#elezar grunito
theleakypen · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Cadeleonian Series - Ginn Hale Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Elezar Grunito/Hilthorn "Skellan" Radulf, Kiram Kir-Zaki/Javier Tornesal Characters: Elezar Grunito, Javier Tornesal, Kiram Kir-Zaki, Hilthorn "Skellan" Radulf, Atreau Vediya Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Animal Death, Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic, Podfic Length: 2.5-3 Hours
So I just finished devouring the Cadeleonian series by Ginn Hale over the course of, like, less than a week, and instantly went looking for fic (as you do), of which there are sadly only SIX, but one of these six is this amazing Modern AU that is both text and podfic. I haven’t listened to it yet but I just read it and I’m in love, so y’all should also go read it (in whatever form you prefer to consume it). You don’t need to have read Master of Restless Shadows for this one, but probably best if you’ve read through at least the first part of Champion of the Scarlet Wolf.
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wearethekat · 2 years
August Book Reviews: Champion of the Scarlet Wolf by Ginn Hale
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I’m back again on my quest to read all of Ginn Hale!* My one quibble with Lord of the White Hell was that it would have been better if everyone was five or perhaps ten years older. And Champion of the Scarlet Wolf is indeed set five-ish years after the previous books. Also, Hale’s writing has notably improved here-- the plot is tighter and more complex, and the world is more sharply defined than it was in previous books.
The protagonist here was Elezar Grunito, who we last saw stabbing a man due to his internalized homophobia. As the book starts with Elezar stabbing yet another man (probably due to internalized homophobia), I was a little slow to warm up to him. But he’s a genuinely good MC-- fiercely honorable, deeply private, and haunted by the obligatory Dark Backstory. Also, despite the fact he looks like a cut-price bandit, he’s competent in both in punching people and high court politics. 
Elezar contrasts interestingly with the other MC, Skellan. Skellan is an absolute gremlin, a witch, and possessed of a Significant and Mysterious Background. Together, they’re flung into a complex web of politics-- Elezar travels to Labra  (semi-independent conquered holding of Caledonia) as an agent for peace. But meanwhile, tensions rise in the city between the occupying Caledonians and the native Labrans, which is exacerbated by their religious differences. Meanwhile, the witch-queens to the north seem poised to invade...
Contains: dueling, spies, assassins, intrigue, curious magic, shapechanging. Not to mention an emotionally laden fealty dynamic which is my absolute favorite. This was absolute catnip for me and I’d absolutely recommend it.
*I’m also continuing my policy of grouping together the duologies into one book review. one title, one review!
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szszzzz · 4 years
Cadeleonian Series Extras!!
 just found out that there are these extras/wip posted on ginn hale’s official website, and i'm posting so more people can read them:
A Very White Hell Solstice  (set after the ending of the Lord of the White Hell series)
Ring in the Northern New Year (set after the ending of the Champion of the Scarlet Wolf series)
First Dance (Master of Restless Shadows)
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roncheg · 4 years
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*inspired by one little phrase in a new book of the series - 
“But Elezar needs no rescuing. He’s happy. Life as a Labaran warlord suits him far better than a comfortable courtly appointment ever could” ❤︎
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I need to reread Champion of the Scarlet Wolf, I miss these boys.
It probably doesn’t show, but I learned a lot drawing this...mostly learned that I have a lot to improve on.
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vehuhia-rp · 2 years
Looking for someone to roleplay Ginn Hale’s Cadeleonian series!
Okay, I know I’ve literally deserted tumblr for like… years. So much have been going on, I can’t tell you.
But it’s currently 4:22AM, I just finished Master of Restless Shadows Book Two, and I’m so fucking emotional that I need someone to roleplay the fuck out of the Cadeleonian Series with me. Pretty please? I’m just dying of love over those boys (especially Elezar and Skellan but truly, I love them all), so pleeeease, anyone willing to roleplay, just let me know!
Love y’all,
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winglesss · 7 years
Okay but where´s my fanart of Elezar Grunito and Javier Tornesal holding hands during the brothel orgy?!
