#down to the fucking ygo archetype i love
useful-boy · 1 year
Sometimes I see someone online with the same name as one of my exes, or god forbid a sister of mine, and I just go "oh no I could never date them/be friends with them, not with that name", and then I remember the absolute hilarity of my most recent ex immediately replacing me with another Zenny on twitter
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tubbytarchia · 7 months
I have a wide array of reasons I like ARC-V (It's very close to being my favorite YGO next to Zexal) but I will attempt to sum some of them up
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So many well rounded and lovable characters. EVen if they get rushed or shunned they still make a great impact
The monster diversity is the absolute best. Performapals, Frightfurs, Raidraptors, Phantom Knights, Speedroids, Predaplants... Literally like almost every single deck in ARC-V is visually appealing. These are all such interesting archetypes with very engaging visual design (I love how they mixed things up with Legacy duelist decks as well)
To go off of that, the dimension dragon designs are sick, and mainly because they are ALSO diverse in body-types - they're all distinctly different in silhouette alone!! Instead of the cookie-cutter basic bipedal almost humanoid dragon that most yugioh characters have had as dragon aces
Action dueling is fun and made me actually pay attention to the duels. It allows for fun and dramatic hijinks and visuals. Action cards in kind were a great idea in concept but I'm saddened that they didn't stick to action traps etc
The monsters get personality which is something Yugioh desperately needs more of!! Performapals are very emotive and characters interacting with their aces etc is so much fun
Also a girl character (Masumi) using monsters that aren't feminine which very few other ygo girls have done
Oh the monster CGI is also the best in any Yugioh when they remember to lower the framerate to match the 2d. Like by anime standards in general at the time, this CGI holds up GOOD and I dont mind it
ARC-V has such a KILLER OST OH MY GOD. I would ONLY rank it below Sevens OST personally but they went fucking insane with ARC-V dude go listen to Yuto's Passionate Soul
Disregarding the whole egao deal, I love Yuya sooo much because he feels so grounded and relatable. He feels down constantly and yeah king!! Me too!! Life is depressing but he's doing his best and I'm proud of him
I fucking love the prison break arc
ARC-V gave me Kaito/Edo/Shun interactions :)
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cipher-wise · 4 years
YGO! Questionnaire
Tagged by @joeys-red-eyed-dragon​
Favorite Series: Anyone who’s spent any length of time with me knows that the answer will always be Arc-V gfhjbjsk The animation is flawless (when it wants to be hdjsksf), the OP, ED, and OSTs are all On Point, the plot is amazing, the voice acting, the ChArAcHtErS!!!!! The decks!!! The duels!!!! This is the first YGO! series that have actually had me invested in their duels all the way through!!
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It’s also the only YGO! series besides 0+DM that entertains me the most, lore and story wise. :)
Favorite Protagonist: Yuya!!!! He’s so baby and I just want to see him happy!!! But also seeing him suffer gives me Life.
I’m just a sucker for smiley characters that have.... shall we say, trouble with masks..
Favorite Rival: A tough question for sure! Objectively, I’d choose Reiji Akaba, because, well, he starts out as a pro with all summoning methods down pat already and doesn’t actually lose to Yuya until the very end. I’d like to think, that, although Yuya sees him as a sorta dick in the beginning, he would strive to be as good a duelist as him, especially with how Reiji managed to captivate an audience.
(Seto also has one of the most interesting backstories in all of YGO! ngl...)
Now, emotionally? I’d have to choose the Zexal boys. I feel so much for Kaito, and Shark.... I’m such a sucker for protective older brothers okay? Reincarnation also helps my choice 👀
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(That said, who can resist Jun Manjoume bringing the Thunder?)
Favorite BFF: Hhhhhhhh Why must I Choose? 
Listen, all the Besties are so Good and Wholesome ;A; And I know this is totally biased but I’mma have to say Noboru Gongenzaka >.< He’s so protective of his friends and so attentive to them! I also really love how straightforward he is, it’s a trait I can get behind.
