What type of driver do you think saeyoung is? Like a patient one, the one who gets easily annoyed or the one who never stop advise the others when he's not driving? Wanna hear your opinion!
Saeyoung loves to drive his cars. It helps him think and clear his head whenever he's stressed out. That brings him peace. I sincerely don't think he's somebody who would hate having passengers in his car.
I think, at his core, we have to sit back and remember that he's been alone for so long he also yearns for a sense of community whenever he can find it. It's why the messenger feels like home to him, why he treats the RFA like a family. He wants to belong somewhere and have people to turn to, even if he does have to take care of himself with no help but the occasional throw from Vanderwood when he's too busy to feed himself properly.
So, he doesn't mind spending time with other people that way. He's absolutely the kind of person who thrives during a road trip, and it's not about the destination to him, it's about the journey. I feel like he enjoys sharing his space with others like this! But, he's someone who likes to be in control of his vehicle, and while he isn't against having somebody else drive one of his cars, I do think if you give him the choice, he would not want to be a passenger princess.
The answer as to why that is isn't because he's afraid of something bad happening, it's just because he genuinely enjoys the process of driving and would rather do it than not. 
I'm not sure how much of a backseat driver he is, although I do think it would take a lot of work for him to not tell somebody what to do when he's not in control. He's just the kind of person who needs to be in control of most situations because of his paranoia, but it's something he's working on as he removes himself from environments that made him paranoid to begin with, so it's not going to be much of a problem in the future. 
Honestly, it would be fun to go on a road trip with him just because he doesn't care about getting to a destination, he just wants to enjoy the moment with his loved ones. 
23 notes · View notes
riusugoi · 2 years
la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 30 de junio del año 2000 consideraba irrelevante la condición de experto en artes marciales de un taekwondista pues lo necesario a tener en cuenta es lo trascendente de la contundencia y el objetivo del golpe. También la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 24 de octubre de 1994 indicaba que, un artista marcial conocedor del manejo de armas blancas, y que provocó un corte a su agresor, podría haberlo matado de haberlo deseado por sus conocimientos técnicos. Precisamente el peritaje forense indicaba que el corte era de poca profundidad precisamente por propia iniciativa y precaución del artista marcial.
No necesariamente el hecho de que sea experto en artes marciales es lo que agrava un delito de lesiones, por ejemplo, en la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 30 de junio de 2000 lo considera irrelevante  “…sin necesidad de considerar la condición del acusado de experto en artes marciales (Taek-wondo) (….) es en realidad, irrelevante, pues lo trascendente, como se ha expuesto, es la contundencia y objetivo del golpe”  
Ni tampoco siempre el hecho de ser experto en artes marciales perjudica al acusado, en ocasiones puede servir para probar que no había ánimo de matar, porque de haber querido hacerlo, con los conocimientos que tiene, lo hubiera conseguido. Conforme a la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, 24 de octubre de 1994:
“….si el autor material del hecho hubiera querido producir la muerte, le habría bastado haber apretado un poco más con el cuchillo. La forma en que ocurrió revela que  tuvo especial cuidado en no matar, consiguiendo, precisamente por su especial habilidad con el arma utilizada, el hacer una herida tan singular como la descrita, de muy poca profundidad y, sin embargo, de 12 centímetros de larga. Ello pone de manifiesto que no quiso matar, sino sólo dejar marcado a su contrincante
Un movimiento de la víctima, o un error de cálculo sobre su postura o en el uso del arma, y consiguientemente una mayor profundización del filo del machete en el cuello, podría haber producido la muerte. No obstante, el sujeto, experto conocedor en artes marciales y en el manejo de tal clase de armas, como venimos repitiendo, para conseguir la mencionada precisión en la herida (poca profundidad, pese a tener 12 centímetros de longitud) tuvo que adoptar alguna precaución (que no consta en el relato de hechos probados, sin duda por las graves dificultades probatorias que el trámite pone de manifiesto) sujetando al agredido de alguna manera al tiempo que causaba la lesión, para que ésta quedara reducida a los límites del resultado realmente producido excluyendo otro de mayor consideración y, evidentemente, la muerte del agredido. Tales precauciones ponen de manifiesto una actitud en el autor del hecho que excluye el dolo eventual.
Así pues, estimamos que no hubo ni intención de matar ni tampoco dolo eventual de homicidio, sino sólo ánimo de lesionar”
En la Sentencia del Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 2 de diciembre de 2010 en el caso del homicidio de la joven Nagore Laffage se tuvo en consideración para considerar la existencia de abuso de superioridad, entre otras, la circunstancia de que el acusado conocía técnicas de artes marciales:  se aprovechó de su superioridad física (varón, de 27 años, 182 metros de estatura y 80 Kgs.), así como conocer técnicas del arte marcial Aikido, respecto de su víctima (mujer, de 20 años, 1,66 metros de estatura y 56,600 Kgs.), sin que pudiera contar con el auxilio de terceras personas. Es claro, por tanto, que existió ese desequilibrio de fuerzas derivado de la envergadura física del acusado frente a la víctima y era además conocedor de un determinado arte marcial.
También se aplica abuso de superioridad en la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 3 de febrero de 2009 “Desde el punto de vista objetivo, dados los datos que se acaban de describir, pues no solo son dos personas contra una sino que son de gran corpulencia, uno de ellos conocedor de artes marciales y además están armados con un objeto contundente. Desde el punto de vista subjetivo, porque la agresión estaba así planeada, ya que estaban esperando al lesionado, lo que implica el conocimiento y aprovechamiento de las anteriores circunstancias”
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jugadorfranquicia · 3 years
Almeyda jugándose 'la vida' táctica con Los Quakes
Almeyda jugándose ‘la vida’ táctica con Los Quakes
Todos los ojos se quedaron el fin de semana con los dos goles de Chris Wondolowski, muy merecido obviamente. Pero tácticamente hay que destacar la lectura del partido y la disposición de los jugadores, para que San Jose Earthquakes le diera la vuelta y ganarlo 2-1 de visita ante Real Salt Lake. Por: @jrojasa75 Hablar de los goles de Wondo es una obviedad, tiene 168 tantos en MLS y ha marcado…
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pepitothebunny · 5 years
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Banana Montaña: A VEF
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Banana Montaña: PERLO
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Banana Montaña: AMETISTO
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: PERLO QUE
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Banana Montaña: GARNOT
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Banana Montaña: ESTEBON
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Banana Montaña: ROSO
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: CANNI
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: AJAKAKAAKAKAKAKAJAJAJSJS
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Banana Montaña: ROSO JJJAJAJJJJJAJS
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ROSO AJAJAJAAKAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:39AM] Banana Montaña: JAAAJAJSJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJSJAAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Banana Montaña: COMO SE LLAMABA EL MARIDO DE ROSO
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Banana Montaña: GREY
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Banana Montaña: GRETT
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Banana Montaña: ALGO ASI
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: GREG
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: NO SE AJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Banana Montaña: AAAAAHHHH JJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Banana Montaña: GROG
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: GREGA
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJQJAJAAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Banana Montaña: SUGALITO
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: QUE
[06/06/2016, 1:40AM] Banana Montaña: PERIDOTO
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: PERIDOTA ANAKAKAJAKAUAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: QUE ONDA AKSJAJAKAJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAJAJAJAJA*ANA*JAAJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Banana Montaña: PORODOTO
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Banana Montaña: JJAAAJSJJNANSJSJ QUE
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: PORODOTO BASTA
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Banana Montaña: POROTO
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: POTO
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Banana Montaña: PORODOTO DESTACADOS
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: AJAJAJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:41AM] Banana Montaña: JAJASJAJJJSJSJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAHAAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: BAST
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Banana Montaña: Ahora con GRABEDAD DEL NIAGARO
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Banana Montaña: Eston
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: Mobel
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Banana Montaña: Mabol
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: Dopper
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAJAAAA
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Banana Montaña: boll
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JASJJAAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:42AM] Banana Montaña: DOPPER JAASSSAKAAJS
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Banana Montaña: BOLL
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: BOLL
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ANAKAKAKAJAKAKAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Banana Montaña: BASTA VOY A DESPERTAR A MI FAMILIA
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: WONDY
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Banana Montaña: Y A LOS VECINOS
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Banana Montaña: BAAJSANAAKAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MAL
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Banana Montaña: PACIFICO
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: COMO SE LLAMABA EL PIBE ESTE
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: GODON
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: GODON
[06/06/2016, 1:43AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: GODON BATA
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Banana Montaña: GORDO AJJJJSSAJJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAJAAJAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: GIDEON
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Banana Montaña: Su nombre no miente
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ES GODON
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Banana Montaña: AjaajJAJSJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Banana Montaña: BOLL NO LO SUPER
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: NI DOPPER
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Banana Montaña: ESTONFORD
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAKAJAJAAK
[06/06/2016, 1:44AM] Banana Montaña: JAAAASJSKJSJ
