#detained in Brazil
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David Langton wasn’t originally supposed to appear in ‘Tadolaeth Alive’, but as he was available, he turned up for filming
after the actor originally set to appear in that serial, Thomas Sutherland, ended up unavoidably detained in Brazil.
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sayruq · 1 month
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Police in the Turkish city of Adana detained 11 suspects, five Israeli and two Syrian, on allegations of organ trafficking, the Daily Sabah reported on 5 May. The Provincial Directorate of Security's Anti-Smuggling and Border Gates Branch began investigating after examining the passports of seven individuals who arrived in Adana from Israel about a month ago by plane for the purpose of health tourism. The two Syrian nationals, ages 20 and 21, were found to have fake passports. Further investigation revealed that Syrian nationals had each agreed to sell one of their own kidneys to two of the Israeli nationals, ages 68 and 28, for kidney transplants in Adana. During searches at the suspects' residences, $65,000 and numerous fake passports were seized. Israel has long been at the center of what Bloomberg described in 2011 as a “sprawling global black market in organs where brokers use deception, violence, and coercion to buy kidneys from impoverished people, mainly in underdeveloped countries, and then sell them to critically ill patients in more-affluent nations.” The financial newspaper added, “Many of the black-market kidneys harvested by these gangs are destined for people who live in Israel.” The organ-trafficking network extends from former Soviet Republics such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova to Brazil, the Philippines, South Africa, and beyond, the Bloomberg investigation showed. Accusations of Israeli involvement in organ trafficking also apply to the occupied Palestinian territories. In 2009, Sweden's largest daily newspaper, Aftonbladet, reported testimony that the Israeli army was kidnapping and murdering Palestinians to harvest their organs. The report quotes Palestinian claims that young men from the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by the Israeli army, and their bodies returned to the families with missing organs. "'Our sons are used as involuntary organ donors,' relatives of Khaled from Nablus said to me, as did the mother of Raed from Jenin as well as the uncles of Machmod and Nafes from Gaza, who all had disappeared for a few days and returned by night, dead and autopsied," wrote Donald Bostrom, the author of the report.Bostrom also cites an incident of alleged organ theft during the the first Palestinian intifada in 1992. He says that the Israeli army abducted a young man known for throwing stones at Israeli troops in the Nablus area. The young man was shot in the chest, both legs, and the stomach before being taken to a military helicopter, which transported him to an unknown location. Five nights later, Bostrom said, the young man's body was returned, wrapped in green hospital sheets. Israel’s Channel 2 TV reported that in the 1990s, specialists at Abu Kabir Forensic Medicine Institute harvested skin, corneas, heart valves, and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians, and foreign workers without permission from relatives. The Israeli military confirmed that the practice took place, but claimed, "This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer." Israel’s assault on Gaza since 7 October has provided further opportunities for the theft and harvesting of Palestinians’ organs. On 30 January, WAFA news agency reported that the Israeli army returned the bodies of 100 Palestinian civilians it had stolen from hospitals and cemeteries in various areas in Gaza. According to medical sources, inspection of some of the bodies showed that organs were missing from some of them. On 18 January, the Times of Israel reported that the Israeli army confirmed reports that its soldiers dug up graves in a Gaza cemetery, claiming its soldiers were trying to “confirm that the bodies of hostages were not buried there.”
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In 1832 Andrew Jackson stomped out the “nullification theory” when South Carolina declared federal law “null and void” and threatened to secede.
Historical figures are multi-faceted and led complex public and private lives. While justly regarded as a monster for what he did to Native Americans he also prevented a potential civil war and kept the union together. However one action does not necessarily balance the scales. History and politics is not black and white and will always remain shades of grey.
Governor Abbott is a political showman keeping the redneck fantasy of Tex-ass secession alive. They tell the Tex-ass MAGAts that Texas-ass is the only state not connected to the power grid because someday they might secede again. Truth is they keep it separate because Tex-ass RepubliKKKlans and their top 1% masters are all major shareholders in the ERCOT grid and make millions from price gouging their own constituents.
The border is something the RepubliKKKlans revisit every election year. They stir up the uneducated and misinformed base with racist and xenophobic nativist talk of an invasion and then when the election is over they do little or nothing about it.
