#eli teases gavin too much
copsecore · 10 months
My Thoughts About Hot Boi Summer ‘23:
CW/TW: i will be non-specifically AND specifically referencing at least semi-nsfw content so please dont read if that doesn’t fly with you in any way, please be responsible!
Holy shit what the fuck this was Amazing (im referencing the poll on this post because erik did the results on stream, so yeah). David was in my top three picks for the poll and I was gutted that he didn’t seem to get very high - but i think that’s coz it was the first video, so maybe people had forgotten about it/it wasn’t as much in the forefront of the majority’s minds by the time the poll was released. Pretty much no negative thoughts.
WE NEED MORE CUTE 7/11 DATES OKAY PLEASE ITS SO SWEET. Ofc the snack puns coming in Clutch ugh i loved those. My only issue (“issue”) was literally the same as why i wasn’t over the moon when sam was voted for the ba (sue me. i liked it anyway) and that was just that we had a vincent one a few months ago, and also a pretty pre-sexual vid after that. Also the fact that lovely literally grabbed his junk in semi-(hah, pun)public, but it’s the anti-PDA in me that disliked that part, so feel free to ignore it!
Also in my top picks!!! I was a tad gutted when we didn’t get his. Saw a lot of posts begging for people to vote for it because yk him n starlight have been in literal Hell for years and therefore they deserve some smut time. Super cute vid, “A Romantic Night” is totally the right descriptor for it and also AYO WHIMPERY AVIOR??? YES. sorry ahem it’s the demons.
It was so good. The premise of getting a more subby gavin? chef’s kiss, more please. everything about it was good and i WISH the ba had been how i expected it to go, but we aren’t here for my criticisms of That, so whatever. It links back to an old non-canon Huxley preview vid that was taken from us (RIP) when the channel lost loads of vids, or at least thats what it reminded me of, with the whole BBQ-and-somewhat-sexual-teasing aspect it was amazing and i would like to see more switch-esque gav in the future (*manifesting*)
Not too much to say considering I started this post as a way to lightly complain about the poll results, and Lasky wasn’t on the poll, obviously. Regardless, I’m glad this video went the way it did, I think we’ve seen a lot of lasko being quick to jump the proverbial gun in the last few years, with his non-canon vids, and hooking up with gavin, etc, so it was nice to see him break away from that and ask to move slower coz hell yeah dude, progress and growth!! and i think it shows how much he wants the relationship to be more natural, and not racing ahead, even if he does in part want that - it was sweet as hell.
ELLIOTT (ft. The Dragon):
I gotta say it right off the bat that i just found the video on the more boring end. *POLICE SIRENS BLARING IN THE BACKGROUND* AH FUCK-
I’m just not overly surprised that i think Eli got some of the lowest results on the poll, I enjoyed the video, and i liked it (this will be a recurring statement) but i just didn’t like it As Much. Lots of people (including me, ngl) wanted more of the dragon - but erik’s not about to do weird fantasy not-fully-bestiality-esque stuff guys - and i’m pretty sure I only liked it coz cmon it’s erik doing another hot voice, im gonna be down horrendous BUT NOT FOR AN ACTUAL DRAGON. i am Not donkey from Shrek. And yeah, i know Eli’s powers can be kinda limiting with what they can bring to the (pun not intended) sex-table, but does all of his spicy stuff have to be in a Dreamscape? idk.
My Second Favourite Hands Down. How people picked Sam over riding Ash in the front seat of a rental, i’ll never understand /lh the horn may make me jump every time, but it’s okay, there’s repentance in the tongue kissing, and i stand by that, it was the best bit (or one of the best bits), No Criticisms (except Ash please don’t have sex in a RENTAL. wait until you get to a bedroom at least PLEASE-)
Again, i liked it but not as much. I love Guy, he’s one of my favourites, i can’t really say why i didn’t like this video as much as I normally would, maybe the concept just wasn’t rolling with me as well - the whole idea of post-concert seemed vaguely random, but you could argue that about all of these, so it doesn’t count. did anyone else see this or was it just me, coz if it is then i will quietly wave my flag of solidarity from my hole in the ground where nobody can see it.
I voted Anton. It was the sadness with the feelings and the horniness spicyness towards the end, ugh I loved it, Anton come home from war soon please (im terrified he might die because despite everything, nothing Death Related had happened in project meridian yet, and let’s face it, it’s gonna.) - it was nice seeing a different but also soothing take on the “your lover is leaving for an indefinite amount of time” thing, and how it changed in comparison to James’ video on it. Anton deserved the continuation okay. No aggression though.
This is where I might get more argumentative because I was so disappointed that Sam won the poll, even though I love sammy. It seemed slightly out of character?? with everything we know about Sam, it just seems so unlikely that he would go to a club, let alone start getting, uh, “busy” n shit while at one. he’s not a big fan of PDA because of his past, in my opinion, and i think overall he’s very private, so the setting and stuff just seemed out of place, it would’ve made more sense for Milo’s or smth to be set there - but hell I can’t tell erik how to write his own characters lmao - and still, the ba was Great. with a capital G.
I fell asleep listening to this the first couple of times, which says a lot already. The sensual massage trope has been used as a gateway to presumably spicy off-screen things before (Aaron’s HBW ‘21, Asher’s HBS ‘22) but idky it wasn’t hitting as well as it normally does, maybe it’s wearing thin on my brain. ofc it’s redacted content so i’m gonna eat it up like it’s ass (crude but true) but i listened to it through without falling asleep and was like “yeah it’s good, i like it, but also eh,,,” - like i mentioned, it would’ve made more sense to me if Milo’s and Sam’s were swapped around - anyone agree?
as always, all the videos were really good, and despite whatever came across through this post, overall, i enjoyed all of them, so please don’t take this as a criticism towards erik or any of his work, trust me, i absolutely adore it - i say it every time, but every time it’s worth saying, and also please don’t cancel me. this was a really long post, so a lot of people probably won’t read it, so if you made it this far; well done! have a star 🌟- don’t be afraid to leave any agreements or disagreements in the notes, i love discussing stuff with people! thanks for reading
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hiiraism4 · 4 years
MLQC Song Fic : Gonna Keep it Under
TagYou know what to do : Listen while reading this
Pairing : GavinxReader, GavinxMC
Tag : .....enduring feelings
Words : 1800
What if Gavin didn’t interrupt you/MC on Blind date? 
(Baby, you and I are best friends
So I gotta keep a distance
'Cause I don't want to risk the thing that we have, no)
Your meeting with Gavin was part of Gavin’s plan. It was arranged. But it would be a lie if Gavin said that he didn’t feel excited meeting you again. You both went from awkward to each other to feeling content to each other. You, who were afraid of Gavin, now would go around, proudly saying that Gavin’s your friend, best friend even. 
You would never know how the term of ‘friend’ made Gavin’s heart flutter, even if he yearned for something else, something more. But Gavin would never do that. Being your friend, being able to protect you from far, not being awkward to each other and have fun with each otehr company was all Gavin could ask for.
It would be lying if Gavin said that his crush towards you had died. Nope.
All the years you were apart and Gavin still had the feelings towards you, even if he dated someone else, it didn’t never last longer than a month because Gavin was never emotionally present for his exes. 
(And my tongue I gotta bite it
But it's oh, so hard to fight it
'Cause I don't wanna mess up all that we share)
“So, what’s your relationship with officer Gavin?” Anna asked one day, when Gavin took you to the shooting location with his bike. You turned to see Gavin, smiling. While Gavin maintained his stoic face, his heart was beating fast.
“He was my senior.” you told Anna. “He was scary back at school, but now i can say that he’s my friend.”
Gavin bit the inside of his cheek.
Friends, huh? That works too. Gavin rather be your friend and keep all of his feelings inside rather than risking it by confessing it and losing it all, losing you. After all these years Gavin tried to find you again, after the attempts to tried to be close, Gavin wouldn’t wanna mess up.
Friends it is.
(You're the needle in the haystack
That I found but need to put back
'Cause I don't wanna you to be that one thing I've lost, no
So the truth remains a secret
And forever I'ma keep it
'Cause I fell there is a line that we shouldn't cross)
“So, what do you like about the target?” Eli asked when both he and Gavin went out for a drink. Gavin glared at Eli and the latter coughed clearing his throat, rephrased what he just said. “I mean, that junior of yours.”
“She’s...the one who saved me.” Gavin hold the glass of cocktail in his hand, playing with the ice cubes by shaking the glass. “My evol was awaken by her.” Gavin closed his eyes, remembering the time when he was free falling from the rooftop and felt something awoken deep inside him when he heard the piano playing and your voice.
Eli hummed. “No, i don’t think that’s all.” Eli smirked. “There’s gotta be more to her, Gavin. If it’s just being grateful to her for saving you, you wouldn’t hung up on several girls you dated in the past like that. It was almost like you couldn’t move on from that highschool crush of yours, for years.” 
Gavin gave Eli an annoyed look that Eli knew that he was right. Gavin sighed.
“True, i did like her even before then. She was an honor student, she had many friends, her journalist talent already exist since she was in journalist club.” Gavin sipped the cocktail. “She was scared of me, back then. But she never ran away from me, unlike some girls, even my classmates. She even gave me a bandaid when she saw a cut on my face.” Gavin chuckled to himself. 
Eli was listening to Gavin rambling stuffs he likes from you, probably because he was under alcohol influence that Gavin bared his other side to Eli. Eli found Gavin amusing, like he was talking with a highschool kid who was in love. The older commander remembered the day Gavin walked in to the commander and literally begged for Leto to give Gavin the mission to keep an eye on you, even it was Eli who was originally supposed to do that.
“Then, since you’re close to her now, why don’t you confess to her?” Eli asked.
Gavin fell silent. For a split second, Eli swore he could see Gavin’s sad smile flashed acrossed his face. 
“There’s a line that i should not cross, Eli.”
Eli wasn’t sure if he felt pity towards Gavin, or wanted to slap some sense to the fellow captain of his for being a coward,
(Oh, baby
Situation's crazy
How you make me love you, love you like that
Love you, love you like that
Don't wanna
Be caught up in some drama
And jeopardize the friendship that we have)
“Gavin, you’re back!” you exclaimed happily when you saw Gavin flew just right outside of your apartment’s balcony. 
Gavin’s eyes lit up seeing you. He did flew back from his missions straight to your home when you send a chat to him, asking if he was okay since you couldn’t contact him for 2 weeks straight. Gavin landed on your balcony, taking off his shoes and walked inside your apartment. Soft pastel colors wasn’t really his fave, but seeing your apartment interior, Gavin just began to like it since it suits you.
“Oh no, you’re hurt!” you said as you saw Gavin’s bruises on his hands. Gavin was about to tell you that it was fine but you were forced to sit on the couch while you walked to your bathroom, getting first aid kit.
Gavin watched you closely as you pat his scarred hand with a disinfectant. You frowned, asking him “Does it hurt?” you asked. Gavin shook his head. He was so used with bruises and scars on his body. Part of the mission.
Watching you tend to his wounds patiently made Gavin’s heart flutter. You checked his other hand, find some cuts on his fingers and you also tend to those wounds too. You frowned, complaining that Gavin should take care more of himself, which Gavin smiled to and nodded as you kept on going on your rambles.
Gavin’s heart would even burst when you prepared food for him later that day. Telling that Gavin always eat takeaways and instant noodle so you opted to cook something for him. You weren’t really a chef like Victor but you thought your cooked meal was pretty decent.
“It’s so unfair, making me love you like that.” Gavin murmured as he watched your back, preparing the food for him.
“Hm? What did you just say?” you asked.
Gavin exhaled. “Nothing.” 
(Being with you is impossible
I can never be too close to you
Baby, I don't wanna lose you no
I ain't gonna be delusional (oh oh)
Emotions start to soar
I lock'em in a drawer
Forever gonna keep it just the way that it is)
“Bro, what’re you waiting for? You should’ve totally ask boss out!” Minor exclaimed as he shoved down his hotdog.
“No.” Gavin deadpanned. 
“But Gav! She’s going to the blind date her aunt set up for her, standing you up! How can you just pass the opportunity! Come on, i’ll help you!” Minor clenched his fist to the air.
“No.” Gavin shook his head. “It’s alright Minor. It’s alright already. I’m fine. Besides, there’s no chance that she would go out with that Chandler guy.” 
Gavin heard from Minor that you went out for a blind date your aunt set up for you. You even told Gavin about it on chat. Gavin could feel that he was being anxious but there was nothing he could do but offering his help, like, he would definitely stand by nearby the restaurant you and this Chandler met and would definitely stormed in if things went south and you needed his help. 
But what Gavin didn’t expect when he entered the restaurant and sat a little bit far from you was, you seemed to enjoy Chandler’s company. You even smiled, laughed. And even…...blushed? Gavin bit the inside of his cheek.
Gavin didn’t even know if having Minor with him right now was a help or a torture to him.
“Gavin, you’re impossible! What if she really go out with that guy?! Seriously i’d rather having my boss dating you! You’ve loved her since high school.” Minor kept on persuade Gavin to came and snatched you away from the Chandler guy.
Believe me, Minor. I’d love to. But--
“One more word, i’ll shut you up myself.” Gavin’s replied immediately make Minor went silent and gulped.
(So that's where it ends 
'Cause baby, I love you
But I am never gonna tell you so 
We can be friends
But never a couple 
I don't wanna I don't wanna lose you, no
So I'll just go, go gonna keep it under
It's good just the way that it is
Go, go, gonna keep it under 
'Cause there's just too much I would miss
I'm gonna keep it under)
“You’re dating Chandler?” Gavin replayed what you just said when he took you home.
You nodded excitedly. “Yes, i’ve been going out with him for several months. He confessed to me last night.” you smiled
Gavin didn’t know what he should react to the news. Happy? Sad? He should be happy because the girl he was so in love with is happy right now. Sad because the source of her happiness wasn’t because of him. It was because of someone else.
That’s how it is, huh? This is how it ends.
Eli or Minor would give him an ear later on but right now Gavin had to deal with the harsh reality. Because he didn’t wanna lose her, didn’t wanna lose the thing that he had with her, Gavin held it all in with him, bury all his feelings deep down. In all honesty, Gavin was insecure. Insecure that he wasn’t good enough to be with her, to make her happy. So he opted to stand by her side, protecting her, like a friend would, while he watched her from far.
“I love you, that’s why, i will let you go.” was what Gavin had in mind.
If you’re happy with your relationship with Chandler, then so be it. At least Gavin would still be able to stay by your side, even if he wouldn’t be able to taste your cooking anymore, or have any excuse to come to your apartment right after his missions.
That was for the best.
“I’m happy for you.” Gavin smiled, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Thank you.” you smiled back at him.
But Gavin had a bad feeling.
A real bad feeling about your relationship with the man named Chandler.
If this Chandler ever hurt you, or he found out that he hurt you, Gavin wouldn’t stay calm about it. He promised himself. He sacrificed his own feelings, keeping it under for years.
How long will it last?
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Headcanon - When he sleep talks
Original title: 当他说梦话
Original author: 君兮耶君兮
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It’s nighttime, and Victor is sound asleep beside you. With a practised hand, you feel for your phone from underneath the pillow. Tapping open the e-novel application, you start “committing a crime”.
Since he has repeatedly prohibited you from staying up late to use your phone, you carefully scrutinise Victor’s actions, deathly afraid that he’d suddenly wake up and catch you red-handed.
The rustling of fabric drifts from behind you as Victor turns over. A large hand wraps itself around your waist, and you instinctively lock your phone and hide it beneath your pillow, pretending to be asleep.
A long time passes without any further movements from the person behind you. Turning your head slightly to observe the situation, you discover that he’s still asleep. What happened earlier was simply him sleep talking. Relieved, you feel for your phone again, continuing with your little antics.
Soon after, the person behind you begins to mumble again. “It’s not that I don’t like you.”
Your finger pauses on the screen. You seem to have heard something interesting? As someone in the media industry, the acuteness in your DNA causes you to tap on the recorder app to capture what’s going on.
Victor’s chin rests against your head. Cushioned on his arm, you can clearly hear what he’s saying. “I’ll always like you.”
“Who?” You whisper.
“Dummy.” He responds quickly. If you hadn’t verified it earlier, you might have suspected that he wasn’t sleeping at all.
The corners of your lips curl into a slight smile. Closing the recorder app, you place your phone down. Scooting backwards against him, you sink into a peaceful sleep.
While Victor is preparing breakfast the next day, you lift your hand and wave your phone in front of him triumphantly. “Victor, you confessed to me last night!”
He cracks an egg into the frying pan. Hearing what you said, he remains unaffected as he continues to cook. “You had a dream?”
“No, it’s the truth!” 
You knew he wouldn’t believe you, which is why you had the recording prepared.
After hearing it, Victor turns off the fire. He takes your phone to check its veracity, then returns it to you with a glance and a dry laugh. “You recorded this at 1.13am. Looks like a certain someone slept pretty late last night.”
Your heart sinks, and you completely forget about the recording as you retort. “No I didn’t! You saw wrongly!”
How could he not understand you? While he metes out the punishment, he places a plate of warm omelette into your hands. “From tonight onwards, you’ll sleep half an hour earlier than before. You’ll also give your phone to me.”
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If you hadn’t witnessed it personally, you never would have believed that the all-powerful Officer Gavin would turn into a clingy little wolf at night.
