#eg accepted
communistkenobi · 5 months
I’m thinking about how administrative leave requests would work in starfleet and it’s gotta be a huge pain in the ass right. vulcans would probably need a special expedited leave request process for pon-farr, because they become violent/die if they don’t excuse themselves to have sex asap, but this is probably a narrow accommodation only granted to vulcans, so if they were dating a non-vulcan who had to go through normal, slower leave request procedures that would cause logistical issues cuz emergency pon farr admin leave only works if both parties can do it at the same time, so if you’re a non-vulcan dating a vulcan you would have to probably apply to get that accommodation extended to you, and because I’m assuming starfleet operates on the same punitive logics as contemporary bureaucracies do, they’d be paranoid about non-vulcans “cheating the system” by falsely claiming they were dating a vulcan to get their leave request expedited, so they’d probably require proof of marriage or long-term cohabitation with a vulcan in order for a non-vulcan to get approved for that kind of thing, meaning casual or otherwise non-normative vulcan/non-vulcan couples in starfleet would be administratively marginalised and (re)produce a culture deriding interspecies dating, especially because humans seem to be kinda default racist towards vulcans in star trek in general, so they would probably view a human dating a vulcan as getting “special privileges” for administrative leave even though it’s just a basic accommodation. this is a classic example of how administrative apparatuses operating on a liberal conception of equity can reproduce systems of racial discrimination
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freakinator · 29 days
the way minute just dead stops pacing for a few seconds after clown said he wasnt for peace after the discord votes turn 15
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queerfables · 7 months
Refreshing to see so many reaching bad faith takes about characters played by two white men for a change.
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aeide-thea · 8 months
die eigentliche Frage: wie viel Duolingo muss ich noch machen, bevor ich hoffen kann, hier auf Deutsch zu schreiben?
(viel mehr, bevor ich etwas Interessantes sagen kann! aber die Katze sitzt jetzt auf mir, was nicht interessant zu hören, aber ganz angenehm zu erleben ist. 😽)
#lol i need 2 know SO many more words.#like. great that i have now solidly incorporated ‘Zeichentrickfilme’ in2 my working vocab#but uh#pace our friend Duo i gotta say i’m not sure how much use i’m gonna get out of that one#vs i still dk how 2 say like. ‘depressed.’ ‘genderqueer.’ lol#at least thx 2 C— i’ve got ‘dicke Katze’ down. Kaffee- und Katzeklatsch: ein Blog#also like. do i gotta caps properly in a blog context. like i will if i have 2 but like. does not spark joy#everybody wants 2 teach you standard orthography which is great but like. some of us want 2 understand the stylistic impact of rulebreaking!#anyway. in unrelated conclusion it IS maddening that i know basically 0 swedish BUT when i reach for eg ‘nothing’ i sure do end up at#‘ingenting’ before ‘nichts.’ similarly ‘och’ before ‘und’ sometimes. deeply unuseful!!#however i guess maybe someday the like. 2 phrases i remember will come in handy 4 me#‘du är vacker. jag vill knulla dig i röven. vill du också det?’#one can only hope 😇#anyway. peut-être que demain je bloggerai en français. qui sait#my mission‚ should i choose to accept it: ​bastardizing ALL languages i only half-remember 🤘#in conclusion i vaguely remember that in the construction ‘something Adjective’ you caps the adjective but not why lol#i mean i assume it’s for Substantive Reasons but like. if it’s modifying a pronoun why is it a substantive. however.#ours (whomst suck at deutsch) not 2 reason why‚ &c.#right. okay. good morning!!
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skin-slave · 7 months
Tumblr media
You're so spooky and adorable!!! Here you go!!
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If they aren't tasty, come on back! 😁
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lithium-91 · 2 months
in the whole entire musicverse i can only think of one single song about being alone and being genuinely wholly happy about it. need to express an emotion everyone else thinks is aBnOrMaL? have no fear, your kinky goth uncles are here!
Here on my own, all on my own
How good it feels to be alone tonight
And I haven't felt so alive in years
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bisexualbaibe · 24 days
i’m good at telling when people are flirting but then i start to overthink and i’m pretty sure being saccharinely nice in response to any potentially flirting is nottt the way to go because they just take that to mean i’m flirting back even if i’m just trying not to be a bitch….
