#elwood dalton x you
charliehoennam · 29 days
hero's homestead
A/N: just a lil blurb I've had stuck on my mind and had to frigging get out since watching Road House
Pairing: Elwood Dalton x f!reader
Warnings: physical injuries, jealousy, kissing, mentions of grief and death
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Growing up in Glass Key made your face quite familiar around these parts. Everyone knew you, not because you were popular or from a rich family. Lord knows you wish you were.
But because the island was just so small, like a little fishbowl with too many sharks circling around their prey, everyone knew each other around here. However, the small island was full of a strong sense of community.
Your friendship with Charlie started while you were in high school. You were just a freshman and Charlie was six when Stephen and his wife would very often ask you to baby-sit.
Saying no to them was nearly impossible. Not only did they pay you well, but they always offered you a ride home and made you sure you had dinner before leaving. They really treated you like you were part of the family and helping one another in the community was just so normal.
They always treated you with welcoming kindness and respect so, if there was anything you could do to help them, you did it. Aside from baby-sitting Charlie, this included working at their book store.
You were around there most of the time. If you weren't at home or at school, you were at Glass Books.
As you got older, you started to spend less and less time there in order to focus on your own personal and professional life.
That didn't mean you were never around anymore. You still made your frequent stop to buy the new read of the week.
"Why don't you just get all the books you want for the month, so you don't have to keep coming back?" Charlie questioned genuinely curious.
"Nah, I like coming here. I like the service. And besides, you'd miss me too much, kid" you chuckled watching the young teenage ring your book up at the register.
When Stephen told you about his wife's illness, it really took you by surprise. She could've easily been voted the happiest woman of Glass Key. The aura she possessed could make the dullest room become the brightest. Her sense of humor would have even the most no-nonsense person cracking a smile. She was an amazing woman and a motherly figure to most.
The entire community mourned her loss. The blue sky and the tropical environment wasn't enough to brighten the day for your neighborhood's residents. The heavy rains that followed that entire week led you to believe that even the island was weeping for her absence.
Between medical expenses, funeral costs and a growing teenager, Stephen had to learn to be a single father quite fast. And that meant working a full-time job to make end's meet.
He asked you to help out with the store and you happily agreed. Glass Books was his wife's dream. She loved spending her days there, in the cozy little bookstore she'd built with the love of her life.
Although you know Stephen has a lot on his plate, you can't help but wonder if he wants to avoid the store and her memory altogether.
You refused to accept money for it, knowing the shop didn't make so much money. Even so, Stephen would still transfer you a small amount whenever he could and would often bring you breakfast, lunch or dinner because he felt it was the least he could do.
All you wanted to do was help.
He was more than grateful, especially when he saw how you could make Charlie laugh by putting on music and dancing in the middle of the store with her.
He could see her slipping into a dark place after the death of her mother. Dealing with his own pain, he did his best. But, you were the best friend she needed. A feminine figure she could go to talk about more embarrassing situations or just to get her mind off of the loss.
Gradually, it seemed like their small family was beginning to heal. Although the loss was a still a fresh wound, and Stephen would often find Charlie clutching a small portrait of her mother asleep in bed, they were managing to keep the pain at bay.
You understand how important this store to them. It represents so much more than being just a simple local book store. It represents her.
The store was just as special to you as it was to Charlie and Stephen.
It had always been your refuge, but now, it was always the place where you met him.
Charlie, with her overly friendly nature that she inherited from her mother, struck up a conversation with the then stranger just outside the bookstore.
Her overprotective father was soon outside within seconds. Although the friendly streak ran deep within him too, he knew these parts were full of men with bad intentions.
Once he realized the stranger wasn't from around, he felt a little more at ease.
Although you remained inside the shop, you could overhear their conversation as you inched towards the door and opened it to stand in the doorway, eyeing the stranger with caution.
Stephen was surprised to know he'd come out of town to work at the Road House. To be honest, neither of you expected him to last very long. At that place, security never does.
The bouncer turnover never ceased with the riots that broke out there almost every night. So, you didn't bother getting your hopes up.
However, Dalton kept coming back. Every other day, he came in with the excuse of using the computer or buying a book just to strike up a conversation with you and lay down his flirtatious charm.
Charlie was the first to notice he would always come around when you were there and, if you weren't, he'd always make sure to ask when you were.
She had quite a bit of fun poking fun at you, telling you he had a crush on you or mocking the unconscious change in your voice you had when talking to him.
It didn't long take for feelings to develop between you and him. There was no doubt in either of you. Although unspoken, the magnetic attraction was undeniably present.
Some of those talks were deep and you felt you could confide in him to share things you hadn't shared with anyone at all. He, in turn, told you about the night on the train tracks and how the last fight he had in the ring haunted him every night.
There was no denying the bond you were forming. However, the rumors that were spreading around the island about the closeness between Ellie and him made you hesitant to make the first move.
When you casually brought it up into conversation, he shook his head and told you it wasn't anything serious and that she'd took him on a date once. You wanted to ask him if he had feelings for her, but that would be too much.
"So what's the deal with you and Dalton?" Charlie curiously asked, having picked up on the constant courtship that you two refused to act on.
"There is no deal. We're just friends. Hardly that."
"I may be young, but I'm no fool. I know there's something going on between you two."
"Sorry to disappoint you, kid, but there isn't. Besides, I hear he's got a sort of a girlfriend" you replied without looking up at her from the book in your hand.
You were both sat in fold-out beach chairs placed in front of the store, enjoying a couple of white cherry slushies, hoping the ice cold drink could soothe the hot, humid weather.
"How do you have a 'sort of girlfriend'? Either she is or isn't."
"Those things are complicated. I guess they're getting to know each other," you shrugged wishing you could avoid the topic.
"Like you guys are?"
"There is nothing going on. Sure, he's cute and funny and all, but he's seeing someone else. He's not interested in me, Charlie."
"So, you are interested in him?"
"It doesn't matter if I am. She's a doctor, she's smart and she's really pretty and drives a nice car. I know I don't stand a chance, so I'd rather not get my hopes up," you rambled, failing to read anything on the page you were stuck on. "Can we please drop this now?"
"Oh my god," she smirked staring at you. "You're jealous."
You scoffed at her ridiculous accusation and shook your head as you closed the book and set it in your lap.
"I am not jealous. I do not get jealous."
"Yes, you are! You totally are!"
"I am not! I just don't want to talk about this anymore, alright? So can we drop it?"
"Alright, alright. Sorry I brought it up."
She couldn't stop smiling as you opened your book to continue reading. Although you weren't her parents, her mind couldn't stop thinking of a way to parent-trap you into getting together.
However, her plans were brought to a halt when Brandt's lackeys invaded the shop just a few days later.
You tried your best to stand your ground and defend the shop along with Stephen. He told you to leave, but you refused.
After the beatdown you both received unwillingly, a fire had been set and the cruel men left. The adrenaline that surged through your bodies was enough to numb the pain in order to get you both quickly back on your feet to put out the fire.
Between the blood loss and the resurfacing pain, the billowing smoke got stronger and stronger. The flames became too strong too quickly and had engulfed the entire wall across the front counter.
Light-headed and dizzy, Stephen tried to save whatever he could from the store. As you rushed back and forth, you realized that the fire had grown too much and swallowed the front entrance.
The heat of it shattered the glass windows. The open air only fueled the fire more. Coughing from the heavy smoke, both you and Stephen got down on the floor to avoid the unbreathable air and attempted to crawl to the back exit.
Everything went dark after that and melded into one huge blur.
You don't remember when you actually blacked out, but you do remember feeling relieved once you heard the fire department's arrival.
The time you spent in the hospital was short - only a couple of days - but it was enough to make you reflect on your life.
An overwhelming sense of regret washed over you as you thought about Dalton.
You'd only known each other for a few weeks, but what if you could've had something special? What if Charlie's jokes were true and he actually ended up to be your soulmate?
She could be wrong too, but the fact that you could've died and never found out if you ever really did stand a chance ate at your mind.
You hadn't fully realized the extent of your attachment until a couple days later.
You show up at the store with a limp from the beatdown you'd received a couple days ago.
Stephan tries to assure you they're fine, that you need to rest and recover, but you argue that you'll go insane if you stay at home with nothing to do, high on pain meds.
Helping the owners clean and salvage whatever they can, Charlie casually mentions that Dalton and left her and her father a suitcase full of money to rebuild the store before he got on a greyhound bus destined to leave Glass Key.
The same regret you'd felt in the hospital strikes you again and secretly consumes you.
You try to play it off and instruct her to not to tell anyone about the money. You barely understand what she said after that. All you can think about for the rest of that morning is that he left and didn't even say goodbye.
When Charlie and her father invite you to get some lunch with them, you politely refuse, opting to stay back and keep yourself busy. You lie and tell them you had a big breakfast beforehand just so they won't worry.
You promised you wouldn't get your hopes up. You knew better than that. Bouncers never last at the Road House. You know this just as well as any of the other residents of Glass Key.
He's gone now.
You just want to be alone for a bit to process it.
The door opens and the bell above it rings as you sweep away at the shattered glass, forcing you to look back over your shoulder.
The sight you see has you frozen in surprise.
His face is impossible to forget. You could never forget those big blue doe eyes, even with the dark skin that circles his right eye.
