#emmmmm i dunno if i need to add it but
coralsgrimes · 3 years
How did it go from “omg shipping real people is CRAZY and CREEPY” to people shipping him with Amita and Sujaya here….
Anyone want to become the token shipper for Ben and Danielle? She does call him Shadow Zaddy. And she’s actually single. #Banielle
Ok so I decided to make a list with pros and cons of Benny and them other people we talked about today! THE SHIPS!
Bulianne; so far the only confirmed one and over, dead and buried as of now, hated by absolutely everyone in the fandom and their mothers. Has an official theme song - Here Comes The Sun. Pros - twin flame left the door to Benny's real life/persona ajar and was constantly giving us shit to do/talk about during pandemic and they deff deserve one another! Also finally confirmed to them old fans that Benny is not gay and has the straightest bad taste in women... Cons - we gonna need a bigger boat for that x.x CORALSRATING - two and a half wishes out of three
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Boriana; also mostly hated by the fandom, workplace romance. Courtesy of 👑! Pros - made Benny ugly cry and hump old TV in his MV, will fiercely protect him when boy gets his raya age settings below 18, cause it's them girls fault they are underaged! Cons - she is only 2% goat milk, according to twitter, and I like my goat cheese full fat ;c CORALSRATING - 11% Spanish and 1% it won't end up well
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Bessie; current work affair, eternal lovers and forget the twin flame sunshine bullshit cuz Jessie is the sunshine and probably the female pirate too! Pros - they could sell more Shadow and Bone me Daddy seasons with their love, shippers make cute joint headstones fan arts for them, Benny likes, we laugh. Cons - Jessie could do way better than Beyyn, their shippers terrify me, older step-brother vibe from Benny, The Activist Stink. CORALSRATING - six seasons and a movie
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Bemita; we make the shit as we go! some are for it, some are against. Overall quite niche. Pros - she has very nice shiny hair and some Bulgari jewels! Cons - Benny clearly ain't the biggest fan and thinks himself as having the high ground, per usual. CORALSRATING - chub-chub, because it's never gonna happen
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Beaya; I made this one! Pros - she is an underrated beauty and the most age appropriate for Benny in the Hungarian wilderness. Cons - the name I made up for them is apparently a model of running shoes ;c CORALSRATING - momma would like this one
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Belahan; boys do like to work out together *Lucille Bluth would wink here*, lotsa comments #thenotificationssquad... Pros - DL would be happy? maybe? they seems to be into the same women (see certain NY model...) Cons - they were working out together but Benny still has them noodle legs, what about Alex and Julian? CORALSRATING - two Michelin star aubergines
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Banielle; credit to ye lovely muffin! Pros - she is cute and IRISH!!! Cons - she went to Trinity (screeching noises) and has wrong idea about what kind of man should be called zaddy. Apparently is single which is a big turn off for Benny Boy. CORALSRATING - grand
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The Secret Bristol Girl; she is absolutely cute, redhead and a lil bit hippie. Math teacher who also likes astronomy OR astrology, accounts vary! Has a cat, probably a Siberian one <333 Pros - close to momma, she is a secret as Benny likes. Cons - has a cat and probably not ready to be Benny's baby momma yet. I think I made her up to be too good for our boy ;c he does not even deserve a made up girl x.x CORALSRATING - one DM sighting
Ok that's all for today! What other pairings ye want me to judge? What others should I add? That was so fun!
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