periodically80s · 4 months
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Robert Rauschenberg, Open Score notes (1966), 1966 [performed at 9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering, 69th Regiment Armory, New York, NY, October 1966] [Robert Rauschenberg papers, Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Archives, New York, NY. © Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, New York, NY]
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sebcalaguas · 9 months
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manquesit0 · 18 days
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The guys seated at the back of the classroom:
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アトリエオルロージュ Addendum
Atelier Horloge bonus content
-PV Text-
世界が変われば 神も変わる
If the world changes, then gods must too
唄の総数は 十二じゃない
There's more than just twelve songs in total
この工房も あの映画館と同じなのさ
This workshop is just like that theater
私たちはもう 何者でもなくなった
We aren't anyone, anymore
[note: This section is difficult to read and there are some kanji I may have possibly made a mistake with]
The Pot of Basuzu: Cures any manner of illness. Most suitable for giving your pet a bath, as well.
The Marvelous Gift Bell: Keeps you awake, and plays a tune that lets you fight for 72 hours.
Yukinazuna Thread: Spins the fate you wish for.
ハーメルのフルート:(SOLD OUT)
The Hamel Flute: (SOLD OUT)
The Gear of Deus: Will conveniently resolve all manner of problems.
Tuning Fork of Corruption: Attracts the hearts of the same sex. Has no effect on the opposite sex.
Gold-Plated Key: Opens up all locks, and makes them unable to be locked ever again.
使者の合わせ鏡:(SOLD OUT)
Infinity Mirrors of the Messengers: (SOLD OUT)
鋼鉄の心臓:(SOLD OUT)
The Steel Heart: (SOLD OUT)
私は天使でも 悪魔でもない
I'm not an angel or a demon
結末を決めるのは 本人たちだ
You yourselves are the ones who will decide the outcome
いずれにせよ そこに唄は生まれる
In any case, a song will be born there
それに伴奏を 合わせるだけだ
And I am just providing music to accompany it
The Recollective Musicbox: (Not for sale)
The Thirteenth Music Box: (Incomplete)
Quiche Horloge: Owner/Craftsman
Elle Horloge: Wife/Assistant
Fromage de Tête: Salesperson/Song
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bichambered-reservoir · 4 months
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much better GHEEHEE
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i realized that it's.... vaguely similar to this old picture of comet??? Ah.... back when this used to recognizably be a f,na,f au....
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angelsartcorner · 3 months
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mvvocaloidgifs · 2 months
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【mothy】双兎が来りて笛を吹く / 鏡音リン・レン【official】
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foodonfifth · 11 months
Harriet's Dragon's Tail Radishes Summer Salad with Ginger-Miso Dressing - E.A.T #41
My friend and neighbor Harriet is a very generous gardener. As well as fresh kale and cucumbers, she recently shared some of her very interesting radishes. Not the round or oval red, pink and white variety, but a bag full of Dragon’s Tail Radishes. I am totally enchanted by their unusual beauty…colors from almost black, to a dark purple and a hint of lime green and their very peppery flavor with…
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melodrangea · 7 months
Hi! Hello! Hope you are well!
Could I request the main gang with steins kid who is a weapon? But they have no meister and basically can fight by themselves or match their soul with their friends to fight with? If that’s ok! If not , then just the gang with steins kid lol
The gang: Soul, Maka, Black⭐️ Tsubaki, Patty, Kid, Lizz, crona and we can’t forget Ragnarok! I just got back into that fandom so I’m insanely rusty on everything 😭
Hi! I'm doing great, how are you?
I am totally loving the chaos of Stein's kid at the DWMA
andddd they're a weapon?
