#eco sound fest
rutaalrocknoticias · 2 months
Amann & The Wayward Sons estrenan el álbum “When The Day Goes Slow”
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Gira “When The Day Goes Slow” 10 de febrero en Black Sound Fest - Teatro Imperial de Don Benito (Badajoz) 17 de febrero en la Sala Tempo Audiophile Club de Madrid (Sold Out) 23 de febrero en la Presentación Privada Txami en Bilbao (Sold Out) 24 de febrero en Geuria San Mamés de Bilbao  (Sold Out) 23 de marzo en Café Ateneo Universal en Medina de Pomar (Burgos) 29 de marzo en Dublin Castle Camden en Londres 31 de marzo en The Lighthouse en Kent (UK) 12 de abril en la Sala Babylon en León 13 de abril en Rock & Roll Pizza en La Portela de Valcarce (Comarca leonesa del Bierzo) 26 de abril en la Sala Louie Louie de Estepona (Málaga) 05 de julio en Talako en Lekeitio (Bilbao)
Más información en www.amannws.es La banda bilbaína Amann & The Wayward Sons, continua con la gira de presentación del álbum "When The Day Goes Slow". El nuevo LP de Amann & The Wayward Sons, está ya disponible en formato físico y en Plataformas Digitales.
Grabado durante 2023 en El Submarino Records y producido por Emi Barés, el álbum consta de 7 nuevos temas, compuestos y escritos por Pablo Amann, de los cuales ya se han anticipado varios singles, “Where Have The Good People Gone”, “I Have To Change To Stay The Same” , “When The Day Goes Slow” y “Rumble”, este último publicado recientemente, y cuenta con la inestimable colaboración del armonicista Pablo Almaraz. Los ecos de este nuevo tema ya se han dejado notar tanto dentro como fuera de nuestras fronteras, con importante repercusión en radios de UK, México, California… Con este nuevo trabajo, la banda se hace fuerte en su registro más Blues Rock, con un sólido y potente directo en su nuevo formato a cuarteto, con Pablo Amann en la voz principal y guitarras, Israel Santamaría en los teclados, Jon Ander Madina en el bajo y los coros ; y Txema Arana en la batería y coros.
Amann & The Wayward Sons se postulan como una de las bandas más solventes en directo dentro de nuestra escena nacional, argumento que cobra protagonismo por las magníficas críticas de la prensa especializada y las importantes plazas donde los bilbaínos han desplegado todo su potencial. Con apenas un lustro y tres discos editados, han traspasado nuestras fronteras con un importante protagonismo en Latinoamérica, EE. UU e Inglaterra. 
Durante este periodo de tiempo, Amann & The Wayward Sons, han realizado importantes giras por todo el estado, destacando citas tan significativas como ARF Rock Party Sala Wurlitzer (Madrid), kafe Antzokia, Sala Clamores, el Festival KULTURATE (Arrasate-Mondragón), BBK Music Legends Festival 2018 o el Festival Blues Cazorla 2022.
“When The Day Goes Slow”, el nuevo LP de Amann & The Wayward Sons, ya disponible en formato físico y en Plataformas Digitales.
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rockinnews · 3 months
Los bilbaínos Amann & The Wayward Sons publican el 10 de febrero el álbum "When The Day Goes Slow"
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Comienza la Gira de Amann & The Wayward Sons en el Black Sound Fest de Don Benito (Badajoz)
Amann & The Wayward Sons “When The Day Goes Slow” Fecha de Publicación: 10 de febrero (Formato Físico) Disponible en Plataformas Digitales: 01 de marzo
Gira “When The Day Goes Slow” 10 de febrero en Black Sound Fest - Teatro Imperial de Don Benito (Badajoz) 16 de febrero en Valladolid 17 de febrero en la Sala Tempo Audiophile Club de Madrid 23 de febrero en la Presentación Privada Txami en Bilbao (Sold Out) 24 de febrero en Geuria San Mamés de Bilbao 29 de marzo en Dublin Castle Camden en Londres 12 de abril en la Sala Babylon en León 13 de abril en Rock & Roll Pizza en La Portela 26 de abril en la Sala Louie Louie de Estepona 13 de julio en AMC Bocanegra en Piloña (Asturias)
Más información en www.amannws.es La banda bilbaína Amann & The Wayward Sons, volverá a la carretera a partir de febrero para presentar su cuarto álbum de estudio "When The Day Goes Slow". La nueva entrega de la banda capitaneada por Pablo Amann, ha sido financiada por numerosos seguidores del grupo a través de una exitosa campaña de crowdfunding que finalizó durante el mes de noviembre. “When The Day Goes Slow”, el nuevo LP de Amann & The Wayward Sons, verá la luz en formato físico el próximo 10 de febrero y en Plataformas Digitales a partir del 01 de marzo.
Grabado durante 2023 en El Submarino Records y producido por Emi Barés, el álbum consta de 7 nuevos temas, compuestos y escritos por Pablo Amann, de los cuales ya se han anticipado varios singles, “Where Have The Good People Gone”, “I Have To Change To Stay The Same” , “When The Day Goes Slow” y “Rumble”, este último publicado recientemente, y cuenta con la inestimable colaboración del armonicista Pablo Almaraz. Los ecos de este nuevo tema ya se han dejado notar tanto dentro como fuera de nuestras fronteras, con importante repercusión en radios de UK, México, California… Con este nuevo trabajo, la banda se hace fuerte en su registro más Blues Rock, con un sólido y potente directo en su nuevo formato a cuarteto, con Pablo Amann en la voz principal y guitarras, Israel Santamaría en los teclados, Jon Ander Madina en el bajo y los coros ; y Txema Arana en la batería y coros.
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Amann & The Wayward Sons se postulan como una de las bandas más solventes en directo dentro de nuestra escena nacional, argumento que cobra protagonismo por las magníficas críticas de la prensa especializada y las importantes plazas donde los bilbaínos han desplegado todo su potencial. Con apenas un lustro y tres discos editados, han traspasado nuestras fronteras con un importante protagonismo en Latinoamérica, EE. UU e Inglaterra. 
Durante este periodo de tiempo, Amann & The Wayward Sons, han realizado importantes giras por todo el estado, destacando citas tan significativas como ARF Rock Party Sala Wurlitzer (Madrid), kafe Antzokia, Sala Clamores, el Festival KULTURATE (Arrasate-Mondragón), BBK Music Legends Festival 2018 o el Festival Blues Cazorla 2022.
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burpenterprisejournal · 10 months
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2023/07/07-08 Fat Fest 6 Vesuvio Eco Camping San Giuseppe Vesuviano - IT
Saturday July 8 Jealousy Party and Sistemi Audiofobici Burp have been invited to be part of the sixth edition of the Fat Fest held by Atri666 and Molopunx. Joy!
ENG 2 days of mahyem and wild sounds in the middle of the Vesuvius National Park! Best of Italian diy punx and experimental bands in Italy and beyond.
ITA due giorni di frattaglie sonore ed eccessi nel parco nazionale del Vesuvio. Tutto grasso che cola!
