#elsword theories
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I'm not saying she's Pharaoh as Els. lore doesn't mention Pharaohs.
I personally see some inspiration of media portrayals, which I know ofc, sometimes uses gold adorned to them. iirc, Gold to the Ancient Egyptian's was like the skin of Gods and Goddesses.
and because the scene seems to be the "Ghost" touches Lithia seems to be that, maybe Obelisk as a skill will get a buffed version in a passive.
Meaning, not literally but we might get some many various media portrayals as a reference in this path. I'm not saying Lithia is a whole reference to Egyptian mythos and history, but made into Elsword history with Sander.
What I'm saying is, she is fully support with possible DPS, the more heavy hitting skill for her part is, Obelisk getting a mention in passive.
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aztralnights · 7 months
I'm looking for a roleplay buddy, and friend(s)
I've been in need of a roleplay buddy for a while since a certain incident with my old one, but I'm a very open person.
> what I can do:
• angst/ fluff
• ships! (I'm big on this, I do crack/ rare pairs and a big multishipper I love to hear headcannons and such )
• serious plot (I'm a sucker for a story, I've wrote quite alot in my free time)
• jokes + comedy (I'm a comedy kinda person I'm always free to joke around )
• paragraphs / short sentences! (I like doing inbetween cause sometimes I can be a bit lazy !)
• lore (I'm a sucker for this I love writing lore and writing things together ♡)
• Oc/Cannon characters (Hcs are supported I'd like to talk them out! >this also applies for cannon x cannon, oc x oc , or oc x cannon , I'd prefer if you ship persona x cannon at least be at age ☆
> Fandoms I'm in:
• Elsword
• Genshin (I do not play currently but I'm still greatly involve with this game!)
• Honkai star rail
• Honkai impact
• Hello charlotte
• idenity v
• omori
• danganronpa
• undertale + Aus( deltarune as well)
• Fnaf (I'm not into this one as much but I still love to talk about theories and lore , I recently watched the movie!)
> besides this I'm into a bunch of others and willing to listen to suggestions!
How to contact me!
I have mainly two apps I use for communication, sometimes even amino along with this! You may contact me via discord but send a warning of you sending a friend request through any of my others message areas! I'll leave a link to my Twitter and my disc account.
I don't have any issues with people really but I'm not exactly a extroverted person but I like to hang out via calls or games! When I meet people I am a bit hesitant but I do like to talk and listen as long as we can both keep the convo going , but there's certain things I will not tolerate, aka the following
(slander of Lgtbq+ any other genders or sexualities ) now as a person who's not straight myself, I don't judge if you are straight or not, but I will not react kindly to making fun of this. I'm not fully aware of every thing even new ones and flags because I never really payed attention due to my life growing up.
(Racism ) now, I really love dark jokes, but it comes to something seriously racist or comments that make others uncomfortable I will not tolerate behavior like this.
(SA/ other stuff or grooming/pedo ) if you find this stuff okay, don't interact at all this isn't okay in any manner. The only acceptance I take of this is when it's in a characters past / story and you mention it to inform someone or have some angst to a story but if you support these it's a no go.
(Making fun of mental illness with serious intent) same as the previous thing I will not tolerate the comments hateful towards this, but if a character has any of these please do your best to research it so this doesn't come off as offensive and if you think you have any certain illness ect, please seek medical assistant ect so a doctor could provide you proper evaluation of this, because I am not a therapist or a doctor unfortunately, but I am someone who hopefully you can rely on.
Back on topic of my boundaries (toxic behavior ) i will not stand for any of this rather it's straying from judging a certain pair from the game or someone else's head cannons, it's not okay to talk down upon someone who has different likes or opinions then you, even if it's cannon please keep your opinions to yourself, you can talk to me about it if you don't really see it yourself, but please keep it respectful, but with this you are allowed to have different opinions! Let's just not cause a fight over this ♡.
(Competitive ) well this should be pretty obvious but I am very competitive and I stray from some anger issues, but however I have worked on this and still am, if something where to happen don't blame yourself and tell me if there's anything I can change , please don't be rude about it though, I'd like to be treated with respect as the same way we'd hopefully treat each other.
(Religious matters)so, about this, I am not a religious person but I grew up with my family being religious, if you're in a religion, that's alright ! I won't judge you, I actually encourage you to tell me more about this but, I do not want to have religious aspects forced onto me and hopefully the same goes for you!
