#emiko chuuya
caranoelle · 8 months
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YAY more traditional art !! I'm finally making use of my huge colored pencil set that I've had for like two years and barely ever used until now
character is mine, but she was designed by @ekholocationn
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theyoungblooded · 10 months
❝ What can I say? I live for moments like this. Annoying people with my lame sense of humor is what gets me out of bed every morning. ❞
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NAME: Setsushi Takuya
ALIASES / NICKNAMES: P, Mom ( a joking reference to his status as de facto team leader & the one prone to worrying the most ), Wifey/Work Wife ( by Lipp ), 'Prince Shiryuu' ( Birth Name ), 'His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Chikafuji' ( Title ), the Lost Prince
GENDER: Cis Male ( Gender-Nonconforming )
SPECIES: Human ( *Gifted )
AGE: 26-27 ( Default ), 20-21 ( Fifteen / Stormbringer ), 27-28 ( Kintsugi Verse )
D.O.B: January 21st, 19XX
HOMETOWN: Tokyo Imperial Palace, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, Japan
APPEARANCE / STYLE: Piano Man is tall, rather attractive young man standing at about 5’10” with a slender & soft physique, skilled hands & long fingers. Notably gender non conforming with a sort of delicate femininity about him, he possesses short white blond hair that reaches just above his shoulders, which is styled into a bob cut & parted down the middle. He also has a few black streaks dyed into his hair on the right side that are arranged to look like black piano keys. He also has deep golden eyes which are said to be an exclusive trait of the royal blood line, though many believe that to be superstition. Dressed in black & white without exception, he typically wears a white dress shirts with checkerboard-patterned collars, underneath a white waistcoat with a belt sash tied around his abdomen & white dress slacks as well as white neckties with black accents. He also wears a formal black overcoat with white lapels & a pair of black Chelsea boots. Piano Man also keeps at least two winding machines in his sleeves ( in reality his coat has had ears to carry them ) where his piano wires are wound. He also wears a pair of tuxedo gloves at all times; the left one is white with a black cuff around the wrist & the right is black with a white cuff. In verses where he is married he either wears the ring beneath his gloves or on a necklace chain under his clothes.
PERSONALITY: Piano Man is highly intelligent, manipulative, crafty & resourceful. As the most senior member of the Flags in terms of rank, he became the de facto leader of the group after founding it with Lippmann. Charming & misleadingly sweet, P is filled with whimsy, delicacy & cruelty, & was also said to be the closest to becoming a full fledged Mafia Executive prior to Stormbringer where Dazai & Chuuya began fighting for the role. He can be extremely fickle & fastidious, even overly nitpicky, hence missing his deadlines by months if his crafted supernotes—counterfeit money—failed to meet his incredibly high standards. Nevertheless, Piano Man is quite trusted by Mafia boss Mori, even to be ordered to monitor Chuuya in case the latter attempted to betray the organization after being recruited from the Sheep. With his wit & intellect, however, Piano Man proved to be more of a comrade than a watcher to Chuuya, to the point of going behind the boss's back & telling Chuuya about the Mafia's confidential files only for executives that the latter wanted to know about, in a way that didn’t technically break any rules. Despite his cruel streak, Piano Man can be extremely kind hearted & protective, especially around the younger members of the Flags, leading them to jokingly coin the nickname ‘Mom’ for him.