Two years ago Republican operatives were detained in Brazil and questioned about their role in organizing migrant convoys and sending them to the U.S. southern border to make the Dems look bad. We all know they do this but the tv news won’t cover it. The far-right always gets a free pass by tv news. If you want real news about politics you have to go to respected print media and their associated websites for the whole story.
Greg Abbott will continue to human traffick migrants across the country and kill them at the border. US law supersedes state laws and he has no business messing with immigration. He’s trying to provoke a showdown with Biden so he can claim Joe is a dictator and rally the deplorable base. Biden is commander-in-chief of the Texas National Guard and could have the Defense Department order them to stand down but that would be risky politically so instead he keeps beating Abbott in court. Even if Biden ordered the Texas National Guard to stand down, Texas has a large state militia called the Texas State Guard that only answers to the governor and is not connected to the federal government. Abbott could always order those yahoos to commit atrocities against migrants and block federal agents. It’s all about creating a certain false perception of Dems appearing to want open borders.
Tex-ass once had a thriving economy that contributed to the federal government. However in the past 20 years Republicans have held power there and driven the state into the ground. Economically and socially it is now bordering on being a failed 3rd world state where oligarchs and gunslinging nativist white supremacists run amok. Tex-ass like most other red states is now a welfare state taking more from the federal government than it turns in. A handful of blue economic powerhouse states in the northeast and on the west coast now support nearly the entire nation. We pay high taxes that go to support Confederate states and the oligarchs that get perpetual kickbacks there.
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stupittmoran · 2 months
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Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Repost & FoIIow for more
Rand Paul announces investigation into Fauci's 'secret trips' to the CIA prior to the COVID outbreak.
Brazil threatens to Cut Off access to 𝕏 and detain employees after Elon Musk refused to censor accounts.
Woman who found Ashley Biden's diary sentenced to jail time.
FBI contractor confirming there were likely at least 20+ undercover FBI agents in the crowd on J6.
Donald Trump's support among black men has doubled in battleground states.
64-year-old Trump RV operator and supporter beat nearly to death with a sledgehammer by 36-year-old Michael Gonzalez.
Rep. Jim Jordan launched investigation into Fulton County DA Fani Willis.
Donald Trump pushes for a bill to ban non-citizen voting.
NAIA bans men from competing in women's sports.
54 convicted sex offenders caught by Border Patrol agents in Del Rio since October.
BONUS: Biden to send Ukraine aid amounting to more than we've spent on our entire Marine Corps.
At what point do we secure our own border?
If you appreciate this Top 10 recap, remember to Repost and FoIIow me for another week in a clown world 🤡🌎
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coochiequeens · 1 year
A man exploited a woman, then he beats her before murdering her by shooting her NINE times and now he’s claiming to be a woman.
A gay man who admitted to murdering the surrogate mother he hired to have his children has told the court he identifies as a woman in what some are calling a bid to avoid a potentially lengthy sentence for femicide.
Fernando Alves Ferreira was detained in February of 2022 after admitting to the murder of Eduarda Santos, a surrogate he had hired who was living with him in the Argentinian city of Bariloche. Santos’ body was found by a tourist on the Circuito Chico Trail with 9 gunshot wounds. A later forensic examination revealed that Santos’ corpse also had injuries consistent with having been beaten prior to her death.
Two days after the killing, Ferreira turned himself into police. He repeatedly admitted to the crime while in custody, stating repeatedly “I did it. I killed her.” He was charged with femicide, premeditated murder, and use of a firearm owned without authorization, and expressed a desire in court to enter a guilty plea.
In Ferreira’s car, which was seized after he turned himself in, police found blood stains, leading them to theorize that a fight had broken out in the vehicle before Santos fled on foot. Ferreira then chased her down and shot her. Investigators noted that Ferreira had taken “every precaution to ensure the woman could not defend herself.” CCTV footage was also found of Ferreira disposing of his weapon. 
The motivation for the crime is unclear, as Ferreira has refused to provide concrete details. Instead, he has vaguely accused Santos of being involved in illegal “gang” activity and suggested he was the victim in the situation. No evidence has been found to substantiate his claim.
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The court heard that Ferreira and Santos were both originally from Brazil, and that Ferreira, along with his husband, had hired Santos to be a surrogate in 2020. 
