#doctor who spoliers
ahintofpanic13 · 5 months
Hey RTD. If you’re going to be doing Disney+ spin offs can I suggest one with Jodie and Mandip. Have it take place in the period between either Revolution of the Daleks and Flux OR LotSD and Power of the Doctor.
You owe us after that Yasmin Khan erasure in The Giggle.
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ozzieinspacetime · 6 days
Maestros reaction to hearing the start of a beatles song is so valid I would also dissapear back to hell,, they better come back tho Maestro ilysm <3 <3 <3
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lonely-space-ace · 5 months
listen I don’t have a problem with the bi-generation really but rtd we haven’t even gotten over the timeless child discourse how could you do this to us
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jackfromthefairytale · 5 months
ya know, doc-tosis is the last thing I was expecting to see this episode
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ok-sims · 5 months
sad to announce that tomorrow i'll be running errands and won't be able to watch the giggle as soon as it gets on air
so i won't see in real time my babygirl fourteen coming out as bi(regenerated)
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bornto-die-this-way · 2 years
Some quick thoughts from the episode:
Yaz’s farewell was extremely underwhelming. So many wasted opportunities for one on one moments.
I always think 13 needs more screen time but especially in her regeneration episode. The forced regen was interesting but not in the expense of screen time.
David tenant sucks all attention and focus in general. But to have him do that in her farewell episode? Idk. Mixed feelings about that.
Still processing.
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boobgoogler · 10 months
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im rewatching doctor who and i got to journeys end again and i think that episode did something to me as an 7 year old or something because DAMN!?
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antiquelaceartist · 2 years
When we saw the first seconds of Ncuti Doctor
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Tennant and Tate in *four* episodes in 2023.
Tennant is the 10th and officially the 14th Doctor.
Happy on one hand and on the other wish we had 4 more episodes of 13 and Yaz.
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ineffablebadwolf · 5 months
That was so fucking bad.
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freuleinanna · 5 months
wake up honey dropping a doctor who theory here. bear with me, i'm not just crying over 14 and donna, i think it actually holds!!
so, bi-generation. okay. 15 popping out in his therapized glory. so basically, i don't think he just pushed all trauma to 14 and moved on. 15 is actually post-14. meaning, he has lived that life at the same time as he continued living his own life.
remember 13 looked into Time and got split into three? yeah, that. she was in three places simultaneously. her consciousness was, at least. what can't 14, what that recent knowledge, subconsciously do the same? he's just experienced that, and he's still running on regeneration jiuce. worth mentioning, the dude (gender neutral) had a piss with Time his whole life. looking into Vortex, diving into Time itself... the doctor is not disintegrating per se, but can, as proven, survive being split. why not let one part of him live longer?
so he does. he finds home in donna and her family. he's doing whatever the hell. squinting over sci fi books, getting whupped for accidentally buying non-vegan milk for rose ("you said the orange cartbox with stripes!!!" "A STRIPE! WITH A STRIPE! CAN'T TIME LORDS COUNT, YOU DUMBO?!").
having the most difficult heart-to-hearts with his best friend, finally telling her about his companions, the master, the flux. crying, grieving, healing.
looking up at a spaceship torpedoing into the ground and saying "that's a future me problem", dealing cards to donna because it's poker night. and donna is a bit surprised, how easily he let that go, and he just smiles, and holds her hand, and kisses her knuckles gently. and it's alright. "there'll be time for that," he says.
and then they both grow old. and 14 ages. and i don't know if donna dies first or not, it's unimportant. maybe the night she dies it happens. 14 grieves, and cries some more, and says goodbyes. he calls his favorite niece, and when all is said and done, he's ready.
only he isn't about to die, because his essence has to reunite. this part of him has been away for a very long time, and it was the happiest time ever, but he has to be restored. just like 13 had to collect shards of herself back into one, so does 14.
the very particles of his being are reuniting, and it feels like spreading, or travelling, and his silly poetic mind is pleased with the sensation... only to feel regeneration coming full tide, and suddenly he's back on the roof, looking at himself.
"no way!" "will somebody tell me what the hell is going on?!"
but the thing is, he didn't get split at that moment like we think. he got back together. bi-generation. two regenerations happened at the same time, looped one into another. 14 regenerated twice.
and now, now he watches himself exhausted and broken, and he can let himself go. he can sincerely say that it's going to be alright, because he knows it is. donna is right there. she'll take him home.
and he can continue on his way.