(Other matters )
There's of course more but, some what personal, I'm not looking for anything romantic lol cause it's not that kind of search but a friend, i can share ideas with and have fun doing any little bits, and of course I will respect your boundaries as well (you will have to tell me this if we do decide to go through with this ) as well as other things I can't think of on top of my head!
Basic info!
My name is Sirius stated in my bio, I like art and writing, I'm a big game nerd and often listen to music when I'm bored or trying to zone out. I do have a tendency to spoil my friends with gifts whenever I have spare money, I'm probably a person that knows I'm a people pleaser, I have no problem with it as long as no ones forcing me to do it!
Age - over 18 ☆, if you do nsfw I do recommend being at least being a year around this age or over for the safety of both of us!
Birthday / sign , my birthday is July 6, I'm a proud Cancer, but if you don't care for zodiacs it's okay! I can't say I'm a expert on it!
Time zone and availability!
I'm usually available 24/7 besides school I am still in high-school, close to graduating and I do plan to go to college , we can arrange a schedule to your likings if you ask! My time schedule is EST, somewhere in Indiana! I will not give any more personal details closer then that.
Heritage/race?. Okay so I'll just say I'm Hispanic/French, I know some weird combos like lol I have some native American and German in me but the most noticeable is the first two, I do not have an accent that I can tell since I grew up speaking English all my life but, I can write in Spanish and French, I do not fluently speak this and may translate my words wrong but that's why I'm learning some more! Trust me I love people's heritages and hearing about different life styles, this falls into a list of wanting to learn more, head cannons and just facts along with correcting me if I misunderstood something!
Fun facts
I really like shades of purple most commonly lavender and Mauve(if that's how you spell it 💀),
some of my comfort characters - Furina/focalors, Xiao, scaramouche(wanderer), layla, Seele(HSr and honkai impact), jingliu, Melly (idv) and some others from different fandoms!
I've been told I'm very oblivious so hopefully we can share some fun laughs other me being dumb!
What I'm looking for.
Besides this, I want this person to be themselves though I have som preferences I hope we can get along, even with what I'm looking for don't feel the need to change yourself for me, honestly I just wanna have fun.
But specifically I'll list some things I'll have alot of fun with regardless
• someone with similar hobbies, I'd like to share common interest along with someone I can play games with and someone who will be active with me.
• of course the obvious thing, someone who likes these fandoms I'm in even if it's just two or one it'll be okay, hell even if you don't know em hopefully you'd be open to knowing more (do be aware I like sending pictures and ranting about lore ect)
• I'd like someone to be around the same age group as me so we can avoid complications, but if you're a bit younger or older then me, that's perfectly fine but I hope you understand why I'm looking for someone around 16-20 , I really hope that doesn't sound weird.
• jokes and passive aggressive friendship, I'm a bit of a jerk and i tend to like to poke friend it'd be nice to have someone who can poke and joke back and share jokes, hell even calling me out for being smth or a nerd if needed 💀
•someone okay with gifts even if they're small, as I mentioned earlier I like spoiling my friends and being a people pleaser.. so, if you are okay with receiving gifts then we're gonna be just fine! as long as I'm not begged constantly we'll do just fine, oh and, don't feel like you have to pay me back or anything, you appreciating it is enough for me (I'm not saying you don't have to gift me back , >>this applies if you generally want to, do not pressure or force yourself to get me anything!)
• okay with calling and such even dark jokes, now I will not request you doing this instantly unless you generally want to! I will be paitent and steady for us to get to know each other
• meeting my other friends , now I'm not a total loser I made this mainly because I want someone I can eventually be close with! My friends are decently nice and I want force you to meet them right away hell, you can even join us in friend rps if you want
• someone who will share their music interest and art with me, I like learning and taking advice even tips from other artist and I think it'd be an experience to hear each other's favorite music, artist and even writer!
• chill days , i can't always be open to roleplay and I hope you'd understand as if it were you, so I'd hope to be able to spend some chill days where we talk and even game together hell, even if I stream a movie for us
• someone with discord mainly because that's what I use the most !
~ this is basically all I'm really hoping for Maybe I could list more later but that's it for now ~
This concludes it really because I've been working on this for more then an hour and I just want to make it simple.