17:00 apertura porte 17:30 workshop Menta Vitamina C Soda e Sale 20:00 Psicoviolenza 20:45 Imperials 21:30 Barsexuals 22:15 Overcharge 23:15 Rotadefero 24:00 Movie Star Junkies 01:00 Square Terror Collective
17:00 apertura porte 17:30 workshop Menta Vitamina C Soda e Sale 19:30 So Close 20:00 Wasted Pido 20:45 Naga 21:30 Astio 22:15 Jealousy Party 23:00 Ape Unit 23:45 Chain Cult 01:00 Sistemi Audiofobici Burb
2 DAYS FEST pre-sale: 20 euro - dm AtriPunx Napoli on FB or email [email protected] 2 DAYS TEND SPACE pre-sale: 20 euro - dm Vesuvio Eco Camping on FB 1 DAY DOOR: 15 euro 1 DAY TEND SPACE: 15 euro
How to reach Fat Fest 6:
Address: Via Profica Paliata, San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Italy, 80047
Train: Circumvesuviana direction: Sarno, Stop: Casilli (then 20 minute walking)
Come arrivare: Via Profica Paliata, San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Italy, 80047
Treno: Circumvesuviana direzione Sarno, fermata: Casilli (poi 20 minuti a piedi per il campeggio)
A.T.R.I. /Molopunx è un collettivo, un gruppo indefinito e variabile di individui che si incontra e si scontra dal 2009 per creare momenti estatici di musica, libertà e condivisione a Napoli, o nei suoi dintorni.
Il punk hardcore, la sua storia, la sua rete e soprattutto le sue pratiche ci hanno fatto incontrare e hanno costituito la base e il riferimento per il nostro modo di fare e di intendere il “personale politico”.
Il collettivo non ha casa o, per meglio dire, ne ha avute moltissime: un molo, delle piazze, spazi occupati, strutture autogestite, strade, locali, parchi, bar. Da subito ha collaborato, si è mischiato (senza fondersi) e continua costantemente a prolificare in numerose realtà politiche radicali, sostenendone le attività e partecipando con energie, strumentazione e risorse.
I concerti che organizziamo trovano il loro senso nel concerto stesso. Quello che ci spinge e ci motiva è il “qui e ora”, la creazione di un incontro momentaneo e casuale tra individui, la liberazione dei corpi nel ballo e nel canto, la possibilità di relazioni slegate dalle imposizioni economiche e sociali della miseria dell’accumulazione e del profitto, in ultimo la creazione di una realtà utopica, seppur effimera.
Esigenze che sono state quelle di tutti gli uomini e donne, fin dall’inizio dei tempi, a cui vengono dati i nomi di rituale tribale, canto popolare, tarantella, blues, be-bop, jazz, rock’n’roll, punk, metal, rave. Celebrare il corpo e rigenerarsi in un tempo ludico e liberatorio. E’ il ritmo perdi-tempo di chi si pone fuori dal consumo isterico di intrattenimento forzato. E’ il suono degli oppressi, della vitalità di chi rifiuta l’oppressione e il ruolo di vittima.
Up the Molopunx!
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metaleterno · 2 years
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⛓️ ECHOES OVER LATIN AMERICA TOUR ⛓️ Estamos de volta com mais uma tour pelo Brasil e America Latina! Após a tour na Europa, voltamos a todo vapor para destruir no mosh mais uma vez com vocês. Estão prontos? Nos vemos em breve! 🔥 CRYPTA ECHOES OVER LATIN AMERICA TOUR 2022 16.09 - BRA São Paulo, Sesc Belenzinho sessão 1 17.09 - BRA São Paulo, Sesc Belenzinho sessão 2  18.09 - BRA Santo André Rock ABC 24.09 - MEX Monterrey, Mexico Metal Fest 25.09 - MEX Monterrey, Mexico Metal Fest (After) 16.10 - BRA Rio de Janeiro, Agyto 03.11 - BRA São Paulo,  Primavera Sounds 04.11 - BRA Brasília, Festival Porão do Rock 12.11 - BRA São Luis , Maranhão Open Air 13.11 - BRA São Paulo, Audio ( w/ ARCH ENEMY, BEHEMOTH, NERVOSA) 17.11 - BRA Londrina, Tba 18.11 - BRA Maringá, Tribos Bar 19.11 - BRA Cascavel, Adega Nostravamos 26.11 - COL Bogotá, Rock al Parque  02.12 - BOL Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Adisercruz 03.12 - BOL Cochabamba, Salon Heroinas 04.12 - BOL La Paz, Inti Palace II 10.12 - BRA Florianópolis, Célula Showcase 11.12 - BRA Porto Alegre, Opinião 14.12  - MEX Guadalajara,  Foro Independencia  15.12  - MEX Leon, Salon cuervos  16.12  - MEX Aguascalientes, Rocksi 17.12  - MEX Morelia, Club de leones 18.12  - MEX San Luis Potosi, Bunker 57 20.12  - MEX Queretaro, Tba 21.12  - MEX Mexico City, Hdx Circus **Mais datas serão anunciadas em breve. @xaninhodiscos #Crypta #EchoesOverLatinAmericaTour ⛓️ GIRA DE ECOS SOBRE AMÉRICA LATINA ⛓️ ¡Regresamos con otra gira por Brasil y América Latina! Después de la gira europea, estamos de vuelta a todo gas para hacer mosh una vez más con vosotros. ¿Estan listos? ¡Nos vemos pronto! 🔥 CRYPTA ECHOES OVER LATINOAMERICA TOUR 2022 16.09 - BRA São Paulo, Sesc Belenzinho sesión 1 17.09 - BRA São Paulo, Sesc Belenzinho sesión 2 18.09 - BRA Santo André Rock ABC 09.24 - MEX Monterrey, México Metal Fest 09.25 - MEX Monterrey, México Metal Fest (Después) 16.10 - BRA Río de Janeiro, Agyto 11.03 - BRA São Paulo, Primavera Sounds 11.04 - BRA Brasilia, Festival Porão do Rock 12.11 - BRA São Luis, Maranhão Aire Libre 13.11 - BRA São Paulo, Audio (con ARCH ENEMY, BEHEMOTH, NERVOSA) 11.17 - BRA Londrina, Tba 18 (en Latinoamérica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CijU_TgOROr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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emma-toma · 2 years
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Armonika @Cox18, Milano | Maggio 2022
DJ party, ambiente mistico, varietà performativo e riempi-pancia della domenica. 𝑨𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒌𝒂 è un ambiente per stare insieme, ascoltare storie tra i paralumi o seguire il groove sul dancefloor.