[06/06/2016, 1:45AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: OSTONLY
[06/06/2016, 1:45AM] Banana Montaña: JSJAASJSJSJ QUIEN
[06/06/2016, 1:45AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ESTANLT
[06/06/2016, 1:45AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAJAJKAJAJSJSJS
[06/06/2016, 1:45AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: EMM QUIEN MAS
[06/06/2016, 1:45AM] Banana Montaña: NO ME SE UNA MIERDA DE NOMBRES
[06/06/2016, 1:45AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MMAMAMMMM
[06/06/2016, 1:45AM] Banana Montaña: ESTA EL EMO EL EX DE WENDO
[06/06/2016, 1:45AM] Banana Montaña: O WONDO
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ROBO
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Banana Montaña: BAJAJJJAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJSJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAJAJAAJAJAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MARMANDO
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MORMONDO
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Banana Montaña: KSKSKAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAAAJAJAAJAAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Banana Montaña: JSJSJASSJA MORMON JAKSKKAKSKAKSKS
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MORMONDO
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAAJAJAAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:46AM] Banana Montaña: Pikocho
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Banana Montaña: Pokocho
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: PIKOCHO
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ONO
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: SOS ON
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ONO
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAJSJSJAJKA
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: AJJAAJAJAJAAJAKS
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Banana Montaña: ANO
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: AJAJAJAAJAJQAJ ANO
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ONO
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ONA
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: NAO
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAJAAANAAJSJJAKSJJSJJKKAKJ
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: NOA
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Banana Montaña: ANO JSJAJAJSKAJSJSKJSJA
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJQJAUAQJAJAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:47AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: Y YO AHRE
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Banana Montaña: SON LAS DOS
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Banana Montaña: JANASNNJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJQAJAJAJAJS
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MAL BATSA
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Banana Montaña: GRENDA
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Banana Montaña: GRONDO
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: GRONDA
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAAJAQJAJAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Banana Montaña: GRENDO
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: CONDY
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Banana Montaña: GRONDA KJKAJAAAJJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: PATO
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: POTO
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Banana Montaña: LA TENGO GRONSA
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Banana Montaña: GRONDA
[06/06/2016, 1:48AM] Banana Montaña: PITO
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: GRONDA JAKAAJAKAKAJAA
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Banana Montaña: POTO
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: POTO
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJASJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Banana Montaña: TENGO EL POTO GRONDA
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Banana Montaña: NO RESPIRO AIRE
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: AJAJQJAJQJQ
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: *SE AHOGAN*
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Banana Montaña: ME ESTOY CAGANDO DE RISANO DOYMAS
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJQAJAJAJSJAJSJQ
[06/06/2016, 1:49AM] Banana Montaña: PIÑOTO KJAJJJnjaja
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Banana Montaña: ACABO DE INTENTAR ESCRIBIE POTO
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: PIÑOTO QE AJAJAJAJQJSJW
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Banana Montaña: KAJJAJKJNKKSKSJSJDN
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Banana Montaña: PIÑOTA
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: YO SOY MORTONA QUE
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Banana Montaña: ESYOY MAGRIMEANDO POSTA
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: KAJAJAJQJAAJQJQJA
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: BASTQ
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: QUE QJSJAJSJ
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAJAJJANAJJJAKSKSJAJKJWJ
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MAGRIMEANDI AJAKAJAJAAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Banana Montaña: MORTADELA JSJSSJJJAJANAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Banana Montaña: MORTONA ONO
[06/06/2016, 1:50AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJQJAAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Banana Montaña: MONO
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Banana Montaña: JSJSJSJSJAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Banana Montaña: MANA MONO
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MONO AJAJAJWJQJQQJQK
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Banana Montaña: JAKSJAJJJJAJAJAJAKA
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Banana Montaña: JSSAJSSNSJSJKWKSJSJSJS
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: SOMO S UN MONO
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Banana Montaña: KKJAKSJAJAAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Banana Montaña: FUSIONADAS
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Banana Montaña: MI RISA EN STE MOMENTO NO ES HUMANA
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: UW AJJAJAJAAJAJAJQQJQJ
[06/06/2016, 1:51AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: SISI
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: LA MIA TAMPOCO SATAN ALEJANOD
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Banana Montaña: JJJSJSKSJAJSKSKAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: BASTAKAJQKQKAJAJQJAJQJQSJ
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Banana Montaña: Satón: por qué me hacen esto
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: SATON
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: AJAJAJANAKQA
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: SARTON
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Banana Montaña: SALON JJAJASJAJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Banana Montaña: JSJAJSAJSNJSJAJAJAAJJA
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JJAAJAJBQJ
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Banana Montaña: ZAPATON
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: BASA
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAAAAJAJAJAJSJA
[06/06/2016, 1:52AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: KAJAKAKQJAJAJAJSJSJA
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: NUESTROS COMPALEROS
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: VALON
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: BALON
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: VALON
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: JanajajaaJAJAAKAJAKAJSJSNAKSJJA
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJANQJQAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: MICO
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JUOK
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JUON
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: MICO JATSUNE JAKAJAJAJAJJJAASJJA
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJQJAJAJQJQJA
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: LOSHON
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: SONTIOGO
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: FODO
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: AJAJQJAJAABAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: FODORICO
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: FODOROCO
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAKAJAJAJAJAKQQKQJ
[06/06/2016, 1:53AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAAJANJAAAAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: MANO
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: MANO
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: OGOSTIN
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAJAJAJQJANJAKAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MAJO
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MANO*
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: RAMONA
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: KAKAMSKAJAKAKAKA
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: ROMONO
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ROMONO
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAJQJQJQQKA
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: ROMANO
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: AAAAJAJAJAASAAAAAAA
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: ROMINO
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: AJAHAJAJQJWJWJSJWU
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MORIONO
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: KAAJAKSKAJAJAKAKAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: NAJAJAKAJAJAJAJAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: MORIANO
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAJAKAKAKKKAKAKAKS
[06/06/2016, 1:54AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAJAJAJAASA
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: CELOSTO
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Banana Montaña: DNCIMA PENSAMOS LA MISM
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: MAL
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: SKAKAKAJAJAJAJAJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Banana Montaña: COLOSTO
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Banana Montaña: JAJAJAJAAJAAJAAKS
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: COLOSTO AJAKAJAJAJSJAJAJW
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Banana Montaña: VOCTORO
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAJAJAAJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Banana Montaña: VOCTORII
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Banana Montaña: VOCTORIO
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJSJSAJSJSJA
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: OSOOC
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Banana Montaña: VOCTOR VICTOR JAKAKJAJSJSKSSJA
[06/06/2016, 1:55AM] Banana Montaña: TOMOS
[06/06/2016, 1:56AM] Banana Montaña: OSOOOC JAAJSJJSA NO OYMAS
[06/06/2016, 1:56AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJAJSSJAJ
[06/06/2016, 1:56AM] Banana Montaña: JASASSJAJA
[06/06/2016, 1:56AM] Banana Montaña: OVALOS OSOOC GOBROL
[06/06/2016, 1:56AM] Banana Montaña: JAAAJAJAJAAJAJAJAA
[06/06/2016, 1:56AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JAJAJQJAJQJSSJS
[06/06/2016, 1:56AM] Banana Montaña: LA O ES DEL INFIERNO
[06/06/2016, 1:57AM] Mɑʀtiɳɑรรɑ✨: JOJOJOJOJOJOJO
0 notes
365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Wiebe: 10 questions MLS teams can answer in Week 34
October 19, 20187:26PM EDT
Happy Friday. Leave work if you somehow haven’t. Spend some quality time with friends and family on Saturday. Eat some cider donuts. Savor a nice cup of coffee. Go for a run or play pickup. Run your errands, even the ones you’re dreading.