Returning from a mission, Gavin manages to fall into a deep sleep when it’s still relatively early. Grabbing a book, you sit on the bed to keep him company. Reaching out to cover him with a blanket, you suddenly hear Gavin’s voice.
“I want a hug.”
Finding this humorous, you wrap your arms around his shoulders. As though you’re coaxing a child, you pat him on the back. “Here you go.”
“Don’t go. Don’t leave me alone.” You aren’t sure what he’s dreaming about, but his brows are tightly knit, and he seems uneasy.
This causes your heart to ache, and you respond gently. “Silly Gavin. I won’t leave you.”
Perhaps hearing this assurance, Gavin presses himself against you. After a while, he clicks his tongue, muttering hazily. “I want a homemade bento.”
This is the first time Gavin is asking for a bento directly. Before, he always dropped hints along the lines of, “Sometimes, my colleagues would bring homemade bentos”. You feel tickled by this. A childish Officer Gavin is especially adorable, and adorable children always get special treatment. “Okay, I’ll prepare it for you tomorrow.”
Gavin mumbles to himself softly. “The dishes in the canteen aren’t as delicious as what you make.”
Your smile falls. Didn’t he mention that STF doesn’t have a canteen? 
Putting on a professional smile, you lean closer to him and whisper into his ear. “Gavin, what’s the salary of the aunties working in the STF canteen?”
“$620 a month.” Gavin responds without hesitation.
“Good. Very good.” You straighten up, smiling wryly as you flip to the next page of the book, as though nothing had happened.
“I’m off.” Gavin gives you a goodbye kiss, his spirits high as he heads out of the door carrying an exquisitely wrapped bento box.
“Be safe!” Your smile is the same as every morning.
“Gav, what delicious food did she prepare for you today?” Eli pulls Tang Chao over so he can experience the pain of being single too.
Mentioning the homemade bento brings a smile to Gavin’s eyes. While responding, he opens up the bento. “I don’t know either. She was really secretive about it in the morning, and said I should only look at it at noon...” 
Very soon, he isn’t able to continue smiling. Slices of green bitter gourd are neatly laid out in the box. Aside from that, there’s nothing else inside.
“HAHAHAHA. Does sis-in-law want to help relieve your internal heat?” Eli chuckles boisterously, and Tang Chao’s shoulders tremble from suppressing his laughter.
The chopsticks in Gavin’s hand are on the verge of snapping. As they continue rubbing salt into his wound, the chopsticks curve.
He shoots them a glare. “Get out!”
“Gav, don’t murder your squad mates!”
[Trivia] One of Gavin’s “Go See Him” lines is - “There isn’t a canteen in STF, but the nearby eateries aren’t bad.”
However, in an official post about Loveland City, it’s revealed that there IS a canteen. This has been a running joke in the CN community because we still don’t know if it’s a mistake by Papergames or if Gavin really lied to MC so that she’d make him bentos (っ˘ω˘ς )
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Mr Lucien has always lacked a sense of security, and this is something you’re well aware of. However, the vulnerabilities he reveals to you are mostly meant to tease you, or used to stir up sympathy. You can only get a glimpse of his genuine unease after Lucien falls asleep.
“Mm...” Lucien’s eyes are shut tight, as though he’s having a nightmare.
Since you drank a cup of milk tea before heading to bed, you aren’t drowsy at all. Sensing Lucien’s movements, you pat the large hand wrapped around your waist. “What’s wrong?” you whisper.
Thinking that Lucien is feeling uncomfortable due to the heat, you attempt to put some distance between the both of you. However, the arm around your waist tightens. Not knowing if he’s awake or not, you don’t dare to move much.
Lucien embraces his treasure as he mumbles to himself. “My... Little Butterfly belongs only to me...”
You smile in resignation. Lucien has always been stubborn when it comes to staking his claim on something. This doesn’t upset you. In fact, you have the impulse to tease him even though he’s asleep. “Really?”
“We’ll see who dares to snatch you away.” Lucien’s brows furrow even more, dyeing his expression with an intimidating aura.
Having a bad feeling that you accidentally stepped on a landmine, you decide to soothe the atmosphere so that Professor Lucien wouldn’t feel troubled in his sleep. Before you can do so, you hear a dry chuckle. “A collaborative partner? Hmph.”
The threatening tone in his voice causes you to tremble, and an iciness travels up your spine and into your brain. You instinctively tense up, and you decide to wake him up.
“Pete, could you bring me that box of scalpels?” His gloomy voice makes him seem like an entirely different person. “Little Butterfly, you can only be mine. Forever.”
You shut your mouth. The Ultima Bioresearch Centre measures its scalpels in boxes?
Sensing your movements, Lucien opens his eyes slowly. In the haze of drowsiness, he kisses your hair while speaking with concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Your survival instincts cause you to shrink your neck backwards, and you nuzzle into the arms of the big fox. “Goodnight.”
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[ KIRO  ]
“Miss... Chips...”
A soft mumble rouses you from the world of novels. Turning your head, you watch as Kiro is sprawled on the bed, quietly tugging the blanket over his bare chest.
Kiro nuzzles the pillow with a slight frown. It seems as if he’s dreaming about something troubling. “Miss Shrimp Strips...”
Your fingers pause on the screen when you hear this familiar yet unfamiliar term of address. Although the both of you often eat shrimp strips, he has never called you “Miss Shrimp Strips”. Does Kiro have another snack in his life?
Thinking of this possibility, your expression turns cold, and you decide to observe further. After waiting for such a long time that you start to doubt if you were merely hallucinating earlier, he finally speaks. “Miss Drumstick...”
Okay. You didn’t mishear earlier. There’s a Miss Drumstick now.
“Miss Popcorn...”
It’s said that dreams portray the most genuine reflections of reality. What one thinks about in the morning is what one dreams about at night. You never imagined that Kiro would be this sneaky in his dreams. Taking a deep breath, you inch closer to him.
The arm of justice reaches out to the unsuspecting Kiro. The second before his head is ripped off, he suddenly twitches, giving you a fright and causing you to pause.
“No! All of you are fakes!” His voice carries with it a sense of righteousness.
There’s a dramatic twist in his dream?
Kiro releases a “hmph”. He shakes off the blanket with a hand before exclaiming, “I, Kiro Bohu, will find the genuine Miss Chips!’
You burst into laughter. If you’d known earlier, you wouldn’t have forced him to watch “Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" with you earlier. Covering him with the blanket properly, you pat his golden coloured hair. “Your Miss Chips is right here.”
As though he’s able to hear this, Kiro curls his four limbs as he nuzzles against you. “Mm... Miss Chips...”
“Goodnight, Mr Chips.”
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[ SHAW ]
A noise sounds in the quiet and still room, causing your fingers to pause. Did he realise that you’re staying up? You quickly turn around to look at Shaw behind you. 
At this moment, his eyes are shut tight, his breathing is even, and he doesn’t seem to be awake. You heave a sigh of relief. As long as you don’t get caught, you'd continue using your phone.
“What’s that?”
Another sound drifts over, but it sounds a little unhappier than before.
“What’s what?” You find yourself responding instinctively after growing accustomed to retorting him.
Shaw purses his lips, and he appears to be having an unpleasant dream. You shift a little further away, afraid that he’d progress from simply retorting to whacking you.
Shaw turns over, unable to break free from his dream. “Dragonfly Eye. Don’t lose it again.”
“Your dream’s pretty exaggerated.” You roll your eyes. You’ve only lost the Dragonfly Eye once - and it was 99% due to a certain someone’s “assistance”.
Shaw doesn’t seem to have had his fill yet. He adds another grumble.
“Silly woman.”
The familiar term of address leaves absolutely no doubt that his current dream involves you. You take a deep breath. “Carry on if you dare!”
Even when he’s asleep, Shaw is the same as when he’s awake, meeting you head-on.
Fuming, you give him a kick to the butt, sending him off the bed.
Shaw is startled awake. He scans his surroundings in confusion, then covers his injured area while standing up, gritting his teeth. “What’s up with you!”
You respond with a glare. “You insulted me! Twice! You pig!”
Shaw, who was kicked awake but has no idea what happened: ???
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[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: Can, just state the author and the source
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
On Jealousy
I owe this analysis/answer to an anon ask which I've accidentally posted, though only with the introduction sentence and then couldn't retrieve.🙈
Dear anon, this analysis is dedicated to you.
Thank you @sin-with-quiche for proofreading and @lunabai78 for the spiritual support 💕💕💕
We have quite a number of moments in our journey with Gavin... Some are funny, some are cute, some are...mmm over the edge
If you ask me whether Gavin is a jealous man, I would give you two answers:
1) Pre and early relationship... Absolutely!
2) Established relationship... The fitting colloquial term is "territorial".
In order to look at Gavin's attitude towards other males and whether to categorize them as jealous behaviour or not, first we need to describe jealousy .
Jealousy generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety.
The word stems from the French jalousie, formed from jaloux (jealous), and further from Low Latin zelosus (full of zeal), in turn from the Greek word ζήλος (zēlos), sometimes "jealousy", but more often in a positive sense "emulation, ardour, zeal" (with a root connoting "to boil, ferment"; or "yeast").
As you can see, there are different set of emotions that might boil or ferment the reaction of jealousy in one's belly.
My personal take on this is that jealousy arises from two simple things 1) Lack of self-confidence 2) Lack of trust towards one's partner (in terms of romantic jealousy). You don't get jealous when you know you're one hell-of-a-mate and are with the right person. Which is why as we will see in a minute Gavin fits the bill at the beginning but afterwards his jealousy isn't actually jealousy at all!
So which sets of emotions lead to his jealous behaviour and in which conjuncture?
We know that Gavin is completely attuned to MC. This also applies for his reaction towards the presence of other guys around her. So the type of jealousy he displays is attuned to MCs type of reaction to the source of his jealousy. He observes MCs aura and attitude carefully and then reacts in an either desirous, protective, territorial or downright pouty manner.
If he sees the person is overstepping their boundaries like TNTs Tyson or the guys catcalling her during Romantic Date, he gets protective. If he sees someone from his inner cycle being only the slightest overfamiliar with MC as in his phone call with Eli, he gets territorial and draws boundaries. If he gets ditched by MC and walks on her having lunch with another guy all the while she's being touched by him and she's not showing any protest, he pouts in the corner and stabs MC with his words "Too much of anything can get boring after a while" (love this moment and how Joe delivers this line with a strong tonation on the word - boooring-)
If he sees the person is actually drawing MCs attention, well... This is where we can look more into. Because this is actually a stereotypical example of making one jealous. Seeing your love interest with another person in an over-friendly manner.
In Trio Date, he worries that MC might have a crush on Kiro and a close relationship with him. Which is understandably an alarming situation for him, because he isn't that close to her himself and Kiro is... well... Kiro. Pretty much everyone's into him 🌟. But Gavin doesn't show any aggression or envy towards Kiro. On the contrary, he praises him for his charm and even says that he can see what people mean by that as in confessing to being charmed by Kiro himself. I really praise how elegant Gavin acts in the face of this situation 👑 Needless to say, it's a Gavin date, meaning the canon couple in this scenario is Gavin x MC (On a side note pretty bold and disrespectful of PG to put another LI in the supporting male role in a date for another tbh) And also RIP Chandler, the poor guy didn't do anything wrong ^_^
At this point I need to let one thing out of my chest though. I can't say that I appreciate him telling MC when and where to wear revealing clothes <spoiler alert> only for him. Even though we don't actually see him seriously forbidding her to wear them I think it would be better to leave her be the judge of it. But considering the fact that she gets catcalled even at his presence I can kinda see why Gavin gets protective here. On a side note, his girlfriend isn't better on this matter either. MC covers Gavin's body at the beach during 2021 summer event in CN server so that other girls don't drool over him 🤣 These two have some homework to do in that department I tell you that 😅
In the more mature phases of their relationship, we no longer see Gavin feeling himself threatened by the presence of another male. AT ALL! All Gavin jealousy after this point is only because someone is overstepping their boundaries and making "his girl" uncomfortable.
Gavin might be the one acting jealous the most frequently among the LIs, but he never ever gets possessive over her, limits her freedom or makes unconfirmed self proclaims on behalf of her. Being possessive over someone objectifies them and the moment you objectify a person, you no longer need to be in a relationship with them tbh. Leaving your partner room to breathe and respecting their personal space is important and Gavin does this the best alongside with Kiro. We also never see Kiro getting possessive, limiting or doing anything of that nature with MC.
Further in their relationship Gavin still acts jealous, but in an extremely cute, pure and harmless way. Be it against prankster ghosts, animals she's met in the middle of the desert, a wild child, service dogs, birds and co. Basically anyone and anything that diverts her attention from him for more than a nanosecond can be perceived as a threat but an adult male 😂At his core, Gav-babe wants MC all for himself but his jealousy is actually only adorkable.
In the main story, however, there is a certain LI which becomes the magnet for Gavin's firsthand jealousy and even kinda provokes this. And this is actually what I am dying to write about in this post😈. It only happens at the beginning of the story, but I love it so much and therefore it must be in this post.
Gavin shows signs of jealousy towards one particular LI at various occasions and that is...
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Gavin shows obvious signs of jealousy towards our genius scientist and that is completely understandable! Lucien is the one who makes his advances first and is the most straightforward one throughout the main story. Plus, he lives right next to MC and, let's be honest here, is the only one who toys with MC's poor hormones the most. Just to give one example:
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Gavin and MC don't become quite a couple before CH12 and S1 Gavin has some issues with self-worth and confidence (towards MC). When he meets MC again after 6 years, he is perplexed and is fairly clueless as to how to approach her romantically. Lest Gavin making the wrong moves, he acts weirdly around MC which further confuses her. Gav-babe is really weird at the beginning of the story 😅
The first time we see Gavin getting jealous about Lucien is in CH2, when he and MC spend a prolonged period of time for the first time as they investigate the time warping incident. Our birdcop is hopelessly in love with MC so when he sees her become so red on the phone with another person, he gets worked up.
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Fun trivia, Joe's reaction to this moment can be found here
The second instance is when MC spends two nights in a row with Lucien in CH5 and then falls asleep in her office.
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It is crucial to remember at this point that up to CH5, MC seems to be most romantically involved with Lucien and spends most of her time with him. LuLu mercilessly teasing her and flirting with her doesn't help much in that sense either because he is actively making advances on her. Thus announcing his candidacy for "Mr. Love". So when Gavin catches MC spending nights following Lucien, having phone calls with him, living right next door to him, working closely with him and blushes because of him, it's fairly understandable that our birdcop gets fairly jealous because at that point in the story Lucien seems to have a better shot at love with her than he does.
Btw, MC flatlines on his question as to who is the resource of her flustering this time around and doesn't explain herself ;)
Interestingly though, in the third instance, where Gavin sees MC and Lucien, he isn't jealous at all! In the famous "Rude Awakening" moment, the vibes we get at first is as if Gavin walks in to MC and Lucien. But actually our protective boyfriend is there to save MCs life. What's more, he doesn't give credit to Lucien's provocations, such as when he calls Gavin "dangerous" or pulls MC behind him, stays extremely close to her and plays the "protective boyfriend" in front of him. On Gavin's defense, the one actually saves MCs life and protects her is Gavin here as he deflects the bullet shot at her.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Furthermore, he asks Lucien to take MC home, albeit not before telling her that he will be contacting her later, signaling to Lucien that he shouldn't stick along for long. A highly subtle way of "marking his territory", much like a wolf would. God I love this scene both in the main story and in the anime.
It is necessary to mention at this point that the chapter following this scene revolves around Gavin and MC clearing all kinds of misunderstandings between them and MC trying to bind with him. Hence laying the first stones in the temple of their relationship. After that point we no longer see Gavin showing any kind of jealousy towards anyone. So mark CH7 people ;)
You know what I would love to see? Gavin getting jealous over Shaw. I wonder whether he even knows that MC spends time with him 🤔 Too bad that PG has left the idea "brother conflict".
If you would like to read another perspective on this, Cheri has posted her analysis here
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Soooo you don't have to spoil anything but I would love to read a lil story about Elijah's and Gavin's childhoods together, and how that relates to them now
They didn’t get together like this often, and Gavin was starting to remember why. On the rare occasions he came to visit Elijah he was reminded of how different they had become. Elijah was still just as much of an oddity, he now had the money to fund all of his strange interests. He was waiting in the living room for Elijah to finish whatever he was doing, he knew he was welcome to go into the office, but he didn’t like the charade Eli used when he was working. He was here to visit his brother, not the eccentric billionaire Elijah Kamski. He missed how it used to be. They both did, back before Elijah’s mind put him on the fast track to fame and fortune. When they could just be kids.  Before the were divided by titles like boy genius and his problem child step brother. That’s why Gavin had wanted to start doing this. To give Eli a break. They usually just talked instead of getting into trouble, but it was still nice. At they very least with time Elijah had stopped holding it over Gavin’s head that he was technically the older brother. They were step siblings with only a couple month between them, but for a while after the wedding Elijah never let him forget it. Back then it had been something that drove Gavin up a wall, it was never something he thought he would look back fondly on, but here he was. They had just started to get along when Elijah got put on the gifted track and bumped up a grade.
