drgstrcowboi · 11 months
Darry x Fem!reader. They go out on a nice date but Y/n is wearing smth a lil revealing...maybe a little spice in there, but I understand if you don't want to write that 😅
i love this idea! thank you for the request!!
i have limited experience/comfort with writing spicier things, but i gave it a go. i'd say it's more a fluffy/suggestive vibe than spicy. i added in some little details about red lipstick, lol. i hope you like it <3
staring respectfully
even a perfect gentleman can be tempted
DarryxFem!reader. wc: 1523. flirty and suggestive date night between established partners. no real content warnings.
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“Aaannndd, perfect!” you said to yourself as you finished lining your top lip with red lipstick. 
You had just enough time to adjust your dress and give the mirror a final look before Darry was supposed to pick you up. He said he’d be there at 7:30 sharp. And you knew it would be exactly 7:30 sharp because he’s never late, especially to pick you up for a date night. 
“Keys, wallet, lipstick” you run through the list of items to throw in your purse before the doorbell interrupts you. 7:29pm, of course, he’s running early because he’s excited. 
Regular date nights are not so regular with you and Darry, mostly because he works all the time and money…well it’s not exactly unlimited. But when you two do get the chance to go out, it’s really special. Or as special as it can be on the east side of Tulsa. You guys have a favorite spot, a little diner, that’s more than the Tastee Freez but not exactly the ritz. It didn’t matter though because Darry could make you feel special anywhere. 
“Coming!” you call down the hall, hoping he’ll hear you as you slip on a pair of black heels and start walking. 
You paused before opening the door, just for a moment. You wanted to collect yourself and look a little more poised before Darry saw you. What he didn’t yet know is that you’d gone out of your way to doll up for this date night. It’d been a few weeks since you were able to go out and you’d both been flat broke around his birthday, so you wanted to make it special now that there was the time and money for a night out. New dress, new shoes, new lipstick.
Red. Wine red lipstick. Nothing too flashy, but it would definitely catch his eye. 
“Hey, Y/N—oh shit!” Darry exclaimed as you opened the door, “pardon my french, sweetheart, I’m sorry.” 
Slam dunk, hole in one, mission accomplished. In the first two seconds, you knew he loved it. 
“Is everything alright?” you asked him in a giggly tone. He took a few steps back to let you fully out of the door and turn around to lock it behind you.
“Oh, most definitely,” he said, wrapping an arm around your waist as you twisted the key in the lock.  
“Well you looked like you’d seen a ghost there for a second," you teased him.
“I just—you look amazing, it took me by surprise…not that you don’t always look amazing, it’s just—is that a new dress?” he stammered. 
“Tripping over your words tonight, Curtis?” you teased again as you turned around in his arms, “yes, it’s a new dress. I wanted tonight to be special since, you know, it’s been awhile since we’ve been out.”
“Well…I…yeah, let’s go out then,” he replied, gesturing towards the truck without taking his eyes off you.
All the way to the car you could feel him watching you. He was normally so put together and sure-spoken. You’d definitely taken Darryl Curtis Jr. by surprise tonight and he was not going to waste a single moment’s opportunity to take it all in.
Ever the perfect gentleman, he opened the truck’s passenger door and helped you climb in. You were sure-footed in heels, but he always helped you up into the truck no matter what you’re wearing. Once you were seated, you could immediately tell that he’d put in his own kind of effort for the evening. The truck was freshly cleaned, tools taken out of the bed, seats even looked vacuumed. Soda and Steve must have done him a solid at the DX before he came over. 
That’s not to say his appearance was underwhelming in the slightest. As he started the engine, you admired the curve of his biceps peeking out from the sleeves of a freshly-ironed muscle tee. He was wearing his good jeans, the dark denim that fit him like a glove and had no holes. The best part, though: that one front curl of his greased dark hair fell effortlessly tousled along the middle of his forehead. It always looked, to you at least, like a special flair that someone put on a signature. Anyone could sign the name Darryl Curtis Jr., but could anyone else do that with such perfection? Probably not. 
“Is that new lipstick too?” Darry asked you as he pulled up to a stoplight. He took his eyes off the road and fully took in your face, appreciating it the way he always does but with a glimmer in eye that made you feel like his whole world and then some.
“Yeah,” you replied, “I heard you tell the guys last week that you like red lipstick and I didn’t have any so I picked some up.”
