#eastern european goth
nugothrhythms · 5 months
"Subconscious" by Polish gothwave and post-punk band Cabaret Grey off of 2022 release Cold Calculations
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seb looking very obviously eastern european (specifically northern balkan. i like geography) makes for so much interesting meta for his casting as bucky and i wish people addressed it more because he would have been clocked INSTANTLY as EE in universe
Omg right?? Yes! 👆👆👆 What I keep sayin'!
In-universe, if you're going for historically somewhat accurate, even if Bucky wasn't from the Balkans, with him looking like he does he'd definitely have been treated that way, because of the huge influx of Jewish immigrants from that area to New York. (Ditto him being Jewish).
Colourism being what it was, it would've affected his whole life for sure, not to mention adding an extra element of danger in how badly he can be expected to be treated by the Nazis, if captured (worse than, say, blue-eyed ginger-blonde Dum-Dum with the Irish surname.)
On a semi-related note: it weirds me out (just me?) when writers emphasise a character's good looks and then immediately talk about how pale they are, as if those two things are synonymous (eg. it's not even the quality of the skin they praise, just the paleness.) It stands out as most egregious with characters like this, when they're not even pale anyway, and are in fact darker than the narrating character (the idea of porcelain-skinned Steve of all people calling Bucky pale!)
And also, the way this alleged pale skin is described as having the cool pinkish undertone of a very fair person, like you'd expect to find in someone of Northern European heritage (ie. like Cevans). Which is nothing like SebStan's warm olive colouring!
(I'm like: why not just ship Steve with someone who actually looks like that then, if that's what you find attractive? SebStan does not have the same colouring as Kat Denning!)
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patriciavetinari · 1 year
It's Mushroom time!
This is a very basic recipe for mushrooms, onions cooked with sour cream or craîme fraiche, it can be eaten on its own or paired with potatoes, pasta, toast, other vegetables, or to make it even more Eastern European, buckwheat. If you don't like your food to have a lot of mushrooms or a LOT of onion - this post is not going to go well for you, also you're wrong.
Let's go over the ingredience. I will be using metric because fight me that's why. Cups don't make any bloody sense.
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Here I have:
- 300 grams of mushrooms. As far as I know, any edible mushroom will work for this, although I haven't tried it with shiitake or portobello. Also, frozen mushrooms absolutely work as well, saving you spoons in cooking process.
- 1 medium-large onion. Where I am you can also get onion pre-chopped and frozen, saving yet another spoon. If you get frozen mushrooms, frozen onion, and sour creme or craime fraiche, this recipe will take barely any time.
- 1 chonky leek. THIS IS OPTIONAL. In fact, my father would have said this is unorthodox and messes up the proportions. The thing is, I love leek and I don't care if my dish has more texture and flavor profile. If you want to try more traditional version, skip the leek. If you want to use leek, you might also want to double the amount of mushrooms, but that will require a larger pan which I don't have. Or you can keep the amount of mushrooms and use half an onion and half a leek respectively. Do what you want with your life.
- 200 grams of sour cream or craime fraiche. Now, I know those things are different, but especially for this recipe they both work well and I'm aware of limited availability of sour cream in areas where people don't eat as many pierogi or pelmeni. Keep an eye on the fat content, craime fraiche usually has a higher one unless you're using a Light option. Any fat content in the 20-40% range is fine, it will affect how liquid will the dish become on addition of this. If you're pairing it with pasta you might want it a BIT more liquid. I personally have 40% fat content craime fraiche here because I like to live deliciously. I have not tried it with any vegan alternative, but any vegan product meant to substitute craime fraiche which also doesn't split on heating should work.
- Butter or oil to heat up in the pan. Both are fine, I have 20 grams of butter here.
- NOT PICTURED because I forgor: salt, pepper, garlic (I used 3 cloves).
- Tools you will need: 1 pan, deep and wide, chopping board, knife, spoon for the sour cream, spatula or wooden sooon for mixing everything in the pan. Stovetop or burner.
Step 1: clean and chop everything choppable (mushrooms and onion and leek if using).
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The size of the bits doesn't matter much, you will be simmering mushrooms the longest, so even large bits will get cooked through. The bigger you leave the pieces, the more mushroom flavor you will get per bite. I personally like to freestyle and end up with some bits bigger and others smaller and that's fine. Onions you might want on the smaller side.
