#drew + edited this on mobile so that was testing some things out. i realize now i didnt add captions but i think you can understand what
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Pregnant Keith Fic Catalogue
(Mobile Edition)
About this list:
This list is meant to be an exhaustive, one-stop-shop for those looking for pregnant Keith (in the Sheith pairing, for now. I am open to other pairings if people would like this) fics. This is NOT a recc list. This is a catalogue. The works on this list are not sorted by taste, nor user, nor bias. Like a library catalogue, every fic (that I have been made aware of/ found) that contains the premise ‘pregnant Keith’ in some fashion is included. This list took hours sorting through multiple tags, so that you, the reader do not have to. If a fic is missing, please let me know, as this is meant to be an updated post. The ONLY reason it would be missing would be me not finding it, messing up, or not knowing about it. Any and all fics are welcome here, as long as they meet the basic content requirement of pregnant Keith.
If you see your fic on here and want it taken down, or edited, please also let me know!
Thank you all! Let me know if you’d like an Omega Keith version of this. That will take considerably longer, but if y’all want it, I’m happy to put it together.
Current as of: July 9, 2018
Omega-Zero by PackThePack @packthepack
It’s not easy, feeling like a stranger on your own body. It is confusing and throat-tying. It makes you want to crawl out of your skin, while wanting to crawl inside as much as possible. Small enough so you would almost disappear. It is hazy and cold, and it is shallow. The feeling of being left alone with yourself without a way to escape was no tender company. But right now it was the only company Keith had.
The Moon Hangs Low by newtype @?
While traveling with the Blade of Marmora recovering Zarkon's former territory, Keith reaches the cusp of Galran maturity as soon-to-be fertile omega. Concerned for his well-being, Ulaz sends Shiro with Keith to an isolated sanctuary bathhouse to observe his heats. Accepting the offer, the two finally find themselves with the privacy they've been long waiting for.
Skip the Pleasentries by FullmetalReborn @omggiogiothings​
Staring at the cow on the other end of the pregnancy test, giving him a creepy smile with white luscious hair, (Pidge had some damn weird tastes but the saint actually went to purchase them for him so he couldn't complain) makes him want to strangle past him. Pidge sat down by his starfished body and looked at the stick (‘I peed on it. Please don't put it so close to your face.’) “Looks like you have a little gremlin.”
Within These Final Hours by orphan_account
Okay so, I've been writing this for the past three weeks and now that it's done I can finally start posting and writing my OTHER Voltron fic. As someone who has watched the old Voltron series, I was both excited and slightly unnerved when I heard the show was being remade. Remakes tend to be pretty awful... But thankfully, this one is pretty damn awesome. The second season is making me nervous though...Swear if anything happens to Shiro, I'm gonna lose it.
Anyway, I'll post chapters twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Pretty standard Omega!Verse fic, as well as some Galra!Kieth stuff... But yeah, I can't promise any specific time, probably going to be around noon usually - Chicago time zone -, but I just finished proofreading chapter one - with some slight revision - and I decided to post it now. But here, take this sin, there will be smut in later chapters. This entire fic will be completely posted by the 20th.
I should have the next one finished and I can start posting a new fic. I hope you guys enjoy, constructive criticism is welcomed but please be kind with your words. I tend to react badly to cruel words.
I am also in dire need of a beta! If anyone is interested, please contact me at [email protected]
Thanks everyone, I'm excited to finally start sharing my works. Remember, I am but a smol 16 year old, so my writing style is sill in development. I am by no means a professional and I do not intend on chasing a profession in this field. This is for fun and I would like to keep it that way.
Bearing by Jibbly @jibblyuniverse
Maybe the pressure of being leader of Voltron is getting to him.
All of these thoughts are in the back of his mind, when Kolivan calls for help.
His resources are thinning out, and he asks for a lion. Keith offers himself instead. Much to the surprise of the team. Shiro standing in the center of the control deck with a look of disappointment in his eyes.
Kolivan hesitates, before agreeing to letting Keith come to train at the Blade of Mamora.
Day Eleven: Peridot by bandgeek1stbassclarinet
Peridots are traditionally given to celebrate 16 years of marriage.
He can't bake, but he'd be a hell of a dad. by Golden_Asp @?
Keith and Shiro have been trying for a baby since returning to Earth. Maybe this heat will be the one that it finally happens.
ABO AU, post saving the universe.
Lonely Star by keithyourpal @keithyourpal
Takashi's death brings Ryou and Keith together, and in the following year they help each other make peace and rebuild their lives--until Keith goes missing.
Two Plus Twins by NoNotThat
Prequel to Twins Plus One!
