#dude all this for a FRICKING REDESIGN
novalizinpeace · 2 years
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TW: Injured, Blood, a friking long Hc at the end.
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Save this drama for later people, this is the more we gonna get of those two till the end of the freenoodles arc /j
Jokes aside, Is time to talk about a Hc that i have for Wukong, about why he was so angry at the presence of Mac in his first encounter:
Wukong was affected by LBD even before she was let free.
If i remember correctly, MK hear LBD's voice in the first episode, and he didn't even interact with that fricking thing underground! So who would say that the people that emprisionment her wasn't affect it from her?
LBD couldn't do a lot with so little magic she has inside Wukong during all this time, but at least she was able to see his memories, she could see his plan with MK, so she prepare a plan in base of that. That could explain why she was so far ahead of him in a lot of thing.
And so that why she choose Mac as his soldier over a lot of other demons. 'Cause he know Mac was a sore point for him.
So she play with his memories, even before she was set free she try to altern the image that Wukong has of Mac, and since Wukong isn't the kind of people that like to see at the past, it was easy for her to change those memories with time. And by the time Mac was in front of him, Both the story she make in the head of those monkeys come side by side, they hate each others! That how thinks are, right?
Of course, she change a lot of other things too, like the level of fuck out that was put DBK under a mountain, Wukong was relaxed the first time he see BDK 'cause he actually didn't remember why he put his former brother in arms in that punishment, but he believe it has to be something big, so he didn't feel bad about it... Till LBD powers fade away from his mind and make him remember the actual situation, making the King feel ashamed enough to being unable to see any member of the bull demon family at the face.
Something like this is happening now with Mac, the original memories of Wukong about him come with a lot of regrets, and the hate and uncomfortable feeling that he have at the start are slowing becoming the original friendly and soft attitude that young Shí Hóu has with Mac.
Yeah, this is making a mess with Wukong's head, specially 'cause he can't excuse it with words, fuck his communication issues...
Ah yeah, the comic /j
Some of the biggest regrets Wukong has with Mac was that things could have been different if he would has stop a little and thinks thing right. For some reason Mac was trying to make Wukong kill him, and the King fall for it completly, just seeing what he actually do after see the fur of his former friend go back to the white that he has when little, that white that Wukong remember has something pure, something kind...
Something that he stain with blood.
The first thing in his mind with that memory is the idea that he could had save him, he could had make thing different, but he can't, 'cause Mac is death, he would never come back...
But he's now here, so he actually has a change to make thing different, to make things right.
If just his ways were less... problematic.
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kaissauce · 3 years
the undertale au fandom, SPECIFICALLY the sans part is so fricking funny to me because most of the time it's just someone puts out their own concept and then people take it and make their own thing with that concept and basically it's just a game of telephone but with ocs but the ocs are sans but not quite.
and then you add outcodes to the equation and you might be thinking, "Kai, what the everloving SHIT is an outcode and what does this have to do with undertale?"
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, outcodes are fancy words for "ocs that were originally sans until the creator decided hey, it's an oc now and they get a redesign" (rarely other undertale characters if u look deep enough) that can travel around the ✨multiverse✨ which is just the place where all the aus are or whatever
and NOW you may or may not be thinking "kai what does any of this have to do with undertale why is it only sans and the occasional papyrus where the knick knack patty wack are the other undertale characters?" homie they already forgot about everyone else and they're started to ship the "sanses" with each other and at this point they're being treated like entirely separate characters but from the outside eye it looks really wack. this concept of interacting with alternate versions of yourself could be really cool but the majority went with shipping like dude that's the least interesting direction to take. why did this get so long what was my point i was trying to make
oh right the point is i'm a filthy hypocrite and drawing au sanses and outcodes is my guilty pleasure even though im like "we need to focus on the actual game instead of aus" and at this point im treating em like ocs also Bloo and Hearts are outcodes anyways peace out i can't believe you read all of this, if u barely touch on what goes on in the undertale fandom im so sorry u must be so confused
IN THE NEXT ESSAY I WILL DISCUSS HOW THE SWAP SANS in the star sanses probably died
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recherche-raptor · 6 years
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My own personal redesign of Solus Prime, since I’ve recently fallen into the rabbit hole of the Thirteen Primes and I’m never escaping I’m gonna build an army of headcanons down here. In my headcanon, rather than being the progenitor of all female Cybertronians, there’s a pretty equal spread of Cybertronian gender presentations, and she is instead the forerunner of inherent “blacksmiths” like Anode of IDW. I’m probably going to post a few more redesigns. At the very least, I’m going to do Liege Maximo, Prima, Onyx Prime, and Autonomus Maximus (since I find the whole Optimus-as-Thirteenth thing kinda ridiculous, but that’s just me).
Description of redesign choices/rant on Solus’s original design if anyone’s curious, under the cut because I got a... bit carried away:
For those unaware, this is Solus Prime’s official design from the Covenant of Primus:
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So before I explain why I drew Solus the way I did I’d like to get this rant out of the way. First off, why the heck does a robot have hair, period, let alone long, flowing locks of... wires, I guess? She’d look just fine without it. And why the full lips? Why the robo-waifish physique, why is she shorter than all of the other Primes save Micronus, why the feminine legs in a world where everyone’s limbs are mostly boxy or at least angular instead of rounded, why the breastplate, and for Primus’s sake, why that dinky little joke of a hammer?!
I mean we all know why, it’s because she’s the Designated Girlbot among twelve dudes (because... reasons?). I’d be mildly less miffed by her design if there were way more female Primes and she just happened to be the most feminine, but in a setting where just about everyone is big and bulky or, if scrawny, at least angular and pointy about it, Solus here seems very off. And beyond that, she doesn’t really look like the impossibly skilled blacksmith she’s supposed to be. Generally, when I picture a smith, I picture someone who’s pretty brawny, and Solus here is none of that. To say nothing of the hammer there that I assume is supposed to be her legendary Forge. It’d be scaled properly if she was a human blacksmith, but she’s a Cybertronian, and a legendary ancient progenitor warrior Cybertronian at that, give her a Cybertronian-scaled hammer!
And oh frick I forgot to mention her lips. Why the lips. Every time a Cybertronian gets lips it looks ridiculous. Leave that nonsense to TFA!OP and Overlord, please.
So that got a bit out of hand. Anyway. I wanted to alter Solus’s design in a way that addressed the flaws I perceived, but still stayed as true as possible to the original design. So in getting rid of the offending flowing locks, I decided that the logical replacement for a ‘bot who’s extremely closely linked to flames would be to give her fire “hair” in the same vein as Firestar. I tried to maintain her helm design, since it looked pretty cool, and I gave her somewhat Windblade-esque facial markings to evoke her Titan, Caminus. I adapted her shoulder stuff and incorporated its smooth spikes into the rest of her armor, going for a somewhat knightly look to evoke the whole ancient-progenitor-legendary-warrior thing. I kept most of her arm’s design but made them more buff since she’s a blacksmith, for Primus’s sake, and I’m not really sure where the heating coils in her arms became a thing but I think they provide a nice accent (which in turn inspired the other fiery orange accents). I threw out most of her legs’ original design and turned to designs of female IDW ‘bots, especially Javelin. Overall, I wanted to make her look less like a painfully obvious Token Girlbot who is said to be a blacksmith and more like a warrior-blacksmith who also happens to be female. End rant.
Oh, and I made her Forge look more like a badass legendary weapon. I guess in hindsight that makes it kinda impractical for more precision work but she’s a Transformer, the Forge can probably shrink down to its tinier canon size if it needs to, but here she’s prepped for battling Unicron and needs a suitable weapon.
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