mrshabtan · 1 year
Young Ulgumar as MrShabtan Ulgumar in his younger days (144 years old). (Version of his current self: www.deviantart.com/mrshabtan/a…)
The Nioun are a long-lived race, with an average lifespan of up to 500 years. At the time of their birth, they enter a dormant state, during which they remain small and fragile until they reach the age of 50 (approximately). At this point, they begin to grow and reach their peak height and weight between the ages of 46 and 58. The Nioun's long lifespan and unique growth patterns are just one of the many mysterious and intriguing aspects of this intelligent and powerful species. On the planet Ardia, the calendar year is comprised of 372 days, divided into four months of 93 days each: Kiril, Laora, Vartinsot, and Ruth.
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