He was pulled out of his head by the heavy clunk of Elijah’s office door shutting, “God I hate video calls.” He said in way of a greeting. “What happened to just uploading a still of your face and talking.” Gavin quipped. “So that didn’t exactly go over well.” Elijah replied, “Apparently a picture of me in an open silk bathrobe “is not business attire,” like, excuse you it’s my company, I think I can answer a call in a bathrobe if you call me at seven am thanks.” “Ah yes, the struggles of being a groundbreaking entrepreneur who does is best work in between the hours of ten at night and one am.” Gavin remarked dryly. “Okay, fuck you Gav.” Elijah laughed, “So what’s the plan.” “Are you in the mood to go out at all?” He asked and Elijah gave him a look, “Alright, staying in it is. We could order lunch or something I guess and catch up.” “That works, I just don’t really feel like dealing with anymore people right now.” Elijah admitted. “That’s fair. Got any place in mind or do you want to wait until later?” He continued. “Later.” Elijah replied.
They got the small talk out of the way. Gavin remarked on Elijah still being single,and he was relentlessly teased about still not getting in a relationship with Richard. It was nice. Once Elijah dropped his business persona it was almost like they were kids again. This is what exactly what Gavin had missed most when Elijah had graduated and made his way out into the world. They wound up ordering from a pizza place that Gavin wouldn’t have even looked at given how expensive it was. They were sitting on the edge of the deep red pool with their feet in the water as they had lunch.  “I still can’t believe you did this,” Gavin said and kicked his feet in the water for emphasis, “It reminds me of the time we filled the inflatable kiddie pool with Kool Aid every time I look at it.” “The magic of red tiling,” His brother laughed, “Red Kool Aid would have been too sticky, but I had remember our greatest moment some how.” “Your greatest moment,” He remarked, “I began a reign of terror one you started high school.” “Don’t worry, I heard all about it.” He replied. “Why can’t things be that easy again, I miss it.” “Because we’re adults now.” Gavin grumbled, “With responsibilities and all that.” “Speak for yourself.” Came the half joke response, “But seriously Gavin, we should do this more often.” “i can’t come out here all the time, maybe try visiting me every once in a while yeah?” He pushed. “Maybe. But I worked hard for my title of recluse.” He teased. “I can and will push you into this pool.” Gavin threatened.
“You wouldn’t-” Elijah didn’t get to finish because Gavin made good on his promise, “You are the absolute worst.” “And yet, you keep inviting me back.” He grinned.
(Prompt from this list)
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Coffee, Crushes and Complications 2
Okay, this was prompted a lot by the lovely @headfulloffantasy @nobodygtb2 and two anons! I hope I could do the demand justice!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 [Prequel]   [Part1]   [Part3]   [Part4]
Tina sighed. She didn’t even have to look up to know who was approaching her first thing the next morning. The RK900 stopped at a respectful distance to her desk and clasped his hands behind his back. He opened his mouth, but Tina interrupted before a single word left his lips. ‘Yes, I think Gavin meant what he said to you yesterday. No, I don’t think he wants to see you again. No, I don’t know how you can win him over.’ The android looked at her in confusion, closed his mouth and opened it again. ‘Don’t try telling me you  don’t have a crush on this man’, Tina just warned. The RK900 sighed deeply and pulled over a chair from the neighbouring booth sitting down in front of her. ‘First off, I don’t have a crush, I just admire his work and Reed seems like an extraordinary person-‘ ‘That’s kind of a crush though.’ ‘I don’t-‘ RK900 stopped and grinded his teeth in frustration. ‘Listen, I just want to apologize.’ ‘Yeah, because the last time you tried it worked perfectly’, Tina teased. ‘Maybe it’s because I approached him unexpectedly? Maybe if I could ask for a-‘ ‘A date?’ ‘A meeting’, he stressed. ‘So we can properly talk about it.’
Tina kneaded her forehead. ‘Listen, Rich, you are talking about Gavin Reed here. The guy can’t stand talking properly about anything. And I thought you got his message last time: He doesn’t want your apology. He is happy, he found his place in life. I don’t think your apology will mean much to him. Especially when you have done nothing wrong.’ She looked the android in the eyes. ‘Drop that damn apology. You did apologise and Gavin didn’t care. That’s your part done. Except if what you want from him is more than just that.’ The RK900 glared at her. ‘Hey, all I’m saying is you could ask him out like any normal person.’ ‘I am only interested in having my apology heard’, RK900 spat with a blue-tinted face, then he rolled the chair back and left Tina giggling. Yeah. Sure.
‘Don’t get too used to these snacks’, Gavin laughed as his cat basically inhaled the slimy paste Elijah pressed out of the tube. ‘Daddy did get a raise, but I can’t compete with Eli.’ ‘Oh, I don’t think you will wither away to nothing’, Eli laughed petting Bready with a smile. ‘You get fatter every time I visit.’ ‘Hey, that’s not true’, Gavin protested. ‘You are a lady! Don’t listen to him!’ Eli put away the cat snacks and went back to Gavin on his couch where the cold beer was slowly warming up. ‘Now, tell me, with whom did you sleep to get this raise?’ ‘With your mom’, Gavin muttered back what had Eli nearly choking on his drink. ‘God, Gavin, your mom jokes? Really?’ ‘Hey, with us it’s funny because I can actually say it without bashing myself.’ ‘Still gross.’ ‘Maybe.’
‘So you won’t tell me?’ ‘Urgh, I will but it’s not that interesting. Just embarrassed some rich asshole on camera and made him spill all his shit as he tried to get back on track.’ ‘Do I have to worry?’ Gavin laughed and boxed his shoulder. ‘Hey, not anymore. These days you stopped being a rich asshole. Now you are just rich. I mean come on, you basically presented the police the culprits on a silver plate. Not many people in your position would do this.’ ‘It’s bad for business if someone would find out’, Eli shrugged. ‘Better to get these idiots out of the way now and use it to better our image.’ Gavin looked over to his brother suspiciously. ‘Also androids are people now and it’s against the law to try force them back to be slaves.’ ‘Sure, that one too’, Eli grinned. ‘Seems like you compete hard to regain the title of rich asshole…’ ‘Nah, I’m just getting on your nerves, brother, believe me. I love Chloe like a daughter, even if I wanted to, she wouldn’t let me.’
They sat next to each other for a while and watched how Bready tried to hustle another snack from Elijah. ‘And, any plans for the future?’, Eli asked finally, lifting up his cat to pet her what she accepted begrudgingly playing for the long game. ‘For the future? Hmm, not phcking up what I worked for I guess.’ ‘I meant personally. Are you considering dating again?’ ‘Says the man who decided that he’s fine alone.’ ‘I am’, Eli stressed, allowing no further discussion. ‘But doesn’t mean that’s the life for you.’ Gavin sighed and leaned his head back on the rest closing his eyes. ‘I’m not saying I didn’t consider it. But I’m a bit tired of it. I mean dates and getting to know people is fine, but… Most of the time it’s just an excuse for one-night stands and if I looked for that, I wouldn’t have put in all that effort of trying to figure out whether we fit together or not, you know?’ ‘My little brother being romantic? Is the world ending?’ ‘I mean, I’m successful and happy, might as well… But nah, maybe I am romantic, but I’m done having fun and playing around, I would like something constant in my life. Damn, maybe I’m just getting old?’ Eli laughed. ‘Hey, it’s valid. I understand you. Maybe you could ask Tina, she seems to have a good nose for people.’ ‘Right’, Gavin resigned. ‘”Hey, Tina, didn’t you date a few guys in the beginning? Any of them still available?” Real good idea.’ ‘Just trying to help.’ ‘I know. Let’s talk about something else, okay?’
Elijah had stayed late and although he had helped, Gavin still was left trying to tidy up the kitchen in the evening. After he finally finished cleaning, he decided to check his phone and then head in for the night. It should turn out being a mistake:
>Hello Mr. Reed. >I am sorry for this unexpected message. I found your number by interfacing with Tina’s phone because I don’t know how to reach you any other way. >You have told me you don’t want my pity. I understand that. But I hope you understand my situation as well. I still feel guilty. But I know another apology won’t be accepted by you. >Instead, maybe we could meet for a coffee? To talk about it and get to know each other? From what I’ve seen in your work you are a very interesting man. >I’m sorry if this sounded weird. >I’m new to texting. >Please let me know if that would be acceptable.
Gavin frowned. He had immediately connected the messages to belong to the other Connor, this… Richard? But why did this android bother him again after he basically – no, literally told him to phck off? He read the texts again and hovered over the keyboard. Should he ignore it? Text back? And in what way? He was tempted to just write where the android could stick his words, but it seemed to be a honest concern of the RK. Hell, maybe e should agree just to get rid of him? A part of him was interested in knowing who the new guy was that had replaced him. A part of him he never acknowledged, because he was over his last life, he was over and done with it. He had become better. He had grown. Maybe he should do the right thing and indulge the stupid android. He sighed and began typing.
Fine.< When and where?<
RK900 couldn’t believe what he saw on the display of his phone. >I’m here, where the fuck are you? Well, he couldn’t believe the human had agreed to it in the first place. After how abrasive he had been when they had met in the coffee shop… but well, here they were and RK900 knew he just had to wait and see how it would go. I am sitting at the table in the corner. I see you.< Already got us coffee and something to eat I hope you like.< ‘Damn persistent bot you are’, Gavin sighed as he went over to the table where the Connor-lookalike sat. ‘You agreed to it’, the android shrugged. ‘Yeah, I guess I have. Truth to be told, I don’t really know why. I was a bit tipsy, but that’s no explanation.’
RK900 didn’t know how to answer to that and just pushed the coffee and a slice of cake over to the human, who huffed with a smile. ‘At least I do like what you decided to get. By the way, you don’t have to pay for this shit, okay?’ ‘You didn’t accept my apology. See it as indulging an android’s bad conscience.’ Gavin shrugged again and took the first fork of cake. ‘Hey, not saying no to free food.’ ‘Good to hear as I can’t eat it.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yes. Everything liquid is… fine, although a bit of a mess later on.’ ‘But still you drink coffee?’ ‘Like the taste.’ Gavin smirked, but otherwise said nothing until he had downed half his cake.
‘Alright, bot, what did you want to talk about?’, Gavin asked. ‘My name is Richard.’ ‘That’s a shit name, Dick.’ ‘Please don’t call me that.’ ‘Sure as hell won’t call you Richard. That’s a grandfather’s name. Chose it yourself?’ ‘No’, the android sighed. ‘But it’s what most people called me after I said it’s a name I would consider.’ Gavin huffed from his nose at that. ‘Yeah that sucks.’ ‘I mean I do like it in a way. But I still consider myself RK900.’ ‘Okay, I get how people call you Richard now.’
‘Anyways, what I really wanted to talk about was you.’ ‘Me?’, Gavin asked. ‘Really, that’s a bad decision.’ ‘I am amazed of your work.’ ‘Okay?’ ‘And how you managed to solve some cases… I truly hope to one day be as good as you were.’ Gavin looked the android in the eyes trying to figure out if this was a joke. It wasn’t. Gavin cringed a bit as he answered: ‘Well, I’m sure it’s just experience. Was in this job for seventeen years. You learn a thing or two.’ ‘But you proved remarkable talent from the very beginning’, the android pointed out. ‘Listen, you don’t need to be nice to me. I was a real asshole. I was good at one thing and one thing only and that was my job. I sucked at everything else.’ ‘I’m sure Tina would beg to differ.’ ‘Differing is her phcking hobby.’ That actually made the android laugh. It sounded weird and mechanical. ‘Oh, that’s a good one, need to remember that.’
Gavin looked at the android who grinned wide and caught himself smiling too. Immediately he willed it away. This was supposed to be a one-time thing. Letting the android talk about what bothered him and then never see him again. But… When had he decided that? He thought about what his therapist had told him. Change your old behaviours if you want to change how people see you and better yourself, fake it if you must. Was this old Gavin speaking? Or new Gavin? Phck.
‘She really can be a pain in the ass’, Richard - RK900 – whatever – ripped him out of his thoughts. ‘But she is a good friend.’ ‘You two are friends?’ ‘Yes. She honoured your promise by the way. She never talked about you. That’s actually what made me want to know you for a long time.’ ‘For a long time?’, Gavin asked, lifting one brow. ‘I mean, if you haven’t been active very long I guess everything is a long time. But no, I read a lot about you when I started to work at the police, and I wanted to know the man behind the name.’
Gavin was a bit weirded out and some part of him wanted to shut this conversation down immediately. But he decided against it. Maybe this was worth a shot. ‘Well, then ask away. I’m not that interesting but go ahead.’ Apparently that had been the only sign the android had needed because the questions started to come down like rain: ‘What kind of music do you like?’ ‘Are you a dog person?’ ‘Any hobbies?’ ‘How did you find your new job?’ ‘What’s the name of your cat?’ Initially Gavin had thought to spend an hour max at this café with the android. But the hours flew past as he answered the android’s questions and listened as he shared information on the different topics himself. And as they stood up and left the café with them both awkwardly standing on the street in front of it, Gavin realised he actually had enjoyed this day quite a lot. He looked up at the android, who rubbed his neck and… was that a blush? When they made eye-contact, RK900 spoke up, obviously self-conscious: ‘I… I really liked talking to you, Gav- Mr. Reed?’ ‘Gavin is fine. And I think I- No, I enjoyed it too. You are a nice person. You deserve the job you got, okay?’ And if he hadn’t been sure before, now that blue tint unmistakably was a blush.
‘Would you-‘ ‘Would you like-‘ They looked at each other and burst into laughter. It was Gavin, who recovered first and nodded. ‘Yeah. I would like. Next weekend? Same place same time?’ ‘Gladly.’
[>next part]
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redqueen-hypothesis · 4 years
eye spy ➳ gavin (mlqc)
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➳ PAIRING: reader x gavin (mlqc)
➳ WORD COUNT: 1704
➳ GENRE: fluff
➳ SYNOPSIS: gavin is away on a mission and gives you terrible life updates. you’re forced to resort to more... underhanded means.
➳ REMARKS: based on this one scene from descendants of the sun because it was so cute-
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Gavin’s away on a mission again.
Pouting, you glance at the clock on the wall, dressed comfortably in one of his tees, the collar slipping of your bare shoulder. The mission this time is supposed to last for a week, and it’s been three days without him. Now that he’s gone, you realise just how much you had gotten used to his presence in your life. When you’re cooking dinner, you measure out two portions of rice instead of one. When you wake up with your cheek pillowed on your arms and your laptop still running in front of you, you wonder groggily for a moment why Gavin hadn’t woken you - only to realise that he’s away.
It’s the first time he’s been away from you so long since you’ve started dating. You miss him, the thought of him lingering at the back of your mind whenever you’re at work, when you’re home, when the ginkgo leaves fall, when the wind caresses your face.
You remember him saying once, that he feels you in the wind no matter where you are. When the breeze touches your cheeks, is he thinking about you too?
Knowing Gavin, he’d probably say something cheesy - like he’s always thinking about you. You’d smile at him and tease him, your own cheeks pink as you look at the sincerity in his gaze, heart so full of love you feel overwhelmed. With a longing sigh, you flop back onto the bed and glance at the clock again.
Almost eleven...
The wind comes in and stirs the tiny silver bells on your ginkgo leaf wind chime, and you smile at the thought that he might be thinking about you right now. You’ll never know for sure, but it’s nice to think about. You’re definitely thinking about him all the time.
When you close your eyes, you can almost imagine the sound of his breathing next to you, the gentle warmth that radiates off his body as he shifts on the bed while reading through mission reports and briefings. You’ve always cherished time spent with him, but now, the memories of your moments together are treasured a little closer to your heart.
Your phone rings.
Excitement lights up your face and you’re racing to grab your phone, raising to your ear with the brightest smile on your face.
Three days feels like far too long without you.
Gavin sits at the edge of his bunk bed fresh from the shower, toweling his hair dry. It’s been three days since he’s left on his mission, and with each day, the ache to see you again only grows more and more. He wants to hold you in his arms, breathe in the scent of you and bury his face in your hair. Unfortunately, all he has on this mission is-
“Yo, Gavin. I’ll be stepping out for a while now, I’ve got a call to take.” Eli calls merrily from the door, brown eyes crinkling and waving his phone in his hand. There’s a bright grin on his face. Gavin nods, mildly curious as he reaches for his shirt slung over the headboard. “Who is it?”
He does call you every day when he’s able, but he can’t quite stand being on the phone with you for long. Gavin has never been one for idle conversation anyway, and calling you only reminds him of much he misses you, how he can’t embrace you and see your eyes shining up at him. Absence truly makes the heart grow fonder, he thinks to himself with a rueful smile. He wasn’t aware that he could love you more than he already does, but this only proves him wrong - he still has a long way to go.
“A very important woman.” Eli answers vaguely, a grin growing uncontrollably on his face. Gavin stares for a moment longer, cogs and gears in his brain shifting before he frowns at Eli. “You got a girlfriend?”
Eli laughs, stepping outside. “That’s for me to know and for you never to find out!” His voice echoes down the hallway.
Gavin makes a face, before he looks down at his own phone. The screen lights up with a picture of the two of you together at the Alps, your lips at his cheek and your eyes sparkling. His own eyes are a gentle amber, a expression on his face that’s so tender he almost doesn’t recognise himself. But he’s looking at you, so he understands - he never feels as happy as he does when he’s with you.
Eli’s laughter rings down the hallway, and Gavin sighs for a moment, wishing it was yours instead.
He buries his head in the pillow and closes his eyes, wishing that time would pass faster.
The week can’t be over fast enough.
