lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Lucid Dream
By Garlic Lardizabal
When the car engine sung on the roads, I enjoyed the rushing winds that whispered in my hair and in my ears. The sun blooms on the horizon, golden petals spreading out into the rich blue. It's the dazzling flower of the sky that warms our days. It’s an invitation to a new day, a sunrise that is so ordinary and extraordinary.
I was driving out to nowhere when I laid my eyes on you. You were walking, I don’t know where. We’ll stop to say hello, are we waiting for the light to stop from switching green? Be forever never late to say hello.
“Beep! Beep!”
“‘O heavens!”
I was startled by the loud sound I heard. My heavy eyes slowly opened and tried to adjust to the blinding light. My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take lighter than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up.
The sunshine is in our bones, the heat radiating out into the bright day. The muggy heat was pressing on me, and even the sweating was not good. It trickled down my neck and back like a hot soup. My hair clenched like thermal blankets on my head, locked in the heat, frying my brain.
A parade of highway headlights, tail lights snaking along the route and across the road, bumper to bump vehicles, diesel fumes roaring, flashing headlines in the rain, traffic at a standstill, congestion on buses, traffic nose to tail right down the highway, the highway turned into a giant car park.
I recalled then that I was traveling with my family in Manila.
I checked my notebook and ballpen in my pocket immediately in order to write down my dream experiences. It seemed like my hand was naturally wandering and it had a mind of itself to say about my dream experiences.
“A poem”
The illusion that I had developed in my dream became my very own poem.
“If the lights turn green, then my skies will be dim, I’ll be driving past the fading colors of the street, that made me go far and stopped me from saying hello. I was walking off to somewhere when I laid my eyes on you, you were driving, I don’t know where, you’ll stop and greet me too. Are we waiting for the light to stop from switching green? Be forever never late to say hello”
I whispered the continuation of my poem softly.
Poems, the creation inspired by imagination, from a dream or emotion that is often absurd. Borne out of inspiration, each literary revelation is the reader’s invitation to become the written word.
“Lucid dream, huh?”
The concept of lucid dream is a dream in which the person knows that she is dreaming. In its 1913 article A Study of Dreams, the word ' lucid dream ' was invented by the Netherlands author and psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden, while accounts of dreamers realizing it dreams predate the phrase in question.
When I was deep in creative writing, in what is known as the' zone' where everything flows in a state of effortless creativity, I found that merely conjuring up a vivid lucid dream in my mind's eye would result in a spontaneous flood of dreamlike imagery. This imagery reacted to thoughts and emotions the same way lucid dreams did: all I saw, as easily as I could and without judgement, was transformed and changed to something different.
Ancient Greek literature provides early references to the phenomenon. The philosopher Aristotle, wrote: "Often when we sleep, something in the consciousness says that what then shows itself is only a dream." In the same time, Pergamon physicist Galen used lucid dreams as a therapeutic tool. Philosopher and physician Sir Thomas Browne (1605–1682) was fascinated by dreams and described his own ability to lucid dream in his Religio Medici, stating: '...yet in one dream I can compose a whole Comedy, behold the action, apprehend the jests and laugh my self-awake at the conceits thereof'. Samuel Pepys in his diary entry for 15 August 1665 records a dream, stating: "I had my Lady Castlemayne in my arms and was admitted to use all the dalliance I desired with her, and then dreams that this could not be awake, but that it was only a dream".
I never wrote such vibrant scenes so quickly and easily. The results were surprising. They seemed to come from this creative balance of consciousness and unconsciousness directly. Of course I had to edit and shape it afterwards, but the simplicity with which they joined the poem was a boon. I learned to hold the threads of the poem gently in my mind as I re-entered a lucid dream, and this culminated in a marriage of dream imagery to a poem.
A new study has discovered that the area of the brain that enables self-reflection is larger in lucid dreamers — those people who can control their dreams. According to researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin and the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, this means lucid dreamers might also be more self-reflecting when awake. Lucid dreamers are aware of dreaming while dreaming, the researchers explain. Sometimes, they can even play an active role in their dreams. Most of them, however, have this experience only a few times a year.
Dreams, a menagerie of fact and the imaginary, often eluding the reality that inspires a thought. Surreal in their imagery on the cusp of insanity where a fanciful normality will emerge, then distort.-RJVHorton
"I am a light sleeper but I am a heavy dreamer.”
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Things I Have Found
By Jhaea Garcia
Most people have live's in situations which money played a fundamental role, maybe an illness like cancer is an evident reason to need money. there are basic needs of daily life, such as food, house, studies, locomotion, clothes and etc. those needs requires spending money to cover them to live appropriate.
The stars is shining, the moon is bright. the wind gently whispering to my ears, while walking on an empty, quite street, I've had some time to be self reflective.
