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beaspstuff · 4 years
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packszfandom · 7 years
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thearabkhaleesi · 6 years
Disclaimer: I did not find all of these easter eggs myself. I watched many Youtube videos and read many articles and gathered the best easter eggs and connections to the Star Wars movies and I compiled them into one organized post. Enjoy!
Mark Hamill played 2 characters
Of course, Mark Hamill plays Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi, however, he also had a secret second role! Mark Hamill asked director Rian Johnson to give him someone to play in the movie’s Canto Bight casino scene. He plays a CGI character (and changes his voice) for a character by the name of Dobbu Scay. It’s unknown at the moment who Dobbu Scay was in the scene, but we do know that the name is an anagram for editor Bob Duscay.  
Leia trained to be a Jedi
It was understood in the script, though not necessarily in the film, that Leia had begun training as a Jedi shortly after the events of Return of the Jedi. Motherhood, and later, discord in the Galactic Senate caused her to cut short her tutoring. This explains how she is able to use the Force to create a bubble of air around her and return to her ship after the bridge of the Raddus is destroyed. An entry in the canonical tie-in Visual Dictionary confirmed this as well.
(below: art by Jason Felix)
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Clues that Luke wasn’t actually on Crait:
Luke looks much different than how he looks most of the film, with a shorter, darker haircut and darker clothes
His lightsaber was blue. Luke’s blue lightsaber was the one that he lost in Empire Strikes Back and eventually gets destroyed in The Last Jedi. After Empire Strikes Back, Luke has a green lightsaber.
It is established that there is no way in or out of the base
Luke’s X-Wing is shown to be underwater on Ach-To, indicating there is no way off the island after Rey leaves.
He makes no footprints on Crait. The film zooms in on Kylo’s red footprints during the scene, since the planet of Crait is covered in salt. Luke makes no footprints at all, since he isn’t actually there.
The Jedi texts
In the film, Yoda beats Luke to burning the tree (which contain the ancient Jedi texts), and says that Rey already knows everything that the books could tell her. Later in the film, when Finn gets Rose a blanket on the Millennium Falcon, the books are there in a blink and you’ll miss it moment! This teases that Rey could have stolen the books and Yoda was covering for her.
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Ahch To Tree
The tree on Ach To protecting the Jedi texts is known as an Uneti tree. The character Chirrut Imwe from Rogue One carries a stick made out of wood that comes from the same type of tree wood. Also, in the film, Rey is drawn to an ancient tree and the library by a chorus of whispers; those whispers are actually a chant with a connection to “Star Wars Legends” and the Force, saying “some sort of Force mantra”, as sound editor Matt Wood described. 
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Luke is The Last Jedi
Once the title was revealed, many people speculated who the last Jedi could be. Throughout the press tour, director Rian Johnson insisted that Luke was always who the title was referring to “in his mind”. In the film, it is confirmed that Luke was the last Jedi, however, after his death, the last Jedi is now Rey.
Rey’s Parentage
It was claimed that Rey’s parentage would be discussed in The Last Jedi, and when Kylo tries to convince Rey to join him, he tells her that her parents are nobody, and that she knows its true. Many fans speculated on who her parents could be since the release of The Force Awakens, and were taken aback by Kylo’s claim. It is unknown whether or not his words are the truth as no official confirmation was made and Kylo could be lying just to get her to join him.
Luke’s compass.
In the Star Wars Battlefront 2 video game, Luke finds a compass. And in The Last Jedi, Luke is shown to have the same compass in his hut, which could have helped him find Ach To.
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Luke’s burn
When we see Rey handing Luke the lightsaber at the beginning of the film, it zooms in on a shot of their hands and Luke’s robotic hand is shown to have a burn mark on it. This burn mark is a result of a blaster shot from the fight at the Sarlacc Pit in Return of the Jedi.
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“Laser Sword”
In the film, Luke refers to lightsabers as “laser swords”, which is a reference to George Lucas, who called them laser swords before they came up with “lightsabers”.
Colored milk
In A New Hope, we see blue milk at Luke’s home on Tatooine. Then, in Rogue One, as an easter egg, we see blue milk again. And in The Last Jedi, we see Luke milking one of the animals on Ahch To and drinks its milk. While some people say they see it as the classic blue milk, others claim they see it as green (I did too).
Luke’s sunken X-Wing
When Rey looks on the cliff at Ahch To, she notices that there is a sunken X-Wing in the water, which is what got him to the island; this is also a reference to his training on Dagobah.
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Luke’s door
When Rey busts in on Luke’s hut, you can tell that the door to Luke’s home is a re-used piece of Luke’s X-Wing. In addition to that, this easter egg goes even even deeper since in Empire Strikes Back, Yoda’s hut on Dagobah was similarly fashioned out of his escape pod from Revenge of the Sith.
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Celebrity cameos
Many celebrities had cameos in The Last Jedi.
Joseph Gordon Levitt and Noah Segan: Joseph Gordon Levitt and Noah Segan, were in director Rian Johnson’s first film, Brick. Since then, Rian included them in every film he worked on since (The Brothers Bloom, Looper and now The Last Jedi). Segan appears briefly as a Resistance X-Wing pilot, while Levitt appears as a voice actor, playing the character of Slowen Lo in the casino scene. He’s the one who rats Finn and Rose out to the casino guards.
Justin Theroux and Lily Cole: Justin Theroux (from the Leftovers, Jennifer Anniston’s husband); he played the master codebreaker that Finn and Rose were looking for, the man who was gambling and wearing the lapel pin and white suit. British model Lily Cole played his girlfriend.
Warwick Davis is the character who mistakes BB-8 for a slot machine.