“I just managed to get away from Gavin.” Eli whispers into the phone and you make a soft sound of horror, a hand rising to cover your mouth even though you know Gavin can’t possibly hear you.
“You’re doing great.” You whisper back, your own voice hushed. “So? How was it today?”
“Ahem, reporting to commanding officer.” Eli clears his throat, slipping into what he calls his ‘work mode’. You giggle a little at his theatrics, pressing the phone closer to your ear. “Today, the target woke up at 0500 and spent five minutes looking at a photo of him and his girlfriend before leaving for a jog around the running track. He then proceeded to take a shower and head down for breakfast.”
You nod seriously, tugging at the hem of Gavin’s shirt. You can imagine how he looks, he tends to come out of the shower without a top, beads of water from the shower still trickling down his chest and stomach with a towel slung around his neck. You love to greet him with a kiss and a cup of morning coffee, or with sometimes more enthusiastic means. “Did he eat the vitamins I packed for him?”
“Yes, ma’am. The target counted out all of them and ate them with a smile.” Eli reports, and a smile spreads over your face at the thought. “He then went on a confidential mission at 1430, and returned safely at 1926.”
“Did he get hurt anywhere?” The words spill out of your mouth, worried. “Anything life threatening? Did he-”
“The target is unharmed except for a few cuts and scrapes, officer.” Eli soothes you, but you can’t help but frown at the thought of him injured. “At 2000 he headed down to the gym to work out, using the treadmill for an hour before moving onto dumbbells, increasing the weight five kilos at a time. At 2158 he headed into the bunks for a shower, and-”
The call suddenly falls silent.
“And?” You tilt your head to the side, eager to know more. “What did he do after the shower?”
“A-at 2207, the target has made eye contact.” Eli stammers, and you freeze for a moment, eyes wide. Your agent has been discovered.
“Whoa, must be nice.” You pout, enviously. Over the phone, you can hear heavy footfalls of booted feet approaching, and Eli mumbles into the call. “The target is approaching slowly, one step at the time. Five meters, four meters...”
“Eli, is that my girlfriend you’re talking to?”
You hear Eli’s weak, defeated chuckle. “Ahh... what should I do, commanding officer?”
“I don’t know,” you say playfully, trying to fight the smile on your face at the sound of Gavin’s voice over the phone. You’ll never get tired of it, you think. “Self destruct?”
“Hand the phone over, spy.”
There’s the sound of the phone shifting hands. You wait, mouth dry with anticipation, before Gavin’s voice finally filters into your ears. “Was this your idea?”
You giggle uncontrollably at his words. “I apologise, sir. Please let my subordinate go. I’m the true mastermind behind all of this.”
“You could have just called me instead.” You can almost hear the exasperated, fond smile in his voice and hum to yourself, chest squeezing at the thought of him. “Why did you have to go through all this effort just to hear Eli report about my day?”
“I’m not going to sugarcoat this, Gavin.” You try to make your voice as stern as possible. “But you weren’t intending to tell me about your injuries today, did you?”
Gavin hesitates, and you can hear him swallow. “... I didn’t think they were that big of a deal. It’s nothing major, just-”
“Ahh, I cut myself while chopping onions for dinner earlier. It’s a small cut, but it’s completely fine.” You tell him breezily, and instantly he’s barraging you with questions, worried for your health.
“Did you put a plaster on it? How deep was the cut? Did you-”
“See?” You say meaningfully into the phone, and Gavin abruptly falls silent once more. Then, in a small voice, he speaks again.
“It’s different.”
You giggle at his embarrassment. “So, until the standard of your reports are up to par with Eli, I’ll keep calling him.”
A moment of silence. “...I’ll tell you everything from now on.”
“Mmhmm, if you say so.” You smile, cradling the phone to your face. It’s almost as if he’s right next to you, and you can imagine the tips of his ears turning red as usual when he’s flustered. “Then Eli is formally discharged from his duty.”
“Finally,” Eli’s exaggeratedly loud voice comes from somewhere behind Gavin, and you try to stifle a giggle. “I can stop being reminded every day of the fact that I’m still single. I’ve had enough of being a third wheel! Once this mission is over, I’m going to get a girlfriend of my own-”
Gavin lets out a snort at his friend’s antics before turning his attention back to you.
“Four more days.” He murmurs quietly, and your breath catches in your throat at the longing in his voice. “Can you wait for me four more days?”
You smile gently, leaning into the phone. Your heart throbs with how much it aches for him, but you manage to reply in a clear voice to let him know your sincerity.
“I’d wait my entire life if I had to.”
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chibienvychan03 · 4 years
A MC Surprise
Since you’ve been taking care of his plants while he’s away on missions, he’s given you a key to his place. Not even Minor or Eli have that privilege. He trusts you to be in his sanctuary. Trusts you to not be too curious and go through his stuff unlike a certain person who shall be nameless but somehow they’re still friends… No, it’s not Eli.
 Thanks to having a friendship with Eli, you have an ally willing to help you within reason. He has informed you they’ve been working on a case, and that is why Gavin hasn’t been at his home or contacting you lately. It’s an urgent and confidential mission so you understand when Eli can’t give you the specifics of it though he tells you the hardest and most dangerous part has been finished. They’re wrapping things up.
 Since Gavin has been working hard, you decide to put your culinary lessons to good use and make him a home made meal… using his own kitchen. Considering the last time you visited, you stop by the grocery store before you head over to his place. You thank whatever deity there’s a market close to his place as you don’t think you can carry it the entire way there, and you want to keep this a surprise. Eli will warn you when he can’t stop Gavin from heading back to his place.
 Seeing as he trusts you, you ensure you don’t lose the keys by having it hang on a necklace around your neck. You use it to unlock the door. Inside two birds greet you from their respective cages. After you close and lock the door, you head over to their cages to pet each of them. Pearly coos at you while Zappy, being the little imp they are, insists on being scritches. You decide to humor them and give them a few scritches, however, Pearly is feeling left out so you give him some too.
 Once you decide they’ve had enough, you head into the kitchen and start emptying your bags. You sort them according to the dishes. Anything that needs to be kept chilled is placed in the fridge until you’re ready to use them. However, something catches your attention.
 “Zappy!” You sigh as they’re poking their head into the bag, being very curious. “How did you get out of your cage?” Is Pearly still in his cage? You take a risk and check. At least you only have to worry about one escaped bird.
 “Let’s get you back.”
 Zappy gives you those incredibly cute birdy eyes which melts your heart. “Fine. You can stay, but you better be on good behavior.”
 It seems Zappy understands you, making you wonder how much they understand. That’s for another time when you have time. Better start cooking before he comes home. You want him to come home to a fully cooked home-made dinner.
 With everything organized, you start preparing the vegetable starting with carrots. You move onto the next vegetable. As you’re chopping it, you notice Zappy entertaining themselves by playing with the carrot peels. “You silly bird.” When you pick up a new vegetable, they become interested in it and then goes back to playing with the peels when their curiosity has been satisfied.
 Soup, curry, duck, rice, and a dessert. While you’re standing behind the stove stirring the soup, Zappy uses your shoulder as a perch to get a better view. They snuggle against your neck to which you pet them.  At least they aren’t making a mess and just want to watch what you’re doing.
 Time flies by. Soon Zappy is chirping up a storm. You wonder what has their feathers ruffled before remembering Eli promised to text you when Gavin leaves work. You race over to your phone, which is charging. There are over half a dozen texts. It hits you. You have left it on vibrate as earlier you’ve been on scene doing a shoot.
 With Zappy being this chirpy, it must mean Gavin has arrived. You peek out the window to find him parking Sparky. Hurrying over to your cooking, you attempt to finish it and hopefully you can get it on the table before he opens the door. In your haste, you don’t notice Zappy jumping off your shoulder to assist you by somehow dragging out the necessary silverware and plates.
 After triple checking to make sure they’re done, you’re ready to set the table. That is when you noticed the table already set. You glance over to Zappy who appears to have that smug look… if birds can have one. “I’ll give your reward later on.” They don’t give you any trouble when you put them back into their cage.
 Soon enough, you hear the key being inserted and the lock being unlocked. You race back into the kitchen to pretend you’re not there, however, the smell of dinner is a dead giveaway. Not to mention, you’re wearing the ginkgo bracelet.
 “Something smells good,” Gavin comments as he enters. He’s wearing a huge smile, knowing you’re already there and have prepared him a dinner that he never saw coming. “What’s the occasion?”
 You leave his kitchen. “It’s your reward for all your hard work.”
 Gavin hangs up his coat before embracing you. “Thank you. But I don’t want to trouble you.”
 “How many times must I tell you, you’re no trouble at all, and I wanted to do this,” you mumble against his broad, muscular chest. “You give so selflessly. Why can’t I give you something in return?” You puff your cheeks and pout.
 Gavin chuckles. “You can, and I appreciate everything you do.”
 “Now go wash up.” You shoo him away so you can finish by doing the final touches.
 Humoring you, Gavin heads to his bedroom to get some casual clothes. A couple minutes later, a shower can be heard.
 You squash any naughty thoughts especially ones where water runs down those muscles. Oh great. Better busy yourself before your mind heads in that direction. You place your creations on the table, making sure to give yourself the less spicy curry. When you’re cooking, you make two, one for yourself and one for him. You don’t know how he can withstand such spicy food.
 “Maybe it’s because he’s hot.”
 “Who’s hot?”
 Gavin’s sudden appearance startles you almost causing you to drop the soup. He manages to catch both you and the soup you’ve worked hard to cook. “Sorry.”
 As soon as you calm yourself, you give him a playful slap on his upper arm. “Are you part ninja? I didn’t hear you coming.”
 “Um… no, I can make more noise if you like.” You assure him you’re fine either way. Then Gavin goes back to his original question. “Who is hot?” The way he says it sounds like he wants to give a beating to whoever you think is hot.
 You decide to tease him a little for nearly giving you a heart attack. “Someone we both know. He’s kind and gentle. Helps me and everyone else. Often neglecting himself.”
 Gavin’s frown becomes more and more prominent as you gush over this person who he doesn’t know as himself. “…. As long as he treats you well.”
 “Yes, he treats me well, and I hope one day he will have the courage to ask me on a date.” You bat your eyes at him.
 “If he doesn’t, then he doesn’t know what’s he’s missing out. You’re a good catch.” Gavin pauses. “I’ll beat him up if makes you cry.”
 You press yourself against him. “Does that mean you’ll beat yourself up?”
 “Yes, I will…” It dawns on him who you’re referring to. “Ahem, would you… Um… Can I? Crap, this sounds a lot better in my head.”
 “Yes, I’d love to go on a date with you.” You answer his unasked question.
 The brightest smile graces his face as he lovingly looks at you. “Thank you.” It seems he can stare at you for a long time without being bored.
 Your stomach has other things in mind. You blush. “Before dinner gets cold.”
 “Of course, can’t let your efforts go to waste. I bet it tastes great,” Gavin comments you on your cooking before he even has a bite.
 Typical of him. You usher him to his usual seat. “Let me know if it’s not spicy enough.”
 “You didn’t try it?”
 You give him that look. “You know I can’t handle spicy.”
 Gavin blushes big time as he recalls your lack of tolerance for spicy. He’s about to tell you to not to make it spicy for him when you cut him off.
 Pointing the serving spoon at him, you prepare to give him a piece of your mind. “You’ve always made sure I enjoy my meals. Why can’t I do the same for you?”
 “Ahem… okay.” Gavin holds up his hands in surrender. He wants to make you happy, but if making him happy makes you happy, then so be it. “Let’s dig in.”
 The two of you enjoy the meal you’ve painstakingly cooked. Thanks to your friend, your knife skills have improved to the point of you not cutting yourself at all. You talk about what you’ve been up to lately, the latest movies, songs, and whatever crosses either of your minds.
 Then you bring out desserts. “I hope you’ve made space for this.” You made sure to make it not too sweet.
 “Of course.” Gavin thoroughly enjoys the piece you’ve given him. “It’s the best fruit tart I’ve tasted.”
 Your blush will make a tomato green with envy. “I just followed the recipe. Nothing special about it.”
 “It’s special because you made it,” Gavin says in between bites.
 “Just finish your dessert.” Could you get any redder? You have a feeling the answer is yes, and Gavin isn’t even trying. He’s being his honest and genuine self.
 “As you wish.” Gavin finishes his dessert according to your wishes. When you eat yours, he picks up the used plates. Before you can object, he refuses to let you do any of the washing. “Since you cooked dinner, I’ll wash the dishes. You can play with the birds.”
 Okay. It’s been awhile since you’ve really played with them. You head over to where their cages are only to find Zappy has escaped his cage again… “You little escape artist.” You open Pearly’s cage, allowing him to fly out and onto your shoulder. Soon Zappy is on your other shoulder. The two snuggle against you, chirping in content. You sit down before you give them scritches. They love the attention you’re showering on them.
 Minutes later, Gavin joins you and the birds. Did he just take a picture of you? You stare at his cell phone which is in his hands. “This picture is for my eyes only… and yours.”
 Phew. You hope you look good in it given his photography skills. “Do you know you have a little escape artist here?”
 “Zappy broke out again? I swore I put a better lock on his cage.” Gavin turns his attention to the cage. You both look at this bird, wondering how they escape no matter what Gavin tries.
 “Apparently you need to do better,” you chuckle as you pat the empty space next to you on the sofa.
 He complies with your wishes and sits next to you. However, neither birds budge from their perches on your shoulder. Gavin isn’t annoyed as he knows the birds love you too, just not that way. He doesn’t blame them. After all, you’re kind and generous. It helps you sometimes spoil the two whenever you’re there or take care of them.
 “Indeed. You want to watch a movie?”
 You shake your head. “It’s been a long time since we’ve chatted. I want to catch up.”
 “Didn’t we do that over dinner?” Gavin appears to be confused. When you puff up your cheeks, he realizes his mistake and profusely apologizes.
 “I want to get to know you better,” you say as you lean on him, being mindful of Zappy who’s on your right shoulder.
 “What would you like to know?”
 You giggle. “Part of the fun is finding out without asking directly.” He gives you that confused look. “Find out through conversation. Let it happen naturally.”
 “Oh okay. It’s about the journey, not the destination.” Gavin is now on board. You’re on the same page. “So what shall we start with?”
 You start off with a random subject.
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r3almellow · 4 years
Voice Like Silk: Phone Sexy Times With Gavin HC
Now I know I did something similar just a few days ago. But this is a little different! No FaceTiming and all voice! @stehkotori this one’s for you! Hope you enjoy your birthday! Read the goods under the cut!
Warning: More smutty goodness!
Gavin will never turn down a chance to talk to you on the phone, even when he’s out on a mission. 
Always finds a way to be alone and away from the sea of agents that would jump on chance to listen in on their superior’s conversation. 
Eli has heard you two at least twice and has only teased Gavin about it once. ONCE. He will snicker when Gavin suddenly has to excuse himself when you call and Gavin will almost always shoot him a death glare.
Your conversations never start off risque. Its a gradual process unless you two got the party started through indecent text messages beforehand. 
You: Its such a shame I’m wearing your favorite lingerie and you’re not here to see it.
Gavin: Which one? Please don’t tell me its the blue one.
Then you send him a picture of you clad in his favorite lingerie its definitely the blue one WITH THE GARTER BELT and he’s ready to go! 
Gavin learns to be really good at giving instructions and just...TALKING. You always said he made you feel like he was in the room with you and his voice being a few octaves lower than what you were used to makes for soaked panties instantly.
“Leave the bra on and pinch your nipples for me. They’re sensitive? Do it gently and think of me sucking on them, swiveling my tongue around them. Want me to bite them too? I’ll bite them as hard as you want.” 
Once he hears you panting he’ll pull out his throbbing member from his pants, stroking himself to the rhythm of your shallow breaths.
“Your panties are probably wet right now. Push them to the side and check for me. Yeah? I want you to touch yourself. Put the phone close, so I can hear just how wet you are for me. Fuck, that’s my girl...” The way he whispers that last part has you going insane with need. 
There are only two things he dislikes about phone sex. 
One being, he couldn’t see you. He couldn’t see when a hand cups your breast, pinching your fully erect nipple and the other slowly slides down your stomach, slipping through the hem of your soaked panties. He could only conjure up an image of the beautiful expression you wore on your face, as you brought yourself over the edge. 
Two, he couldn’t touch you. He couldn’t bring you the pleasure you most desired. He wished it was his fingers making slow circular motions around your clit then use two of his fingers to slide into you. In and out....slow and agonizing. Gavin wanted nothing more than to be the one to make you moan his name as he licked the spot on your neck where he left a hickey.  He could almost feel your juices coating his fingers.
“Baby, I-I need you.” Fuck. 
Gavin is really good with prolonging his release. He ALWAYS wants to make you cum first especially when he can’t physically be there. 
Just know when he gets back he’s going to make up for his absence ten-fold! 
Voila! Hoping you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go cool down!
For more MLQC stuff please check out my other stuff here!
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ginkgowritings · 4 years
Hellooooo! I was wondering if I could get a head-cannon about MC meeting the MLQC boys’ friends? I’ve always wondered what the interactions would be like hehe Thank you so much 💕💕
Hello anon~ Thank you for the request <3 I hope you like it.
His friends mainly consist of close co-workers like Eli, and people he’s met through Minor probably by force but some became actual friends.
