#eddie's time and buck's luck. it's a theme! i'm telling you! it is! and we don't talk about it enough!
harrowharkwife · 1 year
the transcript for 615 isn't out yet so my sleuthing abilities are somewhat limited but i cannot believe how heavyhanded they were last night! about not only the running theme of eddie & time, but also the running theme of buck & luck.
we clocked (ha) the eddie & time theme awhile back, but if you rewatch s5&s6, there's a running theme of luck, too, and it's centered squarely around buck. it's a little quieter, sure, but it's absolutely there.
something about the way that eddie's root traumas all stem from the pressure he was under, this persistent pressure to grow up faster than he should have. an hourglass turned over and the sand running out, minutes and seconds falling grain by grain from cradle to grave. man of the house by age twelve, a husband and father and soldier by nineteen, a widow by twenty six. he's lived a remarkable amount of life in a remarkably short time, if you think about it. but he never had the time or the chance to point his life in a new direction, stuck on a set of predetermined tracks and speeding milestone to milestone through a life of inevitable conclusions and preset outcomes he never had the chance to choose, living his life for others instead of for himself, feeling like he's running out of time, like his window of opportunity to live authentically for himself is slipping out of reach. he's spent his whole life racing the clock, really- can i just get a little damn time?
something about the way that buck's root traumas all stem from this tumbling domino effect of misfortune, one stroke of horrible, tragic, no-good luck after another. daniel's leukemia, strike one. neither maddie nor margaret nor phillip being a match, one helluva strike two. baby buck's bone marrow graft, just...not taking, despite everything? strike three. he was born to be a 'miracle baby.' but that's the funny thing about miracles, isn't it? when you try to engineer them, all the luck runs out. so he grew up unlucky in love, unlucky in friends, unlucky in family. feeling, rightly or wrongly, like he was always the odd man out, always the one being left, always the one clinging to whatever good, bright, shiny, lucky little thing he can find, forever trying to make sense of his place in this world. of course he feels like he cheated death- in a sick, sad, tragic way, he was essentially born in a desperate attempt to cheat the looming spectre of daniel's. (of course it's understandable that parents will do anything in their power to save their child, of course the buckley parents should have gone about it better, these two things can coexist). when your life so far has been a series of unfortunate events, of course you're going to spend it chasing down every opportunity you see through your rose colored glasses to try and change that luck- even if it's too good to be true. even when the universe is screaming at you. even with a million red flags waving in the Santa Ana winds. it's a run of bad luck, but it'll turn around tomorrow. // feels like the bracelet didn't change her luck, it just made the bad luck more apocalyptic.
something about one in a million chances. something about beating the odds, surviving despite it all. something about the way that the tsunami AND the shooting AND the lighting strike are all the definition of simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
something about jinxes, and curses, and dumb luck. 'cause what is fate, anyway, if not time and luck intertwined?
now feels like a good time to remind ourselves of the last words buck and eddie exchanged before the shooting. before the moment where everything changed.
eddie: should have gotten here sooner.
buck: nah, that kid's just lucky to have met you.
something about all those funny little sayings we have about love - right person, wrong time (abby?). right time, wrong person (ali?). wrong person, wrong time (taylor?).
(only took three tries to get it right.)
and then maybe, finally, when the timing is right, if you get a little lucky-
right time, right person. and so much love.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Mini Costume Meta
Poker game Eddie!!
I did bucks outfit yesterday and today its the turn of Eddie!!
Again I apologise for the rubbish screenshots, I'll have better ones in my actual costume meta after the episode has aired!!
It's really hard to tell in these screenshots, but Eddie is dressed in a blue tartan suit. When the still dropped and we all went into meltdown, I thought the jacket was blue and a dark green teal, now I've seen it a bit better, I'm pretty sure its actually royal and navy blue - a navy that is almost black!
Ok firstly we have the check theme to contend with and the fact that in 911 verse, check means potential danger and change and that rings true here, I just don't think the check is for physical danger.
We need to look at all the times Eddie has worn a suit to fully appreciate what is going on with the check, so bear with me!
This new suit is the 4th one we've seen Eddie wear. First up is the navy suit (and grey marl tie) we see him wear to his interview and look around Durrand School.
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Then we have the black on black suit we see him in when he's suit shopping for Christopher with Ana.
