saturn-dreaming · 1 year
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deinbester089de · 14 days
Gentleman fy ✔️
Kriegst n Part mit den #Rentner hier, #Kriegst #EinPaar wenn du #FrecherWirst #Hack #Undeadly #UnBeaten #MeinBlock
Wenn ne Schwester wird #BeiMir zum #Star , wir drehen zusammen paar #HobbyClips sowie #Johnny Sins #DeutscheRapper #HabenKein #KeinTalent #DeutschSprachig #GoViral #Gentleman #Enjoy & #Folge DB089 #Youtube
SMOCK feat Pete & Bas
#Duett #Team #Beat #WorldOfMusic
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taxi-davis · 4 months
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jozefallen · 5 months
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hanneskreuziger · 6 months
Ein Song mit meiner Tochter
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Besonders stolz und glücklich macht es mich, dass auf dem Album ein Duett mit meiner Tochter Allissa Beer ist. Wir haben ihn gemeinsam auf unserer Kulturtruck-Reise für ein befreundetes Pärchen zum Hochzeitstag geschrieben. Es ist eine Liebeserklärung in den Wirren des Alltags. Der Song heißt ICH SEH DICH und ist Nummer 5 auf dem neuen Album „WILLKOMMEN IN DER STILLE“. JETZT HINHÖREN Read the full article
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spela-melodier · 8 months
Heart and Soul
"Heart and Soul" kan spelas fyrhändigt, alltså av två personer som samarbetar vid ett stort piano.
Den första spelar ett komp med ackorden C, Am, F och G (alltså tonerna C+E+G, A+C+E, F+A+C och G+B+D.)
Den andre spelar melodin som går så här:
(Den sista raden kan se lite olika ut i olika versioner. En annan vanlig variant är den här nedanför.)
Melodin är välkänd över hela världen som pianoduett. Det är däremot inte alla som vet vad den heter! Melodin kommer från låten "Heart and Soul" som spelades in första gången år 1938 i USA.
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meinesichtderwelt · 1 year
Musik am Mittwoch: Heast as net
Das Lied berührt, im Original wie im Cover – live eine Performance, die nicht nur, wenn sich diese beiden krassen Stimmen im Diett verbinden, unter die Haut geht. Conchita und Ina Regen live in Linz – Heast as net 😍 (auch wenn ich ned statt net schreiben würde …)
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tropichalys · 2 years
Palm Bay - DUETT
Chillout / Electronic / New Retro Wave
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me-and-i · 2 years
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saturn-dreaming · 2 years
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emira-addams · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel - Odette x Velvette - Juliet and Juliet in Hell
Chapter 04: Smoke and Sinful Sushi
Leaning back casually, Velvette sat on a rundown brick wall, legs folded over, and basked in the red radiance of the horizon. She was wearing a pair of oversized sunglasses which she had snatched in passing from one of the many booths for tourists, all hell-born who visited the capital of hell for fun.
Next to her, Odette sat cross-legged on the wall. Between them lay a tattered plastic tray of supermarket sushi from the refrigerated section, the more or less fresh fish formerly a loan shark. Odette poked very skeptically at the sinful snack with her chopsticks. "The shark tastes awful!" Odette retched after shoving a single maki roll into her mouth. She felt her appetite dwindle away after just one bite. "I bet Auntie Rosie has the flawless recipe for loan shark... I'll ask her as soon as I get home. That stuff from the supermarket is seriously inedible..."
"I take it that the sushi is no match for Rosie's cooking skills?" Odette shook her head and Velvette laughed out loud. "Can I try a sip of your coffee?" she asked, pointing to the drink in Odette's hand.
"Please..." Odette held the straw up to Velvette. "The coffee's too sweet for me anyway. Not my taste…"
Velvette sipped Odette's frappuccino. Sweet blended with bitter and the cold cream made the hot coffee taste insanely pleasant before both melted and merged on her tongue. "Does this direct swapping of spit count as an indirect kiss?" Velvette raised her eyebrows flirtatiously and gave Odette a challenging look as Odette completely abandoned her frappuccino to Velvette's hungry craving for sugar, who immediately devoured the cold coffee and caffeine with relish. "Do you know anything about what's up between your mother and Rosie?"