STEP 2: Heat the butter or oil in the pan, add garlic at this step to fill your house with great smell.
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The heat should be on high or medium-high, depending on your stove and pan. Once the butter/oil is heated and starts making sounds, you're ready to go.
STEP 3: mushrooms go in first. Onions are more sensitive and at more risk to be burned, and mushrooms need to be cooked down in volume, so they go in first.
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Keep the heat on high, give the mushrooms a little exercise, move them around. Let them start getting nice and tanned and reduce in volume.
STEP 4. Onion (and leek) goes in. Make mushroom circle in your pan as if you were sacrificing your onions to the fae. In they go.
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NB! My proportions will look fucked up because I'm using both a leek and an onion. If you're using only 1 onion per 300 grams of mushrooms, the mushrooms should prevail still.
Move around the onions inside the well to get them to golden, this will happen quickly, so the mushrooms shouldn't get time to burn, add a bit more oil if needed. Once onion has become slightly golden, mix everything together and drop the heat to medium before getting the sour cream.
STEP 5. Sour cream joins the party.
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Just plop entirety of her in. Mix everything together. This is the moment where sour cream fat content will come to play: the less fat content, the more liquid the dish will be at this stage. If you want to pair it with pasta or buckwheat, you might want it a bit more liquid, so add those (cooked!!) now if using. I'm not, so I am going to simmer it a little bit on medium heat while I add salt and pepper to taste. I personally prefer less salt, more pepper (ground, black).
It might not look like anything fancy, but if you like mushrooms, it's the best excuse to consume 300 grams of them.
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You're basically done.
STEP 6. Stop yourself from eating the entire thing directly from the the pan and serve. I'm piling about half of that over some steamed potatoes.
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I have no clue how it freezes or how long it keeps. This pan was gone same day. I would eat that concoction literally until I'm sick. It took all of my willpower to divide tha panful between lunch and dinner.
You can eat this straight up, honestly, there are no rules, but here are some other good pairings:
- Toast. Just put it on wholewheat or sourdough toast. Or even put it on a rice cake.
- Pasta. I recommend wholewheat fussili.
- Boiled, steamed, roast or fried potatoes. Classic.
- Buckwheat, boiled. Classic, if you know where to get some toasted buckwheat (a quest here where I am).
Also, as you can see, the basic recipe is very, well, basic. Experiment with spices, herbs (I recomment rosemary, add it at butter melting step), add heat. You can add ham if you want extra protein. The only thing guaranteed to make this recipe better is if the mushrooms were lovingly foraged by yourself or a loved one.
If you make this, let me know how it is please!
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unblinkingvoid · 1 year
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6:41 am ♡
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hyallulonelyhime · 1 month
hyahime presents: J-Fash ghosts of the past - DOLLY-KEI.
not at all connected to the 'living doll' stereotype, "dolly" is merely the popular name of a style related to cult party kei and mori kei.
The pioneer for this fashion scene was the store Grimoire, which featured clothes and accessories antique dolls would only dream of wearing. Vintage, haunting and more mature than you'd expect, dolly-kei was heavily inspired by eastern european aesthetics.
The style was most popular around 2010.
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Come with me and explore the tombs of this no longer active style.
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What caused it to fall off?
perhaps the same reason for its initial popularity: dolly gained attention for having a little bit in common with a lot of other jfash styles. Many lolitas were interested, and some goths realized they liked certain elements too. With the lack of guidelines and specific rules, the freedom that made it possible for so many subcultures to enjoy dolly also made it lack defining features. It became harder to say what was dolly instead of mori, goth or lolita.
F Yeah Lolita wrote, in 2010:
"As the style is much less defined as Lolita is, as well as being very new, it's difficult to pinpoint what exactly makes something Dolly Style. It's a little bit Lolita, a little bit Mori, and a little bit Gothic. The skirt length ranges from full length to very hip mini skirts."
From the style's livejournal community, we see the same concern in december:
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When seeing discussions of grimoire and dolly, I saw the tights being mentioned a lot.
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But the hats, tessels and furs stood out to me more.
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In 2015, Grimoire's 7th birthday party showed little signs of these traits spotted earlier, which had helped make dolly 'unique'.
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Most of the fashion was gothic, girly.. but not specifically dolly. Or maybe it was.