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Followed by the blue check suit with black spotty shirt we see him in at Hen and Karens vow renewal.
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I hope you can all start to see what is going on here - each suit is connected not only to where Eddie is at mentally, but it is also connected to a person (Shannon, Ana, Eddie himself and then this new one Buck) and a key moment in Eddies story.
I'm not going to really really drill down into all the suits because I don't have the time, but that first navy suit with its white shirt and mismatched tie is very much conveying an Eddie who is both uncomfortable and unsure of who he is - the mismatched nature of the overall outfit is meant to look a bitt off and jarring. The navy of the suit itself is about trust, loyalty and stability - all things very relevant to Eddie in that moment - he is trusting Carla (and by extension Buck), he is trying to provide stability for Chris, and he is still loyal to Shannon.
Its very telling that the only truly odd one out is the black suit - the one connected to Ana! Its also the only suit we know for definite that Eddie didn't pick for himself. The black suit is meant to indicate the concept of the black dog of depression - a black cloud hanging over both Eddie and the relationship with Ana.
The suit Eddie wears to the HenRen vow renewal with its small check pattern and the black shirt with the blue dots is showing us Eddies progress - he's still going through it, the check tells us that - but the fact that we've gone from Eddie having panic attacks in a black suit and we've now got an Eddie in a much brighter blue (still with some black in the shirt as a nod to the previous suit - think of it like the blue overtaking and erasing the black) indicating that he is much calmer and at peace with himself. If you want to read more about this suit, then head over to my pinned post and read the costume meta for 5x18!
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Back to the check theme and the new suit jacket - yes this is a darker suit than the previous one, but its still two shades of blue - a combination of the navy of the first suit and a brighter blue which connects to the vow renewal suit. connecting the two suits to this suit is important from a narrative perspective,
for me the use of this tartan check is just the next stage of the very tiny check - its not going to be all smooth sailing for Eddie yet and I think the Pepa meddling is the thing that the check is foreshadowing
White pocket squares - nobility and wealth as well as love and luck - much of these meanings stem from the age of chivalry - ladies pocket squares being given to knights of the joust as a token of luck etc
In modern US parlance, pocket squares are a symbol of anti traditionalist values - by this I mean, you won't find those of a right wing persuasion (Donal Trump and his lot) wearing a pocket square. Pocket squares are and were considered a symbol of sophistication - especially in golden age Hollywood - Cary Grant, Fred Astaire, Clark Gable etc all wore pocket squares in various ways.
The reason I'm giving you all this information is to point out that the fact we have Eddie wearing one here is both interesting and telling. As far as I'm aware this is the first time we've seen one worn on 911 (I don't have any notes of any of the mains wearing one in my costume plots!) so this is tapping into all of the meanings above, Eddie is wearing it as a symbol of wealth (appropriate for a poker game!) but mostly as a nod to old school Hollywood.
The costume department are trying to evoke that era through Eddies costume, the set is also evoking that era and so the two things are working in tandem (Bucks red velvet suit jacket also does the same thing - it mimics a smoking jacket which was a common thing for men to have in their wardrobe and wear to play poker or pool). They're essentially trying to make Eddie look like those leading men because in their films they always got the girl (in Eddies case its indicating he's gonna get the boy!).
Onto the Black turtleneck! Black turtlenecks have such an interesting history, they have very strong links with antiestablishment and activism - often worn as a statement or a symbol of protest. The turtleneck is meant to be non-conformist and set the wearer apart from societal norms. The black panthers wore them as part of their 'protest uniform' in the 50's and 60's making them part of the activist style and cementing them as a garment of protest and dissent.
Steve Jobs very deliberately chose the black turtle neck as part of his uniform - to appear down to earth and casual, but also to set him apart from the shirt and tie wearing Bill Gates - it made Apple seem not only aspirational, but also more user friendly to the everyman over the nerdy suits of the establishment!
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We've seen it used for the same purpose in film - think Cary Grant in to catch a thief - wearing both a navy and white striped turtleneck as well as a black one when he's being 'the cat'
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Or even Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face - when she's in the jazz club dancing - a scene supposed to show her as different from the traditional models found gracing the pages of 'Quality' the fictional magazine Fred Astaire's Character photographs for.