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kind-destroyer-god · 5 years
LotWH reread - part II
Still on Nestor, this boy is just too pure.
On standing up to Elezar -  “She duped you, that’s what she did,”Elezar interrupted. Nestor scowled at him. “You weren’t there and you have no idea what went on.” Kiram thought this was the first time he’d ever seen Nestor take a stand against his older brother. Elezar didn’t seem to appreciate his little brother’s newfound sense of independence.
On Riossa - “As if she would need to do something like that. She’s beautiful and funny and smart.”
On cursing -  “I told him that if he ever laid a hand on her again that I’d hit him so hard he’d be talking out his crapper.” “Did you really say crapper?” “I know I should have said asshole, but my mom was right there,”
On taking responsibility -  Perhaps having a black-haired, romantic adventurer like Atreau for an upperclassman had affected Nestor more than Kiram had realized. “Not until spring, but in the meantime my mom’s taken Riossa into her care. She’s not happy about the marriage but she was proud that I wouldn’t let some bastard treat his daughter so badly.” “Not many men would step up like that.” Kiram nodded. “I wouldn’t have.”
On Riossa, again -  “Honestly, I never thought I’d meet a girl who wouldn’t seem a little dull, but when I’m with her, we talk and laugh and I don’t even notice the time passing. She’s not like other girls at all. She tells great jokes and she draws really well and she knows law better than I do.”Kiram didn’t tell Nestor that she sounded like any one of a multitude of Haldi m girls he knew. He’d read enough Cadeleonian literature to know that such traits were not encouraged among Cadeleonian women.
Still on Riossa -  From time to time Nestor lapsed into some reverie about Riossa. She smel ed like fl owers; she could burp the entire alphabet. Th e things that attracted Nestor mystifi ed Kiram. (I mean, Riossa can burp the entire alphabet??? What an icon. Tough luck Kiram I bet Javier can’t do that)
On romance -  Nestor bolted from the carriage, narrowly missed a spill as he hit the mud, and then rushed to Riossa. He swept her up in his arms and kissed her as though he were the hero of some ancient epic poem returning home after twenty years lost at sea. (Honestly they’re so cute, they deserve this epic romance)
Just Riossa -  Suddenly Riossa’s plain features lit with a truly beautiful smile. “Nestor!” Riossa waved a honey cake. “I purchased these for you!” And she added much more demurely, “There’s one for you as well, Elezar.” (She’s just cute and she and Nestor deserve to be happy ok)
On RESPECTING WOMEN JUICE -  Riossa on the other hand grew daily more enthralled with the freedoms that the Haldiim district afforded her. There were entire bookshops and teahouses as well as trade offices that she could enter freely while the men were not allowed inside — not even a Cadeleonian lord of Javier’s stature. Once she and Dauhd went shopping together in a women-only bookshop and the two of them returned looking smug and worldly. When Nestor asked what Riossa had seen, she simply shrugged. After Nestor pleaded, she relented and showed him her sketches of elegant Haldiim women playing cards and reading in brightly tiled interiors. Other drawings depicted ornate water pipes and stacks of foreign coins. Nestor delighted in the revelations and encouraged Riossa to explore more.
More under the cut if you wanna see Nestor and Riossa being cute
Again on respecting women -  Kiram smiled at them. Despite being a Cadeleonian, Nestor was one of the most openminded people he’d ever known and in his company, Riossa seemed to blossom into an adventuress. He wondered how many other Cadeleonians might be as liberal as Nestor. Elezar certainly didn’t seem concerned when Riossa disappeared with Dauhd for hours on end. But then Elezar rarely concerned himself with the whereabouts of women.