Meeting Gavin’s friends would be suggested by Minor rather than Gavin himself. Of course, Gavin wants you to meet everyone in his life eventually, but he’s just so focused on the relationship itself that he didn’t think about it much.
Also, Minor wasn’t sure if Gavin would actually come if he invited him out but knows if you’re there he definitely will.
Gavin’s picking you up from work and Minor suddenly comes running over to the two of you. “Gavin, we’re having a gathering at the usual bar at 6 PM tonight, make sure to come and bring MC!” and then Minor just runs away before Gavin can protest.
Gavin would still be a bit hesitant, but after you showed interest in going he’d immediately be fine with it and just plan to stick by you the whole time.
As soon as the two of you walk into the bar Minor is dragging you around and introducing you to everyone with Gavin trailing behind.
All of Minor’s Gavin’s friends are very accepting and welcome you into their circle immediately. Gavin wouldn’t let you meet anyone who would be mean to you after all.
After you’ve met everyone you’ll settle in a seat next to Gavin, joking and drinking with everyone as the night goes on.
Gavin feels happy watching you get along with everyone and ends up enjoying the night more than expected.
You’ll start being invited to outings with Gavin and his friends relatively often. Gavin’s friends really like how much happier you’ve made him, and it’s way easier for them to get him to go out if you’re coming too.
Introduces you to his friends very soon after you start dating.
He wants to show off that he has a girlfriend, but he isn’t allowed to do so publicly since he’s an idol. As a result, he shows off to all his trusted friends instead.
All his friends will have to listen to him constantly rambling about you before they’ve even met you.
Most of Kiro’s friends are other people in the entertainment industry, both other celebrities and people who work behind the scenes.
Kiro invites you to have a celebration dinner for the successful end of his latest tour. All his closest friends will be there, and you can tell he’s excited for you to meet all of them.
As soon as you walk into the room everyone recognises you immediately because Kiro has already shown them all 100+ pictures of you.
Kiro proudly introduces you to everyone, incredibly happy to be able to show off your relationship.
All of Kiro’s friends radiate the same energy as him. They’re all very kind and energetic. Due to their kindness, you feel at ease the entire evening.
They’ll tell you some stories about Kiro from before you met him, some of them embarrassing (”Did Kiro ever tell you about the time his pants ripped on stage?” “He didn’t even notice! He was so shocked afterwards.”) and others just cute.
By the end of the evening, you’ll feel like you’ve known them all for ages, and you can’t wait to see them again.
Lucien’s friends are mainly other academics in the same or similar fields. As such, whenever they gather their conversations are regularly about science even if they didn’t meet up because of work.
Lucien’s friends become curious about you as soon as they know you’re dating. Lucien doesn’t tell them many details about his personal life, and they see meeting you as a good way to get to know him better.
They’ll ask to meet you regularly until Lucien finally gives in and invites you to eat lunch with them all one day.
As soon as you arrive all of Lucien’s friends are basically analysing you. They’ll ask you a ton of questions, barely letting you finish your answer before they’ve posed another question.
They’ll overwhelm you at first, but you know they’re just curious and Lucien would stop them immediately if they went too far.
Eventually, they’ll calm down a bit and you’ll get to know more about them. You’ll realise rather quickly that they’re all incredibly smart, and mentally note that several of them would be great consultants on a show if they’d be willing.
The conversation will slowly turn to science and you might get a bit lost, but you still enjoy watching them all talk about it passionately and you’ll definitely learn a bit.
If you’re visibly confused Lucien will quietly explain things to you, helping you to keep up with the conversation as much as possible.
You’ll leave every meeting with Lucien’s friends feeling smarter than you did before after gaining new knowledge.
You won’t see Lucien’s friends much, but they’re always interesting whenever you get the chance to meet them.
Victor doesn’t have many close friends, mainly just friendly acquaintances.
However, he has a couple longtime friends that he wants you to meet eventually and hopefully get along with.
A month or so into your relationship Victor will tell you he wants you to meet his friends, and he’ll arrange a lunch with them once you agree.
On the day of the lunch, Victor will pick you up and take you to the restaurant where you’re meeting. He’ll confidently lead you to a private room, clearly having been there many times before.
As soon as you walk in his friends' eyes all lock onto you. There’s only three of them, but they have powerful auras that make you a bit nervous.
Victor will swiftly sit down with you and introduce you to everyone. They’ll introduce themselves as well, their gazes rarely leaving you as they continue to scrutinise.
Once the introductions are out of the way they all start asking you questions, it’ll lowkey feel like an interrogation. It’s nothing personal, but they know lots of people will go after Victor for money or power and they’re sussing you out a bit.
You notice their tones soften the more you answer their questions, they’re clearly satisfied with your answers and start to warm up to you.
When they’re fully satisfied with you they’ll turn their questions into questions about Victor. Like Lucien, Victor doesn’t share much about his private life with them and they want to know.
To Victor’s dismay, they will try to get any embarrassing stories you have about Victor out of you. If they succeed they’ll have trouble suppressing their grins as you tell the story, fully planning to use it to blackmail tease Victor later.
Though he thinks they’re a pain sometimes Victor trusts his friends and is happy to see you get accepted by them. He’ll make it clear that you can trust them all to, and rely on them when you’re in trouble if he’s ever unreachable.
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tartagilicious · 4 years
our future > gavin, mlqc
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ok… here comes the actual birthday fic — happy birthday, one of my biggest comfort characters ever <3 I’ve grown to be so attached to him over the time I’ve been playing mlqc, and though I really can’t even put into words how much I love him, he just makes me feel so happy. I truly hope all of us can find someone that makes us feel the way, fictional or real. //w.c 2330 // not a request.
[toothbrush by dnce]
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I’ve only ever met one person I would call truly noble. In the glint of his amber eyes, I've seen more kindness and effort for reform than I have in anyone else -- slowly chipping away at the person everyone had expected him to become to reveal the man he had always wanted himself to be.
My sentiment means very little compared to all that Gavin deserves, but, I’m proud of him. I know very little people that could make it out of such a deep hole, littered with familial and personal issues that even I don’t quite understand. And I thank the deities of fate every day for giving him the chances he needed to get through everything unscathed.
I watch my apartment door open to show his face, suddenly contorting in what I’d call a lost kind of surprise at the small group cheering for him -- as if something about a surprise birthday party doesn’t make sense. But it quickly fades to be replaced with a more familiar happiness, soft like in days of the past.
Yet, his smile is the only thing that remains unchanged in my memory. His spirit has since grown stronger, his body firmer, his sense of justice tighter -- but all of it still belongs to the same man that I have always known.
Kiki had hissed my name thrice before I realised anyone was calling me that day, and as she smiled mischievously, I knew exactly what she was up to. She must have peered over my shoulder and--
“So, about Gavin.” She had pulled over a seat to sit next to me, in which I quickly clicked off the tab I was on and found something more work-appropriate. Party planning could wait until I was off of work, anyway.
Kiki startled me by asking, “It’s his birthday soon, isn’t it?”
Flashes of the tab I had closed out of flooded my memory, and stammering, I nodded.
“Y-yeah, it is. Why?”
“I think we should throw a party for him! Just as thanks for being so helpful with Miracle Finder, y’know?”
I thought for a moment, painfully aware of Kiki’s eager expression in the corner of my eye even as my mind screamed obscenities. The aforementioned plans held a certain weight in my heart, dragging my mind down with everything I'd be unable to do in the scenario of a party. But, in an effort to keep from having to expose those plans, I swallowed my complaints and agreed.
It’s better this way.
I dropped down onto my bed later that same day and groaned into the pillow, my brows furrowing as I cursed my inability to say no. This wasn’t the end of the world, surely it’d still spin regardless of how the day is spent -- granted that the things I planned to say to him that day aren’t pushed back too far.
That form of reassurance immediately failed to wipe the frown off my face.
Rolling over in a huff, I caught a near perfect glimpse of his gift sitting wrapped on my vanity, its bright and slightly messy packaging mocking me almost more than I could take. Oh, what a day to be reminded that what goes around, comes around.
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Truthfully, the idea didn’t taste as bitter in my mouth the next morning. That didn’t excuse the nauseating feeling of anxiety it left behind, but it was progress nonetheless. I opted to keep my breakfast down and stow his gift away from my prying eyes.
It was the beginnings of a busy day, starting with countless bullets in my planner being scribbled out to make room for the new circumstances. The only thing that had remained unchanged was the guestlist, comprised of the close staff he was aware of on Miracle Finder and Eli. A part of my eagerness faltered looking at the rest of the blacked out page, but all I could do was hope that during our meeting, Eli, the first invitee, had what it would take to bring my spirits back up.
The bus was mostly empty on such an afternoon -- kids in school and adults at work. Yet, of course, a certain someone still somehow managed to show up.
I was broken out of my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder, the smooth yet irritating voice of its owner letting my heart sink a bit further into my stomach. Begrudgingly, I looked up at Shaw’s expecting eyes and sigh.
“The seat’s open, you don’t have to ask me.”
His similarly amber eyes peered down at me through lilac bangs, but his short observation session ended with a simple shrug. Shaw had very little problem plopping right down next to me as if we’d known each other forever, even adding the polite touch of music blaring from his headphones.
I stared for a moment, but shook off whatever thoughts had begun to creep into my mind and turned my attention back over to the open planner in my lap, the page depressingly blank. I couldn’t focus for what seemed like eons, but I looked up to realise that it may have something to do with the unwavering gaze trained on my face.
“Shaw?” I questioned, unable to keep a small smile from my face as his eyebrows suddenly flicked up. “Is something wrong?”
“Working on the bus? I didn’t take you for such an overachiever.”
I snorted, twirling the pen between my fingers absentmindedly as he took out a single earbud. “I guess a busybody like you wouldn’t know.”
“Care to tell this busybody what you’re up to, then?” He hummed and pointed curiously to the scribbled out block of text with his finger. I could feel the temperature in my face rising with each passing second, yet I tried my best to answer him regardless.
“I-I’m trying to plan for someone’s birthday…” I started, laughing awkwardly as Shaw retracted his hand with a teasing smile. “I just had to scrap some things, that’s the mess.”
“Nice, who’s the lucky guy?”
I’m instantly taken aback. “How would you know if it’s a guy?”
I could tell that my reaction had pleased him, and internally kicked myself when he chuckled.
“Is it going well?”
“...I think so.” I said, unaware that I had said this more to myself than him. “I couldn’t let him down for something so simple, anyway.”
Shaw’s teasing words didn’t come as I expected them, and when I looked up to see his smile, my actions staggered. He seemed suspiciously happy to hear about my lacklustre plans, but I didn’t let that get to me. I had an entire afternoon to worry about before diving into whatever was going on in that man’s head.
Though, at the moment, Shaw isn’t the one that should be capturing my attention.
Gavin stands in the entryway now with Eli and Minor on either side of him, actively being showered with wishes of a good birthday and positive comments alike. The man in the centre of it has a wistful smile curling his lips, growing almost imperceptibly wider as the seconds pass.
Though betraying him are his eyes, openly showing the contentedness that I had been hoping to see. A similar small smile appears on my own lips, yet I fail to recognise that my body’s mechanics are no different from Gavin’s.
At least he’s enjoying this.
I feel guilty and self entitled for even thinking in such a way, especially being the only one that the turn of events has inconvenienced. Everything has a right time, it just seems that tonight just wasn’t mine.
My chest grows hotter instinctively when I notice Gavin break away from the excited pair, as if my irrationality is trying to tell me he knows what I’m thinking. But, through everything, his calm and familiar smile comes to wash over me like a bucket of cold water.
“___~” Gavin drags out my name knowingly, the tips of his ears a buzzing red from all of the interaction. The nature of his smile is similar as he takes me into his arms, only enveloping me fully when I begin to laugh.
And, It may be my delusion, but his grip around me somehow seems a bit tighter than usual.
I settle gratefully into his shoulder as he begins to speak, though truthfully, I can’t bring myself to focus on more than a few words:
“Thank you.”
I feel accomplished to still recognise a similar glow in his eyes around an hour later, curiously following the homemade cake that Minor places down in front of him. The icing looping daintily overtop of it reads as a messy “Happy Birthday!”, and my heart swells when he smiles upon reading it.
Surrounded by the people I care about, my circumstances are momentarily forgotten. It really is the little things that count.
The night from then on goes up in a semi-chaotic flame orchestrated by Minor, who seems very determined to make this a night no one will forget. At one point, he even thrusts a noisemaker into my hands, to which I can’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of.
People begin to trickle out some time after the clock chimes midnight, passing me their thanks and Gavin a last wish before leaving. The quietness slowly returns to my apartment, but throughout all of this, I can’t help but notice that Gavin makes no attempt to leave with everyone else. It’s subtle, but the way he lingers around everyone tells me enough.
The only thing I don’t quite understand is why.
Then, I remember the gift in my nightstand. It’s been sitting there, alone but not necessarily forgotten, for a few days, abandoned with my original plans. But, if Gavin really does intend to stick around, then maybe I can still make good use of it.
True to expectations, Gavin says goodbye to the last guest while standing by my side. In the next moment, it’s only us left in the silent apartment, held together by nothing but the sounds of our breathing.
“Thank you, ___.” I turn to him when he suddenly speaks, and find myself startled by the gentleness his eyes possess. “Thank you so much for such an amazing day today. I might have said it last year, but I still want to be honest: so many things have happened since then, and it wasn’t until today that I realised that all of the good things that have happened to me, they’re because of you.”
An embarrassed tint bites at my cheeks. It’s not often that Gavin shares his feelings so openly, and I certainly hadn’t expected such an average experience to draw them out.
I smile. “My life changed for the better when you came back into it, this was the least I could do.”
It’s now his turn to grow shy at my words, and I can’t help but giggle.
“Here,” My laughter fades through my words as I wave for him to sit down on the couch. “I have one last thing for you, so just wait there.”
Gavin doesn’t refute like I expect him to, and instead, he does what I say. But, I don’t miss the tenderness in his gaze even as I turn away.
My heart beats in anticipation as I walk down the hall, almost out of my chest by the time I stop in front of the correct drawer. I’ve backed myself so far into a corner that even if I did want to chicken out, there would be no excuse -- so, I take a deep breath and wrap my hand around the small package, letting the scent of paper cajole me.
He’ll like it.
I repeat that sentence like a mantra as I hand it to him, settling beside him as he opens the box. A huge weight in my heart lifts to see the surprise and excitement in his eyes, and I internally sigh with relief.
“Though it doesn’t have a tracker in it or anything...” I trail off with a small laugh, paying homage to Gavin’s small but running white lie. “I still want you to look down at it and know that wherever you are, I’ll always be there for you.”
Gavin holds up the homemade ginkgo bracelet so it catches the light, its appearance reminiscent to the one he had given me when we first met again. Its charm is slightly bigger than mine, and the chain still faintly smells of the store it was bought from, but that doesn’t even seem to phase him.
“Thank you, ___.” His expression is so unguarded that I almost hesitate. “This is the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received.”
My face flushes under his compliment, but I quickly pick myself up again and offer to help him put it on. He smiles appreciatively before dropping the small chain bracelet into my palm, holding out his hand.
My embarrassment turns into slight satisfaction when I clasp it around his wrist, my estimation in sizing turning out to be correct. Though, the glint in my eye is long forgotten when Gavin’s hand comes up to rest on the back of my head in a tender gesture.
Heat emanates from where he touches me, so, similarly, I let my fingers over his wrist linger for just a second longer. Painstaking moments pass where neither of us speak, until finally, his hand leads my gaze upwards.
His lips that land on mine remind me of a thousand memories at once.
Gavin tastes of brisk mornings spent in the music room, warm only due to the hot chocolate a curious senior had left for the girl who practiced there every day. He tastes of every compassionate word shared to me, between nights spent dancing in the sky and afternoons around Loveland investigating the truth -- of a unique comfort and familiarity.
It’s in these moments that I realise how much we’ve gone through together, and how much our future truly holds.
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Chapter 12
A/N: One of my editors is in love with Kamski, so she took the lead with this one! Before she added to the chapter it was about three pages shorter haha Follow her @kakyoweenie
I woke up Saturday morning around 10 to a phone call. I didn’t even bother checking who it was before answering.
“Did I wake you up?” It was Tina. I yawned.
“Yeah, but I needed to get up soon anyway. I’m hanging out with a friend from grad school in a couple hours. What’s up?”
“I just wanted to check up on you. I tried texting you last night to make sure you were okay…was it really that bad?” I chuckled.
“No, it was really fun which was the worst part. Whenever my work or Cyberlife comes up he just shuts down and acts like an ass. I can’t be around someone who doesn’t even understand why I do what I do.”
“That makes sense.” Tina said softly.
“Tina, I’m not a baby, I’m going to be alright. It’s just Gavin, it’s not like he’s the only man in Detroit.”
“That’s true.” She sighed. “I’m sorry I kinda tried to force you guys together. You guys are really different, but there’s something about both of you that I thought would work really well together.”
“Yeah, it’s alright. On the bright side I’m looking forward to tomorrow! Do you want me to wear a suit or a dress to the wedding?”
“Both me and Valerie are letting our best people decide what they want to wear! Our colors are blush pink and light yellow.”
“Alright I’ll think about it and get back to you, but right now I have to get ready for this meeting. I’ll see you tomorrow!” We said bye and I sighed. I stretched and went to my closet.
