#electric scooter canada
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bestonepicks · 5 months
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reviewbossyt · 2 years
Best Adult Electric Scooter | Top 5 Electric Scooter 2022
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The Complete Guide to Buying a Mobility Scooter
People with mobility challenges now enjoy a new sense of freedom and independence thanks to the introduction of mobility scooters, often known as handicap scooters or power scooters. Power scooters, unlike traditional mobility aids such as wheelchairs, are powered by a rechargeable battery. The seat typically fits over the two back wheels, and there is also a flat place for the feet. Intuitive handlebars and throttle controls are used to steer.
In many ways, mobility scooters appears to be a recreational vehicle rather than a piece of medical equipment. They have evolved significantly over the years, and there are currently various models on the market.
What is a Mobility Scooter?
A mobility scooter is an electric vehicle and mobility assistance device that is similar to, but not the same as, a power wheelchair. When motorized, they are also known as power-operated vehicles/scooters, handicap scooters, or electric scooters. Non-motorized mobility scooters are less prevalent, and are meant for the approximate 60% of wheelchair users who can use their legs.
The Top 5 Advantages of Owning a Mobility Scooter
●   You will be able to get around much more easily.
●   Added independence
●   Injury prevention
●   Convenience
●   Enhance your social life
Types of mobility scooters
●  3-Wheel Scooter: These scooters may be used both indoors and outside. Three-wheeled scooters feature one front wheel and two back wheels to keep the scooter balanced. These scooters provide plenty of legroom and, because of their slim shape, are easy to maneuver. However, only ride them on smoothly paved places when possible..
●   4-Wheel Scooter: Even while traveling on difficult terrain, four-wheeled scooters provide better stability. If you want a smooth ride when you're out and about, four-wheeled scooters are the way to go. However, these four-wheeled scooters can be challenging to maneuver in tight situations. As a result, while they may be used indoors, they are best suited for outdoor use.
●   Compact Scooter: These little scooters are suitable for both inside and outdoor use. Four-wheeled travel scooters are reduced in weight and are built for quick and easy installation and disassembly. These scooters' compact design allows you to ride in confined locations.
●   Heavy Duty Scooters: Heavy duty scooters are great for people who require additional weight capacity or support. These bariatric scooters have large frames and can support weights of 300 pounds or more. The seats are generally bigger than standard scooters, and there is enough legroom for the rider's comfort.
 ●  Suits Your Needs: When you acquire a mobility scooter, the hope is that it will last you  a long time. As a result, you must select one that meets your requirements. Do you have any    issues putting your scooter together? Are you a techie who enjoys using your smartphone? Asking these questions will assist you in determining which type of mobility assistance will work best for you. 
●   Terrains: Where will you be riding your scooter the majority of the time? Will you take it with you on your vacations or cruise? Will you be driving it to stores to perform errands? Consider the terrain around your home and neighbourhood as well. Is it paved , or will you have to cope with a variety of terrains?
●   Wheels: Speaking about terrains and roads, your surroundings will influence whether you choose a mobility scooter with three or four wheels. The most popular scooters have four wheels, whereas the majority of three-wheeled scooters are lightweight and maneuverable.
●   Research: Conducting research can assist you in selecting the best mobility scooter for you. There are several freely available materials online. You may also find more information and watch the scooters in action by visiting the provider's social media accounts and YouTube channel.
●   Talk to Experts: The greatest place to begin is by chatting with a professional. You might seek help from an occupational therapist. You could also speak with specialists from your local mobility scooter suppliers and get their professional advice on which scooter is ideal for you.
●   Get a Trial: Once you've settled on a brand or model, call the scooter supplier to see if they provide a free demo. This can often solidify your decision, especially after seeing and riding the scooter in person.
When we buy anything, we don't just put it in our shopping bags and pay for it right away. When we go shopping, we look at different items, evaluate various considerations, and compare prices. So, when you’re purchasing a device for long-term use like a mobility scooter, you should consider all these same things and more.We hope this blog contained answers to your questions regarding mobility scooters. Find a mobility scooter on sale in Canada or look at other mobility devices like electric wheelchairs, walkers, rollators, and more.
Original source- https://bit.ly/3zGsyHl
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twosides--samecoin · 2 months
Things about the DC area that Fallout 3 doesn't prepare you for:
DC? Super queer, openly gay. It's awesome. I'm from areas of Canada where queerness isn't visible and it's just cool :') I think every queer kid deserves to see it lived out loud by others
Escalator etiquette. Stand on the right, run on the left. I do not think I will sneak in the F3 version of the Metro the same
There is a secret Metro (alleged) beneath the White House and government continuation facility (factual) underground in Olney
Around the Tidal Basin (where Jefferson Memorial & Rivet City are located), cherry blossom trees line the real-life waterfront
There is nothing more comforting & heartbreaking as an immigrant than finding your embassy
DC a bit stinky, bruv!! Not as bad as NYC
If you're from a "we respect no smoking signs" country prepare to clutch your pearls while on the Metro
The Metro is really designed Like That! The ceilings are made of sunken panels called coffers
You will eat well in DC. The games do not at all show the Brazilian buffets or places like Ben's Chili Bowl on U Street
Galaxy News Radio is inspired by National Public Radio, and Herbert Daring Dashwood is inspired by the NPR Big Broadcast radio plays. My jaw hit the floor when I figured it out
There's fuckin electric scooters all over the place
The only driving rules are "don't get caught"
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archivxx · 1 year
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Note: my friends will find out and they will most likely hate me. For some reason, I don’t blame them.