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(As a close second, it would be Johan Anderson 👀)
Favorite GFF: Potential wise, Aki Izayoi was very interesting! However,,, 
I’d have to pick Mana and Yuzu, purely because they had the most involvement in their respective stories imo. Don’t get me wrong, I love their characters and how they bounce off their protags, but it felt like they had real agency compared to some of the others.
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I also simply don’t know enough about Asuka, Kotori, or Aoi to have many opinions about them. (I’m not really a fan of Anzu either tbh.)
(I know this question is in regards to the protag’s girl bestie but my favorite girl character will forever be Yuya’s mom!! She’s so fucking badass, ja? Very Fruits Basket of her.
Droite also has my fav character design of the girls!)
Favorite Villain: Ah.
Again my bias shows because I love good guys gone bad. Yubel (and Haou) and Zarc (and the Yuubois) are my favorite villains... >.>
Number 96 and Vector also get special mentions here! (Diva has one of my fav designs tho.)
All that aside, Abidos though 👀 The best one shot villain 👌👌👌👌
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Favorite Card: Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Favorite Episode: ...Of..? Each series?
Season 0:  "Don't Touch the Forbidden Game"
DM:  "Attack Me! The Fated Last Turn"
GX:  "Judai and Johan of the Gem Beast Deck"
5D’s:  "A Life-or-Death Battle! Machine Divine Emperor Dragon Asterisk"
Zexal:  "Break Through the Limit!! King of Wishes, Hope Ray Victory"
Arc-V:  "Glory on the Academia!"
Vrains: “Self Breakdown”
The reasons why I like all of these episodes the most are probably obvious, and in somewhat of a pattern..  And I haven’t watched SEVENS yet XP
Favorite Decks to Use: Okay, so. The thing is, I’d always really liked Spellcasters and thought they were all I was gonna use. I wasn’t really a big fan of Warriors, or Dragons, or anything else really. It doesn’t help that Spellcasters are one of the most popular and diverse types in Duel monsters. However.
Arc-V’s themes for deck archetypes really got me into a bunch of other types of monsters and decks. I’d never really ever been interested in the actual game before, aside form what was relevant to plot or lore. But Arc-V has decks based on circuses, actors, singers, idols, toys, plushies- well, you can see where I’m going with this.
Now (,again with my bias,) I Adore Yuya’s deck! It has Spellcasters!!! It has cute animals!!! It follows a circus theme!!!!! One thing I Did Not see, was me liking the Dimensional Dragon archetype as much as I did! You can ask any of my friends that I play Duel Monsters against lolol, a modified Dimensional Dragons and Spellcasters Pendulum deck is my primary go to.
Another thing I didn’t foresee was taking to Pendulum quite so much! It’s so versatile!!! All my decks have at least one of each type of summoning method in it, because Pendulum makes it more possible. (Keep in mind this is pre-links I’m talking about here.) My main deck, which I fondly call “Odd-Eyes Magic”, even has Ritual monsters in it! I do use Xys the most after Pendulums I guess tho.
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Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, or Link: Pendulum lolol
In order of how much I use each summoning method: Pendulum, Xyz, Sycnhro, Ritual, Fusion, and I’ve never Link summoned or rush dueled before vbdjbvdsk
Years in Fandom: Ever since it first came on Kids WB!! I’ve watch it since forever my guys. I remember watching it when the first episode aired.
Who am I tagging??!!!! 
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@zom-bri​​ @sylvansonia​​ @1apple-fox1​​ @howaboutalittlehelpneos​​ @kayrockerqog​​ @sioninel​​
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millennium-puzzle · 3 years
I wanted to watch more eps but whatever
Noah's arc thots:
Overral uhhhhh i liked it but it's def a bad boring arc, it didn't need to be that long and have so many villains but i guess the B5 desperatly needed 6 duels amirite?
Also there were a lot of plot holes like
why Seto had no idea who Noah was considering he studied Goza's life before getting adopted?
why Noah didn't realized Goza uploaded himself in his own VW a couple of years ago?
