#esp when i can see issues w proportions
salsusman · 2 years
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Somehow Teen Wolf be out here ending a 2+ years art break, will be putting up the daily sketches
Excited to see the rust start falling off w practice and time!
Day 1 - 1 1/2 hour, Theo and Liam separate sketches
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touyaspeach · 3 years
i’m a little confused ab the whole cyancherub situation cause from what it looks like cassie accused another writer of plagiarism only bc they used a very common trope used in fics and refused to solve the situation privately even tho the person she accused reached out to them several times. cassie didn’t even initially reach out to this person privately but instead brought the situation out on the blog inviting hate to the person once her followers figured out who she was talking ab. and then when the person she accused defended themselves bc they were receiving an influx of hate bc of cassie’s accusation all of a sudden they’re in the wrong?? there’s nothing wrong w defending urself when someone accuses u of something as serious as plagiarism. it would be worse if she just ignored the situation so she did the right thing by clearing things up publicly esp when cassie wouldn’t even respond to her messages trying to solve things and asking how she plagiarized her and considering ppl were in her inbox calling her a plagiarizer. the fic she’s talking ab is literally such a common trope and she didn’t create it. y’all are so weird for blowing this way outta proportion and her deactivating is literally her making herself a victim in a situation she created. u can’t start discourse and then get surprised by the outcome
Hi there! I'll try to clear up as much as I can, but know that I'm not directly involved in the situation, I only know what I've personally read and seen.
And I will go ahead an own up to my own bias as Cassie's friend, however I'll try to keep this response as unbiased as possible, okay?
First and foremost, I just don't understand how this whole thing got shifted from, "this person is maybe copying another person's fics, nearly line for line in some instances." to this whole trope thing? Because that's not at all what the concern was.
Cassia knows that tropes are tropes, she's not stupid. She knows that nobody owns anything. That was never even the issue. The issue was similarities crossing fics with similar themes.
Phrases, lines, scenes, those things matching up more often than not was the issue.
And, no, perhaps she didn't reach out when she should have and that's it's own deal, and despite that knowing she'd had Rubi's accounts blocked and didn't receive any messages. But you can't police what people do on their own platforms, especially since Cassie never called anyone out by name. If lines were drawn, it was because others made their own conclusions, not because she sent her fans after Rubi.
And even when Cassia brought it up, she begged people not to flood Rubi's inbox with hate, because that's not at all what was intended. However, not once did Rubi return the same gesture. Therefore, her fans swarmed Cassie's inbox with hate. Let me remind you; Rubi has considerably more of a platform that Cassie does.
If anyone is blowing this out of proportion, it's Rubi's fans who not only flooded Cassia's inbox, but are now sending these types of messages to the people who associate with her and defend her. Regardless of who is right or wrong in this situation, Rubi's fans are showing their asses by being overly aggressive and rude. And it's Rubi's fault for not calling them off, especially since Cassia never wanted this from the beginning.
Before I wrap this up, I do wanna mention that defending yourself from accusations is totally normal and expected. Rubi has every right to try and clear her name as she sees fit, however somehow this thing got boiled down to, "tropes cannot be owned," instead of the core issue of, "this person is taking too much inspiration from my work."
I'd like to link you to Rubi's own post, including the google doc she wrote up with her supposed proof. Here. And let anyone draw their own conclusions. Again, I'm only speaking from the perspective of what I've seen as Cassie's friend. And, naturally, as I do not personally associate with Rubi I'm siding with the person I'm familiar with. I hope I could clear some stuff up.
Overall I think this situation got blown way out of proportion when it could have been handled better, but it's said and done now.
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roominthecastle · 7 years
Hi Room! I'm still on s2 and I have a question. Why do Sara and Catherine sometimes snipe at each other? Especially Cat?? Perhaps I'm blowing it out of proportion but Sara is my favorite at times awkward puppy and people being anything but nice to her hurt me ((( Also did Cat know Sara or sth about her before s1? The way she reacted to Gris inviting her to Vegas has been bugging me.
Hi, anon! ah, good question. Yes, Cat and Sara’s relationship def has this tense undercurrent, and I think it feeds from 3 main sources:
(a simple but often overlooked reason:) sometimes ppl just don’t like each other all that much, so they are less inclined to be nice and tolerant of each other’s “displays of individuality.” They can be civil, they can work together, but there is no urge to grow beyond that bc they “vibe at different frequencies” as Sara and Cat most certainly do. Sara, not unlike Grissom, is - to borrow your phrase - an “awkward puppy” clinging to science, and Cat is the embodiment of graceful femininity w/ people skills and a link to life outside the lab. They are also two headstrong, hardworking women and their disagreements always reflect this. Their differences and similarities sort of combine to make their interactions challenging, esp when they are under pressure.
they get off on the wrong foot, so to speak, and that initial feeling will linger. Sara is invited in by Grissom to conduct an internal investigation (a thankless job that never earns you many friends under any circumstances) after Holly gets shot, then she stays. They have a pre-show connection of sorts as Griss describes Sara as “a friend of mine, someone I trust.” Cat, however, doesn’t know her at all and treats her as an antagonistic intruder, “somebody sniffing around” a tragedy she already feels personally responsible for and wants to investigate herself. By tasking Sara with investigating his team (and thus Cat), Griss essentially puts her in the red corner (to pick a boxing analogy) and she never fully moves away from it. She will always be a bit of an outsider, imo, and it partially has to do with developing feelings btw her and Griss. She’s possessive of his attention and craves his support/validation, so anybody else receiving it will be frowned upon (Warrick, Nick, and yes, Cat too). And Griss is unsure of how to handle this properly, which blurs the line btw personal and professional, leaving them stuck in between. This “blurring” is sth they both happen to criticize Cat for, so I think it’s understandable if she gets a bit snappy.
Sara is also professionally competitive, she has a temper and authority issues. When you couple that w/ Cat’s demand for respect as a senior CSI, you get a volatile mix, and they clash over workplace issues on several occasions.
But despite all this, they also pull together. You will also see Cat prompt Griss to pull his head out of his ass microscope, act like a human being and patch things up w/ Sara, and she is there when Sara is most in need of female support. They will never really be your typical besties, but the challenges of their relationship are very interesting.
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