#dolphins can get high on pufferfish lol
dvcky-duck · 7 months
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tried doing surreal art, really fun :D the 'sketch':
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just kind of a big fat mess of photoshop <3 and here are the images I used/referenced
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all from pinerest hehehe
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puzzled-pegasus · 7 months
more WoF tribe hcs because I feel like it
SandWings often swallow their prey whole like a snake
RainWings, when telling stories, subconsciously change their scales to vaguely match those of the dragons in the story. They find it hard to follow stories told by non-RainWings because they rely somewhat on visual cues. Ex: Kinkajou telling Moon about something Winter said and her scales turning white and blue without her thinking about it.
Dragon wing gestures are something not enough ppl talk about but I love thinking about wing movement as it relates to body language. Wings flared to try to intimidate or to convey excitement, wings swept outward and horizontally to gesture to their surroundings, wings used to point at things, to wave hello or goodbye, RainWing wings outstretched and turned red in a gesture not unlike a middle finger, wings pulled back in shock, wings poised to launch into the air in a fight or flight response when startled, etc etc just WING RELATED BODY LANGUAGE/GESTURES!
SkyWings also 100% have at LEAST 30 rude gestures you can do with ur wings
LeafWings have prehensile tails like RainWings
RainWings as well as IceWings have an incredible ability to right themselves in the air when knocked off balance, kinda like cats lol
SandWings would too bc sandstorms
SandWings are actually really good swimmers
MudWings don't swim but walk along the bottom of the lake/river like a hippo
When RainWings trip on frog poison, their scales turn neon colors
SkyWings have extremely well developed vision and can see insane detail from very far away, like an eagle.
RainWings have courtship dances.
Typically, male RainWings and SkyWings have brighter colors and male SkyWings are more commonly red.
Similarly, blue SeaWings are more commonly male.
HiveWings can be hot pink. (Inspiration from that one kind of grasshopper)
Procreation between NightWings and SeaWings sometimes creates children with bioluminescent black lights.
RainWings can learn to speak Aquatic through scale color changes, though it only works with daylight because their scales are only color changing and not bioluminescent.
SeaWings can get high from pufferfish poison, like dolphins.
SeaWings get sick when they transfer from fresh water to salt water and vice versa, similar to altitude sickness.
SkyWings anatomically have the largest hearts of any tribe. (Ah, the irony)
If they eat too many shrimp or similar seafood, IceWings can turn pink. (It's not cute though, it's often a sign of malnourishment.)
RainWings, LeafWings and NightWings are the only tribes able to eat chocolate without getting sick.
Many NightWings are colorblind, but can see colors in visions of the future.
RainWings can mimick sounds and even voices with bonechilling accuracy.
Pantalan dragons do not have forked tongues.
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Another question >:D
I’m sure you mentioned it but my brain just can’t brain right now, what are the dietary differences between mers and sirens? I assume it varies because of their differences in habitats, but I just want to hear your cool interpretation of this kind of thing >:D
It was mentioned in the mer/siren biology slides (which I need to expand on and update but I’ll do that laaatter) but I’ll be happy to word vomit in more detail about it lol
Sirens are obligate or “true” carnivores which means that they can only get the sustenance and nutrients they need from meat. They can technically eat plants like seaweed though only in smaller amounts as their bodies cannot digest it properly and it’s not very beneficial to them anyway.
Due to this, sirens have sharper teeth as well as other more predatory features as compared to merfolk.
And as for specifics of their diet, it really just depends on where their territory is/where they are as well as individual preference, though I will list what is potentially on the menu for a siren here:
Fish, especially larger migratory fish like salmon, and also eels
Sharks, dolphins, even smaller whale species like belugas and narwhals
In way colder regions where prey is more limited, they will eat seals and penguins
Seabirds may also fall victim to sirens if they are unlucky enough—sirens can breach the water fast and go pretty damn high if they want to/have a good headstart
Mussels and shrimp are too small even as a snack for an adult siren though lobsters and crabs are really tasty treats to them
Merfolk though it is a tad rarer as mers and sirens aren’t often close to each other
Aaand humans :)
I’m basing their feeding behavior mostly off of orcas as different pods have different dietary habits and the same can be said for siren pods as well as individual sirens.
Merfolk are omnivores so they can eat both plants and meat and need both to maintain a good diet.
Their teeth are duller than sirens’ though they still have sharp canines and claws but they lack some of the more predatory features and behaviors that sirens have.