Shiro and Keith are going to be parents and Shiro has to deal with mood swings first hand.
Akira by Tay (erentitanjaeger) @?
Shiro returns home to his mate and one-day old child.
Cursed by Al_D_Baran @?  
Keith investigates to find the Beast that terrorises his husband's lordship.
Miracles and Blessings by Gootbuttheichou@?
My Sheithlentines gift for Pinfuyu/XuanPinku!
If the Silence Takes You by keithyourpal@keithyourpal
Sven recovers after helping Team Voltron secure the trans-reality comet. Desperate to get back into the line of duty, his recklessness leads to his capture by the Alteans.
You Fight with a Galra Soldier by laterie @babe-in-red
Keith is not able to fight, but Shiro certainly is.
The Reasons I Scream at Night by ThirteenSocks @safeautistickeith
Shiro is a veteran returning from a year in captivity and trying to piece his life back together. Keith is an immigrant from the stars. They meet at the café Keith works at. But no sooner have they fallen in love does Shiro accidentally get Keith pregnant.
Between Shiro dealing with his PTSD and Keith with his adjusting to the new culture, the two find they must lean on each other to navigate having a baby on the way.
But life is never so simple, as their pasts come back to haunt them, and the war everyone thought was over was only just beginning.
Arc: Sine: Chapter 1-29 Complete
Arc: Cosine: Chapter 31-?
Reasons .5 by ThirteenSocks @safeautistickeith
Shiro curved his left palm around the jut of a hip. His thumb nearly reaches halfway across the small back, the rest of his fingers getting brushed a heavy cock that bounces with his thrusts. He took another risk that ”mentally present” him would soon enough chastise himself for. He threaded metals fingers through the base of Keith’s thick, silky braid, and jerked back. Keith cried out again. Using the new leverage, Shiro drew him back like a bow; hauling his hips upwards as far as they would go, and creating the dip in his back by the grip on his hair.
Strip Me of Shame by laterie @babe-in-red
"Don't do this to me."
Keith’s anger launched a disaster. His need to find the answers is rising to the point, where Shiro is losing his control over the Red Paladin and their lives. A whole new universe is opening for Keith. Will he find his real home?
Aurulent by drrkrbbt @?
An "accident" in the middle of the night turns a lot more interesting than Keith had expected.
The Long Way Back by fio @?
As a gladiator, and now Champion, Shiro has given up hope of ever returning to Earth. But when his captors deliver his 'prize'—an omega, a descendant of both Galran and Altean blood used by the Galra to breed with the strongest aliens they capture—he's offered a chance to escape.
There's just one catch: Shiro has to get him pregnant to do it.
Happy Accidents by ShirosRedKnight (SweetFanfics) @shirosredknight
Keith’s never understood the term ‘happy accident’. It’s too much of an oxymoron because how can an accident be happy? It just didn’t seem possible.
But that was before now.
Weekend at Pidge’s by chocolatemoosey @chocolatemoosey​
Keith took Shiro gently by the jaw and pulled him into a kiss, “She’s fine. Hunk and Lance are there with her – between the three of them, I think things are gonna be okay.”
Meanwhile, at the other paladins' house: “THINGS ARE DEFINITELY NOT OKAY."
Pidge, Lance, and Hunk have offered to watch Keith and Shiro's toddler for a night while the couple celebrates their anniversary. Add a hostage situation to the mix and things go about as well as expected.
Inherit the Stars by Masrrkan @souais
It's time that Keith moved on with life, one that was full of happiness, his husband, and his son.
(Fic was originally posted before s5. So no Lotor or Matt. This is canon divergent past s4 and doesn't fully mesh with the current story in the show.)
A Single Step by bouquetofwhoopsiedaisies @bouquetofwhoopsiedaises
After the war with the Galra Empire finished, Keith and Shiro settled down on a nice planet together and started a small, happy family. Then, their daughter was kidnapped, and they spent years searching for her. When they find her, she is scared and volatile, a feral creature that needs to be taught how to trust again. Luckily, her dads are ready to help her every step of the way, even if those steps are slow to come. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Gredelin by AccordionOwl @accordionowl
A story about how Shiro and Keith deepening their relationship and Keith realizing something about his galra heritage as things starts to happen to his body.
The Beast That Eats Its Tail by kittypox @kittypox
Retiring from the coalition is easier said than done, even in Keith's condition. Even with his mighty alpha mate protecting him, he somehow still manages to get caught in the midst of the coalition's war with the rebel group, The Hand of Krell. Time is not on the coalition's side as they struggle to squash the power vacuum and discover how the paladins are linked to the mysterious beast the rebels worship. Keith does not know what this 'Beast That eats It Tail' is and why the rebels are so keen on feeding him to it, but he does not intend on finding out.