Santos would give birth to twins for Ferreira and his partner, who would pass away the next year. The woman had apparently been living with the couple due to having a lack of her own economic resources.
The chief prosecutor in the case characterized Santos as being particularly vulnerable, and described her as having been “at the mercy” of Ferreira. Just one month prior to her murder, Santos had given birth to another child.
“Eduarda was a foreign woman who lived in Bariloche … She lived in the defendant’s house, lacked her own resources, and was at the mercy of the owner of the house,” chief prosecutor Martín Lozada stated during a hearing. “It was a situation of remarkable asymmetry. Eduarda was a woman to whom the accused had rented her womb to have two children through surrogacy, and since the birth of the twins, she lived in the same house.”
Prosecutors also argued that Ferreira had exercised “economic and psychological violence” on Santos for years, and that Santos was without any family or friends in Argentina. 
In response, Ferreira accused Santos of being the aggressor, saying “she was not submissive.”
Santos’ family in Brazil have previously spoken out against Ferreira’s claims of victimhood, slamming media for giving him sympathetic coverage. 
“My sister is the victim, not him,” Santos’ brother told Brazilian outlet O Dia last year. At the time, the family appeared to have been unaware of Santos’ situation in Argentina, believing she had gainful employment in the country. Santos’ family has been fighting for custody of the children she had as a surrogate for Ferreira in order to repatriate them to Brazil. Ferreira has demanded the children not be returned to Brazil. 
It was the dynamic between Ferreira and Santos which led to prosecutors pursuing a conviction for femicide, which is defined as a gender-specific crime introduced in 2012 to address the nation’s epidemic of sex-based violence. According to the United Nations, one woman is murdered every 32 hours in Argentina. The femicide provision was defined broadly as “a crime against a woman when the act is perpetrated by a man and gender violence is mediated.”
But now, Ferreira’s lawyers are seeking to have the femicide charge withdrawn, arguing that their client no longer identifies as a man. This past week during a hearing, Ferreira’s lawyers stated that his name was now “Amanda,” and that he was going through the relevant legal procedures to have his self-declared gender identity recognized. 
The prosecutors have reportedly pushed back against Ferreira’s request to be treated as a woman, but the case is still underway.
Of the charges Ferreira faced, the femicide claim carried the longest potential sentence of life imprisonment. If withdrawn, and if the other legal strategies stated by the defense are successful, Ferreira could spend as little as 10 years in prison for slaughtering Santos.
This is not the first time gender identity has interfered with a femicide-related crime in Argentina.
As previously reported by Reduxx, the brutal murder of a prostituted woman in Buenos Aires was initially recorded as a femicide until media learned that the two men involved in the killing identified as transgender.
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Brenda Córdoba, 28, was murdered on November 10 of 2021 in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Balvanera. Grisly surveillance camera footage released by police during the investigation into her death showed Córdoba being approached by what appeared to be a man in a white hoodie and face mask. The man circled around to her back before grabbing her in a headlock and stabbing her multiple times in the chest.
Córdoba, who was dropped into a puddle of her own blood, was initially found alive by passersby who had attempted to intervene in the stabbing and rushed to hospital. She died as a result of her injuries days later.
Her killers were apprehended by police after an appeal to the community with CCTV footage of the murder. While media initially reported the crime as having been a femicide, the term was quickly scrubbed from reporting after the gender identities of Córdoba’s killers were established.
“due to having a lack of her own economic resources”……. Meaning two men exploited a poor woman.
By Anna Slatz
Anna is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx, with a journalistic focus on covering crime, child predators, and women's rights. She lives in Canada, enjoys Opera, and kvetches in her spare time.
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Brazilian police arrest suspected masterminds behind the killing of councilwoman-turned-icon
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Brazil’s federal police arrested on Sunday the men suspected of ordering the killing of a Rio de Janeiro councilwoman in 2018, a long-awaited step after years of society clamoring for justice.
The brutal assassination of Marielle Franco, a 38-year-old Black, bisexual Rio de Janeiro city councilwoman in a drive-by shooting, shook Brazil profoundly and reverberated across the world.
Two federal police sources with knowledge of the investigation told The Associated Press that congressman Chiquinho Brazão and his brother Domingos Brazão, a member of Rio state’s accounts watchdog, were detained on suspicion of ordering the hit against Franco. Both have alleged connections to criminal groups, known as militias, who illegally charge residents for various services, including protection.