Nel suo quarto episodio, dalle ore 16 live, DJ set, performance & cena:
✻ 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑶𝒇 𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒌𝒆 Live è un rituale essoterico ideato da Vincenzo Marando (Vernon Selavy, Movie Star Junkies, Krano) in combutta con Alberto Danzi e Cosimo Rosa, pubblicato nel 2018 dalla Maple Death Records e portato in diversi contesti e festival come Handmade, Here I Stay, Holidays, Muviments con collaborazioni in studio e dal vivo con Julie Normal, Maria Violenza, Dario Bruna, Foxhound, Vittorio Demarin (Father Murphy), Michele Guglielmi (Jooklo XXL) https://mapledeathrecords.bandcamp.com/album/s-t-2
✻ 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒄 DJ set Bladeblanc is a Milan-based producer, DJ, and multimedia artist who works in the field of digital art with her project Ultracare. She already appeared on influential labels such as Heel.Zone and Eco-Futurism Corporation with her mixture of bass music and post-club which she skillfully collapses in mutant sound chimeras often turning to the darkest side of the spectrum. Mainly inspired by the UK underground scene, she commits to the dancefloor by combining bass and Jungle with grime-ish sounds, a pinch of post-internet exploration, and sharp drumline patterns. https://soundcloud.com/bladeblanc
✻ 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒂 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒐 Camouflage Serpica Naro organizza laboratori, iniziative e fa ricerca sociale in particolare intorno ai concetti di proprietà intellettuale, soggettività nelle industrie creative, lavoro e precarietà nella moda. https://www.serpicanaro.com/
✻ 𝑹𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒊 𝑩𝒓𝒂𝒉𝒊𝒎 Live Improv Fondatore della compagnia Corps Citoyen, Milano Mediterranea e nuovo membro di Addict Ameba. Spirito poliedrico e ben vestito. https://milanomediterranea.art/
✻ 𝑬𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒉 𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒆 Live Vocals Tra vari esperimenti artistici in ambito musicale, letterario e teatrale, e l'ideazione di workshop terapeutici e/o espressivi con materiali visivi, realizza performance vocali dove intuizioni, pensieri, fantasie, si adattano a sonorità elettroniche.
✻ 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒏 DJ set Seleziona musica d'ascolto di impronta dub, stranezze disco, psichedelia e ritmi per danze rallentate, da diversi anni organizza concerti e feste nel sottobosco milanese. In duo, con il nome di Lester Laura, è stato resident per le serate Wan Va in Cox18, Nessuno (Nobodys Indiscipline Party) e ha curato una serie di podcast per Radio Quartiere durante il primo lockdown del 2020. https://www.mixcloud.com/lester_mann/
✻ 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒂 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒐 DJ set Cuore pulsante della surf band Wave Electric, guitar hero e animale notturno, seleziona beat caldi, dubby techno e disco hit. https://instagram.com/mattdambrosio87
✻ 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒐 Live Armonica Bending sfrenati di armonica, improvvisa sul groove dei dischi suonati durante la festa.
✻ 𝑭𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒐 Vocalist Fondatrice della rivista Tutto Oggi, vocalist occasionale, ci aggiornerà sulle previsioni metereologiche dei prossimi giorni. https://instagram.com/vere.cundia
✻ 𝑬𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒂 Mani di Fata Creatrice di ambienti mistici, costumi lucenti e atmosfere di altri mondi. https://instagram.com/eesti.juust
✻ 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒐 𝑩𝒖𝒌𝒂𝒒𝒆𝒋𝒂 ??? Ci sara davvero?
--- in orario aperitivo ---
✻ 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒆𝒍𝒆 Cibo & Cuore
--- + special thanks to ---
✻ 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒊 Moment Catcher ✻ 𝑳𝒂 𝑺𝒊𝒎𝒐 General Manager ✻ 𝑳𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑮𝒓𝒖𝒎𝒐 Spirito Guida
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elettrisonanti · 6 years
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VENERDI’ 27 LUGLIO – inizio concerti ore 20,30 – ingresso 3€ The Shiver/ I Botanici/ Eugenio in Via Di Gioia/ Bytecore
SABATO 28 LUGLIO – inizio concerti ore 20,30 – ingresso 3€ Lemandorle/ Murubutu feat U.G.O & dj Rob/ Rancore/ TOOT
DOMENICA 29 LUGLIO – inizio concerti ore 20,30 – ingresso 3€ Makai/ Leo Pari/ Galeffi
]; ) ::\☮/>> http://www.elettrisonanti.net/event/eco-sound-fest-2018
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Eco (Echo) is Xeinn's song for Benidorm Fest.
Xeinn, whose actual name is Alejandro Agudín Arribas, is a Political Science grad who has always sung for fun and uploads covers to YouTube, amassing a total of 18 million views. He also has an EP and a studio album, released just last year.
Eco, with a distinct R&B and Synth Pop sound, very distinct and different from what we usually hear in Spain, talks about the moment you meet your soulmate.
The song was composed by Carlos Marco, a singer, producer and musical director ex-member of the renowned boyband Auryn; Jimmy Jansson, a Swedish songwriter and producer; Marcus Winther, a British singer and songwriter for artists such as New Kids On The Block, David Bisbal or SHINee; and Thomas G:, a Swedish songwriter renowned for having written Euphoria, winner of Eurovision 2012.
Here are the translated lyrics:
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assamtourin · 3 years
9 Places You Should Not Miss On Your Trip to Assam
Assam is a stunning land known as the tea capital of India. You may love the proximity with nature and texture fresh air when you set foot in Assam. A land blessed with 5 best national parks in India as well a shocking historic importance and rich heritage.
  Assam is a land of pure bliss having a large number of wild animals, migratory birds and lush green gardens. If you are planning to pay a visit to Assam in 2020-21 here is a list of Assam Tour Packages. Experience the world-class Tour to Assam and explore the best destinations in Assam. Here are 9 areas you don't need to miss in your Assam tour. Let us start our list of top places to go to in Assam with the only hill station in Assam Haflong.
  1 Haflong
 Haflong is not just a breathing area but it's also known for a great number of migratory birds. Standing at an elevation of 2,300 feet above sea level, situated in Dima Hasao area of Assam It’s well known for the phenomenon of birds committing suicide at the Jatinga valley during moonless sleepless nights.
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  It also offers a couple of amazing waterfalls and ethnic tribal villages. Needless to say, you may enjoy trekking at the Boral mountain and fest yourself using a traditional meal in one of those tribal villages together with the business of a traditional dance group which are all set to perform. It's possible to bewitch a few specular waterfalls in Assam such as Panimur waterfalls and Kaka Waterfalls on the solution to Haflong. Umrangso is just yet another stunning place located on the bank of Kapili River 112 km from Haflong.
 2. Dibrugarh
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 After visiting Haflong it is time to research some wonderful tea gardens of Assam Lush green pastures and adventurous dense forests, this high range place is a fantasy land out of fairy tales. I made the decision to explore the first tea garden at the Assam Chabua property. Most small and large tea estates are sprinkled around this region. The major tea factories and employees plucking tea leaves at a little bucket tied in their head is a frequent scene in this area. Assam tea is famous particularly for black tea and its powerful aroma. You can even go for a tea tasting tour in Assam. Visit us for Dibrugarh Tour Package.
 3. Digboi
After the tea garden see it's time to explore the oil field in Assam. I led to Digboi that is just 84 Km away from Dibrugarh.