I still felt angry from the night before. Gavin’s words echoed in my mind; “Why don’t you ask Eli in between him trying to impress you?” If he wanted to play that way, then fine we would play that way.
I stepped out of the automatic taxi in a spaghetti strap summer dress that stopped right before my knees and a pair of gladiator sandals. Eli's house was striking, dark smooth metal reflected the stunningly kept grounds and the floor to ceiling windows sparkled in the sunlight. I walked up the pathway leading to the front door, running my hands over the railing that followed the path, enjoying the lake breeze that washed away the intense summer heat till I got to the door, pressing the bell, and fussing with my phone and purse till a Chloe android opened the door and caught me by surprise, hand still buried in my purse.
“Dr. (L/n), Elijah’s waiting for you in the media room, please follow me.” She turned around and started walking. I followed her down a long hallway that opened into a multitude of rooms, all beautifully decorated, if not a bit coldly. The house didn't feel very cozy or appear to be lived in at all, the perfect modernist home with all its amenities but devoid of all the family photos, the dings on the wall and the frumpy old chairs you'd had since your first apartment. It was lonely, I concluded, as Chloe finally stopped at one of the rooms, where Eli was sprawled on a couch facing away from us, but as Chloe opened the tinted glass door, he turned and grinned at me.
"(Y/n)!" Eli greeted me opening his arms up in welcome as he got up from the couch, moving to meet me halfway into the room. He looked good, tired, his hair in a messy little bun, dark smudges under his eyes, but relaxed in a soft looking black v-neck, and a comfortable looking pair of black joggers. I laughed as I walked into his arms, hugging him tightly, and screeching when he lifted me and twirled me around before setting me back down.
"How many times have I told you not to do that Eli!" I said, still chuckling a bit, as he guided me towards the couch he was just sitting on.
"Hmm, it's been too long I can't recall." He said, stroking his chin mockingly and winking at me before that toothy grin returned. I shoved his shoulder lightly
"You best not be putting all the blame on me Mister Hot-Shot C.E.O!" I joked, as I sat down next to him.
"Oh I would never, but I do remember a certain doctoral candidate choosing a university as far away from Detroit as she could get.” Elijah said pointedly. I huffed a laugh at him, not really knowing what to say. “What are you watching?” I asked, pointing to the TV.
“Ah, President Warren is giving an update on android laws.” He scoffed, his face contorting into a sneer for a moment, before relaxing into an expression of mild displeasure.
“Anything I need to worry about?” I mused after a moment, Elijah didn’t hide his distaste for the president well.
He barked out a laugh, “No, she’s said nothing of value, but when does she? It’s interesting that they keep stalling, you’d think they’d be eager to put in place some sort of laws.” I nodded in agreement. He turned the tv off and turned on the sofa to face me, settling his arm over the back of the couch and leaning in towards me. “But I didn’t invite you over to talk about politics or android laws.”
“Yes, I believe I was invited over because you have a pool?” We both laughed. Eli was still very close, staring intently at me, his cerulean eyes moving all over my face, finally stopping at my eyes. He didn’t break eye contact as he lifted a hand and slowly brushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I smiled softly, looking up at him through my lashes and murmuring a soft ‘thank you.’
This was bordering on too much, I felt guilty leading him on, I needed to get this visit back on track, to ask about Gavin, but I had to be careful, I didn’t want Elijah to react the same way Gavin had last night. I pulled away from Eli, moving to a more reasonable distance. His face dropped for a second, but he quickly remedied that, a cool smirk resting easy on his features. I worried my lip between my teeth for a moment, trying to think how to start this conversation.
“You know Elijah, for as long as we’ve known each other, I really don’t know much about you.” I said, quirking my lips in a smirk mirroring his.
“Ah but you know all the interesting bits (Y/n).” He said, quirking a brow, and folding his arms over his chest loosely, a defensive but not totally unapproachable position.
I sighed, already regretting what I was about to do, and reached my hands out to grab his, capturing one of his hands between the two of mine. “I just, this is hard for me to say Eli, but I’ve had a hard time in Detroit, and I’ve missed my old friends so much and it made me realize I haven’t been a very good one to you. I shared so much with you, I just don’t want to lose you too, not because I never gave you a chance to share or didn’t make you feel as comfortable with me as I do with you.” I implored, my eyes wide and watery, from shame and real emotion, I had been a shitty friend, he seemed so lonely in this big empty house and I never reached out.
Elijah took a deep inhale before pulling me into him, and wrapping me in a deep hug, his nose buried in my neck. He let me go after a moment, and tried to run a hand through his hair, but felt the bun at the back of his head and stopped. “I’m uh, flattered (Y/n).” He coughed awkwardly before continuing. “I haven’t been much of a people person in a long time, and even when we were close I never wanted to burden you with my problems, I wanted to get to know you better.” He said, not quite meeting my eyes as he spoke, until that last bit, when he finally looked up and gave me a small grin.
“Hm, I remember you always liked games, how about we trade a question for a question? That way we both get to learn a little more about each other.” I offered, and he laughed.
“Alright, that seems fair, but I’m pretty sure that’s just open ended twenty questions.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes, “Oh? Do you have a better suggestion then?” I asked, quirking a brow and putting my hands on my hips, mockingly defensive. “No no, it’s alright. I’ll go first.” He said in between fading laughs, he brought a hand to his chin, jokingly stroking his goatee. “Hmm, What got you into writing about androids the way you do?”
“That’s an easy one, Eli.” I teased. “Just because their blood is a different color doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be equal. It’s the same as skin tone, gender, sexuality, and everything else that makes us all a little different. Where did you grow up?”
“Ann Arbor. What about you?”
“Detroit until I was 10, after that my family moved so much, I couldn’t even pick a place to name.”
“We never moved growing up, sometimes I wish we had. It was so boring being trapped in the same place for my whole life.”
“Is your family still around?”
“My mom, dad and half-brother are all still alive. What about your family?”
“My mom died of cancer three years ago. You know my dad Hank Anderson; he works for the DPD. My half brother Cole died when I was younger. Were you close with your brother growing up?”
“Half-brother, and no, he stayed with his mom, we never really spent time together, when we did we didn’t get along well, he’s an arrogant prick. What about Connor?”
“What do you mean?”
“How does he fit into your family?”
“I consider him a little brother. What’s his name, your half brother?”
“Gavin. Do you mind that Connor’s an android?”
I held back a gasp, I hadn’t thought Gavin would be Eli’s brother, possibly Gavin had to work a case involving Elijah in some way, but family? I guess they did look pretty similar when I thought about it, but maybe it was just a coincidence. “Of course not, Eli! You should know by now I have no problems with androids. Do you talk to your half-brother ever?”
“Holidays, my dad forces us together, but that’s it. Why are you so curious about him?”
“What am I not allowed to ask questions?” I said teasingly, hoping Elijah couldn’t see through me. “I just want to know more about you.” I gave him a soft smile and he seemed to relax.
“Yes, you’re allowed to ask questions and that one counts!” Overdramatically, I gasped and laughed. “I only have a few more questions, (Y/n).”
“Let me ask mine first!”
“It’s my turn.” He teased.
“Are you seeing anyone right now?” He asked earnestly, his normal smirk was gone, a soft hopeful expression.
I paused, knowing what he was getting at. I didn’t want to lie to him, but the truth was vague enough it wasn’t too misleading I didn’t think.
“It’s um, it’s complicated, but no, not really.” I said, staring at my hands, not wanting to see his reaction.
“Yeah, it’s weird, but I think whatever it was is pretty much over.” I laughed awkwardly.
“Ah. I’m sorry if it’s sad, but I’m not too sorry to hear that.” I looked up at him, and he grinned at me, before winking.
“So um, moving on from that, uh, what have you been doing since you left Cyberlife?”
“Oh. Don’t laugh, but right now I’ve been working on android pets, currently I’m still trying to figure out how to incorporate animal behavior into their design, so they aren’t just like regular androids who sit and wait for orders if they aren’t deviants. The cats are proving to be very tricky, as they are little gremlins but I don’t want them to be too awful.”
I squealed and jumped in my seat. “Oh my god how cute! Oh you have to show me please I want to see the kitties!” I grabbed his hands, trying to pull him off the couch.
He laughed heartily, but instead of allowing himself to be pulled up, he pulled me into him, and I stumbled, catching myself on his chest, our faces inches apart. He looked up at me and smiled, a real one, boyish and light, his whole face looked joyous and hopeful.
“Can I kiss you?” I stopped breathing for a moment, he looked so different, so hopeful, almost like he was begging me to say yes with his eyes. It would be so easy to just say yes.
“I…can I ask my question first?”
“It’s my turn, (Y/n), you made the rules.” He said softly, leaning closer, our noses brushing.
“No.” He jerked back as if I had slapped him, and I stumbled back. “I’m sorry, Eli. I just can’t. Not right now.” He nodded, looking away from me at his hands.
“It’s your turn, last question.” He seemed more interested in his hands than myself.  
“Is Gavin Reed your half-brother?” He closed his eyes.
“You’ve already met him.” It wasn’t a question.
“That’s the colleague you spoke of last night.”
“Well, yes and no. I was under the impression I was meeting Nines, not Gavin.”
“But it was Gavin.”
“Yes.” I said softly. I looked down at my shoes. Gavin was jealous because Elijah’s his brother. I told Gavin his brother flirts with me, I told him I called his brother Eli not Mr. Kamski like a professional would.
“You like him, he’s your ‘complicated.’” Another sentence that should’ve been a question, but he was right. “I’ve never been able to get the timing right with you, (Y/n).”
“I’m sorry, Eli. It’s hard for me to separate work from my personal life. If we had met any other way…maybe things would be different, but even now if we were to get involved anymore than we are my work could be discredited.”
“I understand.”
“I’m so sorry.” He nodded. “I’m going to hug you now, is that okay?” He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.
“If you’re ever disgraced from your field, I’m going to expect a call from you.” I laughed and squeezed him.
“I will.” I pulled back. “I should probably go.” He nodded.
“I’ll call you a taxi.” He stood up and I followed him.
“Thank you, Eli.”
I got into the taxi. I had it pull away from the house and stop when the house was out of view. I grabbed my phone and texted Nines.
What’s Gavin’s address?
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] S2 Gavin and MC in Chapter 19 (Part Two)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers from Season 2 🍒
My focus is on Gavin x MC interactions, so content relating to the plot will be in bullet-points :>
Part One: here
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[ Notable Scene: Infiltrating the STF ]
MC: ...but aren’t you relieved from your duties?
Gavin seems to guess the words I haven’t said, and he lets out a soft, unnatural cough.
Gavin: I know every patrolling post in the STF, patrol timings and angles of the surveillance cameras. I can ensure that we’d get in successfully without anyone noticing. However, since I only saw his face from four years ago...
MC: I’ll go with you. As long as I see his face, I can point him out to you.
Gavin has a teasing smile in his eyes, perhaps seeing the urgency written on my face.
Gavin: In that case, let’s go for a walk in STF tonight.
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Late at night, Gavin and I infiltrate the STF through an outer wall.
Pale moonlight outlines a misty halo around him, softening his edges.
He finds an open window with ease. Lifting me up, he lets me jump through the window before leaping in himself.
This appears to be a utility room.
MC: Captain Gavin’s really good at this.
Gavin: This is the STF. I won’t bump into anyone even with my eyes closed, much less the walls.
Before Gavin finishes speaking, Tang Chao walks in with a bowl of instant noodles, a wicked smile on his face while he pushes the door open.
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Tang Chao: Instant noodles must be eaten on the sly. Otherwise, I might-
When Tang Chao sees Gavin, he pauses in his footsteps.
In this short span of time, we look at each other speechlessly, the only thing left being the steam rising from the instant noodles.
All of a sudden, Tang Chao rolls his eyes, his body doing a 180 degree turn. With the instant noodles in hand, he steps out of the door before closing it.
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Gavin: ...
MC: ...didn’t you say you wouldn’t bump into anyone even with your eyes closed?
Moonlight streams in from the window, illuminating the side of his face clearly. I turn my head stiffly, watching as his Adam’s apple bobs slightly.
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Gavin: Tang Chao is slacking off.
Tang Chao’s slightly frantic voice can be heard indistinctly.
Tang Chao: Since Captain hasn’t been around, there were changes to the duty roster... Please save me. That was so awkward. Oh no, I don’t want to run laps...
I stare at Gavin quietly. His expression has returned to normal, as though nothing happened.
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Gavin: It’s okay, let’s continue.
Gavin listens to the surroundings calmly. After a moment, he pulls me out of the utility room.
Suddenly, a set of uniform footsteps can be heard from behind us.
STF Agent: ...
Even before we can turn, the regular footsteps turn into small, scattered steps, akin to busy bees fleeing in disarray. The surroundings slowly return to silence.
MC: Have we been completely exposed...?
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With a soft cough, a reddish hue climbs up the tips of Gavin’s ears.
Gavin: It doesn’t count if we aren’t caught. 
Eli (through the speakers): Hey hey hey.
Eli’s voice suddenly drifts from the STF’s broadcast speakers. Gavin carefully pulls me over to hide in a shadowy corner of the corridor.
Eli (through the speakers): ...due to some indescribable reasons, all the surveillance cameras in the STF will take a break for 15 minutes. If a certain colleague wishes to go somewhere or do something, please do so quickly.
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Gavin: ...
MC: Pfft.
Seeing Gavin’s slightly speechless expression, I can’t help but laugh aloud.
This person is protected by many people who are unafraid of anything, isn’t he?
After this, we occasionally bump into familiar faces. However, they seem to have made a prior arrangement, and choose to ignore us.
Gavin seems to hesitate on whether he should make an explanation, but it eventually turns into one sigh after another.
In the end, we “very successfully” step into the room with the “Eye in the Sky” system.
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Using the system, Gavin retrieves footage from the football match, and MC is able to identify the wheelchair-bound man, Du Wen
Gavin then searches up information on him as well as his approximate whereabouts
The both of them find him in a small alley
He admits that he’s the founder of the Fulcrum Charity Organisation, and has been assisting Gray Rhino in whatever he can
He claims that he means them no harm. To prove this, he allows MC to read his memories
Although they find the circumstances too convenient and deliberate, MC reads his memories because why not
She notices that certain memories have been stored in a misty bubble, just like the “firewall” she installed for Gavin earlier
Still, she searches for memories from the New Years Change Incident
She "sweeps” these memories into her own mind, and confirms that he’s indeed a victim of the incident
Gavin asks how he should contact Du Wen in the future, and the latter says he’d appear during a safe time
Once they leave, MC tells Gavin that they can use the Golden Apple 2 to display the memories she saw
Gavin says that Du Wen’s words aren’t trustworthy, but at least they have some leads that could further guide them to the truth
The next afternoon, MC learns from Kiki that the exhibition hall will be re-opening the next day. So she contacts Gavin and plan to sneak into it that same night
When she arrives, there’s someone else with Gavin - an elderly man with a missing left arm
She finds him familiar
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[ Notable Scene: MC meets Captain Yan ]
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Gavin: MC, this is the old policeman, Captain Yan. Today, he’s mainly here to cover for us. Captain Yan, this is...
Captain Yan: No need for introductions. You’ve mentioned her many times.
Before I can express my shock, Captain Yan sends me a warm gaze.
Captain Yan: MC, we met once at the hospital. I always hear your name from this young lad, so I’m pretty familiar with you.
Captain Yan smiles teasingly, then gives Gavin a meaningful look.
Captain Yan: If he ever bullies you, remember to tell me. As his senior, I’ll give him a proper scolding.
MC: O-okay! Thanks, Uncle Yan.
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Gavin: Cough. We’ll leave the pleasantries for next time. We should go now.
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With this, Gavin speeds up and walks forward, a faint red hue climbing up the tips of his ears.
Seeing Captain Yan’s grin, I hurriedly lower my head and follow after him.
MC: Gavin, wait for me!
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With Captain Yan keeping watch, MC and Gavin use the Golden Apple 2
In the simulated memories of the New Years Change Incident, Gavin notices post-injection bruises on Du Wen’s hand
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Du Wen and those around him don’t seem to know what’s going on, but they’re frightened due to the sounds of gunshots and explosions outside
A handful of Evolvers revolt, but are shot to death by officers dressed in NW uniforms
Du Wen flees, and the both of them follow after him
In the end, they watch as a beam crushes the lower part of Du Wen’s body
At the same time, a drone in the simulation appears to take aim at MC
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[ Notable Scene: Gavin’s Protection ]
Gavin: MC!
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An urgent exclamation drifts to my ears. Turning to the voice, I see Gavin lunging towards me involuntarily.
Those amber eyes grow large in front of me. In the next second, I’m enveloped in Gavin’s arms.
My cheek is pressed tightly to his chest, and powerful heartbeats echo at my ear.
His heart is beating very quickly - so quickly that my heart subconsciously matches its frequency.
“Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.”
It’s as though these powerful heartbeats are the only things left in the entire world.
In every difficult or dangerous situation, I’m always able to hear this sound.
It’s as though they have melded into my bloodstream, becoming a kind of instinct.
Gavin: It’s fine, there's no need to leave the system.
Gavin’s hand is by his ear. After stating his judgement calmly, he looks at me.
Gavin: Are you okay?
MC: Gavin, this is fake.
Gavin: Mm. But my body seems to have reacted a little faster than my brain.
His amber eyes reflect the blood-coloured sky, filled with worry and fret that he hasn’t had the time to shed off.