You’ve got until 2 p.m. ET on Sunday to make the people you love feel attended to and knock out everything on your to-do list. After that, it’s time for soccer and a 4-hour sprint of high-stakes MLS action, the perfect prelude to Decision Day presented by A&T and the Audi 2018 MLS Cup Playoffs.
Matchday Central starts at 2 p.m. ET (watch on MLSsoccer.com, YouTube, Twitter or Facebook), the Eastern Conference games kick off an hour later with Atlanta-Chicago leading the way on ESPN and Zlatan plus the rest of the Western Conference taking center stage at 5 p.m. ET, after which you’ll head back to MDC and put a bow on Week 34.
Maybe you’ll stick with ESPN’s showcase. Maybe you’ll gather all your devices in one place and rubberneck on ESPN+. I’ll be at the MLS studio, occasionally yelling at a bank of televisions. Here are 10 things I’ll be watching:
Will Atlanta celebrate the Shield – and a CCL berth – at home?
They could do both. They could do neither. Before you go counting those points, Five Stripes faithful, remember what the Fire did to LAFC a couple weeks ago.
It’d be preferable for Atlanta United to just bury Chicago and seal the deal on both, especially given the long-term uncertainty swirling as we await the widely reported potential departures of Tata Martino and Miguel Almiron. We don’t talk about it much, but Martino’s league trophy case is relatively limited. What if he leaves MLS for El Tri without a cup title to show for his two years in the spotlight?
ATLUTD can end that conversation before it really starts on Sunday at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Better to raise the Supporters’ Shield in front of, you know, your own supporters.
Can someone wrest MVP from Josef Martinez?
That sentence would have landed me in the insane asylum back in late August when Martinez obliterated the single-season goal record. But now? Now it doesn’t seem so crazy.
I already explained how Zlatan can make a case. If Bradley Wright-Phillips bangs in a couple and leads the Red Bulls to the Shield, then what? People are in my Twitter mentions floating Wayne Rooney’s name, too.
Point is, the Venezuelan’s candidacy isn’t as bulletproof as it once was a few months ago. Still, he’s got a golden opportunity to make the Landon Donovan Most Valuable Player Award all his own since Atlanta can’t lean on the injured Almiron.
Will RSL’s scheduling quirk rob us of Decision Day drama?
One team’s 2018 regular season ends on Sunday. That’d be Real Salt Lake, thanks to the fact that it’s just not possible to shoehorn 23 teams into 11 slots on Decision Day. Even and odd numbers, you know?
The final two playoff spots out West come down to RSL, the Timbers, Galaxy and ‘Caps.* Let’s say Portland and RSL draw or Portland win head-to-head on Sunday and both Vancouver and LA fail to win. In that scenario, then the top six will be set heading into Decision Day, though seeding would remain in the balance. That’d be awesome for fans of those two teams, but a huge bummer for neutral fans rooting for maximum drama (Zlatan!) on the season’s final day.
*Vancouver’s poor goal differential means they’re still alive in name only. I’m going to operate under the assumption that they’re done. Time to ogle Alphonso Davies in the open field a few more times, hire a new head coach and focus on 2019.
For purely viewing purposes, let’s hope for a draw or loss for RSL in Portland, and a win from the Galaxy in Minnesota. We’d go into the final matchday of the season with the Timbers safe but RSL and LA separated by a single point   fighting tooth-and-nail for one playoff berth.
Remember last year’s histrionics that ended with San Jose in – along with Dallas and RSL out? More of that please.
Will Kansas City finish strong … and out of the KO Round?
I know it felt good to pummel Vancouver at the death, but the ‘Caps aren’t a playoff team and they barely pretended to defend at the end of that match.
Sporting Kansas City aren’t out of the woods (aka KO Round) just yet. They go to FC Dallas this weekend for a game that doesn’t have the wattage of Zlatan in Minnesota but has far more actual collective soccer quality.
So how will Peter Vermes’ team respond? This is the perfect time to boost their so-so record against current playoff teams (4-6-4, wins against D.C., Atlanta, LAFC and Portland) and lock in the playoff bye that will keep The Cauldron from hyperventilating about a fifth straight one-and-done Knockout Round exit.
Now they just have to do it … against the two teams who want nothing more than to push them down the table.
Can D.C. United complete the turnaround? And what will LuchoRoo do?
What a run it’s been. And yet it could still all be for naught, in 2018 terms at least.
New York City FC are scuffling. They’re missing Maxi Moralez, Jesus Medina, Jo Inge Berget and, for months now, Yangel Herrera. While D.C. went 11-3-4 from July 14 on, NYCFC stumbled to a 4-5-4 record that dropped them out of the “Big Three” in the East.
The Black-and-Red can qualify for the playoffs this weekend. Best not to mess around, especially when it’s their last home game of the season and they’ve got just one road victory all season. Also, I’d like my playoff prediction to come true so Quincy Amarikwa can’t gloat on Twitter.
SIDENOTE This could be a Knockout Round preview.
Zlatan vs. 50,000 Minnesotans
Zlatan has a thing or two to learn about being “Minnesota Nice.”
“I owe them to come,” said the Galaxy’s walking soundbyte about playing in front of the 50,000-plus expected to pack TCF Bank Stadium in the final game at MNUFC’s inaugural MLS venue. “Obviously, they don’t have this crowd every home game, so I’m sure they’re not coming for Minnesota. So, I come and I make them enjoy.”