I've taken time to think about money and people. how money control's the mind's, belief's, actions, attitudes, life of people. i have been put in the situations where I've had to question everything that i know already.
According to pinoy inspiration, money is the one who makes the world go round, and can actually be the root of all evil in this world. it can also have two sides, the good part and the bad part.
Action institute says that money can also be a kind of sin in terms of politics,money can manipulate people to do bad things like corruption. they also said that exchanging goods for goods is an older practice and without any money, you cannot buy anything you wish.
"Manage your money right and properly", that is my plan every time i have money, so i buy important things. i buy foods, i buy clothes, but even i already have everything that is important, i always end up with buying things that is not so really useful.
So when i don't have money in my hands, i felt that i am incomplete.
Money made my mindset, i always think that i already have the capacity to buy my luxuries. but seeing my self like that, being so hook with money, i think money own's me already.
Luxury is sometimes the things that you wanted but you don't even needed, you buy things not just because it is useful, but because you see that thing beautiful.
Money help's people to increase their confidence.
To buy important things like clothes, foods, and everything that is needed or even not. sometimes money is our comforter, we feel loved when we had money.
In the modern time, money is energy for a life, and could purchase every thing.
Money is as well as blood in our body. therefore, one of us can't lack of it.
If you're poor, you are dead. if you have the money to back yourself up with, you are acquitted. money can change everything with just one snap.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
By Joshua Saraza
Blue sky, peaceful mind, entering above the light in religious sacred text heaven is the last place where soul resided only the good soul will go to the heaven and the bad soul will go to the hell. Heaven is a real place where the people of god will live one day, in fact heaven is where god. And the angels live.
John 14:1-3 even sky say that Jesus is heaven preparing a place for us to live, in heaven those saved by god will have new bodies without the curse of sin! There will be no one who is blind. Deaf or lame in heaven (Isaiah 35:5,6 and Philippines 3:21)
In my adolescent age I always ask myself heaven if it's true it not, actually I get the answer from my religion heaven is real, yes there's a heaven. There are many people understanding the heaven because there are many popular myths about heaven and where it is that create misunderstanding. According in the bible the universe the universe is not only infinite but also filled with intelligent friendly, benevolent being,
Heaven on the heaven is a common religious. Cosmological or Transcend ants place where being such as gods, angels’ spirit. Saints or venerated ancestors are said to originated, be enthroned, or live, according to the beliefs of some religious, heavenly being can descent to earth or incarnate and earthly being can ascend to heaven in the afterlife.
Heaven is a playground according to the author, about tender’s journey tell the heaven is like a playground in the New York City and the summer repent their heaven is full of peace the color of the heaven is two white and blue.
After I realized the truly meaning of the heaven, I posted my question to myself, why every day thousands of people will take their final breath and slip into eternity? Either into heaven or into hell. Absolutely this is the reality of death happens every day life of people If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possession and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven
- Jesus Christ
Some people saying? If the people death goes to another realm? And according to my research that science can prove it, Kelly shrugs, MDE'S Tell us to open our minds and think there may be a great deal more to mind and consciousness that as far as I'm willing to go.
The moment I'm thinking over What happens the moment after you die?
What I know is the moment after you die your soul temporarily depart from your body to await the resurrection.
Actually, those who place their faith in Christ will be carried by the angel into the presence of the lord they are now comforted absent from the body and present with lord.
While the unbelievers body remains resting who can fathom the ferments he is experiencing? His spirit screams hell from breath is moved for the meet thee at the coming.
All my authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
After life there is death the absence of life the present that defects the future.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Dead Leaves
By Raquel Ivy Dela Cruz
I was dreaming...
In the small park in Seoul South Korea, I’m walking with handle my little lamp, I didn’t see clearly, i heard a sound like a doors open, its creepy sound i see the coffin?! It has a full dead leaves I heard the sound of film from moonlight, and i leave in nearby park I open my eyes to dream were not the end.
It's full meaning of death?
My mind is completely nothing with a residue of the past?
Whether that possible or not something we can inquire into.
The mind merely cling to what is calls living.
Which is suffering then it knows neither life nor death the free mind from the known, from all the things it has gathered, acquired and experience is made innocent.
Death as the ultimate separation of the soul and body
They regard the body as prison for the soul
View death as means freedom from the soul -Map of The Soul: Persona-RM
"Like me, i separate my soul and my body; i want to be free like a ghost".
The living with death, there must be no distance between death and who are living with your trouble and all the rest of it; you must understand the significance of death while you are fairly alert, not quite dead. -Brussels in 1986
"Like those dead leaves there that has fallen and are flying love collapsing without strength, It only seems like to be crumbs I just only looked with the winds of autumn The speech and facial expressions that have gotten colder all of a sudden".