Leaving It All Behind bykittypox @kittypox
There are reasons to turn from war. Settled in his stomach, Keith finds his one reason to not only turn from the war effort, but to abandon Voltron and his mate.
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sbcafe · 7 years
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When I was starting out and tinkering with Game Maker, I also realized that I had to make some sprites.
Technically, I could have gone the whole Thomas Was Alone design and made them all squares, and typically that’s what most people do when they first create!  They want to get the gameplay working first so as to not waste time on graphics that might not be used.  (I have a whole slew of graphics that never made it to the final game, I’ll share those at some point.)
I have been using Piskel all this time for all my graphics as it’s basic, simple to work with and has an easy-to-use animation tool.  There was only one time that I used GIMP for some quick editing, and that was for the final boss’s mask gradient. 
One of the very first sprites I drew up was the player’s Ship, of course.  It became my flagship icon for everything (icons, branding, etc) so I never really changed its design after creating it.  I’m silly-proud of the little red flashing lights that remind me of radio antennae at night.
When I first was tinkering with the Game Maker engine, I actually didn’t even have scrolling or an end-level boss!  It was a one-screen shooter (many people compared it to Galaga when I showed it off) and I had nothing but the Green Enemies in random waves and that big grey ship.  I’m really proud of the 3D sprite effect I made on that, but I never really used that effect that often.  It has a charging-laser effect that actually took me a long time to figure out correctly, as I hadn’t figured out “Parents” yet.  That will be another article.
The little red enemy was the first time that I started working on rotation with the enemies. I wanted him to trace my path and fire directly at me.  He had to be slow-moving but still difficult, so he had higher hitpoints than the rest of the enemies on the first stage.  Its programming is actually very simple.  It moves towards the player’s ship with a slow speed, but its direction (and the rotation of its sprite are literally pointing from its origin point to the player’s Ship.  No matter what you do, that little red ship has a bead on you.
However, I continually found out new things along the way with the game.  Destroying the red enemy was fine, but I forgot to check what would happen if the player’s ship got destroyed instead!  Halfway through my testing, I came across this and I got confused, and I had to start learning how to read the error log.  As the red enemy looks for the player’s ship every frame, the very moment that the player is destroyed, the game crashes, as the red enemy no longer knew what angle to point itself.  (In previous iterations of Game Maker, if the game made a call like that and didn’t have an answer, it used to return “0”, which if you think about it, is good to prevent crashes, but horrible for debugging and poor practice in programming in general.)
So what do you do when the game can’t find something?  Lucky, Game Maker has a simple “if object exists” check.  So I have the red enemy check for the player’s ship, and if it exists, it angles itself towards it.  If the ship does not exist, the red enemy gently hovers backwards and holds its angle.
Something I look at when I’m programming is efficiency.  I can only imagine that Level 1 of my game is not very optimized as it was the first stage when I was just starting out, 2 years ago.  Levels 4 and 5 are much more streamlined in their programming.  Considering that I’m programming, I’m always concerned that I’m putting too many “if-then” statements into the game, as the game has to constantly check for these conditions and act upon them.  However, we are dealing with mobile phones that can handle thousands, if not millions, of checks every second.  That doesn’t mean that I can literally run “if then” all the time, but, just like my code, I can work on learning better techniques to optimize how the game is run.
This might be a little premature to say, but I called Space Shooty with the “2016″ moniker with the thought that maybe down the line, I’ll remake it to see how far I’ve come.  Maybe I’ll release “Space Shooty 2024″ and that one will only take me 2 months to make instead of 2 years.  However, I already have a lot of ideas in my head and Id love to share them all with you, so we’ll just have to see what comes up next!