BIOGRAPHY: The individual known as Piano Man is an enigma even among the Port Mafia; a paranoid & secretive man who never discusses his past, & for good reason. He was born to the older sister of the current emperor of Japan, making him a member of the branch family rather than the direct rulers. His name given at birth was Prince Shiryuu Chikafuji, & his best friend was his cousin Akio, at one point the heir presumptive to his father, the Emperor. Unfortunately, due to complications in delivery, Akio’s mother, Empress Emiko was left unable to have more children. Had they not already had a child that would have been concerning as imperial law states that illegitimate children of the emperor are no longer permitted to take the throne. Unfortunately, when they were both still very young, Akio took ill & was stated to have a degenerative sickness & was unlikely to live to the age of 30, let alone long enough to inherit the throne. Suddenly, everybody’s eyes were on Shiryuu, the only other male child who was descended from the current emperor’s grandfather. After that, his mother turned into an all new person, she fought relentlessly with the Crown & was able to successfully bid for Shiryuu to be named the Crown Prince, 1st in line to the throne, all of her bitterness & resentment for the sexist nature of how the royal lineage work came spilling out, & she began using her son to get what she wanted. She began taking over Shiryuu’s schooling & drilling him with knowledge daily, physically & emotionally reprimanding him if he complained or tried to resist her wishes. The freedom & privileges he had enjoyed up until that point had suddenly become a gilded cage separating him from his sister & cousin, a prison he could not escape from. He was suffocating & drowning under the immense pressure, traumatized by his extremely overbearing mother & realizing he would spend the rest of his life until her death being her puppet as she rd punted her dreams of turning a Japan back into a feuds country. He couldn’t do it… he ran away.
Being just 15 years old with no money to his name at that point & hiding from his mother’s frantic searches, Piano Man lived on the streets for a while before overhearing a bar owner struggling to sort his finances & his business threatening to go under. As financials & economy in Japan had been one of the things his mother had drilled him the hardest on, he felt confident he could help the man & offered to do so after witnessing his crying, distraught family. He completely redid the man’s organizational system, collected the MANY tabs owed by patrons that the gentleman was too nice to confront them on & had most of his inflated debt cleared out within the day. The owner was so grateful that he offered Piano Man, by this point going by the Alia’s Takuya, a job as his clerk & bookkeeper, which he accepted. For three years he lived with the family in the house connected to their business & was treated like family among them. Until one day Port Mafia enforcers came in & declared the bar was now under their recently acquired turf, & they owed protection money to the Mafia. They tried their best to keep up with it, but it became increasingly difficult for them.
At age 19, Takuya returned home from the supermarket to find his benefactor & his wife & children murdered, much to his horror. Fearlessly, he went straight to the Port Mafia & demanded those responsible be punished, but Boss Mori showed little interest as he believed the executions had been conducted reasonably even if he had no directly authorized it. The young man threatened to take care of it himself before storming out. Takuya had become well acquainted with the streets of Yokohama since his arrival, & he knew exactly what to do. He went & spoke with a rival gang whom the Port Mafia had taken that territory from & explained the situation. The oldest daughter of the bar owner had been sleeping with one of the leaders of the gang & he was understandably distraught by her death. He knew exactly which part of the Mafia had committed the murders & offered to help lure them in, in exchange for their help. They agreed. He proceeded to lure the individual faction responsible by leaving an anonymous note claiming he had information about another piece of territory they were eyeing. Once they arrived, he used his knowledge of chemistry to poison them all so they lost consciousness via a chemical dropped in through the air vents. After needing everybody but the underboss responsible for giving the orders inside the building- including the gang he made a deal with! - Takuya set the building on fire & burned them all alive.
Then he beheaded the underboss with a piano wire he had found in the bar’s piano & used it to decapitate the monster who destroyed his family. He stuffed the head in a bag & went directly to Mori’s office, stabbing his two guards with a letter opener, & dropped the severed head on his desk, telling him, “You would not seek justice for the murdered family, so I took matters into my own hands.” They stood there for a moment, gazes locked. Takuya wasn’t sure what he was expecting the man’s reaction to be, but it certainly wasn’t for him to start laughing & then clap for him. Mori was impressed by his conviction & his craftiness, having heard the reputation the mysterious youth had made for himself as a brilliant Mathematical prodigy & strategist. He offers the boy a job on the spot, as the Mafia’s financial manager & supervisor, coincidentally the job of the underboss he had murdered. Takuya accepted, & word of his act quickly spread around the organization. This incident along with his penchant for white & black clothes led to him being known as Piano Man, a name he found irritating at first but soon came to embrace. Finding a distaste for brutal torture outside the most dire of circumstances, Piano Man prefers delivering a quick death to his opponents through decapitation, which leads to him commissioning industrial wire winding machines to use as his primary weapon.