Death is defined as the love and for wisdom on deeper level, It refers to that makes a man happy, love for pursuit of knowledge is a way of liked and not just intellectual pursuit. -Plato and Socrates
"Like is meaningful, if am i getting older, i want to accept my year and days like a dead leaves"
The many years of being curiosity, that makes me to fear to death.
Symbolic image of death, this fear of living and fear of dying must completely cease Fear is the origin and the separation between the facts which you call death, which you call living. -Sigmud Freud
"Like your body, your mind, you ambition things that you have, the things that you want to do, the things that you have not finished the things been trying to finish there is an end of all these when death comes".
"I can slightly hear the life that has written in silence
This life, like a dead leaves,
As if ever a autumn leaf has fallen
As if everything that seemed external".
"My ambitions difference that is different from before,
A night that's much quieter today,
A single of autumn leaf that's attached to the branch It’s breaking;
I can see the thing called the end".
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
By Maria Cecilia Verco
Friendship is about the relationship between two or more people, it is about caring, understanding, listening and even giving love.
Under a very tall tree, I was sat beside it. The wind blows gentle while the birds is singing and other tree's is dancing. I slowly close my eyes. I want to mesmerized the nature, then there's one word that come up on my mind, FRIENDSHIP.
I suddenly open my eyes and think about why do people need to change? And so "Friendship" is part of people need to changing?. I've had to question everything that I know to answer everything that I haven't know yet.
As a person, I already experience change in me in every single year. I know the feeling of having friends. I know the feeling of being a friend while I'm thinking about it. I remember one question that I asked from random people. "Do Friendship could last?". I think about it some of the people that I know is not the same person as they are in yesterday. I answer that question. I think friendship won't last.
According to Urban Dictionary, "friendship is when you love someone with every ounce of your being and genuinely want them to be happy even if it means sacrificing something yourself to make them happy". Friends is always there for you. They give you advice when you are in sadness or in pain, even in happiness and in different feelings in you. They will treat you as a family. They can also be your savior when you are in trouble, they can be your guide when you choose a wrong payh and everything else.
Also according to Kathyn (2009), "Friendship is one of the most important thing in our life. Nobody should go through life no friends". Maybe I might like that, I need someone that always there for me, the one who's willing to listen to all of my drama's in life.
I look up to the sky, the sunsey was the most gorgeous I've ever seen, the clouds vote edges with pink and gold and while watching the sunset. I remember one question, "Why do friends still existing even they find another group of friends?".
I realized that friends is there but you can't assure that it is true or it is genuine as you think.
Genuinely, deep as truth, it's a series of choice. Being kind and being good. Genuinely is all that matters for or to everyone friendship is different from any other friendship is different from other relationship you'll have in your life. A genuine and loving relationship will prove you that unconditional care and compassion truly exist. It's in those special individuals that are rarest to find.
To feel special and important is one of the greatest thing that you can feel from any one and it seems beautiful.
Beauty is everything, beauty is everywhere, and beauty is also in friendship.
What's the beauty of friendship if it's not last longer and strongi friendship has it's own surprise and mystery, it's secrets, meaning and definition.
It's all about Friendship.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
He’s Coming!
By Gwenneth Quirong
I can't stop thinking about you as I lay in my bed at night. You come to my mind again and again. These memories haunt me and attack me, throwing at me scenes of you and I. They play in my head like film scenes. I chuckled when I remember even those nights between us two. Nights in which none of us would sleep and they leave me with my blood boiling. All those nights in which I loved you and your body, in which I learnt every curve of your body. I could still shape you if I close my mind. You’re a burnt memory in my head.
“Incubus? Succubus?” I whispered to myself.
The incubus and succubus are mythical creatures from Medieval Christian demonology that perform their evil deeds by doing the deed with their victims. The incubus or "that which lies upon" is a masculine, shapeshifting demon that takes the form of an attractive man to engage sexually with a female victim. The succubus or "that which lies beneath," serves as the feminine counterpart, preying upon male victims in the guise of a beautiful woman.
The exact origin of the myth is unknown, though St. Augustine mentioned sexual creatures in some of his works. The first actual mention of Succubus comes from the 1300's.
According to 15th-century Bishop Alonso Tostado, the incubus and succubus were simply two forms of the same demonic entity. Tostado theorized that a succubus lies with a man in order to collect his semen and then morphs into an incubus to fertilize a female with the ill-gotten seed.