You groan lightly at the shooting pain from your broken rib as you straighten and turn to face him, holding the broom by your side as you stand next to it.
Dalton closes the glassless door behind him as he greets you with a silent but friendly smile until the cut on your lip and the black eye remind him of the damage he caused.
He doesn't look too different from you. His eye is still a little swollen but mostly black now, his lip busted and the stitches on his eyebrow are all evidence that business has been handled at the Road House.
"So, the Glass Key hero returns" you smile at him, ignoring the sting on your bottom lip. "Charlie said you were riding off into the sunset. You forget something?"
"I'm not a hero and, no, I didn't" he starts, looking around the burned down shop trying to swallow his guilt.
"Changed your mind?"
"Someone kinda changed it for me, actually. A very wise person told me that heroes don't always have to ride off into the sunset. They can stay and make a homestead instead."
Joy bursts within you like fireworks on new years. You try to fight back the smile that creeps onto you lips.
"Thought you weren't a hero."
"I'm not."
You nod biting the inside of your cheek to mask your excitement. You take the second broom that Charlie had been using earlier and left leaning against the wall by the front door.
"This homestead could use a hand" you smile and offer him the broom.
He takes it with a happy grin, feeling finally accepted as if he finally found somewhere he belongs.
"There's, uh, one more thing" he says in a soft voice.
His hand raises to your chin, tilting your head up as he cranes his neck to kiss you in the most tender of ways.
Unable to forget about Ellie, you place a hand on his chest and gently push to stop the kiss.
Dalton's face contorts with confusion. He doesn't notice the breath he's holding, anxiety settling in as he fears that you'll ask him to stop. Maybe he got the wrong signals and you don't like him that way. He'd respect it, if that's the case, but it doesn't mean his heart won't be crushed.
"I thought you were seeing Ellie?"
He blinks slightly surprised. That's not what he had expected to hear, but it makes him kind of happy that you're not asking him to stop.
"She took me on a date and we kissed, but that was it."
"So, you are dating her?"
"What, are you jealous?"
"Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm not jealous."
"You sound a little jealous" he smirks.
"I'm not. I just... I don't wanna get my hopes up."
"I'm not dating her," he says gently stroking your bruised cheek. "I told her there's someone else for me, someone that I really wanna date."
He gazes into your eyes as you smile up at him and let him continue his kiss. You let his lips linger on yours and smile when you feel them stretch into a grin.
The cuts on your mouths hurt, but neither of you bother to pull away.
His kiss gradually intensifies. His tongue flicks over your bottom lip, politely asking for entrance. His free hand reaches for your waist as the other sets against your cheek, leaving the broom tucked in his arm.
You let his tongue slip past your defenses. The gentle way his hand cradles your face has you holding onto his strong forearm and the other broom for balance as the room spins around you from his vertiginous kiss.
Your chest presses against his as you moan softly into his mouth. It takes him every ounce of his self-control to not pin you against the wall.
The bell rings again, alerting you both of another's presence so you quickly pull apart, trying to quickly compose yourselves. Your eyes shoot to the door along with Dalton's.
You realize who it is, so he shyly lets his eyes wander around what's left of the store and sweeps the ashy floor.
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Charlie smirks sipping her juice from a straw as she stands in the doorway.
"No, no," you reply nervously as heat pools in your cheeks. "Dalton and I were just, uh, cleaning up."
"Cleaning what? The floor or each other's throats?"
Dalton snickers at her candor, glancing at you until she continues.
"Good to see you're back though. And if you ask me, it's about time."
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itsgreti · 12 days
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pairing. elwood dalton x f!reader
summary. a new motorcycle gang is causing trouble, but the new bouncer solves the problem within a minute.
warning. cursing, mentions of physical injuries
word count. 1,2k
a/n: hey guys! it's literally my first ff ever, i just wanted to try out how hard is writing in another language, and i can tell you that i was struggling a bit haha. english is my second language, so if you find any mistakes, don't hesitate and text me! (divider is made by rookthornesartistry)
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Working in the Road House was eventful. During the daytime, it was peaceful, but as night approached, the bar was no stranger to chaos. Lately, the trouble was caused by a motorcycle club, and its leader, Dell. He was the main source of broken tables and fights. Every night, he would swagger in, eyes glinting with wickedness. Tonight, however, things were going to be different.
(Y/N) had been working as a waitress at the Road House for a few years now. She had quickly become a favourite among the customers for her sense of humour and warm smile. But Dell's recent attention was anything but welcome. He would glance at her from across the bar, making nasty comments that sent shivers down her spine. She had tried to ignore him as much as possible, even helping Billy kick their ass out of the bar, but it had only led to swollen, bruised eyes of Billy and rude words to (Y/N).
Frankie’s only option to eliminate Dell and his gang was to find a new bouncer, and Elwood Dalton was the perfect candidate. He was known for his calm manner and challenging fighting skills. Initially hesitant, Dalton accepted the offer, as he had no other choice.
The other day, Dalton arrived to Glass Key, and as he walked through the door of the bar, (Y/N) couldn't help but stare at him from behind the counter. Tall, muscular, he was different from the usual arrivals, and he was an unfamiliar face compared to the regulars. He took in the scene with a keen eye, assessing the surroundings before making his way deeper into the bar. He met (Y/N)’s eyes.
"Hey there, what can I get you?" (Y/N) asked, her voice steady and friendly. It was rare for new faces to arrive with luggage in their hand.
"A black coffee, please." Dalton replied, his tone polite but firm.
"Um, we don’t have that. But you can try our Cuban coffee. It’s different, but it works the same." (Y/N) replied with a smile. Dalton agreed and waited her to prepare it. While he was waiting, he took in the ambiance. As she handed him the coffee, their eyes met, and she felt a strange sense of reassurance. There was something about him that made her feel safer already.
"You're new here," she said, more as a statement than a question.
Dalton nodded. "Just started today. Name's Dalton."
"(Y/N)," she replied with a smile. "Welcome to the Road House."
"Thanks, ma’am. Do you know where can I find Frankie?" he asked with a small smile at the corner of his lips.
She quickly pointed at a small room. "Yes, up there." Dalton acknowledged her, poured down the coffee, and made his way up to his new boss.
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As the day went on and the light of the moon reflected into the bar, the place filled with people. The air buzzed with music and laughter. (Y/N) didn’t stop working for a moment as more and more customers ordered drinks. There were small fights, but Billy and Reef quickly wrapped them up. Dalton sat at the side of the counter and admired (Y/N)'s endurance and resilience as she also tried to put the too-drunk people in place.  
"The bar is always that packed?" Dalton asked (Y/N), who was mixing a cocktail with a customer.
"Yeah… " (Y/N) replied and handed over the drink to a girl. "But it’s normal, until-" Before she could finish her sentence, the mood shifted the moment Dell and his ass gang walked in. (Y/N)'s heart sank; she had been hoping for a quiet night and Billy had enough black eye for today.
"Wow, it’s like a morgue in here," Dell shouted and flipped the table in front of him for no reason. He scanned the room, his gaze immediately locking onto (Y/N). Dalton, watching from the aisle, tensed.
Dell made his way through the crowd, knocking over a couple of chairs in his path. He reached the billiard table to play some rounds as he had the past days, but he again terrified the other regulars. Billy came over to him and told him to get out, but Dell just laughed and pushed him back.
"Oh, Billy. You’re that stupid?" Dell laughed with his company next to him. "You didn’t learn, did you?" (Y/N) watched it behind the counter and decided to end it finally. She loved Billy as if he was her brother and couldn’t watch it anymore as the biker beat him up by and made everyone's life miserable. Dalton followed her every movement and decided to stand up if anything happens.
"Hey! Get the fuck out, now!" (Y/N) said with anger in her voice and stand in front of Billy.
"Ay, sweetheart. You’re here to protect your little guy?" Dell snorted and grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him. "How about you and I get out of here and maybe I won’t give him another black eye?" he slurred, his grip tightening.
(Y/N) tried to pull away, her voice steady despite her fear. "Let go of me."
Dell laughed, a cruel sound that sent a wave of anger through Dalton. Before (Y/N) could say anything more, Dalton was there, his presence a wall of protection between her and Dell.
"She asked you to let go." Dalton said, his voice calm but firm.
"Who the hell are you?" Dell sneered.
"Dalton," he replied calmly. "And you're done causing trouble here."
Dell scoffed, but he released (Y/N). "What are you gonna do about it, Dalton?"
Dalton didn't respond. Instead, he moved with a speed that caught Dell off guard. In a matter of seconds, Dell was on the ground, gasping for breath and clutching his stomach where Dalton had landed a perfectly aimed punch.
The bar fell silent; every eye now was on Dalton. He looked around, making sure his message was clear. There was something about him that commanded respect. "This bar is under new management. Anyone who wants to cause trouble will have to answer to me."
Dell scrambled to his feet, fury in his eyes. He charged at Dalton, but Dalton sidestepped, using Dell's momentum against him. Dell crashed into a table, breaking it under his weight. The crowd burst into cheers, and a couple of regulars moved to help Dalton drag Dell's friends out of the bar.
Once Dell and the others were outside, Dalton turned back to (Y/N). She was shaken but unharmed, her eyes filled with gratitude.
"Thank you," she said, her voice a little shaky. "He’s been a problem for a while, but it was the first time he…" she tried to continue but felt a hand on her shoulders.
