eopederson · 9 months
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Drumpfh Hotel? Monte Cristo, Washington, 2004.
It is said that the Drumpfh family fortune was in part based on a hotel the indicted (and one hopes soon to be felon) Trump's grandfather ran in the mining boom-town of Monte Cristo. The town, like much of what the family has touched, is now a tattered shell with a few buildings like the one shown remaining. One suspects grandpa Drumpfh, a draft dodger and persona non grata in his native country, made money on activities other than simply renting rooms. He quite probably skipped town owing lots of people money and favors.
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Watch the vid in the link.
I don’t care how high my tolerance is for political shenanigans, how aware I was of pissgate, the crusade against drumpfh, and the machinations of the deep state in general. I am as jaded and calloused as anyone and see the system for what it is.
It’s still surreal that this coordinated scorched earth campaign to suppress the laptop actually happened.
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babbelle · 7 years
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Not my #art but fuck I #love it. #wheatpaste #drumpfh #notmypresident
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Man remember how a lot of people predicted that this site and twitter would backpedal hardcore for Biden? Good times
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honeylemony · 7 years
I usually measure my days in how many times I have to say "good fucking lord"
Since the orange sock administration the daily count has risen drastically
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brainstatic · 7 years
What's worse: Drumpfh (or however the fuck you spell it) OR tRump?
I guess Drumpf is better, at least your eye can just see it and move on. tRump causes you to stop for a second.
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@ all the “witches” on this site, weren’t y’all gonna put a spell on the drumpfh? That still happening? I mean what happened with all that?
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fluttergirl · 7 years
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Desperate to fill seats? Sorry, but you couldn't pay me to show up and cheer for Drumpfh. I didn't vote for him. Most of us didn't. He's NOT my president. My conscience is free and clear.
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If you were skeptical before you should now realize that trump was a problem for the organs of the state because he threatened deviation from well laid plans.
To the relativists who insist there’s no difference between drumpfh, Biden, bush or Obama, I’m not talking about how personally vulgar you think trump is. I’m talking about how the state and establishment reacted to him.
He and Brexit were their canary in the coal mine. The globalist imperial project was threatened.
You have your head terminally up your ass if you’re refusing to acknowledge the state functioned as we’ve said it functioned for decades. It’s now speed running a totalitarian agenda after the populist shockwave of 2016.
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but drumpfh
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I just revisited some election articles and columns from 2016 and 2017. I’d forgotten how obsessed the press became with trying to claim Trump didn’t have “working class support”.
There’s such desperation in them like they’re trying to fend off a territorial incursion.
One WaPo column claimed that because a primary poll showed Drumpfh supporters had an average income of $70,000+/- and the median national income is $50,000 +/-, that anyone below the median is “working class”, therefore his supporters couldn’t be working class.
The author probably defines “working class” as people dependent on government in some capacity.
Most of the primary trades make well over the median.
If you’re an experienced heavy equipment operator around here you’re clearing $70,000. High school teachers average salary is $60k+ not including benefits.
Journos defining “working class” as people employed at McDonald’s or not working proves they’re either disingenuous or insular.
Affluent is whatever they decide it is considering the agenda they’re servicing on a given day.
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