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“Is it a prank? It has to be a prank. Am I on national television? Where are the hidden cameras? How do I look?”
“It’s not a prank. There are no cameras.” You adjusted the strap of your bag on your shoulder and stepped to the side to avoid being ran over by an electric scooter. “But now that you mention it, you look great—especially for this hour.”
Nichole didn’t blush, but it was a close thing. “Last night I did one of those masks that you and Craig got me for my birthday. That one that looks like a panda? I also got a new sunscreen that’s supposed to give you a bit if a glow. And I put on mascara,” she added under her breath.
You could ask her why she’d gone the extra mile to look fabulous on a run-of-the-mill Tuesday morning but you already knew: obviously Tolkien would be here today therefore she would be seeing him.
You hid a smile. As weird as the idea of your best friend dating your ex sounded, you were glad that she allowed herself to consider Tolkien romantically. Mostly, it was nice to know the indignity you’d put yourself through with Donovan on The Night was paying off. That, all together, with Pete’s very promising potential business offer had you thinking things might be finally looking up.
“Okay.” Nichole chewed on her lower lip, deep in concentration. “So it’s not a prank. Which means that there must be another explanation. Let me find it.”
“There is no other explanation to be found. We just—”
“Oh my God. Are you trying to get citizenship? Are they deporting you back to Canada because we’ve been sharing Kyle’s Netflix password? Tell them we didn’t know it was a federal crime. No wait, don’t tell them anything, we’ll get you a lawyer. And, Y/N I will marry you. I’ll get you a green card and you won’t have to—”
“Nichole.” You squeezed your friends had tighter to get her to shut up for a second. “I promise you, I’m not getting deported. I just went on a single date with Donovan.”
Nichole scrunched up her face and dragged you to a bench. She forced you to sit down. You complied, telling yourself that had the roles been reversed you would have absolutely had the same reaction. Hell, if you had caught Nichole kissing Donovan you would have enlisted her for full-blown psychiatric help.
“Listen,” Nichole started, “do you remember last spring, after the album release party, when I held your hair back while your projectile vomited the five pounds worth of spoiled meat?”
“Yeah. I do.” You cocked you head, pensive. “You ate more then me and never got sick.”
“Because I’m made of sterner stuff, but never mind that. The point is; I am here for you, always will be. No matter what. No matter how many pounds of spoiled meat you projectile vomit, you can trust me. We’re a team, you and I. And Craig when he’s not pissing off the population. So if Donovan is secretly a extraterrestrial life-form planning on taking over the Earth that will ultimately result in humanity being enslaved by evil overlords who look like cicadas, and the only way to stop him is dating him, you can tell me and I’ll inform NASA—”
“For god sakes.” —you had to laugh—“it was just a date!”
Nichole looked pained. “I just don’t understand.”
Because it doesn’t make sense. “I know, but there’s nothing to understand. It’s just…We went on a date.”
“But…why? N/N, you’re beautiful and smart and funny and have excellent taste in clothes, why would you go out with Clyde Donovan?”
You scrunched your nose. “Because he is…” It cost you, to say the word. Oh it cost you. But you had to. “Nice.”
“Nice?” Her eyebrows shot so high they almost got lost in her hairline.
She does look extra cute today, you reflected. Pleased.
“Clyde “Dick” Donovan?”
“Well yeah. He is…” you looked around, as if help could come from the bushes or the people rushing by on their ways to work. When it didn’t seem forthcoming you finished, lamely. “He’s a nice asshole I guess.”
Nichole’s expression went straight up disbelieving. “Okay so you went from dating someone as cool as Tolkien to going out with Clyde Donovan.”
Prefect. This was exactly the opening you had wanted “I did. And happily, because I never cared that much about Tolkien.” Finally, some truth in this conversation. “It wasn’t that hard to move on. Honestly. Which is why—please, Nichole, put that boy out of his misery. He deserves it, and above all, you deserve it. I bet he’s here today, or we’ll I know he is.” You gestured to the building. “You should ask him to accompany you to coffee when he’s done with the other business meeting and to horror movie festivals so I don’t have to sleep with the lights on for the next six months.”
This time, Nichole was flustered. She looked down at her hands, picked at her fingernails and then she began to fiddle with the hem of her shorts before saying, “I don’t know. Maybe. I mean, if you really think that—”
The sound of an alarm went off from Nichole’s pocket, and she straightened to pull out her phone. “Shit. I’ve got a “meeting” with Stan.” she rolled her eyes. “To discuss vocals for some of the songs.” She stood up picking up her bag. “Want to get together for lunch?”
