#donnie’s is probably the biggest change voice wise
sophfandoms53 · 1 year
Oh yeah, these boys are gonna be so much fun
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frogonamelon · 1 year
Venus de Milo
I have never been remotely interested in TMNT until about… *checks notes* buhbuhbuh… two months ago give or take. I’m obsessed. Help. 
First ones first, I have two different concept ideas for Venus de Milo in Rise. The first, and one for today, will be Venus as a sister and member of the Mad Dogs. 
When she’s used in this context, Venus’ name has recently bothered me as all of her brothers get to be named after Italian Renaissance Painters, but she is named after an Ancient Greek Sculpture. I’ve decided to name this iteration of Venus ‘Sandro’ after Sandro Boticelli, an Italian Renaissance painter most famous for The Birth of Venus. Nicknames include: Teal (from Splinter), Sandy, Ro, and San among others, I’m sure.
Her species would be a Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle, connecting back to Venus and the myth that she was born and came from the ocean. Despite these turtles being the smallest of the world’s seven sea turtles, she is much bigger than most of the turtle species of her brothers, with only Raph being slightly bigger (the minimum size is larger), so she is the second oldest. 
Much like the turtle’s dramatic coloring change throughout their adolescence, Ro would’ve been an edgy kid. She was probably very quiet, became rambunctious, spunky, and brash before realizing how dangerous this is. I could see this as her wanting to prove herself and then mellowing out and finding herself. Ideally this transition to start happening fairly late story wise so we would get a chance to see both sides. 
As she mellows out, she becomes a voice of reason in situations where her brothers are being stupid. She would be the most introspective and extend this calm energy to the others. She still takes no nonsense from anyone and is just as much if not more dangerous as she gets older but is more level-headed about it. 
As she is the second oldest, she wouldn't have as much burden on her as Raph while still being the biggest, leading her to roughhouse and she even hurt Donnie once when they were kids. After this event she would begin to seek out understanding and knowledge about turtles. She would also be very ignorant about the world before dedicating herself to understanding it.
Sandy gets to keep Venus’ canon folding tensen as her mystic weapon. I’m unsure what I want her power to be, but I like the idea of it having some sort of wind manipulation kind of like Mikey’s fire power, but it would probably have to be some sort of teal colored blast instead to give it an actual visual.
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The side view is a little strange as I tried to combine a human face shape with a Kemp's Ridley, but I wanted to show that her bandana is tied in a braided bun of a bow with the rest hanging down to mirror the Venus de Milo stature buts it's definitely strange in this image.
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ariel-snow-tmnt · 4 years
the new vigilantes
chapter 3  
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The next morning, Ariel woke up at eight o’clock sharp just like April said. She got up and went to the kitchen. She made a nice cup of hot chocolate for herself and a cup of coffee for April. When April came into the kitchen, she smiled at the cup of coffee ready for her. Ariel was a sweetheart even with what happened to her 11 years ago. They both ate breakfast in a comfortable silence. April decided to break the silence.
April: “Hey girl. What are you planning on doing today?”
Ariel: “you know probably going to trained with my sensei. Why are you asking?”
April: “I just want to make sure you’ll be alright. I don’t want you to be lonely.”
Ariel: “Oh… don’t worry for me. I got my sensei and my friends. Ill be fine, besides I got you that I can bug all day.” She smiles with a giggle, then she got up and put her plate in the sink and went to get dress. When she returns to the April to thanks her before she left to go to her sensei for training. April always wonder why she would carry a big bag with her but never question her on that. She knew that Ariel didn’t have much. Once she got to the dojo, she was greeted by her sensei.
Yoshi: “Hello Ariel. I thought I told you that there was no training today.”
Ariel: “Hello sensei. I know but I got nothing else to do and my friends are all busy.”
Yoshi: “I see, but I cannot let you trained all day. It is not healthy for you. But I heard that there is a convention in town and it is related to Japanese culture. You should go and have fun.” 