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   I was astonished to see the very first refinery in Asia Digboi Oil refinery and also the beautiful museum where older artefacts associated with the petroleum plant and antique things are kept preciously.
4. Tai-Phake village
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   Tai Phakey village or Namphake village is situated 37 kilometres from Dibrugarh. My second stop was Namphake monastery one of the earliest monasteries in Assam. That keeps and decorated auspiciously from the community which originates from Myanmar from the 18th century practicing their culture, habits and dress in its ancient glory. You may even test mouth-watering Thai food here or elect for a night stay in an Eco-camp or home stay.
 5. Sivsagar
It had been the bygone capital of the Ahom dynasty. Dotted with a number of old palaces, temples, ponds and amphitheatre throughout the right time of Ahom dynasty is still sprinkled everywhere in its original glory. This city is attractive to carry you right back. Few Important monuments from Sivsagar are Rang Ghar, Kareng Ghar, Talatal Ghar, Joysagar Tank, Sivsagar Tank etc.
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  I devote a fabulous day here sitting on the bank of Sivasagar Tank (Borpukhuri) watching fish and eating food. You can glimpse the buildings on the opposite banks of the pond such as a tiny miniature city. I can witness the densely populated temples from the complex.
 Another most interesting place worth a trip in Sivsagar is Charaideo Maidam situated 30 km from Sibsagar city. This really can be the burial ground of Ahom kings and queens. It's a myth that the sailors of kings and queens also buried living together in the maidam to help the departed king after death.
 6. Majuli
It's time to visit the most exciting area in Assam. Crossing the mighty Brahmaputra by ferry can take you to Majuli Island. With the Assam Holiday Package you can explore the best destinations in Assam.
 To begin with we visit Aunisti satra, the largest satra in Majuli with over 300 (Vakats) disciples. Afterwards we see Garmur satra, Kamalabari Satra and the mask makers Satra Samaguri. Mask making art is a most special art from practising only with a bunch of monks in Samaguri satra which grabs everyone's fascination with its unique way.
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   While in Majuli it's mandatory to find a devotional dance performance and dance play. The time we see was November before the beginning of Raas festival in Majuli. We appreciated the rehearsal for your Raas festival by Mothers of all ages.
 Besides Satras, the vibrant green rice fields, lakes full of a large number of avifauna and scenic setting are captivating to make you spellbound.
  7. Kaziranga National Park
 Located 194 km from Guwahati and 252 kilometres from Dibrugarh, Kaziranga National park would be the prime attraction in Assam. When we hit Kaziranga, a feeling of calmness touches my mind. Away from bustling city life, it is a tranquil place surrounded by tea gardens and forest.
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   Complete Kaziranga Tour Packages trip with a Jeep Safari as well as an Elephant Safari from the jungle. We spent the afternoon with a trip to Kaziranga Orchid Park and little the chilly night enjoying a bonfire and watching local dancing performance. Though my heart craved for longer and cried from inside saying I wish to stay longer here but because of lack of time I have to leave such a heaven.
 8. Guwahati
 It's a riverine city flecked with many temples.
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   If I state Guwahati is a frequent city just like any other contemporary cities in India, I can't justify the virtues of Guwahati city. So I have to list it in a few of the fascinating town in India. The night time is the most charming in Guwahati and when it's accompanied with a gentle drizzle then you lost yourself. I forget all of my laziness by enjoying such a beautiful evening sitting around the bank of the Brahmaputra River.
 I spend the entire day seeing Assam state museum, Umananda temple (the temple situated on a little island) and also Kamakhya temple. Kamakhya temple can be found on top of a little hill. Book North East India Tour and enjoy the scenic view of the entire city.
 9. Manas National Park
Located 140 km from Guwahati, Manas national park is still just another charming federal park in Assam. It is not much commercialized as Kaziranga but you can delight in staying at a wild hotel inside Manas National Park. It is possible to listen to the giggle of the river passing by and observe the sound of creatures at night. It's an out of the world encounter.
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 The night we spent Manas was the very exciting one. We stayed in a bungalow in the park. It is called Mathanguri Forest Lodge constructed during Britishers period. My Safari in the park was also very exciting. We saw peacocks dancing beautifully in their whole grandeur and a herd of wild elephants which become very furious after missing one baby elephant. They hunt for the baby here and there in complete distress. Afterwards we spot the young goddess a few kilometres away looking tirelessly to find their family. All these innocent stories forced me to go back to the jungle again and again.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, February 3
Cover: Renee Zellweger’s amazing journey -- tears, setbacks and surgery
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Page 4: The View backstage drama explodes -- sources point fingers at controversial cohost Meghan McCain after Abby Huntsman quits 
Page 6: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s new life 
Page 8: Gal Gadot made only $300,000 for the first Wonder Woman but will make $10 million for the sequel and she’s not afraid to spend on jewelry and shoes, Joshua Jackson is equal parts nervous and excited to become a father as he and wife Jodie Turner-Smith count down the days to their little one’s arrival, ever since Kourtney Kardashian has reconciled with her much younger ex Younes Bendjima she’s been hitting the party scene harder than ever
Page 9: Nothing comes between Jennifer Aniston and the gym and she turns down dozens of movie offers every year to ensure she has enough me time, after portraying Dr. Alex Karev for 16 seasons on Grey’s Anatomy Justin Chambers is hanging up his scrubs 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- The Critics’ Choice Awards -- Annabelle Wallis, Jennifer Lopez
Page 11: Kate Beckinsale, Florence Pugh, Anne Hathaway 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Emilia Clarke vs. Katy Perry, Hana Cross vs. Elizabeth Banks, Laura Marano vs. Delilah Belle Hamlin 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Amanda Seyfried in Tokyo as Lancome’s newly appointed global ambassador 
Page 16: Critics’ Choice Awards -- Kristen Bell, Niecy Nash and Lupita Nyong’o, Alison Brie and Betty Gilpin and Rachel Brosnahan 
Page 17: Taye Diggs, Renee Zellweger, Nicole Kidman and Parasite’s Lee Jung-eun and Bong Joon-ho and Song Kang-ho 
Page 18: Rob Lowe at a charitable softball game with his sons Matthew and John, Chrissy Teigen and daughter Luna, Mariah Carey at the premiere of A Fall From Grace 
Page 20: Selena Gomez, Sarah Paulson and Tracey Ullman at an FX Networks press event 
Page 21: Susan Sarandon and Joaquin Phoenix at Jane Fonda’s climate change protest which resulted in Joaquin’s arrest, Elizabeth Banks, The Gentlemen costars Charlie Hunnam and Matthew McConaughey and Hugh Grant at a photo-call in NYC 
Page 22: Dan Levy guest-hosted Ellen with his dad Eugene Levy, Julianna Margulies and Richard Gere at a screening in NYC for Three Christs, Olivia Wilde at the Hollywood Critics Association Awards 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Zendaya’s plush pad 
Page 26: After her split from her boyfriend of 8 years Austin Butler -- Vanessa Hudgens has reconnected with her ex Zac Efron as the two realized they still have feelings for each others
Page 27: Alex Rodriguez willingly takes a step back to let Jennifer Lopez shine especially during awards season, after a busy two years for Carrie Underwood is pressing pause on her career to focus on her marriage to Mike Fisher and their two sons, ever since Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden welcomed their daughter Raddix they’ve become obsessed with being as eco-friendly and health conscious as possible 
