#dunia my beloved
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This has been sat in my inbox for so long bc it makes me laugh but now im sharing it with the world (my tumblr blog)
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sansxfuckyou · 11 months
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Okay so here's how it goes:
Noah has gotten exhausted trying to fight a hoarde of zombies, and when she feels she can't take them on anymore, she runs to find shelter. She finds a safe place, but is so exhausted she passes out. Before she fully does so, however, she notices someone approaching, and than trying to take care of her wounds and all. She can't make out their face, but she is grateful. And then she passes out
Uzomi is a zombie, who got transformed and then left to rot because the transformation weakened her and the other zombies didn't vibe with her idk. She's left sleeping in this one place when some sounds wake her up. She finds Noah, very weakened, and for some reason she doesn't feel the urge to eat her brain or whatever. Instead, she wants to help, so she tries patching up the wounds with shit in the building
Noah wakes up and is like "oh boy can't believe I was lucky enough to come across a fellow human that helped me out and didn't take advantage of my weakened state can't wait to thank them and maybe work with them and OH MY GOD IS THAT A FUCKING ZOMBIE". And Uzomi is trying desperately to let her know that she's cool and not out to get her but she can't talk bc zombie so she tries sign language and Noah is like "how the fuck are you intellectually capable of communicating through sign language. Are you actually cool. Did you save me??? Anyways I don't know sign language so we're kinda fucked, but thanks for the help"
And they have very gay tension. Idk you can put more to the story or just leave it as that but yea!! Gays!!! :D
Oh wait I should prob talk Abt personalities a bit. Uzomi is usually calm and patient and thorough but has this resting bitch face that makes others think she's not interested or she straight up hates them. Which is not the case. She isn't very expressive and her love language is thru actions :3
Noah is far more active and feisty and proud and isn't afraid to speak her mind and cuss up a storm, but she knows when enough is enough and needs to stop with the mean words. Her love language is admiration. Give this girl some ibuprofen oh my god.
Anyways that's all! Thank you
*stares intensely at you*
the gays will be given justice
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sobredunia · 2 years
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Lil concept designs for Sam, Kyle and Jonathan for my wdy AU
@xenodoxia @frostlerphan69 @blacklight-system
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h3xt0r · 5 months
https://youtu.be/HzfQsmip0Po SLAY THE PRINCESS BANGER
im 100% getting the game w any xmas money i get btw :D
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desysydesy · 8 months
For my beloved daughter "kamu kuat sekali bertahan di perut ibu sampai lahir, nak" terima kasih untuk hidup di dunia meski hanya untuk 6 jam Rest in Love, Love 💕 26 September 2019
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benhamnah · 1 year
My beloved mother.
Tidak peduli berapapun usiaku, dalam pelukanmulah aku kembali
Seperti anak kecil, padahal aku sudah dewasa
Kamu adalah harapan dan kebahagiaanku
Ke mana pun hatiku pergi akan selalu kembali padamu
Ummi..My beloved mother
Kebahagiaanmu ummi,adalah kebahagiaan dunia dan surgaku
Kamu selalu berharap yang terbaik untukku
Aku akan selalu membuat kebaikan dengan apa yang aku miliki selama ini
Demi Allah aku tak bisa membalas semua kelembutan dan kasih sayangmu.
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dearkindy · 4 months
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My letter to you, my beloved Kindy.
📬 Look! It's your mails, my dear boyfie. And it's from... Me! 😋 Please click ‘keep reading’ below to claim your letter. 💓
Kindy, maaf ya kalau pas sama aku, rasanya banyak banget masalah di awal yang sampai libatin kamu (karna aku) apalagi soal yang retro itu, lalu juga makasih udah mau jadi satu-satunya yang nenangin aku waktu itu. aku gak bohong pas aku bilang aku jatuh cinta ke kamu karna kamu baik sama aku. kamu sebaik itu, kindy. semua kata-kata yang keluar dari kamu itu bisa bikin aku nyaman dan tenang banget.
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Kindy, happy first month anniversary for us! gak kerasa ya? padahal kayanya baru aja kemarin kamu cuma FWA-ku. it's true when people says that time really does fly when we're having fun. i am so grateful to know you, to met you, to be in love with you.
