#elrond x celebrian x ereinion
effervescentdragon · 4 years
5 sentence meme! "Why didn't you save me?"
Since this is for you stormy, I went with my favorite OT3. And sadness, obviously, bcs I am unable to can otherwise. Hope you like it and thank you for the ask! <3
“Why didn't you save me?”
The whisper comes on the wings of the night, exacerbated by the continuous silence and the weak twinkling of the stars - it is as damning as the dawn is inevitable, and it is nothing he had not been asking himself for a little over three millennia.
It is nothing he will not ask himself for all the eternity, and even if they survive the inevitable war, even if he gets to sail to the Undying Lands, even if he gets to see them both again, he knows he will still hear that question in their melodious voices, voices that he never heard merged yet whose harmony he is able to imagine perfectly.
They stand before him, apparitions of his mind - Celebrían, his lovely wife and his fierce love and his gentle silver Queen, magnificent and proud, her face marred with heinous scars he would always vividly remember, her once white dress torn and dirty with mud, and Ereinion Gil-Galad, his friend, his starry - eyed Lord, everyone’s High King but more importantly his only King, the broken crown barely visible in his golden hair that is matted with blood, spears protruding from his bloodied armor in a grotesque picture he could never forget.
“Why didn’t you save us?,” their voices merge in harmony of despair and pain and recrimination, and he clenches his fists and refuses to weep, because he loves them both, he loves them still, he loves them more than he ever thought possible and his fëa bleeds sorrow and pain as he drinks in the sight of them as he last saw them - broken and still, always, his.
Before him, the stars disappear and the dawn rises, and Elrond Peredhel gathers himself and walks to his Council for the last time ever, with footsteps of two ghosts of loves lost echoing behind him through watchful halls of Imladris.
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tilions · 3 years
Random Coffee Shop!Au Headcanons nobody asked for
I came up with this AU a while ago, in which Elrond and Elros work at a coffee shop and Celebrían is one of the regular costumers. Elros suffers through Celebrían's and Elrond's mutal pining.
Elrond and Elros are Maglor foster children for reasons I haven't actually figured out yet
Maybe their parents are dead, maybe they didn't think they were capable of raising twins or ready yet and decided to give the boys into foster care because of this
Elrond studies medicine, Elros law and politics
Both of them went to military service after High School, which is why they started studying when they were around 24
Celebrían is her parents only child but when she was fourteen Celeborn took in the ten year old son of a distant cousin who couldn't care for him anymore
Amroth and her have some differences but they generally get along pretty well
She studies art and design
Elrond has been going through a bisexual crisis ever since he met Gil-Galad for the first time (who wouldn't?)
When he was sixteen Elros decided that he didn't want long hair and shaved it all off
Maglor nearly had a stroke when he came home to a lot of hair in the kitchen and Elrond crying in the bath room
Despite popular belief Elros was actually the better student in High School in everything except for languages
The twins work at a coffee shop on campus to earn some money on the side (Elrond for some books he wants to buy, Elros probably for a video game or something)
Celebrían goes to said coffee shop to study because the library is too full for her liking (aka the places near the windows are always occupied)
Gil-Galad is the adoptive son of Maedhros and Fingon
He's is in his final semester
He studies child psychology and education
Elros still has a huge amount Trading Cards from TV show he last watched when he was like ten but they have like emotional value to him
Elrond thinks it's ridiculous while still holding onto every single postcard he ever received
Both of them have their strengths but neither can draw
Out of all of them Gil-Galad has the best and Elrond the worst handwriting
Elros makes the best coffee, Elrond just has a very very good eye for decoration and aesthetics
They share a flat near campus that Maglor rents for them
Their style is a mixture of IKEA and secondhand stuff they found at the flea market
Speaking of flea markets: They go there like every weekend after work. It's their bonding time and they never leave with empty hands
One time Elros brought back the ugliest stuffed monkey ever
He named him Mr Charles and he now lives on their couch
Elrond hates that thing but doesn't say anything against it because it makes Elrond happy for some reason
Celebrían loves it but only because she's into really weird stuff
Gil-Galad never sits on the couch when Mr Charles is there NEVER
He'd rather poke a hornets nest
Gil also spends more time at the twins place than his own unless his boyfriend comes to visit during the holidays
(In case anyone's interested his boyfriend is my OC Aracundo but I don't think he has that big of a role)
Celebrían still lives with her parents because Galadriel and Celeborn live in a reasonable distance from campus
She makes her own clothing something she learned from her grandaunt Findis and earns herself a little money on the side with this
Elros plays Horror games despite hating it when he gets scared but he feels like he needs to prove himself something
Elrond rarely gets scared by anything
There's still Finwean family drama going on but like their generation just doesn't care about it lol
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handmaiden-of-varda · 4 years
Pairing: Fingon x fem! reader
Summary: When Sauron was defeated, you sailed West to be reunited with your family
Warning: Slight angst, brief mention of character deaths (canon)
A/N: Hey everyone! Thank you for your support on my last fic. Fingon is another favourite character of mine, after Éomer, and again there aren't enough fics of him. I originally planned to make this as a series but I haven't got the time, so I decided to cut things short and focus on the happier side (the series was supposed to be angsty and this was supposed to be the epilogue). Hope you enjoy!
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Elenwen was what they called you. Star-Maiden. A maiar of Varda, warden of the stars and guardian of the light.