I am on pins and needles waiting to see what the Dark Clouds and True North Elite, quirky and hilarious #$ %& talkers, have waiting for Zlatan. And Zlatan for them! There are goals in this game. Like double-digit goals. I can’t wait.
Will the Union pass a playoff practice test?
I like the Union – they play good soccer with young players – but I’m keeping a close eye on how they respond to what is, in essence, a playoff game.
Philly desperately want that home game in the Knockout Round, and the Red Bulls know they’ve got to win to stay alive in the Shield and CCL race. How will the Union respond? Their last go-round on the big stage was a flop, yet another U.S. Open Cup final awash in disappointment.
This game will tell us whether they’re ready for the big time, and it’s a potential Conference Semifinal matchup to boot.
Will Wondo tie or break the record? Or neither?
For the record, I hope Chris Wondolowski breaks it this weekend at home against Colorado. Better not to drag it into 2019, and I want it to happen in San Jose for Wondo and Quakes supporters’ sake. They deserve it after this year.
My prediction is that he ties it on Sunday. From there, my heart says he breaks it against the Sounders, but my head says this season is destined to be heartbreaking in every way for San Jose so we’ll have to keep #WondoWatch going through the winter.
Who will play spoiler, even though their season is done?
Spoilers, ranked by pettiness:
Toronto winning in Montreal to end their arch-rival’s season
50k Minnesotans rubbing Zlatan’s face in playoff failure
Chicago denying Atlanta United a Supporters’ Shield celebration at MBS
Houston dropping Seattle (2017 Western Conference Championship rematch!) into a KO Round roadie
Crew SC and the USMNT manager-in-waiting losing to [gulp] historically bad Orlando City
Whitecaps deliver blow to LAFC’s chase for a KO Round bye
OK, so what’s going to be at stake on Decision Day?
That’s really what this is all about, right? We’ll find out soon! Week 34 is going to be must-watch stuff, and Decision Day and the postseason are all about the narratives. Let me know what you’re rooting for!
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MLSsoccer.com News
Wiebe: 10 questions MLS teams can answer in Week 34 was originally published on 365 Football
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omradio · 6 years
Navarro: Adelanto – Todos los rivales de Navarro en las Olimpíadas de la Cuenca del Salado
Navarro: Adelanto – Todos los rivales de Navarro en las Olimpíadas de la Cuenca del Salado
  Como informáramos en ediciones anteriores, los juegos de la Cuenca del Salado comienzan el próximo 3 de marzo, en la vecina ciudad de Lobos. Nuestra ciudad participará de casi todas las disciplinas menos de Básquet Femenino, Handball Masculino y Taek-Wondo. Al día de hoy, ya se conocen los fixtures de cada deporte y les acercamos a ustedes toda la información:
Hockey Femenino: Navarro vs…
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Reigning MLS scoring champs ready to crown "relentless," "lethal" Martinez
USA Today Sports
August 17, 201812:22PM EDT
Steadily, efficiently, ruthlessly, Josef Martinez has closed in on the MLS single-season scoring record of 27 goals, and he could match or break the mark as early as Sunday, when his league-leading Atlanta United side welcome Columbus Crew SC to Mercedes-Benz Stadium (4 pm ET | TSN2 – TV & streaming info).
Some athletes in possession of iconic milestones like this one hope and pray that they stay in the same hallowed spot in the record books, occasionally even celebrating when would-be successors fall short.
Not this one.
“I think he’s going to end up smashing the record,” Chris Wondolowski told MLSsoccer.com of Martinez this week. “I would much rather have that than just maybe him win by one or two. Because then you’re thinking about the ones you missed. If he’s going to score 33, 34, I have no problem losing that one!
“It sounds so cliché, but I think records are made to be broken. I’m just proud that I get to have my name mentioned with some of these guys. It’s pretty cool to have that.”
Wondolowski is the co-holder of the current mark alongside Roy Lassiter, who set the bar with an incredible campaign for the regular-season champions Tampa Bay Mutiny in the league’s inaugural season in 1996, and the New York Red Bulls’ Bradley Wright-Phillips, who reached that historic territory in 2014.
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All three are icons in their own particular way, with a range of finishing qualities, who attained their share of league history on trophy-chasing teams with loaded attacking corps. And all three have looked on in awe and respect as Martinez has exploded the parameters of what was thought possible in MLS.
“Martinez is on fire, he’s been on fire ever since he’s been in the league and he probably would’ve scored more if he hadn’t gotten hurt last year,” Lassiter told MLSsoccer.com on Wednesday, speaking by phone from his second home of Costa Rica. “All records are made to be broken. It’s been good to have the record for so, so many years.
“Actually it’s a happy moment. I mean, my name still stays there amongst players that have been able to accomplish that feat,” Lassiter added when asked if he’s felt any sadness about his record falling. “I feel that the kid can do 30-plus goals, [way] more than 27. The team that he has, the coaching staff that he has … he could end up with much more goals than that.”
Wright-Phillips sounded a similar note when discussing the topic during All-Star Week in Atlanta.
“I know it sounds weird for an athlete, but I’m not too competitive,” said the Englishman, who marked his 100th career regular-season goal last month. “It doesn’t bother me. Records are there to be broken – and it also shows improvement. When I done it, when I got there, someone’s going to break it, someone’s going to break Josef Martinez’s [record]. That’s how it goes, that’s improvement.
“If he carries on how he is, then he’ll probably be one of the best there is. His goalscoring rate is crazy – crazy. I’ve never seen anything like that.”
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A rangy, physical frontrunner with world-class speed that made him particularly unstoppable in open space, Lassiter feasted on the elegant service provided by the likes of Carlos “El Pibe” Valderrama and Steve Ralston in year one – where, it’s worth noting, teams played 32 regular-season games compared to the 34 that the other three strikers had to work with. It was a 10-team league with a markedly different character to the sleek, worldly MLS of today.
“It’s a little bit more dynamic now. You have younger players on the field now,” said Lassiter, whose son Ariel plays for the LA Galaxy. “Before it was mainly older, experienced players on the field, a little bit more defensive-minded. But the methodology now is attacking and organized.
“Before it was bringing in older, recognized players throughout the world. Now you’re bringing in young players, while still bringing in the older players that have good names and can still play and bring a lot to organizations. I think it’s more of a mix now. … I see it being younger, a little bit more Hispanic.”
Wondo, meanwhile, made his mark as the elusive, deadly poacher for the 2012 Supporters’ Shield-winning San Jose Earthquakes, a side known for its gleefully direct style and “Bash Brothers” duo up top, hulking targetmen Alan Gordon and Steven Lenhart. With those two carving out space and winning headers as a fleet of pacey, tricky wide men rained down crosses, Wondolowski was free to ghost in and around the opposition’s penalty box to devastating effect.
Though some might consider Frank Yallop’s side a muscular anachronism, Wondolowski believes the 2012 Quakes would be right in the mix today, too.
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“I know it’s very hypothetical, but I would say that we would be Supporters’ Shield contenders again,” he said. “Even though it was a predictable way [of playing], you knew if you could get the ball on the flank, beat some of their guys – we had Marvin Chavez and Simon Dawkins and then you had [fullbacks Steven] Beitashour and Justin Morrow, who could run the flanks all day and get crosses in, and then you had the three of us [up top] able to attack the ball. Defenses knew we were coming and they still weren’t able to stop us. It was fun in that sense.”