The sources didn’t make clear what their suspected motive was.
Continue reading.
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astraltrickster · 5 days
Guys I don't normally talk about this on this blog, so I'm only going to say it once, and im going to say it as calmly as I can:
Stop with the pro-Trump - sorry, "anti-Biden" propaganda.
Stop spinning this as a choice between good domestic policy and bad foreign policy vs. bad domestic policy and good foreign policy - there is no universe in which Donald "Muslim ban" "build the wall" "turn Gaza into a parking lot" "has streets named after him in Israel" Trump is an improvement on our foreign policy, no matter how much it may FEEL like we can't get any worse and no matter how aggressively some people try to spin his end-of-term (i.e., EARLY COVID ERA) detainment numbers as "proof" otherwise.
Letting him win the presidency does NOT imply to the Democratic party that Americans want better foreign policy, either - they look at what the majority of voters say as evidence of what the people want. This is why they're so damned wishy-washy - because leftists keep trying, and trying, and trying the inaction strategy...so they go for the actual voters. They go further right - because that's where the people they see as "motivated enough to care" are. Abstaining doesn't send the message "I hate both of these options" - it just says "I don't care." It says "do whatever you want to me or anyone else, it's no skin off my nose." It says "those protestors? They're a tiny loud minority. Most Americans want more war, not less."
You cannot boycott a government the same way you can boycott a business - they're getting your tax money anyway.
You cannot change the world by sitting on your hands and doing nothing. Anyone with power who tries to tell you that inaction will get you what you want is someone who is trying to silence you.
If voting were useless, if voting made no difference, if the right weren't utterly terrified of losing power, then we wouldn't have gerrymandering, voter suppression, disenfranchisement of prisoners, disenfranchisement of anyone with a felony record, voter roll purges, we wouldn't have had to fight to secure voting rights for women and POC, the list goes on. The worst people in the world really, really want you NOT to vote. I am begging people to be more aware that just because someone knows how to speak your language to spin your silence as action does NOT mean they have the best interests of you or ANYONE else at heart.
And there is so fucking much more at stake than this one issue and "imperialists' comfort". Half the horrible shit that has happened domestically in the past four years has been because Trump stacked the Supreme Court - the overturning of Roe v. Wade? Remember that? We're likely to have more vacancies in the next 4 years. If he gets more appointments, we could be fucked for DECADES.
"But what about the rest of the world?"
Look. If I can't convince you that Trump's foreign policy would be worse (even though it is), let's consider climate change. Let's consider environmental laws. You know who the first people fucked over by climate change are, no matter who it is that's fucking around? People in Africa and South America, mostly. Do you want to enable the dismantling of the EPA? Or are you willing to admit that someone whose first act upon being sworn in was to rejoin the Paris Agreement is a lesser evil in that regard, even if his foreign policy re: international weapons sales is maybe 5% less dogshit at best?
If I can't convince you that the lives of disabled and queer people in America are worth the same as anyone else's - not more, not less, but THE SAME - then can I at least convince you that not turning Brazil and Congo into 45°C uninhabitable wastelands, or at least buying some time against that ticking clock, is a worthwhile endeavor?
I know some of you think that there's a chance that if we let Trump win, it will galvanize people to fight back harder. We tried that in 2016-2020. People died. Laws against protests tightened up worse than they EVER have under Biden - I was getting emergency alerts about curfews on a daily basis, because of crackdowns against the BLM protests. The actions being taken against the antiwar protestors now are despicable, yes - but they are nowhere near the same level of intensity. Accelerationism is tricky like that though - it FEELS like you're getting more done when the pushback is harder, doesn't it? - but all it does in the end is kill more people and set precedents to set us even further back.
Trump wants to invoke the Insurrection Act. Martial law. Do you really think that we can take on the most expensive military in the world, domestically, and win?
Do you really think that there is ANY amount of "motive" that will be enough to see us WIN a sweeping Hunger Games-style, burn it all down and rebuild from zero, "revolution" - i.e., a civil war against the US military - at all, let alone in time to save a SINGLE person in Gaza, or anywhere else for that matter? Let alone in the 5-7 months it will take to elect and inaugurate a president? The system will go on, with or without us.