Some reports claim that Princes William and Harry had cut cameos as stormtroopers, whereas other reports say that the Princes are the stormtroopers in the elevator when Finn, Rose, and DJ are on board the ship to disable the tracker.
Tom Hardy and Gary Barlow are the stormtroopers with the weapons to kill Finn and Rose at Phasma's command.
Ellie Goulding is one of the background soliders on the Resistance's main ship, the Raddus.
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“I’ve got a bad feeling about this”
The phrase “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” is in every Star Wars film to date, but shocked fans as it didn’t seem to be in The Last Jedi! The reason for that was that it wasn’t said in English - it was said by BB-8!
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No Lightsaber duels
While lightsabres are used often in the film, there are no lightsabre on lightsabre fights. The only time you see a pair of sabres clash, is in the Luke / Kylo flashback.
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The Beastie Boys
JJ Abrams started a trend in The Force Awakens, including Beastie Boys references in the sequel trilogy. In TFA, we saw a new type of creature known as the Abednedo, with the one we see named Ello Asty, a reference to the Beastie Boys album, Hello Nasty. Rian Johnson included a character from the same race named Slowen Lo (voiced by Joseph Gordon Levitt) asa reference to the Beastie Boys song “Slow and Low”. Since Abrams is directing Episode IX, it’s likely we’ll see another Abednedo character with a name inspired by the Beastie Boys. (below: Ello Asty)
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Director cameos: Gareth Edwards & Edgar Wright
Gareth Edwards, director of Rogue One, has a cameo on The Last Jedi as a Resistance solider during the battle on Crait; he was next to the soldier that tastes the salt. Additionally, director of The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson, had a cameo as a stormtrooper in Rogue One. British director and Rian Johnson’s friend, Edgar Wright also has a cameo in this scene, as does Ant-Man writer, Joe Cornish. 
(pictured below: Gareth Edwards’ cameo, followed by Edgar Wright, his brother Oscar, and Joe Cornish in costume, behind the scenes of their cameo)
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Maz Kanata’s “The Rocketeer” Jetpack
In the film, Maz Kanata is seen over a hologram, wearing a rocketpack/jetpack and as she turns, you can see the details more clearly. This pack is designed to mirror the jetpack that is worn in the Disney film The Rocketeer.
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In Rogue One, a character named Admiral Raddus, who was the head of the Alliance Fleet, sent his fleet to support Rogue One on their mission, which allowed the Rogue One squad to deliver the plans for the Death Star to Raddus’ ship. However, Raddus died when Darth Vader boarded his ship. However, he is not forgotten, as in The Last Jedi, the main Resistance cruiser is called The Raddus.
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Foreshadowing in Kylo Ren flashback
In the flashback where we see what caused Ben Solo (aka Kylo Ren) to turn against Luke, a shot shows his lightsaber on his bedside table, with his calligraphy set/pen crossing the handle of the lightsaber; the placement of the calligraphy pen is placed to look like his future, Dark Side lightsaber (see below: credits to starwarsstuff on Twitter).
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Snoke’s ring
In The Last Jedi, Snoke is wearing a ring which has a deep meaning. The ring is made of obsidian mined from under Darth Vader’s castle, and it shows the Four Sages of Dwartii (Sistros, Faya, Yanjon, and Braata)
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Losing a limb
Throughout the Star Wars saga, in the 2nd movie of each trilogy (Original/Prequel/Sequel), the protagonist loses their hand (Luke/Anakin). However, in the Last Jedi, it is actually the antagonist, Snoke, who this happens to; Snoke loses his arm/hand when killed by Rey and Kylo. The lightsaber cuts through Snoke’s torso and arms. Thus, Snoke encounters the "limb loss" in a less than noticeable way, keeping in the tradition.
Carrie Fisher’s dog - Gary
In the scenes in Canto Bight, we see many different types of creatures in the casino, and one of the aliens (who appeared in an official still of the film) is actually the late Carrie Fisher’s dog, Gary, in costume! (He’s the dog-like creature on the man’s hand behind Rose). Apparently, when watching The Last Jedi, Gary recognized Carrie and his ears jerked up every time she was on screen.
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Han’s Golden Dice
In The Last Jedi, Luke gifts Leia with Han’s golden dice from the Millennium Falcon. The diceare considered an Easter Egg in the previous films, only appearing very briefly in A New Hope, since the prop guys forgot to include it in later scenes and films.
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Admiral Ackbar
Admiral Akbar, who is best known for saying “It’s a trap!” in Return of the Jedi, appears in The Last Jedi, but unfortunately later dies as a result of a trap.
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Darth Sidious
Luke refers to Emperor Palpatine as Darth Sidious, making it the first time we’ve heard anyone refer to him by his Sith title since the prequels.
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Rey exploring the Dark Side
The entire scene where Rey explores the Dark Side’s pull is a call back to Luke's experience with the Dark Side in Empire. And her heading into the Dark Side hole to find her parents, only to see her own reflection, is a call back to Luke fighting Vader, only to see his own face reflected back at him inside.
Battle on Crait / Battle on Hoth
The final battle between the Resistance and the First Order on Crait has a lot of similarities to the Battle of Hoth from Empire Strikes Back: the villains use walkers to assault a Rebel/Alliance base on a planet with a white surface, and the heroes use speeders to hold them off while everyone escapes.
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Kylo taking Rey to Snoke: Return of the Jedi parallels
This entire scene is a parallel to one from Return of the Jedi, when Darth Vader brings Luke before the emperor. It's all there:
Rey willingly goes to Kylo, just like Luke surrendering to Vader on Endor.