Links you can use to contact me:
Twitter: https://x.com/Oddball145?t=dxdtuKddosGj7wddDwSKxA&s=09
Discord: astralNightz, Sirius
Sounds cloud:
(I have Spotify but not on phone lol)
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aztralnights?_t=8hE9n0HIG6s&_r=1
Pinterest: https://pin.it/3wKpLUu
I have some others but I can't list them on top of my head!
And of course here on Tumblr!
That's all I wanted to state, and don't feel like you have to do any of this, it's only an option for if you want to do this with me! But with that, have a good day/night afternoon and a star blessed time
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elsjobproject · 1 year
So that anon got me thinking.. When did they change job quests...
Let me explain.
I started this project back in January of 2020, with Richter's quest line being the very first thing in my records.
Back then, I noticed something terrible about most of the job quests I was recording...
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They all... Sort of looked like this. Looking into my backlog, where I also started recording Laby and Ain- they're completely different. Compare that with Lofty: Executor's first job quest.
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Now I wasn't sure what exactly was happening... But I knew this wasn't really right? But I didn't know what to do about it.
I don't know when they changed into this format, but I DO know when they changed everything... Either back or to something completely new.
...I first thought it was
The first one I recorded that wasn't any new job or character was Blazing Heart and it looks like this
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Granted, this was in September of 2022, so I definitely don't have exact dates when things changed, but either way it was a step in the right direction. Such an amazing one in fact that I...
Promptly forgot about the issue I experienced all of 2020 and that combined with how many 4th jobs I recorded up until that point excitedly began trying to play every single class I could like a madman in an effort to archive things.
Then I opened this blog in late 2022, confident that I was nearly done with my archival efforts.
So if you ever wonder why things seem recorded so last minute, just know I DID have this things recorded, and usually plan to release the original recordings, but uh. They changed everything up on me. Whoops.
With the videos on each individual job class coming out, I'm sure they're most likely not going to be changing job quests again- unless they decided to do 4th jobs. Which... I mean I guess that's basically masterclass, and I wouldn't really want them to do anyway since that adds extra workload onto me.
When did they exactly change job quests?
Now. An issue with this is I don't speak Korean, and was not around during 2020 Korean Elsword, so I guess this kind of ends here. I can't really tell what they were doing during then. This could be an NA exclusive issue
Now I wish I could say "I have a job quest from 2020 KR server that helps prove this may not be the case"
But although that would be nice, it wouldn't matter because I only recorded the Furious Blade 5/5 quest when someone else was doing the Jump event in 2020 very legally on their own account and barring translation differences, it is virtually the same as the 2022 version. And of COURSE I didn't record the other job quests because it was a JUMP EVENT and they let you speed through job quests........
Here it is, legally obtained of course, if you would like to fact check
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(Furious Blade's Job quest, for reference)
Anyway so if it isn't an NA exclusive issue, we have no way of telling, unless someone who was using the European server or very legally using the KR server has anything from 2020 to back this up.
But, for now. Looking through the GM blog on Elsword, it's tempting to say that these are the only patch notes. But.
There was an elsword tumblr. One I can no longer find, but there was one. I suppose it doesn't particularly matter, but I promise you that tumblr had more detailed patch notes. Then they most likely moved their focus to twitter and decided to start doing patch notes on their official blog from then onward.
I had a lot of theories on when exactly it changed but I think when it did was during the dungeon revamp that happened due to Laby and Noah's dungeons being uniquely fast in EXP gain.
My evidence is that all of the current job quests align with those changed dungeons. Let's compare Lofty: Executor, because if the icon wasn't Tyrannus, it would be Richter;
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This is a 2 year gap in between these recordings, so it's kind of a stretch and they could have just as easily been changed with 4th path release, to match up with the job questline videos... However, it's easier to have a script in advanced and put them in a game 1 month before you release the first of the 4th paths than it is to put them in just as each individual 4th path is coming out.
If there was any time to change job quests, it would have been then.
If anyone recorded job quests from 2021 during this update to corroborate, that would be fantastic.
Again, the only instance I think they would maybe change job quests is to perhaps suit areas for individual characters, but I sort of doubt that's going to happen any time soon.
I both want and don't want that to happen.
Thank you to everyone whose read this far in, if you have any information or addendums, I will reblog them. This project was made specifically to archive job quests, after all, and even if the history of Elsword seems kind of short (it's been 15 years), I would prefer it to be recorded and readily available.