“Can’t. Already promised Kyle we’d go grocery shopping.” You smiled. “Maybe Tolkien’s free, though.”
She rolled her yes. But the corners of her mouth were curling up. It made you much more than a little happy. So happy that you didn’t even flip her off when she asked “Is he blackmailing you?”
“Donovan. Is he blackmailing you? Did he find out that your an aberration and pee in the shower?”
“First of all, it’s time efficient.” You glared at her. “Second, I find it oddly flattering that you think Donovan would go to these ridiculous lengths to get me to date him.”
“Anyone would, N/N. Because your awesome.” Nichole’s grimaced before adding, “Except when you’re peeing in the shower.”
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Tolkien was acting weird. Which didn’t mean much, since Tolkien had always been abit awkward. Having recently split from you to date your best friend was not going to make him any less so—but today he seemed even weirder than usual. He came into the coffee shop next door to the record company, a few hours after your conversation with Nichole. And proceeded to stare at you for two good minutes. Then three. Then five. It was more attention then he’d ever payed you—yes, including your dates.
When it got borderline ridiculous, you lifted your eyes from your laptop and waved at him. Tolkien flustered, grabbed his latte from the counter and found a table for himself. You went back to rereading your two line email for the seventieth time.
Not twenty minutes later, Tweek walked in and took a seat next to Tolkien. They immediately started whispering to each other and pointing at you. Any other day you would have been concerned and a little upset, but Pete Thelman had already answered your email, which took priority over…anything, really.
Yes! You had several days to convince him to take on your project, which was much better than the ten minutes you had originally anticipated. You fist-pumped—which lead to Tolkien and Tweek staring at you more weirdly. What was up with them, anyway? If Tolkien knew what you were doing he certainly wouldn’t be giving you that look, besides there shouldn’t be any bad blood between you and him. Did you have toothpaste of your face? Who cared? You were going to meet Pete Thelman and convince him to let the band do work with for the charity. You were going to help cancer research.
You were in an excellent mood until two hours later. When you entered the apartment and Kyle was sat on the couch. Upon hearing your entering, he paused the show he was watching and looked at you.
“You sneaky little monster.” He hissed his green eyes were almost comically narrow. “I’ve been texting you all day.”
“Oh.” You patted the pocket of your jeans then your front pocket. “I think I might of left it here today.”
“I cannot believe it.”
“Believe what?”
“I cannot believe you.”
“I don’t know what your talking about.”
“I thought we were friends.”
“We are.”
“Good friends.”
“We are. You, Nichole, and Craig are my best friends. What—”
“Clearly not if the had to hear it all from Tweek, who heard it from Bebe, who heard it from Tolkien, who heard it from Nichole—”
“Hear what?”
“—who heard it from I don’t even know who. And I thought we were friends.”
Something icy crawled it’s way up your back. Could it be…No. no, it couldn’t be. “Hear what?”
“I’m done. I’m letting the cockroach’s eat you. And I’m changing the Netflix password.”
Oh no. “Kyle, hear what?”
“That your dating Clyde Donovan.”
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Asked by @princesssarisa
@fragglesesamemuppetz2 @thealmightyemprex @softlytowardthesun @moonbeamelf @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @silverfoxstole
Favorite Thing About Them: He is a rebel, fun, energetic, with a witty and sarcastic sense of humour, as well as a sensitive performer, very passionate about music who, also, sometimes gets into introverted reflexions about his feelings and the meaning of his existence.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: How the writers of the 2015 ABC series the muppets. made him a paranoid conspiracy theorist and a machista who was so posessively jealous of Janice that he got into a ridiculous fight with Dr. Teeth because he didn't told that he used to date Janice before she even met Floyd.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
*I enjoy blues, jazz and rock and roll music.
*I also like performing plays in the theater.
*I can get very hard on the sarcasm.
Three Things I Don't Have In Common With Them:
*I don't have a long red hair and mustache.
*I'm not a member of a rock band.
*I'm not cool and hip like he is.
Favorite Line:
From The Muppet Show
"If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I write."
"Hey froggious amphibeous, don't forget today is pay day."
"Kermit, you are talking to Floyd Pepper, the hippest of the hip! I mean, I have a room for life at the Home for the Chronically Groovy!"
"I must be gettin' old; I'm startin to get to gigs on time!"
From the same series, giving information to a stranger in the street:
"Stranger: Hey, do you know how to get to Carnegie Hall?
Floyd Pepper: Practice, man, practice!"
This dialogue exchange that he has with Fozzie Bear:
"Fozzie Bear: You see, my problem was my need to tell jokes!
Floyd Pepper: Yeah! That was our problem too!"
This dialogue exchange that he has with Melissa Manchester:
"Melissa Manchester: Do you like blues music?
Floyd Pepper: Only when I'm depressed.
Melissa Manchester: You get depressed often?
Floyd Pepper: Only when I play the blues.
Melissa Manchester: You're weird.
Floyd Pepper: I may be weird, but you're beautifull."