At the end of the day, this is a trolley problem. People are going to die, and it sucks, but there is no third option - BUT, if you pull the lever, the casualties will be fewer. The question is not of which option results in fewer deaths, it's not of which of those lives is "more important", it's not of whether or not the numbers are ACTUALLY somehow secretly equal - it is only of whether or not you can pull the lever, or at least admit to yourself that you can't bring yourself to do it instead of trying to invent a reason the higher death toll is an objectively better outcome, actually.
Please. Think calmly for a minute about what the alternative is. Remember everything Trump has very clearly said about Arabs, remember the streets named after him in Israel, before just assuming that at least he can't be any worse, let alone that he's going to somehow be good on foreign policy and spare at least one non-American for every American he kills. Think about EVERYTHING that's at stake instead of flying into a blind rage about how that evil traitorous Joe Biden wrote "gullible" on the ceiling, because when you mistake sitting on your hands for a political statement just because the plea to do so was wrapped in emotionally charged leftist lingo, you are playing PERFECTLY into fascists' hands.
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goodwhump-temp · 7 months
Tom Mason Whump | Falling Skies
¡Viva la revolución!
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1x01 Live and Learn - Near explosions x2, tinnitus pain (brief), emotional, angry/protective (Hal) 1x02 The Armory - Hostage, held at gunpoint x4, threatened, angry, (Weaver denies helping) 1x03 Prisoners of War - Knocked unconscious (explosion), bloody forehead, worried (Hal), [soloing a skitter; punched x3, knocked down, pinned, exhausted/hyperventalating] 1x07 Sanctuary Pt.2 - Betrayed, held at gunpoint, hostage 1x08 What Hides Beneath - Worried about Weaver 1x09 Mutiny - Worried (Ben), not trusted by Weaver/betrayed x2, held at gunpoint x2, arrested, angry, pinned, thrown, manhandled, choked 1x10 Eight Hours - Sacrifice/abducted
2x01 Worlds Apart - Shot, collapse, weak, unconscious, bleeding out, surgery, [flashback; trapped, thrown x3, electrocuted x2, knocked unconscious, punched x2] fever, emergency surgery, emotional 2x02 Shall We Gather at the River? - Skitter nightmare x2, paranoid, angry outburst, eye bleeding, collapse, seizure, extreme pain, extremely painful parasite removal, freaking out/held down, bleeding, paranoid, voluntarily restrained, sacrifice, thought dead 2x03 Compass - Betrayed/kidnapped, alien discrimination/not trusted, [Pope fist-fight ; uppercut, headlocked, headslamed innto wall, thrown, decked off balcony/onto car, slammed, kicked x3], limping 2x06 Homecoming - Calls Glass Rebecca (yikes), anxiety being leader 2x07 Molon Labe - Nearly exploded x2, emotional goodbye 2x08 Death March - Depressed, blister (05:00), devastated 2x09 The Price of Greatness - Angry, forced dictatorship, arrested 2x10 A More Perfect Union - Re-arrested, captured, tortured/electrocuted, scared, tinnitus pain
3x04 At All Costs - Gutpunched, pinned, plane crash 3x05 Search and Recover - Plane crash cont., unconscious, coughing, hunted, tripped, pope arguments x10 (secretly bonding), talks about abusive drunk father, pope fight, punched x3, kicked, decked over a log, headbutted, jumps down waterfall, punched, broken ankle, great pain, given up, being meanie x2, cold and alone, collapse, shleeping for 2 days 3x06 Be Silent and Come Out - Broken ankle cont./cane, desperate, [taken hostage; held at gunpoint, car crashed, cane-less/dragged, pain x2, punched, ankle stepped on, shot at, 3x07 The Pickett Line - Ambushed/held at gunpoint x3 3x08 Strange Brew - [[???; confused x1000, ominous Weaver appearances x5, affair confrontation, hallucination (mirror), frustrated, dissociating, learns the truth] intense pain/eye attatchment x2, saved, knocked unconscious], choked, jumps from 'balcony', heartbroken, sobbing, hallucinating 3x09 Journey to Xilbalba - Angry, grieving, knocked down (explosion), trapped underground. betrayed 3x10 Brazil - 'Betrayed', punched/thrown, detained, skitter punch, great pain, scared