BWP, Lassiter and Wondo all point to the varied ways in which Martinez poses danger, whether it’s with his head or feet, via build-up play or rapid counterattacks. But one overriding trait impresses them the most.
“I love his passion, I love that he’s just relentless with it,” said Wondolowski. “He’s very smart with his runs and he’s able to find space even when it’s not [plentiful]. You see their buildup with the ball, you kind of wonder where he is, but he’s creating that space for that final third, that final attack. He knows where wants to be and where wants the ball to be, and he’s relentless with it. He’s able to score two, three times a game [because of] hundreds of runs that he makes throughout the game.”
Said Wright-Phillips: “He seems very hungry to score goals. A lot of strikers don’t have that – everyone thinks they do, but you can see on the pitch that when he gets on there he wants to score. He’s doing everything he can to score.”
Though the four strikers in question played in different eras, on distinctly different teams, there’s general consensus that a certain set of circumstances have to fall into place for such a scoring windfall to unfold.
“In one season, you’ve got to stay healthy, you’ve got to be on a good team – a good, dynamic team that understands and looks to get you the ball and believes in you,” said Lassiter, who currently works as a coach and technical director at Seattle-area youth club Washington Premier FC. “So many factors have to come into play to get that record.
“There’s no way he [Martinez] could do that on a team that’s at the bottom, not producing, not having productive wingers, not having good, dynamic midfielders with good vision, movement, that can see his runs.”
Notes Wondolowski: “With Miguel Almiron, it’s crazy to think that Josef Martinez could have 30 goals and may not even be the MVP on his team.”
The Quakes icon acknowledges that Atlanta’s aggressive philosophy is a factor in Martinez’s prolific scoring – yet warns that the Venezuelan’s contributions are more unique than they may appear.
“It’s been fun to watch – him AND Atlanta. They play a great style, entertaining, and across the board they’re dangerous,” said Wondolowski, who sits second on the league’s all-time career regular-season scoring list with 140 goals and is bearing down on Landon Donovan’s 145.
“I don’t think I could do what he [Martinez] has done, even with his team. He’s absolutely lethal with it. He’s the right player for the right style and they’re making the most of it. it’s not an easy thing and believe me, there’s defenses and players that are keyed on him. But he’s still able to find a way.”
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MLSsoccer.com News
Reigning MLS scoring champs ready to crown “relentless,” “lethal” Martinez was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Orlando City SC vs. San Jose Earthquakes | 2018 MLS Match Preview
April 18, 20185:31PM EDT
Orlando City SC vs. San Jose Earthquakes 2018 MLS Regular Season – Week 8 Orlando City Stadium — Orlando April 21 – 7:30 pm ET WATCH: ESPN+, MLS LIVE on DAZN (Canada)
Getting healthier and more confident, Orlando City SC is rolling, returning to Orlando City Stadium having won three consecutive matches.
The San Jose Earthquakes are winless in their last four games, but rallied for a 2-2 draw with the Houston Dynamo Saturday night, their second consecutive draw.
Speaking of ties, all three of the previous three meetings between the two teams have ended in a draw.
Orlando City SC
Orlando head coach Jason Kreis made four changes to his starting XI from a 3-2 win over the Portland Timbers the previous weekend. Amro Tarek replaced an injured Jonathan Spector, RJ Allen started at right back for Scott Sutter, Stefano Pinho made his first start since returning from an ankle injury and rookie Chris Mueller started for Justin Meram.
Dom Dwyer opened the scoring in the 38th minute, his fourth goal in three games since returning from injury, and Mueller scored for the second consecutive game in what Kreis called his team’s most complete game of the year.
“Tonight we saw, kind of for the first time, a collective mindset that we weren’t going to give anything away defensively,” Kreis said. “That led to us being very balanced, very well organized and shut them down pretty well.”
Sacha Kljestan was named to the MLS Team of the Week presented by Audi for Week 7.
Suspended: None
Suspended after next caution: None
International duty: None
Injury Report: OUT: GK – Mason Stajduhar (Localized Ewing Sarcoma), D – RJ Allen (hamstring); QUESTIONABLE: D – Scott Sutter (lower body), D – Jonathan Spector (concussion)
Projected Starting XI (4-2–3-1, right to left) GK: Joe Bendik — Will Johnson, Lamine Sane, Amro Tarek, Mohamed El-Munir — Oriol Rosell, Yoshimar Yotun — Chris Mueller, Sacha Kljestan, Justin Meram — Dom Dwyer
Notes: Since trading for Dwyer late last July, Orlando averages 1.7 goals per 90 in 1,292 minutes with him on the field (0.6 goals per 90 in 558 minutes with him off). … The Lions have won their last two home matches, scoring seven goals. They had two wins and 14 goals in their previous 14 league home games (6L-6D).
San Jose Earthquakes         
It was a strange sight indeed, but at kickoff last Saturday there was Chris Wondolowski on the substitute’s bench, ending a stretch of 56 consecutive games in the starting XI with Quakes coach Mikael Stahre giving midfielders Fatai Alashe and Jackson Yueill their first starts of the year in a changed 4-1-4-1 formation.
“It was a really hard decision,” Stahre said. “We talked about it within the coaching staff and decided to play with only one striker and add another midfielder.”
As for Wondolowski, he said he understood and accepted Stahre’s decision.
“It’s one of those things,” Wondolowski said. “It’a a part of the game. We wanted to make a tactical change and add another guy in the midfield and try to possess it. Coach talked to me about that. It’s the role he asked me to play and going forward, I’ll try to take that the best I can.”
There was a late equalizer off the bench, but Wondo didn’t score it. Coming on a sub for the first time this season, Jahmir Hyka leveled dramatically five minutes from full time.
Now the question is if Stahre will utilize the same formation and keep Wondolowski on the bench in Orlando?
Suspended: None
Suspended after next caution: None
International duty: None
Injury Report: OUT: Tommy Thompson (illness)
Projected Starting XI (4-3-3, right to left) GK: Andrew Tarbell — Florian Jungwirth, Yeferson Quintana, Francois Affolter, Nick Lima — Fatai Alashe, Jackson Yueill, Anibal Godoy — Magnus Eriksson, Danny Hoesen, Vako
Notes: Hyka’s goal last weekend was his fourth in 31 league appearances and snapped a 17-game regular season goalless streak. … The Earthquakes have won just one of their last 12 road games (9L-2D) and have been held scoreless six times.
All-Time Series
Overall: Orlando City SC 0 wins, 4 goals … San Jose Earthquakes 0 wins, 4 goals … 3 ties
At Orlando: Orlando City SC 0 wins, 2 goals … Earthquakes 0 wins, 2 goals … 1 tie
Last meeting at Orlando: Orlando City SC 2, San Jose Earthquakes 2 (June 18, 2016)
Referee: Ismail Elfath Assistant Referees: Kevin Klinger, Felisha Mariscal 4th Official: Rubiel Vazquez VAR: Christina Unkel
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MLSsoccer.com News
Orlando City SC vs. San Jose Earthquakes | 2018 MLS Match Preview was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
This Week in MLS - March 26, 2018
Courtesy of LAFC
March 26, 20182:54PM EDT
This Week in MLS – March 26, 2018
Mexican National Team mainstays, international flair provide star power in LA Derby
Legendary Bradley, Schmid pull strings in Galaxy-LAFC clash
Ibrahimović, Ciman amplify value of Targeted Allocation Money
Steffen, Bono take goalkeeping reins for USA on Tuesday against Paraguay
Six of 12 youngest signings in league history shining at Generation adidas Cup
Wondo Watch hits ESPN as San Jose hosts streaking NYCFC
MLS Week 5: Match Notes
Mexican National Team mainstays, international flair provide star power in LA Derby
For a brewing rivalry that’s already competing for bragging rights and the hearts of all of Los Angeles, the much-anticipated first meeting between the LA Galaxy and newcomer Los Angeles Football Club (LAFC) will be a high-profile affair with as much star power as shines in Hollywood. With just 10 miles separating the clubs, tensions are already high for this budding rivalry where fans have already begun the sparring off the field ahead of Saturday afternoon’s contest at StubHub Center on national television (3 p.m. ET, FOX, FOX Deportes).