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holy shit, every time i post fandom art nowadays i get like, more than 10 notes what the fuck
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liberalfartsdegree · 2 months
How do I solicit/ offer meaningful ways for people to support me during top surgery without doing an “open call” (and thereby inviting input from people I don’t want to be involved) while also communicating that I don’t expect people to help (eg an email feels like more of a request than I want)
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just-about-nothing · 1 year
i love when people who’ve never been around smokers write a character who smokes
it’s usually kinda obvious throughout the fic but sometimes you don’t realize until they say something that is just like….. honey. please go into a gas station any gas station & look at the selection behind the counter
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catspouse · 5 months
i think the most insidious thing about cringe culture is that it restricts our ability to seriously inquire on the sorts of media we take for granted -- if you are shamed for even consuming {BAD_MEDIA_X}, then it is impossible to publicly critically engage with these media -- both to appreciate aspects of artistry found in something otherwise mediocre, but also to dissect the harmful ideas that these media disseminate, which is especially worrying for media produced for children.
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osddid-i-do-that · 10 months
It’s always valid for you to feel your feelings. You can’t control what feelings you have or how intensely they hit.
However, this does not mean that:
They are always proportionate to the reality of the situation
that any way you express them to others will (or even MUST) be taken well
or that other people must do things in a way that avoids you feeling like that
Feelings can be a result of previous trauma, reality distortion/alteration (memory issues, amnesia, confabulation, delusions…), RSD (or any other condition that makes you more sensitive than the average person), being in a difficult emotional state, difficulty reading or conveying tone/body language, or a regular misunderstanding.
Respect your feelings!
Acknowledge your feelings!
Investigate and talk through your feelings with someone you trust! (Venting is healthy!)
Don’t immediately treat your feelings as an absolute metric for every situation!
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sparklinpixiedust · 8 months
How is every Isntreal supporter I've come across so.... Deranged?
Like idk what it is but theyre all like the same person, with the most twisted mindset.
Am I the only one who's noticed this? It's like, I don't how to describe it but theyre so unsettling. And so angry, and arrogant.
Like you can easily classify them. When you come across a palestinian supporter, the thing is we're pretty diverse. Some are more articulate, some are more angry, some are emotional. Some react and deal better than others, definitely not denying that. some at more put together than others.
You know different in a human way?
But with Isntreal supporters it's always the same. It doesn't matter who you talk to, the interaction will either result in them getting angry and insulting you or them acting delulu and mocking you in arrogance. It's weird, that's all I'm saying.
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das-lied-von-der-erde · 11 months
I’m deranged and I’m here to share my bad headcanons. Medic TF2 is a Karlheinz Stockhausen Fan. Actually All sorts of German experimental music fan. He liked that shit back when he was in school and he still does except he also evolved into a Krautrock enjoyer. I know this because I’m just like him for real and I am projecting my taste into him. (In fact this is actually entirely self indulgent with no basis except “hmmm he’s West German and vaguely from that era”) (I’m deranged and horrible) (frothing at the mouth)
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ind1c0lite · 1 year
oh YEAH I applied to colleg <3
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latinokaeya-moving · 2 years
kaeya was a little traumatised kid who probably came from a community that dealt w their collective trauma in a predictably grim way as well which is why i think when he was taken in by crepus he absolutely had the energy of strange quirky little girl for who it’ll become painfully obvious later was nd/traumatised and didn’t understand social conventions and what is developmentally normal/appropriate for them to know but for the moment is Definitely brushed off as “haha don’t worry abt him, he’s just a little quiet and odd for now bc hes in a new n strange environment!”
#x#gi posting#i think it’s time to accept i project more of my personal experiences onto kaeya than i wanted to originally admit#BUT LIKE I THINK IT MAKES SENSE#especially w all the instances where as an adult where he’s been accused of reacting in a way that comes off as cold or rude or inappropriat#(eg when he’s in battle or when crepus died and he was said to have smiled/laughed)#it makes SENSE that his sense of this stuff would be a little skewed/off. that maybe he’s a little more ruthless than the pampered kids his#age he meets in mondstadt or that he has a gallows humour style of coping w uncomfortable topics#also i’ve been vaguely learning a lot abt developmentally appropriate behaviour for kids#recently and one of them was abt them testing out the waters of what they’re allowed to do vs not#and that’s why u see them sometimes do things you know are wrong/that might Seem malicious or bad but it’s just them like. becoming aware of#the world they’re interacting with and learning stuff like what natural consequences are and also especially how their guardians will react#and like obviously this is all for significantly younger kids/toddlers and i don’t think kaeya was taken in that young by crepus#but i’m applying the same principal in that he’s in a new environment and probably was involved several ‘accidents’ or random things over th#years where it was just him poking and pushing and tearing boundaries of what he would be allowed#and sometimes if he was caught n it was something possibly mean/cruel it was never so much for the sake of that. just that he#wanted to Test and see what happened#GAUGH am i making sense i’m always so jumbled when i write things out when in my head i’m like YES. genius#😭😭😭
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