girlsofcomics ยท 5 years
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-Real name: Gaea
-A.k.a.: Aakuluujjusi, Aditi, Ammavaru, Akka, Citlalicue, Coatlique, Danu, Damnu, Eigana, Eithinoha, Erce, Gaia, Ge, Great Mother, Hannahanna, Hou-Tou, Jord, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Nanna, Neith, Nertha, Ninhursag, Nokomis, Pachamama, Prakriti, Rangi, Tellus
-Publisher: Marvel
-Type: Goddess
-Afilliations: African Gods, Akua, All-Mothers, Amatsu-Kami, Asgardian Gods, Aztec Gods, Celtic Gods, Chinese Gods, Daevas, Dievas, Elder Gods, Gods of Heliopolis, Gods of Olympus, Hysteries, Incan Gods, Jumalat, Native American Gods, Tenger
-Powers: Agility, animal control, divine powers, earth manipulation, fire control, healing, ice control, immortal, intellect, invulnerability, magic, plant control, shape shifter, size manipulation, stamina, super hearing, super sight, super speed, super strength, telekinesis, teleport, unarmed combat, water control, weather control
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