Terus juga, maaf kalau sebulan pacaran ini aku udah ngambek-ngambekan ke kamu ☹️. aku bakalan tetep usaha selalu biar aku gak gampang sebel sama kamu, biar kalau ada masalah langsung diomongin, aku usaha untuk itu. kamu juga ya? sayang gapapa loh kalau ada mau marah karna aku nyebelin atau gimana. jangan dipendam dari aku ya? aku mau tau apa yang pacarku rasain soal aku.
Makasih udah jadi pacar yang bikin aku selalu merasa bersyukur kalau pacarku itu kamu. you're so perfect to me, kira-kira di masa lalu aku nyelamatin negara apa ya? rasanya mau pamer ke seluruh dunia, kalau kamu pacarku and i'm so proud for it.
once again, happy first month anniversary for both of us, boyfie! let's meet again in the next month, will you?
I promise you that i will always make time for you, regardless if i am busy or nah. i will set aside everything just for to talk with you, you are so important to me, you're my priority istg. i will prove you and show you how much i love you. i might can't promise you a perfect relationship because there will be arguments or fights we'll go through, but i promise you i will be by your side every step of the way and i will always love you unconditionally. i'm so in love with you, kindy.
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bratarini · 8 months
Dulu pernah merasa punya dunia sendiridan bahagia setiap saat, pernah ada di moment semuanya akan baik-baik saja, asal bersama dia. Kata special yang selalu ku ucapkan padanya " You are my world, everythink will be allright, when you converst to me, it's like my dream come true "
Mungkin terdengar terlalu hiperbola buat kebanyakan orang, tapi tentunya banyak juga yang merasa sama. Sampai suatu titik semuanya serba salah, aku yang berfikir sudah cukup banyak mengalah, dan kamu yang merasa bersalah, ternyata tetap tidak bertemu di titik yg indah.
Momen dimana akhirnya logika ku yang lebih unggu dibanding perasaan muncul, hingga membuatku terpaksa bangun dari mimpi terindah yang pernah ku alami.
Ingatkah kamu, sudah kubilang sedari dulu kamulah duniaku, kamu yang buat ku bahagia, kamu segalanya, aku hanya punya kamu, saat ini...
Semuanya masih, masih dalam proses penghancuran dunia kecil di dalam diri ini, berusaha untuk membentuk dunia baru ternyata tidak mudah, masih saja ketika banyak hal tak mampu ku utarakan pada orang lain, pikiran ku mengarahkannya padamu.
Bukan ungkapan penyesalan, bukan pula ungkapan kebencian, hanya ingin mengutarakan, saat ini aku sedang tidak baik-baik saja dan membutuhkanmu.
Maaf masih membebanimu, tapibaku sedang berusaha mengkondisikan perasaan ini, membenahi cara berfikirku, membenahi diri, hingga suatu saat nanti aku tak bergantung pada mu dan membuat dunia ku sendiri.
Terimakasih untuk setiap momen manis dan semua kesabaran yang sudah kamu berikan untuk ku..
My beloved baby
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anginnnn · 8 months
Today aku mau cerita setelah sekian lama.
Rabu, 30 Agustus 2023.
Kehilangan. Lagi-lagi perihal kehilangan. Kehilangan sosok lelaki yang sangat amat ku segani, ku hormati, ku sayangi, ku cintai. Si family man. Everything for his family. I called him Papa Abang. My beloved Papa Abang as always, forever, infinity.
Sosok yang ku kagumi, tangannya selalu terulur untuk membantu, entah keluarga ataupun yang bukan keluarga, si tegas nan penyayang yang tak pernah melepaskan tangannya untuk orang sekitar. Cintanya begitu besar, dedikasi terhadap negara, masyarakat pun dengan keluarga. Si tenang dan penengah di keluarga kami. Bertanggung jawab atas keberlangsungan hidup saudari-saudarinya yang telah janda. Janjinya terhadap Aba (Kakek kami, Ayah beliau) telah ditunaikan.