Dalton gave her a reassuring smile. "You don't have to worry about him anymore. If he comes back, he'll regret it."
(Y/N) nodded, relief washing over her. As the bar slowly returned to its usual noise and chaos, she felt a newfound sense of safety. (Y/N) handed him another beer, on the house this time. With Dalton around, she knew she could handle whatever came her way.
And as for Dalton, he couldn't help but feel a deepening admiration for (Y/N). She was strong and brave, and he was determined to make sure she never had to face trouble alone again.
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gyll-yee-haw · 3 months
Dalton's rules
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Elwood Dalton x reader
Annon requested something intense with our brand new boyfriend... well, here we go <3
A/N: In this fic he's still fighting professionally
Warnings: masturbation (f), dom!Dalton, Somnophilia, cum in underwear, degradation, edging, pussy slapping, choking, more slapping, creampie...
Like 2.4k words
The first rule was clear. Some days your boyfriend would get everyone screaming his name, except for you. Fight nights... how you hated them! Not only you had to wait anxiously for him to come out of that octagon alive, but he just refused to touch you afterwards.
He claimed it's for your own safety. He just gets too worked up during his fights... if he couldn't mesure his strength, if he ever lost control around you, he wouldn't be able to live with himself.
You were fine with it, most days. Well, of course you felt like rewarding your champion, but that could wait... the stress you went through during the fight and the days of preparation got you too tired to complain about it.
Well, most days...
There was this specific occasion, a very important fight for his career. Dalton had been training for so long, you felt absolutely neglected. Being the supportive girlfriend you are, you didn't say anything, though... you knew how important you were for him, and if he heard you were feeling like that, he would feel like the worst person in the world. And not only you didn't want to hurt his feelings, you didn't want to distract him and cause him to break any bones.
All you could do was wait.
Honestly? It wasn't that bad. Dalton always made it up for you. The days after his fights, before he started preparing for the next one, were the BEST. He got so clingy. He wouldn't let you go anywhere without him. His scary fighter face would be hidden under the sweetest permanent smile and kind doe eyes he only had for you. He would use his fat paychecks to spoil you. Buy you new jewelry for every fight he wins. Take you for dinner anywhere in this planet. And God... fuck you against every surface he saw.
Maybe it's because you had those things in mind and got too eager... maybe it's because this specific time he went too long without touching you... you weren't sure about why, all you knew was that the night after he won the fight, you were absolutely unable to sleep.
The discomfort between your legs was unbearable. You kept tossing and turning in bed, and he was so exhausted, so deep asleep, that not even your restless state right beside him was enough to wake him up.
You sighed frustratedly, looking at his face. God, he was so beautiful you felt like crying. It didn't help the way he never wore anything but those black boxers to sleep.
He was so tired... maybe he wouldn't notice if you touched yourself...
Yeah, that's the second rule. You're not touching yourself without his permission.
But... he would understand, right? Only this time...
Your eyes were glued to his face as your hand slid inside your underwear.
You were dangerously close to him, his body pressed against yours...
It felt like you were committing a crime. Unfortunately, that only turned you on more.
You were so fucking wet you were afraid he would wake up from the sounds your pussy was making.
Well, he didn't fully wake up, but something in him did. You froze when you felt him move. Except that he didn't really move. What you felt was his cock hardening against your thigh.
You wanted to cry. He felt so deliciously hard... what a fucking waste, you needed him so badly... you rubbed your clit so hard, but that wasn't it...
You might have lost your mind just for a second. But the next thing you knew was that you were grinding against his erection like your life depended on it. At this point, all you wanted was for him to wake up and fucking take you.
He didn't wake up at once. As he gained consciousness, he was fully convinced that was all a dream. He remained on that half asleep/half awake land, without moving a muscle. And you kept grinding on his clothed cock so fucking good. So deliciously hard... leaking more and more and... oh shit.
His eyes shot open as his orgasm started to build.
"Shit! Y/N, what the fuck?!" He grunted, voice still so sleepy...
You didn't stop. He grabbed your arm harder than he would like to as he filled his underwear with cum. So much cum it leaked all over your ass as you kept rubbing it against him.
"Oh for fucks sake..." He pushed you away. Fucking pushed you away. He had NEVER done that. "Look at the fucking mess you've made..."
His harsh touch didn't hurt half as much as the loss of contact.
"Dalton... please..." You whined. "Didn't cum..."
"Yeah? Good." He grabbed your hand, forcing you to stop touching yourself. "What the fuck was that?"
"M'sorry..." You squeezed your thighs together. "Needed you too badly..."
"That's the worst behavior I have ever seen in my life." He took a deep breath. "And you couldn't have pissed me off at a worst time."
You had no words to defend yourself. It was true, you broke two rules at once.
"I am so fucking exhausted... and have wake up in the middle of the night to deal with a brat." He continued, his grip still burning on your arm.
"Baby... please... I'm so sorry..." You insisted, burying your face in his chest. Your hands went to his abs, tracing it slowly and he tensed up.
It was obviously not only difficult to you, those days without any touch. But he would rather suffer a bit than risk hurting you or losing the fight.
"Oh my sweet girl..." He cooed, hand stroking the back of your head. "You know I have to be harsh sometimes, yeah?"
You looked at his face again. His sweet expression kept you calm, but his words didn't.
"You understand that I have to punish you right now, don't you?" He asked nicely, like you had a choice. "That I do what I do because I need to keep you obedient..."
You nodded shyly.
"Good girl." He sighed. "Tell me, my princess... when you were touching yourself without my permission... you didn't cum, right?"
You shook your head quickly.
"Do you need to?" He asked and you nodded immediately. "Yeah? How bad? Use your words for me, darling."
"So bad, needed it for so long..." You explained, eyes filling with tears.
"Hey, hey, hey..." His hand went to your cheek, stroking it lightly. "You need cock so bad you're gonna cry, angel?"
You felt humiliated. All you did was look at him. He had a huge smirk on his face.
"That's fucking pathetic." He mocked. "Spread your legs for me."
When you did, he ripped your underwear like it was nothing, throwing it somewhere in the room. The way his eyes landed on your pussy made your stomach churn.
He knew you were ready, so he immediately shoved two fingers inside, bending them, rubbing your walls just so right...
Your eyes immediately rolled back. You were so close before he caught you, it surely wouldn't take you too long to get there now.
"Does this feel good, baby?" He asked, fingers never stopping. "Is that what you needed?"
You nodded eagerly, hips moving uncontrollably as you felt yourself getting there... you grabbed the sheets and closed your eyes, god, you were right there, growing and growing and growing in your belly...
"Too fucking bad, slut." He said, removing his fingers from you at once. His sweet tone was nowhere to be seen now.
Before you could start crying at the loss of contact, he gave your pussy a loud slap. You gasped. You were used to Dalton being rough, but not that rough.
"What did you expect?" He mocked you again. "That I would just solve your fucking problem? Do you think you deserve that?"
When you didn't answer, he slapped your pussy again. "Thought I asked you a fucking question."
"I don't deserve it!" You admitted. "But I did what I did because I was too desperate... because I need you too badly..."
"You just had to wait until the morning, you know that." He explained.
"Couldn't wait... I couldn't." You whined. "Slap me again, please?"
His eyes widened. "You're trying to come from your punishment? Do you have any idea the kind of trouble that would put you in?"
"No... not thinking, just need you..." You moaned, arms wrapping around his neck, bringing him close. "Come on, baby... don't you miss me?"
"Y/N..." He groaned. "Can't do this right now."
"Why?" Your eyebrows furrowed.
"Because I'm fucking mad at you." He shut his eyes, like he was trying to tell himself that. He needed to tell himself, because he was getting hard again.
"No, you're not mad at me for real." You insisted. "Come on..."
"Am I not mad for real?" He raised his eyebrows.
You bit your lip and shook your head.
"Do you think I'm in the mood for playing?" He asked, looking at the clock on the nightstand. "At 3am?"
"I'm sorry... I won't do it again..." You pouted.
He sighed, his eyes on your lips as he licked his. He rested his hand around your neck as a warning to stay still while he leaned to kiss you. You melted into the kiss, hips trying to grind against his leg. His hand tightened around your neck.
"Quiet." He said against your lips.
He pressed his body against yours and you could feel how extremely hard he was again already. You had never met a man with that stamina. Well, everyone knew there was no other man like him...
"Listen to me. Carefully." He said, pressing his erection harder to your core, making you roll your eyes in lust. "I'm gonna fuck you now and then I'm going back to sleep. And if you wake me up again, I'm not gonna even look in your direction for a week, do you understand?"
You nodded with a certain difficulty, considering how his hand squeezed your neck.
"Do. You. Understand?" He asked again.
"Yes, sir." You replied weakly.
"Smart little brat." He chuckled. "Turn around."
He stood up to remove his underwear and you laid on your belly as fast as possible.
The sharp slap that laid on your ass didn't surprise you the slightest, but you still moaned.
He pulled you closer like you were nothing and started stroking his cock. He knew you were more than ready, but his cock was still a bit sensitive from the harsh stimulation you kinda... forced him into. So he entered you slowly, inch by inch. You couldn't believe how good it felt.
"Fucking missed this pussy, baby, I'll admit that." He said, movements starting slow, but deep. "Just wanted it to be more romantic, you know? Take you somewhere nice... in a pretty dress I'd ruin later..."