Rey is put in handcuffs - just like Luke
Snoke removes Rey's handcuffs. just like the Emperor did to Luke.
While in the elevator going up to Snoke, Rey tells Kylo that there's still good in him, just as Luke said to Vader on Endor.
The red-colored guards (Snoke’s Praetorian Guards and Palpatine’s Royal Guards)
Snoke making Rey look out the window at the Resistance fleet getting attacked, just like the Emperor telling Luke to watch the Rebel fleet get attacked.
Rey's lightsaber on the arm of the chair, like the Emperor did with Luke’s
Rey tried to grab the lightsaber using the Force, just like Luke, but both were unsuccessful.
Rey and Luke being tortured
Kylo betrayed his master, Snoke, to save Rey just like Vader killed the Emperor to save his son.
When Snoke interrogates Rey using the force, the Emperor's theme can be heard playing in the background, with the camera panning to Ren as this happens. This exact same moment happens in Return of the Jedi when the Emperor is shocking Luke with force lightning and the camera pans to Vader, with the same theme playing.
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Luke and Obi Wan in battle
During his final scene with Kylo, Luke refenrces Obi Wan and quotes his line “”, and the way he stands and lets Kylo run through him, parallels what Obi-wan did when fighting Vader for the last time.
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Luke and the horizon
Moment before Luke’s death, he sees two setting suns, a direct visual callback to the sunset on Tatooine, when his journey first began.
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Leia - A New Hope callbacks
A scene in the movie, Leia fires her blaster at Poe to stun him, and she is wearing all white with her head covered, just like when she fired on stormtroopers and was stunned by them stormtroopers in A New Hope. Of course, we also see R2D2 show Luke her message to Obi Wan.
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Jurassic Park reference
When the new race creatures on Canto Bight, the Fathiers, stampede through the casino, a shot shows liquid in a glass on a table ripples due to their footsteps. This is a reference to the same way the water ripples when the T-Rex is approaching in Jurassic Park. (Laura Dern, who played Vice Admiral Holdo, starred in Jurassic Park as Dr. Sattler.)
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Halved villains
Snake’s death is the second time a member of the Dark Side was cut in half from a lightsaber - the first person was Dark Maul, who was killed by Obi Wan in The Phantom Menace.
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Kylo uses Vader’s flight tactics
During the space battle, Kylo Ren spins his fighter exactly the same way Anakin does in Episode 1.
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DJ and Lando
Benecio Del Toro’s character (the codebreaker who helps the First Order) is never referred to by name in the film, but marketing material for the film refer to him as DJ. It was later found that the writings on his hat, are Arubesh (a language from the Star Wars universe) for “DON’T JOIN” (DJ), foreshadowing his betrayal. It is easier to see on the Funko Pop doll version of DJ, which was released months before the movie, a clue to his character’s role spotted by fans. Additionally, his character is a parallel to Lando in Empire Strikes Back - both are characters who seemingly help our heroes but are secretly helping the enemies instead.
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Leia’s hair
When Han reunites with Leia in The Force Awakens, he says "you've changed your hair". When Leia meets Luke in "The Last Jedi", she says "I've changed my hair".
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Luke’s blue and green lightsabers
This is the first Star Wars movie where we see Luke using both his blue lightsaber (which had belonged to his father Anakin, and which is now wielded by Rey) and his green lightsaber.
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No Skywalker At the End
This is the first live-action movie in the franchise to break with the tradition to have a member of the Skywalker family in the closing shot. All previous movies included either Anakin, Luke and/or Leia in the final shot. Although Luke and Leia feature in the final scene, the closing shot only shows one of the young slave boys on the casino planet Canto Bight.
Force sensitive child
The final shot of the movie shows a kid on Canto Bight mopping, then with the Resistance ring and staring at the stars with hope. However, many people missed the fact that the child is Force-sensitive; when he reaches out to the mop, instead of grabbing it, it moves to his hand.
In The Last Jedi, when the Resistance escapes the First Order after fleeing their old base on D'Qar, they jump into hyperspace and land in the middle of nowhere, as Finn says. But soon the First Order catches up to them, revealing that they have figured out how to track ships through lightspeed. It is a big deal since no one has been able to track ships through lightspeed until then. However, this plot point was subtly foreshadowed in Rogue One! Towards the end of Rogue One, when Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor are searching for the Death Star plans in the Scarif data banks, she mentions some of the projects in the Imperial archives, including "hyperspace tracking"! This means that the Empire had been working on the technology used in The Last Jedi during the time of the Rebellion, and that the First Order developed and used it against the Resistance. This Easter egg was discovered when Lucasfilm executive Pablo Hidalgo quoted a fan’s tweet that pointed out the connection (x). 
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thebowerypresents · 5 years
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Natasha Bedingfield Plays Webster Hall with First New Album in Nine Years
Natasha Bedingfield – Webster Hall – October 16, 2019
Calling all #TheyHaveTheRange Instagram accounts: You forgot Natasha Bedingfield. The raw power of her voice can’t be overstated, and on Wednesday evening at Webster Hall, her performance exploded through the rain and wind. Despite a nor’easter, a sizeable crowd packed into the venue for a performance that included Bedingfield’s indelible 2000s hits, as well as work from this year’s Roll with Me, her first full-length since 2010’s Strip Me. Bedingfield’s 2019 output sounds like someone who (wisely?) opted out of the 2010s entirely. The ’60s R&B groove of “Real Love” and the reggae-lite “King of the World” recall the polite edgeless feel of soft rock, and they blended seamlessly with her 2000s radio smashes like “These Words” and the Sean Kingston–assisted “Love Like This.”