Reacting to Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker's giant rock in The Muppet Movie:
"What in the name of Fats Waller is that?"
From the TV Special The Muppets at the Walt Disney World, reacting to the conversation between Kermit the Frog and Mickey Mouse:
"Uh-oh. They're starting to argue philosophy."
brOTP: Annie Sue Pig, Fozzie Bear, Scooter, Rowlf the Dog, Dr. Teeth, Animal, Zoot, Lips, Janice, Slim Wilson, Lubock Lou, Crazy Harry, Dolores (Trumpet Girl), Clifford.
OTP: Janice, Zoot.
nOTP: Miss Piggy, Dr. Teeth.
Random Headcanon: Floyd Pepper was born in England, having worked in a bookstore and studied Arts and Theater. This was how he becamed familiar with beatnik poetry and american music, before travelling first to Canada and finally to the United States to come into contact with the craddle of jazz, blues and rock.
Unpopular Opinion: I feel that Floyd Pepper is the one who should be considered the leader of the Electric Mayhem band instead of Dr. Teeth, because he is the one who would take steps in making professional demands to Kermit and the person who has the hardest job of the band: to keep Animal in line.
Song I Associate With Them:
Mr Bassman
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
On the Bench
Ain't Misbehavin
New York State of Mind
In The Good Old Summertime
Favorite Picture of Them:
Playing the Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland
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Posing with his bass
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Being performed by Jerry Nelson (with Richard Hunt performing Janice)
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With Janice, rehearsing their instruments and in the theater balcony
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With the whole Electric Mayhem
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spooky-puptarts · 8 months
Its a fucking mobility issue! I want an electric scooter because i got shit legs! A nice one that could handly snowy terrain! No no mobility only walk in snow because we can't invent anything that can handle canada
Like what do people who CAN'T move without electric mobility aids do what are people who are fucked without electric aids like hearing aids do? These people who are able to move about otherwise are just trapped half the year?
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immoralfag · 1 year
just saw three electric scooters pass my house??? bro it's the middle of no where canada N WINTER??? there's a lot of snow and ice???
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rametarin · 2 years
Reiterating that I really hate anti-vehicle culture.
The lot of you aren’t slick. It’s not conspiracy theory to mention how many anecdotes I have of people that started out the conversation, “I like to use my bicycle,” that goes to, “cars are bad because they pollute and the asphalt traps heat in roads in cities,” and then to, “we should eliminate all roads and cars and make it progressively harder to illegal for any but the wealthy to own them,” and then, “after that we should make it illegal because fuck private property and fuck the rich.”
And when I point out automotive transport, roads and etc. are good so the military can move around and the civilian goods transport sector can move them too, they either smile and skirt the question or, if they’re feeling particularly bold, express glee that the military wouldn’t be able to move domestically in the event of an invasion or insurgency.
I have grown to really hate anti-motorists and see them as ridiculous radical assholes. It’s one thing to want more bike lanes (which inevitably means we need to widen the roads; which inevitably means we should make the lanes wider ANYWAY) but it’s another to argue for carless cities or that, “the trucks are too big.”
How about fuck you. How about if you want to use the roads at all, you pay taxes to drive your bike, unicycle or scooter on it. How about that, fuckface? Would you like that? To pay per mile driven on any vehicle, including a bike? Because now that the oil dollars are going to taper off with the reduction of ICE cars, they’ve determined that a person won’t pay per gallon of oil, but per mile driven in their car. By all rights your happy spandex covered ass should pay the same amount per mile, considering you’re still moving the same distance. How about that? Wanna pay as much as a motorist to use the public roads and sidewalks? What, don’t you like taxes?
That, and having roads means if some assholes want to protest or boycott, all they have to do to blockade the One Passage. If you block off the monorail, people can’t go about their lives and are more apt to be coerced to make concessions for whatever braindead cause they want. And that applies to more than just whatever anti-work or BLM related protests you have; that applies to the trucker protests, like the ones Canada had bank accounts frozen on, whose gripes legally were later found to be completely valid.
Having a dozen such roads means it becomes impossible to close off them all without incredible numbers of people, that now have to fraction just to be everywhere at once. People that would rather be able to protest and close down whole cities do not like if you can circumvent their blockades, and would rather you be forced to carry water for their movements by virtue of needing to get by.
These people hate that personal automobiles provide a roaming form of personal/private property that you are legally allowed to store your belongings and guns in, and that makes it illegal and punishable to steal from them. They hate that the cars allow you to go anywhere on your schedule, not theirs. Your freedom and mobility, they feel, should come beholden to a public system and you shouldn’t be able to function without them. They crave participatory interdependence with no alternative, and the coercive function it has to make you beholden to what society demands in trade for what you aren’t allowed to say no to.
And on the eve when all complaints about the fuel being pollutive becoming moot because electric vehicles will run on electricity, not individually burn gasoline or diesel fuel, they jump from complaining about air pollution or contamination by the misc. chemicals in a car, to the fact they exist at all as “too much” for the environment.