Page 28: Miley Cyrus has been struck with baby fever which is new for her -- she’d make excuses whenever ex Liam Hemsworth brought it up but with new boyfriend Cody Simpson things are different, Bradley Cooper and Ana de Armas’ flirt fest at a Golden Globes luncheon, Love Bites -- Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik reconciled, Jason McDonald and Martha Hunt engaged, Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer welcomed their second child
Page 30: Cover Story -- Renee Zellweger’s untold story 
Page 34: Amid rumors of a split Julianne Hough isn’t ready to give up on husband Brooks Laich just yet 
Page 36: What’s in a Name? The stories behind the celeb kids’ quirky monikers 
Page 40: Interview -- Don Johnson -- the actor has been working in showbiz for 50 years and he’s still enjoying every minute of it 
Page 42: Brooke Shields fit at 54 
Page 46: Style -- Kelly Rowland’s third active-lifestyle collection with Fabletics 
Page 48: Blue-light blocking glasses -- Jennifer Lopez 
Page 49: Street Style Star -- Kacey Musgraves 
Page 52: Beauty -- power trip -- Olivia Culpo 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 58: Buzz -- Princess Charlotte’s catwalk copycats 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Daniel Radcliffe on being mistaken for a homeless man, Sia on Diplo, Hollywood Heat Meter -- Chris Harrison said Charlie O’Connell was the only Bachelor he didn’t get along with, Cardi B wants to be a politician, Demi Lovato will perform at the Grammys, Pete Davidson and Kaia Gerber have cooled off as he receives treatment for mental health issues, Scarlett Johansson is the 12th star to receive two Oscars nods in the same year 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Aquarius Ellen DeGeneres 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Evan Peters 
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Crawl (2019)
How often do we get a movie that will please those looking for a mega monster creature feature, an eco disaster thriller and a family drama all at once? Death Rolling it’s way into theaters this weekend, Alexandre Aja’s Crawl is a real thrill for both horror junkies and casual movie goers alike. Taking place while a category 5 hurricane batters the coast of Florida, the movie had me cautiously entering my Long Island apartment, looking for any sign of reptilian movement.
Director Alex Aja first made a strong impression on me with his remake of The Hills Have Eyes (2006), but let’s not forget this isn’t Aja’s first venture into aquatic horror, having directed Pirannah 3D in 2003. Produced by Sam Rami, of course famous for his Evil Dead series, Crawl is more than just a simple gore fest, working off the family dynamic and race against time pacing, along with its duel antagonists: Mother Nature and her beasts at their most basic and brutal.
The movie starts off with an introduction to our protagonist Haley Keller, played by Kaya Scodelario, at the start of her university’s swim team relay race. A beautifully shot sequence, the swimmers take on the look of aquatic predators themselves, with fluid movements upon entering the water and preternatural force as their legs push off the tiles, propel them from one end of the pool to the other. It’s in this scene that we learn of Haley and her father’s strained relationship. Her father Dave Keller, played by Barry Pepper, was her first swim coach and it’s evident their relationship is strained not only from the constant push of an ever present “Sports Super Parent”, but also from his recent divorce from Haley’s mother. I was curious as to how the movie would take a native Floridian, with presumably many hurricane evacuations under their belt, and push them to venture deeper into the storm just as its getting worse.
Enter the push. Haley’s sister Beth, played by Mordyyd Clark, gives her a call to say she hasn’t heard from their father since the evacuation began, and so this roller coaster of a movie begins its ascent. From that point forward, we learn more about Haley’s relationship with her father and meet the vicious gators which promise to shred them to bits. All the while, Brothers Michael and Shawn Rasmussen have written a script which perfectly ratchets up the tension, much like the rising flood waters that threaten to drown our protagonists.
What is a monster movie without their monster? Rodeo FX provided the visual effects, pounding us with rain and hurricane clouds, and dumping gator after gator on an audience that is already on the edge of its seat by the beginning of the second act. The effects on the storm were of course impressive, but let’s be honest, we were all there to see the alligators! The armor plated gators slink along on their bellies and swim through water posing a threat every moment they were on screen. The sound production assisted in making sure there was no doubt these were some menacing beasts. The low rumble and startling hiss of the gators made many in my theater jump when the sound was pumped through the sound system.
I want to take a moment to give credit to the Rasmussen brothers for not trying to pry in what I now refer to as the “Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom” trope. Allow me to explain:
The reason the velociraptors in the original Jurassic Park are so frightening is because these are animals we know nothing about that hunt in packs. Their ambush attacks (“Clever girl!”) are completely in their nature and a by product of predatory efficiency. Conversely, the reason Fallen Kingdom missed the mark for me came down to one shot: the shot of the IndoRaptor playing dead and smiling when it’s victim falls for its trap. Nature is frightening enough on its own and alligators in particular are horrifying when swimming towards their prey, ripping them limb from limb as one scene in Crawl shows with incredible effectiveness. Writing along with directing kept the scares honest and terrifying.
This isn’t to say the movie is free of any cons. The dialogue, particularly in the first act, didn’t always land for me. There were in fact a few lines that felt somewhat flat, or dishonest in their delivery.
Besides that though, the movie manages to stick closely to the important rule of “show, don’t tell.” A lack of plot armor must also be applauded. When someone comes under attack in this movie and is injured, Aja does Not hold back. I wouldn’t expect anything less from the director of High Tension (2003). Credit must also be given to Scodelario and Pepper. Their dynamic was critical in making us care at ALL that their lives were at stake and their performances certainly earned our gasps and cries of “It’s coming for you!” from the audience. Not to mention they hit a soft spot with me by way of Sugar, the families dog. My wife and I have a habit of saying (or screaming when not in a theater) “DoesTheDogDie.com?!” to one another anytime a pup is at risk, and this movie was full of DTDD.com moments!
All in all, Crawl delivers on summer screams. At times you root for the humans, while other times you end up cheering as the gators tear victim after victim apart. A healthy helping of gore sandwiched between some great character development, Crawl is a must see for moviegoers looking for a thrill. If Jaws kept moviegoers out of the water, Crawl will keep you far from Florida for years to come.
RATING: 4.5 Full Moons out of 5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
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soukcku · 5 years
5, 41, and 43 for the ask meme 💕
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most.
I answered this already but I’m better equipped this time around!
Orson Scott Card: I love how he writes children, especially fucked up children who can’t connect with the world around them. and I like how his writing is morally repellent in a way that’s really annoying to some people but I personally enjoy because the author is dead and if I remind myself of that often enough I can forget how morally repellent Card himself is. which he is, yknow, a lot. sometimes I can even forget he exists at all. like, in Hart’s Hope, a girl has to be raped for...some reason? I don’t remember the reason very well. but the narrative frames it as inevitable, evil but right because that is what is called for and someone must do the terrible things and the justification of evil and harm is interesting to me. 