The Soul Eater Gang Meets Stein's Kid that's a Weapon
-if I'm being honest, you were probably at the DWMA for a while before anyone figured out you were Stein's kid
-not because you both are ashamed or anything, you just are both private people like that and you see no fuss in making sure everyone knows your dad is a professor
-but for story's sake lets say it's your first day at the DWMA and students just happen to notice that you and Stein have the same last name and look similar
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Soul 'Eater' Evans
-would be cautious around you at first learning you're Stein's kid
-like thinking about how sadistic and crazy your dad is (to him at least)
-let's just say if Soul sees you with a sharp object he runs (it could be a toothpick and he'd run away screaming lets be honest 💀)
-does NOT want to turn out like Spirit he's got enough scars already
-once he realizes you're fairly different from your dad (in that you aren't crazy asf) he's fine
-will ask you at least once a day how you live with your dad
"like how does he even cook? does he dissect the vegetables too?"
-won't openly admit he wants to fight you but he is definately curious
-so when he asks for him and Maka to fight you and you meister, and then you tell him you don't have one
-he is immediately shocked, jealous and crying on the inside
-it's not fair, how can you fight on your own and he can't?
-stays away from you for a little while because he is jealous and intimidated
-but once he learned it was because no one ever wanted to wield you because of your dad so you just fought on your own, he became a lot more empathetic
-you guys are close, both wanted to better yourselves so you spar with each other all the time
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Maka Albarn
-will also be slightly uneasy, but the feeling is washed away withing five minutes of meeting you
-especially if you're in the E.A.T class with her
-if you transfer half way through the school year she will offer to help catch you up and introduce you to other students
-if you like books (specificaly historical romances) FORGET IT
-hope you're ready for marriage
-asks forces you to join book club with her, Tsubaki and Jackie
-she probably won't go out of her way to try and wield you in your weapon form, but of you ask or offer she will be open to it (not for too long though because Soul gets mopey)
-if not she will help you find a meister and compile a list of the most eligible meisters in the school without weapons
-then she realizes you fight on your own (get it baddie) and she's interested all over again
-immediately analyzing your fighting style and figuring out how your are self autonomous
-tries to keep you away from Soul for previous reasons as long as she can
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Black Star
-everyone tries to hide it but somehow he finds out that Stein's kid is transfering to the DWMA
-same scenario as Kid, he's just waiting for you to show up and fight you 🤺
-probably figures it will be an easy win with just him because you don't have a meister yet
-oh how wrong he is
-Black Star is shell shocked when you attack frist WITHOUT A MEISTER
-he is completely thrown off and you end up winning fairly easily (he ofc says he lets you win)
-warns the others to begrudgingly to not mess with you
-Stein is just taking attendance when you walk in after Black Star (Black star is covered in light wounds while you're practically spotless)
Stein: "Alright is everyone here?- Ah I see one of your classmates has already found y/n, and it seems that they made quite the introduction for themselves. This is why we don't mess with my bloodline class "
Class; "WHAT"
-safe to say it was definitely one way to be introduced to your new class
-Black Star is fairly chill with you, in his own obnoxious way ofc
-will still try and fight you periodically
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Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
-has the most seemingly normal reaction to your arrival
-greets you like she would any other person, asking about your experience with fighting, why you joined the DWMA
-when you tell her you join becuase your dad was a professor she was a little shocked to find out it was Stein
-you just seemed so much different than him
-but you explain how he trained you all your life, which is how she finds out that you're a self autonomous weapon
-isn't jealous in the slightest (I mean she has several weapons forms so why should she)
-is slightly concerned for you as a person, you only really knew your dad and without a meister partner she figured you'd be awfully lonely
-so she tries her best to include you on a lot of things, inviting you to hangouts, to train with her, she's even had you over for dinner a few time
-(she let you have her special cookies even bfore black star)
-and since you're such good friends with Tsubaki you do get a lot of Blackstar, but with Tsubaki it's mamagable (even though you do ask her all the time why she chose him as her meister)