As pop culture scholar Bolu Babalola remarked on Twitter, music like this doesn’t really have a market anymore. When Bedingfield briefly covered Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy” over the chords of brother Daniel’s hit “Gotta Get Thru This,” the contrast between 2019 pop and the landscape that brought us the Bedingfield siblings was stark. As opposed to Eilish and today’s other stars who lurk and leer, Natasha Bedingfield’s music confronts.
And nothing could be more confrontational than that voice. Bedingfield is a belter in the lineage of the great white British soul divas of the 2000s: your Winehouses, your Duffys, your Adeles. These are pre–Ellie Goulding vocals: nothing is held back, there’s no time to whisper. And then, well, the big one—the bop to end all bops. The crowd knew “Unwritten” was coming as the band kicked into a droning, tense interlude that drew a hush. The acoustic guitar lick that begat so many episodes of The Hills spun out into the air, and the audience erupted. —Adlan Jackson | @AdlanKJ
Photos courtesy of Marc Millman | www.marcmillmanphotos.com/music
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bulbwalrus6-blog · 5 years
The Bear’s Den, February 19, 2019
Stankevitz’ Bears grades and needs: How can the running game improve in 2019? - NBC Sports Chicago - The Bears need to be more effective running the ball in 2019, which may start with finding new personnel to inject into their inconsistent running back unit.
Ellis: It sure sounds like the 49ers have plans to keep kicker Robbie Gould - NBC Sports Chicago - The Robbie Gould reunion isn’t looking likely.
Wide Receiver Busts May Provide Low Risk FA Signings - Dolphins Wire - With the Miami Dolphins potentially cutting their losses with WR DeVante Parker, could low-risk free agents from the same 2015 class help?
Mayer: Massie sees Bears as Super Bowl contenders - ChicagoBears.com - Right tackle Bobby Massie re-signed with the Bears due in large part to his belief that the team will rebound from its bitter playoff loss to the Eagles and contend for the Super Bowl.
Medina: Adrian Amos’ Price Tag Is Rising - Bleacher Nation - Adrian Amos could be one of the NFL’s seven highest-paid safeties if he hits free agency.
NFL Free Agency: 49ers expected to use franchise tag on Robbie Gould - NBCS Bay Area - The 49ers figure to be in a lot of close games next season, and their kicker could be in a position to decide games.
2019 Offseason Outlook: Mitch Trubisky and the Improvement That Comes from Within - Bleacher Nation - There isn’t much left for the Bears to do to help Mitch Trubisky. The ball is in No. 10’s court right now.
Robbie Gould Lays Out What He Wants Out of His Next Deal – Wherever It May Be - Bleacher Nation - Robbie Gould has his priorities lined up and will consider all opportunities if he reaches free agency.
Robbie Gould Seeking Stability For Family, A Winning Team In Free Agency - 670 The Score - The Bears may be interested in impending free agent Robbie Gould.
Chicago Bears 2019 Mock Draft: Replacing Adrian Amos, Finding Kyle Long’s Heir - The Chicago Audible Podcast - Without a first-and second-round pick it is going to be difficult to draft impact players, but in this mock, Ryan Pace is able to fill two potential needs.
Mullin: Looking to upgrade RB, Bears have more options than draft alone - NBC Sports Chicago - Taking stock of the Bears’ best options at RB.
The Parkey Purge Countdown Timer - Countdown to Jun 1, 2019 in Chicago - Countdown to Jun 1, 2019. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds ticking down to the time Cody Parkey is no longer a Chicago Bear.
Cardinals QB Josh Rosen OK after car accident - NFL.com - Josh Rosen is okay after getting in a car accident over the weekend, and the Arizona Cardinals QB put any worries to rest once having fun with the incident through social media.
Carr: Ten quarterbacks worth pursuing via trade/free agency/NFL draft - NFL.com - David Carr is here to help the NFL teams in need of a quarterback this offseason. The former NFL QB ranks his top 10 quarterbacks worth pursuing via trade, free agency or the 2019 NFL Draft.
Vikings Off Season Plan - Don’t Quit My Day Job Edition - Daily Norseman - What does Mark have in store for us this time?
Mel Kiper Mock Draft: Offensive line focus continues for the Vikings - Daily Norseman - Once again, ESPN’s draft expert focuses on the front line
2019 NFL mock draft: Packers again projected for Polite, Hockenson - Acme Packing Company - Mock draft season has become predictable with regard to the Packers, who once again landed Jachai Polite and T.J. Hockenson in the first round.
Matt LaFleur, coaching staff look to inject Packers with “energy” and “enthusiasm” - Acme Packing Company - The rookie head coach introduced his staff on Monday and it’s clear a new regime is in charge
Packers offensive coaches plan to hit Aaron Rodgers from “all angles” – ProFootballTalk - The hope in Green Bay is that quarterback Aaron Rodgers is able to turn in a better 2019 season than he managed in 2018 and there will be three members of the coaching staff working with him on making that happen.
Luke Getsy has no doubt Aaron Rodgers wants coaching – ProFootballTalk - Luke Getsy returns to the Packers staff as their quarterbacks coach, charged with coaching Aaron Rodgers. The much debated question, though, is whether Rodgers is receptive to coaching? Getsy, who served as the offensive coordinator at Mississippi State last season, seems to have no doubt.
Notes: Kiper has Lions going with a tight end in new mock draft - Pride Of Detroit - A tight end at #8?
5 free agent cornerbacks the Lions should take a look at - Pride Of Detroit - Detroit needs a reliable corner to play opposite Darius Slay.