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nuttersincorporated · 6 months
Small changes I would have made to Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary episode
For the most part, I really like The Star Beast. However, here are a few things I would have done differently.
Firstly, I think they should have made it clear that Rose Noble is nonbinary before the Meta-Crisis was reactivated. A trans woman is no more nonbinary than a cis woman. They make it very clear she’s trans but not that she’s nonbinary. Can a person be nonbinary while using exclusively she/her pronouns? Absolutely! However, they don’t make it clear that’s what they are doing.
The easiest way would have been to have Rose use she/they pronouns. I would have had Rose wear a badge with ‘she/them’ on it. I would also have added and tweaked a few lines when Donna and Sylvia were talking about Rose in the kitchen.
Sylvia: I don’t know. When I say she looks gorgeous, is that right? I mean, is it sexist? Or is it even the right word for someone who’s nonbinary? I never said it to him when he was… Oh… oh sorry.
Donna: Does she look gorgeous? Yes! So, stop worrying.
Sylvia: I just get so clumsy.
Donna: I know. So do I. You know Rose uses they/them pronouns too. You could use those if it’s easier.
The other thing I would change is the stupid line about a male presenting Doctor not ever thinking of letting something go. I hate that line. Not only is it sexist, it’s also said to the Doctor who – in one episode – has already been more emotionally open than any of the ones who came before including the one who was a woman.
Instead, it would have gone something like,
Doctor: We’ve still got to fix you two because the Meta-Crisis might have slowed down but that thing is wrapped around your cortex.
Donna: Yes, we know.
Rose: We know everything. Thanks.
Donna: And you apparently know nothing, even though you really should.
Rose: We’ve got all that power but there is a way to get rid of it.
Donna: It isn’t even a part of us, not really.
Rose: If a part of who you are isn’t really you or it’s hurting you, you can let it go and change.
Donna: How many times have you changed Doctor and this didn’t even occur to you! Anyway, like my wonderful daughter taught me we can let parts of ourself go and so we choose to let it go.
Then afterwards, there would have been a conversation about how Donna couldn’t have done that the first time around. It was happening to quickly; she didn’t know it was an option and she didn’t think she was worth anything without it. Now she knows better.
Then they’d talks some more about why the Doctor has his ‘old face back’. Is it because he isn’t able to change and move forward at the moment or is there another reason?
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ozzieinspacetime · 5 months
Cannot stop thinking about the master as schrodingers gold tooth, actually. Like in a divided loyalties way. Trapped in the body of the not-consiousness of your dead friend, knowing that your OTHER dead friend is there somewhere but she's completely lost to you because. You're a tooth. Do you think the master went and begged for his life because he knew he would lose? Do you think he wanted to be trapped like they were? Maybe, do you think, when the tooth came free and Charlie stopped hearing the laugh, everything else in the toymakers realm was set free as well? Does it matter, when they have nothing to go back to?
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lonely-space-ace · 2 years
Half of me loves that tennent is back
because I love ten. He was my first doctor and he’s still one of my favorites, and I’m so excited to see him and Donna again
I’m also really looking forward to Ncuti, and I loved thirteen, and I feel like ten coming back takes some of the spotlight away from both of them. So I am now Conflicted
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lililovesthings · 6 months
David Tennant: * Blinks *
All of us:
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David Tennant:
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spider-avenger22 · 4 months
You know in Season 4, Episode 4 of Doctor Who "The Sontaran Stratagem" where the Tenth Doctor uses the teleport pod to unknowingly plant himself right onto the Sontaran ship? A Sontaran yells, "We have an intruder!" And the Doctor cleverly wits back with, "How'd he get in? Intruder window?" And we all laugh because sassy Ten is at it again?
Well, back in Season 1, Episode 6 in "Dalek," when finding out about the Ninth Doctor and Rose suddenly appearing on the 53rd floor below the surface out of nowhere in a very hush-hush freedom eagle alien artifact facility, not knowing how they got in, Henry van Statten quips with "I'll tell you how they got in. Intruder window." Interesting, right?
Now, I know in reality that the writers recycled the joke as either a call back or just cause it works with both situations. However, my headcanon in universe is that when the Ninth Doctor met van Statten and read the man's mind out of force of habit, he clocked the joke and thought, "That's a good one. Might use that one for myself." One foxy regeneration and a teleportation to Potato Land later, the Doctor saw an opportunity and took it with a manic smile.
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