Merfolk live amongst the coral reefs and seaweed forests in warmer waters so prey is often more plentiful for them than sirens, especially since they don’t always have to chase down prey and can eat plants instead. They are similar to sirens however as different pods will eat different things depending on their location.
Mer dietary list:
Plants like seaweed/kelp
Shrimp as well as lobsters and crabs
Mussels like clams and scallops
Urchins (mers are naturally immune to the effects of urchin venom)
Smaller species of fish, including clownfish and pufferfish (mers are also naturally immune to the poisonous effects of pufferfish)
Mers do not prey on humans nor sirens and actively try to avoid both.
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bbyboybucket · 4 months
saw an ask game and was kinda bored and watned to chat, so here:
headphones or earbuds?
do you talk to yourself?
what do you think says the most about a person?
and finally. . .
what's one weird fact you know?
That's all, have a wonderful day! :)
Heyyy! Thanks for sending this!!
I definitely am an earbuds person.
I talk to myself 24/7, especially when I’m trying to do something haha.
I think it’s hard to choose just one thing because there’s so much that can reveal a lot about a person. I might sound crazy bc I know it’s always said “don’t judge a book by its cover” but that’s so not true. I think the way someone chooses to express themselves in their clothes and style and hair etc. really tells you a lot because if you pay attention, that’s a big look into what they like and prefer, sometimes what their interests are, and sometimes it can even indicate some personality traits too. For a basic example, if someone regularly wears a lot of makeup, like lipstick and detailed eyeshadow, that tells me that they’re artsy and they like making things beautiful. And I think the same thing about how someone decorates their home/bedroom, because that’s giving you probably and even bigger look into who they are. Because every single item in there really just represents a little piece of them. It can give a lot about their personality and interests.
Butttttt if we’re talking about mainly personality traits and particularly in the sense of whether they’re trustworthy, kind, reliable, etc. I think one of the biggest things (kinda an obvious thing too ig) is how they talk about other people when they aren’t around. I mean not only does that give insight into wether or not they’re two faced but it kinda can tell you if someone is a bitter person, if they’re spiteful, it can show if they’re insecure and so much more. But also, I think how someone reacts when a friend or loved one (or even a stranger in some cases) is in need or having a hard time. There’s A LOTTTTT that can say about someone, too much for me to get into.
As for a weird fact, I’m sure I know a million but I can’t think of very many off the top of my head, so you may have heard this one before lol but apparently Dolphins can be malicious. Male dolphins regularly SA female ones, sometimes groups of males will find a female and separate her from her school (? Idk what it’s called? Herd?) and take turns SAing the female until it sometimes dies. And if the female resists they’ll bite and attack it until it’s weak enough. They torture and kill other animals for fun, not for food. And another fun little fact is that they like getting high off pufferfish venom.
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multimask · 3 years
Alright buckle up we got a lot of questions: 13, 14, 16, 25, 26, 33, 37, 38, 42, 63, 68, all for my wonderful friend The Head of Coin! 👁👁 show me the forbidden information
ALRIGHT LONG LIST HERE WE GO (love that you’re asking Coin, who is supposed to be good at keeping Secrets, all of these questions, and so soon after That Chat with Von Kri, too)
13. What do they dislike about themself? Why?
I'm honestly not sure. Coin's been running around my head for a good number of months now, and I don't know if I've ever heard him say anything about something he doesn't like about himself. He's a cocky cheerful bastard, and I'm *still* trying to figure out if that's honest to god Him or if that's a façade he puts on. I'm not sure Coin completely realizes this - though he's definitely noticed after That Chat - but he's somewhat careless when not sworn to secrecy, is a way to put it, I suppose. If he's made a deal or an agreement then by the gods he will follow it, but if not? He can be unfortunately loose-lipped, as we discovered in that chat with Von Kri. If it involves his Own, then he is... better at being tight-lipped when not sworn to, but he can be careless when it comes to others he doesn't have any formal Deals with (like the main party...). He knows this isn't necessarily favorable, but he's also not sure how, or even if, he wants to really change that
14. What is something they love about themself?
Coin loves his surefire confidence. He’s a cheerful bastard, and a cocksure one at that. Until That Chat, I don’t think Coin’s been really shaken or felt out of control of a situation in a good long while. I still need to really sort out his backstory, and his early early life, but I don’t think that this cocksure attitude was always the case for him. It’s something he developed and worked for and... well, you heard it here first, he was *so awkward and shy* as a kid, a total wallflower. He's able to slip into the unnoticed wallflower easy enough, but it's not something he tends to do much these days. He was always watching, listening to others growing up, and he managed to basically turn that into his job?