There was some light in my bed and I could see around my room even though my eyes were closed. It almost felt like a vision of lucidity. I heard my ear whispering with a soft voice saying hello. I wasn't scared yet, it sounded like somebody wanted to say hello, but they wanted to gently wake me up. I wanted to respond, but my vocal chords were completely paralyzed along with the rest of my body. So I said ‘hello’ back in my head. The next thing I heard was a loud, hissing groan in the spitefulest and most vicious tone I've ever known. It touches my feet, and I can actually feel fingernails going up and down my toes. Even though light was shining through the windows my room instantly became darker and I was immediately terrified.
There might also be a biological explanation. Sixty percent of the total human population suffers from sleep paralysis, a sporadic condition that causes the brain to regain consciousness before the body does. During an episode of sleep paralysis, people suffer from hallucinations involving all five senses and an extreme sense of terror.
“Lying in bed in such a state of paralysis, the brain's threat-activated vigilance system kicks in and helps to create a compound hallucination of a creature sitting on the chest,” Blom told Live Science.
You're trying to shout. But it's not going to move your mouth. You'll soon find that you can't move your body either. All the pressure and willpower helps you to blink, or perhaps move an index finger, if you're lucky. There's no way out of this.
Wake up paralyzed. Can’t move. Hear distant voices whispering indistinctly. Then I’d feel the presence of eyes staring at me. I knew what was coming.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Déjà vu
By Trixie Sabaulan
Goodnight! A sweet little voice from nowhere.
Deep sleep, long paths, endless travel.
As the sun rises in my clear moisting window the morning when I woke up,
I always have this feeling of familiarity.
The feeling where everything in my dreams,
Are happening in reality.
People I met, places I go,
Are all the same as I experienced in my dreams.
You felt familiar the moment I met you. A lovely sort of dèjá vu. When we spoke and laughed or danced I became overwhelmed by the powerful sensation that I had been here before. And when we kiss, I felt the energies of a thousand lives on our lips, like our souls had known each other all along.
— Beau Taplin
The Parallel Universe Theory is the idea that we live among millions of universe containing million version of ourselves. Believers from this theory says that déjá vu experience can be explained by considering the unsettling feeling of having lived a moment before as a “crossover” with a parallel universe. It actually means that, whatever you're doing while experiencing the déjà vu, a parallel version of you is doing it in a different universe simultaneously, therefore creating an alignment between the two universe.
In a psychological explanation about déjà vu, Recollection-based recognition occurs when we can pinpoint an instance when a current situation has previously occurred. Déjà vu is believed to be an example of familiarity-based recognition— during déjà vu, we are convinced that we recognize the situation, but we are not sure why.
Déjà vu for me is a amazing way of visualization when our mind and our body are unconscious about what is happening or what are going to happen. It's like our body is paralyzed but we know what's going on. I think déjà vu and reincarnation is a same thing, or maybe connected to each other. On my own, the way I think déjà vu is happening because we are reincarnated from the other dimension or maybe a long time ago, doing such things we can't remember.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
By Alyssa Ochigue
For many years up to today's time, Love is one of the most talked about topic, from the media to our everyday lives. It is as being one of the best feeling on earth and one many cannot live without.
Being In love gives a feeling of purpose.
Something to live and strive for.
Everyone in this world desires love in any form, whether it is with family, friends or romantic partner. It is a basic human need.
Based on American Sociology, Basic needs are said to motivate people when they are essentially unmet. Human tend to become fixated on the powerful feeling of being in love.
With my own journey of this word, I have come to realize that love is one of the deepest emotion known to human beings, there are many forms of love, but most people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner.
For some, romantic relationships are the most meaningful element in their lives. It provides a source of fulfillment.
When it is true love, the person feels good about themselves when they are with or without romantic partner.
But let me clear my point. We are not just talking about love itself. I just really want to know
Where Does Love Came From?
Do we love by the heart? or is it because our mind told us to do so?
Fred Nour discussed that “the heart has nothing to do with love, the heart is just a strong muscle that functions to pump blood all over the body”
The symbol of heart ♡ has nothing to do with love. But in the other hand, they said that when we see the beloved, our heart beats faster and stronger.
It must be that our heart have recognized the beloved and reacted to it. Therefore, Our love resides in the heart. The heart is the love center in the body.
There are many scientific explanation towards it, many sayings and opinions are popping whether do we love by the heart or by our brain.
I love someone and ending up noticing that my heart is beating fast, and when i get pain, my heart really do aches. It is because your brain has noticed the person you love but in this scenario, the heart has only reacted to your brain.
When we dig deep. we will soon realize that both heart and brain works with love but with different roles and purposes.
What do you think?
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Direction of Life
By Mark Anson Llado
Life is very short.But you need love from our someone and give,Strongly happy healthy without the blessing the god spread the love to. Listening the secret place to your heart “Go , direction on your dreams. Live fully the life you've imagined".-Henry David Thoreau", live everyday like it twice you must be accomplished like the wild flower you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.-EV
To see the ,if you world is very beautiful to being the kindness because no unfair the world. Be have a point to your perspective.