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jamesbyerj · 5 years
Project Spotlight: iEquip
[b]Today we are talking to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/34063535?tab=user+files]dunc001[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/1892037?tab=user+files]MrNeverLost[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/5687342?tab=user+files]Fudgyduff[/url], the team behind [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27008]iEquip[/url] - a very clever equipment management overhaul for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97177]Skyrim[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27008]Skyrim Special Edition[/url].[/b]   [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27008][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1565793261-453370779.jpeg[/img]  [/url] [b]BigBizkit: To start this off, why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself and your modding journey thus far?[/b] Dunc001: Hi, my name is Dunc (short for Duncan), I am 46 years old, Scottish, a husband, father, company director, and I have absolutely no formal programming training! Other than hacking Windows Mobile phone games back in the day to increase gold levels, Skyrim is the first and only game I have any experience modding. Until I made the switch from console I had no idea the PC modding scene even existed, and my mind was blown by the amount of content available. I ditched the XBox, switched to PC, and spent the next two years building ever more ridiculous load orders (I think I peaked at over 1600 mods at one point) and learning the ins and outs of the Creation Kit and xEdit. Fudgyduff: Hi, my name's Ryan and I go by Fudgyduff on the Nexus. I got invested in the modding scene when I started working on the Special Edition port of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21085]QuickLoot[/url]. It's easily been the most challenging thing I've ever worked on as both a modder and a programmer. For some background, I went to college to learn how to program, primarily in C++, and SKSE plugin development has helped cement the theory I learned in my classes, as well as teach me a lot about the languages I never knew before. MrNeverlost: Well, first off thanks for having me! My name is NeverLost, and I am a 22-year-old Norwegian university student. Few if any know me on the Nexus, as I have participated in exactly zero modding projects before. Probably for the best, as I am quite the clumsy guy :) (And Dunc can surely attest to that). As for my modding journey, it probably started with Oblivion which I initially played on the PS3. I went a bit overboard with modding it initially, and it was not until the release of Skyrim that I tried my hand at making mods myself.  I started with some simple xEdit patches, then moved on to the Creation Kit, and finally last year I tried my hand at papyrus scripting (Skyrim scripts). Later, I reached out to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/13953925?tab=user+files]Kojak747[/url] who at the time was asking for help with realizing LODs (Far distance objects) for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24587]Dev Aveza[/url] airship mod. He mentioned a guy to me called Dunc who he said could need some help with iEquip - and the rest is history!   [b]To those who are unfamiliar with your work, how would you describe the kind of mods you make?[/b] Dunc001: I make what we would call “quality of life” mods, UI mods (obviously), and control mods. Fudgyduff: I tend to make SKSE plugins. MrNeverlost: I try to make mods that I need or want in my own game (In which my character is still level 2). I made [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26122]Slick Sneaking[/url] because I wanted a way to play a sneaky character in my own game. I made branch animations for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97215]Vurt's bent pines[/url] mod because he asked me to, and I figured a massive tree without moving branches is scandalous. I made the missing amethyst claw for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1394?tab=logs]John's Dragon Claws[/url] because I needed the complete package. And finally, I contributed to iEquip because I had the chance to - and let's not forget it's a kickass mod! [center][img width=500,height=254]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1565793509-1486566526.jpeg[/img] [img width=500,height=254]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1565794127-1045864852.jpeg[/img][/center]  [b]Your recent mod that drew a lot of attention is [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27008]iEquip[/url] - a mod that completely overhauls the way you manage your equipment in Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition. How would you describe iEquip and what are its core features?[/b] Dunc001: iEquip is intended as a way to move as much of the Inventory Menu equipment management as possible into the game HUD to cut down on the amount of stop/start/pause in gameplay. It allows you to cycle through left and right-hand items, shouts, powers, ammo, potions, consumables and poisons, and to apply poisons or recharge enchantments, all without leaving the game. It also has a wide range of advanced features designed to quickly equip something suitable for any given situation you might find yourself in, such as needing to quickly grab a ranged weapon or a shield/ward, or a light source, or a healing potion/spell, and so on.   [b]Is there a particular feature of iEquip that you are most proud of?[/b] Dunc001: The things I am most proud of, and which took the longest to realise, are elements which most users probably won't pay much attention to! Things like the Edit Mode selected item highlighting, the Queue Management Menus, the Preselect Mode animations and the custom colours in the Edit Mode colour picker took more time than most of the gameplay features! There is so much of it that I am really happy with, but I guess my favourite single feature would have to be the poisoning system. I hope it makes poisoning a more viable gameplay option because with mods like Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul, Smithing Oils and Tactless Toxins there are some really fun poisons out there that don't get nearly enough love because of the clunky vanilla poisoning system. MrNeverLost: Most people probably won't notice it, but because the iEquip MCM is so large (we even broke some scripting limits), we had to figure out a new way to split the backend into smaller, more manageable pieces. So we did just that, and it turned out to help tremendously with keeping the ever-growing amount of options under control. It helps me keep my sanity, which is probably the best thing I can ask for!   [b]What was the inspiration for iEquip and what made you want to create it?[/b] MrNeverlost: Dunc is probably better equipped to answer this than me, but personally I joined the project because I wanted to see a proper UI/Equipment mod released. One that can circumvent the problems that many other mods face dealing with Skyrim's many many quirks. Dunc001: I have played a lot of mobile games with HUD inventory quick slots and action controls and I love that quick, unpaused access. SkyUI was the first mod I installed, and not long after I discovered [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72238/?]Souls Quick Menu[/url]. Whilst I loved the idea of it, it just never worked perfectly for me and I wasn't that happy with the layout. I dabbled with a couple of bits of free software and managed to tweak it slightly, but realised that I was going to have to build my own mod if I wanted new functionality.   I reached out to the Souls Quick Menu authors and they very kindly provided me with the original files, including the flash source, and I used that as the original inspiration (although it has all long since gone in the numerous rewrites). The other big source of motivation and energy to keep going with iEquip has come from my son who has provided constant encouragement, testing, and feature suggestions. [center][img width=900,height=480]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1565859165-480972382.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]Another impressive mod of yours that works well together with iEquip is [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27007]Gamepad Plus Plus[/url]. Can you give us an overview of what it does and talk a bit about the development process of both mods?[/b] Dunc001: The original version of Gamepad++ was actually the first mod I published. It was designed to give gamepad players access to more hotkeys so they didn't have to rely on playing with both the gamepad and keyboard. It works by having the player set keyboard keys as mod hotkeys in all their other mod MCMs, then using SKSE's TapKey function to emulate those keyboard keypresses when actually pressing gamepad button combos.  When I later started working on iEquip I had it planned from the outset to have all the iEquip controls available to gamepad players by utilising single/double/triple press, hold and combos. As this was obviously going to have an impact on Gamepad++, I realised that mod would also have to be completely rewritten to avoid conflicts, and that then allowed us to build in integration between the two mods so that the controls didn't overlap or risk triggering unwanted actions.  The real genius behind the key handler code in both mods is MrNeverLost. The iEquip key handling code is so complex and he has done a brilliant job of making it all work seamlessly.  That made it very easy to simplify and transpose into the new version of Gamepad++ along with the new blocking code which each mod uses to avoid conflicting with each other. [b]What kind of mods do you like to use in your own game and which mods would you say work well together with your own?[/b] Fudgyduff: I'm a big fan of third-person gameplay, so I like 360 animations, head-tracking, and player voice sets. Unfortunately, a consequence of making mods for the game is that I don't spend a lot of time actually playing it, so I couldn't tell you what goes well with my mods. MrNeverLost: I like to use a lot of gameplay overhauls like Ordinator and Apocalypse that spice the game up a bit. For graphic mods, I use a mix of what I find on the nexus and edits/fixes that I make myself. Dunc001: Well first off, iEquip is designed to work with pretty much everything and has built-in provision for many of the more popular mods out there which add content that iEquip may end up displaying and handling. We have also included a very easy to use patch framework which allows users to identify mod-added items and spells so they adopt specific icons and behaviour as required.   As far as my game goes I am absolutely useless at combat so I am much more interested in exploration and discovery as a result, so my big vice is quest/dungeon/new lands mods.  I love cities, towns and villages overhauls as well: so mods like [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27816?tab=posts]Kojak's new Enhanced Solitude[/url] are mana from heaven for me. And I love a good companion, so I am really looking forward to getting to know [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20035]Lucien[/url] and see the interactions with [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1461]Inigo[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11278]Auri[/url] on my next playthrough. [center][img width=450,height=300]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1565861524-1304717958.jpeg[/img] [img width=450,height=300]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1565861522-856716496.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]What sort of mod from other creators do you find the most awe-inspiring? Are there any mods out there you find to be particularly impressive? [/b] Fudgyduff: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82725]Customizable UI Replacer[/url] is a mod that really blew me away when it came out. I'm a terrible artist so I'm jealous of people who can make nice looking UI mods. MrNeverLost: Rather than the mods themselves, I find the creators inspiring. I've always looked up to the [url=http://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604?tab=posts]SkyUI[/url] team for the amount of work they've put into their respective projects. Especially considering that their mods have pretty much become the backbone of every Skyrim mod list out there. It's really amazing that a mod can have such a big impact on a community. Other creators I really like are [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/4995023?tab=user+files]Nukem[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/2025634?tab=user+files]Aers[/url], and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/5687342?tab=user+files]Ryan[/url]. They've all brought so much to the "modding table", and I am very grateful that they've decided to spend their time making modding Skyrim so much better. Finally, my friends [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/13953925?tab=user+files]Kojak[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/6960827?tab=user+files]Elsopa[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/34063535?tab=user+files]Dunc[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/43673957?tab=about+me]Looland[/url] always bring a laugh to the table when It's needed. Dunc001: It goes without saying that the SKSE and SkyUI teams deserve huge respect, but I am also constantly amazed by the work that people like [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/5687342?tab=user+files]Ryan[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/2148728?tab=user+files]powerofthree[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/9663214?tab=user+files]DavidJCobb[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/2025634?tab=user+files]aers[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/4995023?tab=user+files]Nukem[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/2964753]meh321[/url] have and continue to produce. The level of knowledge and skill they have just blows my mind. I also find it incredible what some authors are able to achieve without the use of SKSE, in particular, mods like [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26627]Spellsiphon[/url] which released recently.   