"M'sorry..." you cried out. When he was that deep inside you, he could get you apologizing for things you didn't even do.
"Yeah, but my girl doesn't like romance, right?" He grabbed your waist and started going harder. "She likes being treated like a fucking slut. A very fucking ungrateful one."
"S'not true..." You moaned.
"Oh am I crazy, baby?" He gave you another slap. "You wanna keep disrespecting me? Knowing you, you might get sick from the lack of attention..."
"I would!" You replied, desperately. "Could fucking die..."
"Dramatic fucking whore." He chuckled. "Listen to me now. Very serious."
You tried your best to concentrate. It helped that his hips stopped moving.
"You're gonna tell me to stop immediately if I hurt you, won't you?" He asked, in the most serious tone you've heard from him.
"Yes." You couldn't contain the excitement that phrase ignited in you. Should you be scared?
"I mean it. You won't get punished and I'll let you cum if you still want to. But you have to be honest, baby, I... I couldn't live with myself." He insisted.
"I promise, baby." You assured him. "You won't hurt me, I can take it."
"Yeah?" He chuckled again. "Well, you fucking asked for it."
After making sure you were as comfortable as you could get in your position, he forgot what the word mercy meant.
His thrusts fast and deep, his sounds animalistic. Hands on your hips leaving bruises... and if you could speak, you'd thank him for it. It was more than you expected... more than he ever gave you. But it sure was what you needed... and it didn't take too long for that familiar feeling, the one you had been craving all night, fuck, all week, start to build.
"DALTON, PLEASE!" You started by begging already, because you weren't in position to do anything without his permission, no matter how much you needed it. "PLEASE, I'M SO CLOSE..."
"Fuck, me too..." He said, never stopping his hard thrusts. "Come for me, pretty girl... hurry up..."
The relief your body felt as soon as it got his permission allowed your orgasm to build and build and explode harder than you could take it... all you could do was scream his name among incoherent words.
He followed right after you, filling you up so deeply...
As soon as he was finished, he wrapped his arms around you and laid down, holding you close.
"Are you okay, angel?" He kissed every inch of your skin he could reach.
"Fuck, I am now..." you sighed and both of you laughed a little.
"I'm sorry, baby..." His sweet tone was back incredibly quick.
"You didn't hurt me, I promise." You assured him.
"Good... But I'm not apologizing for this... I'm sorry that I neglected you for so long." He caressed your face gently. "You're so much more important to me than all that bullshit. I just..."
"I know." You cut him, offering him a reassuring smile. The look in your eyes meant all the words you couldn't say. Specially not at that moment.
"You do, don't you?" He sighed relieved. You were his ride or die. And he couldn't imagine what he would do without you. "I'm so lucky to have you."
"Well..." You shrugged playfully. "Guess that means it's all forgiven."
"All forgiven." He chuckled, bringing you closer to him.
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 4 months
Stars Align: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
• Part 1
• Part 2
• Part 3
• Part 4
• Part 5
• Part 6
• Part 7
• Part 8
• Part 9 - Final
The Containment Diaries: Bob Floyd & Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
• Entry 1
• Entry 2
• Entry 3
• Entry 4
• Entry 5
• Entry 6
• Entry 7
• Entry 8
• Entry 9
• Entry 10
• Entry 11
• Entry 12 - Final
The Witching Hour: Bob Floyd x Reader
• Chapter 1
• Chapter 2
• Chapter 3
• Chapter 4
Blessed Be: Bob Floyd x Reader
• Prologue
• Chapter 1
• Chapter 2
• Chapter 3
• Chapter 4
• Chapter 5
• Chapter 6 - Final
Predator and Prey: Tommy Cahill x Reader:
• Chapter One
• Chapter Two
• Chapter Three
• Chapter Four
• Chapter Five
• Chapter Six
• Chapter Seven
• Chapter Eight
• Chapter Nine - Final
Star Crossed: Detective David Loki x Reader:
• Chapter One
• Chapter Two
• Chapter Three
• Chapter Four
• Chapter Five
• Chapter Six - Final
Drugs, Thugs and Pilot Kelson Hugs: Pilot Kelson x Reader:
• Part 1
• Part 2
• Part 3
• Part 4
• Part 5 - Final
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missuswalker · 1 month
jake gyllenhaal masterlist !
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jake gyllenhaal 📼
coming soon…
donnie darko 🐇 *
first girl (smut)
pilot kelson 🍃 *
hot day (smut)
david loki 🔦
coming soon…
elwood dalton 🔗
coming soon…
billy hope 🥊
coming soon…
lou bloom 🎥
coming soon…
sam hall 🌊
coming soon…
anthony swofford 🍾 *
coming soon…
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* my favorites
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gyllenhaalstories · 3 months
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summary: what doesn't kill you makes you freakier, amirite?
warnings: blood & injury, smut (mild blood kink, praise kink, blowjob, nipple play, titjob). 18+ NO MINORS.
word count: 2120
gifs credits: @/tay-swifts (cropped) / divider credits: @/firefly-graphics
notes: me? writing for dalton again? groundbreaking. ❣️🩹 thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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"Hey, Doc," Dalton smiled. "Do I need surgery?"
You walked away from the sink, holding your clean hands in the air as to not soil them. "Sorry." Your chin pointed at the counter. Dalton climbed on it, next to all of the medical supplies, while you sat on a chair in front of him. "You're a lost cause."
"That's a rough diagnosis." He shrugged lightly, his smile widened when you took a closer look at the old bandage.
You sighed and only then his smile faded a bit.
"I tried." He answered before you could reprimand him.
You had told him to be careful and avoid abrupt movements, you could not have asked something more impossible than that.
"They started it. I had to end the fight and... Yeah." Another shrug, but this time he winced when you detached the bandage off his skin. The feeling of the glue pulling at his skin and the wound exposed to the air reminded him it was not all fun and games. He forgot about that reminder pretty quickly.
You disposed of the old gauze and started to clean the stabbing wound. You liked to do most of those tasks in silence, focused on taking care of your man.
The silence left more space for Dalton's noises to be heard. The winces, whimpers and gasps echoed loudly in your mind while you patched his wound. There were moans too. Lots of them.
When you first helped him out with his situation, having failed to convince him that nurses were better suited for the task, you figured the moans were just how he expressed his pain.
Maybe it truly was his way to express it. You thought that when you got hurt for as long as he did, the reactions were numbed. Instead of a scream, that was what he would do. You were not wrong, only you were not exactly right.
Because Dalton loved the pain, in a masochist type of way that you still had trouble to understand. He said multiple times before how he liked "to pay for it".
You had never questioned him further. You had never explored this further. Maybe, just maybe, you could entertain this part of him...
"Hey, you good?" He noticed how you stalled, there was concern and worry laced in his voice.
You cleared your throat, realizing that you were lost in your thoughts. "Yeah. It's just..." You scrambled for an answer and pulled open the wrapping of the new bandage. "It looks gnarly."
"You should see the other guy." Dalton scoffed, but suddenly he flinched with his lips curled up and face scrunching. He waited for a second or two, then he breathed out. "Oooh, that hurts."
You watched his reaction closely while you pressed your hand on the bandage, hoping this one will last for longer than a few hours.
His eyes locked with yours. He smiled, again. "I'm not complaining."
You stroked your thumb over his skin while he enjoyed the moment, not pulling away just yet.
His body relaxed, getting used to the pressure against the lesion. Oh yeah, he was loving it.
You stood up and he was visibly disappointed. You were not gone for long, you washed your hands and joined him by the counter again. "You're a freak. You know that, right?"
"I'm aware." He wore that title with pride like a champion's belt.
You pulled your shirt above your head and disposed of it on the floor. You held Dalton's gaze while you knelt down in front of him. Your shirt serving as a thin pillow for your knees.
He stood up, immediately searching for something better that would not hurt your body, but your hands were already busy unzipping his jeans.
You took in the view of the striking contrast between the white bandage and his tan skin. You drank in the sight of Dalton towering over you while your eyes explored his abdomen and chest, all the way up to his face that was painted with a layer of curiosity.
But mostly lust. He watched you struggle to pull his free his cock from his clothes. "Good job." He praised you when you peppered kisses over his semi hard cock.
You stuck your tongue out and licked a few long strands along his shaft before you took him in your mouth.
Dalton's grunts got louder as he got harder at the feeling of your tongue teasing him. "I told you..."
You pulled your head back and twirled your tongue around his tip. You looked up at him and batted your eyes with a hint of innocence that made him smirk.
"It's better when you do it instead."
You knew he mostly referred to his aversion to hospitals (and pain killers), but the way he started to slowly push his cock deeper into your mouth confirmed his words had a double meaning.
He loved what you were doing right now, he loved how you turned him on with just a touch, but he also loved the attention and care you poured into your actions and into making sure that he was as safe as he could be. Not many people cared about him, at least not after the events. All he needed was you.
He snapped you back to reality when he made you gag around his cock. You pulled back, hands leaning on your thighs while you tried to breathe through the coughing.
"It's okay, breathe slowly. You can do it." He walked you through every step of the process so you did not panic at the sudden lacks of oxygen. "I know, it always takes you by surprise but you love it, don't you? I love it too." He spoke, softly, and he presented his tip to your shaky chin. He gathered some of the spit and your lips parted open for him. "I love it when you gag on my cock."