FAMILY: Jiro, Prince Chikafuji ( Father; Deceased), Umeko, Princess Chikafuji ( Mother ), Sakuya Chikafuji ( Younger Sister ), Emperor Ichiro ( Uncle ), Empress Emiko ( Aunt ), Akio, Prince of Kaneko ( Cousin ). Fukushima Kazumi / Lippmann ( Fiancé; Kintsugi verse ).
SUPERNATURAL ABILITY: ‘Chrysanthemum of the Rising Sun’ is Piano Man’s hereditary & extremely powerful gift, what he was forbidden to tell anyone around him know about. Simply put, it’s viewed as a curse for each individual that obtains him because it ensures the rest of the family will cover that power. This gift allows Piano Man to revive the dead but only under very specific criteria. First, he needs physical contract, most preferably with a person’s pulse point. They cannot have been dead longer than ten minutes. It presents as a shower of golden light that shines like flower petals scattering all over P, before dissipating, & makes his eyes shine so much they look like liquid gold.
STRENGTHS / TALENTS: Outside of his Executives, Piano Man is probably the one most trusted by Mori when it comes to keeping the Mafia organized, & for good reason. He keeps meticulous records of absolutely everything, is highly intelligent & responsible, & extremely resourceful. A skilled counterfeiter, he can copy basically any currency given enough time as well as count, add, multiply, divide & subtract complex calculations in just about every form of currency from Japanese yen, Canadian & U.S. Dollars, pound sterling, Mexican pesos, Indian rupees, & much more. He has a way of empathizing with those around him. In addition, he’s extremely fast & can take the heads off of enemies before they realize they’re about to die as he’s a very skilled He’s a combatant known for his method of killing using an automatic winding machine fitted with carbon steel piano wires for decapitation. Besides the invisible wires being highly invulnerable to brute strength since the string was made of industrial-grade wire that could lift iron & concrete blocks, his speed makes his method more deadly & efficient against any human target that even Chuuya’s gravity manipulation could theoretically make the piano wire lighter but still not evade decapitation. Highly manipulative with a flair for dramatics & iron, Piano Man has quite the rebellious streak & knows just how far to push before going too far. Being ordered by Mori to keep an eye on Chuuya in case he learned the secrets to his being, Piano Man cunningly found no issue keeping said secrets from Chuuya. This thereby allowed the Flags to successfully move behind Mori's back into retrieving documents related to his background without possibly inciting punishment out of disobedience to the boss's order, as Piano Man had technically not broken any of his orders. Because of his need to be able to communicate with others & work with their money he can speak fluently to semi fluently at least 20 different languages; Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Greek, German, Dutch, Russian, Swiss, Swedish, Bulgarian, Arabic, Hindi & Polish.
WEAKNESSES: Meticulous in his daily, work & personal life, Piano Man can be rather high strung at times & is known for disliking disorder, chaos & unexpected changes to his routine. Suffering from undiagnosed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & not realizing it, his friends often tease him for being so put together & acting like a ‘neat freak’. He can become obsessive with neatness & keeping things in order that he will have actual anxious meltdowns if people were to mess with his routine. In addition, he’s also very much a worrier & acts as the mother hen to his friends, checking in on them often & making sure everybody is eating & sleeping enough since he knows most of them are unable to care for themselves like actual adults. However, because of how busy he is, he often neglects his own health with his perfectionist attitude such as by forgetting to eat, falling asleep in strange places, etc. Piano Man is EXTREMELY paranoid about his past, & refuses to engage in discussion about what he was doing before he wound up on the streets, it’s actually his singular biggest fear to have the life he’s built for himself fall apart should anyone discovering he is the ‘Lost Prince’.