Cassandra Clare: she writes kiss scenes so well. so fucking well. her descriptions of physical sensations, emotions, and relationships - the soft and gooey stuff most people will ignore - make me incredibly happy, and I take notes from her work constantly. I wanna write Cassie Clare kisses. 
Hanya Yanagihara: she writes with so much focus and intention. she makes deliberate decisions about her narration, her characters, the voices she chooses to write with. I wanna be like that. accidents are great but deliberateness is sexy. 
Umberto Eco: his descriptions! his dialogue! how much he knows about everything and the way that weaves with his writing - it’s effortless, seemingly, and it makes you feel like you’re learning something even as your learning is colored by the biases of your narrator. I think the main reason I read is so that I can be like that; so that when my characters talk, they don’t just sound like they know. they really do know. i want that for me.
John Green: idk if it’s his writing that inspires me or the work he does, but I love how his work is self-reflective? and I love hearing him talk about books and language and poetry and the world. it speaks to this worldview I want to cultivate and embody in my writing. and I love him so much. 
whoops that got long!
41. How many stories do you work on at one time?
uhh anywhere between 1 - 4? all at various stages. currently I’m working on the fourth chapter of passerine (I need to write one more paragraph orz), kinktober, and my angst fest exchange fic. 
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
(answering this because I did 43 last time I did this meme)
for original work I usually just...wing it. for fanfic I pick traits I like from canon and then work them backwards until I have justifications for those traits I can live with and then I wing the traits I haven’t been able to explain
ask me about writing!
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samuelebagana · 7 years
Eco Sound Fest 2017
Gazzelle//Planet Funk Eco Sound Fest 2017//Caprarola www.bagana.it
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When a psychopathic Narcissist asks you to marry them, run away with them, and live with them happily ever after in a house in the middle of nowhere…what do you do?
This sounds like the premise of a slasher horror movie, but I was once faced with this exact choice in August of 2016.
At the time, I did not know that I had BPD. All I had just discovered was that the person who I loved madly was a psychopathic Narcissist. As far as life-defining moments go, this one still makes the top of my list. All the research I was finding at the time was stigma infused and utterly shocking. I was appalled at what I was learning about Narcissism; I was even more repulsed, scared, and heartbroken by what this meant for our relationship.
My Narc and I had known each other for a long time, seven years to be exact. We’d had on-and-off periods, with the most recent one being from the summer of 2013 to my Narc’s sudden reappearance in May of 2016. It didn’t take long for her to turn my life upside down, of course, but what I remember the most was the thrill of it all.
Just days into our renewed contact with each other, she sent me a lovely text message that was as vibrant and promising as the blooming weather:
Hey I had this wonderful plan. I plan on buying a lot of land in the middle of nowhere, on which I’d put an ‘eco home’. I’d grow my own food and have a horse as well as my small pet now. Wanna come?? (Serious offer). Remember when we used to dream about this stuff in high school? Well guess what, it can happen now! Haha.
The thought of living with my best friend was already dreamy. We had indeed planned to move in together ever since high school. I think it really speaks to how deeply we had grown to be comfortable in each other’s presence, how close we’d become, to the point that our future plans always included each other without question. Of course, these were also the early indicators of co-dependency, but we just did not know it at the time.
We were quite happy to chat excitedly over the phone while we browsed interior decorating magazines and giggled about choices of furniture. We sighed over houses we could never afford. We fantasized about places we could never live in, most notably Chicago, because that was where one of our favourite bands was from so obviously we would have to live there, too.
We philosophized over the colours of curtains and which kinds of scented candles we would have upstairs and downstairs. We could have cats or dogs. And better yet, both! Years later, we would quietly discuss the prospect of adopting children and we solemnly vowed that if we weren’t married for love (particularly to each other) by the age of 30, that we may as well never get married at all.
When my Narc used to work exhausting factory night shifts, I would prepare a series of cute text messages for her to read while she was relaxing in the bath after work. Circumstances being what they were, we had to maintain a long-distance relationship at that point. This was my small, imaginary means of greeting her with a kiss on the cheek when she came home.
I would poetically describe a different scenario each night: cooking and eating dinner together, massaging her feet while we watched a movie, taking her coat off at the door and sweeping her into my arms, making her coffee in the morning, going shopping together, having her sneak up behind me and surprise me with a searing kiss while I was working at my computer, bringing her breakfast in bed…my imagination offered an endless supply of domestically blissful scenarios in which we found ourselves, and my Narc was quite a willing and able participant in our shared fantasies.
We meant no harm. I guess that in our minds, we already functioned like a happily married couple. There was just this little thing called reality that kept getting in our way.
Like all the best laid plans, our plan to live together never became a reality. It’s worth pointing out here that my relationship with my Narc was my only most serious and intense one. I have always been a hopeless romantic, but my Narc is truly the first person with which I imagined a life-long future with. I wanted the whole nine yards, as they say: professional fulfillment, personal happiness, a joyful family, and a wife with which to share this miraculous life with.
I was completely captivated by the connection I felt with my Narc. It took my breath away to know that she seemingly reciprocated my feelings and that I was not alone in my visions for the future. I loved her for taking my loneliness away, for encouraging me to explore my desires, and for never once trying to constrain my emotional intensity.
My Narc and I pushed the limits of each other’s imagination with graceful ease, never pausing to wonder for a moment if we were being realistic. We did not care about fracturing reality, about facts and feelings sometimes being mismatched. All we cared about was the high that we got from being together. That was enough. God, that was more than enough.
Over the years, and especially near the end of our relationship, we somehow tacitly gave each other permission for our shared imaginations to become a safe place for us to explore…darker thoughts. Sometimes we would text or email them to each other, despite feeling that it was risqué to put them out there like that.
Yet the rush we got from doing so was incomparable. I was hesitant to share my sexual fantasies with her at first, but she prompted me to be forthright about them. She told me that she didn’t mind at all, and that in fact she wanted me to be even more detailed.
It got to the point that we didn’t even have to wonder if we shared the same needs and wants; we explored everything between us from the most tender, sensual possibilities to rough, careless, wicked trysts that seemed to drip with fiery passion even through the screen.
Our influence on each other was corruptive. In our imaginations, we could do no wrong. Moral considerations paled in comparison to the power of feelings. Whatever we thought of, instantly became our reality. The greatest element of our seduction was the fact that we shared this potent, intoxicating reality.
We were, I supposed, always just on the brink of making our imaginations come true. This lent a kind of super charged energy to our interactions over the years: the promise of something more, just teasingly out of reach, yet conveyed through just a touch or a gaze. I still shiver just thinking about it.
So in truth, my Narc’s marriage proposal shouldn’t have surprised me as much as it did. She’d practically foreshadowed it a few weeks prior during one of our many late-night text fests:
You always catch me off guard. When i really love someone, i want them to be like you…
I guess what i was trying to say is when I was hopelessly in love with my ex, i wish he would’ve had half the devotion of you.