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In the 1920's and 30's, Noel Coward made them popular and as a result they became a symbol of queerness - this is also the origin of the black turtleneck as a piece of clothing representing something non-conformist that all the other iterations stem from.
So Eddie wearing a black turtleneck at this moment in time is such a choice. It is meant to show us an Eddie who is comfortable in his own skin and that that Eddie is non-conformist. This works on a couple of fronts - it is a nod to the fact he has defied his families expectations and choices for him - that he has decided to be better for himself, that he's going to therapy and working on himself. But its also a nod to an Eddie now comfortable enough to break from heteronormativity and embrace his queerness - something which is still considered to be non-conforming!
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I've already screamed about Eddies watch (you can see a decent glimpse of it in the still above), so I won't go into it too much here, but I will mention again how important I think it is that this is (likely, as we've not yet seen the episode) the first time we're seeing this new watch. I mentioned previously that the first time we saw the blue faced leather strapped watch was at his coffee date with Ana - a watch very much connected with Christopher and of course that relationship was very much about Eddie following Christophers heart not his own (even though we know Christophers heart will probably be happier with Buck than it ever was with Ana!!!). So this new watch is very much now connected to Buck (and the fact that Buck appears to also be wearing a new and metal watch has me all kinds of feral because if he is it is telling us that Buck and Eddie are both on the same page and that their timing is now in sync - so Buddie cannon here we come!!
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
This is a dumb reach, but now I'm wondering if there is any subtext with our airport luggage guys? Who were first in 3x10 and then reappeared in the infamous 4x08?
@yramesoruniverse don't even play you KNOW I am on my Breaking Point shit right now.
I don't know that I'd call it a dumb reach, but I am so deep into hiatus crackheadery territory that I can no longer differentiate between bonafide analysis and conspiratorial tinhattery. This may very well be the latter but we're here to have fun, right?
I think I've talked before about how incorporating past emergencies into new episodes is a smart way to continue an existing theme without eating up a lot of run time. This is especially relevant because in each of the eps in which this happens, the repeat emergencies are the first emergencies of the episode. This is significant because it sets the stage, like the show wants you to make that connection right away and watch the events unfold within the context of the previous episode you have now been forced to recall. Case in point: the internet famous dude bros from 2x01 who reappeared in 3x11 (3x12? Whichever one is Fools) to connect two fairly Eddie-centric episodes, both of which centered on an initially disastrous meeting (Buck vs. Ana) and how those respective meetings played out. These two meetings, and by extension Buck and Ana, continued to be heavily paralleled throughout the episode.
Another example is the porch pirate from 2x05 (Awful People) who we first saw in 1x08 (Karma's a Bitch), two episodes thematically focusing on people facing the consequences of their actions. Also to note that these are significant episodes for Hen and her family as well. In 1x08, Karen finds out about her cheating with Eva. In 2x05, Eva is back and trying to take Denny from Hen and Karen.
These could just be fun call-backs, but 9-1-1 does a stellar job of weaving themes throughout episodes — throughout seasons— and if this is intentional I think it's a genius strategy. Film students sound out on this one.
As for the scene in question: it compels me to consider the overall themes of the episodes. 3x10 was the Christmas ep, but it's focus for the characters was largely about each individual family unit reaffirming their dedication to each other. Even amidst the dreary rain cloud settling over the episode's events, there was an undercurrent of optimism, a feeling that if these people stuck together they would turn out alright. The two airport luggage dudes manifest this: one guy just trying to get thru his job, fed up with the holidays, the other trying to look positively on the situation.
And then there's Breaking Point, my beloved sleep paralysis demon.
Listen, idc, this episode was entirely about Buck and Eddie. Just like there are episodes that blatantly focus on Bobby and Athena or Hen and Karen or Maddie and Chimney, this one belonged to Buck and Eddie. It was an episode about reaching the end of one's rope. About a disruption to the status quo. About the degree and type of disruption required to make these people crack. The idea of it not so much being a specific incident but a culmination of events, of "bad choices" or bad luck, to finally break the character: our airport luggage guy with the upbeat attitude who literally got sucked into the rotors and still came back to work, and then the culminating disaster that tipped him off the ledge and made him quit.
So we have 3x10 portraying a sense of coming together, and 4x08 portraying a sense of fracturing apart.