QUIRKS / HABITS: Adjusting his tie, playing with the dyed streaks in his hair, putting a hand on his hip when he’s annoyed / exasperated. He’ll often adjust an object if someone were to accidentally or on purpose move it in a way that digs at him.
HOBBIES / INTERESTS: Baking, cooking, organizing, financing, journaling, taking care of his friends, long quiet walks on the beach, telling bad jokes, playing bar games such as pool at Old World, quietly reading in front of the fire, decorating. Like Chuuya, he enjoys cooking & baking, & will often host game nights at Old World Poolhouse so they can all bond together.
DISLIKES: Disorganization, unsanitary messes, people intentionally triggering his OCD ( or disturbing his ‘system’ as he stubbornly insists on calling it ), his friends not looking after themselves, Mori dismissing the carelessness of his subordinates simply because they’re good at what they do.
SCHOOL: Homeschooled
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Port Mafia Headquarters, Yokohama, Japan
OCCUPATION: Mafioso in charge of crafting 'supernotes' AKA very high quality counterfeit currency. Founder & de facto leader of the Flags. Executive in charge of budgeting & managing all of the Port Mafia's major financial responsibilities ( Kintsugi Verse w/ @nonhumen ). Heir apparent to the Chrysanthemum Throne.
FRIENDS / AFFILIATION: The Flags, the Port Mafia
VEHICLE(S): He drives a Rolls Royce Ghost Black Badge in all black & white, of course, which is often left with Albatross to look after when he’s not using it.
POSSESSIONS: Keys, Mafia ID, gloves, cellphone, hand sanitizer, disposable cleaning cloths, 2-3 winding machines containing industrial grade carbon steel wires.
OTHERS: He’s the last one out of the Flags to ever engage in any sort of ( consensual ) sexual contact with anyone due to his intense fear of his secrets getting out preventing him from pursuing a romantic relationship for so long.
🎹 — Tags | Playlist | Pinterest
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sskk-ao3feed · 2 years
Those dogs are BARKING (And having kids) *under editing!*
by Quirklesswizard
A BSD second gen au! It's a rewrite of the other one on my profile, so it's hopefully better than that one lol
Words: 3530, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Bungou Stray Dogs second gen
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Fukuzawa Sakura, Tanizaki Taeko, Tachihara Kaoru, Tayama Akio, Jane Lovecraft, Akutagawa Ai, Tommy Twain, Edogawa Lenore, Tayama Akari, Yosano Nara, Tanizaki Emiko, Sakaguchi Yua, Nakahara Hibiki, Nakahara Hitomi, Akutagawa Camellia, Hailey Hawthorne
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo/Tayama Katai (Bungou Stray Dogs), Howard Phillips Lovecraft/John Steinbeck (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou, Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Haruno Kirako/Tanizaki Naomi, Oda Sakunosuke/Sakaguchi Ango (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nathaniel Hawthorne/Margaret Mitchell (Bungou Stray Dogs), OC/OC
Additional Tags: canon can suck my dick, BSD next gen, Original Characters - Freeform, Elise runs the mafia and also she killed Mori bc I say so, Fitzgerald is also dead because I hate him,You can pry Naomi's blue hair from my cold dead hands, 'beta read' (I send snippets of chapters to my best friend sometimes), Everyone in this story is autistic, I am not caught up with canon, this has zero basis in canon, I kidnapped Asagiri's characters and made them my own
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40872090
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katsuumi · 3 years
I KEEP CHOKING ON MY BREAKFAST it's too early for this much chaos 💀😭
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
Cursed… what?