Trio from Mexican National Team taking opposing sides
Three staples of the Mexican National Team will put their country’s allegiance to the side, when LAFC’s Carlos Vela challenges his countrymen Giovani and Jonathan dos Santos of the LA Galaxy. With Vela in pristine form and both dos Santos brothers potentially returning from injury, these friends becoming fast foes will make for a spectacular head-to-head spectacle.
All have been mainstays for El Tri since 2009, with Gio dos Santos’ and Vela’s first caps dating back to 2007.
Vela has a goal and two assists in LAFC’s first two outings – both wins – this MLS season.
Jona dos Santos has a goal and an assist, contributing to two of the Galaxy’s three total goals in 2018.
LA Derby’s internationals are dominating national team production
Players from both sides of the LA Derby are making huge waves on the international scene, with MLS players from the two LA teams combining for four goals and an assist during the current FIFA window looking to make contributions upon their return from national team duty.
The LA Galaxy’s Ola Kamara netted a hat trick in Norway’s 4-1 win over Australia on Friday, and Emrah Klimenta of Montenegro will take on Turkey this Tuesday.
LAFC has four players contributing to international sides, including:
Defender Dejan Jaković, who assisted the game-winner in Canada 1-0 defeat of New Zealand.
Forward Marcos Ureña scored the lone goal in Costa Rica’s 1-0 win over Scotland.
Forward Carlos Vela and Mexico defeated Iceland 3-0 ahead of Tuesday’s match against Croatia.
Defender Omar Gaber and Egypt fell 2-1 to Portugal.
Star-studded attackers scoring goals at historic pace
Fireworks will be imminent with a surging LAFC offense against a revamped and well-balanced Galaxy attack that could see the debut of a high-profile, world-class finisher.
LAFC has outscored opponents 6-1 in its first two MLS games to become the first team in MLS history to win its first two games with both on the road.
LAFC’s 20-year-old super stud Diego Rossi has three goals and three assists in first two games of MLS career.
The LA Galaxy are 1-1-1 with their three goals scored accounting for finishes from Jona dos Santos, Ola Kamara, and Romain Alessandrini.
The new-look Galaxy could also see the debut of Swedish international Zlatan Ibrahimović, the most talked-about signing of the season.
Legendary Bradley, Schmid pull strings in Galaxy-LAFC clash
Two of the top five winningest coaches in MLS take front and center when the LA Galaxy host the Los Angeles Football Club on Saturday. Galaxy head coach Sigi Schmid and LAFC’s Bob Bradley will be pulling the strings for this clash, and they have enjoyed similar MLS success while in charge of their respective clubs.
Bradley is well known for orchestrating the 1998 Chicago Fire’s robust season, guiding the expansion club to an MLS Cup victory and a title win during that year’s Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup. Bradley would later achieve another U.S. Open Cup crown in 2000. Now, he has expansion LAFC off to a hot start in 2018 with a 2-0-0 mark on the road thus far. Bradley currently has 126 career MLS victories (fifth-most all-time), and at the time in 2006, his 124 career wins was the most in league history.
Schmid currently holds the all-time wins mark (231), thanks to several successful stretches that included Seattle Sounders FC (2009-16), Columbus Crew SC (2006-08) and now his second stint with the LA Galaxy (1999-2004; 2017-present). Schmid is a two-time MLS Cup winner with the Galaxy in 2002 and Columbus in 2008, and he garnered an impressive five U.S. Open Cup titles, including four with Seattle.
Including matches at both the professional and collegiate levels, Schmid holds an 11-8 advantage in victories. Both coaches have demonstrated the panache to succeed among a variety of platforms, and with a combined 355 regular-season wins to their names, Schmid and Bradley will attempt to add to their legacies in this anticipated LA derby.
Sigi Schmid*
LA Galaxy/Columbus/Seattle
Bruce Arena
D.C./NYRB/LA Galaxy
Dominic Kinnear
San Jose/Houston
Frank Yallop
San Jose/LA Galaxy/Chicago
Bob Bradley*
Chicago/NY/Chivas USA/LAFC
Peter Vermes*
Kansas City
Jason Kreis*
Salt Lake/NYCFC/Orlando
Steve Nicol
New England
Oscar Pareja*
Bob Gansler
Kansas City
*Current MLS head coach
Ibrahimović, Ciman amplify value of Targeted Allocation Money
The LA Galaxy’s recent acquisition of flamboyant Swedish striker Zlatan Ibrahimović exemplifies the continued growth in roster quality thanks to Major League Soccer’s increased Targeted Allocation Money investment. During the offseason, the MLS Board of Governors approved the increase of TAM available to each club, and in 2018 the league already has 105 TAM players among clubs’ rosters, compared to 58 players in 2017.
Clubs utilize the TAM mechanism in multiple fashions to strengthen their respective rosters. TAM has directly brought in world-renowned talent heading into this weekend’s Los Angeles derby, from Ibrahimović and French defender Michaël Ciani on the Galaxy to LAFC’s internationals such as Egypt’s Omar Gaber and Belgium’s Laurent Ciman, the latter two whose sides are bound for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Teams such as Sporting Kansas City have converted former Designated Players to free up space to acquire outside talent. TAM players Graham Zusi and Gerso Fernandes were converted to non-DPs, which allowed Sporting the opportunity to sign Chilean international Felipe Gutiérrez. The new Designated Player is tied for the MLS lead with four goals, and SKC is off to a 2-1-1 start to lead the Western Conference.
Outside of the 105-player list, TAM has been utilized to sign or retain Homegrown Players, including 2017 FIFA U-20 World Cup teammates Brooks Lennon (Real Salt Lake), Eryk Williamson (Portland Timbers) and JT Marcinkowski (San Jose Earthquakes).
Steffen, Bono take goalkeeping reins for USA on Tuesday against Paraguay
The U.S. Men’s National Team’s youth are prevalent throughout the roster for this Tuesday’s test against Paraguay at WakeMed Soccer Park (7:30 p.m. ET / FS1, UniMás, UDN). Two players who should have a heightened presence shone brightly during the 2017 MLS Cup Playoffs – 22-year-old Columbus Crew SC goalkeeper Zack Steffen and 23-year-old MLS Cup champion Alex Bono of Toronto FC. The duo joins former D.C. United goalkeeper Bill Hamid among head coach Dave Sarachan’s options on Tuesday, and both players are hoping to extend their 2017 form to the international realm.
Steffen is looking to earn his second cap with the USA to follow up an impressive youth resume that included back-to-back inclusions during FIFA U-20 World Cups in 2013 and 2015. The Downington, Pa., native was a member of the Philadelphia Union’s Academy system, competing in the 2012 Generation adidas Cup. Steffen quickly rose up the ranks, and in 2017 guided Crew SC to a postseason run highlighted by a penalty kick shootout victory at Atlanta United in the knockout round and a spot in the Eastern Conference Final against eventual champions Toronto FC.
