example of forward-looking architecture.
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Urban Superblocks - Barcelona’s radical plan to take back streets from cars. A vision for a different way of living in the 21st century, one that steps back from many of the mistakes of the auto-besotted 20th century, refocusing on health and community. It is a bigger and more ambitious city plan than anything being discussed in America and, more important, a plan that is actually being implemented, with a few solid pilot projects behind it, a list of lessons learned, and a half-dozen new projects in the works.
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Can Framis Museum - Is an art center devoted to the promotion of contemporary Catalan painting. Located in the old Can Framis factory complex, the museum displays more than 250 paintings from the sixties to the present made by artists born or currently living in Catalonia.
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Museu Blau (Science Museum) – By Herzon De Meuron “We look for materials which are as intelligent, versatile and complex as natural phenomena, in other words materials which don't just appeal to the eyes of the astounded art critic, but are also really efficient and appeal to all our senses.” – Jacques Herzog. A triangular mass of gray-blue concrete punctured and split in places to reveal the contrasting use of reflective planes.
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Walden 7 - is an apartment building designed by Ricardo Bofill's team and located close to Barcelona, in Catalonia. It was built in 1975. The original project includes 446 residences. The original exterior façade was covered with small, red ceramic tiles backed with the wrong adhesive, creating a pedestrian hazard as the tiles fell off the building.
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The day of the Dead - is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, and by people of Mexican heritage elsewhere. The holiday involves family and friends gathering to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died, and helping support their spiritual journey. In Mexican culture, death is viewed as a natural part of the human cycle. Mexicans view it not as a day of sadness but as a day of celebration because their loved ones awake and celebrate with them. Mexican cempasúchil (marigold) is the traditional flower used to honor the dead.
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Igualada Cemetery - Designed by the architects Enric Miralles and Carme Pinós after winning an architectural competition in 1984. the cemetery became widely regarded as one of the most poetic works of twentieth century Catalan architecture. to explore poetic ideas regarding the acceptance of the cycle of life to enable a link between the past, the present, and the future. A processional "street" descends from the entrance, where crossed, rusting, steel poles doubling as gates and likened to the crosses at Calvary, proclaim the start of a winding pathway towards the burial area. The route is lined with repeatable concrete loculi forming retaining walls and the floor of the path has railway sleepers set into its concrete surface.The intention was to bring the bereaved down into the landscape to a 'city of the dead', an in between place where the dead and the living are brought closer together. The spaces are designed to provoke thoughts and memories.
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intergalacticas · 5 years
Verán, para mi Tlatelolco siempre fue algo de los libros de historia en la primaria, muy poco mencionado. Incluso en todas mis visitas de verano al Distrito, ahora nuestra amada CDMX, nunca fuimos en familia. Supongo que Tlatelolco es un lugar de esos que todos saben pero pocos ahondan. Qué curioso, dijo Chito.
Tengo tres recuerdos especiales acerca de Tlatelolco que nada tienen que ver con su historia pero si con la mía y tal vez con la tuya, una venida de lejos para cumplir con el Chilangodream (diría mi querido Fedo).
La primera vez que pasé por Tlatelolco fue cuando venía en un Uber desde el norte hasta mi viejo departamento en Popotla. Después de eso le comenté a Sha, unas de mis más grandes amigas, que tenía ganas de ir a conocer la Plaza de las Tres Culturas y visitar el edificio de a lado que tenía el memorial y parecía museo. “El Centro Cultural Universitario, güey”, me dijo. Fuimos a las semanas, quedamos de vernos debajo del reloj del metro y llegamos juntas. Cruzamos toda la unidad habitacional; caminarlo fue una delicia. Como buena oriunda del interior de la república, entender lo que es una unidad habitacional, como se vive y coexiste en ella, te da una simple aprehensión bien distinta de tu concepción original del espacio y la comunidad. Era un sábado por la tarde y había poca gente, nos compramos un helado de camino al CCU. La exposición del centro cultural era sobre urbanismo en la ciudad y tenía varias instalaciones de experiencia en las que nos subimos y reímos mucho. Pasamos también al memorial de la matanza del 68 y lo recorrimos todito. Casualmente también en el memorial tenían una muestra temporal sobre los desaparecidos en la dictadura Argentina. Terminamos, dimos la vuelta un rato, cruzamos el puente peatonal y tomamos el trolebús de eje central para irnos al centro a seguir la tarde. Ese día Tlatelolco me gustó mucho.
