#elder cadia x vapran librarian
fenth-eiria · 2 years
You are doing Dark Crystal roleplays? Do you have favorite tropes? OCs?
Well, Anon..
I’m only participating in one and it is between my Oc Advora, and @rocky-fennek Oc Shuna, but also includes shipping tropes of mine like Ordon X Ethri, Elder Cadia X Librarian, Advor X Eurias, Asdria X Cadistin, Barfinnious X Veara, and Oc couples Berto X Maylina and Eiria X Fenth.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 years
Dark Crystal Masterlist
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Canon Verse
Restful Respite [The Council] [Puncture Wounds] [Expeditions]
Ranking the Clans/Gelfling [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Deet Headcanons
Freckles Headcanons [more]
Gurjin Headcanons
Onica Headcanons
Rek’yr Headcanons
Rian Headcanons
Bath [Spriton] [Vapran]
Birthday [Grottan] [Sifan]
Dwelling [Dousan] [Drenchen] [Sifan] [Spriton] [Stonewood]
Holidays  [Spriton] [Vapran]
Meal [Grottan] [Spriton] [Stonewood]
Sex [Dousan] [Drenchen] [Stonewood] [Vapran]
The Look [Dousan] [Drenchen] [Sifan] [Stonewood]
Proposal [Drenchen] [Stonewood] [Vapran]
Weddings [Dousan] [Drenchen] [Sifan] [Stonewood]
Wedding Night [Dousan] [Sifan] [Vapran]
Births [Drenchen] [Grottan] [Vapran]
Childrearing [Dousan][Sifan]
[Mating] [General Biology] [Individual Biology] [Individual Culture] [Dancing, Sing and Music]
Naia and Gurjin
First Kiss: [Seladon x Freckles] [Gurjin x Rian] [Rek’yr x Brea] [Deet x Rian]
Wedding [Seladon x Freckles]
Wedding Night [Deet x Rian x Gurjin]
Juni’s Wedding
Elder Cadia and the Librarian
Rian + Gurjin and Eylonwi 
Rian + Deet and Jem
Copapa Gurjin
Gurjin getting around ship wise
Brea x Deet
Brea x Rek’yr [Washing Up] [Save This Dance]
Gurjin x Deet
Gurjin x Deet x Rian [more] [Pregnant Stonewood]
Gurjian [Big Drenchen] [Courtship]
Gurjin x Seladon, Pages of the Past
Kylan x Deet
Baby Kira
In a Pub
Dat Kink [Brea] [Deet] [Freckles] [Gurjin] [Naia] [Rek’yr] [Rian] [Seladon]
Kinda Kinky [Brea x Rek’yr]
Being in a Relationship with Gurjin
Having a Child With Gurjin
Gurjin’s First Time
~ Skeksis Things [x]
College AU
Headcanons [Deet] [Freckles] [Gurjin] [Grujin.2] [Rek’yr] [Tavra]
Kiss Drabble: [Brea x Rek’yr] [Gurjin x Rian] [Gurjin x Rian x Deet] [Kylan x Gurjin] [Seladon x Freckles] [Tavra x Onica]
Other: [Rian x Deet] 
Gods and Goddesses AU
Freckles, Shield of the Gods
Mortal Rian
Skekmal the True Demon
The Terrible, Evil Skeksis
UrVa the Exorsist
Royalty AU
Princess Deet
Princess Tavra
Prince Gurjin
Prince Rek’yr
Sir Freckles
Skekmal the Wildman
Mythological Creature AU
Demigod Gurjin
Woods Witch Deet
Other AU’s
All was well
Flatmates AU
Monster Hunter AU
Post Apocalypse AU
Soulmates AU [Brea x Rek’yr] [Gurjin x Rian x Deet]
Djesid and Eeyrin
My Gelf Self
Of Asgret and Bertram
UrSem giving birth
UrSem x SkekMal
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fenth-eiria · 2 years
What is your favorite fanfiction /shipping trope and why?
Shipping trope: Elder Cadia and the Librarian, Fenth and Eiria, Onica and Tavra
Fanfiction: Meet Me by the Seafarer's Lantern by @dkscribe88 and Lord Mariner’s by @tunnelscreamer We will come through, and Song of the Land and Sea both by @the-experimental-writer I guess because I’m obsessed with them, they all are just so good, and pleasant^^
Thanks for the ask, Anon^^
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fenth-eiria · 10 months
You know what.. Why not post an Au of mine that is one of my best Aus.
