skelemen · 1 year
17 Questions for 17 People
Tagged by @sheseestheghosts. It's been so long since I've done one of theses.
1. Nicknames: Kat, skeleman, the skelemanager
2. Zodiac: Aqua Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising
3. Height: 5'3" (probably actually 5'2" but give me that extra inch)
4. Last thing I Googled: Prophylaxis Dental -- I just had a dentist appointment today 
5. Song stuck in my head: fuK u lol by Corpse
6. Number of people you follow: 48 -- I'm still getting back into the swing of things
7. Amount of sleep you get: It really depends. I can sometimes sleep for 10 hours for a few days, and then the next few days I only sleep like 4 hours.
8. Lucky numbers: 16
9. Dream job: Published author that gets to write for a living and rely solely on that income
10. What are you currently wearing: Corpse hoodie, no pants, socks, a blanket. I'm big chilling.
11. Movies/books that summarize me: I honestly have no clue. I would say the books I write myself would summarize me the best since I put pieces of myself into each one.
12. What is your favorite instrument: I have no clue. I'm very much not musically inclined
13. Favorite song right now: Out of Touch
14. Describe your aesthetic: Alt? I guess. I don't know what my aesthetic is. I wear all black, my hair is usually colored most of the time. We can go with alternative trash panda.
15. Favorite author: Probably tied between Neil Gaiman and Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
16. Favorite animal noise: NOISE? Uhhhhh..... I guess tiny kitten squeaks.
17. Random fact about myself: I have never broken a bone before, but I really want to know what it feels like. I don't want to actually break a bone, but I want to know what it's like.
I definitely don't have 17 people to tag, so I will tag who I can:
@alienbaby @eternalawakenings @escuinclebrandon @earthdomdirtbag @kisssatoru @yourblackhearts
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pridealmighty · 4 years
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@itsmillerbabyy @pride.almighty @millerxpride #itsmillerxpride #2020 #eternalawakening #dontsleep #2020music #newagemusic #alternative #bullshit #youllloveit (at OMNIPRESENT) https://www.instagram.com/p/B92ogTvHYYZ/?igshid=ckuy1vh8ybra
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