Gavin: Whether it’s real or an illusion, I don’t want you to get hurt in front of me.
MC: But they would simply pass through my body.
Gavin: Not even if they pass through.
He speaks unyieldingly.
MC: Okay, whatever you say.
Gavin: Let’s get out of here.
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They continue looking at the chaos and hear the sounds of crying and screaming
Gavin appears composed, but the fingertips holding onto MC are quivering, as though he's barely suppressing his anger at the injustice before him
The scene shifts, and what appears before them is a NW laboratory
Du Wen has thick tubes stuck all over him, and he’s submerged in a gigantic apparatus
MC traces that the memory is from 2 months prior to the New Years Change Incident
A senior official from NW walks in, and he seems to be in charge of a secret experiment
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[ Notable Scene: Gavin and MC’s Future Father-in-law]
His eyes are steadfast and icy, as though nothing can sway him.
And nothing can destroy or obstruct him.
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Gavin stands rooted to the spot. He watches as the man draws closer and closer to himself-
And walks straight through him.
Gavin has already matured into someone whose height is on par with his. They have incredibly similar features, and they even share an identical straight and powerful gait.
However, Gavin doesn’t turn around. His entire body remains stiff until the world gradually gathers into a patch of darkness.
He doesn’t move. The faint white light causes him to look pale.
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Slowly, he lowers his head, covering his eyes.
I stand behind him, not saying a word.
That senior official is Gavin’s father.
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Once they’re out of the Golden Apple 2, Captain Yan notices how solemn Gavin looks
Gavin takes Captain Yan and MC to a simple apartment to talk
Gavin fills Captain Yan in on what they saw
Captain Yan and Gavin start discussing what happened, and MC heads over to the window to look at the view despite the best view being Gavin
Gavin brings up the laboratory, and Captain Yan asks if he saw “that person”. Gavin grits his teeth and says, “I saw him.”
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[ Notable Scene: The End of Chapter 19 ]
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Gavin: MC, I’ll send you home.
By the time Gavin comes up from behind me, Captain Yan has already left.
I notice Gavin’s tense lower jaw. He seems to be doing his best to appear natural in front of me.
To appear as though he doesn’t care.
Seeing this person before me, I feel my heart being clenched tight.
MC: Gavin, I want to go somewhere before heading home. Could you accompany me?
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When we leap over the walls of Loveland High, confusion flashes across his eyes.
The gentle evening breeze brushes his fringe, and his figure is immersed in patches of moonlight.
It’s been a very long time since I last returned to this place. But images from this place always surface in my mind.
The field, the stairs, the roof, the gymnasium late at night, and the infirmary.
During that period of time I had re-lived, I wanted nothing more than for time to move a little faster.
So that I’d be able to reach that day when I could walk over to him a little sooner.
However, this year, I’m reluctant to let time pass by as quickly. 
During the time in which the wind blew by, that young man filled all my memories related to youth.
That’s how reluctant I am.
That’s why I’ve been walking slowly on purpose. Even so, in just the blink of an eye, he disappeared in the breeze of youth.
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Pulling on Gavin’s hand, we walk along the field, and walk into the depths of the forest behind the school.
MC: Gavin, I think you’re angry.
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I turn my head to the side to look at him. Gavin simply furrows his brows slightly, and it’s clear that he feels a little uneasy.
MC: You don’t need to pretend that nothing’s bothering you in front of me. Anger isn’t something you should feel ashamed of.
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Gavin: I...
He opens his mouth, but something sews it up again.
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A fierce wind suddenly rises, causing countless fallen leaves to swirl in the air.
They are reminiscent of incessant, agonised screams.
Gavin: I... just can’t understand. There are clearly many other methods. There are many other choices.
His words are blended into the wind, suppressed and pained.
I don’t turn my head to look at his expression. I simply stand beside him quietly, our fingers interlaced together, standing in the middle of the fierce gale.
With the flow of time, the fierce gale becomes calmer. In the end, it morphs into a gentle breeze, brushing our fringes.
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Gavin: MC, thank you.
I shake my head, turning my head towards him.
MC: Gavin, do you know something? The reason why I brought you back here was to tell you that I hope your beautiful memories won't simply be confined to high school. Beautiful things should continue, and never end.
While saying this solemnly, my heart speeds up uncontrollably.
Gavin’s pupils quiver slightly, and he squeezes my hands tightly.
Gavin: Thank you.
Very softly, he repeats these words.
MC: Let’s walk around a little more before heading home.
I chuckle happily, my footsteps becoming incomparably lighter.
All of a sudden, my palm feels empty -
It’s as though Gavin released my hand.
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Feeling puzzled, I turn around to find that Gavin had simply shifted his hand behind his back.
MC: What’s wrong?
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Gavin: ...nothing.
When the girl’s confusion is dispelled and she continues walking forward, Gavin lowers his head to look at his vanished right arm, his expression composed.
As compared to his right hand disappearing the last time, the scope seems to have grown larger this time.
Gavin follows behind the girl calmly, contemplating quietly.
His time might be shorter than he imagined.
Gavin chuckles softly, the corners of his lips hooking upwards slowly.
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Gavin: MC.
I pause in my footsteps and turn around, realising that we’re several footsteps apart.
MC: Gavin, what’s wrong?
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Gavin: I just received news from Captain Yan. I might have to leave for a while.
MC: So suddenly?
Gavin: Sorry. After sending you home, I’ll set out.
He looks at me apologetically, as though suppressing something once again.
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After returning home, I quickly remove my shoes and rush to the window to search for that figure.
Guessing that I’d do this, Gavin doesn’t leave immediately. He stands downstairs, waiting for me.
A gust of wind burrows in through the window, as though carrying with it slight reluctance as it makes gentle twirls around me again and again.
I lean my palm against the glass, wanting to say another farewell to him.
MC: Gavin, you must return safely.
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bittersweetmelxdy · 4 years
Day 25: Christmas Time- Victor, Lucien, Gavin and Kiro
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There's been times before, you wish for so much more,/ When I was down and filled with doubt, I had you,/ And we made it through the year, it's so good to be here- Christmas C’mon, Lindsey Stirling ft. Becky G
Of course, Victor cooks for Christmas, what else did you expect, you used Christmas as an excuse to eat and Victor loved to feed you.
Despite being a bog CEO and you being the head producer of your company, the two of you always made sure that you had Christmas off to spend with each other.
Every year Victor took you to see a ballet, ever since the two of you were dating, he had done this and he still continued this trend, and it became something you looked forward to, every year.
Melody loved going to the ballet, her eyes would always light up seeing the ballerinas dance across the stage, and this eventually sparked her interest in ballet, a passion Victor had no problem investing in.
Christmas for the Li’s always consisted of the annual LFG Christmas Gala, and every year all of you would attend, and every year by the end of the festivities, Victor would find you and his children sleeping on a couple of chairs in the corner of the ballroom, he would always smile fondly, rouse you all gently to take you home, and then proceed to tease you about it the next day.
The actual Christmas day was a pretty grand affair, Victor worked like clock-work regardless of him having day off or not, so he still got up early on Christmas, which was great for the children who would wake up early due to Christmas excitement, but it wasn’t great for you, who just wanted a lie in.
Despite Victor being the most pernickety person you had ever met, he didn’t have a problem letting the children help with any Christmas cooking, especially his son, who from very early on loved to cook (this based on some childhood stories my mum told me about me).
You loved watching this part of the Christmas traditions, as Victor always used a very soft and affectionate tone with his children, he explained things clearly, and he only ever raised his voice whenever the two were in any danger.
You always teased Victor that if Goldman saw how he acted with his children he would faint, or think the world was ending. (Victor never found it funny as you did).
Victor’s Dad and his Aunt always came to visit so you would have a nice big family Christmas dinner, but you would alternate whether you hosted or his father did. When you hosted your aunts and uncles and cousins would also visit, making the house both crowded and noisy.
Of course, Victor’s father and Aunt taught your children to play mahjong (you were still a bit of a lost cause), and you would play games together to varying degrees of success, (Monopoly was banned in your house after your children started crying that Victor was being too mean during a game).
Victor would always make a special Christmas pudding specifically for this day, that would be flavoured with whatever Christmas flavour was popular that year, which you never complained about, you were always happy to eat any of Victor’s cooking.
You would always take Christmas pictures together, and every year Victor would complain that maybe you should take professional photos, to which you would roll your eyes and then proceed to continue to take candid silly photos with your phone and camera (“Victor, no one wants to waste money on a fancy professional picture, I have a phone.”).
Victor made sure to always be off on Christmas day and also to always be home, because he firmly believed Christmas is for family and home, so he made sure that’s where he was, because you and children were his top priority. 
Lucien never really saw the true point of Christmas until he started dating you, but it wasn’t because he now felt the Christmas spirit, but more he enjoyed seeing you enjoy the Christmas spirit, you were always so bright to him throughout the rest of the year, but it was something about the festive season that made him unable to take his eyes off of you.
He let you take full control of all your Christmas plans, happy to just take a backseat and let you dictate how various things you wanted to do throughout the day, no matter how cliché it was, once you heard from Lucien how he didn’t “really do Christmas”, you were determined to have him try as many Christmas traditions as possible in hopes that he’d feel more inclined to enjoy Christmas.  
He always told you that you didn’t have to cook a lot as he knew how busy you were and you were only ever preparing for Christmas between the two of you.  
So, you would often spend Christmas morning cooking together, something you found both relaxing and enjoyable, however this had to be moved to Christmas Eve once Aurora was born so that you could spend most of the day with her.
Every year Lucien will take you to see the Loveland Christmas lights, and no matter how many years you go together, every year feels special, as you always went on a quiet evening so the three of you had the whole park to yourselves, to admire and run around under the twinkling lights.
You have your Christmas playlist blasting throughout the month and as you get closer and closer to the date, you and Lucien would dance around to your favourites, (read: you and Aurora would dance and sing, and Lucien would join in to humour you).
Lucien would often receive a lot of gifts from the Research Centre, so you never have to buy chocolates/ biscuits/ cakes around this time of year, as you always had a steady supply.
You would take the surplus treats, and you and Lucien would also buy enough gifts for all the children at the orphanage, going every single year to see their Christmas play and distributing the gifts, the smile that would light up their faces was like a gift that kept on giving.  
If you didn’t have any plans, or it was one or your quieter Christmases you would also go visit the children on the evening of the 25th, just to spend time with them and join the workers in giving the children a memorable Christmas.
Christmas was something you and Gavin kept to your small family of four, as New Year’s was spent with your extended family.
Every Christmas starts the same way for you, with a lie-in, Gavin and you just stay in bed enjoying each other’s presence without the morning rush, as both of you share this day off, Gavin never tells you but since he is conditioned to wake up early, he always watches your sleeping form rise and fall with your steady breathing, as the first sunbeams shimmer through the curtains and bathe your figure in a warm golden glow.
Then the both of you would spend Christmas in a very slow and lazy manner, glad to just have a day where the only commitment the two of you had was to each other.
However once Caleb and Ellie are born, this routine changes slightly, the two little ones knock on the door as early as possible, excited and ready to start the day, bouncing on the foot of the bed, to rouse the both of you into action.
Gavin and you both have a rule not to open presents until after lunch, and every year, no matter how much the children protest, you both stick rigidly to that rule.
So, you spend the morning watching Christmas movies, eating all the various sweet treats you had baked in the previous days, and drinking hot chocolate, (or if you’re allergic to chocolate like I am, just drinking tea/ coffee/ any other beverage).
Then you all sit down for Christmas dinner, and you often invite Eli and Minor to join you for this part of the festivities, something both of them don’t mind as they dote upon the children (although sometimes you do have to remind them they shouldn’t be competing for favourite uncle), and this part of the day is usually the loudest part of your day, and despite how exasperated Gavin always looks at the antics of his “friends”, you know that him seeing the bright smiles on his two children’s faces every year makes it all worth it... just.
Gavin’s brother also came some years to spend Christmas with you all, always happy to see the children, but you understood the rift between Gavin and his family, and never pushed Gavin to spend more time with them than he was comfortable with.
You love seeing your children opening presents at Christmas just because the way they do so, Ellie will rip the wrapping paper in the quickest way to get to the present inside, creating a mess of wrapping paper around her, but Caleb would carefully remove the tape, piece by piece, unfolding the wrapping paper trying to keep it as intact as possible. The stark difference between your two children always made you smile, that and the fact that after they had opened the presents the two of them would each, in turn throw themselves at you and Gavin for a big hug and a “thank you!”.
Eli and Minor at this point would always ask the children which gift they thought was the best and you and Gavin had taught them well as your children would always choose a gift neither of them had bought. (One year, Caleb being put on the spot picked Eli’s gift and Minor proceeded to sulk about it for the next three months, often throwing pointed barbs at you whilst at work, much to your amusement)
Once the two of them left, you and Gavin would spend the rest of the evening playing with the children and their presents, before having a late dinner, consisting of the leftovers from lunch, and an early night.
You and Gavin knew your Christmas’ weren’t as exciting as other people’s but the quiet, lazy kind of way you both did Christmas suited the both of you, you had enough chaos in your work life, so a quiet Christmas was always a well-appreciated gift.
Kiro often had to be abroad during Christmas for tours and filming so he was rarely free to spend Christmas at home in Loveland.
His solution- where he goes around Christmas, his family goes too!
The only time the two of you spent Christmas apart was the Christmas before the twins were born, you were too pregnant to fly, but to make up for it Kiro video called you for two hours, and when he wasn’t able to be on the phone with you he sent you multiple video updates of food that he tried and things that he did to celebrate whilst he was apart from you, but in every video he made sure to tell you that he loved you and missed you greatly.
Absolutely loves having his kids with him whilst he’s abroad during Christmas, especially if it’s somewhere he’s been before, because he loves taking you all to his favourite food places and celebrating other Christmas traditions together.
Takes so many pictures of your all during Christmas, wanting to document as many memories as he can with all of you that he can.
On the rare occasions that you can spend Christmas in Loveland, you and Kiro strive to make it feel as much as “home” as you can. The twins never see it as boring, just different because you’re at home.
You and Kiro would hide the presents around the house for each other, and later you would do the same for the children, and you would give the person looking a set of three clues for them to try and find their presents. As the age increases the difficulty of the clue also increases, and there was only one year where Kiro had to help you because you couldn’t figure out the last clue because he had made it too hard and you ended up sitting on the floor pouting, whilst Kiro apologised and then tried to explain the clue to you.
Kiro and you would make Christmas dinner together, because the only food he loves more than your cooking is Souvenir, and you would have fun goofing off and cooking together.
Kiro would have no problem dancing around the kitchen/ living room/ hotel room, to all your favourite Christmas songs, every year you both will belt out ‘All I want for Christmas Is You’ whilst dancing together in your socks and pyjamas, often dissolving into laughter at least twice during the song.
Another tradition you do whilst you’re at home is to make cookies with the whole family, the twins loved the whole process of cutting the cookies out in various fun shapes, but unlike before your kids when you only had to stop Kiro from eating the raw batter, now you had to stop three people from eating the batter, but despite your scolding the smile painted on your face clearly showed that you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kiro loves having a family of his own to spend the holidays with, as even though Savin was always kind enough to let him spend the festive period with him and his family, he always felt a little like a guest rather than a part of the festivities.
So now he has his own special family he finds Christmas even more exciting, as he’s finally a part of something more that’s just him, and he has a group of people that love him and he loves unconditionally, and just being able to spend time with you all was the greatest gift he could ever receive.
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hiiraism4 · 4 years
Gavin : Proposal
Fandom : MLQC
Pairing : Gavinxreader/ GavinxMC
Gavin decided to do something big in his life. The one life time chance. A big decision in his life. But everything decided to mess around with him and he lost the opportunity to be do it.
“Oh, you’re doing good.” Eli gave Gavin a thumbs up over a video call.
“You haven’t tasted it yet.” Gavin rolled his eyes, trying to conceal his grin. Of course he failed.
“You already passed the taste test days ago, Gav. Now you passed the garnishing part.” Eli chuckled.
Gavin stared at the nicely plated steak with asparagus and mashed potato with sauce dripping alongside the plate. The agent spent almost half a day just to decorate this. Gotta say he was so proud of his work. 
“Thanks for teaching me, Eli.” Gavin told the other captain.
“Nah, it’s okay. I’m more curious about how the dinner and how that ‘mission’ of yours goes.” Eli grinned.  
Gavin looked the other way, with the tip of his ears turned red, earning Eli’s laugh from the other side. 
“Like hell i’d tell you.” Gavin retorted. 
“Oh, you’re right. I don’t need to ask, it’ll written in your face and performance on missions later on.”  Eli wiggled his eyebrow, teasing the younger captain.
Gavin rolled his eyes and end the video call before Eli could tease him more. The captain of STF, once again humming at his hardwork and placed the steak nicely on the table. He could heat it later quick in microwave before eating it anyway. 
Gavin went to his room, grabbing a small box hidden in his closet.
Gavin stared at the silver ring with gingko leaf design and a small piece of diamond on the leaf’s centre on his hand. He had been staring at it far too long. Too long. He spent hours staring at it. Sometimes he traced the object. Sometimes he sighed. Sometimes he placed the ring back to the little box only to pick it up and staring at it. The ring he made with his own for several months in secret from others.
Come on, Gav, you can do this.
Gavin had been rehearsing the same line over and over.