Bono, who is shooting for his first senior team cap with the U.S. MNT, was an integral piece of Toronto’s 2017 treble – Supporters’ Shield, MLS Cup and Canadian Championship. He posted 10 clean sheets and 19 regular-season victories and capped off 2017 with a clean sheet during a 2-0 victory against Seattle Sounders FC in MLS Cup.
The U.S. roster features seven MLS players, including Atlanta United midfielder Darlington Nagbe, who could potentially square off against his Atlanta teammate Miguel Almirón. Nagbe won 2015 MLS Cup with the Portland Timbers, spending seven seasons altogether in Portland before joining Atlanta in the offseason. Nagbe and the U.S. will attempt to shut down the talented Almirón, a Paraguayan midfielder who made heavy waves last year as an MLS All-Star, earned No. 1 in the MLS 24 Under 24 series and was named the 2017 MLS Newcomer of the Year.
Six of 12 youngest signings in league history shining at Generation adidas Cup
The millions of dollars and resources MLS is pouring into youth development are on full display at the 2018 Generation adidas Cup in Frisco, Texas, as clubs from across the league have put forth strong showings against top international competition. Some of the best Homegrown Player talent in MLS has starred in pivotal victories throughout the tournament.
In total, three of the five youngest signings in league history, and six of the 12 youngest, are suiting up for their respective U-17 clubs at Generation adidas Cup. NYCFC’s 15-year-old defender Joe Scally, who last week became the second-youngest signing in MLS history, helped his club to a 1-0 victory over international power Real Madrid on Sunday. Similarly, 15-year-old forward Efrain Alvarez, the eighth-youngest singing in league history, provided the game-winning assist in the LA Galaxy’s 1-0 victory over heralded Liga MX side Pachuca on Friday. Other strong results for MLS sides over top international talent include FC Dallas’ victory over AS Monaco, and wins by both the Philadelphia Union and Colorado Rapids over Club Tijuana.
Click here for more information on Generation adidas Cup, including standings, schedule and live streams.
Wondo Watch hits ESPN as San Jose hosts streaking NYCFC
After overtaking Jeff Cunningham for the second spot in MLS scoring ranks earlier this month, Chris Wondolowski’s quest to become the league’s all-time leading goalscorer returns to Avaya Stadium on Saturday when the San Jose Earthquakes host New York City FC (8 p.m. ET, ESPN2 / TSN2).
Wondolowski’s 135 regular season goals trail only Landon Donovan’s mark of 145 for the league record, with the forward scoring double-digit goals in a league-record eight consecutive seasons. “Wondo Watch” will take center stage against a NYCFC team off to its best start in franchise history, highlighted by 20-year-old Paraguay National Team midfielder Jesús Medina, who is tied for the league lead with three assists this season.
MLS Week 5: Match Notes
Friday, March 30, 2018
Toronto FC vs. Real Salt Lake, 8 p.m. (TSN)
The teams opened the season against each other last year, reaching a goalless draw March 4 at Rio Tinto Stadium. TFC have come away with a win and a draw in the last two meetings between the teams, including a 1-0 win in the last encounter at BMO Field on Aug. 3, 2016; RSL had won four consecutive meetings between the teams prior.
RSL has never lost to TFC at Rio Tinto Stadium, and have lost at home to TFC just once in nine meetings – a 2-1 Toronto FC victory July 4, 2007 at Rice-Eccles Stadium, the first meeting ever between the clubs. Real had won six consecutive meetings in Sandy before last year’s draw.
Real return to action after their first win of the season, a 1-0 victory against the New York Red Bulls on March 17. Albert Rusnák scored the game’s lone goal from a fourth-minute penalty kick, his first goal of the season.
Toronto FC have lost both of their league matches to start the season, still without a goal. TFC are just the second defending MLS Cup champion in league history to open defense of their title with two consecutive losses (also: D.C. United, 2000).
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Orlando City SC vs. New York Red Bulls, 1 p.m. (UniMás / UDN)
Orlando City have lost back-to-back matches following a 2-0 defeat at New York City FC in their last match on March 17, still winless on the year in three starts.
The Red Bulls won a second match in three outings on their league campaign in dominant fashion, rolling to a 3-0 win against Minnesota United FC on Saturday evening at Red Bull Arena.
Bradley Wright-Phillips scored a pair of goals, now with 89 for his MLS league career, tied for 11th-most all-time (with Carlos Ruiz). Wright-Phillips has 88 goals and counting since the start of the 2014 season, the most of any player in MLS history over a five-year span.
The teams split their season series a year ago, each winning at home. Orlando City took a 1-0 win April 9 at Orlando City Stadium; the Red Bulls returned the favor in a 3-1 victory Aug. 12 at Red Bull Arena.
The visiting team won each of the first two meetings between the teams, both in 2015, the Red Bulls winning 2-0 at the Citrus Bowl, and OCSC with a 5-2 triumph at Red Bull Arena. Those were the last away wins in the series.
Columbus Crew SC vs. Vancouver Whitecaps FC, 3 p.m. (CTV / TSN)
Crew SC remained undefeated on the season with a third win in four matches, cruising to a 3-1 win against D.C. United on Saturday evening.
Federico Higuaín became the 19th player in MLS history to reach 50 goals and 50 assists in league play, collecting a pair of assists. Now with 50 goals and 51 assists in his MLS regular season career, Higuaín has been involved in four of Crew SC’s eight goals this year (2 goals, 2 assists).
Whitecaps FC returned home and gained a third result from four matches this season, reaching a goalless draw with the LA Galaxy on Saturday evening at BC Place. The ‘Caps are undefeated in their last nine home league matches, one shy of the club’s record in MLS play.
Crew SC have not defeated Whitecaps FC since the 2011 season – Vancouver’s first year in MLS. The teams reached a 2-2 draw last Aug. 16 in Vancouver, Columbus now having gone six games in the series without a victory, Whitecaps FC winning four.
The ‘Caps have won the last three meetings in Columbus, including a 3-1 win Sept. 10, 2016 in the last meeting there. Crew SC have come away with points on three of their four visits to Vancouver, with draws in the last two.
LA Galaxy vs. Los Angeles Football Club, 3 p.m. (FOX)
The Galaxy return home following a goalless draw at Vancouver Whitecaps FC on Saturday evening at BC Place, now with a win, a draw and a loss on the season.
LAFC return to action for the first time in two weeks, after making history with their 5-1 win against Real Salt Lake on March 10. The expansion side became the first team in MLS history to win its first two games ever with both on the road, while the five goals were the third-most scored by an expansion team. The four-goal margin of victory matched the second-highest ever by an expansion team in an away win. LAFC is now the third expansion team to win its opening two matches.
Diego Rossi played a part in all five goals for LAFC (two goals, three assists), the seventh player in MLS history to be involved in five goals in a single game, which matched the all-time league record. Rossi has been involved in all six goals scored by LAFC (three goals, three assists).
The Galaxy have not lost an intra-city rivalry match in LA since 2012. The Galaxy were undefeated over their final eight meetings with Chivas USA, winning seven, ending their all-time series with a 20-4-7 record from 2005-14.
Chicago Fire vs. Portland Timbers, 6 p.m.