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I tried going to the grimoire webpage but it's down and this post is getting long: i'll tell you where this ends.
Grimoire is now focused in a more mature audience and it has been reported that their clothes are more 'normie' and mainstream-like.
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A man will die, but not his ideas: in harajuku, many designers and fashionistas have been spotted in mori-like clothes with tassels and tights and cream coords that look like an old doll's.
The last mention of dolly in tokyofashion.com is 2019.
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emiko-matsui · 9 months
here's my scheme for getting you into trinyvale right. imagine tarzan but with an eating disorder and a gay brother. and then imagine loki but with zero charisma and no powers whatsoever. and then imagine katniss everdeen but an eastern european pastel goth influencer. now cram these three people into a one bedroom apartment with a robot and an alcoholic for good measure
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vahvah · 6 months
Bros, the ideas that circulate in canon and fanon around eastslavic siblings really seem strange to me.
It is strange to expect a japanese man to be well versed in the intricacies of eastern european history of the early and high Middle Ages, but to expect this from an english-speaking fandom (mostly northamerican, let's face it) is also, it seems to me, pointless.
Let me explain. "Kievan Rus" is an artificial construct adopted from russian imperial/soviet historians. Moreover, it’s not just a matter of the name, as, you know, the late Rhomean Republic is called the “Byzantine Empire”, it’s just that there was LITERALLY no such state as “Kievan Rus”. In the space approximately from the Baltic and White to the Black Seas, there were numerous proto-urban and urban settlements of slavic, finno-ugric and baltic (as well as other) tribes, which entered into alliances with each other, sometimes quite strong, but still remained isolated. Of course, it would be disingenuous to say that since the beginning of time the urban educated population did not develop some kind of common identity… for some time.
But if we talk about actually existing cultural regions, determined by geography and economics, then, in fact, it is worth highlighting Northern (Novgorod) Rus' and Southern (Kievan Rus' itself), in a very simplified scheme. One of them was tied to the countries around the Baltic Sea, like the scandinavians, the baltic tribes and northgerman cities, as well as the slavs of modern East Germany. The other constantly encountered nomads, “Byzantine Empire" and, to a lesser extent, the western and southern Slavs (and magyars!). They were never able to truly become a unified state.
Of course, this is a simplification, because in addition to the Rurikids in the North, who subjugated the South and over time moved there (while the south over time began to separate itself, in particular, into the Novgorod Republic), there was a separate center in Polotsk and some others, but it approximately reflects the essence and, if I were asked about personifications, then I would make two separate MAIN personifications for Rus', Novgorod in the North (male) and Kiev in the South (female), which would be the parents of the future Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
But if you asked me in even more detail, then Belarus should stand a little aside. You know, in fact, historically it is more archaic and “stagnant” than Ukraine in the south and Russia in the northeast. Did you know that lithuanians called belarusians an ethnonym derived from the name goths lol? Plus, genetically and partly culturally, belarusians, like some poles, are closer to the baltic peoples, and not to the rest of the slavs. Taking into account the independent center of statehood in Polotsk, independent of the Rurikids, I would say that Belarus DEFINITELY must be older than Russia (which in the strict sense could only have been born as the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality/North-Eastern Rus' with more ancient names, let’s not clutter the text ) and POSSIBLY older than Ukraine. Perhaps she is an adopted child.
Of course, in reality we have many problems in studying the region for objective reasons, such as a lack of written sources, but… I still love Eastern Europe, these are my roots, after all. And it's really interesting.
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mirrorsims · 1 year
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Sooo.. I may have a tiny bit of an obsession w the 60s, 70s & 80s, and therefore I've accumulated a lot of CAS custom content both made for and capable of working in that time-frame! Here is a (very non-finalized) master list of said CC. I will most likely edit this, or post a part two. (I am also 100% open to WCIFs regarding these decades, vague and specific!) Full list below the cut, but creators shown in the preview are @ridgeport @simduction @ice-creamforbreakfast @feralpoodles @hezzasims @simstrouble @joliebean @zombietrait @its-adrienpastel @deathpoke1qa, @leeleesims1
(an * denotes a TSR link)
@enriques4 & @serenity-cc's Back to the 60s set is a must have for bright 60s basics to mix and match
@sentate & @trillyke's 1990s-themed 2020 Collab has pieces that are perfect for mod fashions
From babydoll to boho, Sentate's April 2021 Collection has it all for late 1960s & early 1970s looks alike
For some gorgeous turn of the decade looks, be sure to nab @ice-creamforbreakfast's Date Night Collection
Clothing & Footwear
Create more early 1960s looks with @gilded-ghosts Earth Angel dress!
