#episode 129
wbg-quotes · 6 months
MIKEY: What's more romantic than manipulating a twink into accidentally sharing top secret government codes? I'd like to hear it. CHANCE: Well, Ryan and I met at the 24-hour diner. We started working at O.V.E.R. on the same day, and then he saw I was sitting alone and he was sitting alone. So he asked to join me. We sat and talked for must have been like five or six hours. We didn't even notice when the sun went. Down pretty Ding dang romantic if I do say so myself. MIKEY: It's not a competition.
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myobsessionsspace · 1 month
Run BTS! Episode 129 - Jikook Cut
Full Episodes (2 Parts) 129 & 130
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girlwholovesturtles · 5 months
No! I saw the title and I already hate this!
Hello? Martin! No! Question this man! I think maybe you're both idiots!
Oh, hon! This is so bad! Just all around bad!
"Please stop finding me." God damn!
I'm not emotionally available enough for all of this!
Ah, gentrification, the true horror! This one story is going to make me go fucking feral!
Please don't feed into my dream of living debt free! I might almost fall for this kind of shit.
Yeah, get the fuck out of there.
This is feeling very Corruption to me? I thought it would be Vast but it doesn't feel quite right. Maybe Buried? They did just get the coffin, so that might make sense.
This dude is straight up not having a good time. I can't even kinda figure out how this dude is gonna get out of this.
Did you really get out of this by virtue alone that you faced your death with dignity? Wasn't that how the other Buried victim survived also? Is acceptance just a turn off to the Buried?
What?! What?! Gertrude! WTF?! Friendship is over YET AGAIN!
What? Jon! WTF are you about to do! I'd suggest you use Martin for that anchor of yours but apparently you have a hard time finding him these days.
Apparently TMA is getting a sequel series, which I wasn't aware of before I decided to get into the series in general. And because I don't want the series as a whole to be spoiled for me, I gotta try to finish this show before my dashboard is covered in spoilers!
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grayluforever · 11 months
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are we not going to pretend that juvia continuously stalked gray throughout the series? THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP!!!
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cccccasperghost · 10 months
Why can't the gays ever be happy?
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forensicated · 7 months
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 129
Just a short one for this one - Kerry gets over invested in a fight between two teenage girls over a man who is old enough to be their father.
Gina reprimands her for not passing the case to CSU and Smithy covers saying he asked her to attend as she had previous with the two girls. Gina tells him she expected better from him and sets them to task finding Ken's missing son. Smithy tells Kerry she has to take a step back and not get so involved in cases.
Gabriel remarks on how 'cosy' their chat looked and Kerry dismisses it immediatley saying 'in his dreams'.
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Martin: You died.
Johnathan: I came back.
Martin: Yeah. And I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen again
Mcscuze me??? Martin???
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pessimistpress · 1 month
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Manic Minion's Crazy Craig! Episode 129 - Moon!
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guiltknight-gaming · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Episode 129: Steel Watch Foundry
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here guys, come take your prizes ⭐️
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wbg-quotes · 8 months
What's more romantic than manipulating a twink into accidentally sharing top secret government codes? I'd like to hear it.
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marshmallowgoop · 3 months
And I'm just a little messed up I'm a little out of my head
[Song link] [YouTube link]
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piratespencilart · 10 months
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Can you imagine being a two foot tall halfling in your giant cow uncle’s lap. Literally the safest feeling in the world I think. 💚
[ID: Digital art of Luc and Caduceus from Critical Role. Luc is a small halfling child in yellow overalls, looking up with a smile. He is sitting in the lap of Caduceus, who is shown from the neck down and is much larger than Luc. End ID.]
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
"You died"
"I came back"
"Yeah. And I'm not gonna let it happen again"
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hyenasatanist · 2 years
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captainsparklefingers · 8 months
I would like to draw attention, if I may, to the following line from today's section of Dracula, and why I find it funny on a few different levels:
"...That he be all in black, except that he have a hat of straw which suit not him or the time..."
Obviously, this is in reference to Dracula and his appearance as he makes his quick escape from London. I find it funny for a few reasons. First, and the most obvious, is that Drac is just wearing his typical attire, but with a straw hat, and it's so absurd to picture this guy all in black with this big straw hat to keep out the sun that just clashes with everything else about him.
The second reason is that it 'suits not the time'. Straw hats, during the time when men wearing hats was always done, were the hat of summer. You wore them during the summer season and when it passed September 15th, it was considered socially unacceptable to wear a straw hat anymore (at least in the US, I'm not sure about Europe). Think 'no white after labor day' but with hats.
So, Dracula is wearing this hat that looks silly on him because it doesn't suit him at all, and on top of that, he's breaking one of the unwritten rules of men's fashion. He just looks like a big ole goober on several levels, and I just really like the idea that in his panic to get out, he picked a hat to protect him from the sun (for some reason, it's not like the sun does harm to him, it just depowers him as previously established, but whatever), but instead of picking something that would help him blend in as a Normal Human Man™, he picked the one thing that makes him stand out and more memorable.
Plus, he's lucky that the worst that was done was people remarking that he looked like an idiot with his completely unsuitable hat. Those fashion laws were serious business! There was a whole riot in the 20s in New York because of straw hats (yes, really). Read the Wikipedia article about the Straw Hat Riot of 1922, listen to the Dollop episode about the riot...and then picture rapscallions trying to knock Dracula's already stupid looking hat off his head and smash it underfoot because he was wearing a straw hat in October, like an idiot.
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