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Death the Kid
-interest is also peaked upon finding out Stein's kid would be joining the DWMA
-he wouldn't try and fight you like some others, he'd rather observe you from a (safer) distance
-is definitely worried about you being related to Stein like Soul was
-he ended up getting to know you at Maka's book club (he's an honorary member because he only reads obscure asf 1800's english novels)
-finds out that you're extremely normal calm compared to your dad and is a lot friendlier to you from then on out
-most talking about school, training and book club
-he figures out for himself that you're a self autonomous weapon when you've been at the DWMA for a week and hadn't requested a temporary meister partner yet
-at least that's what he tells himself, he really only found out when he fought you for a training lesson and you fought by yourself
-i'm sorry for the Kid fans but he would REFUSE to wield you since there's only one of you :(
-you guys aren't besties but respect each other and get along really well in group activities
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Liz Thompson
-scared ASF of you
-does not like Stein (he reminds her too much or a creepy ghost) 👻
-so when she learns that you are his daughter she isn't running, she's sprinting
-just imagine you walked over to the group, Soul slowly makes his way off while Liz jumps and hits herself in the head trying to escape 😭😭😭
-and when she learns that you’re self autonomous- you never see her again
-im just kidding, she would definatly be intimidated by you, and would watch you from a distance for a while
-but once she learns of your personality she'd definately a lot mroe comfortable around you
-invited you to sleepovers at the mansion and her painting your nails while you gossip 💅🏼
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Patty Thompson
-Patty on the other hand
-oh you're the one that's scared of Patty
-she's just so hyper and energetic, it's just the opposite of you and you're dad and it makes you uneasy
-the air left your lungs when she destroyed the paper giraffe she made during the meister/weapon exam
-it took you a while but you did get used to Patty (to some extent)
-she herself was very excited to meet you
-one of the the first things she called you was "the crazy guy's kid"
definitely got off on the right foot Patty 🙄
-she thought it was really cool that you were self autonomous as a weapon and would NOT leave you alone until you told her how
-you didn't know what to tell her other than years of training
-she got uninterested after you said years lol
-overal you two get a long fairly wel, though you have to admit you mesh better with Liz
-Patty is definitely more tolerable than Black Star so that's something
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Crona Gorgon
-also uneasy upon hearing that you're the kid of Professor Stein
-Crona already doesn't know how to deal with one of him and now to Crona it appeared there were two now
-AND you don't even need a meister to right?
-safe to say Crona is the teensiest bit scared
-Ragnarok thinks you're arrogant for existing on the other hand
-him always wanting to fight or attack you and poor Crona just trying to get away
-Crona also gets more more comfortable with you via book club (it's honestly just therapy with really good cookies at this point)
-you and Crona would bond over you and him having odd parents (though Stein wasn't an abusive bitch)
-you'd both understand being looked at differently for your parents
-after a small while Crona would actually shoe you some of his poetry!
-you both would write side by side in silence (Tsubaki would 100% bake you both cookies to snack on)
-and when Ragnarok would come out and both you both you could just threaten him with your weapon(s)
-in summary you probably get along best with Liz, Tsubaki and Crona best as Stein's child
-it's extremely rare that you host hangouts for obvious reasons but your'e always invited to other group activities and train with the others when you want!
-the group even starts to look at Professor Stein differently as they watch the interactions between you and your father!
and that's all my dears!
I hope you enjoyed!
and thank you all so much for the support, I'm working to answer requests as quick as i can!
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akq96618 · 5 months
[ King ohger soul eater au ]
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here it is! the rough idea doodles for other kings! It's just started with giramie (you can find them here ), but i think it will be fun if i added the others too
+ some more trivia below
(warning: big spoiler for soul eater manga, and me nerding over soul eater)
for those who aren't familiar with soul eater, the series revolve around the story of meister and demon weapon (human who can transform into weapons). The students of of Shibusen, school build by 'shinigami' take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats.