These people will not be satisfied by any means to make a car benign to the environment. We could replace roads and make flying cars, both manned and autonymous, as the standard, and they’d still hate it. Because it’s not about the cars, it’s about the power they want society to have over your mobility, where you are and aren’t allowed to go without consequences. We could use paint that is non-toxic and while long lasting, harmless to body chemistry, get rid of toxic coolants, cleaning agents, lubricants, plastic and rubber seals and fuel, car bodies that don’t rust or corrode over 30-40 years, and they’d still hate them because they take up space and you can personally, privately possess them.
They have a certain vision of the future they want to see people adopt, and they don’t care about how that’d fuck logistics or personal autonomy or society. Just that it’d take choice to disobey away from people, “for their own good.” Or at least, “the good of society.”
And I absolutely abhor this mindset. Miss me with, “lets all ride busses, monorails and ride bikes,” unless we also make room for cars.
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evoque-bikes · 1 month
Revolutionizing Urban Mobility: The EVOQUE ATOM E-Scooter Experience in Brampton
In the bustling city of Brampton, Ontario, Canada, the EVOQUE ATOM is redefining urban travel with its cutting-edge design, unmatched efficiency, and the promise of a greener tomorrow. This sleek, modern e-scooter is not just a vehicle; it's a bold statement of sustainable urban mobility, designed for the discerning commuter who values style, performance, and eco-friendliness. The EVOQUE ATOM stands out with its powerful 500w motor and a removable 60V 26Ah ultra-large lithium battery, offering up to 75 km of travel on a single charge. Say goodbye to fuel expenses and embrace the future of commuting in Brampton with the EVOQUE ATOM.
A New Era of Commuting
The EVOQUE ATOM is more than just an e-scooter; it's an invitation to experience the joy of freedom and efficiency in urban travel. Its high-strength steel pipe frame combines durability with a lightweight design, making it easy to maneuver through Brampton's streets while feeling robust and secure. With a full charge achievable in just four hours, and the convenience of a removable battery, the ATOM ensures that you're always ready to go, whether it's for work or leisure.
Eco-Friendly Travel at Its Best
Embracing the EVOQUE ATOM is a step towards a cleaner, greener planet. This e-scooter's electric powertrain means zero emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment in Brampton. The ultra-large capacity lithium battery not only provides impressive range but also promotes energy efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint of your daily commute. Check it here: https://ebikes.evoqueca.com/products/evoque-atom
Unmatched Convenience and Economy
With the rising cost of fuel, the EVOQUE ATOM presents an economically savvy choice for commuters. The cost per charge is a fraction of what you'd spend on fuel, offering significant savings over time. Additionally, its capability to cover long distances quickly and with less traffic hassle makes it an ideal solution for both daily commutes and leisurely rides, ensuring you get more value for your money.
Designed for the Urban Explorer
The EVOQUE ATOM is built for those who love to explore. Its robust design and long-range capability encourage riders to venture further, discovering new places within and beyond Brampton without worrying about running out of charge. Whether you're off to meet friends, run errands, or simply enjoy a ride in the park, the ATOM makes every journey an adventure.
The EVOQUE ATOM e-scooter is transforming urban mobility in Brampton, offering a blend of style, performance, and environmental responsibility. Its innovative features cater to the needs of modern commuters, making it an ideal choice for those looking to navigate the city with ease, efficiency, and flair. As we move towards a more sustainable future, the EVOQUE ATOM leads the way in urban travel, proving that eco-friendly commuting can be both enjoyable and stylish. Embrace the change with the EVOQUE ATOM and join the revolution of smart, sustainable urban mobility.
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sudeepkedar · 2 months
Electric Vehicle Tires Market 2024-2032; Growth Forecast & Industry Share Report
The global electric vehicle tires market is expected to register a growth rate of 9% during 2024-2032, driven by a demand for sustainable and eco-friendly transportation solutions.
According to a blog by BloombergNEF in 2023, passenger electric vehicle (EV) sales were set to reach 14 million in that year, a 36% jump from 2022, highlighting the rapid growth in the adoption of sustainable transportation. Moreover, in the 2022 OECD survey on global climate policy attitudes, an average of 80% across participating countries expressed the belief that their nation should actively combat climate change. The increasing awareness and commitment towards environmental conservation have prompted consumers and businesses alike to embrace electric vehicles, creating a surge in demand for specialized tires.
Request for Sample Copy report @   https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/7639
Furthermore, governments worldwide are incentivizing the adoption of electric vehicles through subsidies, tax benefits, and stringent emission norms, compelling automakers to expand their electric vehicle portfolios. The integration of advanced tire technologies, such as low rolling resistance and high mileage compounds, is also shaping the market outlook.
The overall electric vehicle tires market is classified based on propulsion type, vehicle type, rim size, load index, and region.
The Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) segment is prompted to grow significantly through 2032, owing to their flexibility and extended driving range. PHEVs require specialized tires that can handle the diverse demands of electric and conventional propulsion. The increasing popularity of hybrid vehicles and advancements in battery technologies are pushing the industry growth. EV tire manufacturers are developing innovative tire solutions that optimize performance, tread life, and energy efficiency for PHEVs, ensuring a smooth and eco-friendly driving experience.