Another harsh thrust hit the back of your throat and tears pooled in your eyes. You held on his strong thighs instead and, somehow, that helped.
"I love it even more when you cry like this. So beautiful." He placed a gentle hand on the side of your face, his thumb caressing your cheek. You melted against his hand, but he used this sweet gesture to set the pace.
Your head bopped back and forth on his length, each time you took him better and deeper. You felt a bit less scared of the gagging, though it happened plenty of times. You figured out a long time ago that you would never get used to just how big your man truly was.
Dalton began to properly fuck your face, never pulling you too far away from him. He loved to feel you struggle around him. He loved to feel your hands try and grasp at something, anything, to help you stay focus and not push him off. He especially loved the way you pressed on his wound.
You earned the loudest moan you had heard from him today. So, you increased the pressure of your palm against the bandage and you toyed with his pain tolerance that was terrifyingly high.
Dalton played with you instead. He tested just how much you could take, keeping his cock so deep that your nose brushed over his shaved skin and that your chin touched his balls that were now covered in spit.
He gave you breaks to catch your breath and you smiled at him every time. He told you, over and over again, just how pretty you looked for him down there until your cheeks warmed up from all the praise and compliments.
So he shoved his cock inside of you again, with a newfound sense of urgency. He was getting close and you could feel it by the way he throbbed heavily in your mouth. You could hear it, too, with the melody of grunts and moans that he made. Dalton lost a bit of the mercy he was known to save only for you. He was chasing his own high and you happily let him.
Your left hand rested on his waist, nails digging into his flesh as you tried to take his pounding. On the other side, you kept pressing his wound. The more he winced and he scrunched his face in pain, the more you knew that he was enjoying himself.
It took more tears on your face, more muffled moans around his cock and a few more thrusts for Dalton to cum in your throat. So far down, you had no choice but to swallow his load. He pulled out, slowly, and smiled from ear to ear at the mess of spit and cum that covered both your face and his cock. He nodded briefly, giving you permission to clean up the mess.
You earned another good job, spoken in that soft voice of his that made your brain melt into a puddle. Just like you did at the beginning, you left small kisses all over his body. You focused on his defined v-line and puffy abs while working your way up.
Dalton helped you to stand up, guessing that all this time spent on your knees might have hurt a bit. "Easy, easy. I got you." He supported your arms until you were back up on your feet, then he insisted you sat down.
You did not protest, you were at the perfect angle now. You wrapped your arms around his waist, dragging your hands across his skin. You brushed over the bandage, only then noticing a touch of red through the material. You pressed a kiss in the valley between his pecs.
Kisses that continued until a faint grunt emanated from Dalton's mouth.
You wrapped your lips around his small nipple, your tongue twirled around it. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the feeling, too.
Dalton pressed his body against yours when you gave the same treatment to the other sensitive bud.
You licked, sucked and nibbled on his nipples just the way he liked it.
He melted in your arms, your warm breath tickled the skin of his chest. It was still crazy to you how such a strong man could barely resist the gentle touch of your lips.
Soon enough, you left his chest as drooly and messy as his cock. That did not stop you, you were fuelled by all of his little reactions.
Heavy breathing, high pitched moans, his hips jerking forward. You loved everything that he was giving you.
You could feel his bulge pressing against you and this was the only reason that convinced you to pull away. You wanted more of him, you wanted to feel him so bad. As if he could read your mind, Dalton cut you off.
"You think you can give me all this attention," Dalton took a deep breath. "And I won't do the same to your pretty tits?" He leaned forward, crashing his lips against yours with a hungry kiss while he took the opportunity to let his hands wander over your skin. He caressed his way from your neck and down on your arms until his rough hands landed on your hips. He squeezed your flesh for a moment before moving upwards to fondle your breasts, only then being reminded of the presence of your bra that he unhooked effortlessly.
"But Dalton," you whined, watching your bra land on the floor. "I need you." He groaned, encouraging you to keep using your words. "I need you to fuck me, please." He hooked a finger under your chin, making you look up at him. "Please."
"You know I can go for a third round." He scoffed, amused by the way you insinuated that this moment you shared would end so soon. Then, his voice dropped lower, his ocean blue eyes appeared darker. "I can go for as many rounds as I want." He rectified himself.
You moaned sinfully, watching him stroke his cock to full hardness again.
"Hold them, yeah, just like that." You pressed your tits together, he pushed his cock in the small gap between them. Spit fell from your lips and dripped down on your chest. "That's my good fucking girl." He used the spit as lube and started to fuck your tits.
Not once did his eyes lose sight of you, your face turned him on just as much as the feeling of your tits on his sensitive cock. "You're a little freak like me, huh?"
His gaze fell down to your chest, he grunted again at the sight of his precum glistening on your skin. You looked at each other with lustful eyes. Dalton smiled. "If only you knew."
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toxicanonymity · 2 months
road house - scream au
I was jotting down a ghostface thot so I wouldn't lose it, then it turned into. . .
2k, elwood dalton x f!reader. I8+ cumfest, piv, mild somnophilia, ref to ghostface dubcon. Could refer to a random ghostface or Rat in a cage.
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After you let ghostface put his dick in you, he wanted more. You found yourself thinking about it too, but you were scared of him. He had killed one of your friends, and what you did with him was a mistake. You wanted him to leave you alone.
You had a close call one night at your apartment when you saw his cloaked form rush by your window. Seconds later, there was a knock at your door that made your heart jump.  But when you looked through your peephole, it was your neighbor, Dalton, a retired MMA fighter. Massive, sculpted, veiny arms sticking out of a sleeveless hoodie. There was no one you'd rather see. Not just because you had a little crush on him, but because he could keep you safe better than anyone.
He asked to borrow some olive oil and offered to make you dinner in return. You accepted. You wanted to tell Dalton that ghostface was after you, but you were afraid you'd sound crazy. You didn't want to scare him away. To feel safer, you could always stay at your mom and stepdad's house, but how long was this going to last? You barely slept for several nights. 
One night, you did it--You went over to Dalton's unit and told him you were afraid. He let you in. He asked what was wrong, but didn't force you to explain. When it got late, he asked if you would be okay on your own, and you said no. He let you sleep in his bed, and he took the sofa. You slept in a t-shirt and underwear.
In the middle of the night, you startled awake with a nightmare. You must have been loud, because Dalton didn’t have good hearing, but he still came rushing into the bedroom. “You’re okay,” he repeated. “Hey, you’re good. I’m here.” As you came back to your senses, you took in the view of his strong, handsome, shirtless silhouette sitting on the edge of the bed in only his skivvies.  
You asked him to get in bed with you until you fell back asleep, and he agreed. You wished he'd stay with you all night. He fell asleep with his hands behind his head. You wanted him to hold you. You made the move to cuddle up to him with your head in the crook of his arm and a hand on his shredded chest. In his sleep, he reflexively put his arm around you. As you woke up, your knee bent, with a mind of its own, looking to rest your thigh across his body. When you brushed a hard shape in his boxer briefs, you fully woke up. Your heart raced.
He didn't seem to wake up, so you dared to rest your leg against it, and his balls. “Mm,” a soft grunt in his sleep and a twitch of his cock was his only response. You lay there getting wet, then he slurred “world champion.” 
A while later, just as you were almost back to sleep, his free hand came to your knee. He pulled your leg tighter against his hard-on and let out a barely audible moan that made you throb. His large hand slid a few inches and grabbed the side of your thigh. His hips rocked slowly, lazily rubbing his stiff length against you. It made your nipples harden. You wanted to pull down his underwear and feel the smooth skin of his cock gliding over his thick, hard shaft as he rutted against your thigh. You wanted him to wake up and punish you for making him so horny, then be affectionate after releasing it all over you. Or all in you. He moaned a little louder and your breath hitched.
You lifted your head to get a look at his face: Lips parted, brow furrowed. He moved your leg and slowly humped it, his cock feeling bigger and stiffer every time it pressed into your flesh. You twitched between the legs and felt you might come. You couldn't help but lightly grind against his hip. This continued, his moans becoming regular.
You got closer and closer and tried not to hold your breath, fuck. Then, you reached your peak, clit pulsing against his hip. You kept quiet and remained as still as you could, but your body still jerked as you clenched around nothing. Your leg clamped down on him, and he moaned, then his cock pulsed in his boxer briefs, right against your inner thigh. Your heart fluttered and you let out a soft moan as he came in his underwear, warmth spreading, dick twitching against you, making a mess of himself after low key jacking off with your leg in his sleep. It dawned on you that you’d likely soaked through your panties and onto his boxers briefs, with your legs spread like this.
His grip loosened on your thigh, his breathing changed. His heart beat faster under your cheek. You panicked and pretended to be asleep with his thick cock softening under you. It was too late to take your leg away. 
He groaned quietly, then gently lifted your leg to take it off his body. You pretended to half-wake up, and he muttered, “sorry.” It was somewhere between bemused and embarrassed, but he was calm, as always. 
“What,” you whispered. 
“Wet dream,” he stated plainly and quietly. Your face got hot. Your head was still on his chest near the armpit. He asked, “You didn’t . . . . “do anything?” 
“Did you dream I did?” you asked. 