The school parted into 2 types of class, N.O.T (Normally Overcome Target, class for those who just want to control their powers, pretty much just like a normal class) and E.A.T (Especially Advantaged Talent, consist of the 10% students in shibusen, class for students/agents who use their powers to battle evil)
-this au sets years after soul eater manga ending, where human and witch can already living side by side
-Morfonia used to be in NOT class, but then she moved to EAT class after reunited in shibusen and being partners with rita (they're childhood friends)
-Suzume supposed to be gira's weapon partner, since the Hastie and Dybowski family been on some kind of..bound? relationship? for a long time. But racles don't want gira to be a meister, so he took both of the dybowski siblings as his weapon (welp, gira still finds jera anyway)
-Top 3 EAT class academical rank: Rita, Himeno, Yanma (it's quite a tie with jeramie sometimes), gira is somewhere in the middle, or below-
-Top 3 EAT class physical rank (as in like, PE class): Gira, Rita, Jeramie, (you know where yanma at right)
-yeah i use racs and himeno's p1 hair bcs i love them
-Rita can see someone's soul, while Gira can 'sense' someone's soul perfectly (like, what kind of people they are) and know kishin's soul before they turned into kishin egg (kishin egg: evil souls)
-Sebastian is not a student but he still go to shibusen to accompany himeno as her butler and demon weapon
-before met yanma, shiokara used to be Mayuta's demon weapon partners along with usuba (sniper rifle) and akka (brass knuckle ring)
-Jeramie is a child of demon weapon and witch, his mom run away from the witch realm because she possesses healing magic, which is unforgivable and hated by the witches
-and jera got his black blood from his mother, who didn't know that she was used to be medusa's (antagonist witch in SE) experiment object. Medusa thought she's a failed object, so she throw nephila out of her object list.
-before Jeramie met Gira, he wonder all over death city to find who killed and ate his parents' soul
-Gira don't really like to live in the Hastie's main mansion , so he rented apartments near shibusen together with Jera after decided to be his Meister. As a condition to allow gira living out of the Hastie household, Racles ask Duuga, the Hastie's butler, to visit gira's place from time to time
-Jeramie had this 'madness of hope' that triggered his black blood
-i'm thinking about 'madness of justice' for gira but 'justice' will suit rita more...
i don't think i'll elaborate more about this au, but who knows
here's more giramie in madness + blackblood armor bcs i like to draw them in that
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kristencsummerlin · 4 months
Soul Eater Head cannons lol
1: Maka is a role-player. (This is mostly because Laura Bailey her voice actress is a major role-player) oddly enough her characters tend to be magic users because playing a heroic witch just fills her.
2: Maka drinks Dr Pepper mainly because she happened to randomly leave Tsugumi one at the top of the stairs in Soul Eater Not. Which fills my day because I fucking love Dr Pepper.
3: Soul loves and hates Billy Joel. He loves the guy's music and everything but he knows for a fact that everyone sees him as their Piano Man and it annoys him.
4: Kid has both OCD and OCPD because he shows signs of both disabilities.
5: I've stated this before but I'm 99 percent sure that Excalibur plays everything he does up because he doesn't want anyone to wield him. Hiro passed everything and when it was basically long enough for the sword to know enough of the kid he suddenly was dealing with a sneeze fit.
6: Blair ships Maka and Soul which is why she goes out of her way to flirt with Soul just to make Maka angry. She thinks it's proof that Maka has feelings.
7: Ragnarök is overprotective of Crona like an older sibling. The whole "I'm allowed to pick on them as long as I want. But if someone else does it I'm going for their heads."
8: Blackstar is the glue to the group. He has formed a bond with at least everyone in some way. If he got hurt their will be an army of angry people wanting to revenge him.
9: Kid and Monica from Friends are soul siblings and you can't tell me otherwise. Like I see Kid having a vacuum for his vacuum in case he needed to vacuum his vacuum.
10: The Group watch bad horror movies together to play their own home version of Mystery Science Theater. However Kid mostly gets annoyed and fumes over the movies while everyone else makes jokes.
11: Soul and Liz share music playlists and songs on Spotify. Or the Soul Eater version of it. Like Skullify.
12: Sid plays father figure to all the orphans that join the DWMA. Possibly because he was one and knows how it feels to not have a parent in one's life.
