einstetic · 5 years
Do you seem to have a hard time studying a subject you consider to be your biggest enemy? Is the subject hard or do you just have a lack of interest for the particular subject?
I'm pretty sure you are dealing with cognitive dissonance, which in this case takes form of discrepancies between the reward of studying the subject(beneficial general knowledge) and the effort you'd rather not make because why on earth would you work for something you don't enjoy? Is it even hard to realise that you almost always opt for the comfortable option which short-term benefits and just quickly forget about working.
As normal human beings we have a tendency to focus on our own comfort and not choose the option that is the most beneficial in long-term. Why would we voluntarily want to opt for something that makes us bored and uncomfortable but benefits us in the long run when we can forget about it and do stupid shit only to regret everything later?
The human mind is strange.
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