I love @ridgeport's Birdie skirt as a mod mini! It comes in tons of colors & excellent patterns
amythesailor's Twiggy dress is full of fun patterns and colorways!
If you need something bright, @deathpoke1qa's 60's dress and matching go-go boots are the way to go
@simduction's blog is full of big fun retro hairstyles, but their Nancy, Peggy, & Beecky hairs are some of my favorites of the bunch.
@daylifesims also has a ton of fun picks, Shades of Cool, Hammer Horror, Heavy Bangs, & their Daphne and Fred Hairs are best suited for 60s style
@joshseoh's Blaire hair is cute and curly for a peppy 60s chick!
@feralpoodles' Monique & Monica Hairs are sleek and modish, they're perfect on their own or with some accessory bangs
Lets talk beehives. @ravensim's Terri Hair is loose and wavy, ridgeport's Fleur Hair is stacked and layered. @candysims4 has two beautiful beehives, Follow Me & the long and sleek Bee Hair.
@glimersims' Sugar Hair is an adorable flippy half-updo
A more 50's style like @birksche's Higher Twist Hair is perfect for your older sims
And @okruee's Bordeaux Hair is a wonderfully messy bun
Lets start the decade off strong with Gilded-Ghosts & @surely-sims' Perfect Party Set, which includes some gorgeous Build/Buy items as well (and BB could and should be a masterlist of its own..)
@joliebean & @clumsyalienn's Slavic Allure set lends itself perfectly to hippie and prairie style looks in a gorgeous Eastern-European inspired package.
On the topic of hippie, clumsyalienn's Heatwave Pack is perfect for all your free-spirited Sims
And so is serentiy-cc's Bohemian Child collection- that fur coat is a must have
Now for something bold and fun, straight out of Sears, ice-creamforbreakfast's 70s-inspired November 2022 set
Clothing & Footwear
@glumbut has never let me down with their Sonny and Dahlia jeans, and their Aroa top is recent favorite of mine
I love using ridgeport's Phia Suit for some good late-70s professional girl vibes
I've got some more feralpoodles hair for you, her Diana Hair is perfect for all your flower children & the layered and windswept Lara & Farrah hairs are straight out of the late 70s
And of course more ice-creamforbreakfast, another Fawcett-inspired look with their Farrah Flip, and their Milla Afro is a must have, whether you make vintage sims or not.
@simstrouble's Mirela hair also lends itself to a more subdued 70s style
And if you're looking for a long shag, @kamiiri's got you covered with their Phoebe Hair
Joliebean's 5th Avenue Conversion is great for both 80s business & 80s-does-40s looks.
@zombietrait's 80s Goth Pack is perfect for, well, trad goth looks. It's a must.
@dogsill's Upside Down Pack is full of great basics and rockin hair.
A multiparter, @aniraklova's Wild and Stylish 80s sets are over-the-top in the best way possible. Make sure to check out all 3 parts!
Clothing & Footwear
Now, it wouldn't be the 80s without some Wall Street goodness, and @quiddity-jones' Double-Breasted Suit is perfectly patterned for all of your business needs.
Part 2 of @jius-sims' Retro Collection is sweet and classic, perfect for the 80s housewife, or your girl-next-door.
@cooper322's Blondie Jacket is just so splendidly rocker-chic.
More from joliebean, their Ultraviolet & Daytona dresses are wonderful for all sorts of patterned & neon looks
joliebean's Beatrix Hair is a fun cropped style, it works for all sorts of fem looks, but I especially love it combined with a classic powersuit
@goamazons' Gloria Hair* is equally classy, and even bigger
Now, it wouldn't be the 80s without curly (often permed) looks, so here's some, ranging in volume. Goamazons' Floris Hair*, simstrouble's Beatrice Hair, & @softerhaze's Rhiannon Hair are all long styles with cute curly bangs. simstrouble's Eddie Hair is similar, works for both frames, and rocks a shaggier mullet-style.