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OK, now I’m thinking..
I just read Elesis’s before joining off the ElWiki, and something occurs to me... most (if not all) of what we have is through Raven’s point of view, right? He even says himself he doesn’t understand why Owen did what he did, and his best guess is that it was jealousy, but...
What if Raven’s memories are incomplete somehow? I mean the man got arrested for a crime he didn’t commit by his best friend, saw all his loved ones die alongside him and woke up as a human experiment where his body and mind were very much tampered with. It makes sense his memory would be muddled, or certain things might end up being left out along the way. It’s even possible the Nasods deliberately tampered with his memory.
In “Man with a Machine Arm 5″, we get a few quotes from Raven.
“(And just now... Was it reading my memories? I didn't notice at all. Even though I heard them so clearly...)“
“(Not only do you control my body, but do you plan on playing with my mind as well?)“
So.. it’s not exactly a secret the Nasods were messing around in there. The only question is why would they care about Raven being unable to understand his situation. Did they do it because it would feed into his rage-filled state, or is Owen somehow involved with the Nasods?
To be honest, I’m not sure if I believe my own theory, but it’s fun to think about! If anyone has any thoughts on the matter I’d love to hear from you.
Disclaimer: I have not played Elsword for a long time (my current computer can’t run it), so there’s a lot of lore I’m not caught up on, and a lot of stuff I might forget or misremember. Definitely take this with a grain of salt.
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angelblumes · 2 years
was tagged by @meduwusa to do the things to get to know you thing (💗💗) so here
last song:......falling down by the8. i listen to it on repeat like crazy. i have become kpop fan
last show: of my own initiative hannibal. but i have recently been in the room while someone is watching wayward pines (kacey rohl is in it!!!)
currently watching: ummm hahahaha. nothing.i suppose this is where i should've said wayward pines. its not that good and its creepy at points and everyone keeps dying :/ like the second im like ok i'll root for this character. blegh death!
currently reading: 😭nothing. does scouring through ao3 for hannigram fanfic count?ive sunk to the point of reading the fish person ones out of pure boredom. paragon etc. im so mad abt paragon bc it starts as one of my absolute favorites that is barely used in fanfic "will precanon is jailed for ches ripper crimes and alana/jack betrayal so all he has is hannibal (who is the one to get him free)" i adore that concept. i like alana and jack but i read fanfic to sympathize with will and will only. ive also got webnovels and webcomics and feminist theory lined up to read but i cant do new things i simply cannot
current obsession: cant you tell🙄hannibal. but im also split between so many things. like fortnite 😭 or elsword online. or those yourube videos about bad mmos. or the seventeen concert that is in about a week. listen paytons bias is the8 and her bias wrecker is hoshi. my bias is hoshi. im so tempted to be like my bias wrecker is the8. that would be so funny but it's probably jeonghan tbh. does this mean anything to any of my followers? probably not. i am not in the kpop stan space. also project sekai. im three notes away from full combo-ing copycat on master. watch out pro players
tbh if u see this im tagging u❤️im bad at remembering usernames so it's double if u usually tag me in things :)
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hex-flareheart · 2 years
okay, so, new Elsword update, turns out I was wrong- it is a new region, albeit a region like Outskirts that's entirely dedicated to one raid/set of raids
that said, it's extremely interesting to me, for a pretty simple reason- it's four dungeons, and two of them are on split paths. this seems to be the reason for the weird structuring of the new raid parties- two smaller parties of 4 working together. both parties do dungeon 1, then split up for 2/3, then rejoin for the final battle in dungeon 4.
this is a rather interesting structure for this, because it does solve one key issue with Elsword's raids- namely that the game really isn't built to handle more than 4 characters being in play at once, at least in terms of balancing; each additional player you add compounds the level of insane bullshit that can wind up happening, so having to balance 9 entire phases of dungeons around six players is undoubtedly a challenge, and 6 phases is only marginally easier; having to only deal with that large of a party for one phase, specifically the final one, makes things a lot easier to handle, even with the two additional players added to the mix.
at least in theory. possibly not in practice, but who knows.
the question does remain, though- how insane is the environmental debuff? 99%?