And finally the content creators: those who spend their lives in the Creation Kit imagineering new lands and locations for the rest of us to enjoy. The huge modding teams are incredible and some of the upcoming content looks absolutely amazing, but I have to take my hat off to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/1819137?tab=user+files]razorkid[/url] - what he has managed to achieve largely on his own in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3008?tab=files]Beyond Reach[/url] is simply staggering. [b]Are there any other games you like to mod? What are some other games you play regularly - if any?[/b] Dunc001: I never have much time for playing, all my game time for the past two years has gone into building iEquip! I downloaded Kingdom Come Deliverance the day it came out and have yet to launch it, similarly about two years ago I installed Oblivion and Morrowind but I haven't opened them yet either!  MrNeverLost: I really like the game Rimworld, and mod it infrequently. It's neat taking a break from Skyrim and looking at what the other modding communities out there are doing. Other than that, I just play whatever interesting RPG I can find. Fudgyduff: I've tried modding other games, and you may come across some of my mods for them, but there's no other game on the market with the same community and modability that surrounds Bethesda games. When I try modding other games I always get frustrated that I can't do this or that, but when I mod Bethesda games using xSE, the only roadblocks I can't overcome are self-imposed ones. C++ is a very powerful language and I can leverage it to make mods that would be impossible in other games, or even in this game using native modding tools like Papyrus or the Creation Kit. Recently I've been playing Tales of Berseria. I really like games with a good story and this one has amazing writing with really good voice acting.   [b]Do you have other hobbies outside of modding and gaming?[/b] Dunc001: Being outdoors - I'm a mountain man at heart and I find something magical about being out in nature, particularly landscapes with scale (probably one of the reasons I like Skyrim so much as it reminds me of Scotland!).  When I can I like to get out on the mountain bike, and my wife and daughter have horses which are a huge part of our life and take up most weekends competing all over the country. I'm also a light aircraft pilot and although I haven't flown for a couple of years now I'm hoping to get some hours in again soon. Fudgyduff: Programming is my hobby, so I really enjoy making mods for this game since they present interesting challenges that I get to solve using my reverse engineering/programming experience. It's a really nice hobby to have because when you finish coding something, you can compile it and get immediate results telling you whether it works or not. MrNeverLost: I wish! I used to go mountain trekking before, something I want to start doing again in the future. Maybe when The Elder Scrolls 6 comes out? But for now, I am pretty occupied with uni, work and modding though :).   [center][img width=980,height=281]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1565794140-1258403250.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]Last but not least: is there anything you would like to say to our community?[/b] Fudgyduff: Don't be scared to try SKSE plugin development. If you've never done reverse engineering before, it can be very confusing to open up SKSE's solution and see 100's of class definitions with no comments on how to use them or what anything means, but I'm glad I tried it and didn't give up on learning how to do it. I've made some efforts to write some tutorials and wrappers for using SKSE's interfaces, and while I won't write your plugin for you, I'm willing to at least give some guidance on what to do - also, I like new challenges, so I might be interested in partnering up with other people to make cool new mods. MrNeverLost: To all aspiring modders out there that struggle with motivation: take everything as a learning experience. Everybody gets discouraged from time to time, but there is no such thing as lost time. Sometimes I stop and wonder if I am wasting my time when modding, but I always feel better when I know I've learnt something new, or made something someone else will enjoy. Enjoy the small accomplishments, and don't focus too hard on the setbacks - that's the way to go in my opinion. Dunc001: You're all awesome!  I have had so much help and support with iEquip and Gamepad++. I've asked endless questions and begged endless favours, and every single one of you I have reached out to has been so friendly and willing to help. iEquip really is a community mod, so many people have had input (directly or indirectly) and so much of it wouldn't have been possible or as polished as it is without that help.  Together great things can be achieved. So if you are just starting out on your modding journey and are wondering whether or not you can do it, yes you can. And we're all here to help you. [line] A big thank you to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/34063535]dunc001[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/5687342?tab=user+files]Fudgyduff[/url], and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/1892037?tab=user+files]MrNeverLost[/url] for taking the time to respond to our questions. As always, if there are any mod authors or mod projects you'd like to hear about, don't hesitate to send a message to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/31179975]Pickysaurus[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/64597]BigBizkit[/url]. Published first at Project Spotlight: iEquip
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linabrigette · 6 years
Web 3.0 Will Evolve as Interoperability and Usability Improve
This interview has been edited and condensed.