“Will you marry me?”
Then the grown up man could feel his ears and face hot after saying the line. His hand instantly cover his mouth and he tried to calm his heartbeat down. The poor man couldn’t. He couldn’t. Even after years he had been official a thing with you. He couldn’t help the butterfly in his stomach.
It was you who confessed your feelings for him first. Gavin wasn’t the type of guy who would even make a move on you, at least not so bashful, he wouldn’t dare to risk losing her--their friendship--the only thing he wouldn’t want to lose. It was okay for him to stay be friends with you, as long as he could be by your side, protecting her. But alas, the girl herself blurted out your feelings to him. It did caught him off guard, the way your lips smiling, saying “I love you” quietly to his ears when you pulled him into a hug after he took you home.
It went quiet well for both of you and Gavin. You moved in to his apartment, would try to cook homemade meals for him everyday since you reminded him a lot of how bad his diet is (despite he always his defined abs) and you had greatly improved since then even if you still couldn’t handle spicy food like Gavin, but you were considerate enough to cook him spicy food, once in a while. He would come back from his missions with a clean apartment, homecooked food, fresh ironed clothes, a faint sweet cinnamon scent from your favorite candle, and you, waiting for him. Gavin couldn’t ask anything more than that.
But now he wanted to be more than that.
He wanted to marry you.
What if she rejects?
Gavin exhaled, thinking about the possibility. 
“You’re overthinking, bro!” he remembered Minor looking at him in disbelief.  
“Of course boss would love to marry you! You guys are together for 3 years now. You’re not rushing things, of course. Have more confident in yourself, bro! I’m always rooting for you and hope the best for you two.” 
Gavin, once again, exhaled. Minor did give him a little courage to propose you. That guy even went miles and give him many reference for the engagement ring’s design, getting all excited about it as if he was the happy proud father.
Gavin stopped his train of thoughts. Father.
He was from a broken family. His mom died. His relationship with his father hadn’t got any better, Gavin even never call or visit him anymore, let alone his brother. Gavin, who was alone and lonely ever since his mother died, didn’t know what to do in situations like these. What did his father do when he proposed his mother back then? He never know, and he never wanted to know. 
Like hell i’d ask him.
A chat window light up his phone. Gavin reached for his phone on the kitchen counter and opened the chat. The smile back to his face. 
MC : Hey, Gavin :D 
I’m done with the shooting for today.
Gavin : Cool, should i pick you up now? I’m at home.
MC : Sure! I’ll be waiting at the nearby park.
Gavin was contemplating whether he should take his motorbike Sparky or just fly over there. He opted for the latter, faster that way. Gavin wasn’t thinking of how light you were in his arms and how you would clung to him tightly when he flew with you, to the point he could smell your strawberry shampoo. Nope. 
Okay, he did.
Why am i like this. 
Gavin exhaled. He tucked the ring’s box inside his pocket and went out from his apartment. He pushed the elevator to the highest floor. He carefully slide past the security camera and opened the rooftop’s door. He could always fly from his balcony, but he decided to be safe and flying from the rooftop was a choice she opted for him when he asked her suggestion.
Gavin stared at his cellphone, dumbfounded. He had not even met her when he received a call from Eli that he had to go on another mission tonight. He even apologized when giving him the news that Gavin and his squad was needed for a joined mission with Eli’s squad. The current air around him swirled. He was supposed to propose to the girl he had crush with for years tonight. He even prepared nice meal for you back at home. Gavin, went miles to learn to cook something with Eli guiding him for the past days. Of course he did it secretly from her.
Now the food was going to waste. What else?
Gavin wanted to curse but he couldn’t. He saw you, sitting on the bench flipping through your phone. His sour mood suddenly lifted and he descended quietly beside you. He tapped your shoulder and your head move up from your phone. You smiled seeing Gavin. 
“Waiting long?” Gavin asked casually.
You shook your head. “Nah, not really.” You stood up from the bench and held his hand in yours. He clasped yours hand back in return, feeling the cold in your fingertips. 
Gavin held your hand tightly in his hand, hoping that he would transfer some of his warmth to you. 
“Ready?” Gavin asked. You nodded your head in return.
The sun was about to set and Gavin would need to get ready for his mission tonight. He pulled your close to him, resting his hand on your waist, keeping it steady. You gasped and held his arms as both you and him floated to the sky. You were used to flying with Gavin already, knowing that you had been with him for years.
“What’s wrong, Gavin?” you asked, titling your head.
Gavin stared down at your crystal clear eyes. It wasn’t like Gavin to be so silent. Well, he wasn’t exactly a chatty type but he would ask your day, how the shooting was and stuffs. But Gavin fell silent when they began to fly. You could read Gavin like the back of your hand and Gavin couldn’t help but grimaced.
“I..i must go tonight. Mission.” Gavin answered flatly.
You hummed, contemplating what Gavin said. You placed your head to Gavin’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. It wasn’t the first time for Gavin to have mission in the evening. Usually he would come back tomorrow morning, or days later, depending on his mission. Gavin always kept secret to his mission as it was confidential but he would let you know bits of it.
“Not even a dinner together with me?” you asked, half hoping Gavin would stay, at least for dinner.
Much to both you and Gavin’s dismay, Gavin shook his head. He wished he could stay for dinner. He really wished he could. But the mission was important. If he was called along with Eli then the mission must be more dangerous than usual. “I’m sorry.” Gavin muttered.
Gavin was ready with his backpack on his back when you called him from the kitchen. He exhaled, taking a step to the kitchen. You were there, with a plate in your hand. Gavin did heat the steak in the microwave and told you to wait while he was getting ready. You looked dumbfounded for a second.
“Gavin, did you make this?” you asked, looking the dish with awe.
Gavin smiled, nodding his head.
“Um, is there something important today?” you asked.
Gavin gulped, shaking his head. Today wasn’t the right time. Not now. He would do it again later after his mission. “No, i just wanted to cook something for you. I’m bored at home today.” he lied.
“But it looks so delicious!” you exclaimed happily. But upon seeing Gavin’s backpack, your smiled faltered, turned into a strained smile. “Oh, you have to go now?” you asked, placing the plate on the counter.
Gavin nodded weakly. He was still feel bitter about the whole plan messed up. But work is work. He was needed to go out there and arrest some bad guys. Gavin caressed your face, tucking your loose strand behind your ear. He wouldn’t bored looking at you. But you were having the opposite effect. You tried to look away, feeling shy as your cheek flushed. Gavin placed his hand on your chin, pulled you up to stare at him and close the distance between your lips and his.
Gavin wouldn’t even get bored kissing you.
It was supposed to be a quick goodbye kiss, but Gavin angled his head and placed his hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him. You gasped right to his mouth and he used the opportunity to licked your lower lips and enter your mouth. Gavin was about to let go but feeling your hands on his neck and the back of his head made him went bold by licking your tongue, sucking it even. The kiss was needy, desperate. The time Gavin felt your legs went limp was the time he released the kiss, holding you steady in his arms. He placed his forehead on yours trying to even out his breathing as he could feel his ear tip went hot while you also trying to calm your breathing.
“...sorry.” Gavin apologized.
“Stop it.” you murmured between your breath. “We’ve been together for years, Gavin. You have the right to kiss me however you want.” you assured him.
“I will contact you as soon as i finished with the mission, okay?” Gavin kissed your forehead.
“Please be careful. I’ll be waiting for you.” you held Gavin’s face in your hand, the latter held your hand in his, humming the sign that he would. Both of you stayed there for a good minute.
You both and Gavin walked to the front door. Gavin opened the door, ready to go out. But he stopped there, exhale and turned around.
“What’s wro--mmph” Gavin kissed your lips before you could finish your sentence. Satisfied when he saw your face turned red and dumbfounded by his sudden action, Gavin chuckled.
“I’ll be home soon.” was Gavin’s last words and then he turned around and waving at you.
But once Gavin gone from your sight as he walked to the elevator, you clutched your hand on your chest. A bad feeling crept on inside your chest.
 [part 2]
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Coffee, crushes and complications 
This was prompted by a lovely anon! I hope you like it, I sure did!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: pre-Reed900 [Prequel]   [Part2]   [Part3]   [Part4]
 ‘Reed? In my office!‘ Gavin couldn’t think of what he had done wrong, but considering how many times he had heard this sentence before, the anxiety settled in immediately. Still, he stood up, downed the last sip of coffee and walked over to his boss’ office. ‘Yes? What’s wrong?’, he asked, sitting down in the chair in front of the table. ‘What’s wrong?’  The man in front of him laughed heartily and Gavin nervously laughed, too. God, had he phcked up that badly with his last job? ‘Reed, nothing’s wrong, quite the opposite! How you handled this rich asshole was… I would say impressive, but that doesn’t do the thing justice. God, how they could ever throw you out of the police force, I can’t understand. You didn’t let him off the hook until he answered your questions and gave him nothing to work with! That is investigative journalism at it’s finest and damnit, Reed, no one else deserves it more!’ ‘What?’, Gavin asked relieved, but also proud. ‘A raise! I would promote you, but I need you where you are now. I hope you understand that?’ ‘Hey, sure. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than in the field.’ ‘Alright. Then I’ll just sign the papers and send them to you. Really, Reed, you out-did yourself with this one!’
When Gavin came home that day, the first thing he did was jump and cheer in triumph, then pick up his unsuspecting cat and hurl her around. ‘Oh, Bready, today is the day!’ He kissed her on her shoulder, before she finally decided she had enough with an angry growl. Immediately Gavin let her fall to the ground and hurried to the kitchen, grabbing the phone along the way. The number he searched for was only two clicks away and he let it ring while pouring out some kibble for Bready and heating up yesterday’s leftovers. ‘Hey, Eli!’, he excitedly called into the phone. ‘How are you? You won’t believe what happened today!’ He let his brother guess a few times until the microwave pinged and he let himself and his food fall on the couch. ‘Urgh, Eli you are boring and have too much creativity at your hands. No, I got a raise! Honestly, getting fired might have been the best thing to ever happen to me. I get raises for being a nosy asshole! My new boss phcking loves me and my colleagues actually seem to like me. Oh, I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. We need to celebrate that! When are you free?’
He took a breath and began eating while listening to his brother complain about new work politics. Gavin actually felt with him for once. His view on androids had changed quite a bit. He got to know quite a few androids during his work and the day one of his colleagues had come in in tears saying they would have to resign because of some anti-android assholes, Gavin had changed. It had only been a few months since he started his new life, but for the first time he felt like he had his life under control. And like he enjoyed it. Being fired from the only job he thought to be ever good in had been hard. But after being stuck in that low for weeks he had realised that if he wanted to be happy, he had to work for it. And he did. And it had become better. Seeking professional help, reconciling with his brother and finally finding a new job he actually liked had been the end of a long journey that was far from over. But he was happy. And he was confident it would go up only from now on.
Their conversation dropped into casual talk, a few jokes and teasing. It was already late when Gavin decided to end it for today. He was tired and he wanted to at least watch another episode of this new show he enjoyed so much. ‘Okay, so when do you actually have time? Tomorrow? Nah, can’t do, I’m meeting Tina at this new coffee shop. Maybe on the weekend? Yes? Oh, that would be awesome. Okay, bye! Love you too!’
He smiled as he wanted to stand up to bring the phone back, but Bready had already made herself at home in his lap, so he just laid it to the side and switched on the TV.
‘Hey Tina!’, Gavin greeted the woman already standing in line. She turned around and her face lit up. Shortly after, Gavin was encased in strong arms and had to chuckle. ‘Hey, hey, let me down, alright?’ ‘God, I haven’t seen you in ages!’ ‘You saw me last month’, Gavin reminded her. ‘I see you dipshit every week on TV! That’s not the same. I miss you.’ ‘Wait you watch it?’ ‘Of course I watch it!’, Tina said and punched his shoulder. ‘What do you think of me? Also, it’s funny seeing you be a dick to people that obviously hide one or two bodies under a rug somewhere.’ Gavin shrugged. ‘Well, whatever floats your boat.’ ‘It’s good to see you like it’, Tina then said seriously. ‘I worried about you after you left.’ ‘I know’, Gavin groaned. ‘But I’m fine, okay? Really, I feel better than ever. Now shut your mouth for a while, I have to think what I want to order for a moment…’
They got their coffee and tea as well as two slices of cake soon enough and sat down in a corner of the room. ‘So, how’s work on your end?’, Gavin asked. ‘Hmm, nothing interesting at the moment. We had a suspected serial killer last week, but it turned out the cases weren’t connected after all and thankfully nothing more than the two murders happened before we got them. Otherwise… Nah, nothing interesting you want to talk about.’ So only stuff regarding the new guy. Gavin had said upfront he didn’t want to know anything about the person that had replaced him. It wouldn’t be any use after all. Tina thankfully respected his decision.
‘I did get to know someone’, she then smirked as silence threatened to stretch. ‘A beautiful, funny android lady. She also likes cats!’ ‘Oh that’s cool, tell me more!’, Gavin demanded and smiled, listening to Tina ramble on, cake and tea completely forgotten. Gavin had been determined to listen intently to her, but his attention was drawn from her as someone entered the coffee shop. Someone very familiar. ‘You got to be kidding me’, he hissed, and Tina caught on to him, turning around. There at the counter stood Hank and Connor, looking at the board. Wait. Was that another Connor? ‘Hey, T, who’s the other Connor?’, he whispered. ‘Can’t tell you without breaking a promise’, she admitted, ducking her head. ‘No phcking way a damn Connor replaced me!’
Maybe he had been louder than expected, maybe Connor just had picked up his name, but the RK800 turned around to him, eyes going wide and tapping Hank on the shoulder pointing over. Hank looked in his direction and apparently wanted to bolt immediately, but the friendly barista behind the counter had already placed their drinks on it. In that moment, the other Connor following them had spotted him too. The next thing he did was march over with large steps.
‘Oh hell no, I’m not doing this! I-‘ ‘Hello. My name is Richard. I’m sorry to have replaced you.’ ‘Oh, get phcked!’ Gavin was not having it. He had wanted to drink his coffee and talk to his best friend. He had no interest in talking to this machine. ‘I have waited very long for this moment, my colleagues having tried their best to make this meeting impossible. So, no, I won’t “get phcked”. Not before I you didn’t accept my apology.’ ‘Yeah, whatever. It’s fine. I was an asshole. Deserved getting fired. Now shoo!’ ‘I still don’t deserve getting a job when a human needs them to survive. It wasn’t fair. I heard you… did not fare well after being fired.’ Gavin took a deep breath, before standing up, the sound of the chair scratching on the ground like a precursor of a fight. ‘Listen here, Richard’, he said, pointing his finger at his chest. ‘My personal history doesn’t concern you in the slightest, okay? It’s true, I wasn’t stable in my old job. I was easily angered, I overworked myself on a regular basis without even realising it in the end. I had no friends. I am depressed. My life was one giant, gaping shithole. When I was fired it was for a good reason, but it send me spiralling even deeper down. But you know what? One day I hit rock bottom and knew it couldn’t get any worse than this, might as well try to make it better. And I worked hard for it. I worked my ass off trying to rebuild bridges I’ve burned and seek help. Get over my own walls and live. Be happy. Find a job. And you know what, you goddamn tin-can? I did it. I am a different man and I am happy. So don’t-‘ He took another breath to steady himself. ‘Don’t you dare giving me pity. I am no sorry broken soul you can comfort so you feel better! So you have completed your good deed a day! I am fine. I am better than fine. So thanks, but no thanks. Don’t need it. Phck off.’
That actually worked. The android blinked at him, obviously processing, before apologising and heading over to where Connor and Hank had sat down. Gavin got back on his seat, too and took a large gulp of his coffee. As he sat the mug down, he stared into a grinning face. ‘What?’ ‘So aggressive’, Tina laughed. ‘Dude, the guy just wanted to be nice.’ ‘Oh, did he?’, Gavin grumbled and tried to get an inconspicuous look at the android. Of course, he had chosen the same moment Richard had looked over at him, so he quickly turned back around. ‘Yes’, Tina chuckled. ‘You don’t know how annoying he can be. Replacing you being unfair is the one topic he can’t shut up about.’ ‘Perfect’, Gavin sighed, but couldn’t keep his thoughts in check. Had this android really tried to advocate for someone he didn’t even know? ‘Yeah, always said how after going through your open cases and notes, he couldn’t believe someone fired you. He thinks you are some kind of genius I think.’ ‘Oh, wow, an android has a work-crush on me’, Gavin over-exaggerated and rolled his eyes. ‘Hey, you wouldn’t be that far from the truth there’, Tina shrugged. ‘”Gavin Reed would not have” is like every second sentence of his. It’s cute actually. And ever since you put him in his place just now, he is staring at you, that fancy mood-light turning yellow.’ ‘It’s what-‘ Gavin turned around, cursing when he stared in his eyes again: ‘Shit! What’s his problem? Anyways, you wanted to tell me more about Steph. Please. I beg you. Ramble about your soon to be girlfriend, I want to think about anything but this android.’
Richard on the other hand knew exactly what his problem was. He had exactly 335 software instabilities and errors to keep track of while he couldn’t keep his eyes off this human. He had known the man to be remarkable. But after that reaction? Oh, he definitely had to get to know him better. So, long after the human had left the shop and even after he had driven home, Richard was still planning how to see the man again. Maybe Tina had been right. Maybe he truly had a crush.
[>next part]
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