On goat racing - Nestor and Riossa tended to cheer for the scrawny, weird goats that rarely won. (Honestly same)
On fighting against the odds - “I daresay that sometimes a valiant loss is more inspiring that a certain win,” Riossa commented. “Well, certainly. You remember Kiram and me at the autumn tournament,” Nestor replied and Riossa nodded. “That was more like a certain loss,” Elezar remarked. “It wasn’t!” Nestor frowned at his brother. “Not Kiram. He fought like a…” “Yes?” Elezar prompted. “Like a stoat!” Riossa supplied and Kiram laughed out loud. “They’re fi erce creatures when they’re cornered. Fierce and brave,” Riossa protested. “You’re quite the stoat yourself, Riossa,” Elezar told her and then he patted her lightly on the head. Riossa grinned as if Elezar couldn’t have paid her a higher compliment and knowing Elezar, Kiram thought that perhaps he couldn’t have. (Here even Elezar is being cute omg)
He basked in the mood of gentle happiness that Nestor and Riossa eff ortlessly created. Even Elezar seemed to have given in to their warmth. (See what did I say they’re too powerful at being cute)
On Kiram showing up at his house -  Nestor rushed to Kiram and, to Kiram’s shock, embraced him. “About time you came and stayed with us! I’m so pleased you’ll be here for my wedding tomorrow.”
On his stupid-ass friends and brother -  He gave the three of them a look that clearly conveyed that he was reassessing his high opinion of their intellects. (Same, they’re such idiots)
On his bachelor party - “It’s the last night I’ll be a bachelor,” Nestor replied. “There has to be a party!” “I thought that was last night.” “No, last night was to introduce Riossa to Anacleto society. That was all formal dancing and very serious. Tonight will be charades and party tricks!” Nestor grinned in delight. “We’ve hired jugglers and acrobats even a troupe of Haldiim musicians.”
On doing what’s right -  “Even Riossa knew that I had to stand with my friends when it came to a fight.”
On being a married man -  “You’re the best friend any man could hope for, Nestor.” “Thanks.” Nestor sounded touched and being a Cadeleonian no doubt the sentiment embarrassed him a little. “No point in falling in love with me, though. I’m a married man now.”
On his brother almost dying -  Despite Elezar’s embarrassed expression Nestor threw his arms around his older brother, hugging him and then bursting into tears. “Nestor.” Elezar’s face flushed deeper red but his voice went soft. “Nestor, I won’t do it again, all right. I promise. I’m fine… Nestor, you have to let me get up.” Nestor drew back and wiped his face with his dirty shirtsleeve. “You better not die.” “Same goes for you,” Elezar returned. Kiram didn’t think he’d ever seen Elezar look so touched or so self-conscious all at once. (Honestly Elezar being a good older brother deserves its own compilation)
On Magic -  Nestor looked excited and Kiram realized that Nestor was as delighted by Bahiim magic as he’d been with the idea of Mirogoths who could transform themselves into wolves.
On his best friend -  Nestor said, “I guess I’m just trying to say that I think—no, I know—that you are the best friend any man could ever hope to have.”
On being a good ally -  “No point in fal ing in love with me, though,” Kiram responded as cavalierly as he could. “You’re a married man.” Nestor laughed and then gave Kiram a knowing look. “I doubt I’d last long against your current suitor, in any case.” His cheeks flushed red but he went on in a whisper. “I’m not against it, you know… It was strange—I mean at first I couldn’t… But I realized that it’s not what all those old priests screech on and on about… You’re both brave and strong and… I think I can see it now… It’s good. Both of you.” Kiram raised his brows, amazed that Nestor could be so frank, decent and compassionate and that he could move Kiram so deeply with such a string of broken phrases. “Thank you, Nestor.”
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robotcorsair · 7 years
i was tagged by @gardenstateofmind​ thanks, darling!!!!
+ nickname: Lu, Lua
- star sign: pisces :/
+ height: 170cm (sorry americans, im too lazy to look in imperial)
- time right now: 2h39 am
+ last thing you googled: “i saw a werewolf with a chinese menu on his hands” (we were playing one night werewolf and the narrator said that - looks like it’s a song)
- favorite music artist: Belle & Sebastian all time fave tbh
+ song stuck in my head: I am Moana from Moana
- last tv show i watched: Brooklyn 99
+ what i’m wearing right now: batman nightgown
- do i get asks regularly: not really, no, but feel free to send them
+ why did i choose my url: uhhhh i was struggling with being ace and was kinda feeling like a robot, but I wanted to be Cool and pirates are cool, but corsair sounds fancier, so that’s that
- gender: cis woman
+ hogwarts house: gryffindor according to pottermore :/ i’m not really that into harry potter, but it seems this is not a good thing lol
- pokémon team: idk i don’t play pokemon i only watched the anime when i was a kid, i didnt have videogames cause i was poor lol
+ favorite color: greenish-blue or bluish-green
- favorite characters: that’s a difficult question so i’ll just name a few: blue sargent, inej ghafa, nina zenik, ravishan, elezar grunito, neil josten, adam parrish, gosh this is a mess
+ dream job: translator, but actually my dream is not to have a job at all and spend all my time traveling and learning stuff like new languages, cooking, sewing, etc.
