#episode: 1.5 rm w/a vu
cangelgifs · 2 years
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ANGEL THE SERIES (1.05) || (2.21)
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buffster · 7 years
Buffyverse tagging meme: Omg I love Buffy talk thanks catty-words you’re the best. Also I am totally doing this again once I’ve finished my episode notes because I will 100% know my answers by that point. This is more of a guesstimate.
top fifteen characters?
Buffy, Spike, Angel/Angelus, Willow, Cordelia, Faith, Xander, Tara, Lorne, Giles, Gunn, Lilah, Doyle, Lindsey, Anya
favorite minor characters?
Phantom Dennis. The Mayor was really fun. Jonathan, but maybe just because I like the actor. Glory.
ranking of favorite seasons of both shows?
btvs: 3, 5, 4, 6, 2, 7, 1
ats: 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 
top ten episodes of both shows?
btvs: no order: (Graduation Day) (Hush) (Once More, With Feeling) (The Gift) (Grave) (Becoming) (Passion) (Restless) (Who Are You) (Fear, Itself) 
ats: no order: (I Will Remember You) (Sanctuary) (Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been) (Reprise) (Epiphany) (Through The Looking Glass) (There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb) (Salvage)  (Not Fade Away) (Rm w/a Vu) 
ats or btvs?
I feel that Buffy was the better show, but certain themes of Angel I identified with more. But I’m still gonna say Buffy.
least favorite main character?
I don’t know if it counts, but Andrew. 
top ten ships?
Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Faith (I love Buffy don’t judge me), Willow/Tara, Willow/Faith, Angel/Cordelia, Angel/Faith, Fred/Gunn, Spike/Angel (brotp), and Darla/Drusilla.
do you write fanfic?
I used to RP but I haven’t for awhile. 
what fanfic do you read?
Nothing lately. I’ve been too focused on my analysis of the episodes.
when did you start watching?
My mom got me hooked when it started. I was like...four. Haha so I probably didn’t pay attention until like 2000. I remember her freaking out at the end of season five when she didn’t know if it was coming back.
show recommendations for buffyverse fans?
I guess other Joss Whedon? Firefly and Dollhouse. As for other stuff, The Vampire Diaries and The Originals have some really good episodes but some really bad ones too (if you’re looking for a supernatural show). Gilmore Girls is different but has a similar 90s TV vibe. 
do you own/collect anything related to the shows?
I have a little Pop vinyl of Buffy. Really want a Sunnydale sweatshirt.
how often will you watch an episode?
Oh man. Sooo many times. I like to feel like I know it backwards and forwards. It’s the same with books. Like you always miss stuff??
how many times have you watched either show all the way through?
btvs: Maybe like 7 ish times?
ats: Only 1.5 (?!?!) so my Angel answers aren’t very reliable until I do the rewatch I’m getting ready to start.
five unpopular opinions?
1. Xander had some really good moments and some of his bad ones weren’t as bad as everyone makes them out to be.
2. Angel and Angelus aren’t totally separate. Nor are they the same. 
3. Dawn Summers was a decent character. But she wasn’t like...amazeballs or anything. 
4. Not sure if this is unpopular, but Michelle Trachtenberg was kind of a cringe-worthy actress during emotional scenes. I thought she was much better by the time she was on Gossip Girl.
5. Some of ATS season four was so, so bad, but I liked it because of the Angelus arc and the Faith bits.
least favorite thing about the fandom?
Hmm I guess that Buffy fans are some of the most aware fans out there so it can make you feel like you’re going to be hated if you didn’t read/notice something as problematic.
Not sure who to tag because most of the people I follow have done it but if you wanna do it tag me and I will take credit ;) Haha
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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Cordelia ‘It-Wasn’t-Me’ Chase
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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CANGEL APPRECIATION WEEK 2022 Day 02 (Oct 18th) ♥ Favorite Funny Moment ⏤ 1.05 “Rm w/a Vu”
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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“Now, can we move on?” ↳ requested by @sympathyfrthedevil
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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ANGEL THE SERIES | (1.05) “Rm w/a Vu”
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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128 notes · View notes
cangelgifs · 2 years
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Cordy's first instinct always being to reach for Angel BTVS (2.05) | ATS (1.05) (3.01) (3.05)
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