Odette answered her question with a surprised arch of her brows. "There's something between my mother and Auntie Rosie?" she responded in all seriousness. "Do you suspect there's something romantic between them?"
"I was quite sure we were sitting in the same meeting just hours ago..." Velvette smacked her forehead with the flat of her hand. "No, I think they're just roommates, really good friends or something..."
Annoyed, Odette rolled her eyes. "You're pretty mean, Velvette..."
"Thank you!" Velvette laughed louder, her voice sounding heavy and laced with cigarette smoke. She pulled a half-filled pack of cigarettes from the inside pocket of her beloved vest. Smoking had become a bad habit of hers during her lifetime. She took one of the seemingly harmless looking things out of the flat package. Sighing, she pushed it between her intense black lips and without having to say another word to Odette, she held out the flat of her hand. Odette gave her a lighter. Velvette carefully protected the sensitive flame from the wind with her hand and easily got the end to glow before handing the lighter back to Odette and taking a deep, satisfying drag from her cigarette.
Odette scrunched up her nose. "If my mother smells the cigarette smoke on my clothes and in my hair, she'll absolutely know I've been out with you." With mock disgust and a deprecating grimace, she quickly pulled the hem of her top over the tip of her nose to at least get some roughly filtered air to breathe. "She says you're a bad influence..."
"Me and a bad influence?" gasped Velvette feigning. "I'm not a bad influence..." she pouted and offered Odette her cigarette. "Luckily parents aren't always right," she smirked as Odette took the glowing cigarette from Velvette's hand, took a single drag and nodded in affirmation. She exhaled the warm smoke and passed Velvette her cigarette back.
"Sometimes I can't stand the obnoxious smell of cigarette smoke at all..." said Odette. She caught Velvette's gaze and met it back, a slight smile curling on her lips. She shook her head in amazement and tried to banish a thought. "If my mother knew that I was sitting on this wall right now with you, the Velvette of the Three Vees, eating cheap sushi, she would crucify me..." she whispered. "But I think you might be worth it."
"Don't worry... I know a very simple solution to this problem. A rope, some bin bags, a shovel and a deep hole in the garden," Velvette joked. Velvette wailed in agony as Odette jabbed her elbow between her ribs without a single scrap of mercy. "Pretty and intelligent girls fall under bad influences and indulge in physical violence against their innocent fellow beings... This hellish society is truly cursed..."
"Drama queen!" Odette crooned.
Velvette indicated a bow and took a last long drag from her cigarette, which she held piqued between two fingertips. She held the biting, burning smoke in her lungs for a brief moment before exhaling. She savored the taste of tobacco and cream in her mouth as she finished the last remnants of Odette's frappuccino and then stubbed out the stale cigarette butt on the rough bricks.
"Are we going to catch something edible?" Velvette held out her hand to Odette.
Odette casted a skeptical sideways glance at the untouched remains of the sushi. "You pay!" she announced and took Velvette's hand. She followed her and intertwined their fingers.
As they passed a trash can, Velvette disposed of her pack of cigarettes, unnoticed by Odette.
"Which color do you like better?" Velvette held out the back of her painted hand to Odette. She presented her with the different colors of lipstick she had picked up in the department for all kinds of make-up utensils in a small drugstore, the two of them were stuck standing in front of the shelves. Velvette still held the labeled testers in her other hand while she looked at Odette expectantly and waited for her honest opinion.
Odette frowned questioningly. "You already wear similar shades of red in your clothes, they clash, and does the pink have to be with glitter? Too much glitter looks really cheap..."
"Never mind..." Velvette grumbled, slightly offended, and wiped the stains off the back of her hand with a tissue. "What do you think about this black?" She pulled another lipstick from one of the many colorful compartments. She twisted it open and held it next to her face to check it out.
Odette took a step back and carefully checked Velvette out from top to bottom while she considered and then nodded resolutely. An awe-struck smile graced her lips. "Drop dead gorgeous! Uhm... I mean, that color would look fantastic on you!"
"Thanks!" Velvette smirked and put all the testers back before grabbing a foil-wrapped lipstick in the right color.
"Everything all right?" asked Velvette curiously as she spread their purchases out on the checkout conveyor belt, black lipstick for Velvette and chocolate cookies for Odette. In her mind, Velvette made a mental note that these delicious delights were Odette's favorite.