On how to you survive to the challenges. Given by the weather or storm think always God is always there for dont think about any of this.
There are two ways to live your life -one is as though nothing is a miracle,the other is as thought everything is a miracle -"Albert Einstein
Because of all circumstances goes for a reason if why life should be at its peak of success. To all those who have suffered to 'aim
And rare opportunity no one retreats to changes to you become the human aspect. But rather than the feel out cheep in rumors on life be honest to take reach dreams
I’m just making easy to way to give life everyday i proud to God be always complete the several times changing out cares be enough you to in challenging to accepting you the Encounter to see the now everything.
Because the fully smile in out the universe instead the more exciting prettiest everything challenges is accepting no one else have winner but to god to see me on the needed loved.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
SHALOM: Dreamer’s Everlasting Wish
By Clarence Bayot
An alarming sound from the flash report in our television wakes me up from my deep sleep. The news is indeed chest-beating. It is the news that tells about the developing dispute between the powerhouse United States of America and Iran which is also called as Persia. It is very alarming as Iran seeks for revenge. Suddenly something sinks into my mind. Peace of the world is in trouble. A war would be really a disaster in the making. People doesn’t want this one at all cost. War is thirst of blood.
Conflict-stricken countries in the Middle East presents a certain word in many things such as shirts and wall plaques. It is the word ‘shalom’ which symbolizes peace which is the people’s everlasting wish that they surely want to last for a life time. They put the word shalom into the shirts and wall plaques in attempt to end the conflicts between Arabs and Israelis which will surely brings them peace.
The people in Middle East is might possibly endured the dark days of being in war and in conflict. They are always in the middle of arm men shooting every and tanks that is destroying anything. Conflicts and war always happen due to parties having a trouble in making a choice on who is right. Who the hell wants to be the wrong one? However Instead of dwelling for dealing on who is right they are just aiming for peace. Just like one philosopher said “Be selective with your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right.”.
Meanwhile in social media, as my finger starts to scroll and scroll, I noticed that there are posts and tweets that really make noise in the electronic world. Even though there are still people who made fun about the issue, the numbers of netizens that hope and pray for the peace of the world is still undeniable dominant.
Peace is still indeed an important virtue of development and preservation of life.
In fact, due to the United Nation Resolution of 2001, September 21 is said to be designated s the Day of Nonviolence and the End of Hostilities on a Global Level. Because of that the modern world labeled the 21st of September as the International Day of Peace. A day which reminds people how important the virtue is.
What does peace really mean? It is really a comprehensive and broad concept. At the macro parochial level, Peace is said to be define as the absence of conflict and war. Meanwhile in the micro-level, Peace can be subjective which means that it can be based on one’s internal state of his or her mind, body and perceptions. A word can really have millions and millions of different definitions at all. It just depends on who is the individual who are using it.
Then while browsing other social media sites, I encountered a post wherein there is a picture of a white bird. Oh! It’s a dove. I remembered that it symbolizes freedom and peace. Its look is really fascinating and very clean however I ask myself maybe there is way more deep explanation about the symbolism. After a series of thinking, I realize that there is a metaphorical meaning behind it.
The bird specially the ‘dove’ is generally thought to be a symbol of peace. Even though technically a bird is a kind of an warm-blooded vertebrates which is characterized by having feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. However early Christians used the dove as a symbol of peace which they get from two sources.
In the story of Noah, It ends with a description of a dove bringing a freshly plucked olive leaf as a sign of life and peace after the flood. It was then confirmed by Saint Augustine of Hippo in his writing on the Christian Doctrine.
The other one was from the New testament wherein the dove was compared to the holy spirit however it only represents peace in the soul rather than civil peace among Christians.
Meanwhile there is also a existing symbol of peace which is said to be the most popular one. In 1958, in support of the British Nuclear Disarmament movement, Gerald Holtom made a sign which combines the letter “N” and “D” which is two letters that represent nuclear disarmament. The symbol was used as a badge of CND and wearing it is a symbol of support for the campaign for nuclear disarmament. It was popularly known as the anti-nuclear emblem.
Afterwards I tried to listen in songs in the Spotify. Yeah! Music really brings inner peace in my inner self. It simply clears the worries in my head, heal my heart from what I am seeing in the news and it really uplifts my spirit that everything will be alright in time. I hope that simply music can also prevent disputes and stop war as easy as what it have done to me.
In the music industry, there is a song which is entitled as Peace is like a river. It uses river as a simile to peace. Based on the explanation of the author which is the Vinesong “ Peace does not mean everything in life is going to be still, it means that despite the ebb and flow of circumstances, peace washes over you, like a river.”