@candysims4-ccfinds' Bonnie Hair is a shorter curled look with plenty of volume
Kamiiri's got two hairstyles I *love* for this decade, the Simone Hair is a full, long, curly style, and the Celine Hair is shoulder length with beachy curls and just the right amount of volume.
As hilarious as it is, ice-creamforbreakfasts' half of the My Wedding Trauma Set has some awesome pieces. The Kelly-Marie Hair works great for 80s looks, and the dresses involved are right out of the class of 1987's prom. It even has an Elvis-inspired jumpsuit. (Check out surley-sims' half for the matching sunglasses)
Clothing & Footwear
@melonsloth's Jolene Outfit is a wonderfully classic outwear piece
@casteru's Bodycon Wrap Dress is just that! It's simple and works great on 70s-80s ladies.
Jius-sims' Retro Collection has some great footwear as well, they're simple and classic enough for all sorts of decades looks
@hezzasims released some beautiful 50s-inspired pieces, though I think they work great in any decade!
daylifesims' Long Rose Petals hair is simple enough for any decade, though I particularly love it in the late 1970s & early 80s.
The same goes for simstrouble's Rhoda hair, it reminds me so much of my mom's when she was a teen in the 70s & 80s.
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
Top 5 worst Richard outfits? 😈😈😈
You know, I love this man with all my heart but it's kind of sad that after I read your ask, I had instantly 3 outfits in my mind, over the span of maybe 5 seconds. So this says a lot of his fashion sense off stage
No particular order, because let's face it, these are all hideous and acid attacks on our retinas (Richard I love you :*)
We start tamely in this gig tonight with an outfit some might disagree on, but I just... can't bring myself to like his cyborg/outer space/serving cunt-outfit, it looks uncomfortable for his boobies and just...looks like a medical corsett:
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Now we get saucy: His outfit at the premiere of "Rammstein in America". The outfit itself is giving cute hot topic goth, but as an ensemble with his haircut it's just unfortunate:
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His 'pattern from old 70s eastern european curtain-shirt-phase', and then on top of everything the whole thing is apparently made out of satin???:
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Of course, this fucking abomination (I call this his 'reassuring good luck-travel-outfit', just to have an explanation for it):
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Not so much the outfit (totally normal, good looking stage outfit, eventhough I'm not the biggest fan of those sleeve things), but that hair was truly a hate crime:
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And the hair cut in combination with this fucking Where's Waldo shirt is just awful, like my dude, we know now where Waldo is, but where's your fashion sense? The troops are still out searching
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go0dgirlbunnie · 5 months
゚+*:ꔫ:*< call me bunnie / 23 / welcome to my sideblog world where i post cute pics n nympho thoughts!!⊂((・x・))⊃ this is my silly stoner girl diary where i daydream n fantasize n document some of my cuter experiences
゚+*:ꔫ:*< i like getting told im a good girl, being a brat, ropes, spit, men who get on their knees for me, wagging my tail, the color pink, and reblogging whatever catches my eye hehe
゚+*:ꔫ:*< switchy, bratty, bisexual <3 !!!!! my main interests include: praise, degradation, size difference, free use, cnc, somno, orgasm denial, biting, pet play, shibari, intox, breeding…. lots more :D
゚+*:ꔫ:*< i <3 asks !!!! don’t expect a response via DM as i am emotionally and physically unavailable . unless you are a hot bulky eastern europeAn man or a goth girl. in which case… pls… my dms are wide open……
💕❤️🕯️ you can tip me here if you do want a reply, to buy cute pics, or if ur just feeling thankful for my presence on the world wide web u could tip me a coffee / a dollar or two, it’s always appreciated greatly, irl i work many many hours for little pay ;-; and need to buy sweet treats and coffee every single day in order to survive 🕯️❤️💕
🪞my original content lives under the #me tag 🪞
⊂((・x・))⊃ every time u like one of my posts, it’s like i’m kissing ur mouth. everytime u reblog, it’s like i’m spitting in it ☁️
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nugothrhythms · 3 months
"Hestia" by Polish coldwave act KĀVE off of their 2021 album Jaskinie
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
This movie is very American in terms of perception of death.