Antes de dejar de vivir en México hice dos visitas a Tlatelolco. Mi hermana inventó venir a ayudarme a empacar, que de empacar nada hicimos, solo paseamos. Ese sábado recorrimos todo Tlatelolco. Salimos del kiosco Morisco, en donde me encontré a algunos amigos, caminando por calles desconocidas siguiendo el maps hasta tomar un bus. No voy a negar que nos asustamos, pero aaah, como nos gusta ser valientes. Caminamos por calles sin pavimentar pensando que quizá nos asaltarían, pero aliviadas por los dos o cuatro transeúntes que de repente nos acompañaban, hasta que llegamos a calle Naranjo con Eulalia Guzmán. Tomamos el autobús morado que nos dejo en Metro Tlatelolco y me sentí bien contenta de saber en donde estaba, así que llevé a mi hermana al recorrido al que a mi Sha me llevo años atrás. Esta vez vi todo con más calma, en una cámara lenta mental. Niños jugando, otra vez compramos un heladito, pasamos a la explanada, caminamos entre los jardines, y todo por los arcos para salir al eje. Otro recorrido de nostalgia y emoción. Mi hermana es una apasionada de la historia de México y Latinoamérica en general, se que lo disfrutó incluso más que yo. Tlatelolco nos recibió enteras. Visitamos juntas las ruinas, la iglesia, nos compramos un elote asado, leímos la placa conmemorativa de la matanza, admiramos la unidad habitacional pensando en Mario Pani. Fuimos a buscar murales para admirarlos y tomarles fotos. Descansamos en el jardín de San Marcos y vimos como le hicieron fotos a una quinceañera bonita. Salimos del jardín caminando por una mini feria de barrio y nos fuimos.
Al día siguiente, el domingo, mi hermana se despidió de mi roomie.  Tenía muchas ganas de llorar no más de verlas despedirse. Si bien mi despedida aún no tocaba, verlas hacerlo con ese cariño y gratitud me mató. Mi hermana se fue y yo me dirigí al metro para llegar a Tlatelolco de noche. Quería una foto del Xipe Totéc, la instalación que tiene el edificio del CCU. Para esto, el CCU seguía cerrado por las afectaciones que había sufrido en el temblor de 2017, así que no podía entrar. Llegué, hice de nuevo el recorrido de mi nostalgia en esa nostalgia de Tlatelolco. Di la vuelta por la plaza de las tres culturas, me compré un Boing de guayaba y esperé a que cayera más la noche para hacer mis fotos. Bien me había dicho Claudia, mi roomie, que no me tardara porque de noche “se quedaba muy solito”. Y no se si fue una necesidad de soledad entera para mi con la ciudad, pero me quedé hasta que casi todo mundo se fue, una vez más aliviada por la gente inquilina de Tlatelolco que cruzaba el bajo puente iluminado. Tomé mis fotos, pedí mi Uber y lo esperé. El hijo de puta del conductor me canceló. Así que pedí otro, pero ya menos aliviada porque vi menos gente. Llegaron unos chavitos por atrás mientras mi Uber ya estaba a tres minutos, volteé a verlos y vi un niño con ellos, pensé que el niño era señal de que no eran vándalos. Llego el taxi y me subí. Tarde diez minutos en llegar al departamento, feliz y nostálgica. Salvada una vez más por la compañía de la gente y Claudia. Y esta es la foto que tomé.
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Bien, no tengo idea de porqué les estoy contando esto, pero me es importante mencionarlo hoy que todo mundo habla de Tlatelolco. Tres culturas juntas y la mía, quizá y la tuya también. Hasta hoy, la instalación del Xipe Totéc sigue apagada por mantenimiento. 
***Bonus Track***: Cuando visité la Biblioteca Central de Buenos Aires había una exposición sobre el 68, hablando de cómo marcó una pauta híbrida en muchos lugares del mundo. Marcelo Brodsky tenía algunas piezas expuestas y había varias dedicadas a México, con todo lo que el 68 le dio y le quitó. No se que extraña sincronía sucedió, me pareció peculiar ver en otro país una exposición de mi país cuando en mi país vi una exposición de este nuevo país. Disculpen ustedes mi trabalenguas. Alucinó o 
¿habrá sido una conexión especial?
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