4x01 Ghost in the Machine - Trapped, seperated, caught in explosion, tinnitus, pain, passes out, imprisoned, abandoned/betrayed 4x02 The Eye - Knocked down, thrown, wanted man, gives himself up 4x03 Exodus - Cornered, jumps from explosion, Pope bro-hug :) 4x04 Evolve or Die - Targetted/tackled 4x05 Mind Wars - Knocked unconscious, kidnapped, held at gunpoint, punched x2 4x06 Door Number Three - Worried, dissociating, feels betrayed 4x07 Saturday Night Massacre - Betrayed, emotionally hurt, guilt, reckless, trapped under rubble, bleeding 4x08 A Thing With Feathers - Missing, trapped under rubble cont., arm caught in mouth, zapped, panic, living virus, passes out, tourniquet, extreme pain, sling 4x09 Till Death Do Us Part - Sling, Glass argument, shot at, trapped, surrounded by fire 4x10 Drawing Straws - Emotional 4x11 Space Oddity - Pain from fast acceleration, low life support, freezing, cocooned, vomiting, angry, (chat, is this real?), confused, gaslit, (it was in fact, not real), falls, punched 4x12 Shoot the Moon - Knocked down, head bleeding, ship caught in shockwave, thrown, lost in space, confused
5x01 Find Your Warrior - Emotional, lost, surrounded, rage-fueled/acting strange, hallucinating, alien bug bite 5x02 Hunger Pains - Bug bite non-stop bleeding, hallucinating, acting strange 5x03 Hatchlings - Dissociating (38:30), guilt 5x04 Pope Breaks Bad - Chased by bugs, trapped, very angry confrontation, suicidal, hallucinating 5x05 Non-Essential Personnel - Hallucinating, leg shot, limp 5x06 Respite - Bandaged/stitched, unconscious, hallucinating, panic, cane 5x07 Everybody Has Their Reasons - Surrounded at gunpoint, HORROR EPISODE BTW, angry, arrested, sentenced to death 5x08 Stalag 14th Virginia - Imprisoned 5x09 Reunion - Hallucinating, tricked TWICE, thrown, choked, used as human-shield 5x10 Reborn - Trapped/divided by rubble, pinned, impaled, blood being withdrawn, sobbing
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willcodehtmlforfood · 2 months
"In a statement, the former president’s lawyers said he had been in the embassy “to keep in touch with the authorities of a friendly country”. Alternative interpretations amounted to “a work of fiction, with no connection to the reality of the facts” and were “fake news”, it added."
"The Hungarian ambassador reportedly remained silent during his 20-minute meeting with Brazilian diplomats on Monday afternoon."
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brega-e-chique · 3 months
Jornalista Português Sérgio Tavares foi detido no aeroporto do Brasil pela Polícia Federal a mando do DITADOR ALEXANDRE DE MORAES MINISTRO DO SATANÁS. Portuguese journalist Sérgio Tavares was detained at Brazil's airport by the Federal Police . Gratitude to Sérgio Tavares for supporting the Brazilian people and the Legitimate President of Brazil. Jair Messias Bolsonaro 🤗🇧🇷💛💚🥰🤗🤗👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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SOUTH AMERICA: ‘Archives of Terror’ Yield New Horrors by Darío Montero The so-called "archives of terror" discovered by a human rights lawyer in Paraguay over a decade ago continue to yield new information on the cooperation between the de facto regimes that ruled much of South America in the 1970s and 1980s. MONTEVIDEO, Sep 16, 2005 (IPS) - Paraguayan activist and lawyer Martín Almada visited Uruguay this week to hand over documents recently found in the archives of terror, which indicate that the number of Uruguayans who were detained in Paraguay during the dictatorial regimes was much greater than human rights groups had previously realised. In December 1992, Almada, who was held as a political prisoner and tortured in his country in the 1970s, came across a room full of official records in a police station near the Paraguayan capital. The hundreds of thousands of documents that he basically discovered by accident pertain to the torture and forced disappearances carried out by the dictatorship of Gen. Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989) in Paraguay. But the archives of terror are especially important because they contain secret documents shedding light on Operation Condor, a coordinated plan among the military governments that ruled Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay in the 1970s and 1980s, aimed at tracking down, capturing and eliminating left-wing opponents. Thanks to legal action by Almada, the archives of terror are open to public scrutiny. They are stored on the premises of Paraguay's Supreme Court, in the Centre of Documentation and Archives for the Defence of Human Rights.