And mostly why Goza didn't tried his world domination scheme before the start of this arc (he explicitely said he didn't need a body to do it)
BUUUT this is ygo and i don't think plot will ever make sense :P
As for character development, i liked what was done with Yugi, YY, Jounouchi and Mokuba; Anzu and Shizuka were fine but i wish their duels were completely different, oh and the monkey thing was DUMB; i missed YM a lot, he was so excited when this arc started but he was cut off immediatly after :(
For villains:
i liked Noah but he's getting his own post, def a good character and personally my fave Kaiba and villain after YM/Malik, could he have been better? Sure but i think it's more that his arc dragged him down than the opposite
Also he should have killed Goza and Seto #oldestsiblingrights
B5 are still horrible and unnecessary, i think making a big 5-vs-5 duel with each ep focusing on each pair; and then the big duel vs Y.Y and Jounochi (i must admit i LOVED that duel) would have been enough
the only moment they were interesting was Jinzo vs Seto; anyway i really cheered when Noah trolled them and killed them but not for the reason the arc wanted to; i think that their story should have been over in the first VW arc but hey we do need a kickstaring plot after all
Goza, mmmmhhhhh WHY IS HE HERE? he was never intented to be anything more than Kaiba's Backstory Man; let alone a duelist and he of all characters gets a fucking 1-to-1 duel against Seto???
I assume that the writers had no idea how to conclude this arc and decided to just slap a new villain and who better than Goza at this point; but also Noah's redemption kinda depends on this guy so should i really complain in the end?
The one thing that i really hate tho is that until that moment this whole arc's point was forcing Seto to admit that he loves Mokuba with all his heart and that he would never let him go no matter what; but with Goza here the focus shift to him and Seto fighting to prove who has the biggest ego via card game; even Mokuba acts like the emotional trauma they went through this entire arc never happened once he stops being a statue; he is more concerned about Noah after that
Goza could have been a good character and maybe even get a ok redemption arc but that would have required him being more than Kaiba's Backstory Man so we are stuck with what we have
On the bright side him having an Exodia Necros deck was really good for obvious symbolic reason; Seto is literally fighting the zombie of that guy that defeated him in the past; also it's weird but Goza is basically the reason we have an actual Exodia archetype today 🤨
Aaaanyway conclusion:
I'm gonna elaborate on this later but i assume that the overral point is that sometimes birth family IS everything, Noah's entire life AND afterlife revolved about his dad and he eventually forced his dad to accept that they will be always be together, likewise Seto and Mokuba will forever be eachother biggest moral support and nothing could ever break their bond
I would praise more the arc more but the fact this arc punishes Noah for not having friends (like if he actually had a choice in first place) makes me thing that any theme this arc got right was completely accidental
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skittymon · 7 years
26, 27, and 28 for the Yugioh Positivity Challenge!
26. Favorite protagonist
Any of yall who have followed me for a decent amount of time should know about my love for Judai Yuki and Yuya Sakaki.
Like talk about taking Break the Cutie up to 100000.
I love their archetypes, their growth, THEIR AESTHETIC IS ON POINT. Can’t wait to blow my money on the Judai Figurine (please release off spin off protags too in the future Konami I beg)
27. Favorite antagonist  
TRON HANDS DOWN HOLY SHIT. He’s scary, ruthless, amusing, heartless, HAS AMAZING BACKSTORY AND MOTIVATION FOR BEING A DICK. Not to mention he brought III, IV, and V (and Shark technically cause he fucked over his life lol).
Yubel is also a great villain. Fucking tortured Judai to the point where he commit mass genocide, JUST LOOKS FLAT OUT TERRIFYING, honestly has one of the best thought out evil plans to date in ygo.
28. Favorite summoning method
Synchro summoning has a v special place in my heart since I grew up with 5ds, but fusion summoning holds two of my favorite archetypes (Frightfur/Fluffal and HERO).
thanks for the ask!!
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iishiizu · 6 years
friendship ended with literally every other card archetype ever, ghostricks are my only friends now.
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