You were one the first maiar to journey to Middle Earth, along with Melian. Given your powers, you were tasked to keep the growing darkness at bay. But just like her, you had met and fallen in love with an elven king.
Fingon was your husband, and you ruled beside him in Hithlum as High Queen of the Noldor. Eldarian, Elven-Queen, was how your people adressed you. Together you had a child, Ereinion or Gil-Galad, who succeeded his father after his death.
You loved them both dearly, and the grief of losing your husband and son pained you so that you almost faded, but you couldn't go. Not yet. There was a task needed to be done, what you were sent here for in the first place. You knew they were waiting for you in Valinor, and it gave you strength. So you vowed to protect the free people of Middle Earth and to see the dark forces destroyed before you rest. Thus you became a living legend known as the Swift Blade, a formidable warrior of mysterious origin who brought terrors upon the enemy with each stroke of your blade.
Regardless, not many in Middle Earth were aware of your existence nor did they possess the knowledge that you were one, same person. Only people like Gandalf, Cirdan, Elrond and Galadriel were counted amongst the few. You had assisted the company of Thorin Oakenshield in their quest to reclaim their homeland, you were even a part of the Fellowship of the Ring, but none knew who you truly were. To your companions, you were simply (Y/N). It wasn't until the ring was destroyed and Sauron was defeated that the fellowship learned of your identity, of your wish to sail West.
To say they were surprised is an understatement, but they understood why you did so. During the quest, you had grown close with each member, even with your mysterious nature, and they saw you as a mentor or motherly figure. They valued your strength, your wisdom, and most importantly your compassion. Nevertheless, some still tried to convince you to stay longer, particularly Merry and Pippin, but your heart was set. It was time, and you had been waiting for too long.
And so your time in Middle Earth came to an end. Your companions, your friends, all came to bid you farewell. You were sad to leave, but you knew that they would lead a happy and fulfilling life, which gave you comfort. With one last look at your friends, you boarded the ship that would take you home.
. . .
Valinor was almost exactly the same as you remembered. The same beauty and joy radiated off the land, despite what happened thousands of years back. You watched as elves got off the ship and be reunited with their loved ones, a small smile plastered on your face. You could feel your heart beat faster as you scanned the crowd, trying to look for certain dark-haired ellons. In the distance, you spotted Celebrian, who immediately ran to Elrond and Galadriel as soon as they were in her sight, and you felt happy for them. Galadriel was your husband's cousin and one of your closest friends in Middle Earth, and Elrond was like a son to you.
As the crowd began to disperse, your heart sank. Where are they? You didn't want to think about the possibility that they might've forgotten you, or worse, that they were never reborn. No, that wouldn't happen.
You whirled your head towards the direction of the voice and saw your son standing there, beaming at you.
"Ammë," he said again, running towards you and hugged you tightly. "Ammë, how we miss you terribly so!"
You returned the hug equally as strong. All of your worries from earlier melted away and the two of you stayed that way for a while before you pulled away to take a good look of his face. He had not changed since the last time you saw him. You had imagined this moment over and over again, yet now everything felt so surreal to you.
"Oh Ereinion, my son! You are here, you are real," you said while cupping his face. "Have you been well? I have missed you and your father as well. Tell me, where is he?"
Gil-Galad grinned wider and took your hands.
"I have never been better now that you are here, Ammë. Come with me."
He led you to a flower-covered meadow, and you saw a figure clad in deep blue and golden robes in the middle. Even with his back to you, even after all these years, you could easily tell who he was. Fingon. Your husband.
"I shall leave you two be."
You nodded to your son before slowly walking towards your husband. Upon hearing your footsteps, Fingon turned to you, eyes widened before closing the distance between you and pulling you into a bone-crushing hug, wrapping you in his strong arms.
"My love, my light, my star," he whispered to your hair. You could feel your hair dampen as he weep, and you tightened your grip as you felt your own tears rolled down your face. The two of you stayed in that position for a long while, each reluctant to let go as you both feared the other would disappear if you did.
When you finally pulled away, you barely had a moment to breathe before he pressed his lips to yours, pouring a millenia's worth of longing and despair into the kiss.
"You are here," he whispered, breaking the kiss. "You are real."
You smiled, remembering that you had said the exact same words to your son earlier. "I am here, my love. I am back," you reassured.
"We waited for you. Here. Everyday." He gestured at the surroundings. "We waited for your return, and here you are."
You gazed around, and only then did it register to you that the meadow looked incredibly familiar. Fingon took notice as you dawned in realization and smiled.
"This is a reminder of our home in Hithlum. Lady Varda gifted me this land, and with the help of Lady Yavanna we made it to look like our meadow, the one we had in Hithlum. Do you remember?"
"I remember," you said gently. Of course you did. Back in Hithlum, the meadow was your favourite spot. It was where Fingon had asked for your hand, and it was where Gil-Galad learned to walk for the first time, among many other fond memories.
"I am sorry."
"Whatever for, my love?"
He looked down and closed his eyes. "I am sorry for leaving you and our son behind, for bringing you such grief. I am sorry that you had to endure everything alone, and that I could not be there for you. I am sorry."
Your expression soften as you caressed his face.
"It is not your fault, my love. We are together now, aren't we? That's all that matters. We have an eternity to make up for the lost time."
"That we do."
He kissed your forehead and extended his arm to you.
"Come my love, I believe our son is waiting for us."
There were still many things to be said, many things to be done, but you would have time for those. Now, you wanted nothing more than to spend time with your family.
You were finally home.
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