“Uh–I shouldn’t've asked” 
“Sorry if I put my leg on you, I normally sleep with a body pillow.” 
He adjusted himself. “Not your fault. . .Hope this doesn’t make things awkward.” 
“It won’t.” 
“Really?” he asked skeptically with a hint of condescension. “How? It’s objectively embarrassing.” Somehow he didn’t sound embarrassed, though.  Something came over you, and you blurted out, “Cause, it’s kinda hot.” Immediate regret. Why did you say that? 
He sucked his chin back to look down at you. You lifted your head off him. He lifted his eyebrows with a smile. “ Nice,” he said in a near-whisper. “Alright, your turn.” 
Your heart skipped a beat and your lips parted as you stared at him blankly. 
“Make me feel better. Tell me something embarrassing.”
Oh. Okay. 
You propped your head up and he was just so hot, a smile crept up your lips as you looked at him.
He turned onto his side to face you. “I’ll wait,” he teased. You let your eyes wander to the vein on his bulging bicep as you tried to think. 
You shook your head. “I can only think of one thing and it’s way worse.” No, don’t tell him that. Are you crazy? 
“Perfect,” he encouraged. 
“Ghostface,” you whispered. “That’s who I’m afraid of.” 
"That makes sense,” he squinted. “Just last week–shit, that was your friend, wasn’t it?” Concern pinched his face. “Thought she looked familiar.” He stroked your arm and looked at you softly.
“That’s not the embarrassing part,” you admitted, unable to stop yourself. You had been dying to tell someone, and something told you he wouldn’t judge you. You couldn’t put your finger on why. 
“Okay,” he nodded slowly, raising his brows in anticipation. “I’m listening.” 
“I can’t,” you shook your head. “Sorry.” 
“What, did you wet your bed?” His face was dismissive, like it would be no big deal. 
You managed a slight chuckle, then swallowed.  He searched your face then settled on your eyes. 
“I had sex with him,” you blurted out. 
Dalton laughed, then it faded as he absorbed your face. Your eyes were watering. “Ghostface?” he asked. 
You nodded. His breathing deepened. He was still calm, but something was simmering under the surface. “He attacked you?” 
“Kind of, I guess. I dunno”  
His nostrils flared and his neck vein bulged. “And forced you.”
“I didn’t say that.” 
“You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted it.” 
Dalton’s blue eyes widened. He propped himself up on his forearm. and slowly nodded, digesting this information. “When?”
“Like a week ago.” 
“He killed your friend, *then* you let him fuck you?”
“I know,” you whispered and turned your head toward the bed in shame. 
“You sure you wanted it?” 
“Yeah. I was on top.” 
You glanced at him just as his eyebrows shot up.
“I know, it’s so messed up.” 
“He didn’t hurt you at all?”
“He didn’t.” 
“Are you a nympho or something?” he asked, then quickly added, “No judgment.”
“No. . . I dunno.”
After a moment of silence, you looked up at him. He was perfectly still, scanning your face. Then his eyes locked with yours. 
“You must think I’m crazy,” you muttered. You were disappointed in yourself for sharing this, but at the same time, it felt like such a relief to tell someone, anyone. 
“No,” he calmly stated. “It’s . . .kinda hot,” he revealed. “Turned me on.” He brazenly adjusted himself.
“Don’t have to make me feel better.” 
“I’m not. I'm. . . intrigued”  
He got closer, then rested his hand on your side. He ran his hand up and down your side, then pulled your bodies together until they were flush. His boxer briefs were damp against your underwear, and he was hard. He looked at your lips, then his face slowly drifted toward yours, and you closed the gap with a kiss. Your lips sealed together and your tongues found each other.
He grinded against you to the slow, hard rhythm of the kiss, then hiked your leg up over himself and his hand slid down your thigh to your ass. He kissed you needily and moaned into your mouth as his cock swelled even harder against your front. He kneaded your ass, then, from the back, his fingers worked their way to the crotch of your panties. He kept kissing you as he ghosted your folds from behind, through the damp cotton. 
“Mm,” he hummed into your mouth. 
He worked a finger under the fabric and gave a more pronounced, “Mmmm,” when he felt how warm and wet you were.  A thick finger prodded your hole, then slid inside. As the digit pushed in, you twitched around it and his mouth broke away with a moan. His finger slid out, leaving you empty, then he yanked your underwear down and you helped take it off. He took his off as well, in a hurry. He got up on his knees, holding his cock – big, veiny, and webbed with cum. “You’re hot,” he breathed and stroked it once. 
He searched your eyes, then got between your legs and your clit twitched when his tip slid down your folds to notch at your entrance. Without pause, he pushed his wet cock into you, dividing your walls with a moan, making you gasp. He withdrew most of his length, then slammed into you, bottoming out and throbbing with you spread around his manhood. He grunted and breathed heavily as he fucked his cum into you. His beautiful veins bulged–on his arms, his chest. 
He planted his hands on the bed, arms straight, and kept his hips loose–each time he withdrew his length, he let something like gravity push him back in. His movements were so smooth and fluid, but the weight of his cock was unforgiving. His balls slapped against you. He got down on one forearm and groped your breast as he fucked you. He sucked your neck. 
The new angle had him grinding against you, and it didn’t take long until you were choking out his name, “Dal–dalton, fuck,” then coming on his cock, squeezing it, spasming around him, hips lifting into him. He groaned and slowed down but fucked you through it. “Ugh,” he gritted, then you said, “Don’t pull out.” 
He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them to ask, “Did he come in you?”
You nodded. He closed his eyes again and groaned on the edge of bliss. He bit his lip, then bottomed out, and his mouth fell open as he erupted in your depths. “F—ohhhhh.”
You closed your eyes and savored the way he pulsed inside you, something you’d imagined many times. He let some of his weight down onto you and stayed inside for a minute, until he slid out and spooned you. 
You couldn’t help but think to yourself–if your situation with ghostface was what made Dalton fuck you, maybe everything happened for a reason. 
ty for reading this random little treat. i'm not doing any intentional writing right now and i think the break is already helping soothe my brain. but this just kinda . . .slipped out.
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 months
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summary: if he can push and pull a big obnoxious yellow lamborghini, imagine what he can do!!! well, you don't need to imagine. i did it for you. but still!!!
warnings: bunch of cute things & various smut elements. chances are i'll steal some of these in my fics later on bc i love repeating myself but i felt inspired to gather the random thoughts in one place. 18+ NO MINORS.
word count: 2100
photo credit: me @/gyllenhaalstories / divider credits: @/firefly-graphics
notes: even if all my fics are written with a fat reader in mind, it just feels so good to put the emphasis on it! this is so incredibly self-indulgent and i am not sorry about it. 🥰 thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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Dalton wears very form fitting clothes, like his vast collection of the tightest shorts imaginable that he's worn on the octagon. But you will notice a gradual shift in his clothing preferences. The more he hangs out with you, the looser his clothes will get. Especially his hoodies and his patterned shirts. You will also notice how he accidentally leaves pieces of clothing at your place when he visits. He just likes to drop hints that he wants you to wear his clothes because he wants you to wear his clothes.
The first time he catches you putting on his hoodie if you're feeling a bit chilly or wearing his flowery shirt on a hot day? He's losing it. He'll have a dumb smile on his face all day because this is a big victory just like winning a fight. Maybe even more so when you start sharing clothes casually.
Also he's large. He just is. He takes space both literally and metaphorically. He makes you feel small in the best way. He opens jars for you in a twist of his wrist, he carries all the bags in one trip after grocery shopping, he shoves the laundry basket full of heavy wet clothes on his hip and holds you close with his free arm so you can hang clothes to dry outside. When Dalton locks eyes with you, he just has a way of making you feel so much smaller than him. This size difference, whether it be literal or not, feels good. It feels right. He will never shut up about it, if you ever tell him that you like the size difference. He might love it as much as you.
One of his love languages is you tending to his injuries and wounds. The lovely sound of your voice as you reprimand him and tell him he's too old to break into fights at any minor inconveniences. The gentle touch of your hands when you're cleaning him up with a washcloth and wincing at how much it must hurt... Except it barely hurts anymore he's just so used to it, although he might say it does so you baby him a little more. The adorable band-aids you put on him that he wears like a badge of honour. Eventually, you learn to carry a first-aid kit with you as often as you can. Just in case.
Beach dates. Did I say beach dates? Beach dates. He loves them. Dalton loves to hang out by the ocean and watch the sun rise and set. He loves it even more when you're with him. Holding hands or with his arms wrapped around you, he loves to share this moment with you. It feels so intimate. You can see him in his most peaceful and relaxed head space where the chaos of the Road House doesn't seem to affect him. He could stay there with you forever, with your feet in the water and the ocean breeze tickling your face.
He'd love to invite you to hang out at the Road House during his shifts, but he rarely lets you visit him at work. He's scared you will get injured or hurt by one of the drunk idiots or worse. He prefers to know you are safe and sound, far away from all the danger.
Dalton still tries to spend a lot of time with you. He likes it when you drive his car around and he can just be the passenger princess and enjoy the view, which means you. He likes it when you cook meals and desserts he hasn't had in forever due to years of intense training and strict diets. He'll always be around you to taste the food or steal a bite of a burning hot cookie that is fresh out the oven. The small things are very important for him.