- number of blankets: as many as possible which is rarely that many given that i liv ein Brazil lol
+ number of followers: 209, though I block porn bots
im tagging @eradne @ninaxenik @beautifulmagick @lilaccastle and whoever else wants to, feel free to tag me i like to see these (also feel free to ignore this)
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merthurlin · 8 years
elezar: we cant STEAL from the grimma kiram: why not? we already stole their son elezar: no no no, skellan is a grown adult, he can do whatever he wants skellan: i want to steal
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boydbaeulieu · 8 years
"I was going to bite your nose,” Atreau proclaimed, as it that would somehow reassure Elezar. “I wasn’t attempting to kiss you.” Elezar stared at him in silence, wondering if perhaps he was still asleep. “Why would I think you were going to kiss me?” Elezar asked at last. “Because I was—just as a jest, to shock you awake—but then I realized that it wouldn’t—so I thought I might just nip your nose instead.”
Champion of the Scarlet Wolf, Ginn Hale
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roncheg · 6 years
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and they slept happily ever after=)
I’m currently reading the second book of Ginn Hale’s “Champion of the Scarlet Wolf”, so that’s my take on Skellan and Elezar)
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delfeur · 9 years
For you, my man, I shall be wondrous and astounding.
Champion of The Scarlet Wolf, Book Two - Ginn Hale
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kind-destroyer-god · 5 years
LotWH reread
Honestly what stood out the most to me on this reread was how Nestor Grunito is so good and pure, so here’s a compilation of Good Nestor Moments:
“Nestor was always so wil ing to compliment another person. Kiram felt a sudden warmth for him and his effortless generosity of spirit.”
On Kiram supporting himself - “We Haldiim pass property and businesses through the women. So my eldest sister wil take over the candy shop after my mother.” “Doesn’t that leave you out in the cold, then?”“My father has money of his own that he gives to us boys but eventual y I’l have to support myself.”“Or marry a rich wife,”Nestor suggested, though even as he said it he frowned slightly as if the idea sounded wrong even to him. “I’m planning on supporting myself.”“That’s probably a good idea,” Nestor agreed. “Not that you couldn’t attract a wife, but you know, if it didn’t work out…”
On Fedeles -  “He was always speaking up for me —or anyone—when Javier and Elezar got too rough.” Nestor shook his head sadly. “He was great fun. Everyone loved him.” “But he’s not the same now.” “No, he’s not. But under all that madness, he’s still Fedeles. You can see it when he’s with the horses and when he plays with the other boys. He’s just not mean.”
On Elezar -   Kiram could see that he was pleased to be favorably compared to his older brother. 
On Rafie -  “He came al this way to see you in the tournament?” Nestor looked happy. “That’s nice.”
When Kiram was high -  “Where’s Javier gotten off to?” Kiram demanded. “He’s gone to the kingdom of Yuan.” “What? That bastard!” “Oh, look, there he is.”
On Kiram leaving the academy -  “I thought today was going to be the happiest day of my life, but now you’re going to be taken out of the academy. It just doesn’t seem fair.”
“I hardly slept at all. I kept thinking about Riossa and then about you having to leave the academy. I spent the whole night just tossing and turning between good and bad.”
On kissing -  Nestor gave Kiram a sly look. “And she kisses really well.” “But the real question is, are you any good at kissing?” Kiram expected Nestor to be flustered by the question but instead he beamed. “I’m marvelous!” Nestor sounded so exultant that Kiram laughed.
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