If people put the effort in as you do, no one would be divorced.
When I was a little girl imagining the love of my life and my wedding, it just didn’t cross my mind that I would fall in love head over heels with a psychopathic Narcissist. That kind of reality never factored into my imagination.
But I was abruptly faced with it in August of 2016. I’d spilled my heart and soul out to my Narc, knowing full well that she was a psychopathic Narcissist, and declared my undying love for her. More important than my message, however, was the way in which I said it; to my knowledge, I think that my Narc was exceptionally moved, caught off guard, and immensely pleased, which led her to text:
I don’t know what to say but i know that I’m blessed to have you. And everything that you are and will ever be. I hope its gonna be the rest of our lives.
Then a few moments later, she sent me eight simple words that made my breath catch in my throat:
Marry me and run away with me, ok?
And that’s how it happened: the love of my life just proposed marriage, and even though I had just discovered what NPD was, I was still seriously tempted. I remember being so excited that I ended up staying awake all night evaluating the seriousness of her proposal.
One the one hand, my feelings made no sense. I was struggling to process my already present shock, devastation, heartbreak, and rage regarding her abuse and the discovery of her Narcissism; this clashed viciously with a bewildering tenderness, hope, euphoria, arousal, and undeniable love that swirled within me like an intoxicating brew.
My imagination demanded that I surrendered to the intensity of my feelings, and just as I had become accustomed to doing, I gave into this pattern of fantasizing.
That’s why on the other hand, I was considering how profound our connection was. How striking my Narc’s presence was, and what a gorgeous young woman she was. Deeply troubled and damaged, to be sure, but then again…I already knew that.
I had plunged head first into our relationship from the start and never once wanted to let go, until holding on compromised my very life.
Come to think of it, my Narc is not exactly someone that you can easily say “no” to. We’re both very stubborn when it comes to handling rejection. But my point is that my Narc had an utterly compelling aura and charisma to her, to the point that I just had to share my observations with her:
Tonight there was such an intensity to your eyes. You looked at me once or twice with something that made my heart stop. Now I know I’m not completely unhinged okay. I just noticed a playful, wicked gleam, and something…else. Darker, even. It was fun and honest. Something that made me want to stare at you and never tear my gaze away, something to your sly smile that made me want to say yes to whatever thoughts were rattling around that pretty head of yours.
On the night my Narc proposed marriage, I did not say “yes.” I also didn’t say “no.”
Instead, I lost myself in fantasies of us together, or us against the world. Most interestingly, I found myself revisiting her most human moments:
Her penchant for drinking Dr. Pepper and crunching on Doritos. Her enjoyment of Christmas and assorted Christmas music (especially listening to Michael Buble and Frank Sinatra by the crackling fireplace). Her charming laugh. The way her rare smile illuminated her face. Her strong hands.
The photographs she showed me of her as a baby. Her blue toque. Her love of wearing all black. Her battered MP3 player. Her flowing hair spilled across the pillow, bathed in early morning light. The way she said my name.  
And I never told her any of this, but these were exactly the moments when I knew most profoundly that I was irrevocably in love with her. These were the moments that could not be faked or manipulated. Their truth was fully in how they felt. I wanted us to share those moments for the rest of our lives. Together.
At least, that was the plan.
During the moments when my circumstances overwhelm me, when reality gets in the way of all our plans, I retreat into the house we never lived in together.
This place has become a sort of refuge. I imagine that it’s in the middle of nowhere, in a cleared-out field, surrounded by tall pines. If you listen closely, you can hear a wolf howling in the distance. That’s how very far away from civilization we are.
Every time I came to this house, I would acquire a new identity, a new voice, a new purpose, a new way of being me. It is a place where my Narc and I are allowed to be alone together and to seek pleasure without consequence.
I imagine that the woman I am when I walk into that house is always different than the woman I am when I walk out of it.
Maybe it’s the way I style my hair. Or perhaps it’s the coat I put on. The meals we’ve shared. The things we’ve talked about. The nights we’ve spent. The arguments and reconciliations we’ve endured. The feelings we’ve drowned in. I am so sentimental.
Every room of the house holds a different memory, although my wish to see my Narc there remains the same. This house is where I can freely admit that I want to see her again without needing to castigate myself for this unhealthy thought. I’m simply free to think and to feel. And just like in reality, this is the place where my Narc lets me cradle the filthiest thoughts, but won’t approve or consent to them, which makes me feel dirty for even having them at all.
I am aware that using my imagination like this is known as maladaptive daydreaming. The problem is, I cannot stop. And to be perfectly honest, I cannot stop because I don’t quite want to.
You can speak to me without boundaries. I’m always intrigued by your mind. You never fail to amaze me.
My Narc and I imagined without boundaries. All things considered, this was far safer than living without boundaries. I maintain that the greatest thing we ever did was to make our minds unbound, to not put restrictions on our imaginations by sharing them earnestly and honestly.
But after a while, my mind stopped creating fantastic realities.
I clued into my hollow, aching loneliness in the face of reality. I admitted my deepest fears to my Narc once:
Another thing that frightens me is even if I have all I could ever want in life-including a loving, happy, respectful relationship-I will always somehow crave you.
And no, I don’t mean your False Self or all the ways you pretend; I do mean you.
Turns out I’m a hypocrite, too; I guess that’s only human. I’m worried that in all of my small, quiet moments, like when I’m making coffee, or getting dressed, or before sleep, or when I’m driving somewhere, I’m always going to find you-because I want you to be there.
I can’t give in, but I want to. I think…I also need to. In some moments it’s tiring to pretend otherwise.
I need it like a heart needs blood to beat, and I want it the way a desert wants rain. I used to be ashamed of my feelings for you, especially after I found out about your Narcissism, but not anymore. It’s pointless to carry shame for feelings, and in my case it’s impossible because I literally run on pure, intensified emotion.
You said once that you were glad you found it within yourself to reciprocate the same feeling I gave you (namely, love, only you didn’t admit that). That’s exactly why I need reciprocity, because if I don’t have it, then I feel empty.
Your reciprocity would be my euphoria.
So really, my pain isn’t coming from the fact that I’m in love with someone I can never have; I could have you. We could have each other. That’s not the problem. Sure, I put in place fail safes. Because I know my weaknesses. Many people are here to support me and ensure that I don’t crumble; I made it all but impossible for you to intrude into my life again. 
What I struggle with actually is how right it feels when I’m with you (until it all goes wrong, of course). How easy it would be for me to completely give into what I want.
In the face of these fears, our house in the middle of nowhere became the safest place for me to go, somewhere that her and I could see each other again, far from the mocking world.  A place where this fear is not a fear, but the spark which lights desire and makes us come alive.
Some days I pray we don’t run into each other ever again. Other days there is nothing that I want more than for us to hurtle into each other’s’ arms, just the way we used to do.
But here’s the thing about imagination: it only builds on what you already know.