Ariel: “oh…sure. Can I leave my bag here with you? Ill come and get it later.” He nods and handed her a pass to the convention as he knew that she couldn’t say no. She took it with a smile and thanks him before leaving and grabbing the nearest subway train to down town. Once she reaches the convention, she was amazed buy what she saw. She knew that her friends and her sensei gave her some money for her to get somethings and in case there is an emergency. She spends the entire day there. She bought a few things like a little bonsai tree. When she was in the subway on the way back to her sensei dojo. She told him everything she sawed and showed him what she bought including her little bonsai tree that had some beautiful red and green leaves. She told him good night then left with her bag. She had a weird feeling that she was being followed but brush off that feeling. It was probably just someone going in the same direction. She knew that only creeps that would arrases someone on the street. A hand landed on her shoulder and she turned around ready to fight off who ever touched her, but to her surprise, she was greeted by officer Jones.
Ariel: “Jesus Casey! I could have seriously hurt you. Why didn’t you just call my name?”
Casey: “Sorry snow. But you need to come with me.” He pointed to his car before adding. “We need to talk about something.”
All Ariel could do was nod and followed him to the car. Once she got in that she knew that he had found something about her parents’ murder. He mostly hangs with her if she called him but besides that he keeps his distance to keep her safe.
Ariel: “Casey does it have something to do with my parents?” She asks as her voice started to tremble a little. Casey was the officers responsible about Ariel parents.
Casey: “we found out that they were murder by the shredder.” He looks down and sighs. “I’m sorry Ariel but…we be believed that you may be in danger.”
Ariel felt tears in her eyes. She knew that her parents loved her and would never abandon her without a reason. Now that she knew that the Shredder was responsible, she had a better reason to fight them.
Ariel: “Thanks for telling me…” Casey stared the car and started to drive off.
Casey: “that’s not all. I’m taking you to some of my friends to make sure you will be safe. I know you know ninjitsu but April and I think its best if you go stay with them for a few days even their sensei agreed with us on this mater.”
Ariel: “Wait… you know April? And you never told me?” she seams confused about all that why didn’t he just took her to her sensei and why going to another sensei anyway but remained silent for the rest of the ride. Casey pull the car to a stop in a dark ally way and got out. Ariel opened the door and got out. She could easily see 4 figures standing in the shadows.
Ariel: “if their supposed to be ninjas they’re not doing a good job of being unseen.”  April giggle and move forward to greeted them with a smile.
April: “I know that you master ninjitsu but if the Shredder finds you. You won’t be able to fight him alone or with your friends without putting them in danger.”
A voice from the shadows spoke.
Leo: “we were not trying to be invisible we let you be able to see us.” Ariel raised an eyebrow in their direction. She didn’t believe that for one bit.
Donnie: “the foot clan can track anyone down. No matter where they are.”
Raph: “yeah. and with y’a hair color of yours it made it easy for them to find y’a.”
Ariel: “and what if I don’t want to stay with you? I could had gone to my own sensei.” She looks directly at the figure that had katanas but one with a playful body language came up next to him.
Mikey: “true but we took down the Shredder once and that huge thing in the sky a few months ago. Not to brag or anything but yeah we did that.” He started to flex when one of them wacked him in the head. She sighs as she looks down then look back at Casey.
Ariel: “I don’t have a choice, do I?” he shook his head with a smile.
Casey: “don’t worry their just teenagers like you beside their fun when you get use to them.” Ariel looked back in their direction.
Ariel: “they don’t look like teenagers.”
Raph: “well sorry to disappoint y’a but we are.”
Leo: “I think its time to go back to the lair. Mikey you know the drill.” With that one of them approached her and put a pillow case over her head before she could even process what she saw.
When they arrive at the lair, they were greeted by Splinter. The smell wasn’t that bad for being in the sewers. Mikey gently put me back on my feet. He was talking the entire was, witch she found amusing. She felt that he only had three fingers on each hand. She felt his skin was kind of rough and was that scaly?