Berckes & Snyder: Bears Over Beers Episode 1: Inside Linebackers - Windy City Gridiron - Jeff and EJ discuss the inside linebacker position in the launch of WCG’s newest podcast
WCG Round Table: Other than the 3 NFC North teams, which team do you dislike the most? - Windy City Gridiron - We thought we’d take these next few WCG roundtables in a different direction and go for some likes and dislikes.
Wiltfong: Don’t expect the Bears to use a franchise tag this year - Windy City Gridiron - Teams can start announcing their franchise tagged players starting on February 19. The deadline to do so is March 5.
Schmitz' Video Breaking Down the Bears: Rookie WR Anthony Miller - Windy City Gridiron - Robert Schmitz is giving us a video breakdown of Anthony Miller’s rookie year and the future is bright for the Bears wide out.
2 Minute Drill - Website - iTunes - Andrew Link; Steven’s Streaming – Twitch – Steven Schweickert; T-Formation Conversation - Website - iTunes - Lester Wiltfong, Jr.; WCG Radio - Website - iTunes - Robert Zeglinski
Windy City Gridiron Community Guidelines - SBNation.com - We strive to make our communities open and inclusive to sports fans of all backgrounds. The following is not permitted in comments. No personal attacks, politics, gender based insults of any kind, racial insults, etc.
The Bear’s Den Specific Guidelines – The Bear’s Den is a place for Chicago Bears fans to discuss Chicago Bears football, related NFL stories, and general football talk. It is NOT a place to discuss religion or politics or post political pictures or memes. Unless otherwise stated, the Den is not an open thread, and profanity (including profanity only stated in pictures) is prohibited.
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Source: https://www.windycitygridiron.com/2019/2/19/18230496/chicago-bears-den-offseason-links-news-information-free-agency-draft-salary-cap-gould-white-howard
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abyyssbeats · 4 years
[Free] Selena Gomez X Lil Tecca Type beat 2020 - "This is Me" - Happy Pop
{ "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "[Free] Selena Gomez X Lil Tecca Type beat 2020 - "This is Me" - Happy Pop", "contentUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3nE782sE0A", "duration": "0:4:8", "thumbnailUrl": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/q3nE782sE0A/hqdefault.jpg", "uploadDate": "2020-06-13T07:27:47Z", "description": "Like what you hear? Subscribe for Updates - https://bit.ly/39f0o6b #FreeBeats  pack - https://eepurl.com/gHUgq1 _______________________ 🔽 Download / Buy - https://bsta.rs/4839816d 🛒 Official Store - https://www.abyyss.com/ The FREE version of this beat is available for non-profit, evaluation purposes only. This means YouTube or Soundcloud use with NO monetization. The free version of this beat is NOT available for streaming services such as Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music etc. Follow me on : 📷 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/abyyssbeats/ 👉 Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/abyyssbeats/ ▶️ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM67VjzpvNk3yfeNKYlVSMg 🎵 Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/abyyssbeats Keywords: pop beat, lil tecca type beat, selena gomez type beat, tropical house type beat, tropical house beat, beats by mantra, tower beats, rebbel beats, ellie goulding type beat, rod wave type beat, piano beat, guitar beat, smooth beat, soft beat, free smooth beat, smooth beats, type beat,lil tecca type beat 2020, free lil tecca type beat,prod denny bacardi beat, prod lewo apologies beat, jammy beats spacejam, dopelord mike beats games, #SelenaGomezTypeBeat #AbyyssBeats" } { "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "MusicRecording", "name": "[Free] Selena Gomez X Lil Tecca Type beat 2020 - "This is Me" - Happy Pop", "byArtist": "Abyyss", "duration": "0:4:8", "thumbnailUrl": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/q3nE782sE0A/hqdefault.jpg", "datePublished": "2020-06-13T07:27:47Z", "copyrightHolder": "AbyyssMusic International", "copyrightYear": "2020", "description": "Like what you hear? Subscribe for Updates - https://bit.ly/39f0o6b #FreeBeats  pack - https://eepurl.com/gHUgq1 _______________________ 🔽 Download / Buy - https://bsta.rs/4839816d 🛒 Official Store - https://www.abyyss.com/ The FREE version of this beat is available for non-profit, evaluation purposes only. This means YouTube or Soundcloud use with NO monetization. The free version of this beat is NOT available for streaming services such as Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music etc. Follow me on : 📷 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/abyyssbeats/ 👉 Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/abyyssbeats/ ▶️ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM67VjzpvNk3yfeNKYlVSMg 🎵 Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/abyyssbeats Keywords: pop beat, lil tecca type beat, selena gomez type beat, tropical house type beat, tropical house beat, beats by mantra, tower beats, rebbel beats, ellie goulding type beat, rod wave type beat, piano beat, guitar beat, smooth beat, soft beat, free smooth beat, smooth beats, type beat,lil tecca type beat 2020, free lil tecca type beat,prod denny bacardi beat, prod lewo apologies beat, jammy beats spacejam, dopelord mike beats games, #SelenaGomezTypeBeat #AbyyssBeats" }
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weekegg2-blog · 5 years
The Bear’s Den, February 19, 2019
Stankevitz’ Bears grades and needs: How can the running game improve in 2019? - NBC Sports Chicago - The Bears need to be more effective running the ball in 2019, which may start with finding new personnel to inject into their inconsistent running back unit.
Ellis: It sure sounds like the 49ers have plans to keep kicker Robbie Gould - NBC Sports Chicago - The Robbie Gould reunion isn’t looking likely.
Wide Receiver Busts May Provide Low Risk FA Signings - Dolphins Wire - With the Miami Dolphins potentially cutting their losses with WR DeVante Parker, could low-risk free agents from the same 2015 class help?