The Timbers have never lost to the Fire in their history. The Timbers have won four of the eight meetings all-time, one of those at Toyota Park (in 2011, the first meeting in Bridgeview).
The teams have reached draws each of the last two seasons, including a 2-2 result last July 5 at Providence Park in the only meeting between the teams. They reached a 1-1 draw on May 28, 2016 in the last encounter at Toyota Park.
The Fire return to action after suffering a second loss in two league starts this season last time out, falling 2-1 to Minnesota United FC on March 17 at TCF Bank Stadium. Rookie Elliot Collier scored his first professional goal for the Fire.
The Timbers gained their first result of the season following two defeats to start the year, reaching a 1-1 result at FC Dallas on Saturday. Sebastian Blanco scored his second goal of the year – both of Portland’s goals this season – and both have been assisted on by Fanendo Adi.
San Jose Earthquakes vs. New York City FC, 8 p.m. (ESPN2 / TSN)
The Quakes return to action following a 3-2 loss at Sporting Kansas City in their last league match on March 17. Vako Qazaishvili scored his second goal of the season; he has played a part in four of the Quakes’ five goals this year (two goals, two assists).
Chris Wondolowski scored his first goal of the season, now in sole possession of second place all-time on the MLS league goalscoring chart. Wondolowski has scored 135 league goals, 10 behind all-time record holder Landon Donovan.
NYCFC saw their perfect start to the season put to an end but still remain undefeated, pegged back for a 2-2 draw with the New England Revolution on Saturday afternoon.
Ismael Tajouri-Shradi scored his third goal of the season – the three goals coming on all three shots he has taken this season.
NYCFC are undefeated in the all-time series between the clubs, over three meetings. NYCFC have won both meetings at Yankee Stadium, including a 2-1 victory last April 1 in the only match between the teams. The teams reached a goalless draw Aug. 5, 2016 in the only match in the series played in San Jose.
Minnesota United FC vs. Atlanta United, 8 p.m.
MNUFC saw their two-game winning streak put to an end in a 3-0 loss to the New York Red Bulls at Red Bull Arena on Saturday evening. Minnesota United have not won three consecutive games in their MLS history.
Atlanta United return to action after winning a second consecutive match in impressive fashion last time out, a 4-1 win against Vancouver Whitecaps FC on March 17 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
Josef Martínez scored a hat trick, already his fourth hat trick in MLS, in just 23 league appearances. The four hat tricks are one off the all-time league career record, held jointly by Stern John (1998-99) and Diego Serna (1998-2005).
The expansion class of 2017 split their two meetings in their inaugural season, each winning at the other’s home ground. In the first meeting, Josef Martínez scored a hat trick and Miguel Almíron hit for a brace as Atlanta United claimed a 6-1 win in an historic match March 12 at TCF Bank Stadium. Atlanta United became the first expansion team to score six goals in a game in their first campaign; The gametime temperature of 19 degrees was the coldest ever at kickoff for an MLS game in the league’s records.
MNUFC then returned the favor with a 3-2 win Oct. 4 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, putting an end to Atlanta United’s expansion team record four-game shutout streak and eight-game overall undefeated run.
Houston Dynamo vs. New England Revolution, 8:30 p.m.
The Dynamo are back in action after reaching a 2-2 draw with D.C. United in their last match, March 17 at the Maryland SoccerPlex. Alberth Elis scored his second goal of the season and assisted on his third; he has played a part in five of the Dynamo’s seven goals this season.
The Revolution have a win, a draw and a loss from the campaign following their 2-2 result with New York City FC on Saturday afternoon at Gillette Stadium. Diego Fagundez scored his second goal of the season; Wilfried Zahibo collected his first two career MLS assists.
The Revolution have a five-game undefeated streak alive in the all-time series, extending it with a 2-0 win last April 8 at Gillette Stadium in the only meeting between the teams a year ago.
The Revs had won three meetings in a row before the teams ended in a wild 3-3 draw in the last meeting in Houston, March 6, 2016 at BBVA Compass Stadium.
The teams have split their five meetings all-time at BBVA Compass Stadium; all-time, the Revolution hold a 6-3-2 record vs. the Dynamo in Houston. The Revs have won the last three matches between the clubs in Foxborough
Sporting Kansas City vs. D.C. United, 8:30 p.m.
Sporting had their two-game winning streak ended put still extended their undefeated run, getting a late equalizer from Diego Rubio for a 2-2 draw with the Colorado Rapids at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday evening.
Felipe Gutíerrez scored for third consecutive match, now tied for the MLS Golden Boot lead with four goals for the season.
D.C. United are still winless on the season in four matches, suffering a second loss in a 3-1 defeat by Columbus Crew SC at Mapfre Stadium on Saturday evening. Yamil Asad scored his second goal of the year.
D.C. United have a six-game undefeated streak alive in the series between the teams. United have won three of those six games, dating back to May 31, 2014; the teams reached a scoreless draw at RFK Stadium in the only meeting between the teams to open the season a year ago. Sporting have scored one goal over the six-game streak.
United have won the last two meetings at Children’s Mercy Park, including a 1-0 win May 27, 2016 in the last match in the series in Kansas City. Sporting end their history at RFK Stadium not having won there since 2012. United have won one of the five home games vs. KC since, with four draws.
Colorado Rapids vs. Philadelphia Union, 9 p.m.
The Rapids gained their first point of the season, ending in a 2-2 draw with Sporting Kansas City at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday evening in their home opener. Dominique Badji and Joe Mason gave the Rapids a two-goal lead after just eight minutes, with their first goals of the season.
The Union return to action after a week off, reaching a scoreless draw with Columbus Crew SC on March 17 at Talen Energy Stadium in their last league match. The Union are the only team remaining in MLS not to have conceded a goal this year, with Andre Blake recording both shutouts.
The Union won the lone meeting between the teams a year ago, a 2-1 win May 20 at Talen Energy Stadium – their first win in the series in six matches in Chester. It was the first win by either team in the series since 2013 (also a Union victory); the teams had reached draws in three consecutive meetings.
The home team has won just twice in 10 meetings all-time in the series, the last Rapids win at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park coming Aug. 29, 2010, a 4-1 victory. The road team has won three times, including a 2-1 Union win in 2013 in Commerce City; the teams have reached draws in each of the last two encounters there.
Seattle Sounders FC vs. Montreal Impact, 10 p.m. (TVAS)
Sounders FC return to action after a weekend off, suffering a second consecutive loss to open the season last time out in a 3-0 defeat at FC Dallas on March 17. Both MLS Cup finalists from a year ago have opened the following season with back-to-back losses and without scoring a goal for the first time in league history.
The Impact are coming off their first win of the season following a pair of losses to open the year, defeating Toronto FC 1-0 on March 17 at Olympic Stadium. The game’s lone goal came Jeisson Vargas, his first career MLS goal; Ignacio Piatti collected his second assist of the year.
The teams played to a 2-2 draw in their only meeting a year ago, March 11 at Olympic Stadium. Sounders FC have come away with a win and a draw in the two meetings at Olympic Stadium; the Impact have won both meetings all-time at Stade Saputo.
The teams have split their two meetings all-time at CenturyLink Field. Sounders FC won their April 2, 2016 in the last matchup in Seattle; the Impact took a 1-0 win there March 2, 2013 in the season opener.
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MLSsoccer.com News
This Week in MLS – March 26, 2018 was originally published on 365 Football
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