Small things like slapping your butt when he walks behind you, and you doing the same when the roles are reversed. Small things like going shopping for the most obnoxious shirts that scream elderly dad on vacation vibes. Small things like dropping him off and picking him up when he works at the Road House. Small things like bringing you with him when he trains so that you can just exist in his presence, within a safe distance, and so that you can look at him when he gets all hot and sweaty. Small things like you laughing at his jokes about how everyone seems a little aggressive when he casually beats people up for a living. Small things like telling you that you smell so good and getting new perfumes so when he wears his clothes and you were his, he gets to carry your smell all day long. Small things like looking at you with big doe eyes and a dumb little grin on his face because he likes you so much. He likes the little things, because so often in his life he was living on the edge and he was depraved of those calm, harmless, insignificant little droplets of happiness.
What is the most important thing for him? Protecting you. He is so protective of you. Dalton wants to make sure you are safe and that you aren't involved in any shenanigans he gets himself into. He wants to make sure that nobody and nothing can hurt you. He's quick to remind anyone who crosses your way that they should be minding their own business. It may cause some issues between you, you have to remind him that you are a grown adult and that you can take care of yourself. He believes you, he knows you're strong and capable of anything you want to achieve, but he can't fight his protective instincts. He takes your security and your well-being very seriously. He wants you to know that he cherishes you, that he loves you and that he cares for you.
Dalton is a big fan of proving you wrong, but with gentle persuasion. When the two of you start hooking up and dating, he will not put on too big of a show because he's scared to hurt you. He'll start slow, let things escalate at their own pace. He'll pull you closer by the hand for a kiss, surprising you by how he does that so effortlessly. He'll bring your body closer and wrap his arm around you to keep you pressed against him while you cuddle. He'll pull on your ankles to get you closer to the edge of the bed. He'll flip you over on the bed after a little warning that barely gives you enough time to register what he did. He'll hook his arms under your thighs to stop you from squirming away after he makes you cum and he doesn't want to stop just yet.
As much as he wants to chase the high, to show you just how much he can do and how far he can take you, he does it all gradually. He checks in often, maybe too many times at first. Tons of "are you alright? you good, you wanna continue? did it hurt, are you okay?" will be spoken to make sure he doesn't hurt you accidentally. He'll be careful not to hurt you, unless you ask him to.
He's flexible and he will adjust to your body. He'll make it work. You don't have to worry about it. If he can hold his opponent down like a pretzel until they tap out, he certainly can do the same to you. He'll push on your thighs to hold your legs down. He'll spread your pussy open and grunt at how you react when his nose bumps against your clit or when you whimper while he licks your puffy pussy lips. He'll pull on the skin of your cheeks to keep your ass open so he can access what he craves. He'll praise you when you help him, making it easier for him to fuck you good like you deserve.
On the topic of flexibility, he'd love to help you out with yours if you want to. He'll teach you exercises and show you how to relax your body. He'll also respect your limitations. You won't catch him be mad when you say your stomach is in the way or that you struggle to ride him so he has to use you as a fleshlight while you're on top. However, you will catch him rolling his eyes if you say you can't open your legs wider while he knows full well that you do when he's fucking you.
He loves when you sit on his face, no matter how many times he must remind you that he can take it, that you won't hurt him, that he can hold his breath long enough until you coat his tongue with your wetness. He enjoys every second of it.
He's loud. Dalton is a grunter. He grunts when he's fucking you deep with slow but rough thrusts. He grunts when he pulls out so he doesn't cum too fast at the heavenly feeling of your pussy on his hard cock. He grunts when he feels you gag around his cock. He grunts when he tastes your pussy on his tongue and feel your clit pulsate while he sucks on it. He's so fucking loud and he will do whatever he can to make you as loud as him. He wants you to get lost in the moment and forget about your fears and insecurities. He wants you to ride the waves of your orgasms with him until both of you forget how to speak and you can't take it anymore.
The things he must have seen and touched during his career in the UFC make it so that he's unbothered by extra skin to move around, or pretty much anything of the sort. He'll find a way to always make it work and he won't complain. In fact, he loves it. He loves feeling your body on him. He loves the skin-to-skin contact, the closeness. The sweat, the friction, the more he gets the more he wants.
He swells with pride and happiness when he sees you trying to process of the aftermath. Out of breath, flustered, shocked, stuck somewhere between needing three business days to recover and wanting to do it all over again right away. He loves seeing you fucked out of your mind, blissful and satisfied. Dalton loves knowing that he's the one helping you get there, helping you feel so good.
And he knows you love admiring him just as much. The feeling of worship is very much so mutual. He adores the marks, pearls of sweat and trails of euphoric tears he leaves on you. And you adore to watch his muscles and veins bulge after he's had his way with you.
Unlike his trainings of his fights, he doesn't end up in a human sized bucket of ice, but he loves the ritual of cleaning up in the shower or taking a bath with you. He loves to gently touch your body, paying close attention to where his hands might have left bruises earlier. He loves to show you his love with his touch rather than with his caring words or worried questions. It makes Dalton's heart flutter when you do the same, when you soap up his toned body and you wash away the mess of sweat and cum you made together. It often ends up with the two of you going at it again, or simply just jerking each other off with no intention to cum but rather to just feel closer and relax while the hot water heals your bodies.
To put it briefly, Dalton is built for the plus size girlies. He's got the strength, he's got the stamina. He's got it all to make you feel good, to make you feel like you're the hottest person alive because, to him, you very much so are. He cares for you and wants to make you feel comfortable. The more he explores your body and the more he discovers what you love and how to make you moan louder and cum harder, the freakier he will become. Dalton likes it hot and dirty, but he also loves it deep and passionate. He's gonna adapt to what you like and what you can physically do. He's gonna put in the work. He's gonna do what it takes to make you cum so hard you feel like he knocked you out in the best way possible.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
TAG: Toxicanonymity ☠️. She/her. FAQ
ASKS: I don't really do traditional requests these days because I'm busy with WIPs, but feel free to come in my ask box with thots, questions, etc.
WARNINGS: Everything is NSFW 18+ w/ F!Reader unless otherwise noted. May have violence, dubious consent (dubcon), non-consensual (noncon), unsafe sex, and more. See additional warnings in individual fics.
Pedro Pascal characters masterlist
Masked ghostface unless otherwise specified.
Boyd Holbrook characters masterlist
Daddy's home (2k)
Nicked (1k)
⭐ Every inch | Every inch 2 | Every inch 3
fight flight or fuck blurb
Rat in a cage oneshot drabble
⭐ Prescott House Bed & Breakfast (Billy Loomis)
Waking up cold blurb
Road house - scream AU (Dalton x reader)
Texas Chainsaw
⭐ The Spread (3.5k) Tommy Hewitt x reader. "Heavy" on size kink 🤭
House of Wax
✨The Wax Job (1.3k) - Bo Sinclair x reader
!! Some of the older Halloween HCs have broken links, and idk why. If it's bold, it means I checked and fixed it. I'll make my way through all of them eventually.
Corey Cunningham Stories (CC)
A lift and two screws (4.5k words) - 2️⃣ 🥩
Laid back (2.5k) -  👤 💐reach-around HJ.
Laid back: V-Day Vibes (3.2k) 👤💐 🥩 🧎‍♂️ toy
Corey from the yard (3.8k) - 2️⃣💐🥩
Corey from the Yard pt. 2 (5k) - 2️⃣ 🥩⚰️
It's Halloween (babysitting w/ CC) (3.5k) ⭐ 🎃
Yet another rattle - FFM (2.7k) - ft. Allyson
Corey C. from the call center (4.5k) - 💐
Dominating Corey in a declining mall (2.5k) - 🧎‍♂️
Tighty-whitey workout, interrupted (2k) 🥩
You wear MM's mask in bed (1.3k)
Giving head while CC streams (900)👤
⭐Good behavior (7.5k) work detail 4️⃣
⭐Birthday Wish (2k) dominant bf
⭐Give In (4.5k) 2️⃣
Hot Topic
Scrapyard (CNC) 500
Rock Bottom (22k) 🥩 ⚰️ . Corey, Michael, Y/N. (Other stories don't use Y/N).
Michael Myers Stories
Corey leaves you with Michael (300)
⭐Michael makes them watch (1.3k)
Michael in Ambrose (2k) non con
The summoning (1.2k) ⚰️
⭐Skin Alley (1.5k) MM POV
Michael's Castle (3k)2️⃣ vampire!michael
Gravel Lot (1.1k) - Anniversary 💐
Gas station (550)
Knows you're horny (650 cnc)
Breeder Michael blurb
Reader w/ oral fixation blurb
Bathroom (M!reader)
Michael makes Corey watch
Obsessive Reader GN
Halloween Headcanons
Free Use (1.2k) 👤 🧎‍♂️
The Shape's Collar (900) 👤
Coming💦 (1.1k) 👤 MM, CC
When you're a screamer (650) 👤 MM, CC
Why it's hot when Michael drives 👤
overstimulating a squirter MM, CC
more Corey squirting HCs
Corey coming in his pants
Corey porn habits
Corey catches your self-pleasure
Corey period oral
Halloween drabbles, blurbs, misc.