Mayer: Massie sees Bears as Super Bowl contenders - ChicagoBears.com - Right tackle Bobby Massie re-signed with the Bears due in large part to his belief that the team will rebound from its bitter playoff loss to the Eagles and contend for the Super Bowl.
Medina: Adrian Amos’ Price Tag Is Rising - Bleacher Nation - Adrian Amos could be one of the NFL’s seven highest-paid safeties if he hits free agency.
NFL Free Agency: 49ers expected to use franchise tag on Robbie Gould - NBCS Bay Area - The 49ers figure to be in a lot of close games next season, and their kicker could be in a position to decide games.
2019 Offseason Outlook: Mitch Trubisky and the Improvement That Comes from Within - Bleacher Nation - There isn’t much left for the Bears to do to help Mitch Trubisky. The ball is in No. 10’s court right now.
Robbie Gould Lays Out What He Wants Out of His Next Deal – Wherever It May Be - Bleacher Nation - Robbie Gould has his priorities lined up and will consider all opportunities if he reaches free agency.
Robbie Gould Seeking Stability For Family, A Winning Team In Free Agency - 670 The Score - The Bears may be interested in impending free agent Robbie Gould.
Chicago Bears 2019 Mock Draft: Replacing Adrian Amos, Finding Kyle Long’s Heir - The Chicago Audible Podcast - Without a first-and second-round pick it is going to be difficult to draft impact players, but in this mock, Ryan Pace is able to fill two potential needs.
Mullin: Looking to upgrade RB, Bears have more options than draft alone - NBC Sports Chicago - Taking stock of the Bears’ best options at RB.
The Parkey Purge Countdown Timer - Countdown to Jun 1, 2019 in Chicago - Countdown to Jun 1, 2019. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds ticking down to the time Cody Parkey is no longer a Chicago Bear.
Cardinals QB Josh Rosen OK after car accident - NFL.com - Josh Rosen is okay after getting in a car accident over the weekend, and the Arizona Cardinals QB put any worries to rest once having fun with the incident through social media.
Carr: Ten quarterbacks worth pursuing via trade/free agency/NFL draft - NFL.com - David Carr is here to help the NFL teams in need of a quarterback this offseason. The former NFL QB ranks his top 10 quarterbacks worth pursuing via trade, free agency or the 2019 NFL Draft.
Vikings Off Season Plan - Don’t Quit My Day Job Edition - Daily Norseman - What does Mark have in store for us this time?
Mel Kiper Mock Draft: Offensive line focus continues for the Vikings - Daily Norseman - Once again, ESPN’s draft expert focuses on the front line
2019 NFL mock draft: Packers again projected for Polite, Hockenson - Acme Packing Company - Mock draft season has become predictable with regard to the Packers, who once again landed Jachai Polite and T.J. Hockenson in the first round.
Matt LaFleur, coaching staff look to inject Packers with “energy” and “enthusiasm” - Acme Packing Company - The rookie head coach introduced his staff on Monday and it’s clear a new regime is in charge
Packers offensive coaches plan to hit Aaron Rodgers from “all angles” – ProFootballTalk - The hope in Green Bay is that quarterback Aaron Rodgers is able to turn in a better 2019 season than he managed in 2018 and there will be three members of the coaching staff working with him on making that happen.
Luke Getsy has no doubt Aaron Rodgers wants coaching – ProFootballTalk - Luke Getsy returns to the Packers staff as their quarterbacks coach, charged with coaching Aaron Rodgers. The much debated question, though, is whether Rodgers is receptive to coaching? Getsy, who served as the offensive coordinator at Mississippi State last season, seems to have no doubt.
Notes: Kiper has Lions going with a tight end in new mock draft - Pride Of Detroit - A tight end at #8?
5 free agent cornerbacks the Lions should take a look at - Pride Of Detroit - Detroit needs a reliable corner to play opposite Darius Slay.
Berckes & Snyder: Bears Over Beers Episode 1: Inside Linebackers - Windy City Gridiron - Jeff and EJ discuss the inside linebacker position in the launch of WCG’s newest podcast
WCG Round Table: Other than the 3 NFC North teams, which team do you dislike the most? - Windy City Gridiron - We thought we’d take these next few WCG roundtables in a different direction and go for some likes and dislikes.
Wiltfong: Don’t expect the Bears to use a franchise tag this year - Windy City Gridiron - Teams can start announcing their franchise tagged players starting on February 19. The deadline to do so is March 5.
Schmitz' Video Breaking Down the Bears: Rookie WR Anthony Miller - Windy City Gridiron - Robert Schmitz is giving us a video breakdown of Anthony Miller’s rookie year and the future is bright for the Bears wide out.
2 Minute Drill - Website - iTunes - Andrew Link; Steven’s Streaming – Twitch – Steven Schweickert; T-Formation Conversation - Website - iTunes - Lester Wiltfong, Jr.; WCG Radio - Website - iTunes - Robert Zeglinski
Windy City Gridiron Community Guidelines - SBNation.com - We strive to make our communities open and inclusive to sports fans of all backgrounds. The following is not permitted in comments. No personal attacks, politics, gender based insults of any kind, racial insults, etc.
The Bear’s Den Specific Guidelines – The Bear’s Den is a place for Chicago Bears fans to discuss Chicago Bears football, related NFL stories, and general football talk. It is NOT a place to discuss religion or politics or post political pictures or memes. Unless otherwise stated, the Den is not an open thread, and profanity (including profanity only stated in pictures) is prohibited.