16. What are their feelings on the people who raised them?
Alright, going to be copy/pasting this Q&A for Coin into one of my hidden DM channels so I’ve got this on record there lmao. The people who raised Coin. . . Hm. Coin was born to eladrin parents on the Material Plane, and he was not born with the “name” of Coin. I have that name written down in my notes, but that is not information I will lightly give where other players might see. The Name/Title of “Coin” he took on after he made his way to the Shadowfell, but that was later in life. His parents were kind folk, and they raised him best they could, but there was only so much they could do for the shy wallflower of a child he was. He doesn’t think badly of his parents, when he remembers them, but it’s been so long since he’s seen them that he rarely thinks about them. He knows his parents have passed away, but he doesn’t know where they’re buried or else he would visit their graves while he’s on the Material Plane right now
25. What stories do they like to tell? What stories do they like to hear?
Coin *loves* to hear stories of all sorts. He trades in information, among other things, and stories can tell you so much about an event and about the people telling you the story. He especially likes the “stories” that are basically someone catching the new person up on all the office gossip & drama. That’s always fun to listen to when they bring someone new into the offices and he gets to overhear the latest rendition of the complaints about Ayen’s Code that no one can understand. Stories that Coin likes to tell? Hm. Whatever kind of story he thinks his audience would like, something to keep them engaged and continuing to trade stories with him. I’m not sure I could get more specific than that, since what sort of story he’d tell depends on who his audience is and if he’s looking for information
26. Who do they miss?
Really digging at the backstory here, I see. *Any* information I’m giving here that pertains to before Coin joined the Shadow Court is new information we’re spinning up to answer these questions lmao. I don’t think Coin misses anyone, not seriously. There might be some old warlocks of his that have passed away that he misses, but there’s always someone new to meet. Perhaps his parents? When he remembers them, of course. It’s been *centuries* since he last saw them, and he has less and less reason to remember them as the years pass by
33. What makes them cry?
As much as I wanted to try and find a possible backstory scenario or something on something that makes Coin cry, I couldn’t think of anything, so we get a funny answer here. What makes Coin cry? Get him drunk enough and he’ll cry over the funniest things, like snakes not being able to walk because they don’t have legs. S&C have both seen this from him on numerous different occasions, I believe, and C will *gladly* offer up facts and info like that if he’s gotten over snakes but needs something continue to cry about. And also drops information like that around Coin when he's sober to add to the list of topics to cry over when drunk. Simply stating “The point is dolphins” around a drunk enough Coin will send him crying about dolphins bc 1) “so long and thanks for all the fish” (Coin: why would they abandon us!?!) and 2) dolphins attacking pufferfish to get high (Coin: they’re so meeeeannnnn why would they do that 😭)
37. What is their favorite thing to hold?
A pen or a coin. When he’s not running around watching the party in their chaos, he’s often found with a notebook or at a desk working on notes or ledgers. He keeps records, and so he’s often found with a pen in hand. He’s also almost always fidgeting with like a silver or copper piece. I think the cool metal of the coins helps ground him, and, as some other characters have seen, he will occasionally hand them out, so he’s always got a coin on hand. 
38. What do they smell like?
Musty, like inks and papers of a records room full of books. There’s also a sharp metallic edge to him, as well, that smells like copper pennies or blood
42. What are three words they would use to describe themself?
Sure-footed, Watching, and Energetic (and, of course, Cheerful, but I call him a cheerful bastard enough that that one’s a given at this point lol)
63. What fight has scared them the most?
A fight with the Baron, back in the early days of this Shadow Court. Things were rough going until everyone settled into their places and got used to each other. Fighting the sorcerer wasn’t that much of a problem, the magic he could handle, but the *blankness* of the Baron was incredibly unnerving. Coin is normally good at reading people, in both combat and conversation, but he’s never been able to read the Baron in either. There was a disagreement between Coin and the Baron about something or other, probably something pretty petty and insignificant looking back, but the fight scared Coin. He’s fought mages before, and can hold his own against them, but he wasn’t able to read the Baron’s movements or his casting, and that was the first fight he nearly lost in a long while
68. What was the best moment of their life?
Watching the party kill the Sage? Hearing that the Sage, Father, and Templar were all three dead? I think that second one, since that signaled him becoming the head of the Court. If there’s another moment, I haven’t mapped out his backstory too seriously, so I couldn’t tell you
[If you want to ask me questions about my characters, the post can be found here!]
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