Cointelegraph spoke recently with Dr. Jutta Steiner, the co-founder and CEO of Parity Technologies, about what originally drew her into the Ethereum (ETH) crowd and how she plans to bring more interoperability to blockchain.
During the recent TechCrunch Ethereum Meetup in Zug, Switzerland, Steiner detailed how her background in math and science ties into her work with blockchain, as well as how the new Polkadot protocol could help usher in the web 3.0 era.
Molly Jane: Could you begin by telling me a bit about yourself?
Jutta Steiner: My name is Jutta Steiner, I’m the CEO of Parity. I started this company three years ago together with Gavin Wood, who was one of the original co-founders of Ethereum. I myself used to work for the Ethereum Foundation, looking after security before the launch of the Ethereum platform.
Before that I had a background in applied maths, so I spent quite some time at uni, moved a bit in consulting after my PhD, and then got more and more interested, basically at around the time of the Snowden revelations — interested in what’s actually happening online, what’s happening to our data? How does this all work?
And I ended up reading a lot, accidentally came across Maidsafe, which was an early project in that space as well, and then saw people discussing Ethereum in that context about four years ago, how to use it for access management of data. And then I met the Ethereum people, this is how I got involved basically.
MJ: So it all started with Ethereum for you?
JS: I mean, yeah, I had read about Bitcoin and it was interesting to me from a math perspective. But I only realized the potential when I came across these discussions of what can you actually do with Ethereum. I really liked this level of abstraction.
MJ: Can you tell us a bit about your relationship with Ethereum?
JS: Back at the time, I got interested in what can you actually do with it. This whole data perspective was interesting, but then also around the same time I met Jessi Baker, who was just starting a company called Provenance, where she looked at trying to create a Facebook for products, like bringing transparency to supply chains. That was sort of the idea — like, what’s the history, what are the people, processes behind products, etc.
I ended up working for the Ethereum Foundation on security. But then, when working on problems, I was realizing that really the technology isn’t there yet where it needs to be in order to become mainstream, and so out of that frustration Parity came out do as a company.
But we wanted to further work on the fundamental technologies and push that forward, which kind of nicely ties back to my math and science background. So being able to push technology on that end is pretty good fun.
You can watch the interview here:
MJ: So what exactly is Parity? How is it connected to the new Polkadot protocol?
JS: We started Parity by basically taking all the learnings from the early days of Ethereum and coming up with a new implementation.
Initially, the ideas evolved a lot around just pure interoperability. A few years ago, the discussions about private chains and public chains started so it seemed sensible, and it also seemed sensible as a way of optimizing scalability.
But then over time, things like governance became also more of an issue, and we really started thinking about what is the next level of abstraction that we need to bring to this technology in order to make it much more genuine, much more easy to adapt to solve all these issues.
What we’re doing at Parity is coming up with a fundamentally new way of building online services. The way how the web has evolved and applications on the web — everything we do, every service we use, we always have to rely on centralized servers, where all our data is hosted, where there’s like an authority that decides on how does the service work, what happens if there’s contention.
And what we’re trying to build is basically a system where there’s much more agency on the user side, where there’s less of the divide between service provider and the people that use the services. So that it really becomes a much more open, a much more peer-to-peer way of interacting with each other where we don’t have to go through Facebook, through Google buttons that have seamless interacting with our friends or whoever we want to interact with.
That’s what we call web 3.0, the next level of the web.
And that’s where Polkadot, or the technologies around Polkadot, sits right now. Substrate is a technology that we just released in a PoC [Proof of Concept] state in a test net, it’s a very general framework for spinning up your own state machine.
MJ: How long do you think it would take before we actually would enter the web 3.0 era?
JS: So are aiming to release Polkadot at the end of next year. Now that doesn’t mean we’ll already see applications, I think that’s going to be a gradual process. I mean, there are things you can use already to make your applications more decentralized, more peer-to-peer, there are some solutions for having interoperability, like cross-chain transactions.
I hope that over the next few years we’re going to see the first implementations, applications that fundamentally use this. A lot of what we have to solve evolves around usability and user experience, and this will probably still take a bit. Also, there is sometimes an advantage from having systems a little bit centralized, because you can have a massive efficiency gain in certain cases, and we still haven’t found out where we have to make these trade-offs.