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Source: https://www.windycitygridiron.com/2019/2/19/18230496/chicago-bears-den-offseason-links-news-information-free-agency-draft-salary-cap-gould-white-howard
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mrwilliamcharley · 5 years
Watch Diplo Throw Down A Showstopping Solo House Set At Coachella
Diplo unleashed a showstopping set at Coachella. He’s spent much of his time lately touring as his side projects Major Lazer and Silk City and decided to make his Coachella set truly special by performing it solo.
His set was packed full of Diplo gems like his new house singles “Bubble Up” and “Hold You Tight,” “Get It Right,” and “Lean On” along with remixes of his Silk City and LSD hits. Diplo also included Nonsens’ remix of his Ellie Goulding collaboration “Close To Me” and Valentino Khan’s remix of “Welcome To The Party”. Amidst the house-heavy set, Diplo did take time to shine a light on Prince Fox’s new Julien Tranq alias by performing his remix of FISHER’s “Losing It”. Check out videos of Diplo’s stunning Coachella performance below.
▲ ▲ Read More About Diplo Here ▲ ▲
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'Watch Diplo Throw Down A Showstopping Solo House Set At Coachella
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richmeganews · 5 years
Billie Eilish’s Spooky Teen Pop Shouldn’t Scare Adults
Does it matter that Billie Eilish, this year’s buzziest new pop star, is a kid? Is it okay that headlines about her debut album, When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go, have led with phrases like “teen pop prodigy,” “not your typical 17-year-old pop star,” and “defines 21st-century teenage angst”? If labeling is passé—and Eilish’s relentlessly surprising music makes a great case that it is—isn’t it square to fixate the number of years she’s been alive? Ageist, even? Can’t we just listen to the music?
I’m really asking because I’m trying to understand my own reaction to her rapidly exploding popularity. When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? sent me, on first listen, on a cringe binge. She opens with the slurping noise of her dental braces being removed. She sneers “duh” in a chorus like she’s Bart Simpson. One track has a bunch of The Office samples. Another comprises ukulele and baby talk. Everything is, in one way or another, “spooky,” but in the air-quotes, kawaii sense. Think The Nightmare Before Christmas. No, think Corpse Bride. No, actually, think Monster High Dolls, which update Barbie’s cayenne-cleanse proportions with Pixar-character eyes and the glamour of rotting flesh.
Do you hear what I’m doing here? How predictable, closed-off, and stereotype-reliant it is? My first rejection of Eilish was just a blunt reaction to brattiness as brattiness: a taking of the bait. As subsequent listens have convinced me that something very exciting is actually going on with Eilish, and further listens have me worrying it might be my favorite album of the year, it’s all making this mid-pack Millennial feel pretty old. Not just because of the teen signifiers Eilish uses. But because of the poise, the connections being drawn, and the sharp craft on display. How did no one make music like this before?
For what it’s worth, the comparison to Monster High is particularly unfair. Eilish—an L.A. showbiz daughter who, working with her producer brother Finneas O’Connell, has earned millions of streams since 2016—is not plastic. Fashion-wise she goes for XL sweaters and posture-wise she gives a good slump, which might help ensure she’ll not get railroaded as a sex-kitten object like the then-18-year-old Fiona Apple—an obvious influence—was. Generally, her edge is of the straight kind. Spiders, blood, and light S&M are motifs. But she rolls her eyes at drugs on “Xanny,” which imagines if an Amy Winehouse ballad depicted partying only as pathetic. The NC-17 teases of “Bad Guy,” the album’s opening banger, seems rather sarcastic, and the ending scene of its visual comes off like a fakeout regarding girl-on-video tropes.
Her voice—especially on her songs before this album—somewhat follows this decade’s trend of ineffably Swedish, chubby-bunny torch singing, heard in its most tolerable forms from Lorde and Ellie Goulding. But Eilish is an intelligent and unpredictable performer who, on When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, whisper-sings, whisper-raps, and whisper-hums more than she does anything that could be described as crooning. Cybernetic-soul vocal manipulation recalling Bon Iver and The Knife—and Kanye West’s knocking off of both—is omnipresent. Finneas’s production follows in pleasing Yeezus style with sparse doorknock beats and jump-scare samples cut with bright, bent keyboard lines. If this all sounds a bit fussy and like ASMR bait, well, it is. But Eilish writes in melodies akin to nursery rhymes and ancient folk tunes. The balance of strange and simple usually works.
The early portions of the album trigger a sugar rush with fidgety tracks that are only a few clicks on the weirdness scale from the stuff of Taylor Swift’s Reputation. The romping is fun while it lasts, though some of the tunes feel interchangeable. Right now I’m finding myself stuck on replaying the lurching singalong of “Wish You Were Gay,” which despite catching some Twitter flack is actually a decent corrective to the Katy Perry “Ur So Gay” tradition. Eilish isn’t shading a guy’s effeminacy, she’s just treating sexuality as no big deal by wishing he had an ulterior motive for rejecting her. It’s not a groundbreaking sentiment, but it’s also not one that’s been expressed before in quite this manner, which makes it typical of Eilish’s relationship to originality.
The album’s deeper pleasures come later in velvety, sad ballads. Finneas’s harmonic layers breathe and quiver while Eilish, gratifyingly, works with more ambiguous meanings than on the uptempo songs. “Listen Before I Go” might be dicey in its romanticization of self-harm—it’s a farewell note from the top of a building—but there’s no denying its cinematic pull as the sound of police sirens fade in. On “I Love You,” the final song before an overture-as-finale track, Eilish’s performance draws a clear and breathtaking division between two modes: wanting to be too cool for desire, and actually experiencing desire. It’s one more ratification that she’s not a shtick, she’s a songwriter.