Splinter: “I apologies for the pillow case on your head but we need to keep this place a secret.” He nodded towards his youngest son to remove the casing over her head. She heard him whisper to her.
Mikey: “please don’t freak out…” he trailed off and she wonder why he had asked her that. He slowly removed the casing. Ariel took sometime to adjust to the lighting. Then she understood why he asked her that. In front of her stood four giants mutant turtles and a giant mutated rat. He looked wise and caring. The she notices Mikey, that was the smallest, was kind of scared but you didn’t know why.
Ariel: “now that’s explain your size, and that Vern didn’t do shit when it came to the shredder.” Mikey with orange slowly approached her.
Mikey: “you’re not freaked out about us??” Ariel just shuck her head. Mikey expression completely change. He was going to say something when the one in blue stopped him. He looked like the oldest and the leader of them.
Leo: “my name is Leonardo and you must have guest that he is Mikey.”
Mikey: “it’s short for Michelangelo.” He said with the biggest smile.
Splinter: “my name is Splinter but you can call me sensei if you want.” He then turns to his son and nod to them before going to what she presumed to be his room. Then the one in red came up to her and at that moment she knew that she was going to leave him alone.
Raph: “names Raphael but call me Raph.” He then left to go to his room probably. The one with the glasses was kind of cute. He was tall and wasn’t as muscular then his brothers but he was defiantly the smartest one.
Don: “I’m Donatello but you can call me Donnie or Don just don’t call me D please.” As he looked at her she saw how beautiful his eyes were. They were golden brown, something that she never saw before. Leo propose to give her a tour and Mikey was the one that eagerly showed me around. When we passed the gym, she saw how much Raph could lift. But she didn’t look long before she dragged away by Mikey. He finished the tour by showing her Donnie’s lab. He pushed her into the lab gently. She looked back at him confused.
Ariel: “you’re not coming in?”
Mikey: “I’m not allowed in their since I ended breaking things.” He then motions to her to look around. She saw Donnie at kind of computer. She approached him and she noticed that he had saw her on one of his monitors.
Don: “you like the tour?” he didn’t even turn around to speak to her as she stood next to him. She was focus on something on the screen.
Ariel: “are those the city’s camera system? How did you even get access to them?” Donnie was amused by her curiosity.
Don: “I hacked into the system years ago and I’m also the one that made most of the gadgets and the heating system. No one tough me that I just learned on my own.” He was bragging to her but she didn’t mind. He showed her to the spare room they had prepared for her. Her bag was already there along with Leonardo. He smiled at her as he lifted her new little tree.
Leo: “I have never seen one this color before.”
Ariel: “I got it at the Japanese convention down town. I always wanted one so now I have one. Their hard to find around here.” She went to her bag as she heard small chirping sounds. She turned around and saw Donnie leave. Leo turned around and looked at her and knew she was going to ask the question.
Leo: “it’s turtle language.” Ariel just nod before she gabbed something in her bag.
Leo: “if you need anything, I’ll be right across the hall. I know this is new but you’ll get use to it.” She looked at him with a small hint of sadness.
Ariel: “I know, I’m just not used to being with a lot of people when I seep somewhere. I had problems in the past with others.” She looked down.
Leo: “you won’t have to worry about anything. No one with hurt or try anything on you. We may be turtles but we now better then to do such a thing.” He walks to the door before adding. “you are welcome to join us tomorrow morning for training. Good night Ariel.” He closes the door and left. What he told her made her feel safer. She took out all of her weapons and put them all up on the wall as they knew that she would bring them with her. She changed into her pyjamas and took out her favorite plushy. She really like plushies. It comforted her and made her happy. She climbed into the bed and laid down. It really was a comfortable bed. She felt asleep instantly. A few hours later, Donnie was going to bed but before he went to check on Ariel. He opened the door of her room and saw her sound asleep with her plushie. It was a purple bunny with very long ears. He smiles and close the door again then went to bed.
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