#disclaimer that obviously this isn't to insinuate that imogen doesn't care about orym their friendship is one of my favorites in BH
professorthaddeus · 2 years
honestly, i thought imogen would be furious.
i thought she would be screaming and ruthless in that way that she gets when it’s laudna on the line, i thought she would demand that laudna be brought back, that they fix this and choose her
but instead she just kept blubbering apologies, and she was quiet and sad and broken and drained, and i wonder if part of the reason why she didn’t even put up a word of protest when fearne chose orym was because she felt that in some way, she deserved this. it’s her fault.
but isn’t that horrible? laudna’s death is not just a consequence for imogen, her life means so much more, imogen would never leave a choice like that up to something as petty as her own guilt—but still, imogen stayed quiet. and if they can’t fix this, they have to fix this, that’s going to be another thing to live with
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