The two-wheelers segment is set for steady growth during the study period, driven by urbanization, rising fuel costs, and a growing preference for sustainable commuting options. To meet the unique requirements of electric scooters and motorcycles, manufacturers are developing tires that offer enhanced stability, grip, and range optimization. Furthermore, as the cost of living rises in various countries, more consumers are expected to adopt two-wheelers as a cost-friendly means of commute.
Request for customization this report @       https://www.gminsights.com/roc/7639
North America electric vehicle tires market is poised to witness a demand surge until 2032, propelled by a commitment to reduce carbon emissions and promotion of sustainable transportation solutions. The United States and Canada have witnessed a surge in EV adoption, driven by government incentives, infrastructure development, and an increasing environmental consciousness among consumers. Moreover, by understanding and catering to the unique preferences and requirements of the consumers, industry players can establish a strong foothold in this dynamic and evolving landscape.
Partial chapters of report table of contents (TOC):
Chapter 1   Methodology & Scope
1.1    Market scope & definition
1.2    Base estimates & calculations
1.3    Forecast calculation
1.4    Data sources
1.4.1    Primary
1.4.2    Secondary   Paid sources   Public sources
Chapter 2   Executive Summary
2.1    Electric vehicle tires market 3600 synopsis, 2018 - 2032
2.2    Business trends
2.3    Regional trends
2.4    Propulsion type trends
2.5    Vehicle type trends
2.6    Rim size trends
2.7    Load Index trends
Chapter 3   Electric Vehicle Tires Industry Insights
3.1    Industry ecosystem analysis
3.2    Supplier Landscape
3.2.1    Component suppliers
3.2.2    Manufacturers
3.2.3    Material suppliers
3.3    Profit margin analysis
3.4    Technology & innovation landscape
3.5    Patent analysis
3.6    Key news and initiatives
3.6.1    Partnership/Collaboration
3.6.2    Merger/Acquisition
3.6.3    Investment
3.6.4    Launch & innovation
3.7    Regulatory landscape
3.8    Impact forces
3.8.1    Growth drivers   Growing popularity and adoption of electric vehicles   Advances in tire technology, materials, and design are playing a crucial role in the electric vehicle tires industry.   Rise in technological integration   Increasing consumer awareness and preferences.
3.8.2    Industry pitfalls & challenges   Limited tire life and durability   Environmental concerns
3.9    Growth potential analysis
3.10    Porter’s analysis
3.11    PESTEL analysis
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adityarana1687-blog · 3 months
E-bikes Market To Reach $52.37 Billion By 2030 | CAGR: 14.5%
The global e-bikes market size is expected to reach USD 52.37 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 14.5% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Electric bikes are considered an eco-friendly and flexible mode of transportation. They are an ideal substitute for public transport, scooters, and smart cars as they help avoid traffic jams and achieve high speed with minimal effort. Moreover, they enable riders to maintain a healthy lifestyle through increased physical activity. These factors are contributing to the growth of the global market.
The declining consumer inclination toward cars owing to increased traffic on streets and growing urbanization is expected to offer lucrative growth opportunities for the market across the globe. Additionally, governments of several countries, including India, U.K., and Canada, are focused on developing infrastructures for bicycles owing to the growing consumer preferences for electric bikee-bikes. For instance, in 2017, Bikeep, a commercial bike parking systems and bike racks manufacturer, introduced a smart bicycle rack solution that offers electric bicycle charging. The solution is designed to cater to various popular electric bicycles.
Key players in the market are focused on strategies such as new product launch and geographic expansion to enhance their business operations and product offerings. For instance, in October 2020, Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd. announced the launch of a full-composite trail bike, Trance X Advanced Pro 29. The bike is equipped with an updated Maestro rear suspension and flip-chip feature that permits riders to modify the frame geometry. Similarly, in October 2020, Pedego Electric Bikes opened a new store in Boca Raton, Florida. The store offers a full range of electric bikes for rental and sale, along with related accessories and services.
 Request a free sample copy or view report summary: E-bikes Market Report
E-bikes Market Report Highlights
The pedal-assisted segment is expected to dominate the market over the forecast period owing to the rising demand for pedal-assisted e-bikes among the youth and elderly population
The lead-acid battery segment dominated the market with a 55.2% market share in 2022, owing to benefits such as low cost and robustness. However, the share is anticipated to decline as a result of a significant rise in demand for Li-ion batteries
The Asia Pacific is expected to become the largest regional market over the forecast period owing to significant investments in the vehicle charging infrastructure and government subsidies for battery-powered vehicles
E-bikes Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global e-bikes market based on propulsion type, battery type, power, application, and region:
E-bikes Propulsion Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
E-bikes Battery Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Lithium-ion Battery
Lead-acid Battery
E-bikes Power Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Less than or equal to 250W
Above 250W
E-bikes Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
E-bikes Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
List of Key Players in E-bikes Market
Accell Group N.V.
Aima Technology Group Co. Ltd.
Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Merida Industry Co., Ltd.