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ainchase · 3 years
stuff i never bothered to expand on because im lazy but would love to one day
1. all paths are canon because they all exist in their own universes, all elswords restore the el no matter what path he has chosen 
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all three (well soon to be four) elswords restore El and we know that because that’s literally the pre-requisite (lore wise I guess) for them to become 3rd jobs in the first place which makes me think the end-game elsword is gonna be some sort of merge-all of all the different paths of all the characters meeting each other in some sort of weird elsword allstars fashion my mind cannot handle this idk if kog has it in them to do something like that honestly
and the fact that none of the path descriptions explain any of the other character paths, there’s not just 3 (soon to be 4) possible timeline/universe, but literally all of the possible combinations of different character paths, as in
YOU KNOW HOW THE CURRENT “CANON” PATH COMBINATION DOESN’T REALLY FOLLOW ANY GENERAL RULE i mean okay we just blindly accept “well yeah the canon job for so and so character fits the original personality of the said character so it makes total sense for that to be the canon job” but the fact that all the “canon” jobs come from different paths (the current canon jobs are a mix of 1st and 2nd paths) might mean that it literally does not matter which path each character individually chooses to take except maybe not for 3rd path cuz 3rd path is just depression town minus aisha 
am i going somewhere with this yes yes i am and i’ll talk more about it later
2. ain actually met henir face to face
ain got sucked into the rift when the first el exploded in his face when he first landed in elrios and there he met henir
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meaning (a piece of?) henir was inside the el and was able to break free when it exploded and dantelion was obsessed with blowing up the el cuz of some shit he’s seen in the dark el back in demon realm like why would followers of henir, the source of unlimited power, destroy the el for what purpose would they do that we went over this already didn’t we but yeah there you go which brings me to my next point
3. there’s a strong connection between the el and henir
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el and henir share a common color scheme -- like literally el’s turquoise looks similar to henir’s turquoise and there should be a reason why. it also sorta explains how henir was able to influence ain so easily. according to the artbook, a celestial like ain shows natural disdain and abhorrence to demons, but is quite literally dumbfounded and can’t function properly due to shock when comes in contact with henir influence... like, why though. why is that detail so important enough for them to put it in there, literally side by side also the el’s energy was able to break into henir’s time and space easily there’s something there i’m telling you and i sure as hell hope it’s much more than “well henir shaped everything, including elrios, so it probably was used to create the el as well”
which is a good point, actually, considering how... the El is the source of life, and it was literally just given to people of Elrios, no strings attached, when people just started settling in the land, and it’s weird to think the source of life (okay not a literal source of life but life cannot live without the influence of el, it’s like sunlight for plants) not having some sort of strong connection to henir which was the energy/material used to shape the damn universe
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ymart26 · 3 years
Is Elsword the thing sleeping inside the el?
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In noah’s story we learn that the reason why the giant el exploded is that dantalion-disguised as Haque- saw something sleeping inside the Dark El and wanted to re awaken the one that was sleeping inside the El by making the giant El explode and while we don’t know if he succeded in waking it up we know that the El did explode.
In Elsword’s 4th path ,Genesis, he becomes one for the el and we finally get confirmation that elboy is a piece of the el but how? 
How exactly is elsword a piece of the el?
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“A guardian knight that exists only for the El and Elrios”
“After making the easiest choice he can make, he suddenly realizes he has separated from the El despite sleeping comfortably in the Giant El”
Sleeping comfortably in the Giant El. During Elrianode story quest he says that he felt like he was ‘born’ when he was inside the El after restoring it. If he was the thing sleeping inside of the giant El that feeling would make sense; I mean is not like something could have broken the El in half and decided to sleep there you know? It would have to have been ‘born’ inside of the El to be able to sleep inside of it.
Elsword mentions how nostalgic the energy from the El feels like during Elysion’s story quest,if he really was the thing sleeping inside of it it would make sense why the energy of the El feels ‘nostalgic’.
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It would be pretty interesting if Ebalon was a celestial being like Ain and had very similar experiences. But upon realizing that the world was not as absolute as he thought it was (with the whole "you're either celestial or chaos" thing), he believed the goddess to have lied and began working to undo what he believed to be her lies.
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klaniiz · 5 years
I came back to play Elsword ... hmmm ~
In a last enhancement event, I enhanced my Dominator’s Void weapon to +11 with 3 blessed stones QwQ :cry:
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I try to play at AEFT, it’s too fast! But I wanna play it faster...
My Dominator’s status, click!
My laptop specification, click!