In Belarus, hanging out on cemeteries, talking to graves, and looking for them is considered to be normal. In Ukraine and Lithuania, too. (Lithuanins really like gothic style, btw.) Because every single one of us knows how it feels to lose your loved ones because of some "friendly neighbours with missiles" or other stuff. We are constantly dragged into wars and genocides after all. Taking care of graves and dead people makes us value life and living people more. It doesn't let us forget that life is the greatest treasure of all. Everything in life can be corrected except death.
Killing people or people being murdered doesn't make us excited. Even killing people who came to kill and rape us. It makes us terrified, then - exhausted. It makes us snap at random times, random places, and losing control over our emotions and behaviour. It leaves us with insomnia for years and health issues. It makes your heart hardened, you are not able to feel other people like you used to anymore. Nothing fun.
Therefore, seeing the movie encouraging mc perceiving death as something desirable is... very weird to me. I can totally see why anyone who has children will dislike this movie or will even pressure their goth kids more in the future. Goth is not about killing people for fun and then killing yourself for killing people and Love. Goth is about understanding and respecting death. I don't see any respect for death in this movie, that's a total disrespect and complete misunderstanding - and I'm not talking about the resurrection of Creature.
I also think about how Lisa is just like her father: she closes herself completely from anyone, she doesn't talk much, she's very passive. We don't know what her father had to go through after his wife's murder. We don’t know why he decided to marry that obsessed-with-ceramics woman. We just have two clearly traumatized people and Taffy, who's doing her best at making them a better family. Maybe whatever happened to her in the end may look poetic, but to me, it just looks deeply unfair - and it makes me remember the faces of those Ukrainians who lost their family members due to shelling but were "lucky" to stay alive.
Creature/Lisa is ummm... giving very much Edward Callen/Bella vibes. A grown-ass man who has no desire to prevent their loved one from making rash, terrible decisions (Edward, however, didn't have that much unexplainable blood lust, ba-dum-tss) and a traumatized teen girl who believes she found the love of her life. I can understand this desire to be protected by someone who is more mature, who understands you, who listens to everything you say - especially when you lost your mom and there is no one who could protect you - but in real life, such people are very often turn out to be red flags.
I love the picture, I love the motion, the dynamic, the costumes, the soundtrack, the actors' play, the writing and the plot. I just don't love whatever we don't see behind the scenes, I don't love the implications. It doesn't correlate with my life position as a pagan, a goth (in soul), and an Eastern European.
Once again, if your love requires killing people for fun and putting entire families into mourning, if your love is about not preventing your loved ones from objectively horrible decisions which can ruin their lives, if your love is about letting your loved one kill themself - then your love sucks.
Also, Laffy Taffy deserves the best.
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thenightling · 3 months
Wednesday is NOT a rip-off of Harry Potter
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This is something that I thought should be obvious. In fact I could swear I wrote a post like this over a year ago but apparently (if I had made such a post) it is lost now. So here's the new one. Lately I've seen a fresh spike in people insisting that the Netflix series Wednesday is a "rip off" of Harry Potter. "It the aesthetic is Harry Potter!" Really? How? Do you think Harry Potter was the first and only school to be a haunted castle? I guess you don't remember Gravedale High (animated series from 1990). Much like the modern Monster High, Gavedale high was a show about a school of monsters.
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Before Gravedale High there was the animated TV movie Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School (1988) where Shaggy got a job as a PE teacher at a boarding school for the daughters of the classic movie monsters. This, very likely, inspired Monster High.
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And before that there was the book series The Worst Witch and the first TV movie inspired by the books, which featured a song number from Tim Curry. This was about a little girl attending Witch School.
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If we go back even further the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker has Van Helsing suggest that Dracula attended Scholomance (translates to "School of Magic") which has its roots in Eastern European folklore and helped inspire Yennefer's backstory in The Witcher. All of these pre-date Harry Potter. "But the students are divided into groups just like in Harry Potter." Yeah. So? "Houses" are a tradition in boarding schools in the UK and parts of the US. Also Nevermore Academy in Wednesday is mostly populated by supernatural entities that divide up in cliques based on what species the student is. You're going to tell me your school didn't have cliques? Jocks, nerds, Goths, rich kids, bad boys, etc. I'm not sure how a boarding school setting can even be done without dividing up into factions. You'd have to make a conscious effort to avoid it and it would come off as very awkward and unnatural. Harry Potter isn't as original as you seem to think it is. "But the uniforms have stripes." Okay, I'll let you have that one but the stripes and color patterns are different. The plotline of season 1 of Wednesday is closer to the live action Monster High musical movie (but with a more serious tone) than anything else. In the first Monster High live action movie the main villain turns out to be a teacher who is also a Hyde monster. In Wednesday the main villain is a teacher who is manipulating a Hyde Monster.