Silently, Odette stared at her phone screen, many missed calls and message after message from her worried mother lit up. "What did you say?" Confused, she shifted her gaze to Velvette. A guilty conscience was written all over her face, it marred it.
"Uhm... I asked you a question," Velvette tried to repeat. "Do you think the glue under the stickers on the apples in the supermarket has different tastes?" Velvette searched in her pockets for money. She handed the crumpled bills to the cashier, who wrapped their purchases in a plastic bag.
"I don't know..." Odette shrugged her shoulders as Velvette grabbed the plastic bag and held the swinging door open for her. "You need to try it out?" They left the store.
Between the tall buildings and cold facades, the shadows grew in the fading light. The first streetlights switched on.
"What do you want to do next?" Velvette wanted to know.
Odette glanced back at the screen of her phone, worried. "I think I have to go home..." she huffed. Insecurely, she adjusted the glasses on the tip of her nose.
"Oh..." Flustered, Velvette scratched the back of her head. She saw Carmilla Carmine's name flash up again and again. "Would you like me to walk you home?" Suddenly, Odette pulled Velvette by her hand into the nearest alley. She felt the rough surface of the bricks dig into her back as Odette gently pushed her against the wall. She felt her breath on her skin, the warmth of her hands traveling over her body, and again Velvette lost herself hopelessly in the deep crimson of her eyes.
"By Lucifer... Could you fucking stop gawking so fucking romantically at me all the fucking time?" breathed Odette, usually she never sweared so much. She carefully took the plastic bag from her sweaty hands, poured the contents down at her feet and draped it over Velvette's head.
"What are you-"
Odette cut off her sentence, instead she closed her eyes and cupped Velvettes cheeks. Softly, she placed her lips on hers and kissed her delicately through the plastic of the bag. Taken a bit by surprise, Velvette quickly returned the kiss, her heart hammering in her chest and the blood rushing in her ears.
Odette broke away from her lips. "I-I'm sorry..." she murmured, her voice a faltering whisper. She hesitated and shook her head. "I can't really kiss you yet..." Odette suddenly whisked a pen out of her pocket. She pulled off the cap and wrote her number on the back of Velvette's hand. "I have to go home, but when we meet again, you'll get a real kiss," she promised. "Thank you, Velvette... The day was really lovely."
Odette sent her a parting smile, but then she had quickly disappeared from the alley and Velvette's field of vision.
Lost in thought, Velvette waved to her, struggling to sort out her scattered mind. "Okay..." mumbled Velvette. Speechless, she stared at the combination of numbers on the back of her hand. Her heart was still hammering like crazy in her chest.
Chapter 05:
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tropylium · 4 months
the most consistent thing about synthwave by this point is… yeah I like the concept of the genre quite a bit and think it "has promise" but also, it obviously has suffered for long from reams of lazily made stereotypical cruft. so instead of digging thru all the mediocrap, instead I've shifted to looking around for other fans' endorsements of some artist
…and 90% of the time it's still generic and unremarkable. often just about as if the alleged "80s fans" making it had never heard actual electronic music from the 80s and were getting their understanding solely from other synthwave projects
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nicoooooooon · 3 months
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Duet for Cannibals��(1969), featuring Adriana Asti, Lars Ekborg, Gösta Ekman and Agneta Ekmanner
Written and directed by Susan Sontag Cinematography by Lars Swanberg
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aftout · 3 months
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Unbelievable that they said this to me
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fctedivided · 2 months
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Taken from my previous blog, as Una, Duett, Trie and Quatra are Enhanced Humans;
(Also small spoiler-ish content about the mentioned muses. The pictures are only shown for mere references.)
due the Omega Factor inside of them, they all could unleash their true powers, having the ability to transform into a more powerful inhuman form.
Una (faceclaim: Droite from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal -> Raiden Mei from Honkai Impact 3rd):
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Duett (faceclaim: Gauche from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal -> Gargantua from Overlord):
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Trie (faceclaim: Zelos from Blazing Souls -> Hades from Olimpos):
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Quatra (faceclaim: Ene from Kagerou -> Bonanus from Genshin Impact):
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elviraaxen · 1 year
Ur ocs r so cute. I genuinely love their energy sm
ooooh thank you!! 🥹
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