Okay a take 2 at a tester because I didn’t really like that first one @slowlyfoulenthusiast tagging you again hope you don’t mind
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Chuuya had no words. Really how does one react to having four college students demand to see you when you have absolutely no clue who they are. The short man stood agape as the proclaimed main trio argued about something meaningless. The fourth noticed him almost immediately and stepped forward.
The first thing Chuuya noticed about them- besides the random argument and the fact that they barely look twenty- was the uniform. Dark blue uniforms. The boys seemingly had some freedom with their uniform, one of them had what looked like a red hood sticking out while they other’s was very plain looking. The girls looked more like school girls- which was throwing the mafioso for a loop, one with stockings and a knee length skirt while the other wore a shorter skirt with near knee height laced boots- their tops being the same. The ginger blinked in confusion- who the hell are these people in his office?
“Chuuya Nakahara yes?” The one in the short skirt asked… she sounded bored?
“That’s me- and you four are?”
“Here for business.” The plain uniformed boy said. Chuuya raised a brow. “Yeah Emi it’s definitely him.”
“Do I get to know who you are?” Chuuya asked impatiently. The tension was worse than him holding himself back from killing Dazai.
“Yuji Itadori.” The one with red said- what’s up with the weird marks.
“Nobara Kugisaki Mr Nakahara.” The one in stockings said… was that a hammer at her side?
“Megumi Fushiguro.” Ah nice zero care- reminds him of someone.
“Emiko Mutō. Emi is fine.” Short skirt said.
“Anyway Mr Nakahara-“ Yuji started.
“Long story short we are from a technical college that deals in special…. Abilities and yes we are aware of the many people in this city who have some interesting ones but yours is a- problem.” Short skirt- Emi said.
“A little harsh Emi.” The pink and black haired boy said.
“I’m a problem? For college students?”
“Not you particularly but Arahabaki is becoming a bigger problem since the situation with The Guild.” Nobara. Chuuya’s eyes widened-
“How do you?”
“Are you under the impression that being inside you is some kind of ability?” Megumi asked.
“More like a curse.” Chuuya tutted. “I can’t remember anything from when I become it and it’s not like I wanted it.”
“How did you get Arahbibi?” Yuji asked loudly.
“Idiot it’s Arahabiki!” Megumi growled.
“The government…” Chuuya said slowly. He was becoming aware that these students knew something about Arahabiki that he should. “What do you know about it?”
“The- government? We don’t have a Yokohama branch- Yuji call Gojo now.” Emi said quickly pushing the dual haired boy towards the corner to call their sensei.
“Okay. A curse is probably the best description for it.” Nobara begins.
“What you have in you is a cursed spirit, you are lucky to not be dead.” Megumi said.
Chuuya blinked. Then he blinked again. Then he laughed. Was this a prank?
“What is this? A prank? Did Tachihara do something? Gin? What-“
“This is very serious. We managed to find you after a lot of digging and you aren’t the only one with cursed energy overflowing here in Yokohama. We are telling you this because spirits like these can kill you- take Yuji for example he’s something similar, myself as well. We aren’t dead because of something rare but you on the other hand no offence aren’t anything special in regards to Jujutsu.” Emi said briskly. Chuuya frowned- she was serious, they all were.
“Tell you guys what. Give me information on Arahabiki and I’ll do whatever you need while I. Yokohama. I’m willing to strike a deal over this ridiculous story.” Chuuya conceded.
The quartet grew grim.
“We accept that.” Nobara said. “Wait for our sensei to answer Yuji… then we can talk.”
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hoshinoemiko · 7 years
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I am your partner. Happy bithday Tsuki-san!!!・:゚*:・。゚ぉ誕生日(★´∀`)
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for @hisashiburii continued from here
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“Am I not allowed to come admire my wife if I have no business to busy her with?” 
Chuuya laughed softly, shaking his head as he walked closer. It was just two months since their wedding, and yet there wasn’t a time when the redhead wouldn’t quietly wonder how beautiful his beloved was. Emiko radiated beauty, whether dressed up as the lady of the house or standing there, completely naked, walking gracefully to him and sliding easily into his arms. 