And you might think, but wait a minute, didn't Eddie "come together" with Ana and didn't Buck "come together" with Taylor at the end? Sure, but it isn't about that. It's about Buck and Eddie fracturing apart from each other.
And while my buddie goggles are in place, also interesting is the use of Christopher in these episodes. In 3x10: Chris not being able to hang with his dad and so deferring to Buck. In 4x08: Chris getting upset at his dad and so deferring (Ubering) to Buck. 3x10: Buck coming thru for Chris, so he and Eddie can spend Christmas together. 4x08: Buck coming through for Chris, telling him he's not planning on leaving him anytime soon.
This has already become much longer than I expected, sorry. Granted, it could all be bullshit and the writers just being all "haha funny airport luggage dumbasses make brain go brrrrr" and putting them back in for entertainment purposes. But idk, idk. It's suspicious. I am hiding under Tim's stairs and thinking some serious thoughts.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend and while I would call last night's episode a mixed bag, I definitely thought the good outweighed the bad. Really the only part in the bad category was the L of it all, but there was sooo damn much of it. I know we keep saying how strong the S3 M*ria vibes coming off L are but MY GOD last night really went hard on them. The way her "I don't care I saved someone, I wanted it to look cooler" attitude reminded me of "I don't care if I kill someone, I need to know who to TBC
save in my visions" made me want to break something. In what universe are we supposed to like this character after that?? Ugh, and I won't even touch AR's "why are you guys reducing me to a LI?" comments 🙄. On to the good stuff!! I don't think we've ever seen the Buckley-Diaz family look sooo damn family shaped. And not just for a scene or two, for the whole episode!! Buck just so easily jumps into Dad/husband mode it's ridiculous, and NO ONE questions it (not even his gf). And the heart scene??!! Honestly WTF was that, tell me again KR how am I supposed to interpret that scene? To borrow a very accurate tag, no romantic undertones my whole ass. While I would have liked to see more Buck and Chris scenes, I loved the Diaz boys interactions so I won't complain too much. And then Bobby and Eddie talking?? Madney slowly finding their way back to each other? Unexpected icing on the happiness cake. Finally, pretty sure i've got this week's song 😘.
Bestie, hiiii!!! The good definitely outweighed the bad last night though in what seems to be the running theme of season 5, the good was GOOD, but the bad was BAAAAAAAD. In news that shocks absolutely no one except KR apparently, when it's actually focused on the mains, the show comes back to sparkling life! While every moment with L (and tay kay) sucks that life right back out of the show. 🤷🏻‍♀️
...am I? Am I manifesting season 3 m*ria vibes by mistake?! Is the universe taking me out of context like it did with Buck and the dishwasher?! Seriously this episode was just an RNM season 3 nightmare! Woman complains and pouts about something she has no business complaining or pouting about while being entirely self-centered? Everyone else tripping over themselves to make sure they mention her every time she's not in frame? Make it stooooop!! But seriously, WTF was that?! That was supposed to make her, a supposed veteran of the force who is used to dangerous rescues and should know all about how luck plays into things, look sympathetic? Like, "I couldn't have done this rescue without getting lucky so what does it even matter if someone lived"?! Girl,
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Also cackling about her being like, "I'm more than a love interest" while bringing literally nothing to the table besides sticking her tongue in Buck's mouth within 5 minutes of meeting him, and being the one who has been perpetuating this whole "sexual tension" thing this whole time! ANYWAY.
Also, them cutting Chim's "like I never left" after putting it in every promo? Not having Hen and everyone making a big deal about his first shift back?! No elaborate cake of the united states with a little car driving across it?! All so, what? L could have 5 scenes doing nothing? Howard "Chimney" Han deserves SO much better, and so does Kenneth Choi. At least him and Maddie got to be on screen together again which was, as always, so so good.
Every. Single. Moment. with Eddie was stunning, show stopping, amazing, etc. Gavin has always been good but him and Ryan are really taking things to the next level right now and it's a DELIGHT to see. I LOVED the scene with Bobby too, though my small gripe on that was, if we were going to have a big talk this episode, the emotional beat would have hit better if they hadn't told us they had talked beforehand, but not shown it. If they had shown the talk being a bit awkward and Bobby still being cold, then given us Bobby still being there for Eddie, OR not being told that Eddie apologized, and then seeing Bobby still stepping up to help out because "that's what family does, Eddie" would have hit that beat a little more on the head, BUT it was a great scene.
