Do you ever feel like the whole world has gone crazy and you are the only sane on left?
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In your eyes, we will never be good enough.
Adults expect so much from our gerneration. I dont undertsand how im supposed to act like an adult all the time, but not get treated like one. They want us to grow up, but not be entitled to the same things that they are. It’s “thier house” until we have to clean it top to bottom. Its “start comunicating with the ourisde world instead of constantly being on the damn phone” and then its, “Stop going to parties you have to prioritatze your future”
If you want us to be so indepedent, please take your hand off the strings you manipulate us with.
And its funny, because it Its always somehow “because of the phone” IM SORRY THAT WE DONT HAVEN IT THAT EASY!!! We cant keep living like this. The world is so harsh to us as it is. 
THIS is why we are the stronger generation. Because of YOU. We have been broken and put back together again more times than we can count. If we were running the world already, things would be so much better. We have suffered so much. Start treating us with some respect. Because one day, we are going to thank you. Thank you for helping us see how utterly flawed and broken we are. Guess who we get it from? 
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