gimmethatagustd · 2 years
Hey Jai, it seems like you’ve been having a rough go at it and i just wanted to drop by to say, shit can really suck sometimes. I’m sorry you’re having a tough time. I also wanted to say, I’ve been Army for only about 7 months now and i never excepted to be this deep into it but my obsessive personality has brought me to your art and i’m extremely thankful. I’ve never really felt a need to interact with people on tumblr but the people like yourself, @matchstick6812 @haliiimede @nabiolive @here2bbtstrash are all people i couldn’t stop myself from making a connection with. So thank you for what you do and know that for as long as you decide to continue to share your time and talent, you will have me as a fan.
🥺 mallory 🥺
i've been going through it. just a lot of stuff irl that's been wearing me down for so long, and i've never been good about taking care of myself tbh. i read this last night but i wasn't in the right mood to respond in the way that i think you deserve, cuz this was such a kind message to receive. thank you so much for expressing your feelings. i feel 100% ok with speaking for the rest of us writers when i say that we truly appreciate you. when the shittiest of shit happens irl, the comfort that comes with being able to join a community like this really shouldn't be overlooked. so many people don't get it cuz it's "just the internet" or w/e and how could internet friendships or kind messages really matter, but ugh they fucking do. and i'm really grateful for you. i hope that you're taking care of yourself and continue to do things that make you happy. you've always got a friend in me 💜
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
I wanted to comment on your justified anger for JITB not getting the love it deserves. I’ve been listening to Arson and More since they came out but hadnt listened to the whole album until today. Every single track is great. The audacity of them making physical copies for Bad Decisions but not JITB?!? What in the fresh hell was the thought process behind that? Pandora’s Box is just so 💋🤌 I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR OUR HOPE!! Sorry if i rile you up again but…I felt compelled after listening to the album.
honestly 😩 it's such a flawless body of work and i'm even a little mad that i feel like we as army in general don't talk abt it enough! i just!!!! stop? equal sign? what if? safety zone? future???? fucking hell 🫠🫠🫠
sdfjlskdfj now i have to go loop it while i finish this LDOMLT scene so thank u for your service 🥲 friendly reminder to everyone to go stream JITB bc it's just as good as you remember it (or better !!) 💜
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theharrowing · 2 years
I’ve been in the weirdest mood today, fighting off some heavy thoughts while also being completely horned up with all the dance practice content. Why is this my brain? distract me please - 10 & 39 🫥
hello, my love!!! heavy thoughts and horned up feels is always such a chaotic combination!!!
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
i will give you a different answer than i gave matchy...hmmmmm...
the book house of leaves by mark z. danielewski has haunted me since i was 14. i even got a poem from the book tattooed on my arms when i was 22. the book itself it quite haunting, and a lot of the themes have come up in my dreams. and some of them inspired The Hooksborough Demon. funny that this story has come up twice, now. but if the shoe fits...
to me, haunting is a feeling you can't quite reconcile. a shiver down your spine. the tingling feeling before your hands begin to sweat. the air shifts—becomes heavy and hard to take deep breaths of. you're afraid to open your eyes, but closing them could bring about unimaginable horrors...
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
i haven't felt like giving up, just yet. but i think one of the things that encourages me to write and write like my life fucking depends on it is knowing that there are people who enjoy my work, and who wait for me to publish something new. i'm a whore for that feeling of knowing someone is delighted. i live and breathe the positive responses and i even enjoy when i manage to piss someone off. 💖🥰
send me some weird asks!
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axigailxo · 2 years
I was not prepared for All Night. At all. You had me sweating!!! 🥵 Namjoon grabbing the reader at the end?! LORD HAVE MERCY!!!!!!!!!!
omggg, it was so fun to write too omg 😮‍💨
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agustdsciggy · 1 year
@chcewszystko Thank you for thinking of me, friend! 💖
Name: Mallory
Sign: Taurus ☀️ Libra 🌙 Virgo ⬆️
Height: 5’6
Time: 7:25am
Birthday: May 6th
Favorite band/artist: I can’t and won’t answer that.
Last movie: White Christmas
Last show: Fishbowl Wives 👀
When I created this blog: I wanted a blog that I could use to participate in the fanfic/bts community. I created it only a few months ago but I’m happy I did! 😁
What I post: My favorite BTS centric fanfic, gifs, thirsty thoughts from the depths of my vagina.
Other blogs: @drankomalfoy
Do I get asks: no
Followers: like 35?
Average hours of sleep: 6-7 hours
Instruments: None - but I did buy myself a keyboard last year and am hoping to teach myself a little something in 2023. Hold me to that, ok?
What am I wearing: crew neck sweater and leggings.