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And both deal with classic monsters in a boarding school setting and allegories of prejudice.
And then you get the annoying argument from fake Addams Family fans of "But Wednesday didn't have any powers in the original." Oh, on the contrary. The new show says she inherited psychic abilities from Morticia. Morticia telling fortunes, sensing things, and even using a crystal ball comes up in the 1960s Addams Family TV series. Grandmama uses a crystal ball in the 90s Addams Family animated series. The 1970s Addams Family Halloween special has it that the spirit of Halloween / Anthropomorphic personification of Halloween "Uncle Shy" (implied to be the Great Pumpkin or you can retroactively say he was Jack Skellington or Sam from Trick 'r Treat). When your Uncle is literally the spirit of Halloween your family can have whatever you want in it. Wednesday even uses telepathy at one point in the 2019 Addams family animated movie franchise. And there's a conga line of Addams Family member ghosts in The Addams Family Broadway musical. They have a pet sentient hand. And no. It's not just that "Their Goth game is that good." Finally, I don't think there's a student at Nevermore Academy who is younger than sixteen. Hogwarts starts at age eleven. Twenty-one-year-old Jenna Ortega (Wednesday) doesn't look much like eleven-year-old to seventeen-year-old Daniel Radcliffe to me.
Stop giving J. K. Rowling so much credit.
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unblinkingvoid · 2 years
i be showing off my fake lil septum piercing like it's a veteran badge of honor for traversing the trenches of my conservative town
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mastucore · 7 days
tumblr keeps nerfing my long silly bio so I caved and made a sexy pinned post here it is:
You can call me CHEM and I’m a HUGE and major fan of: One piece, ace attorney, dungeon meshi, hunterxhunter, southpark, mob psycho, jojo, golden kamuy, frieren, homestuck, tolkien, metalocalypse, soul eater, manga, adventure time, my little pony friendship is magic, hatsune miku, luigi, sonic, garfield, the melvins, black sabbath, death grips, alice in chains, stevie ray vaughan, baseball players, mushrooms, espresso shot, fruit, the 90’s, aphex twin, cock, boobs, tummies, bellies, my husband, the desert, skyrim, minecraft, cows, animals with brown fur, cream top whole milk, micheladas, Indian curry, creeping vines, minecraft, goths, furries, propaganda, miso ramen, eastern europeans, jamaican bbq, west coast rap, evaporative cooling, crocs, cringe, wet rocks, satire, big t shirt, and many more. LUVR not a hater until I say otherwise.
Most likely to post about things that make me feel WILD like weird power dynamics in relationships and trans ponies and furries and ONE PIECE.
zionists die, terfs die, kinksters get in the chat IMMEDIATELY
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irithnova · 11 months
Evidence that me calling the Golden Horde emo is historically accurate™.
So. Eastern Europeans had Christian iconography.
And the Mongols knew that this was supposed to be something spiritual and assumed that it could be used in spiritual warfare.
But they didn't really know exactly what it really meant or what it was used for when Russians/Eastern Europeans would make art of these things.
Pieces of fabrics that had Christian iconography found in Mongol burials were originally seized from Christian subjects, and they were repurposed as clothing
So a hat from a Mongol burial site was found with Christian iconography on it, however.
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The image itself was flipped upside down
This demonstrates that the Mongols may have recognised these as spiritual symbols and so a Mongol warrior wearing one of their symbols inverted suggests that they may have thought that this neutralised that threat
So... An inverted Christian symbol being worn as a piece of clothing? It's giving...
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(I know this is Saint Peters cross but it's also referred to as the inverted cross).
Golden Horde proto-goth confirmed?? (By goth I mean. The ones who listen to the cure and wear black not ostrogoths or visigoths in the case me saying "proto-goth" causes any confusion haha)
This also could have been a fashion statement on the golden hordes end but. Who else wears Christian symbols as a fashion statement? (g..goths)
There were more fabrics found in Mongol burial sites with Christian art that was repurposed as clothing, so this may have been a somewhat common thing for the Mongols to do with they'd seize Christian fabrics.
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