He replied with a deep sigh and a playful smile as the truck lurched forward at the green light. Darry’s always a careful driver, but you could tell it was hard for him to focus on the rules of the road at the moment.
“So you’re eavesdropping on the gang’s locker room talk, huh?” Darry teased. 
“It’s hardly eavesdropping when you’re all scream-talking in the living room and I’m six feet away in the kitchen,” you pointed out, “besides, aren’t you glad I overheard you say that?”
“Very glad,” he said as he put the truck in park down the street from the diner. He raised a gentle hand to your cheek, pulling you in for a soft kiss before getting out.
You got seated in the diner at your favorite booth, the one you and Darry always shared. Your red lips almost matched the color of the leather seats, like a picture in a magazine staged for perfection. Normally, he’s the type of guy who likes to sit next to his date on the same side of the booth, sling an around your shoulder, that kind of thing. But tonight he sat across from you, probably because the view was better.
“You two coming from some big party?” the waitress who always served you guys asked as she approached the table. 
“You’re dressed to the nines tonight!” she added, turning to you.
“Oh no, ma’am,” Darry replied for you, “just taking my favorite girl out tonight.”
“Special occasion then?” the waitress asked in a playful tone.
“It’s always a special occasion with Y/N.” Darry said, making you blush a little. 
He said it with a loving smile, never taking his eyes off you as he spoke to the waitress. If you’d have been on a date with any other man, any less respectful and upstanding man, the look he was giving you right now would have already escalated into a speedy trip to a private location. But not Darry. He wanted you, that was obvious, but he still had his morals. 
“You’re doing a lot of talking with your eyes tonight,” you said to Darry after you’d both placed your orders and the waitress was safely out of earshot. 
He cleared his throat and learned forward, extending his long arms across the table with hands outstretched and reaching for your own, “I could say the same about you. That dress is practically screaming at me.”
“Screaming what at you?” you giggled. 
“I think you know,” he replied with a wink. 
“Well,” you cocked your head to the side with a playful grin, “I think you should clarify because I was always taught that staring is rude.”
“Y/N,” he said slowly in a low tone, “I’m staring respectfully.”
“Oh what a perfect gentleman!” you teased.
“Even a perfect gentleman can be tempted,” he replied, “especially with a dress like that.”
The flirtation continued to escalate as the waitress came back with your food. Nothing special, but you were surprised that Darry ordered a beer. He doesn’t normally do that unless he’s nervous or…well, really wants to make sure he has a good time.
Once the dishes were cleared and the check paid, you two headed out of the dinner and into the fading Tulsa evening. Even the east side of the city could be charming at night, with the neon signs and other couples walking around, probably out for date night too. The Circle Cinema sign caught your eye as you walked hand in hand down the street. 
“Maybe we could catch a movie,” you suggested, pointing at the marquee. The truck was in eyesight now, and his gaze darted from your face to the outline of its fender and back to you. 
“Definitely not, darlin’” Darry replied, “we’re going home.”
“Why’s that?” you asked, “it’s still early, the night’s still young!”
“We’re going home,” he repeated, stopping and placing his two strong, calloused hands on your exposed shoulders, “because I’m tired of just staring respectfully at this dress.”
You giggled and grabbed his hand as you started walking again, “Respectfully, Curtis, I think I know what you mean.”
“Then get in this truck,” he said as he opened the door for you, “so we can go somewhere and get a little less respectful.”
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stargiirl27 · 10 months
Thanks @tuff-ponyboy for tagging me in this! ily ❤️!! make a playlist out of your url:
Stargirl by the weeknd ft. lana del rey
Teen idle by marina
Angels by the xx
Real love by the beatles
Girl from the north country by bob dylan
I lost something in the hills by sibylle baier
Realiti by grimes
Little bit by lykke li
27 by fall out boy
Tagging @drgstrcowboi and @tinytulip if u wanna!
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this might sound weird but https://www.tumblr.com/drgstrcowboi/723239727411740672?source=share made me think of ya (not like that but bc you are cowperson in my brain)- 🇰🇷 anon
No because you’re way right with that one, I’m pretty sure there’s a few people that can attest to that-
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drgstrcowboi · 11 months
hello yes hi, my name is quinn and this is drgstrcowboi.
here's where you can find out more about what's going on in this corner of the internet:
for general info about the blog
for miscellaneous info about the philosophy behind the blog and its name
for more about the author and what i'm like
for the full masterlist
💌 requests are open so if you have ideas, send them my way! or just drop in to chat! 💌
a brief intro of my tags and what i will/won't write is below!