If anything feels fundamentally young about the music, it’s the heaping amounts of self-identification. Eilish has decided who she is and she wants to tell the world, with a bluntness of the sort that can soften as compromises and course-corrections pile up over the years of someone’s life. She has a “soul so cynical” and renders her heartaches and head rushes in the gothic terms of sin, addiction, and secrets-keeping: a pretty familiar character, really. Or maybe she—as well as other darkness-chasing, chart peers—represents Gen Z cycling back to Gen X’s disaffected purity after the market-minded can-do of the Millennials. (Are the Mansons of the ’90s, Shirley and Marilyn, that decade’s most underratedly relevant stars?) Now, it’s reductive to argue that age cohorts share some cohesive outlook. But Eilish clearly welcomes it. “We’re being ignored and it’s so dumb,” she told NME of the teens. “We know everything.”
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packszfandom · 7 years
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Ellie Goulding Icons
Camila Cabello Headers
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majopacks-blog · 8 years
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Ellie Goulding Pack ♥
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Credit- @majopacks1
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nicolettestuff · 8 years
Autumn Ellie Goulding twitter pack
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moonrosalie · 8 years
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Ellie Goulding
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halseylayout · 9 years
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Lana x Ellie Layouts like or reblog if using if u want credit sunrisehalsey
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abyyssbeats · 4 years
[Free] Ellie Goulding x Selena Gomez Type beat 2020 - "My Love For You" - Pop / Acoustic Guitar Beat
{ "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "[Free] Ellie Goulding x Selena Gomez Type beat 2020 - "My Love For You" - Pop / Acoustic Guitar Beat", "contentUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xO-3aZSGWo", "duration": "0:4:15", "thumbnailUrl": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1xO-3aZSGWo/hqdefault.jpg", "uploadDate": "2020-06-01T12:15:00Z", "description": "Like what you hear? Subscribe for Updates - https://bit.ly/39f0o6b #FREEbeats  pack - https://eepurl.com/gHUgq1 _______________________ 🔽 Download / Buy - https://player.beatstars.com/?storeId=109385&trackId=4873277 🛒 Official Store - https://www.abyyss.com/ The FREE version of this beat is available for non-profit, evaluation purposes only. This means YouTube or Soundcloud use with NO monetization. The free version of this beat is NOT available for streaming services such as Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music etc. Follow me on : 📷 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/abyyssbeats/ 👉 Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/abyyssbeats/ ▶️ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM67VjzpvNk3yfeNKYlVSMg 🎵 Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/abyyssbeats Keywords: pop beat, romantic beat, ellie goulding type beat, selena gomez beat, acoustic guitar type beat, ed sheeran type beat, romantic beat, type beat, guitar type beat, acoustic guitar type beat, acoustic type beat, free pop beats, pop type beat, pop beats, smooth beats, Acoustic Guitar Type Beat Forgive, Emotional Acoustic Guitar Type Beat Hopeful, storytelling beat, love me like you do beat, love me like you do type instrumental, smooth instrumental, smooth jazz, smooth jazz instrumental, pop beat, pop type beat, acoustic instrumental, free instrumental, acoustic type beat, ryini beats, abyyss beats, abyyss music, yo its abyyss, abyyss acoustic, abyyss pop, free r&B beats, r&b beats, free instrumentals, piano beatsm hey there delialah beat, free beat 2020, free type beat 2020 #EllieGouldingTypeBeat x #SelenaGomezTypeBeat" } { "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "MusicRecording", "name": "[Free] Ellie Goulding x Selena Gomez Type beat 2020 - "My Love For You" - Pop / Acoustic Guitar Beat", "byArtist": "Abyyss", "duration": "0:4:15", "thumbnailUrl": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1xO-3aZSGWo/hqdefault.jpg", "datePublished": "2020-06-01T12:15:00Z", "copyrightHolder": "AbyyssMusic International", "copyrightYear": "2020", "description": "Like what you hear? Subscribe for Updates - https://bit.ly/39f0o6b #FREEbeats  pack - https://eepurl.com/gHUgq1 _______________________ 🔽 Download / Buy - https://player.beatstars.com/?storeId=109385&trackId=4873277 🛒 Official Store - https://www.abyyss.com/ The FREE version of this beat is available for non-profit, evaluation purposes only. This means YouTube or Soundcloud use with NO monetization. The free version of this beat is NOT available for streaming services such as Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music etc. Follow me on : 📷 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/abyyssbeats/ 👉 Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/abyyssbeats/ ▶️ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM67VjzpvNk3yfeNKYlVSMg 🎵 Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/abyyssbeats Keywords: pop beat, romantic beat, ellie goulding type beat, selena gomez beat, acoustic guitar type beat, ed sheeran type beat, romantic beat, type beat, guitar type beat, acoustic guitar type beat, acoustic type beat, free pop beats, pop type beat, pop beats, smooth beats, Acoustic Guitar Type Beat Forgive, Emotional Acoustic Guitar Type Beat Hopeful, storytelling beat, love me like you do beat, love me like you do type instrumental, smooth instrumental, smooth jazz, smooth jazz instrumental, pop beat, pop type beat, acoustic instrumental, free instrumental, acoustic type beat, ryini beats, abyyss beats, abyyss music, yo its abyyss, abyyss acoustic, abyyss pop, free r&B beats, r&b beats, free instrumentals, piano beatsm hey there delialah beat, free beat 2020, free type beat 2020 #EllieGouldingTypeBeat x #SelenaGomezTypeBeat" }
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bechispacks · 9 years
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credit to @ehibostick
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