I know that my Narc is abusive. I know that her cruelty and cold, emotionless façade had become immensely tiresome. I know that I resented her apathy and hated her for every single way that she hurt me.
When I consider what I know, rather than just what I feel, I find that I cannot stay in our house for long. So let me rephrase my original question:
When an abusive psychopathic Narcissist asks you to marry them in order to emotionally manipulate you, insists that you compromise your own health, safety, happiness, and work to run away with them, and implies that you should drop all your family, friends, connections, and goals to be confined to a house in the middle of nowhere…what do you do?
If you follow in my footsteps, you will go No Contact.
Survivors talk about recovering from their abusers, yet no one seems to talk about how hard it is to retrieve your own feelings from them. Recovery is supposed to mean that you hate your abuser, that you despise them, that someday you are numb to them and could care less about their existence.
You’re supposed to change your number. Change your locks. Change cities. You have to stop listening to all the songs you loved. Stop visiting your old haunts. Stop stalking their social media.
You must especially stop having feelings for your abuser. You’re simply not allowed to. It’s wrong. And it’s wrong even more so when you have every reason to celebrate going No Contact with an abusive Narcissist. 
I know all this. But since I am living with BPD, I also know that my feelings just go on and on and on and on. 
I wonder, when will it all end?
In the aftermath of love and abuse, the truth is that I still love my Narc…my abuser. I still wonder about her and what she’s doing. I have to particularly turn my thoughts away from considering if she’s married or if she has any children. I stop myself from wondering where she is and who she is with. I don’t want to know who she’s become. Dwelling on that too much would take away whatever sanity I happen to have left.
And whenever I find myself at the doorstep of that house I imagine for us, I let my hand rest softly on the doorknob. 
Because I still want to find her there when I open the door.
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reubeningall · 2 years
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I made the soundtrack to a dance film produced by my mother’s dance group “Somebody’s Aunt”. The film is being projected in the city as part of an arts fest - press release below. Image by Natsuko Yonezawa.
Localjinni and Neuron Mobility Scooters have partnered to pilot a new active-tourism experience. Enter the Dynamo Hub and Scoot and Screen Tours, launching during Canberra’s Surface Urban Art Festival on 4, 5 and 6 March 2022.
At the Dynamo Hub, local eco-groups will showcase the latest in electric transport. Come along to help light up the world’s first human-powered magic lantern show, energised by a pedal cinema. A dynamic show, including actors and musicians spinning music, sound effects, and painted lantern slides together to tell tales of adventure.
Then stay on for a night e-scooter ride, Scoot and Screen Tour to see projections created by many of the city’s leading lights in Localjinni’s artist-run initiative. A moving biography of place, told through site-responsive art, animation, dance, film, songs, and stories of place. A first for Canberra the tour includes a dance video created in homage to the energy-efficient, scoot about town by local dance group, Somebody’s Aunt.
The Dynamo Hub: 7.30-8.30pm, Friday 4 March, Saturday 5 March, Sunday 6 March 2022. Gorman Arts Centre. The Scoot and Screen Tours: 8.30-10.30pm, Friday 4 March, Saturday 5 March, Sunday 6 March 2022. Gorman Arts Centre.
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eurovision-del · 2 years
Spain are trying something new this year with the induction of Benidorm Fest, and already it’s looking so much more promising for them than what they’ve done the past few years. Here’s my ranking:
Rayden – Calle de la Llorería
Tanxugueiras – Terra
Javiera Mena – Culpa
Rigoberta Bandini – Ay mamá
Varry Brava – Raffaella
Luna Ki – Voy a Morir
Blanca Paloma – Secreto de Agua
Marta Sango – Sigues en mi Mente
Xeinn – Eco
Unique- Mejores
Sara Deop – Make you say
Gonzalo Hermida – Quién lo diría
Azúcar Moreno – Postureo
Chanel – SloMo
This group of songs falls nicely for me into two categories - seven songs that stood out to me and I really like, and seven that did nothing for me. Out of that first group, there’s three that I particularly enjoy.
Calle de la Llorería is my favourite of the lot, it’s right up my street with its rock-rap style. It honestly reminds me of somthing I’d hear at Sanremo with this style and how lyric heavy it is. The flow is great, and the guitars and drums bring some real power to it. It’s not too far ahead of my next two though, Terra is also amazing, I love when traditional folk music gets combined with modern music like this. There’s a real power and bite to this one, and in a selection full of diverse genres, I feel this one has the most distinct sound and identity. Then there’s Culpa, which is a great electronic-pop song, I really like the sound here. I do find that the first drop is a little flat, but it doesn’t last long, and that organ break more than makes up for it, it really elevates the entire song!
One thing I do want to note about both Terra and Culpa is that both have sections with a lot of vocal production - it makes me curious how they’ll come across live. They’re not the only ones in this selection either, so much of Voy a Morir’s character comes form the vocal production, much as I like it in the studio cut I’m not sure how it will come across live. I’m always excited to hear songs live, as it has the potential to completely change my opinion on an entry, but with this selection I’m even more curious about the live performances than usual.
With a good live, I’m rooting for any of my top three to win, but I’d also be happy to see Ay mamá, Voy a Morir, or Secreto de Agua get the ticket to Eurovision. With several strong songs, each with their own distinct character, Spain really have a great selection to chose from! I really hope it’s enough to change their Eurovision fortunes - it should be!
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xiaojaan · 2 years
it’s so cute that you got a gift for your brother !! how old is he? and a food fest is basically food stalls, like an exhibition, on large areas of land and everyone comes there and eats?? ajdhdjjd 😭 and it’s louis day !!! i’m going to lunch with my friend in a while and we’re gonna talk about louis and sob over him while eating momos 😌 random question : who is your favourite lyricist? not a singer/songwriter, i mean an actual lyricist, for eg amitabh bhattacharya or julian bulian etc. what colour are your bedsheets? how old is your laptop? if you wear glasses, describe them! i’ll talk to you in the evening 🤠🎀
HELLO!!! sorry im replying sooo late but i came back from schl i was so tired and i slept now got the time to reply. yes im so excited to give him the gifts bfjdkd he's 7 yrs old. sjfhdk food fests sounds like something i would love omg😭 PLS bdndkfhd crying abt louis while eating momos w frnds is a mood today i was randomly zoning out in schl too thinking abt louis like !? the hold this man has on me istggg i love him sm 😭 well tbh. i dont really care abt these stuff in a song its only this larry fandom that has made me care abt these things a little so i dont really have a fave lyricist 🥲 ooo the bedsheet is dark blue and yellow! sounds like a very ugly combination but it isnt that bad as a bedsheet hdbfjdkd my laptop was bought last year bc everyone needed seprate devices for classes and phones and stuff and the one before this was broken since ages so its a year old! yess my glasses are rectangular and theyre black on the outside with a little red colour inside my face looks good w them 😳 bdskks yea! hope u had a good day bestie. is there something you're gonna do for tmrw? i rmr you being excited for Christmas. im gonna spend next 2 days with my eco books bdkdkd rip.
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