"These documents also indicate that Korean Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church had links" to Operation Condor as well, he added.
After September 1977, "ties began to appear between Moon's sect and the local and Latin American Anti-Communist League. A finance company, Urundel, was even set up in Paraguay to serve as a bank for the repressive operations in that country," said Almada.
Jorge Guldenzoph, deeply involved with CAUSA and Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, given 10 years in jail for torturing
Jorge Guldenzoph, a young Interior Ministry official who is secretary of Causa Uruguay. Ten years ago Guldenzoph was still a student leader of the . . . Communist Youth movement when, he says, he “forswore Marxism”. LINK
BNN Breaking
Decades of Silence Broken: Former Uruguayan Intelligence Agent Sentenced for Dictatorship Crimes
February 22, 2024
Former Uruguayan intelligence agent Jorge Carlos Guldenzoph Nunez sentenced for dictatorship crimes.
The courtroom was charged with a palpable mix of apprehension and hope as survivors, now decades older, stood to recount their harrowing tales. They spoke of electric shocks, beatings, and other forms of torture that left indelible scars on both body and psyche. Approximately 50 survivors shared their testimonies, painting a vivid picture of the horrors inflicted upon them. The indictment against Jorge Carlos Guldenzoph Nunez highlighted his active role in the arrest, interrogation, and forced confessions of dissidents, laying bare the systemic cruelty that characterized the regime's approach to dissent. Guldenzoph Nunez's trial, which began in July 2020, was a culmination of years of tireless advocacy by victims and human rights organizations.
The dictatorship in Uruguay, spanning from 1973 to 1985, left a deep and lasting impact on the nation's collective memory. It's estimated that 20% of the population was imprisoned at some point, with around 200 citizens murdered and an additional 191 disappearing without a trace. These numbers, while stark, barely scratch the surface of the pain and trauma experienced by those who lived through the regime's darkest days.
CIA, Moonies Cooperate in Sandinista War
“The UC is truly anti-Christian” and produces “a species of material and spiritual slavery.” Catholic Bishops in Honduras
The Unification Church and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action: the case of the UC
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in Central & South America
‘Illegal Aliens Joining Moonies’ – The Pittsburg Press
Moon’s ‘Cause’ Takes Aim At Communism in the Americas – Washington Post
Moon in Latin America: Building the Bases of a World Organisation – Guardian
Costa Rica
Uruguay condena a 10 años de prisión a Jorge Guldenzoph
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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Ukrainian operation prevents sale of stolen parts of MiG-29 fighters to Russia 🇷🇺
The Ukrainian Security Service (SSU) detained a criminal network that sold stolen MiG-29 components valued at more than $200,000.
Fernando Valduga
The Ukrainian Security Service (SSU) successfully prevented the illegal sale of components of military aircraft stolen from a Ukrainian company to Russian military interests in a bold operation.
The stolen parts, including starter generators and aircraft pumps for MiG-29 multifunctional fighters, were valued at more than $268,000.
SSU's efforts have led to the prevention of a potentially harmful transaction involving stolen military equipment. The investigation revealed that a criminal from Dnipro, who stole components from a manufacturer's warehouse in 2019, played a key role in trying to sell these items.
The stolen goods were entrusted to a local businessman for “storage” and subsequent sale. Hiding the components of the aircraft in his post for a long time, the businessman disclosed them on a specialized website when he decided to dispose of the illicit merchandise.
The crisis in Ukraine has significantly paralyzed the Russian supply chain, whether in commercial aviation or defense. The interest of representatives of the Russian military-industrial complex, in search of spare parts for their combat aircraft, intensified the urgency of the situation. SSU documented the illegal activity, preventing the sale of the equipment to potential opponents.
During the searches of the suspect's service station, SSU seized a set of military equipment, including ten airplane bombs, two starter generators and 1,000 additional components. Criminal proceedings were initiated under Article 209.3 of the CCU, focused on money laundering by a group organized on a particularly large scale. Offenors can get up to 12 years in prison pending the ongoing investigation.