The wonder twins that are referred are Rian and Brea.
Loti, and Jari are placeholder names for the librarian and Freckles the red head paladin.
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
Hey, @dragonladdie! Do you want co host Elder Cadia and the Librarian week with me? We’ll have to figure out when though^^
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
Anyone want to help me get prepared for a shipping week with Elder Cadia and the Librarian?
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
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I literally just reached the limit, but here are some sketches I’ve done this week.
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
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Haven’t posted my favorite characters in awhile. So here!! Enjoy!!
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
Ok to get this off my chest here are Kira’s parents in my Au: Tavra and Onica
Jen’s are Rian and Deet..
Kira’s Grandparents are: Elder Cadia and the Librarian, and Maryin and Mitjan.
Jen’s Grandparents are: Ordon and Eithri, and Mitjan and Lath’N.
I get that they share one grandparent, and two of their others are siblings but hey, it’s my Au.
Funny Enough is Eiria and Fenth are their Aunt and Uncle..
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
How Onica and Tavra first met: My Version.
“Onica, sweetheart, let’s go!” “Coming, Daddy!” She scurried down the stairs to where her patient father was. “There you are, are you ready to go see mommy?” “Yeah!!” “Alright then, let’s go.” On the way there, Cadia bumped into Mitjan, who was with Cadia’s eldest daughter, Eiria. “Eiria!” “Dad!!” She ran up to her father and hugged him. “Where are you going?” She was curious as to where her father was headed. “Eiria. I’m going to Ha’ar to see M+M.” “Oh, why?” Cadia chuckled, “Because it’s the Tithe ceremony, remember?” “Why do we worship the Skeksis, dad?” “Your mother, and I don’t, we want to deplete them completely of their power, understood?” “Yep.” “Sorry for interrupting your shopping, Mitjan.” “It’s fine, just hurry along before you’re late.” After they left, they reached Ha’ar. When they entered the capital, they stopped by the Library, and let themselves in. “What can I.. Oof!” The Librarian was knocked to the ground, “MOMMY!!” Onica wailed, she missed her mother very much. The Librarian chuckled, “I missed you too, baby.” Cadia started to tear up, he kneeled down next to his boyfriend, and kissed his lips. “Oh! Onica, I want you to meet someone!” Onica looked at her mother confused, “TAVRA!! I want you to meet my daughter!” Onica looked forward, and running towards them was a Vapran of silver hair, she had put ink on her face, and Onica was thrilled with this new friend.
While they played, and told stories to each other, Cadia and the Librarian danced lovingly. “Loti, do you remember how we met?” “How can I ever forget about the fishing incident?” Cadia blushed, “I was hoping you would actually forget that.” The Librarian laughed, he grabbed his boyfriend’s face and kissed his lips passionately. “I love you, Cadia.” “I love you too, my treasure.” They were all interrupted by Jari, who came running in. “Hide me, Momma!” He ran behind his mother. “Why are you hiding, son?” Cadia looked, and found the problem. It was Seladon trying to kiss him, but it didn’t work.
Tavra grabbed a ring pop, and got down on one knee, Cadia , All-Maudra Maryin and the Librarian looked at their daughters with confusion. “Will you marry me, Onica?” “Yes.” “What the heck just happened?” Cadia was so shocked, and confused. “Our daughter just got engaged..” “SHE’S NOT EVEN 7 YEARS OLD YET!!” “Ehm..” They both turned around, “Librarian, Elder Cadia, why are our children acting something out of their League?” They both just shrugged their shoulders. All of a sudden Mitjan appeared, “Alright, Tavra. Are you ready for your sword lessons?” “Yes, Daddy, Can Onica come too?” “ Alright, sweetheart, I also brought Eiria with me.” “EIRIA!!!” Tavra ran out the door with Onica, Jari, and Seladon followed, leaving just the adults. “Must I always save the day, from you two?” He pointed to Cadia, and Maryin, “I’m not giving them to you both, because Cadia is not at a place yet where he can watch her a lot more, and I don’t want you ever to have Tavra, because you are very neglecting mother..” “Alright, fair point, Mitjan. I am trying to clean my schedule up a bit.”