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fluffilment · 5 years
damn you got me girl that weapon’s built like a Bugatti ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hi so I’ve ditched some of my returning adventurer’s equipment since with it I got some heroic equipment that’s better. Thanks to the enhancement event I was also able to get most of it to +8 so that’s pretty cool. I’m pretty close to finishing third job quest but I’m probably gonna give up on it ngl. I’m thinking of going for the void weapon but i don’t think i have el resonance nor the equipment to do that. I have enough combat power but it’s bordering on the edge of not being able to enter the dungeon at all, and I’m still working on my costume situation, since most of my accessories are temporary and so is my costume. I can’t speak for the accessories but I’m saving up for a costume from the ed shop (which I tried to do before but I just ended up wasting my money on something useless) Honestly, I might just make radiant soul my main because by the time nisha labyrinth comes out I’ll probably be done with my third job and be working on the combat power and equipment situation. If ya’ll wanna carry me through my third job that’d be pretty spicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (kidding, that would require online interaction, which for some reason I just can’t do) I actually had a friend that offered to do that for my code battle seraph but I ditched the game for void before he could so that’s greeeeaaaat. Thank god for all the events going on rn because otherwise I doubt anyone would be playing any of the elrianode dungeons (except water dragon sanctum) Real talk here, I’m pretty proud of how far I’ve gotten. Sure, 73,000 combat power is basically nothing for more experienced players, but it’s a milestone for me, even though it’s only temporary. Thanks for coming to my vlog UwU
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Look so I know people want a Lithia corrupted by Henir path, but I feel like that would be a bit too much. I personally think while not throwing the idea away, but make it so that because the wraith is fully committed to using Lithia as a "sacrifice" for the Goddess.
While Lithia was "saved", she suffers somewhat from the "curse" so to speak.
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Now onto my second point, this would make a whole lot of sense should Lithia have stayed this way during the ship scene, I know someone would probably say " It's still Lithia, you dumb dumb." while misreading the lines not realizing that, no it is the Wraith of the Tomb, the Priestess as she comments in a more irritated tone almost as if she's speaking through Lithia.
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After her friends somewhat calmed her down in at least a reasonable situation, Lithia seem's to regret what happened even know she wasn't in the full mindset of the situation (That being the Wraith's curse.) in the story for the 3rd or 4th path, most likely third.
her 2nd class will at least have Lithia stable, but uncomfortable due to her position of what the hell's been going wrong.
the Third class as much as I will butcher it, I think this is where the Henir influence might indirectly cause the Wind Priestess as a Wraith to "Fully take ahold of Lithia" as the Vengeful Spirit who would rather punish those who sinned against the Goddess, maybe with some minimal Henir influenced skills while not being Henir corruption like Ain's.
Although that would be far out of character for Lithia path and would fit into the Ain narrative. I don't know I hope you guys would enjoy something that somewhat kind of came to mind.
it'd also be odd to see Lithia have two corruption paths which are Magical as well.
Edit: MAYBE it get's even worse and more amplified from Henir causing Lithia to lash out at those for Joy and her research. there's a lot of ideas they could throw around right now.
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arcanecaster · 6 years
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So @rebiart brought up a point that intrigued me that i had thought of NOT 30 MINUTES PRIOR to seeing theyre cool art (this) that insinuated that Add (specifically Mastermind) was on a dark path to becoming like his father to prevent himself from becoming what his father had wanted him to be (a weapon). 
And i started thinking- DB literally weaponized himself. Those tattoos that he has are PLASMA. He turned himself into a human weapon, which Asker intended him to become, despite the measures Grace took to save him from that fate. The good news is that he did it himself/still has free will/ using it for good with the Elgang. I imagine Asker intended to brainwash and use him for evil, etc, he’s an asshole. However, the fact that KOG story writers or whoever writes the characters brought in the fact that DB turned himself into a weapon, Bravo for referencing that. Cause I hadn’t thought about it like that at first, whether or not they intended on referencing that. Which leads into...
If they intended that, I can see Mastermind pursuing a path like his father, except maybe with a little light to it? Asker was a monster. But he was intelligent and resourceful, willing to do anything he can to reach his goals. Closest to that out of the three paths in style, mentality, and method is Mastermind. Though, i imagine Add would still hold resentment for his father for experimenting on him as a child and probably committing other atrocities that we’re unaware of, I can see Mastermind getting close to that, but still drawing a line. Like, becoming like his father, an intelligent and driven scientist that’s a genius in his field, but using his dark methods and pushing the limits to help the greater good (the situation with Elgang). 