Dream job: Ok, hang with me on this one. My friends and I have always talked about opening an animal rescue/weed dispensary/bakery/winery. Wouldn’t that be cool? I think it covers all the important things in life. More realistically though, I’d like to work at the library.
Dream trip: Italy 🍷
Favourite songs: of all time?! Barely Breathing by Duncan Sheik any song from Deftones album Diamond Eyes, Golden Years by David Bowie. Wow that was all over the place.
I’m tagging @1dsn 💜
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
Hello dearest. Hope you had fun this weekend flirting with haunted hawties! You looked 🔥 btw. Obsessed with the pants. Anyways..
#8 👀 & Moon 🌙
hiiiii mallory babe!!!! i had legit so much fun, we did indeed confirm that my instinctive reaction to getting scared is to flirt (and may have discovered i have a chainsaw kink, woops 🫠), and i am desperately missing my other half @haliiimede already 😩 and thank you!!!! 😘
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
A SPOILER?!?!?! omfgggg alright:
“Well, I guess that’s better than starting today.” “How’s that?” “Because it means I'm not saying I love you on the first date.” “What?” “I love you.”
have fun guessing 👀
moon ⇢ do you suppress your feelings?
i really try not to! it's bad for my water placements 🤣 i think sometimes i tend to numb out when i shouldn't, though it isn't an active decision on my part (thx trauma), so i'm trying to get better about noticing when it's happening and finding a good way to process and work through it. creative writing as well as personal journaling help me a lot as outlets, and longgggg walks with music 💜
stuck in the airport ask game party: fanfic writing asks / astrology asks
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
Yoongi, I just woke up…you know, I really really hope someone is suckin his D because he deserves it lol I hope someone is pulling that hair. I am so whipped ya’ll, help me off the floor please.
LMFAO I KNOW RIGHT??? why couldn’t it be me I’m totally not jealous and I’m totally supportive of him having a happy and healthy life and relationships as he wishes 🙂
He’s choosing violence more and more lately and can we really handle it bestie?? CAN WE??? I’m not sure
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
It would be cool if he did win and they got buck wild celebrating then like went back to his presidential suite and freaked in the jacuzzi or something. They need some happiness in their lives after the heaviness of the last chapter! But we also love to suffer, don’t we? 🫠
KSJDHFKJSD MALLORY !!! THE JACUZZI !!!!!!!! 💦😩 okayyyyy but also the two of them properly partying/drinking together???? 👀 would be very interesting to see how that goes~ ty for voting hehe 💜
vote before we find out! will LDOMLT yoongi win his grammy nom? 🤔
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
Are we alive? Are we doing ok after all these gifts he’s given us?
I’m definitely dead
👻 boo
But I hope the rest of y’all are surviving 😩
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
Oh! I forgot! I’m super excited about your ksj wip!! I know this is LDOMLT hour but do you have any little crumbs you can spare a hungry hoe?
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ahhhhh mallory!!! i'm excited about this one too, and i've been working on it all weekend 🥰 so! ask and you shall receeeeeeeive 🙆‍♀️
pls enjoy a tiny ksj crumb under the cut, just for u~
“I won’t apologize for preferring gaming to people. People are rarely worth the effort,” he mutters as he chews, and you make a face like you can’t exactly disagree.
“Which is why I prefer my people fictional,” you echo around another bite of food. At the mention of fiction, your mind starts to drift back to the plot of your latest read, which you unfortunately had to put down to come suffer through this terrible blind date. It had just started getting juicy, too— the two love interests had somehow managed to convince themselves that pretending to date was a good idea.
You blink at the rude handsome man sitting across the table from you, and it’s like you can feel a lightbulb switch on in your brain.
He glances up to meet your gaze, clearly confused at the sudden drastic change in your tone of voice.
“What?” he laughs a little as you continue to stare at him, the wheels turning in your head. “Did you fall in love with me already?”
God, does he have to be so insufferable?
get hype for fake dating 😘 tagging your new blog too hehe @min-yoongigenius
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
Hello love. I’m going to be making a separate blog so i can fully support our community and reblog your work instead of just commenting and spamming your ask box. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long, but i can’t stand the feeling that i’m not doing everything I can to share and spread my love for you! 💜
ahhhh mallory this is so exciting!!! don't feel the need to apologize tho, i appreciate any amount of interaction (even just silently reading!) and understand everyone has different comfort levels with it 🥺 there's no right or wrong way to do it!
