#did you prodict this and are now having a 'I told you so moment'?
istopaskingmemate · 25 days
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de fuck is his face?!
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books-and-dragons · 3 years
Maruki’s Rank 6 gave me some Thoughts™
so, i did promise myself i wouldn’t answer asks/do these type of posts until i finished royal, but honestly i couldn’t help myself
amma quick start with the disclaimer that i vaguely am aware maruki ain’t a bro (and no there will not be elaboration. mainly bc i’m in october of royal so i can’t, my spoilers have been thankfully minimal yet irritatingly still present) 
also i’ll probs make a comprehensive post about the maruki’s confidant once i finish royal, but for now this is ‘thoughts i’ve had midway in’, specific to rank 6, with a splash of rank 7
i’ve been getting some red flags from his language, specifically his rank 6 stuff. (i’m at rank 9 atm, for context). this is more me spewing some thoughts, because playing through it pissed me of so much i had to rant SOMEWHERE goddamn it
but yeah, don’t take this too seriously or expect coherency and logic, it’s mainly a vent-y catharsis for me, but i figured why not throw it into the ring
i’m going to start by quickly outlining that i’ll only be discussing red flags in his language here, there’s a few psychological perspectives he seems to have that i disagree with, but that’s not relevant
it’s important i explain first that the language used by psychologists is trained from first year of studying (at least, at research-based univerisities at undergrad, then all unis at postgrad). the lexicon and specific semantic structuring is important because it sets a precedent and, when incorrect, can have negative ramifications- i’ll touch on this briefly
as i said, rank 6 was my Big Gripe, so we’ll start there
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okay, this is an admittedly smaller issue, but i couldn’t not bring it up, since it reflects a greater issue at play
privacy. client respect. the right to boundaries. environmental consideration.
we don’t know the extent of akira and maruki’s interactions, we don’t know what is discussed in the therapy- but we can imply it isn’t much. similarly, i think it’s safe to assume that they have never discussed things such as alternate locations for sessions, or their safe space (this accounts both for akira letting people into his safe space, what he considers a safe space, and if leblanc is safe for him. that last one could be an interesting discussion for another time)
maruki has violated his client’s right to any of these by coming into leblanc.
and no, we can’t just say, ‘oh but they’re friends/acquaintences so it’s okay!!!’ because this introduces a signficantly worse issue
therapists are not your friend.
they aren’t ever supposed to be, because this crosses too many boundaries, and they need to be able to remain objective and allow their client this privacy
we didn’t even have rank 1 when maruki violated this. 
i won’t get too into that right now, but it’s important to consider in the grander scheme of things.
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this word. save.
maruki brings it up a lot in rank 6 especially, when he wasn’t directly using it he strongly alluded to that overarching theme, and it immediately rubbed me up the wrong way, mainly for two reasons
the first, is that psychology doesn’t save people. it can’t. not even in a therapy context.
psychology, therapy, it helps. it can provide tools to manage your symptoms, ways to reason through negative/distorted cognition, a healthy outlet for discussion and getting proper support. but it doesn’t save people, it can’t save people
and you know what, even if it could, what is there to be saved from?
i don’t mean this in a ‘hey it’s not so bad’ way, i mean this in context of the semantics of ‘save’- which, for me, is the big part of why maruki’s language is a red flag
‘save’ implies there’s a victim here, that there’s something to be fixed
it’s demeaning, de-humanizing to an extent, and minimises someone’s suffering and mental state.
by maruki using it, there’s an implication that he sees his clients as helpless, hopeless, and in need of support (or you could say, in need of him- a therapist). i don’t refute that maruki seems like a good therapist, but when he has these moments where he exposes his internal perspective, you have to doubt his capacity to allow his clients their independence, to respect their autonomy and right to make their own decisions
it’s a small jump from victimising your clients to believing them to be unaware of what they really want/need
and this is what my whole issue with maruki using ‘save’ boils down to. it suggests that he may have a problem with letting go of his clients or their problems, maybe to the point of invasion of privacy or breaking therapist-client boundaries. i’ve not seen any of this yet, so it’s not an accusation, but it’s certainly something i could prodict if this perspective progresses/is reinforced. 
this perspective was clearly developed due to the incident concerning his fiancee, but there’s problems even within this. and a reason doesn’t excuse a perspective/behaviour, just explains it
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i’m gonna finish on this final point.
to be a psychologist, is to admit you have limitations. to admit you can only do so much, and that your clients can only do so much. sometimes they will try their best, sometimes they won’t, and that you should encourage them- but never take their burdens.
as much as psychologists (of any practice, therapy especially) are pushed to be ‘empathetic’ and ‘compassionate’ they’re also told to be ‘clinical’ and ‘objective’
maintain distance between a psychologist and their patients/clients. admit one’s own limitations accept that there will always be suffering
how maruki has the outlook he appears to have, and is a therapist, baffles me. it’s not healthy for him, and may very well have an impact on his clients if it bleeds too much into his external behaviour
all in all, this isn’t a healthy or safe outlook to have. the therapist in question places unnecessary pressure on themselves that creates unnecessary (and dangerous, for several reasons) emotional/behavioural consequences which, as i briefly mentioned, may then affect their clients.
i don’t know a whole ton about maruki, but his rank 6 especially sent off some alarms let me just say that much
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