If the storywriters at KOG are trying to reinvigorate the character’s backstories through these third jobs (which, from what I’ve seen, they seem to be doing that even with other characters, like Elsword trying to break away from his sister’s shadow and being his own man and etc.) and making these small but intriguing references to different parts of Add’s story, imagine what the hell Diabolic Esper will become. My friend and I hope that maybe he’ll take a turn for the better (my personal headcanon is that he talks with his mom from another timeline and she gets him back on the right track), but with how KOG originally marketed him in such a dark role (literally releasing him in this “dark trio” with CrA and Asura)... things aren’t looking great. 
But hey, all of this could be completely wrong, maybe the fact that DB weaponized himself is a total coincidence and had no intention to being a callback to Add’s backstory and could have been just “hey something cool is that he has tattoos, how do we explain that- oh plasma maybe??” and maybe Mastermind just cut his hair for funsies. I’m just a rambling fangirl that thinks way too deeply about anime characters from an obscure Korean MMO. 
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dtsukiartblog · 7 years
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Some random sketches from King.... I wish he got some more love and fanarts ;w;
But I still lovin’ him and his theory ♥ Long live the King Adam! The King Nasod ♥
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ainchase · 7 years
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In the beginning of the game in Ruben, Elsword is 13 years old. 
At the age of 15, he completes his 1st job promotion quest at the end of Elder. That means it takes 2 years for him to go through from beginning of Ruben to the end of Elder. Bethma has no job promotion quest. 
The 2nd job promotion quest begins in the Altera. 2nd job promotion quest ends in Feita and most classes quest ends around the middle of Feita. And by the end of 2nd job promotion quest, Elsword is 16 years old. That means it only took him one year to go all the way from beginning of Bethma to the middle or end of Feita.
Originally most of the 2nd job promotion quest ended in Velder in the past but this was changed with the update. (Now we can accept the 2nd job promotion quest as Lv 35 and it ends in Feita) But then it means Elsword only took a year to go from the beginning of Bethma all the way to Velder (which is absurd) so we'll disregard that.
We stop at this point because we have no way of knowing Elsword's age. But using the year(s) Elsword took to pass through areas and the number of other areas we've gotten so far, we'll try to figure out his age by the end of Elysion.
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But realistically, it would've taken much longer than 3.33 years go to through all 5 areas. Hamel, Sander, Lanox and Elysion take much longer time to go through than beginner areas like Ruben or Feita. So it would've taken a longer time than 2 + 1 + 3.33 = 6.33 years to go from Ruben to Elysion.
That means Elsword should definitely be older than 19 at the end of Elysion.
That means when 3rd job comes out they better be at least 19 or Im going to be flipping some tables around
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sarangyuh · 2 years
more genshin x elsword head canons: ↳ me being obsessed with ain and all his paths. this is how i think how they would survive fighting the archons
Venti: ↳ every single one of them would curb stomp the fuck out of him. no questions ask. he doesn't stand a chance
Zhongli: ↳ Bluhen would be the first one out. ↳ Richter and Herrscher would be putting up an amazing fight, makin Zhongli run for his money. but eventually end up failing to win. i highly think they wouldn't stand a chance for the fact that Zhongli killed many other gods during the archon war. With Richter being a ‘Minor God’, this just ties more into my theory that they wouldn't win.
Raiden Shogun the puppet, not ei: ↳ Bluhen, if it was a range fight. I could see him not winning but more of a chance at it. But with the Shogun being so fast, she would keep closing in the space making it difficult for him. Which would lead him to lose. ↳ Richter, I really feel like he would lose only for the fact he would let his emotions get the best of him. My reasoning is that the Shogun is all about eternity and that's not how his goddess vibes with ↳ Herrscher would win because in his background story it tells you that Ain's "body" is a mere shell of his 'true' void form, which he uses to interact with the physical world. WHICH I THINK, he cant feel physical pain, so he would only start to get tired out from the fight since it would last for so long. ON TOP of that, he can absorb power and then turn it into chaos energy then releasing it, causing the Shogun to get messed up. The Shogun is meant to be perfect in every single way but I really don’t think it can take all the negative energy
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