13: Kid has a list of mother figures. Which he's honored and annoyed by.
14: Hiro had a weapon partner but they got injured and or went home which is why he's looked at as the worst meister because he hasn't done any missions sense joining the E.A.T. classes.
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thepixelblender · 1 year
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E.A.T. Prologue remains my absolute favorite thing to have come out of the year 2020
individual images under the cut
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pricechecktranslations · 10 months
Twin Rabbits Come and Play their Flute (Rabbit Rampage)
If you find a pair of twin rabbits
You mustn't chase them
For there's surely no Wonderland
In the hole they've jumped down
God decided on this rule
Where you lose your memories if you're reborn
If you don't
You'll start to break
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
The demon's flute starts to play
Only children who have no parents
その音 聞くことができる
Can hear its sound
We're sizing them up
Those with lonely hearts are our
If you're an ordinary child
You'll lose your worries and your memories
If you're our master, then you're our
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ウサギ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Rabbits come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!双子 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Twins come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ひび割れたガラスの小瓶 もう道は示さない
The cracked glass bottle no longer shows the way
影のパレード その行く先は誰も知らず
No one knows where the shadow parade will go
If you find a candy mansion
You mustn't be drawn in
For there are twin rabbits inside
Who carry along the dog cook's meals
Our master's determined to get a body
She needs as many candidates as she can get
This endless journey
Will continue
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
The demon's flute begins to play
Today again the restaurant's a success
As the rabbits carry out each dish
We're sizing them up
Those with wicked hearts are our
The guests keep eating their meals
And so we steadily fatten them up
It's eat or be eaten
One day you too will be a
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ピエロ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Pierrot comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays his flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!メイド 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! The maid comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays her flute
この道がどこに続くか いまだにわからない
We still don't yet know where this path will lead
明けない月夜抄 辿り着けぬ僕らの家
In this Tale of an Endless Moonlit Night, we have yet to reach our home
All are enticed by the timbre of the flute
And so tonight as well we've got a full house
We're sizing them up
Superb ingredients are our
When they're engulfed by the scorching fires of hell
Tonight's dinner is complete
Our special for today is grilled meat
You are tonight's
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ウサギ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Rabbits come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!双子 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Twins come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ピエロ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Pierrot comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays his flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!メイド 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! The maid comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays her flute
Wake up...Hänsel...
Evillious Chronicles
Crime and Punishment World
気が付いた時にいたのは あの森の真ん中
When we came to, we were in the middle of that forest
A Tale of Abandonment on a Moonlit Night
We'd always dreamed of this until now...
...Or so we dreamed
Arte Ente Conchita
Pollo Gnese Conchita
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syoulhine · 2 years
Have you ever think the reason why Cale is protective to children is not because..
Of his childhood but the state of the apocalypse done to children. Have u seen children, toddlers in any apocalypse movies? Or the problem being shown in the movie “quiet place” having a toddler and a baby with monsters sensitive in noise? There is a great chance that in apocalypse, children and toddlers are abandon, bought over yet killed in the way, or in the worse case scenario, cannibalism like what in the movies “snowpiercer, 2013” where they have no choice but to e.a.t the babies. Histories of where human is driven into cannibalism because of hunger.
Why Cale wishes the children, even the wolf children, and Lily stay as what children is. He just accepted the fact the children wants weapon as toys or Ron teaching the kittens, Sheritt to Lock, Choi Han to the wolf children so that the children knows self defense and take care of themselves in danger. Trying not to repeat the same thing of their pasts and his failure to what happened to the apocalypse, maybe another reason why he thinks of him as a trash.
Like the novel doesn’t mention any children except the teen siblings in the sealed god test In the earth 2.
After all, Cale had seen the cruelest and darkest side what can humanity do in the apocalypse.
Btw this just a theory of mine.
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easyvegrecipes · 22 days
E.A.T. easyvegrecipes : Sambar Recipe | How to make Sambar Recipe | (Sambar for Rice)
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