Peace is not only about dealing in with external conflicts. It can also be a concept in the inner side of people.
According to the Heart’s journey Home, a poem that is well written by Natalie Ducey, “When your soul finds peace. No anger, No doubt, They all have been released. When your heart feels peace, Only beauty reigns.” The poem portrays what are the positive effects of having inner peace to an individual.
Having peace in a life is really a delightful treasure to a person. It brings positivity to each and every one. Inner peace or external peace, it’s just the same. It is both a dreamer’s everlasting wish.
Before going back to sleep. I pray that everything will going to be fine. I will just sleep but my brain cannot stop thinking. There are many thoughts that are going through it. I realized that I am still young. Yes, I can say that I have care for the world. But I start questioning myself. Do I have the power to stop all of these? Do I have the rights to fix all the dispute between theme? At last I realize that all I can do at this point is to dream.
People in this globe are all dreamers. Maybe today not everyone realizes the importance of having peace in life. Once an individual think about its importance he or she can realize “You may say I’m a dreamer”, a popular hit song of John Lennon saying that ““You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.”.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
The End
By Ma. Christina Camañag
Death, as promising as it sounds, its concept has a use for living, while death itself has no use for anything. It has been a debate whether death is a real thing or not. There are no experts on death because there is nothing to know about it.
In generalized definition of death, it is the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism.
I was once asked, "Do you fear death?". Being intrigued at first, I answered, "I don't know." No, I don't. Yes, I do. Never mind, I really don't know. As I grow older, being questioned with the same words, all I do is to avoid. Stop asking me that question.
Audrey D.N.J de Grey delivered the wisdom discussion on the resolute rationality of death. It comes from a totally rational approach towards an uncomfortable, inevitable and fairly distant destiny: eliminating it from the mind allows you to take advantage of the time you've spent without thinking about your mortality, and how unfounded are claims, e.g by telling yourself that aging is after all not so terrible.
Death, has always been a fear of me. Imagining it, I feel like I am trapped in a place as dark as pitch black, chilling like an ice along with the deafening silence.
In Romans 6:23 of bible, death is a result of a sin. The whole world is subject to death, because all have sinned. Death brings to an end the chance to accept God's gracious offers of salvation for the unsaved.
Life, being the antonym of the word death, scares me. Death, the story we tell ourselves that we fear and face. Death, I cannot claim it. But thinking about it gives me the chills and nostalgia of being surrounded by thorns, the feaful wound I cannot take, the reddish blood.
Perhaps, with a stronger thought, I could imagine death as life, and then life as nothing at all.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Seven Deadly Sins
By Leslie Mendoza
None of us are pure like an angel. Each of us has our very own evil side. It’s either our best-friend or our enemy.
“thump thump thump”
I feel the warmth of those brilliant rays on my bones. A light granting us new vibrant colors, softly brushing smile upon their faces and hearts. but behind those smiling faces are the traces of their darkest desires.
Oh it’s Lester, he is the epitome of the word LUST. He can’t live without his porn magazines and videos. He is my stupid foolish jerk friend that is always driven by his sexual desires.
According to Dante, lust is the disordered love for individuals, it is generally thought to be the least serious capital sin as it is abuse of a faculty that humans share with animal, and sins of the flesh are less grievous than spiritual sins.
“Tsk, he never change but well, i’m kinda jealous with lester”
Here we go again Jasper, being jealous with everything that surrounds him. When will he going to be contented? When will he appreciate the things that is literally in front of you? I mean, me.
Envy or what can we described as a sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of someone else.
“Learn to appreciate things, jasper.”
I found myself in the midst of preoccupied people. Even my friends has their own worlds.
Wrath is what they call me, child.
Won’t you let me stay a while?
Quietly, I sit inside,
Waiting for my time to rise.
The fire burning in your eyes
Let’s you know I’ll never die.
I only fade when my jobs done.
- MisSxMassacrEx
“What a wrath.”
Hello, I’m pride and I’m amazing.
Some think I’m vain, but they’re just hating.
I am the best of all the sins.
When I’m around, you’ll always win.”.
I stand before you, so unseen
And inly come when you succeed.
I’m everything you need and more.
- MisSxMassacrEx
There’s a commotion inside this park that really caught everyone’s attention. A girl just caught his husband cheating, yet the man is not even sorry for what he did. A perfect epitome of wrath and pride.
“Hey don’t touch that! the food is all mine! Nothing’s yours!”
Gluttony at its finest! Ever since we met Gwen, she’s like that.
According to religion news service, gluttony is the overindulgence and over consumption of anything to the point of waste.
“help! help!!!!”