🌹#drgstrcowboi: things i say on here that aren't necessarily writing related
👹 #drgstrchatter: ramble posts/posts that generally reflect some degree of brain rot
💊 #cowboiRX: my hcs (this is supposed to be a play on RX and prescriptions plz laugh)
❣️#about drgstrcowboi: stuff about me and about the blog
💌 #drgstr answers: asks that are not about writing
i take requests for all the boys. xfem!reader, xmale!reader, xgenderneutral!reader. hcs, imagines, one-shots, just lemme know :)
all pairings with the boys are assumed to be with readers the same age as the characters.
things i WILL write
preferences, imagines, head canons
drabbles/fluff/cute things
one-shots/short stuff
funny/humorous content
content that is realistic in depicting adult themes like sex, drug/alcohol use, the perils of growing up/being an adult (this content will be marked NSFW if it's more explicit than the book/movie itself)
things i love to write
hcs that imagine the gang in modern, unconventional, or downright funny ways
fluff/drabble that depicts the gang as happy/healthy/thriving/okay
most anything dallas winston related
things i will NOT write
sexually explicit slash/otp about the gang with each other (this is just a personal boundary and out of my skillset)
anything depicting pairings with readers/partners that are not the same age/within the same age range as the character
content depicting or related to the canonical deaths of dallas and johnny and the aftermath (i understand it’s canon, i just don’t like it)
anything that’s bigoted in any way/shape/form/fashion
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drgstrcowboi · 11 months
i haven’t been v active/probably won’t be for the next few days bc i’m a little under the weather.
at least being sick is a good excuse to binge watch 80s movies.
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drgstrcowboi · 11 months
hi quinn!! from the little get to know me ask thingy: 5, 16, 25
(asking as anon because I'm just kind of a lurker on tumblr/shy)
hi anon! plz don’t be shy 🥹 it’s okay. thank you for the ask!
5. Siblings?: yes i have two older brothers. oldest is 4 and some change yrs older than me and the other is just 10 months older (lol catholic families).
me & middle brother were kinda raised like twins bc we were always the same year in school and we’re still close. less close to oldest brother now bc he lives far away :(
16. Tattoos?: yes!!! I have six tattoos. i kinda went on a tattoo spree a few years ago and got them all in rapid succession over the course of like six months. my favorite is def the kingsnake on my arm 🐍🐍
25. Morning or night person?: it changes depending on the day. sometimes i stay up until like 4am and sleep til noon. other times i’m def a morning person and get up around 5-6. honestly it depends the most on when my shifts at work are. if not for work, i’d be a night owl 🦉
❤️ thank you for the ask, anon
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drgstrcowboi · 11 months
for the get to know you meme, 10, 11, 12! ❤️
eek!! hi! thank you for the ask!
10. rn i’m a little sick so i’ve been watching a lot of movies and generally loafing around. but in the last month or so i got really into making pickles curtesy of tiktok lol
11. definitely more of an introvert. the exception would be if im around my core group of friends and then i can be pretty outgoing. i say more introvert bc my job involves a lot of talking to people face to face and i find that draining af
12. classic rock from the 60s-70s and indie for sure! ive been listening to a lot of tame impala, hozier, and beck as of late bc i (re)discovered indie music from like the late 2000s-2010s
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drgstrcowboi · 10 months
this is so incredibly random and niche but if you're a non-smoking writer who's trying to write scenes that involve cigarettes/smoking and you have questions about how people behave with/around cigarettes and the act of smoking: PLEASE hit up my ask.
i've been smoking forever and have expert-level knowledge of the slang/practices/habits/norms/etc of smokers. if you want to write an authentic scene where smoking is involved, i have already done the research for you. just ask me.
and don't you ever ever ever pick up a cigarette, you hear me? they're bad for you and i love them.
yours truly,
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stargiirl27 · 11 months
write your top five songs this month then tag your friends!!
@localorangecat thanks for the tag! ❤️
look of love - hop along
harper valley P.T.A - jeannie c. riley
leave the light on - lana del rey ft. father john misty
bales of cocaine - the reverend horton heat
come around - M.I.A
tagging @drgstrcowboi @tuff-ponyboy @missrayon if you wanna! ❤️
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