“Give me Tavra, or your spouse dies..” “Make me..” Everyone looked at Mitjan
, who reveals he’s a ground sorcerer.. Maryin tried to use her air magic, until the Librarian and Cadia intervened, and knocked her unconscious. “Go before she wakes up!” Cadia motioned for Mitjan to run, but he didn’t budge. Instead he kissed Cadia on the cheek, “Come on both of you, they are our kids.” And with that they all left, Onica ran up, wanting to hold both her parents hands. Cadia and the librarian looked down at their daughter, who only wanted to hold their hands. When they both show their hands to her, she grabbed one of Cadia’s and one of the Librarian’s. She then proceeded to walk with them, all giggly, and bubbly. The Librarian chuckled, he looked at the Sifan Elder, who just firmly held her hand and his other daughter’s hand. “Dad! I’m not a little baby anymore.” “ I don’t want you to get stolen.” Cadia kept walking with his daughters, while their mothers looked at Cadia with a concern look. “Cadia, please stop, you’re scaring me.” Cadia turned around, he had a horrified expression on his face, “ I’m not meaning to scare you, I just don’t want to lose my baby girls!!” Cadia started crying. The Librarian, gently grabbed put his hand under Cadia’s chin and position it to look at his face. “Cadia, I love you, but I promise you that if someone as much as looks at them wrong. Mitjan and I will beat the crap out of the them. Sound good to you?” Cadia looked at his boyfriend with a loving smile. “May we please start courting?! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!!” The Librarian’s was taken aback by what he said, and was blushing profoundly. “Cadia, I don’t know what to say, other than yes! We can start courting.”
During practice, Eiria kept pinning Tavra down, but finally got pinned after she was distracted with someone else. “Ha! I got you!” Eiria kept looking in a certain direction, when her parents noticed, they followed her gaze, and there was Fenth, watching her do her fight, looking at her lovingly while blushing. “FENTH?!?! GET OUT OF HERE!!” But Eiria wasn’t thrilled, she dropped her sword with an angry face, walked over to Fenth, and left with him. Cadia was shocked, and Mitjan was wide-eyed. Their daughter, in love with an old man, what is she thinking? Well she was thinking of love, she loved Fenth for who he was, and not for looks, and what he’s forced to be.
Meanwhile.. Onica picked up the sword, and took a swing at Tavra, who playfully swung back. They continued to do their affectionate play fighting, until their fathers grabbed them both and went home. But they both were down hearted, and refused everything. Cadia was concerned because she has not eaten anything for now two days, and didn’t like to see his daughter so discouraged. He finally asked the Librarian to bring Tavra over. When they both were reunited, they are together so profoundly, that they were holding hands through the whole thing. When it was nap time, the snuggled together in Onica’s hammock, and feel asleep.
Tagging people who might want to read it: @rocky-fennek @dragonladdie @dracocheesecake @loveforskekgra
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
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Redraw to this: https://fenth-eiria.tumblr.com/post/644208460320358400/day-5-promises-so-this-is-a-hilarious-and
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
Tavra X Onica: Secrets
Fenth ❣️Eiria
The lights were dim in the library as Tavra rushed through it’s halls, she was stopped by the Librarian.
“Where are you going, child?” “To see your daughter Onica.” His eyes went wide, he was shocked.
“You still love her, even after you two first dreamfasted?”
“Why, of Course, Loti. Why wouldn’t I?” He pondered as to why, when he looked back up, Tavra was already out the door.
“Wait! I will help you!!” He ran to go help her, as he grabbed their cloaks. When the both got there, they could see their Sifan lovers. The Librarian was the first down,
“Cadia!!” The Sifan Elder whipped his head around, his face lit up
“Loti!!” He caught his beloved,
“I missed you!” While all of that happened, Tavra reached for Onica, who only pulled away.
“Onica? Is something wrong?” Onica put a hand to her stomach, Tavra couldn’t see..
“No, nothing is wrong.” She was sweating, Tavra could see that.
“Onica.... What’s the matter?” Onica started tearing up, Tavra gently put her arms around her.
“Onica, please tell me. What secret are you hiding from me?”
“IM PREGNANT!!” Cadia and the Librarian, whipped their heads around to the sound of that. Tavra’s ears where down after making her love angry.
“I didn’t mean to offend you..”
“Tavra, we are going to be parents!!” Tavra’s mouth dropped, Tae came over and pushed her mouth back up.
“Onica, that’s incredible!” Tavra squeezed her affectionately,
“Hey don’t get too close!!” Cadia was excited but still cautious of the Vapran princess..
@tavronicaweek Yeah, kinda crappy. But tomorrow you will be amazed^^
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