I see the egoism that starts to sprout growing vast in a world that is already at stake, I can see only two hands reaching out. The right will give as the left would take the world hungry for the rush of greed. If we had everything that we would still want more, we say that we care for those in need.
I can see the greediness in the eyes of the people who can help the lady but did nothing.
What a tiresome day! I bump with the Seven Deadly Sins!
Wait, I forgot to introduce myself.
“I’m Leslie, and i’m the epitome of sloth.”
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
By Lenuel Galve
Am I real? Or am I just an illusion?
When I look in a mirror I see myself wondering whether if it’s true or not.
According to the information that I've gathered in the internet mirroring is the concept that everything around you reflects back information about you.
When someone look in a mirror they will see their perfect center and only see the mangled truth, but they are always in the wrong place wondering what’s wrong with them, they’ve always hurt those people around them
If someone look at the mirror it doesn’t ever tell who really they are. When someone look in a mirror they only see their body, they can’t even see their worth, flows and their imperfections, but they can only see their physical characteristics.
Based on the information that I've gathered through the internet, spiritual concept mirror symbolizes carries of truth and reflect what our truth is.
When a mirror broke, you will see your reflection with a distorted face and a shattered heart.
Those tears fallen from your eyes reflects that you were really broke inside.
Mirror is just like a person, they are just devastated according to their situation. When mirror fell, it broke but when a person get hurts it also broke.
Sometimes mirror lie, it makes you think that you are really worthy. It depends on yourself whether you trust a mirror or not.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Fresh Start
By Jazelle Ross Frani
I have spent New Year at my grandmother's house, a house which is full of comfort, happiness, and warmth. During New Years, I have always been able to escape the dark and cold real world allowing myself to truly enjoy that moment. It was always the best part of my life, saying goodbye and burying those bad memories. Brush away old heartaches and learn from my mistakes. Bitterness, hate, and jealousy, I threw it into the sea. Another year is finally over and a new dawn awakes.
New Year is one of the oldest holidays still celebrated. It is a national holiday celebrated on January 1st, the first day of the New Year and is often marked by fireworks, parades, and reflection upon the last year while looking ahead to the future’s possibilities.
It was the day before new year's eve when we start to prepare. I fixed my hair and head downstairs as my mom shouts my name on top of her lungs. Markets and shops are crowded that needles won't even fit. My sweat are falling nonstop while roaming around the streets, looking for some foods to eat.
When the clock strikes twelve, the page one of a blank book turns. The writer-- me, will now face her beginning. It's only the beginning now, a pathway yet unknown. The best beginnings of our lives may sometimes end in misery and sadness, but one thing is for sure, the sun will always shine after our darkest days. Therefore, we have to do everything we can and see beyond what life brings and look beyond the winter chill to smell the breath of spring.
The line in the song "Rainbow" by Southborder, "There's a rainbow always after the rain." tells a message that even if there are storms that we will encounter in life, it will also leave a trace of a rainbow. This statement has been widely used as a sense of comfort, advice, or maybe a source of uplift to wounded people.
Last year, I have encountered a lot of struggles and problems, my life is like a wheel, sometimes on top and sometimes in bottom. I realized that God allows the storms and rains in my life in order to execute his plans for me-- a better plan.
That midnight, the moon smiled at me. I will now forget my past and burn the old year. This will be the start of my fresh beginning.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Black or White
By Angelica Rodriguez
Color, Color, Skin Color, Fair skin or Dark skin, many of us are being discriminated and being compared by others. Many of us wanted to have a fair skin because we know that when your have a fair skin, you will be lifting by the people.
According to Nelson Mandela, "No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love for love comes more naturally to human heart than it's opposite."
Let us remember when the universe came into existence, there was no concept of discrimination on the behalf of skin color. However, there are gradually changes that comes to our life. Changes occurred that people drew a line in black and white people.
I remember when i was walking along the narrow path of the mall: alone, lonesome, seems I scared them to death by my horrible color and I was perplexed by the deafening whispers coming from atrocities.
The jokes tossed at you during your lifetime will not weigh anything compared to the richness in your deep skin tone appearance.
In the perception of white people, here they are. People accepted by the society, regardless the stories, but having glowing complexion is highly permissible in this so-called demanding world. Their colors is as bright as the shine of a diamond, while their heart is as cold as snowflakes.
I wonder, why this boundaries came into our life. People with fair skin are usually being recognized in terms of popularity.
These jokes are far too common to keep a track of. In our society people consider that who have light skin tone, they are full of confidence and they have more option about their career and success, but it is not true that all dark are dull and lights are successful whereas in our society we neglect those who have dark skin color and that's why they feel inferior and they have a lack of confidence.