MJ: What would you say to someone that says: “I don’t know what you’re talking about with this web 3.0, I like using Facebook, it’s familiar, I don’t care if they take my data”?
JS: It’s hard if people don’t see what the underlying mechanisms are that make systems like Facebook really not the perfect systems to interact with. But I guess the recent revelations around Cambridge Analytica in particular have shown the government how powerful these platforms have become, which the hearings have shown.
There is a spotlight now on all the services to come up with answers, because governments fear the interference that comes through these services. I believe we’re gonna see regulation that will play in favor of decentralization to a certain extent. We’ve seen Europe already with GDPR, so there’s a directive on data protection. Although there are some questions around, like how this would work exactly with blockchain. I believe on the political side a there is a lot of will of making sure we don’t give power to governments that are completely unregulated.
MJ: I know some blockchain companies have experienced problems with the GDPR because of the “right to be forgotten” clause, since the whole point of a blockchain is that nothing is ever forgotten. How do you see that contradiction playing out?
JS: I hope that we see clarification from regulators and from lawmakers over the next couple of years. In principle, I see that the people that believe in blockchain technology and the people that were behind the GDPR have a huge set of common goals, basically giving power back to to the users. And it’s unfortunate that the drafting of the GDPR came just before blockchain became a thing, and so became way too specific in the way it was drafted.
I mean, politics can be slower, but I would hope that people will recognize the potential of the technology, and therefore, I don’t know, create sandboxes, or actually find a way of just leading to more clarification.
MJ: Could you name an example of a country with a regulatory framework where they’re doing everything right? Does that exist yet?
JS:  Where they’re doing everything right?
MJ: Ok, most things right!
JS: Switzerland was interesting because small countries have it easy, right? Or easier because they’ve always struggled with retaining, maintaining relevance and so they had to be more agile and adapt to changes in the environment much more quickly.
I think we’re gonna see a lot of regulatory innovation or regulatory competition between countries, which helps entrepreneurs to a certain extent, but then only so much as this is all global. This is technology that we’re building for the entire web. I’m not sure whether I’ve seen anybody who does everything right, but it’s quite good that people are mobile these days and they just move around wherever they can build their business, it has to add to regulatory competition.
MJ: I saw you retweeted the other day a meme about women in crypto, where the media is shouting “Where are the women in crypto?” and there’s a woman shouting back, “I’m right here!” How many times do you get asked about what’s it like being a woman in crypto?
JS: I get asked frequently my perspective on this and what needs to be done, and then, I guess, my frustration with that topic comes a lot from…often those discussions are very nuanced, but then in the end all that gets printed is like just a complaint, like there aren’t that many, or like the main topic of the article is that there are only Lambos, and I don’t think it’s helpful.
I believe it’s more helpful to just talk about the work that people do.
I don’t find it inspiring if I see people just driving their Lambos either, it wouldn’t have been the reason why I would have come and work in crypto, but instead seeing people that just work in the space and becoming interested in the topics.
That’s what I believe should be talked about.
MJ: Parity experienced a problem with the freezure of wallets containing Ethereum back in November 2017. In April, the frozen wallets became a news topic again due to an Ethereum proposal to reverse the hack that did not end up getting passed.  
Is “unfreezing” the wallets something that Parity are still thinking about?
JS: There are a lot of efforts within Ethereum to come up with answers, like how to fix the issue of governance in general. And the reason why governance is an important thing is because if you have an answer to this, it’s easier to come up with ways where you decide on contentious issues, like whether you want to have a fork or to unfreeze the funds.
And I believe this is a fundamentally needed debate, because we haven’t figured this out yet, how do we actually want to govern decentralized systems, and that’s what we are trying to work out with the community.
I do believe if you want to encourage innovation in space, you need to make sure you don’t discourage experimentation. Like the optimization that led to the freeze was a very sensible optimization back at the time.
And the truth is the tools that we need in order to write smart contracts, safe smart contracts, aren’t there yet. And the wallet freeze wasn’t the only issue that happened where people lost access to their funds. There were other issues, and I still hope that we find a solution where bugs in infrastructure that led to people losing access will be fixed in an adequate way.
MJ: Are you personally involved in the cryptocurrency market? Do you trade, do you hold, do you care?
JS: I wish I was, I don’t have time for that!  Between looking after the company and looking after the family there’s very little time to be personally involved.
MJ: Thanks for taking the time to speak with us!
JS: Thanks.
source: https://ift.tt/2Nxxinc
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