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The examination of the aircraft's equipment by SSU confirmed its suitability for combat conditions, which led to a court decision to deliver the seized items to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The entire investigation was conducted under the procedural supervision of the Attorney General's Office, demonstrating a collaborative effort to safeguard Ukraine's military assets.
Last month, the Security Service of Ukraine dismantled two transnational smuggling networks that tried to export components of military aircraft, preventing the illicit transfer of equipment.
In a multi-regional operation, SSU thwarted the illegal export of MiG-29 fighter components, detaining three dealers who tried to sell stolen spare parts to Asian customers. Simultaneously, another smuggling scheme involving components for Mi-8 helicopters was exposed in the Kirovohrad region.
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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stele3 · 4 months
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feckcops · 9 months
Lost in AI translation: growing reliance on language apps jeopardizes some asylum applications
“In 2019, Carlos fled Brazil with his sister and two nephews after his son was murdered in front of him by a local gang. Upon arriving in the US, he was separated from his family and detained in a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) detention center.
“Carlos, who is Afro-Indigenous, speaks Portuguese but does not read or write it. Staff at the Calexico, California, detention center spoke only English or Spanish. The staff used an artificial intelligence-powered voice-translation tool to interpret what Carlos was saying, but the system didn’t pick up or understand his regional accent or dialect. So Carlos spent six months in Ice detention unable to meaningfully communicate with anyone.
“In that time, he had no clear idea of why he was being detained or where his family was. When he sought medical care for his high blood pressure and for Covid, the nurses had trouble understanding him, he said. Spanish-speaking fellow detainees helped to fill out his asylum application, but the translation tool they used failed to produce an accurate account. It didn’t recognize Belo Horizonte as the name of one of the cities Carlos had lived in, instead translating it literally to ‘beautiful horizon’ ...
“Problems with the translation tools occur throughout the asylum process, from border stations to detention centers to immigration courts, said several volunteers at Respond Crisis Translation. The CBP One app, which the Biden administration has mandated anyone seeking asylum to use to schedule an appointment with CBP before entering the country, is translated into only a handful of languages. And even in those translations, errors appear. The version of the FAQ section of the app in Haitian Creole, for instance, largely shows a string of letters with no spaces or the necessary accent marks.
“Respond Crisis Translation volunteers say they have seen cases of asylum applications being denied because the translation tool interpreted an ‘I’ in a refugee’s statement as ‘we’, making it seem as if it was an application for more than one person. They also recalled the case of a woman seeking asylum due to domestic abuse who described her abuser as ‘mi jefe’ in her application. The woman was using the term colloquially to describe her father, but the translation service translated it literally to ‘my boss’. Her asylum application was denied.”
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In Brazil's flooded south, secret mission recovered thousands of guns
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A group of volunteers working to save people from the floods in southern Brazil contend they were misled into participating in an operation to remove several thousand firearms from the airport of Rio Grande do Sul state's capital, Porto Alegre.
Nicolas Vedovatto, a 26-year-old investor, told The Associated Press that he and three others found out through a WhatsApp group created to muster volunteers that help was needed to save children stranded at the flooded airport. They offered their support, then met a woman identifying herself as Vivian Rodriguez on May 7 at a gas station just before the planned operation, Vedovatto said.
She informed them that she worked for Brazil's largest gun manufacturer, Taurus Armas, and that they would be rescuing rifles and pistols. Vedovatto said his first impulse was to back out.
"I immediately said, 'No, wait a minute, I came to rescue children,' " he said by phone late Thursday from Capao da Canoa, the city on Rio Grande do Sul's coast where he lives.
He said Rodriguez responded that extracting the guns was important to prevent them from falling into criminals' hands and that, if they declined to participate, they would be temporarily detained to prevent information from leaking. So, he and the others went along.
Vedovatto shared video of the operation, filmed on his cellphone, with the AP. The images show him at the airport warehouse and on a boat escorted by a heavily armed Federal Police agent.
A Brazilian public security source with knowledge of the operation told the AP on Friday that the Federal Police warned Taurus it detected that criminal groups had become aware of the cargo in the airport. The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak publicly, confirmed the veracity of Vedovatto's footage and that the volunteers indeed participated along with Taurus' team.
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angrybell · 7 months
Well, Hamas did say they intended to take “Al Aqsa Flood” global.
Be alert. If they’re trying in one place they’ll probably try in others.
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