The redhead leaned in, brushing their lips together before his kisses slid slowly down the girl’s jaw and neck, gentle hands brushing down her wet from the bath skin, over her sides and up her spine. 
“You seem more beautiful to me every day, Emiko.” he whispered softly against her skin. 
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reapers-game-blog · 7 years
Getting Better At Getting Worse | Megami | CHPT 3 | Exe + Entry Fee Reaction | Open
She hides behind her hands before the execution even starts. Megami can't bear to witness such a thing.
Yes, Tsukiko was a murderer. Killing Yuudai in such a brutal way. She hadn't forgiven her, no, but the circumstances left everything so...
They were trapped in here and, essentially, their hands were forced. But does that really excuse taking a life? She doesn't know if she can keep thinking on this...
Then Chuuya approaches her.
“Congratulations on making it this far. To continue playing the game we have taken your sister Emiko from you. Good Luck~”
He walks away without another thought. She's stuck frozen.
How? Why?! She's just a child, for Pete's sake! Why her? Emi didn't do anything to be a part of this!
Gray. That's how everything around her feels. A hazy, gray fog. She can't even process anything going on around her. There are people, but are they there? There are voices, but she can't make out any words.
She thinks her feet are moving, but she can't really tell. She's walking down halls without registering where she's going. She somehow avoids tripping over her own two feet along the way.
A sudden bump into something knocks her back, blinking rapidly. Where was she? What was happening?
Oh gosh, it seems that that something turned out to be someone.
Normally, she would apologize profusely. What kind of klutz just walks right into someone? Strangely, she doesn't even make a hum of acknowledgment. Just stares at them blankly.
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sskk-ao3feed · 2 years
Those dogs are BARKING (And having kids) *under editing!*
by Quirklesswizard
A BSD second gen au! It's a rewrite of the other one on my profile, so it's hopefully better than that one lol
Words: 7134, Chapters: 22/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Bungou Stray Dogs second gen
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Fukuzawa Sakura, Tanizaki Taeko, Tachihara Kaoru, Tayama Akio, Jane Lovecraft, Akutagawa Ai, Tommy Twain, Edogawa Lenore, Tayama Akari, Yosano Nara, Tanizaki Emiko, Sakaguchi Yua, Nakahara Hibiki, Nakahara Hitomi, Akutagawa Camellia, Hailey Hawthorne
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo/Tayama Katai (Bungou Stray Dogs), Howard Phillips Lovecraft/John Steinbeck (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou, Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Haruno Kirako/Tanizaki Naomi, Oda Sakunosuke/Sakaguchi Ango (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nathaniel Hawthorne/Margaret Mitchell (Bungou Stray Dogs), OC/OC
Additional Tags: canon can suck my dick, BSD next gen, Original Characters - Freeform, Elise runs the mafia and also she killed Mori bc I say so, Fitzgerald is also dead because I hate him, You can pry Naomi's blue hair from my cold dead hands, 'beta read' (I send snippets of chapters to my best friend sometimes), Everyone in this story is autistic, I am not caught up with canon, this has zero basis in canon, I kidnapped Asagiri's characters and made them my own
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40872090
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katsuumi · 3 years
SAMEEE my dash and dms are equally chaotic and i'm just eating sour patch kids 😭
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katsuumi · 3 years
now everytime i look at my theme all i could think about is what you said 😾
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LMFAOOOO you're welcome
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katsuumi · 3 years
bestay.. why is my dash filled with kinks i've never heard of 🤨🤨
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katsuumi · 3 years
they inhaled vicks 😼
that shit has to hurt
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katsuumi · 3 years
did tico just pull a wattpad fanfiction move 🤨🤔
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katsuumi · 3 years
okay.. 🤨
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katsuumi · 3 years
url is vv sexy
omg ty
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