but eeeeee i'm SO excited for your new blog and you're so sweet!!! def send me a note once you make it and i will absolutely follow!!! i can't wait to snoop on what else you're reading hehehe 🧐💜💜💜
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
You have outdone yourself, M! Chapter 8 had me slack jawed. 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Houston, we have feelings!!! Soft moments, touches on the back, coffee and pastries, reassuring glances, meaningful conversations -
“God,” Yoongi hisses against your skin. “You drive me fuckin’ crazy”
Are you kidding me?! The whole scene of them at his apartment was just so unlike any of their previous antics (outside of both of them running their mouth) and i’m here for it. Not to mention the shower scene?! All of it, every detail is just 🤌💋 (is anyone else not above buying a fear of god shirt to further their delusions that yoongi laid it out for you? Thanks for that, M. Like I need any help being psychotic)
Poor baby goth. He definitely didn’t deserve the treatment he got. The reader needs to reassess the way she navigates the relationships in her life, even Jimin, poor babe was left at a shitty dive in the middle of nowhere so she could go fuck yoongi. I’m not saying we all haven’t ditched a friend for dick appointment, i’m just simply saying 👀
In conclusion (what is this a highschool essay?) the direction you’ve taken this story has me giddy and hopeful that these two idiots could put their pride and derangement aside and perhaps come to the realization that they could work it out!! The reader was having full on visions in his kitchen of their life together and that MEANS SOMETHING!! STOP BEING A STUBBORN BITCH!!
Ok but for real. Love this, love you M. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you! I can’t wait to see what these two dumplings get into at the Grammys. 💕
the apartment sceeeeene 🥺 it lived in my brain for so long, it was sooooo enjoyable to finally write out in full. such a pivotal moment for these two where those hard exteriors are starting to peel back 💜
listen i am not going to fess up to buying a fear of god baseball shirt but if i did i would tell you that i got it when it was on sale so it was only $89 and it does feed my delulu fantasies every time i wear it so thank you love you and goodnight!!!
the relationship navigation comment is SO real and i appreciate you mentioning jimin in it as well.... he's definitely the best at handling reader and dealing with her impulse control issues/not taking them personally but even still 🫠 homegirl needs to take a fat look in the mirror!!!! maybe book a therapist idk!!!
ahhhhh the visions in his kitchen 😭 if these two idiots could just GET OUT OF THEIR OWN WAY..... we must keep the faith 🙏 so much can happen at the grammys!!!! we'll have to wait and seeeeee 👀
i am sooo glad you're enjoying the ride, and i so appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts!!! thank you for reading love!!! 💜
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
I read Somebody else this morning and had to laugh. The reader is a one pump chump! I was thinking shit son!!! Am i claiming I’d have held out after one thrust of a dom hobi’s dick? No, i’m not saying that at all. What I WILL SAY is, after hearing him growl into the mic in that outfit 👀🥵 in busan, I would be bussin’ the minute he spit into my mouth. Good day to you.
LMFAOOOOO MALLORY this fucking sent me!!!! not a one pump chump 💀 god and i wrote that before we even HAD lolla hobi or ytc busan hobi...... 🫠🫠🫠 so yep yep, i stand by it 100%, that man could one hit KO me, ZERO question about it 🥵
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
So! I woke up at like 5:20am, already knowing the sites would be down.But I got on insta and got a little taste of ‘flat earth hottie’ then went back to bed. ENDED UP HAVING A DREAM WHERE YOONGI & I WENT DOWN ON EACHOTHER…thank you so much brain. I had my fingers in his hair and everything y’all i hope i never forget it. ANYWAYS, now i’m just ingesting whatever concert content is out there wondering how the hell I’m expected to carry on with my day….I’ve got it so bad…someone put me out of my misery.
MALLORY LMAO I'M SO JEALOUS 🫠 that flat earth shirt did you GOOOOOD huh !!!! even the hair too omgggg you dreamt THE DREAM jksdhgdfsg
i seriously don't know how i'm supposed to function today 😩 they all looked too damn good... the run bts choreo will never leave my thots
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
You just SHOOK me to my damn CORE!! Am I feeling personally attacked that the reader is a Taurus? Yes. Am I just now realizing I haven’t looked up Taurus x Pisces compatibility? Also yes. I’m QUAKINGdhhebdkdkdjdjdjjdjdjejenxksowo!!!!!
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the scream i just SCREMT i don't even know where to begin with this dfkjgdlkfj
-> pocket-sized excel spreadsheet
-> connecting pisces' dreams to taurus' can-do spirit (that means sucking dick while he practices his presentation right)
-> losing touch with reality 🫠
-> having outside people to provide reality checks *jimin waving in the corner*
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WELP my brain officially has rotted all the way through i...... damn i really didn't even do this on purpose but these are so.... fhdjghklhkkgf I GOTTA GOOOOOOO 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
Will there be any boinking in a limo on the way to or from the Grammy’s?! 👀
i'll never tellllll 🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊 but you know what this immediately put in my head....
🎉 LDOMLT brainrot hours !!! 🎉 drop your theories 👀, headcanons 💭, questions ❔, and fluffy or smutty (or angsty?!) thots 🥰 about look down on me like that!
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