All that you can do is be beautiful in the skin you're in and challenge yourself to stay within that realm of thinking with a head held high.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Fear of DEATH
By Karen Barzaga
In the middle of the night with a cold breeze of air, I'm in a room full of people in black. Their eyes shed tears as they were looking into that cold flesh inside the coffin.
As I was observing that scenario, it makes me wonder of things about the death of a person.
Why does everyone dies? Can someone depict his/her cause of death? Or is death really a terrifying experience?
Tecumseh said, when your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.
With this I remembered a time in my childhood days. I've heard a saying that, if one person dies, a baby is born. Man always die before he is fully born.
According to Christopher Pallis, death is the total cessation of life processes that eventually occurs in all living organisms. The state of human death has always been obscured by mystery and superstition and its precise definition remains controversial.
People came in and out of the funeral. Bothering me of what are they thinking of as they take a look of that dead body inside the coffin.
Are they also afraid of death? Do they think that death will be the final limit?
Death is one thing that some are afraid of, and some are being courageous when being tackled.
William Shakespeare says, cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once.
But come to think of it, no one could ever wonder on how are they going to die, so for some reason, maybe we should be always ready for to come.
Maybe they were all called coward because they've already experienced it before it happened, and maybe they are valiant because they haven't seen it yet they are ready for it.
Death is the only thing that everyone don't want to experience. They are afraid to lose all their loved ones, connections, and specially, their wealth.
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lyrical-proses-blog · 4 years
Untold Story
By Cedrick Bausas
The viewpoint of homosexuality has plagued my psyche even worldwide over a years. I'm already in the middle period of the night, and I was intimated by the deafening "cock-a-doodle-doo" of my neighbor's rooster, a vivid reminder that the earth has completed it's rotation again. I am currently doing my math homework on my study table while measuring how is algebra more complicated from the concept of homosexuality.
Solving calculus and Physics is just a piece of cake on me. I also understood Charles Darwin's Evolutionary Theory that new species arise naturally by a process of evolution rather than having been created ---forever immutable---by God, but the concept of homosexuality puzzled me a lot. This must be the hardest logic puzzle ever created that even William James Sidis who made the headlines in the early 20th century as a child prodigy with an amazing intellect higher than Albert Einstein will have a hard time answering.
The term ‘homosexuality’ was coined in the late 19th century by a German psychologist, Karoly Maria Benkert. Although the term is new, discussions about sexuality in general, was an aged discourse.
Gay and lesbian people are rapidly sprouting out of the blue than ever before, revealing themselves as our friends, neighbors, and siblings -- normal people. They are no longer an "alien". Thus, their uncontrolled growth made the world alarmed and untangled in a couple of years of introspecting and debating within the self. I am too must be crazy for asking myself how contagious they are that merely befriending a gay or lesbian person or being near one will cause a straight individual to sprout a same-sex attraction. At first glance, it is somewhat a dumb and very ridiculous concept to be debated. But for some biologists, it's a puzzle indeed.
Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis had his theory on human sexuality and claims, “ all human beings were innately bisexual, and that they become heterosexual or homosexual as a result of their experiences with parents and others.”
I'm not an expert, nor a great philosopher who emerged in any century, I don't even handle any degree in Philosophy. I'm just hiding on the "wrong side of the wall" --- a place where everyone is judges with a blind mouth, a place ruled by nothing but evil and atrocities.
Evil dripping down ; your blood of hate
Evil paralyzed upon the ground
Evil tearing down your helpless fate
It's dark as hell and lonesome and it's not at all where I want to be. Only an echo bouncing back and a deafening silence can be heard. I stay here out of fear---Fear of judgment, fear of ridicule to philosophize why these horizons existed. I never understood the strict borders between pink and blue, between dolls and race cars.
When God created Adam and Eve, he made Adam a man and Eve a woman. He did not create man and man for a reason, and that reason is to conceive. God blessed Adam and Eve and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground” (New International Version, Gen 1:28.) Although this verse does not directly talk about homosexuality, it does address it in some way.
Plato writes of the origin of same and opposite-sex urges. In his Symposium, Plato has Aristophanes tell a tale of human origins in which everyone was once a four-legged creature until Zeus cut each in half. Each half tried to reunite with its mate and this explains the nature of human beings:
Men who are a section of that double nature which was once called androgynous [made up of a man and a woman] are lovers of women, adulterers are generally of this breed, and also adulterous women who lust after men. The women who are a section of the woman do not care for men, but have female attachments: the female companions [that is, lesbians] are of this sort. But they who are a section of the male follow the male, and while they are young, being slices of the original man, they have affection for men and embrace them [the Greek verb implies a sexual sense], and these are the best of boys and youths because they have the most manly nature. (Crompton, 2003, p. 58).
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