Pedego Electric Bikes
Rad Power Bikes Inc.
Trek Bicycle Corporation
Yadea Group Holdings Ltd.
Yamaha Motor Company
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ama2024 · 3 months
Lithium Battery Electric Bike Market Update - The Growth Trend Continues
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Lithium Battery Electric Bike Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Lithium Battery Electric Bike Forecast till 2029*.
A Lithium Battery Electric Bike is a bicycle, scooter, or motorcycle with an integrated electric motor for propulsion. Lithium Battery Electric Bike comes in various classes including pedelec/pedal assist, throttle on-demand, and scooter/motorcycle. Consumers use electric bikes for commutation or recreation. Rapid urbanization, the growing tourism industry will help to boost the global Lithium Battery Electric Bike market.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Lithium Battery Electric Bike Market are:
Yamaha Motor Corporation (Japan), Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd (Taiwan), Accell Group N.V (Netherlands), Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd (China), Yadea Group Holdings Ltd (China), Fuji-ta Bicycle Co., Ltd (China), Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle Co.,Ltd. (China), Bionx International Corporation (Canada), Prodecotech, LLC (United States), BYVIN (China),
What's Trending in Market: Increasing Consumer Preferences towards E-Bikes due to Eco-Friendly and Efficient Solutions
Increasing Concerns About Traffic Congestion
Challenges: Lack Of Distribution Channels
Opportunities: Government Support as well as Strict Rules in Favor of Electric Bikes
Increasing Expenditure on R&D Activities to Improve Battery Performance
Market Growth Drivers: High Adoption of Electric Bikes for Daily Commute, Recreation, and Fitness Activities
Rising Fuel Cost Across the World
The Global Lithium Battery Electric Bike Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Lithium-Ion, Lithium-Ion Polymer), Distribution Channel (Distribution, Direct-sale), Bike Type (Electric Scooter, Electric Motorcycles, Pedelec), Drive Mechanism (Hub Motor, Mid Drive, Others)
Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/49261-global-lithium-battery-electric-bike-market
To comprehend Global Lithium Battery Electric Bike market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Lithium Battery Electric Bike market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
• North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
• South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil.
• Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
• Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.
• Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.
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peakwealth · 3 months
A Hesitant Introduction to Swappable EV-Batteries
I hardly exaggerate when I say that for decades my life revolved around AA batteries. They were the most useful power source around and all the electronic devices that mattered to me operated on AA batteries, curiously also known as 'mignon' cells (cute in French). The voltage of the rechargeables (1,2 volts) was a little short of the norm (1,5 volts) but they did the job and held up well. The good ones easily lasted ten years or more. They still do.
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You have to start somewhere: trusty AA rechargeable batteries in a Sony sled. These might be close to twenty years old, and getting a little anemic.
Imagine my disbelief when I first figured out that electric cars used, in effect, a huge number of lithium-ion cells quite like my AAs: it took thousands upon thousands of small cells to store enough energy to power a car and make it move across useful distances.
No one seemed to have come up with a better technology. (This may of course still change. If and when it does, all existing EVs might become obsolete overnight.)
The standard Li-ion cells for EVs, at first made by Panasonic and known as 2170 (meaning 21 mm across and 70 mm high), were a little bigger than AAs and their output was double, but overall they were similar. Tesla has since increased the size of their cells to 4680 (46 X 80 mm) and advances in battery chemistry have raised the energy density. Together they have somewhat reduced the mind-blowing complexity and weight of the typical EV battery pack.
I became more intrigued after two trips to Taiwan. A Taiwanese company called Gogoro had manifestly solved some of the problems inherent in EV operation by replacing plug-in charging with switchable batteries. It was a clever if expensive solution but it only worked in two-wheelers. (1)
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Gogoro e-scooters in Taipei, March 2023.
As electric scooters operate by definition in a limited area, a small island nation like Taiwan is well suited to such an approach. The logistics of installing enough swapping stations to cover the entire country are simpler though still frighteningly expensive: there are some 2500 'Go Stations' by now and although the company has been losing money every year so far it seems to enjoy solid financial backing.
Taiwan's population density also helps. The vast majority of potential users will always find a swap station within easy reach. It would be a very different proposition in countries like India or Canada which are huge by comparison.
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Gogoro's automated swap stations constantly recharge battery packs and are hooked up to the national power grid. The modular stations are so ubiquitous, they have become part of Taiwan's urban landscape. (Taipei, January 2020.)
Goodbye range anxiety or worrying about battery life. Easy access to always-ready battery packs means never having to think about running out of juice or recharging depleted packs (though it remains an option for anyone who prefers to purchase the batteries outright).
Key to the technology is the relatively small size (and weight, 9 kilos) of the battery packs. Swapping is easy and takes only a few seconds. There is no downtime.
The beauty of this system is also its weakness: the system is tailored to a single brand of e-scooters, Gogoro, operating on a single type of battery pack.
Although Gogoro batteries are now in their 4th or 5th generation (providing a nominal range of 170 kilometers), they remain compatible and interoperable with earlier versions. The form factor is the same. They have also been adopted by (some) other scooter makers.