Who's that calling you under the dinner table (Misc) txts CC
Frisky at the movie theater w/ CC (300)
COREGASM (600?) 👤
CC sounding like Leon in DBD👤
Corey's newest ring
Corey x You x Michael
reader nipple piercings & 2 CC
Corey nipple piercings
Michael x Obsessive! Reader 👤
MM dream / CC 📞sex & CNC
Corey x you x Michael u walk in
Michael & thighs
Michael Makes Corey Watch
Halloween non-Smut
Michael & Corey MBTI types (non-explicit)
1st date, Corey wants to leave with you 💐
Amusement park date 💐
Corey's new ring (100 word drabble)
Corey teaches you to drive (300 words)
Michael/Corey poll results
Other Fandoms
The Bear
The ghost - Mike x reader x Carmy
Triple Frontier
The Worst - Tom "Redfly" Davis x DARK!reader
Road House
Scream AU - Elwood Dalton x reader
New: ✨
Multiple smut scenes: 2️⃣,3️⃣ etc
Fluffy: 💐
Submissive: 🧎‍♂️
Gender Neutral or Male Reader: 👤
Gratuitous beef: 🥩
Kill(s): ⚰️
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gyll-yee-haw · 6 months
Jake Masterlist (part 2)
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Taking care of your bruises
Jake's characters
Detective Loki
Teach me
Dangerous Game
Bad cop
Bad girl
Teasing him at work
He's jealous
The first “I love you”
The Storm
He’s tired
You lose a pet (angst + fluff)
Billy Hope
Size kink
Mysterio/Quentin Beck
You get hurt
Multiverse: Two Quentins (smutish)
You're sad
The one and only
The most brilliant student
You learn so fast
The Assistant
Villainous duo
Sexual tension
Thigh riding
Friends with benefits
Breeding kink
Innocence kink
He loses you and your daughter
Louis Bloom
Fast learner
Tall reader
Finding out who he really is
Donnie Darko
Keeping him safe
Donnie doesn't know when to stop
He's obsessed with u
Unprotected sex (College!Donnie)
Mean! Donnie
Morf Vandewalt 
Sam Hall
Childhood friends
Childhood friends part 2
Adam x Reader x Anthony
The two of you
Adam Bell
You’re his best girl
Elwood Dalton
Dalton's rules
Preferences (including a few characters)
7 minutes
Lip plumper
Pillow talk
More Jake works on Jake Masterlist part. 1
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 years
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last update: june 12 (new fic!) 🌷  
alibi (rusty sabich angst & smut)
and live from new york it’s... sunday morning (jake gyllenhaal fluff & smut)
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my gifs 🍊
DON’T use them for fanfics. DON’T edit them at all. DON’T post them on twitter or instagram or pinterest or anywhere else. DON’T steal my gifs & photo edits or take credit for them. if i see my content being used without any mention of my blog and without proper credit, i will contact you and you must remove them and/or delete the post with stolen content.
jake edit tag / jake gifs tag
rules 🍊
YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER. please respect this. it’s a security for both you and me. the warnings are tagged on the actual posts, so make sure you read them so you’re not triggered by something.
i do write a lot of real people fiction. they are and always will be works of fiction. i don’t write hardcore or dark kinks, although i experiment from time to time and i make sure everything is tagged accordingly. if a warning is missing, please contact me and i will rectify the situation.
unless stated otherwise, the reader is female. the details of reader’s appearance are kept vague, however all of my fics are intended for PLUS SIZE readers despite not being tagged as such every time. i always write with a plus size reader in mind, which means positions and actions might get repetitive but they are more suitable for fat bodies. fatphobia will NOT be tolerated.
i write when i have both time and inspiration to do so, and i rarely have both. while my requests are not really close nor open, i do check them and take inspiration for them for other works. i appreciate receiving requests but i cannot promise to fulfill them. thank you for being patient.
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who i write for 🍊
main: jake gyllenhaal
characters *: adam bell, danny sharp, davis mitchell, detective loki, elwood dalton, jamie randall, jerry brinson, joe baylor, john kinley, lou bloom, morf vandewalt, quentin beck, rusty sabich & tommy cahill
tropes: dilf, dad’s best friend, best friend’s dad, best friend, neighbour, enemies/friends to lovers, teacher, ex, sub or switch, broadway, singer, etc.
* masterlist of my fics for jake’s characters
how to navigate 🍊
click on the titles of the stories to be redirected to the original post. if you find out that some links are broken and lead you nowhere, please, tell me about it.
You’re doing amazing sweetie Part 1 & Finals Finale Part 2 (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x student!reader)
Funfetti Lingerie (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Time to Dance & Tomorrow Never Came (inspired by Jake Gyllenhaal in the Time to Dance music video)
Christmas edition: Extraordinary Merry Christmas Part 1 (fluff between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader) & EMC Part 2 (vanilla smut between Tom Holland x reader)
Come Sail Away (smut between Sugar Daddy!Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
La Paura Del Buio (smut between Italy!Jake x reader)
To Be So Lonely (smut between Joe Baylor x reader)
To Be So Lonely Part 2 (smut between Joe Baylor x reader)
Red Velvet (smut between sub!Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Oh So Charming (smut between doctor!Jamie Randall x reader)
Let It Ring (smut between Sugar Daddy!Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Look In The Mirror (smut between Tommy Cahill x reader)
Aquamarine, Ocean’s Blue (smut between Paris!Jake x reader)
Set Fire to The Rain (smut between Danny Sharp x reader)
Blue Velvet (smut between Morf Vandewalt x reader)
Distraction (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Mamma Mia (smut between Italy!Jake x reader)
Tu es Jolie (smut between Davis Mitchell x reader)
Through the Afternoon (smut between Sugar Daddy!Jake x Plus size!reader)
Break Room (smut between Danny Sharp x reader)
Shadow Speaking (smut between vampire!Jake x reader)
Fade (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Works Like a Charm (smut between Jerry Brinson x reader)
Snowed In (smut between Tommy Cahill x reader)
Cherish (smut between Chocolatier!Jake x reader)
Cherish Part 2 (smut between Chocolatier!Jake x reader)
Leg Lock (smut between Elwood Dalton x reader)
Un pari à Paris (smut between Sugar Daddy!Jake x reader)
Something to Rely On (fluff between Detective Loki x reader) 
Very Trainable (smut between Jamie Randall x reader) 
Bubble Gum (smut between Danny Sharp x reader) 
Pillow Talk (fluff between Davis Mitchell x reader) 
Come On, Barbie! Let’s Go Party! (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader) 
Don’t Let the Grinch Steal Christmas (smut between Tommy Cahill x reader) 
Chokehold (smut between sub!Elwood Dalton x reader)
Fortune Cookie (smut between Detective Loki x reader)
Count it Down (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Freak Like Me (smut between Elwood Dalton x Plus size!reader)
Freak Like Me Part 2 Coming Soon
We’re Not Cowboys (comfort/fluff between Danny Sharp x reader) 
Northern Lights (fluff between Detective Loki x reader)
And Live From New York It’s... Sunday Morning (fluff & smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Alibi (angst & smut between Rusty Sabich x reader)*** Newest fic
The risqué subway (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Happy little accident, part 1 (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Happy little accident, part 2 (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Where do you think you’re going? (fluff between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
The dining table (fluff between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Clair de lune (fluff between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
High Horse (angst between Quentin Beck x reader)
Lush (smut between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Cell Block Tango (smut between Detective Loki x reader) 
Stand in the sun (fluff between Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
Boyfriend!Jake headcanons
Best Friend!Jake headcanons part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 (different storyline)
Dad!Jake headcanons: Build a Bear & Part 2.
Leo Gyllenhaal (reader and Jake’s dog) & Part 2
Valentine’s Day with Jake headcanons
Fratboy!Jake headcanons
Hickeys headcanons for Jake
Elwood Dalton and Plus size!reader headcanons
Your camera roll if Jake Gyllenhaal was your boyfriend 
Jake helping you when you have your period Part 1 & Part 2 & Part 3
Gyllenholland one shot: Movie Matinée.
Gyllenholland x Reader one shot: Adore you (Birthday boy!Jake, MFM threesome).
You Won’t Play, You’re No Fun (smut between Chris Evans x reader) 
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (smut between Tom Hiddleston x reader)
KINKMAS 2020 (prompt list) 🍊
Vanilla Sex with Tom Holland
Edging with Jamie Randall
Breeding Kink with Tom Holland
Degradation & Public Sex with (rapper!)Jake Gyllenhaal
Blow job & Praise Kink with (frat!)Tom Holland
Cockwarming with (Mob!)Jake Gyllenhaal
Thigh Humping & Praise Kink with Tom Holland
Thigh Humping with Quentin Beck
Public Sex with (rapper!)Jake Gyllenhaal
Degradation Kink & Boob job with Tom Holland
Breeding Kink with Jake Gyllenhaal
Kinkmas tag
KINKMAS 2021 (introduction) 🍊
Day 1: Cum play & Aftercare with Sub!Jake
Day 2: Titty fuck with Sugar Daddy!Jake
Day 3: Public sex & Cockwarming with Fratboy!Jake
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about me 🍊
Laurie, she/her, 25 years-old, Virgo
Bisexual & Biromantic
French Canadian
AO3 (tbd)
images credits 🍊
Icon by me @/gyllenhaalstories 
Header graphic by me @/gyllenhaalstories
Top photo by me @/gyllenhaalstories
Spring divider by @/saradika-graphics
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