And the Buddie moments?! What kind of fanfiction fever dream was every single Buck and Eddie interaction?! Aside from Buck having to trade favors with his gf so KR can remind the audience she exists, it was NOTHING but romantic undertones. God, not even undertones! I saw someone say that if a guy took them to a horse therapy place to help their son, and help them start healing, they would absolutely assume the guy was in love with them, and they would be in love right back. Like, that is a FAMILY! Just two husbands and their son.
I'm SO excited to see what song you have for this week! I swear, every other SaL song I listen to I'm like "Oh! This is Eddie!" ....*5 minutes later* "Oh! This is Eddie!", but your choices are always on point! I'll let you know if the two that were in particular stuck in my head today happen to be what you pick!
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breannacasey · 3 years
Once again, congrats on the 700 followers!!! I truly am glad to see you on my dash every time ❤ I hope you have a good day and stay safe! Much love to you, friend 😊
🎼 Wildcat by Ratatat + Eddie Diaz (I'm lowkey obsessed with the song, and ... well, the character goes without saying, I think)
Thank you so much! Now I'm not sure what you were thinking for the song, but this is what it inspired. Don't know why my brain heard it and thought videogames and chill mood, but here we are. Love the song btw.
Throwback to a Simpler Time. 643 words. Gen. ao3
It was a very relaxed, lazy weekend morning. Eddie decided he wasn’t getting dressed, that he would just use the day to chill with his son. He missed the days when he himself was a kid, or even a teenager, and he didn’t have to do anything on weekends. He could just sit around with food and play videogames. Hopefully, Christopher would be down for that today.
He put on some of the music he used to listen to back then and started on breakfast. Waffles were the thing for such a day, he thought. He had finished preparing them and set them on the living room’s coffee table, along with a variety of topping choices, not so subtly putting the fruits at the forefront in the hopes of getting Christopher to take some, even if he then buried them under whipped cream and chocolate hazelnut spread.
He was just setting up the old Nintendo console he’d lucked out and found at a garage sale a few weeks ago, when his son finally came out of his room and joined him. Christopher blinked in confusion at the sight of his dad in leopard print pyjama bottoms and an old t-shirt, pretty on theme with Christopher’s own tiger pyjamas.
“What’s going on, dad? Why are you still in your PJs? Is something wrong?”
“No, buddy, nothing’s wrong. I just thought we could have a lazy day, like I used to when I was your age. If you’re in.”
“There are waffles? Of course I’m in.”
He seemed to look around as though looking for someone else, and Eddie understood immediately why.
“No one else is here, Chris. I used batter that Buck had left in the fridge for us. I can use a waffle iron without there being a disaster, you know.”
They sat on the floor to be more level with the table and Eddie put on Super Mario Bros, a classic. He let Christopher go first, the way he would always do with his sisters. He preferred playing as Luigi anyway. When Christopher accidentally fell into a hole at the start of the third level, still not used to the controls of an unfamiliar game, it became Eddie’s turn. And since the game switched turns only when the player died, it remained Eddie’s turn long enough for Christopher to eat, while he himself was getting hungry.
“You skipped worlds? No fair, I didn’t know you could do that,” Christopher commented, with a mouth full of waffle.
“You wanted to go first. And when I tried to tell you about the hidden extra life, you told me you didn’t want my help. I listened to you.”
“I’m the kid, you’re supposed to help anyway!”
“Doesn’t matter now, you’re catching up already. Look at you, at the third world’s castle after taking the long way there.”
“Easy to catch up with someone who keeps jumping into fire, or right into a hole.”
“Hey, I am very good at this game. Your aunts kept getting angry because I wouldn’t die and it was never their turn quick enough. I’m just a little rusty.”
Christopher laughed in his usual contagious way, leading Eddie to join in. They kept playing all morning, the outside world forgotten as Eddie watched his son discover the pleasures of his childhood. It was a fun thing to share, and he really enjoyed the slight competitiveness.
They ended up ordering pizza for lunch and continued playing, moving on to Super Mario Bros 3, where they had to work a little more as a team and make decisions together about where they were going. It was fun to relax and have fun just the two of them for once. It felt as though they never had enough of those moments. Hopefully, as Christopher grew older, they could keep on doing things like this.
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