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The big problem underneath EVs.
The next question is inevitable: how about cars?
Swapping is a very different matter for cars where even the basic battery packs weigh 500 kilos. You can see the main obstacle from miles away: creating a sufficiently dense network of robotic swapping stations will cost a fortune, even in a country as small and self-contained as Taiwan.
Tesla gave up on the idea many years ago. Better Place, an Israeli startup that had a go at swappables went bankrupt within two years.
For the system to work properly you not only have to replace or complement petrol stations everywhere with automated EV swap stations (1), but the battery packs all need to be standardized or at least compatible.
The technology itself, however, has been around for some time and is in use, mostly in China. The current leader is a small Chinese EV manufacturer called NIO. It has built a few thousand swapping stations across China and more are being added. In a country that big it may be little more than an experiment, but it is a start.
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NIO drive-in swap station as implemented in China and a few European countries. The EV battery packs are stored and charged in the enclosed space. Note the conventional charging terminals to the left: plug-in charging remains an option when a swapping is not available.
This is how it works. When you need a fresh battery pack, you drive to the robotic station and park the car. The car then drives itself into the bay, positions itself above a sled that connects to the battery, unlocks it and slides it out into the station. Then a new pack is positioned underneath the car, raised and locked into place. The car is now ready to go. It takes a few minutes.
Look around on the internet and you will find photographs of a NIO swap station on fire in China. It is a reminder that batteries heat up as they are charged are discharged, especially those with high power density. Accidental damage, a control failure or a chemical mishap can lead to 'thermal runaway', i.e. uncontrolled overheating and EVs catching fire. Spontaneous ignition is also possible. Once they burn, lithium batteries have proved difficult or impossible to put out. The smoke is toxic.
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Stellantis implementation of a Fiat 500e designed for modular swappable batteries based on technology developed by AMPLE in San Francisco, Ca.
NIO is not alone, it has recently been joined in the swapping race by major players from China like Geely (the principal owner of Volvo Cars), and Changan, a large meat-and potatoes sort of car maker based in Chongqing. Changan is state-owned.
Other contenders are circling about. San Francisco-based AMPLE has developed very similar drive-through swap stations, but the battery packs are not the same. Importantly, the company is backed by Chrysler/Fiat parent company Stellantis. It also has links to Uber.
Then there is CATL, a supplier to TESLA and the world's biggest car battery maker, based in Fujian province. Its swapping technology is modular and therefore more flexible (meaning you can take only the battery modules you need rather than a complete pack) and supposed to be adaptable to existing and future EV platforms, i.e. different car brands.
CATL also claims to have developed batteries with super energy density, resulting in a driving range of a 1000 kilometers.
Finally, several Chinese smartphone makers have developed technology for use by car manufacturers and Xiaomi has started to produce EVs itself.
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Modular swappable packs as developed by China's CATL, the world's largest maker of EV batteries.
China may be leading the pack in EV development but somehow it remains hard to imagine that a superior technology won't appear on the horizon and wipe out the complex, heavy and expensive multi-cell battery packs. Or EVs altogether.
Beyond the current frenzy to go all-electric, a much broader reality remains: the big problem is not the internal combustion engine, but the 1,5 billion cars themselves, overconsumption, economic hyperactivity and the mindless materialism that is now shared by most of humanity. Better batteries won't change that.
(1) More about Gogoro: https://peakwealth.tumblr.com/post/712233420874448896 and https://peakwealth.tumblr.com/post/190122548952
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themarketinsights · 5 months
E-Scooters Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2023
Latest released the research study on Global E-Scooters Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. E-Scooters Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the E-Scooters The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are DK (Greece), Ford (United States), Audi (German), Yuneec (China), Pedego (United States), Toyota (Japan), Alta (United States), Jinhua (China), BMW (Germany), Liberty (Italy), Optibike (United States)
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/89608-global-e-scooters-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
E-Scooters Market Definition:
E-Scooters are two or three wheelers plug-in electric vehicles in which electricity is stored in a battery which is rechargeable. This battery is used to drive electric motors. Lithium-ion batteries are mostly used in e-scooters now days. These batteries can be charged in plugging in a wall chargers installed at charging station.
Market Trend:
Growing Market for E-scooter in Emerging Countries
Focus on Manufacturing Lightweight Vehicles
Market Drivers:
Tax Concession on Eco-friendly Vehicles
Growing Environmental Concern Over Vehicle Emission
Market Opportunities:
Government Encouragement for Sales of E-vehicles
Rising Sales of Hybrid Vehicles
The Global E-Scooters Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Motorcycle, Scooter), Application (Civil, Commercial, Military), Drives (Hybrid, Electric)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/89608-global-e-scooters-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global E-Scooters Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the E-Scooters market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the E-Scooters Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the E-Scooters
Chapter 4: Presenting the E-Scooters Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the E-Scooters market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, E-Scooters Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global E-Scooters Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
For Early Buyers | Get Up to 20% Discount on This Premium Report: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/89608-global-e-scooters-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
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