Papa Abang. Is tidak pernah mengeluh, selalu menutup mata terhadap orang-orang yang berlaku curang kepadanya, orang-orang yang memfitnahnya, orang-orang yang iri dengk terhadap beliau. Senyumnya selalu terpancar setiap bertemu dengan orang, silaturahminya selalu di jalankan kepada keluarga dan sanak saudara lainnya. Pun ketika keadaan finansial terlihat tidak baik-baik, beliau tetap membantu sebisanya.
Papa Abang, waktunya di dunia telah selesai. Masa baktimu sudah usai. Amal baiknya selalu kami ingat. Cinta kasihnya takkan pernah dilupakan. Terima kasih untuk cinta yang begitu besar sebesar dunia. Papa Abang orang baik, sangat baik, banyak yang bersaksi bahwa Papa Abang orang yang baik. Semoga Allah melapangkan kuburmu. Allah berikan taman yang indah di surga-Nya. Cintaku, kesayangan kami. Terima kasih untuk semuanya.(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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hell-777 · 10 months
Perhaps you are wondering where we met.
MayNotOkay :ㅤㅤMaybeHueningkai
BOOKOF9900 :ㅤㅤ jungmo00b
The Broke Tunes :ㅤㅤJIUNGtunes
Dear Little Mee ㅤ :ㅤㅤLittleChicco
Kios Bahari ㅤ ㅤㅤ :ㅤㅤCustJinhyuk
TheSadLullabys :ㅤㅤNoelCHANGMIN
Blasting Pop ㅤ ㅤ :ㅤㅤBlastOfHiyyih
The Cluelesses ㅤ :ㅤㅤPartierRei
The Warmindo ㅤ :ㅤㅤWarmiesHiyyih
One Cozy Week ㅤ:ㅤㅤSUNWOOIdle
The Sincere Ride :ㅤㅤHENDERYtruly
Mystific Maze ㅤ ㅤ:ㅤㅤPracticesSeulgi
Terpinggir Dunia :ㅤㅤHyukaNongs
Petwidgets ㅤ ㅤㅤ:ㅤㅤGuestCamin
Agustus Kemah :ㅤㅤ07Anton
Beloved Pocket :ㅤㅤMemoirsJANE
WayOfRegime ㅤ :ㅤㅤregimeOHHYUK
outnowary ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ :ㅤㅤWargaYeonsoo
BetterUTrustMe :ㅤㅤTrustHyounjoon
BaddieAlliance ㅤ :ㅤㅤBaddieGaeul
RocksWithYouu :ㅤㅤRockerCHANGMIN
A Day In My Life :ㅤㅤVloggerREI
The15Revival ㅤ ㅤ :ㅤㅤHIYYIH15s
Lovebyrinthsㅤ ㅤ :ㅤㅤRIWOOrinth
SMANSAtamasya :ㅤㅤMuridREI
Ghost Maisons ㅤ :ㅤㅤKeriaTracker
LoveInLessons ㅤ :ㅤㅤSeitoKeria
BienveneuParis ㅤ :ㅤㅤHYUKAinParis
LesPersonnas ㅤ ㅤ:ㅤㅤGuardHyeonjun
LoveFortuity ㅤㅤ :ㅤㅤKissForBambi
Ruang Siaranㅤㅤ ㅤ:ㅤㅤPenyiarSOHEE
Melali Kantorㅤㅤㅤ :ㅤㅤStaff98KEVIN
The GRRG ㅤㅤㅤㅤ :ㅤㅤRevoHAEWON
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Praying for your downfall
Okay so my brother is stood there telling me he stole my food
And AS he says "i decided to be evil and steal from you" i read this
Like to the SECOND it happened at the same time
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syazanalog · 11 months
The Light, The Feeling
They say life goes on, and it's true, so I don't want to miss out on every single opportunity given to me; the time that Allah blesses me with, this breath, this feeling, this light, these beautiful souls He sent to me, this knowledge, this path. As I go on this path, my iman sometimes goes up, sometimes down - for I am a mere human, who does not escape from sinning. As I walk through this path, I feel a lot of feelings but most importantly I feel so alive. It's like there is always Light guiding me back, calling me to my True Love, Allah. I see this Light lit within every soul, every creature, everything. Wherever I stand in the darkness of dunya, I am forever grateful for this Light to keep coming to me.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. I truly have nothing to say but Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah, for the blessing is way too big for this sinning me. And the biggest Alhamdulillah in my life is for Rasulullah. He SAW is indeed the rahmatan lil 'alamin. How dumb was I to not see this earlier. How arrogant was I to know Rasulullah and not love him. Of so many glories that Allah blesses me with in this dunya, me finding this path, me finding this Love, me finding this Light, is the only treasure I hope to bring close to my heart forever, with all my might.
In the end, this dunya will feel like a fleet and we will return to the land of forever. And in the end, I want to meet my True Love, Allah, and His beloved Rasulullah and His beloved souls. I keep reminding myself that I can't miss every single moment in this dunia to do things that will not contribute to my well-beings in the akhirah. There are so many signs of Allah's Greatness, of the Truth, of how Magnificent He is, of His Light; and I pray that I will always be aware of these clear signs. I pray that I will always be the seeker of Light, in my wake, in my rest, in my brightest days, in my hardest moments, in my happiest events, in my gloomiest hours. I pray that I will always be those among who reflect this Light. I pray that I always remember that there's no one closer to me but Allah. For He says:
"Indeed, ˹it is˺ We ˹Who˺ created humankind and ˹fully˺ know what their souls whisper to them, and We are closer to them than ˹their˺ jugular vein." -- Qaf 50:16
I pray that I will always feel this thrill of Love, this feeling of being truly alive. I am feeling it now, I pray that I will feel it forever.
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sobredunia · 2 years
ill show you my cringy ocs when im done cleaning but only if you prommy not to laugh jnksadhbkja
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matyldawroblewska · 11 months
Throughout April, I made it a priority to continue my regular walks to the forest with my beloved dog, Dunia, enjoying the beauty of nature and the companionship of my furry friend. Despite any changes or challenges, the daily walks to the forest remained a consistent and cherished activity for both me and my dog. Each day, we ventured into the peaceful reality of my forest, enjoying the calming sights, sounds, and scents that surrounded us. These walks provided not only physical exercise but also a valuable opportunity to bond with my dog, strengthening our connection and creating lasting memories. Exploring different trails and paths within the forest became an amazing adventure, as we discovered new hidden spots and embraced the wonders of the changing seasons to spring.
Walking in the atmosphere of the forest in April was a refreshing and rejuvenating experience, allowing me to unwind, clear my mind, and appreciate the simple joys of nature alongside my faithful companion.
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bintang-berharga · 1 year
utbk semakin di depan
my beloved moms said;
“Serahin ke Allah aja naj, kamu kan udh berusaha sebaik mungkin.. harus tenang ngerjainnya, soalnya ini kan bagian dari permainan dunia.." (about utbk)
mohon doanya gais! udh H-10 aja nich :)
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ayasrorie · 1 year
Sedang Vakum Bermimpi (?)
Rasanya...dunia berjalan begitu realistis. Ataukah memang usia mendewasa akan melihat semua begini adanya?
Yang terjadi saat ini seolah akulah medan magnet--putraku, putriku, pasangan; semua ingin mengambil posisi paling strategis dan paling dekat denganku. Seolah tiada kan memberikan celah bagiku tuk sekadar menengok apa gerangan di luar sana, membiarkanku bernapas satu dua waktu. Cukup membuatku menatap apa-apa yang jelas hadir di depan mata: mereka; realitas yang sangat kusyukuri pun kucintai. My beloved, my universe.
Aku tak beranggapan bahwa aku kehilangan kesempatan. Aku hanya sedang hidup dan menghidupi momen, secara sepenuh sadar.
Namun, ada satu ganjalan kecil di dalam hati.
Ke mana perginya mimpi?
Ataukah, aku sedang vakum bermimpi?
Mungkinkah tersebab aku sedang dalam sepenuh kesadaran, maka mimpi pun enggan hadir? Entahlah..
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